The Pakistani Army commences to win hearts and minds in the Swat Valley:
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — A day after Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani vowed to “eliminate” the Taliban militants who have taken over large parts of the country, Pakistani warplanes were reported Friday strafing targets in the contested Swat Valley northwest of the capital.
At the same time, concerns over vast displacements of civilians were rising sharply International relief agencies in Geneva said that reports from provincial authorities and the Pakistani government indicated that up to half a million people had been uprooted by the latest upsurge in violence, adding to a similar number already displaced by conflict in the area.
It is not possible to independently confirm such reports, given that reporters and aid agencies are not able to get to the area.
William Spindler, a spokesman for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Geneva, said that up to 200,000 people had arrived in safe areas over the past few days and that there could be another 300,000 on the move or about to flee areas in northwestern Pakistan.
The numbers were in addition to 555,000 counted since last August fleeing the areas of Dir, Buner and Swat, he said in a telephone interview. “We could be talking about a total of one million” since last August including the latest displaced people, he said. The figure is much higher than previously reported by international organizations.
And more from Pakistan's Prime Minister:
In a nationally televised address on Thursday, Mr. Gilani said: “To restore the honor and dignity of our homeland and to protect our people, the armed forces have been called in to eliminate the militants and terrorists.”
“We will not bow before extremists and terrorists,” he said, publicly declaring a get-tough strategy that American officials have been urging on him since he took office last year,
Islamic militants have taken control of three districts northwest of the capital, Islamabad, including Swat, where, Mr. Gilani said, the militants had reneged on a peace deal signed in February and had no one to blame but themselves.
“The militants have waged war against all segments of society,” Mr. Gilani said. “I regret to say that our bona fide intention to prefer reconciliation with them was perceived as a weakness on our part.”
The A.P. reported Friday that tens of thousands people remained in Mingora, the main city of Swat, and some said the Taliban was preventing them from leaving so as to use them as human shields.
Mr. Gilani’s speech appeared to reflect a break with the Taliban, who have been supported by elements of the Pakistan military and intelligence services since the mid-1990s. That support, which has been provided covertly, has enraged a succession of American leaders, who have helped give Pakistan’s military more than $1 billion a year since 2001.
Pakistan’s military has fought a desultory series of campaigns against the Taliban since 2004, and the militants have only grown stronger. It has never been clear the degree to which the failures of those military campaigns has been caused by incompetence, and how much by complicity. Pakistan’s army is in many respects stronger than the civilian government, and military leaders have ruled the country more often than not since its birth in 1947.
I like the bit wondering whether the past military failures are due to incompetence or complicity. Why not both? The Pakistani Army is not equipped or trained for a counterinsurgency and has been allied with elements of the insurgency in joint efforts in Kashmir for years.
A collapse of the Pakistani state would be catastrophic for American and Western interests. The Taliban already use sanctuaries in Pakistan to attack American forces in Afghanistan. And there are fears that Pakistan’s nuclear weapons could fall into the hands of Islamic militants.
American and Western interests? What about the reaction of India, a nuclear power that has fought Pakistm three times? How these people can churn out article after article about Afghanistan and Pakistan without mentioning either Kashmir or India is astonishing. How can I put this in terms they might grasp? It would be like writing about the relationship between Israel and Syria without ever mentioning the West Bank or the Palestinians.
In other cheerful news, I note:
Financial analysts are casting doubt on General Motors
Corp.’s ability to repay billions of dollars in U.S. government
loans, given the company’s debt load and sales outlook.
GM has acknowledged it can’t repay the U.S. loans in the
original time frame. It is proposing that the Treasury
Department accept majority ownership of the company in
exchange for wiping out about $10 billion in debt.
Discussions are ongoing.
But even with a large equity stake, the government risks
losing at least some of the $15.4 billion it has lent GM
since January, analysts said.
It would likely take years of profits and a significant appreciation
of the company’s value for the government to
recoup all of its money, analysts said. That time frame
would appear to conflict with the Obama administration’s
insistence that any government takeover of the company
be short-lived.
“Should a GM bankruptcy not proceed as the government
wishes, or demand for GM automobiles doesn’t rebound,
there is an outsized risk that the government could sustain
substantial losses,” said Joe Brusuelas, a director at
Moody’s He called the original decision to
lend to GM risky given the company’s condition.
Posted by: GMax | May 08, 2009 at 10:36 AM
Picky,picky,Tom. These are real international correspondents with those need khaki jackets that have all those pockets and stuff. Surely they know what they are doing.
And where would we be without international relief organizations. Do you remember all the tent cities established at the Iraq border after the invasion to handle the massive refugee crisis these folks assured us was sure to follow, along with cholera and the heartbreak of psoriasis and stuff.
Posted by: clarice | May 08, 2009 at 10:39 AM
Don't worry about Pakistan or General Motors. Hope! change! It's all Bush's fault.
Posted by: peter | May 08, 2009 at 10:39 AM
**NeAT khaki jackets***
Posted by: clarice | May 08, 2009 at 10:40 AM
Even better - Fannie Mae only dropped $23 billion in Q1 and the Fed is only $10 billion underwater on Maiden Lane. So far.
That's almost as exciting as the temporary census jobs puffing the total job loss numbers.
Posted by: Rick Ballard | May 08, 2009 at 10:52 AM
Well these guys had a soulful meeting yesterday with S o S wannabe John F Kerry and I'm sure he set them straight.
Posted by: clarice | May 08, 2009 at 10:54 AM
“I regret to say that our bona fide intention to prefer reconciliation with them was perceived as a weakness on our part.”
Got that, Barrack?
Posted by: Patrick R. Sullivan | May 08, 2009 at 10:57 AM
That's almost as exciting as the temporary census jobs puffing the total job loss numbers.
Talk like that will get you listed for a vacation up in Barrow. Remember it's a "green shoot" and the better than expected number are "jobs created and saved".
Nice to know that all that personal information is going to be collected by ACORN seeing as how they are now under investigation in Nevada and Pennsylvania.
Posted by: RichatUF | May 08, 2009 at 11:16 AM
Under INDICTMENT (or the states' equivalent) in Nevada and Pennsylvania.
Posted by: clarice | May 08, 2009 at 11:30 AM
It's better than being on the ISI "enemy of the state" list that Ogabe is using for Predator targeting. Did you know that the ISI only uses "comfy chair" techniques in interrogations used to determine targeting? Honest - Speaker Pelosi says so. I sure hope the Paks are as kind and efficient in taking care of this minor internal problem as they have proven to be as participants in UN
Rape and PlunderPeacekeeping Missions. I'm sure this will be resolved quickly using traditional muslim peaceable tactics such as those employed at Irbid by Hussein of Jordan.Posted by: Rick Ballard | May 08, 2009 at 11:46 AM
Posted by: Danube of Thought | May 08, 2009 at 12:13 PM
Did you know that the ISI only uses "comfy chair" techniques in interrogations used to determine targeting?
I've heard that they give foot massages, and at night, sing Winnie the Pooh lullabies and tuck them into bed. Such caring folks.
Posted by: RichatUF | May 08, 2009 at 12:45 PM
Swat This
Okay, TM, if you insist.
It just occured to me that TM may be feeling a little hurt that he hasn't been dibbed by the JOM crowd. Therefore:
Posted by: bad | May 08, 2009 at 12:48 PM
All these guys sound like they are a day late and a dollar short. Footage from Pakistan showed Taliban farely well entrenched and looking pretty powerful. Obama as usual is useless here and unable to promise anything because of the loony left.
Posted by: maryrose | May 08, 2009 at 01:56 PM>Group drops fight against Chrysler plan
Obama: "See, I'm starting to get the hang of this 'tough, smart diplomacy' thing."
Posted by: hit and run | May 08, 2009 at 02:18 PM
Hit, that is bad news indeed. So Chrysler is now owned by the thugocracy. See if I buy a Nitro or a Compass, now.
Posted by: peter | May 08, 2009 at 02:38 PM
Picky,picky,Tom. These are real international correspondents with those need khaki jackets that have all those pockets and stuff. Surely they know what they are doing.
Posted by: MayBee | May 08, 2009 at 02:39 PM
An interesting twist today. The white collar retirees of Chrysler have asked for the judge to appointed an Unsecured Creditors Committee for them. As they rightly point out, they are also retirees living on fixed income pensions and the goverment has chosen to ignore them and treat them totally different than the exact same claims of their masters the union bosses of the UAW.
If this gets picked up and trumpeted by the Press ( not holding my breath but Lou Dobbs might not think this is too kosher a pickle), Obama and minions will look even more beholden to the unions than they already do.
Go balloons, go balloons...
Posted by: GMax | May 08, 2009 at 02:43 PM
Oh, interesting GMax. Email Lou.
It is fascinating to see 600,000 job losses a month go by the wayside, and Obama fighting like crazy to save the union (not white collar) jobs at Chrysler.
Posted by: MayBee | May 08, 2009 at 02:48 PM
600,000 job losses
aka 600,000 jobs Obama Didn't Save.
Posted by: hit and run | May 08, 2009 at 03:05 PM
Insty linked to this. It's a discussion of one of the issues in the New Deal was strengthening the bankruptcy laws to make sham sales illegal, and how the Chrysler "bankruptcy" is a classic example of the sort of cronyism and corruption that was typical of bankruptcies before the reforms.
Posted by: cathyf | May 08, 2009 at 03:25 PM
And then as the WaPo reports and anyone with half a brain could have figured out:
"The U.S. government is pouring billions into General Motors in hopes of reviving the domestic economy, but when the automaker completes its restructuring plan, many of the company's new jobs will be filled by workers overseas."
Posted by: clarice | May 08, 2009 at 03:26 PM
Well, if you take a look at the BLS numbers:
Civilian labor force .... 154,731,000
Employment ............ 141,007,000
Unemployment .......... 13,724,000
That's 141 million jobs that Obama has saved so far!
Posted by: Dave | May 08, 2009 at 03:28 PM
Obama: thuggery at its finest. We are going to watch as this fool nationalizes the entire economy and gives the choice pickings to his friends.The bankruptcy court was the last hope to find an equitable settlement.
Fiat gets 20% for nothing; the UAW gets 55% for dragging the company down, and no one says a word? what the hell is wrong with us as a country? I put up some thoughts at my blog if you're interested. LUN.
Posted by: matt | May 08, 2009 at 03:36 PM
NotHot: Speaking Truth to Power
NewCool: Cowering Anonymously While Letting>Fox Do the Heavy Lifting
Posted by: hit and run | May 08, 2009 at 03:55 PM
It's probably safer to focus on the bright ganGreen Shoot of the 60,000 ACORN thugs hired by Census. After all, their new "jobs" pay much more than the sub-minimum wage they were getting from SEIU. This action has made a lot of crack dealers very happy - won't you join in their joy?
Posted by: Rick Ballard | May 08, 2009 at 04:02 PM
But he promised 3.5 million jobs saved. He still has 137.5 million jobs to go, but he certainly has a good start.
Posted by: Bill in AZ | May 08, 2009 at 04:48 PM
Not to worry TM,
Next week I'll be back in China so I'll watch CCTV (Communist China TV) and RT (Russia Today), and then I'll be able to relay to you what's really going on so you don't have to simply rely on the NYTimes, CNN, BBC, etc, and we'll get the truth.
Posted by: daddy | May 08, 2009 at 04:55 PM
In just a 100 and few days, this nation has gone from the land of the free with George Bush, to a nation where every citizen lives in fear of "repercussions from the administration".
Posted by: pagar | May 08, 2009 at 05:51 PM
be careful, Pagar...."Feeney, put 'im down in me black book"!
Posted by: matt | May 08, 2009 at 06:46 PM
I like how the 539,000 job loss figure is being painted by the administration as a sign that things are beginning to turn around.
Except that when you factor out the new government jobs, the figure goes to 611,000. Nice turnaround: The growth is in government, which generates no wealth, merely spends it.
Posted by: PD | May 08, 2009 at 09:56 PM
Since we're discussing New Deal parallels with today: Mark Levin refers to a paper "Great Myths of the Great Depression" (Lawrence W. Reed) in Liberty and Tryanny. [PDF]
I read it this afternoon. It takes on in succinct form (16 page) several myths such as that Hoover wasn't interventionist, and that FDR's government programs turned the economy around.
The eerie thing is how the Obama administration seems to be going full blast attempting to repeat the same actions we now know to be mistakes. And it was written in 2005, so it can't be said that Reed is trying to discredit Obama by finding these similarities deliberately.
Posted by: PD | May 08, 2009 at 10:07 PM
Only scholars know that, PD. The vast majority of the American Public believes what has become eternal myth: FDR saved the US economy in the 30's. That myth sustained the dems' congressional supremacy for over 30 years and is now almost an article of faith. For those of us born in the late 30s and early 40s, the only break until 1968 was the Eisenhower Administration which had to deal with a Dem Congress for six of his eight years in office.
Posted by: Jim Rhoads a/k/a vjnjagvet | May 08, 2009 at 11:48 PM