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July 11, 2009



Well, when we do get around to discussing David Brooks the Thighmaster...

Remember "Groundhog Day?" Remember Ned Ryerson? (Bing!) Needlenose Ned? (Bing!)
Remember Ned running like hell from Bill Murray after he gives Ned that Homosexual Bear Hug? Bing!

Well David Brooks just showed us he doesn't have the sense of Ned Ryerson. Why does that not surprise me. Bing!

Hey Brooksy. Watch that first thighgrab. It's a doozy!

Original MikeS

In the Akron "it's a black world" case, I'm wondering which group a wise Latina would empathize with.


I fear that President Obama will cause more racism in this country than we have seen before.

I actually don't blame him for that, but it is too bad.

Captain Hate

I actually don't blame him for that, but it is too bad.

I do; he's a fucking liar about being a "post-racial" president like everything else. If anything he's hyper-racial.


If the situation was reversed, and 50 soccer hoodlum type white kids beat up six innocent black bystanders severely enough to put them in the hospital, it would have made every news service in the world.

As it is, it's not just about race. Black on Black crime (LUN) is off the charts.

And funny, but I haven't heard a word about it since Obama came to office.


And this from the DOJ website LUN


David Horowitz has has for some time an outstanding offer to pay a reward to anyone who can prove a minority was charged with a hate crime..to my knowledge no one has yet collected. Part of the hate crime impetus he argues is to perpetuate a myth that only whites commit such crimes and thereby foster more, not less, hatred.


Clarice, it was true at one time in our history, that blacks were horribly mistreated, and were indeed the victims of "hate crimes." But I just did a long drive right through the heart of the Mississippi Delta, and I can assure you, that is no longer the case. And it hasn't been for a long long time.

The hysteria over almost non-existant "hate crimes" is just a smoke screen to hide the truth.

Blacks homicides against whites are more than twice the level of whites against blacks (8.8% to 3.2%--and I suppose that many Hispanics are included under "whites" since I don't see a separate category for them) Not to mention, even though they only make up around 13% of the population, black on black homicide is almost equal to white on white (42.2 to 44.6 %)

Crime is out of control in the black community, even after four decades of a war on poverty, and trillions of dollars spent. And I'm getting sick of liberal excuses. That ole "racism" dog isn't hunting any more.


Well a few years ago I was walking late night in Hoboken, and three young hispanic looking girls were walking towards me, and right as they were passing me the one girl suddenly reached out and slapped me across the face and yelled "white bitch!" And then her two friends shuffled her away, kind of apologizing. She didn't get to slap me that hard because I kind of ducked. I'm thinking that maybe her boyfriend just left her for a white girl or something and she wanted to take it out on all white women. I suppose I was the victim of a hate crime, so to speak. So I know they can happen, my almost slapped face is proof.


Clarice, it was true at one time in our history, that blacks were horribly mistreated, and were indeed the victims of "hate crimes." But I just did a long drive right through the heart of the Mississippi Delta, and I can assure you, that is no longer the case. And it hasn't been for a long long time.

verner, how does a long drive demonstrate that? Could you elaborate, I'm not getting the connection.

Thanks for posting those stats links.


PD, it has to do with attitudes, and how people treat each other etc.. And I promise you, the deep south is not what it used to be in the "race" department. At all.

Dorothy Jane

I agree with Jane. I am afraid when Obama leaves office (hopefully) the racial divide will be worse. Especially if he is defeated in 2012.

Dorothy Jane

AND - I also agree with Verner, here in the south, race is not such a big deal. My daughter noticed this when she went from NC where she grew up to MA where she went to college.


verner, thanks.

My experience driving through the south is limited. I did notice a couple of years ago in Montgomery, AL (home of the Rosa Parks) that when I went to a Montgomery Biscuits ballgame, the crowd seemed to have a higher percentage of blacks than I've seen at games elsewhere. I took that as a good sign of social integration, although perhaps I'm just being naive.


Here in Detroit, Racism is as strong as ever (I think it is the worst here). It is, however, racism of Black against White as evidenced with the recent Detroit City Council nutballs. I could barely believe my eyes/ears when I heard the crap spouted from them. Whites, as a general rule, are not tolerated in some areas of Detroit and most Black people are actually scared of them. It is just stupid! The color of your skin should not matter one iota for anything in life!

As for the incident that occurred in OHIO, these are types of events that convinced me to go get a CPL (Concealed Pistol License), which I hope will arrive soon. Michigan is an Open Carry State and I have been practicing that as I feel comfortable with it (see LUN for more info).


PD, no doubt there are still racist people in the south and elsewhere. Indeed I've never been to a place on earth where racism in some form did not exist.

So what.

In the so called "public sphere" from Memphis to NOLA, I didn't stop in a single shop, restaurant, hotel or attraction that wasn't completely integrated--staff and patron. And I'll add, I didn't experience any of the nasty attitudes I sometimes come across in places like Chicago and NYC. People, as a general rule, are just plain polite and nicer to each other in the south. It's nothing to strike up a conversation with a complete stranger, regardless of race, color or creed, and discuss your mama's cornbread recipe, what sports your kids/grandkids play, or what SEC team you cheer for.

Not that things are perfect, mind you. Just nothing like what most people who have never been to places like Clarksdale Ms., or St Frrancisville LA. think they are.

Charlie (Colorado)

I can easily imagine that the safety and general hysteria issues of having fifty kids in the pool might have been the issue. But "change the complexion of the club" may have established a new World Record for poor choice of words.


It always amazes me how racism is associated with the south and the north gets a pass. As if Harlem just happened by accident. Or the south side of Chicago was just a convenient place for blacks to gather.

I hate the term African American to describe a race.


It's a question of class as well Charlie. I would imagine they wouldn't welcome "Dueling banjos" or trailer trash either.


I hate the term African American to describe a race.

It doesn't really work well, either. You have to know someone's actual nationality to even try to use it. It becomes very awkward.


I'm a Euro-American, I guess. Hm ... I'm trying to think of some reason that adding "Euro-" adds anything, and I'm coming up blank. So scratch that one.

How about "native American"? I was born here, after all.


MayBee: How awkward? You mean when you meet someone you don't immediately say, "Hello X, pleased to meet you. Now please run down your entire geneaology so that I know how to properly categorize you and put you in a box."

Jim Rhoads a/k/a vjnjagvet

How many years/generations does it take to lose the continent of origin or nation of origin hyphenated title? Are there any rules or conventions for this?

When you can trace your ancestry back to the early eighteenth century before you find an ancestor from another country/continent, how can you be a hyphenated american?

According to the book and tv program Roots, many of our fellow citizens with African ancestors came to this country three hundred years ago. Why are they African American?


OT I added a video to the JOM DC Tea Party page on Facebook. Pics from the April and June events in Worcester and Hartford, plus inside sign-painting.


Caro, that is lovely. Really lovely!


My pleasure, Dr.J.


OT (and perhaps already covered), but what self-respecting journalist would regard Levi Johnston as a reliable source for the motivation behind Palin's decision to resign? Preposterous is an understatement.


Hey Jane, we need more FANS for the facebook page. Keep posting the link, maybe we'll hook a few lurkers.

And I'm trying to get a few friends to sign up who are already "tea party' people.


Looks like Obama and Democrats polling on the economy might be getting pretty bad even though the article claimes they are still polling well. And what is this mythical creature "conservative Democrat" or "moderate Democrat"? Those guys that came in 2006 were all Soros clones and Axelrod and Emmanual were instrumental in getting them into power. They wouldn't have gotten the funding they did had they not passed progressive muster.

Nice to know that the "stimulus" was supposed to take 2 years to work after the fierce urgency needed to pass it (and the argument is undermined by the President's own "stimulus report" or they would have never published that graph with and without stimulus). And nice to know that it was the Obama Administration taking credit for pulling "our financial system and our economy back from the brink"-when it was really the Bush Administration and Bernanke that did it. Also, what a jackass-Emanual says, "'We inherited a total mess; we’re working hard on it; and we’re not going to get out of it overnight'".

Why is it everytime a difficult problem arises they blame the previous Administration? Didn't Obama get elected to persue his own agenda not complain that the job is too tough?

Danube of Thought

Aloha oe. Mele Kalikimaka. Whatever.


OT, but does anyone know which pages of Obama's two books caused the supermax prison, with FBI guidance, to refuse terrorist Ahmed Omar Abu Ali access to them, claiming they were "potentially detrimental to national security"? And, uh, why this wasn't a story during the campaign?


hrt: I saw one reference to Obama's "white man's greed . . ." or some such. The explanation was they were fearful of race violence and thought passages from his book might encourage more of it.

I honestly can't remember where I saw that on the web - last Thursday, I think.

You could probably google it.


And if we needed any more evidence. The Obama Administration is going to double down on the "torture polices" of the Bush Administration.

Four knowledgeable sources tell NEWSWEEK that he is now leaning toward appointing a prosecutor to investigate the Bush administration's brutal interrogation practices, something the president has been reluctant to do. While no final decision has been made, an announcement could come in a matter of weeks, say these sources, who decline to be identified discussing a sensitive law-enforcement matter. Such a decision would roil the country, would likely plunge Washington into a new round of partisan warfare, and could even imperil Obama's domestic priorities, including health care and energy reform. Holder knows all this, and he has been wrestling with the question for months. "I hope that whatever decision I make would not have a negative impact on the president's agenda," he says. "But that can't be a part of my decision."

Newsweek is doing a shoulder ride for the terrorist pardoner and terrorist defense lawyer Holder. Wonder if Steele is going answer this 3AM wake up call.


If it was "white man's greed," I believe those weren't even Obama's words, it was Obama's recollection of Wright's sermon the first time Obama visited Trinity.


Okay, I found the reference - it was at Gateway Pundit (LUN) and he was simply speculating.



Probably the part where Obama "wrote" that he would side with the Islamists if their war started to go badly for them. And seeing the beating they took it Iraq, could anyone say that Obama isn't standing with them? He is releasing captured terrorists to island paradises, sending captured terrorists back to Iran, siding with the Islamist dictatorship and not the people, coddling Syria, looking to cut a deal with the Taliban ...


EXCLUSIVE: Palin to stump for conservative Democrats

"People are so tired of the partisan stuff — even my own son is not a Republican"

Heh. Just when the independents have started turning.

Dorothy Jane

Could the whole Newsweek/Holder thing be a trial balloon? Perhaps they are getting so much flack from the faithful(internal polling) they want to throw a bone their way - you know - dangle the carrot of Cheney giving grand jury testimony? Perhaps, they want to get a feel for how much consternation it will cause and whether or not it will effect the polls that are already sagging. God, they are awful.


Thanks for the link and comments re: prison banning of "O's" books. The 22 pages, apparently, dealt with foreign policy - and the FBI found the nature of the comments "potentially damaging to national security". This "banning" happened last year and, again, I'm just gob-smacked at how poor of a campaign McCain ran - he really must not have wanted to win.


Man bites dog.

Celebs Who Lean To The Right

I like this one.

Actor Mel Gibson has been widely perceived as a conservative Republican, even though he has never identified himself as such.

Wow. The Rock is a republican? I can die happy.


Real racism at work. Who put this piece out there?


Noonan's column in the WSJ today was very disappointing.The East Coast chattering class just don't get the appeal of a Palin nor do they wish to. I think Palin realizes that the establishment is very squishy regardless, sort of like the Roman Empire.

You can find some Dem's down south who are worth their salt, and I think she may feel that the cause spans partisan politics.

Reagan was scorned in the same manner if you recall. This time the issues are a lot clearer.

As to Holder, give the next election and I think we'll see heads on sticks in Washington. Waxman, Boxer, Pelosi and their allies seem to be overreaching badly. A couple more missteps and we'll see marches on Washington.

In '70 and '71 I did it for the chicks and the music. In '09 and '10 I'll do it for the principles. I think you'll see masses of people waving the Declaration and the Constitution this time. The Dems seem to be forgetting these documents.


Dorothy Jane;

Some of my African American friends down South don't necessarily feel that way. Huntsville is okay for some of them, but not 10 miles outside, and I have heard the most despicable things from my own family members in Florida. It's better than it ever was, but there is still a divide. African American racism can be pretty bad as well and is alive and well. There are a lot of people who hate for the sake of hating out there.


Excellent, Caro.


Posted by: RichatUF | July 11, 2009 at 07:17 PM

Rich, you left out the best part.

He read the report twice, the first time as a lawyer, looking for evidence and instances of transgressions that might call for prosecution. The second time, he started to absorb what he was reading at a more emotional level. He was "shocked and saddened," he told a friend, by what government servants were alleged to have done in America's name. When he was done he stood at his window for a long time, staring at Constitution Avenue.

Nothing like an emotional AG.

Rick Ballard


Given El Jefe Loco's drop in the polls, I consider the fascist tool's response to be completely unemotional. The scum is thinking, "I know - let's put on a show trial!".

I anticipate great flailing as the (D)irty Fascist ship begins its descent.


No, the Eastern Establishment bet horribly wrong, on the Obama bubble, the list of people who took him at face value is too long to cite. It corresponds almost exactly to those who derided her on little evidence
we could see. That interview in the Wash. Times, which unfortunately features two of her greatest detractors, the corrupt party boss, Ruedrich, who she forced off the commission, and that nutroots ethics filer
Andrea McLeod. In the LUN, a dissection of
Noonan' nonsense, which should be featured on CSI.


"Celebs Who Lean To The Right"

I noticed that Colin Powell was not in the list. :-)


I was too lazy yesterday to read the surveillance report. Andy McCarthy's piece is amazing and worth your time. Among other things, what I thought obvious is now proven--Gonzales was telling the truth and the Dems knew it and knew he couldn't tell them more in his defense without revealing classified material about a program they'd all been well-briefed on and apparently concurred with..Oh, and the Comey bedside business with Ashcroft came only AFTER the President has detailed the problem to Congress which declined to act and AFTER the president directed Gonzales to do what he did,

Comey really is an idiot or a shit--you decide.



It sure explains Comey appointing a prosecutor to go after Cheney, doesn't it?



That's just GREAT!

And yes, everyone needs to sign up in an act of solidarity.



Is there any reason, why he couldn't be both? The scourge of that great public
enemy, Martha Stewart, always left me cold





I have been fuming over the Noonan trash for two days. Doctor Zero delightfully tears her apart. If you haven't seen Ann Coulter on Fox I linked to in on the Geez thread; last comment.


Pretty good thread on the stimulus bill here.



The problem with Noonan, first of all she's generally clueless, she was trying to sell the reality of the recession, as some kind of virtue, she's stuck in the car, like the
train that crashed in the tunnel in Atlas Shrugged. Second, she thinks that because something is printed in the Journal, it has defacto authority, whereas the internet allows for examination, long before publication date, so while the likes of sites like GOP 12 (which I call GOP 16, and
I'm being optimistic) many others have eviscerated it


Somebody needs to tell me to quit... I can't


Fashion Icon in Ghana


Pretty good links in that discussion Pofarmer.

The Obama Administration must be getting worried if they are still floating a second stimulus bill, doubling down on crap-and-tax and deathcare as the solution to our economic ills, and making a big deal of an already existent $30 billion program through the SBA (which, to date, has been less well received than PPIP).

Obama must be getting nervous: show trials (which might be a bad idea as Iran is going to need to launch some large scale terror attacks abroad to prove they are still in control and the Administation ain't going to stop them with search warrants and talk thearpy) and having the state run media running interference for him by showing that it is "worse" overseas (which begs an interesting question as to how it was "greed" or Bush Administraion policies that dislocated the Russian or German economies) and going on the radio, in his Castroesque fashion, telling the plebes that the stimulus is working.



And in reference to the Kudlow article at the discussion. I'm a big Kudlow fan but I think the point he is missing in China is that they are reflating their own stock market bubble, which popped in late 2007 (by early 09 they were down around 75%), with borrowed money. They are doing something similiar with commodities, and as Rick put it, doing their best to imitate a cargo cult, buying everything they need and waiting for orders that aren't arriving.


"the stimulus is working."

Oh yes. I think he's better at bowling than economics.


None of his supporters have publicly thrown Ogabe under the bus yet, but when Robert Reich, Jim Hansen, Warren Buffett, and his own party members are running for the doors while protesting their loyalty, it gives me hope. Hillary is becoming the new version "Where's Waldo" and if she ain't Machiavellian, no one is.

I have a feeling Emmanuel has been somehow involved in the implosions of Palin, Ensign, and Sanford. maybe a friend of a friend in on of the intelligence or law enforcement agencies. After all, Hoover was the master and Rahm is 6 degrees of batsh*t lower than Hoover.


VDH on how wonderfully the stimulus is working.

Fighting in the comments at Tapper on the same subject.


It is amazing how the east coast "suckups", pardon me, i.e. Noonan and Brooks, were so willing to give Obama's blank resume the thumbs up and overlook his complete lack of character regarding life, family, country,etc--but never once, giving Sarah Palin a benefit of doubt. If what these columnists pen were in a novel, it would be trashed as formulaic.

And Holder makes Jamie Gorelick look conservative. His actions regarding the Clinton pardons were a zillion times worst than those taken by agents in a time of war to protect idiots like him. The "law" is not his personal redemptive "feeling"..et tu, brute???? Phooey

Melinda Romanoff


Rahm's approach to republicans (he actually coined "reThuglican") is the same as Capone's reaction (DeNiro's version) to Ness. He wants them all dead. That AM conference call has a purpose every day, stay on message, stay on target, and don't stop. This is the Rahm method, and he is really good at this, Axelrod just gives the "calm" spin to the friendly press. Rahm's the mechanic, and is the one pushing repeal of the two term limit. They will take it to court if they can. He runs the show, not the dummy. This is a classic Chicago scam, elect the guy who has to sign off on it, but I'll take care of the serious thinking. Nothing different, just a bigger scale of the same aldermanic, or ward, scam.

And you have no idea how tired I am of this crap.

The shop was moved in one trip, six hours. I'm beat and need some sleep.

Daddy, we're going to start with Tesla.

G'night all.

Danube of Thought

What is the statute of limitations for violation of the US statute prohibiting torture? I haven't heard any claims of anything questionable after 2003, and six years is a very long S of L. (I have I-phone only while in Kona, and can't do any computer research.)

It strikes me that Palin, Sanford and Ensign all did a fine job screwing themselves on their own, and needed no help at all from Rahm.


No, it's not,Glenda, then again if they don't have any character how can they recognize it in others, I used to think Noonan had some, but one can't have said and done the things and display that trait. I guess the reason I still stand by her, even though I'venever met her, is that she is a truly genuine person with integrity and the right views on policy.

They bought turbo tax dodging Tim, who had a hagiographic profile in the final issue
of Portfolio, the esteemed epedimiologist
Sibelius, Joe "for the love of god" Biden.
If they started apologizing now they might be through by the end of the year

Melinda Romanoff


But Rahm can ask that the spotlights to be turned up...

Hence the daily call.

Night all.

Melinda Romanoff

Oh, and DrJ, I didn't have a piano rebuilt, I would love to, but the spouse didn't want to see one in the new house. So I'm bringing an alto sax, a cornet, and a B flat clarinet, not to mention a bunch of audio equipment. Bigger than I left the old house with ;~)

Night all.



Geez Ann. Seeing Michelle's butt makes me feel so much better about my own. Keep posting!!!!


Melinda, when will the idiots realize that the Dems have issued the "No Quarters" order?

The have no rules, they view politics as blood sport.

It is self defeating to try and be "nice guys'.


omg, Ann! Did she really go in public in that outfit?


Yes having to go in debt to the tune of 600 K and having the state spend 1.9 million dollars on charges that have all been dropped; with two new ridiculous charges this week, yes this exactly like engaging in affairs with staff, and having one in another continent!.
She pointed out in the Michael Dukes clip, that's ahe's aware of Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, and the Nafta Bendavid book "THe Thumping" which illustrates how it was put in practice, by spreading rumors, and other
tactics to topple the Republicans


I didn't have a piano rebuilt, I would love to, but the spouse didn't want to see one in the new house.

What about that 1923 Steinway? Just in the family?

But I do understand about pianos taking space. The one I have didn't fit into the house, so we finished off an out building. Nice room: resonant channel/double drywall construction, and great windows. It is really quiet.

Sadly, creeping capitalism has taken over. The building is now my lab, but the piano is still there. It may well be the only biotech lab in the country with a grand piano in it.

Jim Miller

Speaking of double standards on race -- About a decade ago, a black woman talked her way into a white woman's home in this area (claiming she needed to use a phone in an emergency, if I recall correctly) tied the white woman up, and raped* her.

Now to say the least, a woman raping a woman is unusual**. And, at the trial, the black woman -- who was convicted -- said she did it because she hated whites.

You might think such an unusual crime, with a racial motive, would get wall-to-wall coverage. You would be wrong. I learned about this crime because I saw a smirking account on a noon TV broadcast. And I suspected that that would be the only account with the key details.

That evening, I surfed the local TV news for an hour and did not see a single story on the crime. Nor did I see anything the next morning.

Next day I bought both the Seattle PI and the Seattle Times. One gave the story four lines deep inside the paper; the other gave it three. neither mentioned the racial motive.

*(Forced her to commit oral sex, if you need the details.

**Not counting statutory rapes in feminist plays.)



I have an intelligence mind, so it just seems a bit too convenient that two leading potential opponents disintegrate at the same time. I think this may become a theme over the next few years.


I have a feeling Emmanuel has been somehow involved in the implosions

If you look at what's been going on in MO, it's pretty evident that this is a nationwide playbook. There's been some serious organizing behind the scenes. The damn thing may get so corkscrewed up there's no undoing it, seriously. Would YOU like to be the politician that starts undoing this mess?


clarice and jane have it exactly right. しう8hh is a neurotic yいう いhウィ who@s views are well known to all of us by now and ought to be rejected out of hand as a disengenuous monkey sucking iう不つう. 食い費 魚 on the other hand deserves every bit of 恩てぇお thats coming her way, and if you want to join us in supporting てぇr半;, well i think i speak for all of us when i say yea , and as for that loser 憂い儀 , well ごうごぎぃ her and the horse she road in on.
pardon my french as well about senator ごぴひごほほ but sometimes i get a bit tired of his 語彙魚日and thats not to mention 卯木ウ, nor イぎう, nor for that matter ぐぎぎy. dont let the ;おほ;いほほ get you down as my daddy used to say, but also dont let the ごyうう door hit you on the way out. sayonara.



Yes, ladies, Fashion Icon wore this to an historic site in Ghana.


Cursing with ideograms, what an original idea, daddy, do you need a special keyboard
to switch between English and Japanese, eech, ni san, chee, go, ruk, ku ju (legacy of some long ago lessons, in the time of the
Karate Kid film.


I heard a clip of a speech with Obama apologizing for this or that about slavery today. Is it really neccessary to apologize for things that happened 200 years ago? Are folks in Africa over it?

Danube of Thought

Well hell, Matt, Rahm didn't make either guy have an affair, didn't make Ensign's parents pay blackmail, didn't make Sanford make blubbering fool of himself on repeated unnecessary public occasions, and didn't make Palin resign. They did all of that entirely on their own. And in the cases of Palin and Sanford Rahm didn't have to shine any spotlight--they called press conferences so they could implode before our eyes without any help from anyone.



just the computer in the lobby at the Japanese hotel. The characters are scattered all over the keyboard and I kept mis-hitting some key which would suddenly make everything pop up in Kanji or Chinese, so I just figured, what the heck, don`t fight it, work within the system, and suddenly, without positively identifying anyone in particular, I jokingly felt I was able to competently and acurately put forth my angst and outrage. Hope it amused. Over here its coming up 2 PM, so off to the Temple Festival for the next 10 hours. Man, am I going to be hurting tomorrow but I have the next couple days off to recuperate! Protect my Governor please in my absence. Thanks!


Sanford and Ensign, are much like the primary races in 2004; where he got the papers to release the divorce records. Events since Aug 29th are more acoordination
between the chief DNC bloggers, and Huff Po
affiliates and the Chicago astroturfing infrastructure, who generated loads of garbage, that couldn't be challenged effectively, we saw how Chaco gave it the old college try.


Well, I'll be damned. Looks like my Representative grew or rented a pair.

"WASHINGTON, D.C. _ U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-9) today introduced legislation that would save taxpayers $12.5 million this year and millions more in the future by prohibiting the United States from contributing to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which is fraught with waste and is engaged in dubious science.
“We all know that the UN is incompetent when it comes to spending money, and that is why American taxpayers should not be forking over millions more to one of its organizations that not only is in need of significant reform but is engaged in dubious scientific quests,” "


Man, it's getting tiring explaining to people that what the think Palin said, are things that the MSM made up, or Tina Fey, or whatever. Folks can't separate fiction from reality.

Fresh Air

Folks can't separate fiction from reality.

Yep. Reification it's called. A substantial portion of our citizenry, and most, I would hazard to say, of those under 30 live in a literal fantasy world. They have online "friends," "dates," "followers." People flirt through keyboards in something called "sexting." Actors are believed to actually be the characters they play. Emotions are convoluted into reasons. Hopes and beliefs into facts.

These are people for whom logic and reason have no purchase. Their mush-melons are incapable of processing linear logic, cannot construct an actual argument. In its stead, they look to their acolytes on (what else?) television to direct them to The Truth.

When else in human history has satire of the news been absorbed and processed as the actual news?

Our nation is in perilous times indeed. I am afraid only an electroshock of serious economic or even physical harm will pull the young rubes out of their encephalic arrest. It is, however, coming.

Danube of Thought

The VDH column to which PD linked above is one of the best things I've read in a while.

Leutkemeyer sees whitewash.

Good on him, PoF. His access machine wouldn't take my zip so I called his Hannibal office Thursday. LUN is Marc Morano's site which has its own UHI effect it is so hot.


Oh my goodness, Palin imploded!? I missed the story! Oh...I see, she's fine, just a poor take on her savvy decision to move on.


Which of Alinsky's rules is being followed here? (LUN)

He calls Peggy the sort of 'intellectual fat that the conservatives have to trim from the Republican Party..

Doctor Zero at HotAir snarks very nicely about Noonan on Palin.

Hah, hah, HotAir.

Piggy Noonan?

Captain Hate

I heard a clip of a speech with Obama apologizing for this or that about slavery today.

Is he apologizing for Islamic slavery in the Sudan going on in the present time? Not holding my breath on that....


Oh my goodness, Palin imploded!? I missed the story!

My thoughts exactly. The ones exploding in my opinion are the ones that don't believe one can be a decent woman and be a conservative politician.


Good job, Tom. See also, "Swim Club Pres. Denies Racism in Pool Controversy (VIDEO): PA Human Relations Comm. to Investigate; Leftists Still Silent (Mostly)!".


Your money is in the best possible hands.

hit and run

It brings me great pleasure to say this as boldly and capitalizedly as I possibly can...


May you have the bestest birthday EVAH!!!


Thanks for Dr. Zero's Noonan takedown reference, He.

Here's a link: A Seemingly Very Nice Middle-Class Girl

And to think, I used to read that breathless harpy.



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