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September 17, 2009


The Universe in a Single Atom

That bonze beats all.

Oh, yeah, plastic ones.  I remember.

The Pershing Turkey Perplex.

hit and run

Marc Ambinder tweets:

WH officials say announcement of Eastern Europe missile defense policy change was due for next week; the early verbs ("abandoning"), etc...

..... are not what they wanted. (Did they really think that this would hold until the proliferation speech?) ....

.... timing was sped up by news reports ; WH hoped to get jump on spinning this as "change" to defenses, not an abandonment of them. Whoops.

I don't believe "next week" spin.

The was a clear case of Friday News Dump FAIL.

Thomas Collins

Jack is Back, matt and other members of the JOM National Security Advisory Council, what do you think of the replacement plan to be announced by the Obama Administration? See LUN. Is this "more agile and can be deployed quicker" argument a cover for capitulation to Putin, or is there some merit to it?


Very well played by the people who think this is a bad idea. A leaked timed to force Team Barry to do the official announcement on the 70th anaversary of the Soviet invation of Poland.

BTW, dissing the Dalai Lama needs to get played up too. Free Tibet is (or at least was) a big lefty cause. But Obama may have done it more out of his own desires. The Dalai Lama did say that ultimately you have to stand up to evil, not appease it. I have a feeling that's something Barry really doesn't want to hear. He much more enjoys getting an hour lecture from Putin on how bad US policy towards Russia has been since 1991.

Captain Hate

TC, since there are absolutely no details about this "more agile system" how can the JOMNSAC comment? Let's put it this way: Since Pooty had a conniption about a DEFENSIVE system, I'm not sure why any credible alternative wouldn't get the bum's rush from him.

Where's Gates?

Mebbe a horse trade over Persia. I see Putin holding the reins of two fine stallions, and Obama shaking shank's mare. Typical Obama performance.


Sounds like more Team Obama vapor ware. Funny how it is "both more agile and more effective and will come on-lines sooner than the existing program." So, just like Obama care vapor ware, it will do even more, for less money, and faster.

Thomas Collins

Captain Hate, I figure that someone in JOMNSAC might know about this supposedly more agile system and whether it would be more effective than slingshots. But perhaps we'll have to wait and see. If it really is a capitulation, I think Joint Chiefs resignations are in order.


The pussydebt is a dangerous coward.


What is it with him a Jimmy Carter? Neither ever met a tyrant they didn't rush to bow down to.

Original MikeS

What is it with him a Jimmy Carter?
They're on the other side. Really.

Captain Hate

What is it with him a Jimmy Carter? Neither ever met a tyrant they didn't rush to bow down to.

Neither of them had strong male figures present in their lives and mothers that were "unusual" in their own ways. Mizz Lillian's comment that (paraphrasing) she looked at her children and despaired that she didn't stay a virgin is one of the most hilarious statements ever; and must have wounded Adultery-of-the-Heart deeply.

Original MikeS

I have just one word to say about Iran. Very small, deniable, sabotage attacks on Iran's refining capability.

Also, I too, wish Miss Lillian had remained a virgin.

Hey, shit happens.

I've got an ex-boss who's father is quoted as saying he should have strangled him in the crib.

Old Lurker



The Apoplectic Apostrophe and the Commatariat.  Were winking in the sentence when the grammarian thought 'What's That?'

It's a wise man who knows whose father he is. I looked at that 'who's' at least three times before I posted.

hit and run

BTW, dissing the Dalai Lama needs to get played up too. Free Tibet is (or at least was) a big lefty cause.

I have little doubt that there will be a Charlie PJM article on it.

I have no doubt there should be.


The dumbass started his speech by reminding everyone that he is CIC.

No one you know

The Yahoo headline was an "adjustment" to missile defense........


Hey, Old Lurker!! Long time, no see...

Charlie (Colorado)

Re our friend Mr Gyatso, what'd O do to him? I've missed that.


T.C., I think this is the replacement plan you were thinking of:


Old Lurker

Bad, I had a written permission slip to go to the beach for six weeks. You, on the other hand, seem to have skipped class without prior approval. Leading the optimists among us to assume Mr. Bad was having his way with you, and the pessimists were just worried.

The gang is almost accounted for now, and I am so happy to hear from you.


ha ha Old Lurker, Mr. bad IS a sweet talking devil. (not anti-christ)

'nuff said...


T.C., I think this is the replacement plan you were thinking of:


Posted by: MCL | September 17, 2009 at 10:48 AM

Well, the article basically confirms that this new project is vapor ware. The plan is to develop a ground based version of a sea based system. But even then, they are talking about deployment in Southern Europe, so it would still leave Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic vulnerable to an attack from the east. We are basically saying we will only protect the "old NATO" from missle attack, at least that is how it will look.

John Bibb

President Reagan knew how to handle a strong enemy--Russia--and how to take them down without a war.
President Obama (PBUH), Jimmuh Carter, and Neville Chamberlain know / knew how to appease our enemies, sell out people, and get us into big bloody wars.
Deja Vu all over again.

Cecil Turner

Well, the article basically confirms that this new project is vapor ware.

Yep. Until they actually get an agreement with some country for basing rights, this is pie-in-the-sky nonsense. But now Putin is all gushy with 'em and gonna give 'em the keys to the Kremlin . . . right? [Yeah, right.]

Rob Crawford

BTW, dissing the Dalai Lama needs to get played up too. Free Tibet is (or at least was) a big lefty cause. But Obama may have done it more out of his own desires. The Dalai Lama did say that ultimately you have to stand up to evil, not appease it.

He snubbed the Dalai Lama because the Dalai Lama holds unpopular views:

"It is difficult to deal with terrorism through non-violence," the Tibetan spiritual leader said delivering the Madhavrao Scindia Memorial Lecture here...

The head of the Tibetan government-in-exile left the audience stunned when he said "I love President George W Bush." He went on to add how he and the US President instantly struck a chord in their first meeting unlike politicians who take a while to develop close ties.


I feel so much safer with our new Commander-in-Chief making these obvious enhancements to our theater and strategic defense capabilities. And on top of it all, he is sure to remind us all that it is being done to enhance our "efficiency" to boot.

Just off the top of my head I feel all warm and snuggly about dropping:

- the F22 Raptor air superiority fighter in favor of a cheaper, less effective F35 fighter. Cuz we've only spent the last 30 years building an integrated order of battle that essentially depends on us having air superiority. Helicopters and unmanned planes (like the ones we are using so effectively in Iraq and Afghanistan) are sitting ducks without air superiority.
- stopping further development and production of the airborne anti-ballistic missile laser just at the time that North Korea, Iran and China are demonstrating increased ballistic missile capabilities. Oh yeah, earlier this year the Chinese rolled out their new offensive anti-carrier ballistic missile designed to defeat our existing defenses built to defend against attacks from weapons like the Exocet.
- curtailing soldier of the future development work
- canceling the work on replacement helicopters for medical evacuation efforts since "hey why can't we just use any old chopper that's around" attitude prevails in DC. Just ask the medevac and parajumper specialists why that's not true.
- etc.

Obama is unilaterally ensuring that American superiority will be degraded so that what liberals consider our "adventurism" is curtailed by a "leveling of the playing field" with our enemies. He is also forcing the military to revert to following the adage of preparing to fight the last war (Iraq and Afghanistan) again, rather than acknowledging the surging international roles of Russia and China will require us to have upgraded viable capabilities in traditional as well as non-conventional warfare.

Thomas Collins

Thank you, MCL. Ranger, I agree that this is going to look as if we are throwing Warsaw Pact Europe under the bus (and we probably are, at least until January of 2013). In_awe, I think degrading our superiority is exactly what Obama is trying to do. I just hope that all non-progs can put aside their many differences on domestic issues to unite and make sure that in the 2010 and 2012 elections, the numbers of the emasculate America crowd in Congress and the White House are degraded.

How can anyone believe, after the Soviet buildup in the 70s, that our cutting back on offensive and defensive missile and fighter plane capabilities will avoid an arms race with the Russians and Chinese? Only lunatics. Unfortunately, the lunatics are now in control of our national security policy.

Thomas Collins

And don't even get me going on Obama's attempt to destroy the Reliable Replacement Warhead Program.


"will avoid an arms race with the Russians and Chinese"

For it to be an arms race involving us, we would have to be in it. Chavez is soon going to have more arms than we do.


Drudge is doing the siren thingy...Secret Report: Nuke Agency Says Iran Can Make the Bomb. I feel so safe with all this hope and change in the air.


"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not."

Thomas Jefferson

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