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March 05, 2009



not only because he is famous for his oratory,

Is this a joke? I thought he was famous for reading what someone else wrote.


TM, try using this format for your END OF THREAD links - the format of the one you have doesn't work. The "#comments" at the end is the key.



The teleprompters seem to play the same role as the amplifier for the Great and Powerful Oz.


has the comment section changed again


ooh is that an ajax animation I see when I hit post?


It's broken.


Not broken, apparently, just different.


This must be a new enHansenment from Typepad or I've been banished from JOM



Not banished. Challenged. ::grin::


One good thing about this new comment function is that you can once again see the previous comments after you hit preview, but before you post. That's nice.


I have heard a number of great speakers, and just don't think Obama is that good. Extemporaneously, he is frankly, poor. Far too many uh's and ah's. I just don't get it.

King's language soared, Reagan's was that of your cowboy uncle, Churchill's voice was that of England. The written speeches of Lincoln have a majesty and clarity and beauty almost beyond understanding. Even the Bushes were okay. But Obama just doesn't measure up. The Emperor has no clothes.


Hey, It has changed for me too.

I think Bush would go down as a better speaker than O if anyone was actually being honest about it.


Can you imagine him in a live debate with Rush who wings it 15 hours a week? LOL

Let's demand that he debate Rush!


So where is the comment I left 5 minutes ago?


Obama can't be happy with Politico over this one. I wouldn't be surprised of someone there gets a metrosexual hand on the shoulder and steamy look in the eye.

Hey, TypePad's finally working with Ajax! Maybe someday when you refresh a page with lots of comments, they'll just refresh the end of the page, rather than post the entire page to the server.

Captain Hate

What was common knowledge here throughout the endless campaign is now an amazing revelation to the clueless douches at Politico. I'm glad there's a site where dumbasses can congregate and rub each others backs about how damn perceptive they are.

Is this typepad v6.6.6? Maybe not; it appears to have some surface functionality to it, at least with the preview button.


Teachers can't teach without their notes. Don't you know this?

Captain Hate

Can you imagine him in a live debate with Rush

I'd buy pay-per-view for that slaughter and enjoy every second of it.


Yeah, except the Ajax comments take longer to make it to the database, I guess, because they're not on the page when it refreshes.


Tapper uses typepad and lost tons of comments earlier today.

Just as well. I was pretty rude but the object of my rudeness was too stupid too get it even she saw it before it disappeared.


At least he's gotten rid of the Downward Dog speech pattern.

hit and run

The comments have changed?

See? Obama promised change.


Everyone keep Barbara Bush in your prayers. She is 83. I just saw Papa Bush with tears on his cheeks and I fell apart.

On a lighter note...what do you think the Obama's will send as a get well gift?


Next up- Obama will get an earpiece and a transmitter, and the left will applaud, saying it proves his deep intellectual desire to always be completely accurate.

Amused bystander

Matt: You know who is a fine extemporaneous speaker? Dick Cheney.

Seriously. Wonderful ability to think on his feet.


How much longer will 83 yr. olds be able to get open heart surgeries?


Now, I wouldn't know from experience, but I here tell that smokin' dope can hamper long term memory.

Not that that's germane to this thread or nuthin'

hit and run

Obama spent part of his August Hawaii vacation trying to http://thevimh.blogspot.com/2008/09/leave-barack-alone-he-needs-it.html>wean himself off his teleprompter...

Face it, he's man enough to admit that he's not man enough to make it on his own.


Matt: You know who is a fine extemporaneous speaker? Dick Cheney.

Seriously. Wonderful ability to think on his feet.

Posted by: Amused bystander | March 05, 2009 at 04:18 PM

Wonderful. Period. ::love sick sigh::


On a lighter note...what do you think the Obama's will send as a get well gift?

A plastic helicopter. It's all the rage.


what do you think the Obama's will send as a get well gift?

A shovel. It's both practical and cheap. A pine box is too inconveniant to mail....


lol sbw



You are soooo bad. ::grin::


I was always all about Cheney's mind.

Not like some people....


When you can say what you mean and mean what you say, it's easy to think on your feet and speak extemporaneously, as long as you know what you're talking about. It's a lot more complicated to translate what you really think into euphamisms, misdirections or outright untruths before forming your sentences and speaking. Very difficult to keep that all straight, and you have to admire the scum who can do it well.


Next up- Obama will get an earpiece and a transmitter, and the left will applaud, saying it proves his deep intellectual desire to always be completely accurate.

Or they'll swoon over his commitment to technology.


Part of BO's problem is that he can't speak honestly about what he wants to do. His scripted words facilitate plausible deniability. That's one reason lib talk radio has failed. That can't say what they really think... and get sponsors...and an audience that wouldn't fit in a Prius.


Speaking of great speakers, I was reminded of one by a Jay Nordlinger piece about Limbaugh today:

Do you remember what Al Gore said before the NAACP? He said, “I’ve heard the critics of affirmative action. They talk about a colorblind society. Give me a break! Hel-lo! They use their ‘colorblind’ the way duck hunters use their duck blind: They hide behind it and hope the ducks won’t figure out what they’re up to.”
Even a duck hunting reference for the Cheney fans.

Greg Toombs

Poll question:

Barack Obama -

1) Stupid/Incompetent?


2) Deliberate/Evil?


3) All Of The Above


Amused bystander

Door #3, please.



Do we have to?


Maybee, I have you set up to post some of the Politico article about obama's telepacifier use.

4:25 on the Rush billboard thread


Dick, Whittington, and his gat



I have had a number of teachers over the years who knew their subjects so well they had no need of notes, especially when teaching the same course year in and year out. Several of them were brilliant. the others were just very good.

I found that teachers who taught from the same text every year got into a rut. Extemporaneous speakers, on the other hand, had a breadth of knowledge and vitality in communicating that knowledge that allowed them to go deeper into the material and communicate it more effectively.

Thomas Collins

None of the above.

He is a savvy leftist. His seeming missteps are not preventing him from tilting the country in the direction he wants to tilt it.

By "savvy," I am referring to his ability to get what he wants in the domestic sphere. His statist economist policies will prolong the recession, and his conciliatory internationalist policies will make the world a more dangerous place.

In terms of his ability to see how the world works, I wouldn't use stupid. I would use Rick's term: "credentialed moron."


I was always all about Cheney's mind.

Not like some people....

Posted by: bad | March 05, 2009 at 04:42 PM

I ain't ashamed. ::grin::


one of the other factors with Obama, as with the majority in Congress, is that he is a lawyer. Lawyers dissemble, they prevaricate, they impugn, they argue, but rarely indeed do they they speak plainly.


Ignorance and duplicity.

It'd be tough for him not to get what he wants when both Houses and the MSM are Democrat. That doesn't make him smart.




I despise this formulation -- it smacks of a demand to write an essay for a test. I'm sorry, I don't take tests any longer.

For those fuzzy-cheeked readers who do, well, have at it.


I'd sure like a hacker (or whatever he'd be called) to get into the TelePrompter. I wonder how many lines Obama would read before noticing what he was saying?



Obama may have a law degree, but he isn't a lawyer. He probably did very well writing briefs, though.



That would be so funny.

hit and run

I'd sure like a hacker (or whatever he'd be called) to get into the TelePrompter. I wonder how many lines Obama would read before noticing what he was saying?

Well, and how long would Sullivan and Joe Klein hold out on proclaiming it the best speech since the Sermon on the Mount, even after it was revealed that it was a speech written by a hacker?


I'd sure like a hacker (or whatever he'd be called) to get into the TelePrompter. I wonder how many lines Obama would read before noticing what he was saying?


Damn, that would be fun.

hit and run

I noticed something when I previewed my last comment.

I had an unclosed tag, but the "Posted by: hit and run" was not italicized.

Does the new comment format close tags at the end of posts automatically? (or perhaps does the preview not reflect what actually gets posted?)

I don't have the guts to try it out intentionally. Nor would I suggest anyone else do so either. But you could try it in preview and see if it looks the same to you as it does to me if you want.

Captain Hate

I'd sure like a hacker (or whatever he'd be called) to get into the TelePrompter.

Somebody at AoS suggested this and I responded that you probably wouldn't be able to tell since none of the gaseous pronouncements that the Politico types seem to think highly of even reach the toastmaster level. I'm starting to think that Columbia destroyed the transcripts out of embarrassment.


Oh bad, I missed it!


Lawyers dissemble, they prevaricate, they impugn, they argue, but rarely indeed do they they speak plainly.

Harumph! (She said "plainly")


I'd sure like a hacker (or whatever he'd be called) to get into the TelePrompter.

I have the same fantasy.

Fresh Air

So when do we learn that Ayers wrote his first book, that he carried a C+ average at Occidental, and that he was a mediocre student at Harvard Law?


I think I just heard them say on Fox news that Obama says if we just adopt his healthcare plan all the problems with the economy will go away.

I. kid. you. not.

Fresh Air

Re the "evil" question, I'm starting to have flashbacks to that awful Omen sequel where Satan becomes president. Has anyone checked with his barber to see what numbers are written on his scalp?

Fresh Air

I think I just heard them say on Fox news that Obama says if we just adopt his healthcare plan all the problems with the economy will go away.

No, you misheard it. It was like this "...adopt his healthcare plan and all the problems with the economy will go away."

Which is just what the sonofabitch wants, to, you know, to teach uppity people not be wealthy and stuff.


I'm not sure if anyone has linked Iowahawk's latest latest from T. Coddington Van Voorhees VII.


I'd sure like a hacker (or whatever he'd be called) to get into the TelePrompter.

Is it wired or wireless? If it is wireless, then a "man-in-the-middle" attack would be the best, as you could spoof both sides and no one would be the wiser.

Hell, you could do it from a Windows Mobile Phone with WiFi prolly...


I think I just heard them say on Fox news that Obama says if we just adopt his healthcare plan all the problems with the economy will go away.

I must be on heavy drugs and just don't realize it....


Does he promise to resign immediately if passage doesn't fix all the economic problems? I didn't think so. P.O.S.
I wish I could hack into his teleprompter..I'd simply erase everything on it..leave it blank and see what he'd do.
Umm Umm Umm Umm

Rick Ballard

"Has anyone checked with his barber to see what numbers are written on his scalp?"


It's OK - his barber reads it as '999'. No problem.


If it is wireless, then a "man-in-the-middle" attack would be the best

I thought the same thing, PD. And I'd bet it is wireless.

Hey, is a wireless microphone used? That would open interesting possibilities.


Another one under the bus:

CNN correspondent Sanjay Gupta has withdrawn his name from consideration as the nation’s next surgeon general, opting to continue to devote time to his reporting and his medical career.

Wonder why?


How can you say Obama isn't an O rater?


I realize some of you ladies are fashion mavens when it comes to our First Lady, and I myself have allowed that we should accept the description of her as "attractive," but has anyone commented on the pic Drudge has up right now?


Umm Umm Umm Umm

He fantasizes about being that articulate...


Did anybody else catch the insolent, arrogant, condescending press conference on health care today?

My Gosh, but we are screwed.

Amused bystander

Po: This man is insane. I a, thelling you

Look at the markets. NO meaningful response at all.

I am telling you, Obama is nuts.

He is just plugging ahead with his communist agenda.

If the markets go below 5k, think of the pensions.

This is really insane. It is just an open attack on the nation.

I think he is headed for a break.



I caught the stock market ticker going down, down, down...while he conferenced.


Did anybody else catch the insolent, arrogant, condescending press conference on health care today?

No. Was it another USA High School's PTA presents a parent Q&A session with Principal Obama?


He isn't finished!
He's got a televised speech in Columbus, Ohio tomorrow.

His spring vacation can NOT come fast enough.


Meanwhile I read that he's dloing fine in the polls.
I'm starting to feel like Ferris Bueller's sister.


Did anybody else catch the insolent, arrogant, condescending press conference on health care today?

No, but last Friday's Middle Class Task Force, comprised of no one middle class, would be hard to beat for condescension.


http://www.luoamerican.com/baldilocks/2009/03/vengeance-is-his.html>Baldilocks blogs on what I said yesterday. Obama hates the British.


I think he is headed for a break.

Not if this is what he wants.


On the Baldilocks link.Of course Obama and Brown know nothing of history,the are both boorish left wing iconoclasts.
Thought I told you about the Mau Mau connections.


Looks like Hughly (who compared the Repub convention to Nazi Germany) has been cancelled.

Poor CNN - I think even Headline News is beating them in the ratings.

Oh and those polls. I am sure Democrats are highly over sampled. The real approval ratings are Dow Jones.


I'm starting to feel like Ferris Bueller's sister.

Perfect! That's exactly how it feels. May I steal it?

Amused bystander

Bad: but reality will not sustain it.

I am beginning to think that they really do not understand what is happening to the markets. What the implications are.

I think he has a general trajectory for wealth destruction, but does not really have his feet on the ground.

When it hits, I suspect a full break.

He is moving absurdly fast. The country will not move with him.

There will be no money for his programs.

It is just insane, there is no other way to discribe it.


The unions mobilized 50,000 at New York's city hall today to protest budget cuts. This is what we're up against.

If the grown ups are going to push back, we need to mobilize in a similar fashion. Flashmobs come to mind. Now that would be fun. Texting 1,000 of your closest friends to show up in fromnt of your local congresscritter's office.


Obama is our "Bubble Boy" He has been told to go out and say___,while his puppeteers wreak havoc. Let's loose the dogs of a "right-wing conspiracy". Bill and Hill have got to be planning a coup! This mess is degrading America, and O just smiles and gives another speech or names another Task Force.
So, Typhus switches Preview/Post and doesn't fix pagination and this helps...??


PUK, you did mention the Mau Mau uprising. I think Baldilocks just kinda tied a few things together.

Her theory about Obama and revenge rings true too, from what we have seen of his methods so far.


Bill and Hill have got to be planning a coup!

What is a coup of a coup called?

Captain Hate

Bill and Hill have got to be planning a coup!

The thought of having to pin my hopes on that grifter filth just brings the blade that much closer to the artery.


What Obama fails to understand is that, unlike a big city or even a state level politician, he now has to worry about the markets. He does not realize that three times as much wealth has been destoryed since election day than his Porkulus bill will eventually pump into the economy over the next 3 years.

I think he believed what his economic brain trust told him, that there was a natural floor to the market and things would stabalize (probably around 8K). They failed to appriciate the amount of damage their gloom and doom was doing, and the effects of their spending proposals. Obama is now close to a death spiral, where his only way out is to walk back his massive proposals, or pray that they are defeated so the market stablizes.


porchlight..STEAL? This is like family--one person's phrase is everyone's.Ask poor Rick..I steal his every other word.


Ranger: I am becoming convinced that Obama knows precisely what he is doing. This appears to be a man with a lot of axes to grind.


At The Corner this morning, Peter Wehner posted this:

Here’s an interesting data point comparison: Barack Obama’s approval rating in the Gallup Poll today is 61 percent, with 28 percent disapproving (the Real Clear Politics aggregate of polls has his overall job approval rating at 59.8 percent). A March 5-7, 2001 Gallup poll found President Bush's job approval at 63 percent as well, with only 22 percent disapproving. So George W. Bush, at a comparable time in his presidency, was in marginally better shape than Barack Obama is right now, at least based on the Gallup Poll survey.

This runs counter to conventional wisdom that Obama is tremendously popular, and that Bush (based on the divisive nature of the 2000 election) was not. In fact, according to the Gallup Poll data, what President Bush did was rise in the esteem of the public during the first five weeks of his presidency, while Obama has lost a bit of altitude.

I'm saddened that there are still too many people giving high marks to Obama, but they are probably low-information types and it will take some time before they notice reality.


I think the market is going just the way Dear Leader wants it to.

Old Lurker

"What is a coup of a coup called?"

Deuce Coup?


"they are probably low-information types and it will take some time before they notice reality."

Some of them, but many are liberals who believe in this sort of thing, and view the markets as the enemy and the government as their ally. Any excuse to bring about bigger government is worth it, that's why they want to pay more taxes.


The real approval ratings are Dow Jones.

ABC Radio Owner Citadel Communications Shares Worth One Penny

Even for the most jaded industry professionals, it's stunning to believe shares of one of the nation's largest radio station owners might trade for a single penny.

And yet that's exactly what has happened to ABC Radio owner Citadel Communications, a once-proud group operator destroyed by massive debt, epic mismanagement and a liberal political ideology often at odds with the company's still-successful and profitable conservative talk radio programming.

In this case, the market has spoken and you can't take it to the bank.


Why 2010 Matters.

Hey, RNC: if you want to use this in campaign literature next year, feel free.

If you want me to update the graphic to cover all of 2009, hire me as a 6-figure consultant.

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