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April 20, 2009



You are not happy that they still know where to find you?


Apparently, you've been JournoListed™ Tom.


And Axelturfed..Just so they don't waterboard you, Tom!
And you think YOU'RE old?
I'm so old I remember when dissent was the highest form of patriotism.


You are not happy that they still know where to find you?

Depends on who's looking.


Does this mean we're going to have to break out the rubber gloves and troll repellent again?


Have a little sympathy for ole Mister Cole; he's in a non-tenured tract job at a state university and has been told by his dean (repeatedly) that if he's offered something better, he sholuld take it. He has found as he enters middle age, that his blogging gig, now that he's ramped up his equivalent of the Andrew Sullivan ability to compose deranged screeds at the drop of a jock strap, is turning a nice little profit. Please don't rain on the jerk's parade.


there is no longer such a thing as a reasonable conservative in the minds of the Left. We are to be marginalized and treated as 2nd class citizens, it would seem.

if one espouses any one of the following: religion, conservatism, the Constitution as written, or Jeffersonian/Wilsonian foreign policy, we are right wing kooks who must be locked up for our own protection.

Logic, the rule of law, and common sense are being tossed to the 4 winds.

Thomas Collins

TM, I'm envious. One is not important unless one is banged by the loony left. Think of the cred you are developing. Of course, you'll know you really have made it when you show up on the Axelrahm enemies list!


TM, they may be beating up on you but I'm pretty excited about being called "dangerous" again.

It's been awhile...


This is my favorite part: "with the ascent of an African-American President"' I think Cole stole that directly from Napoletano. Let's make sure we push the "racist" meme, right Rahm?

The only racists I know are liberals. Of course that might just be in the northeast. Then again Mr. Cole too is playing the race card. Where is he from?


It is quite correct to investigate right wing extremists,after all,you know where the left wing extremists are,in government.


You only need one more,then you are up there with Lord Byron.
"Mad,bad and dangerous to know".




Tom Maguire is a Black Democrat?

Damn, I knew it! All that alternative energy crap…..I just knew it.

Fresh Air

Well, his first mistake was calling Zero "American." The African part I understand.


Actually Tom - a link from one of those sites would probably result in a silly flame war in the comments - is the traffic that important?

ISTM that "criminaliz[ing] ... dissent" is a bit of a logical extreme argument - sort of like that Momty Python gem "Help, help I'm being oppressed" - but, obviously, YMMV.

Thomas Collins

"That girl is so dangerous

That girl is so dangerous

That girl is a bad girl, I've seen her type before

She's so dangerous

That girl is so dangerous

That girl is a bad girl, yeah!"

I'd cite more lyrics from the Kardinal Offishall song "Dangerous," bad, except for the fact that some of the lyrics would get me a triple thwack from clarice! But whenever I hear it, I'm going to be thinking about bad, JOM's own dangerous one!


Looks like Texas is the only one flaming...normal sites to echoey and boring you have to come here Toast?


John Cole is a sad case. You think, as he was once a Republican, his own experience would inform him in determining the thoughts of conservatives. Surely 4 years ago he did not have only bad intentions. You'd think he'd be able to understand both arguments and then develop a smart, instructive commentary as to why he comes to the conclusions he does. Of anybody, he should be the *most* reasoned debater.

Instead, he is just as vituperative as a Democrat as he was as a Republican.

in this time of economic unease and with the ascent of an African-American President, right-wing extremism is something we should be concerned about.
They seem to have the vapors about low-level revolutionary or secessionist urges developing, don't they? Nothing about inner-city crime, which is more certain to increase with economic "unease," though. Good thing for that, because they're losing enough sleep as it is over right-wing extremists.

What should that tell us about their plans?


Dissent is obviously no longer de riguer but it's strikingly odd that patriotism is now considered dissent and must be shouted down.

The speed at which the entire government apparatus has been mobilized to crush political opposition is stunning. Everything these loons were screaming about Bush doing over 8 years, they've accomplished in 100 days. My, they are efficient little statists.


"What should that tell us about their plans?"

Oddly they don't seem to be worried about left wing extremism,usually the major concern in "time of economic unease".Perhaps they has reason to believe they are safe on that side,why?

Fresh Air


I think I may have been to his site about five or six years ago. It was nothing then. I've heard the commenters there now are right out of Funny Farm. Whatever. He's a big nothing, just like the demented Andrew Sullivan.


de rigueur
spellcheck? Why not?


Hey TM!!!

You got journolisted and Alinskied all in one day!!!!!

I applaud you sir.

By the way, in your list you forgot grannies with don't tax me bro signs--racists extremists! Bet they have guns too!


His challenge to the cabinet to cut $100M out of the budget, over time, should calm the righty teabagging nuts down.

Here's a nice graphic from heritage.org via Instapundit, showing just how stupid he figures the American public is. Unfortunately, he may be right about that part.

Bet they all acted pretty serious about the assignment during the meeting, huh?

"Yes sir, boss, we'll do our best to carroy out your leader-like belt-tightening orders."


Awesome TC. I am honored.

When I was a kid, my dad said I was "just smart enough to be dangerous."

It's been several years since he teased me with that phrase.

Gosh, I miss him.


Lover boy's fantasy BF's frog eyed dupe tries to intimidate the little people with her jackbooted DHS paper, and what does one call it? Benign!

Ewww. The boy has got it even worse than I thought. And I thought he had it REAL bad.

By the way honeychild, the beloved has kept the wiretapping in place too!

Which makes him...even more of a fascist than BUSH!


Let's put it this way, on April 15th, 2000 people in downtown Franklin TN looked up in the air on cue and waved at the satellite.

I'd say the percentage of the crowd that was pro 2nd amendment and anti-Obama was, oh, I'd say about 99% (We did have one angry UAW disruptor that everybody ignored) Most were pro life as well.

How stupid do Andrew and John think we are?

That memo was timed to paint the tea party folks as extremists, and keep their numbers low.

And it didn't work. People just gave dozens of thumbs ups to my "Big Sister is Watching You" sign, and got even more determined.

"They" just don't get it. Every swipe and sneer from sycophants like Sully and Johnnie just makes people a little angrier, and more determined to show up next time with five friends.


TT = noise. Nothing new.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

Jane: I think Cole lives in W. Virginia, close to the PA line and South of Pittsburgh.


Former US Ambassador to Venezuela, Reich,Obama damaged America's status. Acting like a teenage leftwing groupie with Chavez.

Bill in AZ

That memo was timed to paint the tea party folks as extremists, and keep their numbers low.

My son and I carried signs that said "Average Right Wing Extremist". They went over well.



They (someone) called me crazy a few months ago when I mentioned solar power satellites.

"Maybe it is crazy, but that same company, Solaren, took a first step in that direction this week when it inked a deal with the northern California utility, PG&E, to provide 200 megawatts of power capacity transmitted from orbit in 2016."

H/T Instapundit & LUN


I'm sure that person wasn't me, Larry..Probably was Jane..


Uh huh. Including veterans, pro-lifers, and folks with concerns about illegal immigration?

I don't know if Timothy McVeigh was pro-life, since he bombed a federal building with a daycare center inside it, but he was a veteran and probably as anti-immigrant as any other right winger back then.

I'm not sure what you're getting at here, do you WANT veterans to be lured into violent extremist groups when they come back here from a warzone, or are you just whining that again reality reflects poorly on the Republican party and its farthest fringes?

richard mcenroe

Tom may not be dangerous to know, yet, but if that episode of "Cops" is anything to go by, he's dangerous to be seen with...

Ivan Ivanovich Renko

The only racists I know are liberals. And if I knew any black people I'm sure they'd agree with me.




Almost six months since the election. Only 3/4 of two years to go. They'd better start tacking back soon if they think they have a chance at an honest win in 2010.


I, for one, would appreciate the American military doing here what they've done in Iraq and Afghanistan:

Overturn a corrupt regime (the US Congress) and help to restore freedom and our Republic.


"do you WANT veterans to be lured into violent extremist groups when they come back here from a warzone,"

You have been watching too much Oliver Stone.The myth beloved of the left,that veterans come back crazed and scarred.
No,that is only if you attend Berkeley or go to hippy revival concerts.
A bigger threat is a president who is friends with terrorist bombers,paedophile Marxists,crooked slum landlords,shifty billionaires and now political gangsters who run third world countries.

Still you voted for Obama.

Soylent Red

Uh oh. Here come the trolls.

TM...when they toss us in the re-ejmacashun camps, come by my shack and I'll carve you a chess set. Of course all the pieces will be white because you are a bigoted racialist.


"do you WANT veterans to be lured into violent extremist groups"

Why, is Bill Ayers recruiting?


PeterUK, instead of focusing on the things that divide us, let us be united against a common threat to us all... the paedophile Marxists that dwell among us!!!!!


-the Republican party and its farthest fringes-

Unlike the Dem party in which the farthest fringe has become essentially the entire party.


Ignatz, point taken.. I can't go a single day without bumping into a Democrat advocating violent overthrow of the government, or turn on the TV and see some Democrat leader mulling over the secession of his state from the union.


Netanyahu Cancels US Trip After Obama Refuses to Meet With Him

Did Obama really think he fooled us with the sedar crumbs he threw at the Jews during Passover holiday.,,,,RIA



Perhaps if he started throwing journalists into jails and nationalizing Israeli businesses, Obama would find him a more appealing luncheon guest.


Yeah that's right folks, he pals around with Chavez, and refuses to meet with one of our oldest allies, the democratically elected president of Israel.

Ivan Ivanovich Renko




"I can't go a single day ..."

... without eating your foot ?

Snipers wanted. Death of a President.


.Probably was Jane..



You ready for tomorrow's show, Jane? Lots of good stuff on the Board today you can steal.


Well bvac..you shoulda been here LAST year.


If you guys want to call yourselves "right-wing extremists" go for it.

It's either very ignorant or very telling that you'd place your entire philosophy alongside the likes of the McVeigh's and Poplawski's.

And it's funny, you're the only one's making the compairson. But, go for it. You and the 25-percent-ers of this country just can't stop digging the hole you're in.


Oh lord, who let the rodents out?


I'll get the troll spray..PHTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT


If you guys want to call yourselves "right-wing extremists" go for it.

No sense of irony? Unable to see the most obvious of points?


And it's funny, you're the only one's making the compairson.

Seems to me the DHS report got the ball rolling on the comparison.


"The speed at which the entire government apparatus has been mobilized to crush political opposition is stunning. Everything these loons were screaming about Bush doing over 8 years, they've accomplished in 100 days. My, they are efficient little statists."

We warned you that the apparatus Bush put into place could be used against you when we got into power.

You didn't listen then; you've got no moral basis for complaining now.

All the big talk about principles and rule of law amounted to nothing while Bush was in office. Nothing but a bunch of hypocrites.


"I can't go a single day without bumping into a Democrat advocating violent overthrow of the government, or turn on the TV and see some Democrat leader mulling over the secession of his state from the union."

Why stop there? How about shaking hands with corrupt dictator Hugo Chavez while receiving a marxist book as "a gift"? Or listening to a 50 minute anti-US diatribe by aspiring banana dictator Daniel Ortega? Or unilaterally making concessions to Fidel Castro? Or bowing to King Abdullah? Or blaming the U.S. for all ills in Europe, and "American guns" for drug wars in Mexico? Yes, this guy is real mainstream, somewhere. Not here though.


"We warned you that the apparatus Bush put into place could be used against you when we got into power."

Is that a confession? I guess Nick is saying that measures devised to take on terrorists can now be used against Obama non-believers. Nick might not be at the top of the troll gene pool, but sometimes idiots (and babies) say the darndest things.


24 was pretty exciting tonight! That is a west coast tease!!! I really am tired of the lame women on the show. If Jack dies, I hope he is replaced by a strong, intelligent, beautiful woman like the ones found here at JOM. (no whining, just get it done!)

Speaking of 24, Janeane Garofalo is really hard to watch after her "white power" rant on MSNBC. It didn't stop me from enjoying the show but I hope she is water-boarded before it is over. :)

And lastly, I have been following Kevin Jackson who has a pretty great blog: The Black Sphere. Check it out!


Tell ya what. When the tea party grannies start bashing starbucks windows, and burning down stuff, we'll talk about extremists. Until then, shut your pie holes.

Hey, there's going to be a law suit because of Janet's "benign" DHS paper. I can't wait to hear how every pro-life, pro-gun, anti-obama, returning combat vet, (and all the other people placed on the list without evidence--see the first sentence of the report)is somehow a potential threat and worthy of surveillance!

Cause that's pretty much what it said. Did I say without any evidence?

I guess we'll have to punt FISA, since Obama is now friends with the whole wide world, and just have DISA.

Sara (Pal2Pal)
I'm not sure what you're getting at here, do you WANT veterans to be lured into violent extremist groups when they come back here from a warzone, or are you just whining that again reality reflects poorly on the Republican party and its farthest fringes?

bvac and any other like-minded trolls:

I think most veterans, their supporters and families would appreciate just once seeing the left speak of them as adults, instead of these hapless, easily led children and victims. As a rule, they are better educated than the average American and they certainly have a better handle on what real terrorism looks like and as a group are far far more disciplined in their lives.

As to McVeigh. He was a nutjob who happened to serve in the military. His military training had nothing to do with fertilizer bombs or any bombs, as a matter of fact, as he was a 25 mm cannon gunner on the Bradley Fighting Vehicles.

This is a man who by all accounts had serious issues before his military service and after. He is only one of over 2 million vets in this country, yet somehow he is held up as representative of the military.

It is offensive and it is stupid.


Why does the loony left always think "right-wing" people hate Uhhhhbama because of his black half?

Maybe we just hate the commie white half.


"We warned you that the apparatus Bush put into place could be used against you when we got into power."

See, that's the problem though Ben, they would be doing this against us no matter what. It's just part of what "being them" is all about.

Bush is just an excuse to make themselves feel better about themselves. Kind of like a guy who beats his wife and kids.


Nice to see you back at JOM. You are at your best when you speak out for the proud men that defend this country. Thank you!

Have you and DoT ever figured out how to meet? I am really jealous!


Tim McVeigh was a terrorist bomber who managed to kill a lot of people. He was executed. Bill Ayers is a terrorist bomber who failed to kill a lot of people. He is the President's buddy and a professor.

Ayers is admired and accepted by the left. I have yet to see a conservative that feels anything but revulsion regarding McVeigh's acts. Chutzpah....

Fresh Air


I hate both the African Marxist half and the American Communist half. Why choose when you can despise the whole anti-American corpse?


"Maybe we just hate the commie white half."

Transracial and all that--but they can't get the fact that maybe some people dislike him because of the content of his character instead of the color of his skin...

But what I want to know, what happens if you love Obama, and hate Michael Steele?

Since Michael Steele had African American parents, instead of just a Kenyan African father, does it make you twice as racist if you hate him?

Just asking...

Fresh Air

He is the President's buddy and a professor.

And don't forget his ghost writer.


No, we now have DISIP, in the DHS,Venezuelan
political police, In the 60s and early 70s, they targeted wannabe Guevara's like
the MIR and the Red Flag. This was coincidentally the group that Chavez belonged from the 80s to the early 90s.
One of their top officials, is a figure you're probably aware of, in a different context, Luis Posada Carriles, a former Bay of Pigs veteran, and Ft. Benning alumni in the US Years later, the new regime under Carlos Andres Perez, who nationalized the oil companies, forced him out, not long after that, prosecutors charged with connection to the Cuban Airlines bombing, despite much evidence to the contrary. Taylor Branch, future King biographer and Clinton confidante, who along with the late George Crile, were among the first to reveal the extent of US anti Castro efforts was the one who pegged the 'Black legend' on Posada Carriles, in part by relying on the word of a corrupt underling in the DISIP. He was acquitted by at least one of the courts there, but he was still held till 1985, when he managed to escape and make it to Central America, and aid in the contra resupply effort there. So we have a foreign example of how this profiling of counter revolutionary elements work.


"Including veterans, pro-lifers, and folks with concerns about illegal immigration?"

Um, like, Timothy McVeigh comes to mind for the trifecta, no? And Let's not forget Eric Robert Rudolph.

Danube of Thought

One of my favorites from Juan Cole was this spin that he put on the 9/11 Commission Report:

"According to the September 11 Commission Report, al-Qaeda conceived 9/11 in some large part as a punishment on the US for supporting Ariel Sharon's iron fist policies toward the Palestinians. Bin Laden had wanted to move the operation up in response to Sharon's threatening visit to the Temple Mount, and again in response to the Israeli attack on the Jenin refugee camp, which left 4,000 persons homeless."

Since the attack at Jenin took place seven months after 9/11, I imagine some of the authors of the Report were a bit surprised to learn this.

And still the yokels think he's a great scholar.


"Let's not forget Eric Robert Rudolph."

Weren't Atila the Hun and Genghis Khan right wingers too? Might as well throw them in...

Danube of Thought

"I'm not sure what you're getting at here, do you WANT veterans to be lured into violent extremist groups..."

Why don't you try "luring" veterans into a group they don't want to join? Better come well-armed, pal.


How about Ted Kacynski! That should get the global warming twits.

Is there a paper on that?

As for Tim McVeigh, IIRC, what set him off was Janet Reno and WACO, so maybe if our new Janet wants to avoid the recruitment of soldiers into domestic terror, she can refrain from targeting law abiding American citizens--and their kids.

Besides, he's one vet our of 40 million who have served this nation. Got any more examples?

And how can we forget Bill Ayers. The only difference between him and McVeigh was that his comrades were lousy bomb makers and blew themselves up instead of innocent people! But the intention was certainly there. And then there's the murder of the police officers in San Francisco.


Damn, as for left-wing crazy vets, I forgot LEE HARVEY OSWALD! Hey, he even went to the USSR.


See, that's the problem though Ben, they would be doing this against us no matter what.

Posted by: verner

Doing 'what' against you?

Liberals oppose illegal wiretaps even when it's a liberal executive in charge. If FISA doesn't provide a sufficient exception to 4th Amendment protections, then amend the law. Don't simply break it and then seek to amend the law when caught. I remember when a president was impeached for breaking the law by lying in a deposition in a civil suit. Funny how a violation of all our 4th Amendment protections doesn't seem to rise to the same level of outrage with you folks.

But we can agree on one thing--it's not simply Bush that we dislike, it's Bush as the representative of the worldview of those who continue to think he was a good president. Similarly, those of you who hate Obama really dislike the worldview of those who see him, more or less, as the apotheosis of the liberal worldview.

Furthermore, as someone raised Catholic, on the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount, I really dislike seeing Christianity being claimed and besmirched by those of you who advocate war, torture, and bigotry.

As someone who was taught that the greatness of America is the idea that all men are created equal, with inalienable human rights, I'm disgusted to watch people (alleged Christians) talk about Moslems, Mexicans, gays, and blacks as if somehow those rights don't apply to them. It's not liberals who are bringing, or who tolerate the bringing of monkeys with Obama's name, to political rallys. It's not liberals who endorsed the racist Southern Strategy for 4 decades, for political profit. It's not liberals who demonize Moslems.

And it's amazing to think that those of you who style yourselves Christians can tolerate the torture which the Bush administration established.

Moreover, those of you who claim to support the troops, who let lower enlisted men and women burn for a regimen of torture which was clearly established much higher up the food chain. As a former MP, it's repellant to consider how easily you allowed those personnel to twist for the sins of the Bush administration.

I'd be more kindly disposed to you all if you'd stop perversely claiming to be following the teachings of Christ, and if you'd stop claiming that your twisted views of the human rights established in our republic were those of the Founders, and if you'd stop supporting policies which are clearly anti-American.

Mike S

I, for one, would appreciate the American military doing here what they've done in Iraq and Afghanistan:

Overturn a corrupt regime (the US Congress) and help to restore freedom and our Republic.

Posted by: fdcol63 | April 20, 2009 at 09:18 PM

Nothing says patriot like calling for a military coup.

I almost feel sorry for you guys. Almost.



Radical-Left: aka ALF, anti-WTO hippies who have very little grasp of reality = Shunned by the liberal-establishment.

Radical-Right: aka Birthers, Poplawski's, Beck's, Militias, violent extremist = silence from the GOP/conservative movement (or) promotion by the Becks/Hannity's


Either you people are so evil you want people to believe your shit, or so ignorant you believe it yourself.

I'm guessing the Malkin's etc are just playing politics as usual.

That's fine. Seriously. If you want to bring Ayers (who works for a Reagan birthed institution) into this, then we can revisit the Palin/McCain failed history you have so easily forgotten.

The other 75% of the American public isn't buying your shit, no matter how much perfume you spray on it.

Danube of Thought

"I'd be more kindly disposed to you all if you'd stop perversely claiming to be following the teachings of Christ..."

Here's a hint: no one here cares at all about how kindly disposed you are toward us. I, for one, would be content to have you extremely unkindly disposed toward me.
Rant on...

Danube of Thought

I'm generally opposed to the notion of a military coup, but I guess we'll have to undertake on pre-emptively before this lunatic Napolitano comes after us.

Better still would be a real, knock-down dragout between the modern American left and right.

Remember, we're the only ones who can shoot, and we got all the guns. Be afraid, dolts, be very afraid...

Danube of Thought

"The other 75% of the American public isn't buying your shit..."

The nation's most accurate pollster reports that 51% of Americans approve of the Tea Party protests.

Do you think your gutter language is persuasive? Do you know your audience?

Danube of Thought

"I'm guessing the Malkin's etc..."

Why the apostrophe between the n and the s? Are you quite able to read and write?

Mike S

I'm generally opposed to the notion of a military coup, but I guess we'll have to undertake on pre-emptively before this lunatic Napolitano comes after us.
Better still would be a real, knock-down dragout between the modern American left and right.
Remember, we're the only ones who can shoot, and we got all the guns. Be afraid, dolts, be very afraid...

I know that your GOP owned media hasn't told you this, but it was Bush's DOJ that wrote the report. And trust me sweetie, we aren't the least bit afraid of you.

Danube of Thought

"we aren't the least bit afraid of you..."

You sure had me fooled. But please call Janet Napolitano pronto.

"...it was Bush's DOJ that wrote the report."

Report? Did I say something about a report?


"If you want to bring Ayers (who works for a Reagan birthed institution) into this, then we can revisit the Palin/McCain failed history you have so easily forgotten."

Heheh, that's funny. A Reagan birthed institution. It cleanses terrorists?

Palin/McCain failed history? Is this a sexual innuendo? Reading too much Daily Kos perhaps.

Danube of Thought

Anybody know what DoJ report this fool is talking about?


" It's not liberals who are bringing, or who tolerate the bringing of monkeys with Obama's name, to political rallys."

You need to get a grip on reality....Bush was demonized and called Hitler and Chimp and Shrub and insulted in every possible manner for 8 years by you moonbats. Now the shoe is on the other foot and you are whining? Obama has it easy compared to what Bush endured.

Mike S

My mistake. It was Bush's DHS.

But seriously. You sad little kids don't scare me in the least. You're nothing but loud mouth cowards.

JM Hanes

DoT ♥

Danube of Thought

This is what the Washington Post (owned by generations of Graham family Democrats)tells us about Napolitano's report (which I have not previously mentioned):

"The department's office of intelligence and analysis distributed the report to state and local law enforcement agencies April 7. The office regularly publishes intelligence analyses of domestic and international threats to the nation's borders and infrastructure."

The Democrat-owned Post did not, indeed, tell me that Bush's DHS had written the report, any more than any GOP-owned media did (can't think of any of them right now). It certainly appears to me that it was first published on April 7 on the authority of Janet Napolitano. But I suppose she can always say she "inherited" it, which seems to be the prevailing whine in this entire adminisration.

I'm certainly pleased to learn that this pathetic simpleton is not afraid of us. I just wish he could get his message through to Janet, so she could assure the nation that it has nothing to fear from us.

Fresh Air


We are all like creatures in the aquarium to the simpleton. He is attracted by the shiny colors and flashes of light, but has no idea what he's looking at or why they do what they do and think what they think.

Whenever these errand boys show up, I'm always amused their cartoon-character understanding of conservatives. Yet we cite Alinksy's Rules chapter and verse, Antonio Gramsci, Marx, all the faves. Has Simpleton read Conscience of a Conservative, has he read any of Reagan's speeches, any Buckley at all? Thought not.


"But seriously. You sad little kids don't scare me in the least. You're nothing but loud mouth cowards."


Well you're scaring me fat boy. I'm scared you'll drool koolaid on the furniture or raise your arms and stink the place up.

Mike S

This is why you don't scare me. Because you are too stupid to put your pants on.

It was published on April 7th so it must have been written on April 6th, right?

Are there any intelligent Republicans left, or are all of you as stupid as this dipshit.

Here is a link so you can see FOX actually report who requested the report.


Make sure you watch that video, idiot. Meanwhile, I'll continue to laugh at idiots like you and thank God that people like you are all the GOP has left. It's why Sam the Liar is such a shining star in your party.

Mike S

"Fat Boy?" Is that the best you have? Wow, you people are beyond pathetic.

JM Hanes

LOL! I've never seen Stavros here before either.

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