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July 13, 2009



Bull shit


Dad: Son, don't do that or you'll go blind.
Son: Daddy, I am over here.

Thomas Collins

TM, between your recent porn post and this "public health annoucement," I think that you have retained Mary Carey as your blog consultant. :-)))

By the way, in my last semester in college, I took a course on Aristotle, Aquinas and sexual pleasure. Let me hasten to add that there was no lab component to the course. :-))

Rick Ballard

I never knew they even dated.

Thomas Collins

Rick, you have just RUINED my plans tonight to catch up on recent IRS private letter rulings in the tax-exempt bond area. How am I supposed to concentrate when the following song is going through my head:

Ari and Aqui sitting in a tree,
First comes love,
Then comes marriage,
Then comes Ari in the baby carriage,
With Aqui pushing it.


Original MikeS

Will that be part of the new health care plan?


Will we be taxed since it is a health benefit?


Does hair grow on the palms or knuckles? That question has always given me pause.

Bob Hope

Tommy's laminating his Sarah Palin photo collection, upon doctor's orders.

Danube of Thought

Does this mean they can stop chopping up the hot dogs at girls' schools?



Is there a time limit before I can nominate that for comment of the week?

Thomas Collins

I get your new posting strategy, TM. You are trying to bring out lurkers who may have different primary interests than those addressed in the usual TM posts. OK, fair enough. See LUN for another possible topic.
Those who manipulate the pieces in the LUN are just are serious about their craft as any other type of manipulation afficionado!


Will this be retrospective? Will we be able to get a teenage nymphomaniac on the NHS,perhaps tests before doctors will prescribe?


Or is this a ploy to cut pensions?


Good one, TC. I have Laszlo Polgar's "5334 Problems, Combinations and Games," which he says in the introduction were drawn from his over 5000 chess books, and his collection of articles and periodicals going back over 150 years. (Not that I can solve any of them.)

As a parent, it's well to note that the guy groomed not one but two female chess masters. (Chess mistresses?)

Thomas  Collins

White moves P-K4, Extraneus (the British notation system was used when I was playing).

As it has been almost 40 years since I've played competitive chess (I retired as a high school sophomore after thumping a Brown student in an all-star game), please forgive me if I take a week or two for my second move if you respond as Black! :-))

Of course, consistent with the blog karma of everyone jumping in with comments on a thread, and then continuing the comments from time to time on other threads, I suppose anyone can jump in as White or Black (and then switch colors as the game goes on)!


I suppose anyone can jump in as White or Black (and then switch colors as the game goes on)!

That's what I've been saying....



Thomas  Collins

OMG, WTF (as TM might title a post)! Joycekane is not automatic spam (or if joycekane is automatic spam, it's a pretty sophisticated program).

Never did I think that posting on chess would generate a joycekane post.


Hi joyce!

Old Lurker

Did anybody have the nerve to click on that site?

Dave (in MA)
an orgasm a day keeps the doctor away
Only one?
Rick Ballard

How many doctors do you have? I foresee a definite time loss factor for those seeing a number of specialists...




Did anyone else see the PEW study where they were measuring the general public's attitude versus "scientists"? At the very bottom and almost unremarked, they note that the "scientists" came out 55% Democrats to 6% Republicans. SERIOUSLY!!!

Do you think they crossed scientist with Journalist? That 10 to 1 looks like national network newsroom lopsidedness.


"Only one?"

Orgasm, or doctor?


In keeping with the new plan that will kill innovations in health care, doctors have planned to reintroduce older remedies...

manipulation for women's hysteria has NOW quite perplexed though... condemn it or remarket the "Vagina Monologues" as health care and invite more audience participation.

Frau Beate Uhse

At the very bottom and almost unremarked, they note that the "scientists" came out 55% Democrats to 6% Republicans.

The comments where I read that were predictable and stupid. The JOM orgasm remarks, however, are much more stimulating.


I'd like to stay up and chat but I've got a homework lesson to complete.



Somewhat fitting this thread, and being in San Francisco this week for a conference, the question arose "when is a transvestite cop undercover"?

Special Oscars Galore.

Under the new health plan, you are going to have to prove your adherence to the preventive health plan.


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