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November 04, 2009



Yanks should send in Mo for a 21-out save.


Just told my wife I was going to bed. She wanted to know what I did with her husband.

Dave (in MA)

Go World Champs!


To quote John Stirling, "The-e-e-e-e Yankees win! The Yankees win!"

Jim Rhoads a/k/a vjnjagvet

No contest. Andy owned them.

Dave (in MA)

Congrats, Evil Empire fans.


Since this thread's raison d'etre is over, here's a question:

Does anybody know what Megan McArdle is talking about when she complains about the Texan Christianists who have taken over the Republican party? I mean, I understand that lots of people hate Christianity, because Christians invented slavery and the Church prevented smart atheists like Isaac Newton from working on Science and the Crusades were an evil attempt to steal the historically Muslim cities of Bethlehem and Nazareth. (African American Christians are totally cool, though, because they have this real spirituality, and I bet they don't believe any of the bad stuff like creationism or opposing gay marriage.)

So let's stipulate that Christians are bad. How did their awfulness manifest itself during the Bush presidency? Was it the mandatory prayer? The big Ramadan ceremonies? The fact that Bush never once appointed a Wiccan to be Secretary of Defense? All that stuff about "worshipping a mighty God"? What?

Buford Gooch

Well,bgates, as far as I can tell, it's all about the buggery.


Well I'm not a Yankee boy but I have to say I am happy for Matsui and the Japanese.

His first 3 at bats tonight were things of beauty---really working Pedro long and hard in the count, then coming through in each instance with a very solid whack. He's getting old, but he has consistently been excellent in the Playoffs, and this has got to be great for him and great for Japan. Great job Godzilla.

Jack is Back!

Posted this on preceding thread but I have news from Paul Mlyranz at Manchester Beat regarding PUK:

"Just got some info

Peters funeral will be at Southern cemetry, next Wednesday or Thursday, then a buffet at the Nursery later.
His body has been released and is at the undertakers, thery want to know if anyone wants to go and see him
before the close the coffin ?.
Thats all I have been told so far.


Captain Hate

African American Christians are totally cool, though, because they have this real spirituality, and I bet they don't believe any of the bad stuff like creationism or opposing gay marriage.

Good thing I knew that was sarc bgates because taking that bet would be the ultimate free money. I don't know if I said it at the time, but I would've had more respect for the Prop 8 protesters if those pansies had picketed an AA church or, better yet, a Nation of Islam house of insanity instead of venting their spleen at the Mormons.

Thomas Collins

Congrats to the Bronxies. You deserved it this year. You were the best.

But remember that you still have only half the WS titles that the Bosox have this century!

By the way (I'm hoping to bring peter out of the lurking closet on this one), would you agree with me that, as great as Sabathia pitched this year, Greinke deserves the AL Cy Young award?


How did their awfulness manifest itself during the Bush presidency?

Christianity confused Ron Suskind in the NY Times Magazine to think that Bush was the one warped by faith-based reality when it was, instead, Suskind, the Times, and the rest of the pseudo-liberals whose reality was confounded.


Good morning, all! So the House will try to vote on ObamaCare, or PelosiCare, on Saturday. I know it's iffy but the stimulus was supposedly iffy, too, and that went through just fine.

Anyone else as nervous as I am?

House Democrats Push For Saturday Health Vote


My dislike of the Yankees goes back to George Steinbrenner, Reggie, Billy Martin, etc. and their anti-social egoism.

These Yankees, played for each other like the team they were. Even the egoists among them like A-Rod learned along the way. Girardi, Teixeira, Matsui, Jeter, and the others down the line. showed skill and character.

I just don't like to confuse those Yankees with these Yankees.

Tom Bowler

Porchlight, I am. I'm afraid they'll get that small incremental change through that we won't be able to undo, setting the stage for next time when they'll successfully establish our socialist utopia.


Hey SBW, can I send you an email? Or will you send me one at [email protected] because I don't have your address.


Christianity is considered dangerous by the Left because it liberates.


Yet another Gallup poll, and Huck wins it again, it takes sheer genius to repeat the
media's talking points so consistently, in the LUN


True Tom they've set their markers with Social Security in 1935, Medicare and Medicaid and you could possibly toss in the Immigration Act for 1965, The CRA and it's revisions in 1977 and 1994 respectfully


Sure, Jane. I just sent you my email address. Or, if it gets caught in your spam filter, you could follow my link to my old, moribund blog and get it there.

Or I could give it to you here... but don't tell anyone. sbwaters at rny.com. ;-)


I tried your blog sbw, but it said I was not important enough!



media invented the Tea Party movement

Old Lurker

Me too, Porch.


That's Froma the clueless one from Kansas City. Rasmussen is getting way too accepting
of these guest Op Eds, stick to polling,



Froma Harrop is not going to know what hit her if she truly believes that tripe.


Froma also makes frequent use of the derogatory "tea-bagger" in her article. It's clear where she's coming from, and objectivity isn't a factor.


from PD's link:

Americans live in real places, and their candidates tend to be familiar figures they have coffee with. Scozzafava had served as a mayor...

We all know that is a disqualifier for office. Hang her high....


See if she had only been a community organizer, LOL


Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but you don't have to know anything to have one.

Typical reality journalism. She's from the Providence Journal, for goodness sake.

Thomas Collins

See LUN for more nonsense from a European court of "justice."

Patrick R. Sullivan
That's Froma the clueless one from Kansas City.

Froma is a native New Yorker. Graduate of NYU.

She was a friend of my late sister. Very nice person, if not very analytical.


Sorry about that Patrick, but I've come across her column too many times, she probably is a nice person,

Frau Reisetasche

"No electorate approves of carpetbaggers. If any word describes what Tea-Baggers tried to pull in upstate New York, it was an outsiders' takeover of a local race."

Yes, I remember Ms. Harrop's absolute horror at Hillary!'s carpetbagging in New York. I applauded when Froma fumed and called the former FLOTUS a "Three-bagger."
Then I woke up...

Frau Reisetasche

Remember when calling someone a scumbag resulted in exile from the public square? Why would any nice person use 'teabagger' after its meaning has been explained?


Speaking of FLOTUS, it looks like she's going to be on Iron Chef.


Well, I went to the rally. It was a great turnout. Just like the 9-12 rally - full of nice people. Buses from New Jersey (they must really be fired up!), and Penn.. The sound system was better than at the 9-12 rally. Sunny weather.
Road the metro home and met a nice man that use to work on capitol hill. I told him my Representative was Moran, and he told stories of what an alcoholic Moran is. That explains the anger. That idiot was one of the few that wouldn't condemn the evil UN report about Israel.....Moran is the worst.
Anyway...I got some honks from pick-up driving patriots while walking from metro to home. Guess they spotted the Don't Tread On Me flag.


K Baily Hutchinson says at least 30 wounded in addition to 7 dead at Ft. Hood?


Why is the presidebt telling the world his children's grades when he refuses to release his own?

Get a clue dude...

Frau Reisetasche

Not an apology...Froma sorta explains and snarks but ends up saying there's safety in numbers:

Is it proper to say “tea-bagger”?
November 5th, 2009 by Froma Harrop
My new column was originally titled, “Tea-baggers are carpet-baggers” and uses the term “tea-bagger” in reference to the Tea Party activists. Several writers (who also disagreed with my views) informed me that tea-bagging refers to a sexual practice. I ran to Google, and sure enough, they were right. But I also found many other pundits referring to these folks as “tea-baggers.”


Thanks for that report,Janet.


Too bad she doesn't work for the Washington Post. There she might wind up getting punched out by an Editor for using a different euphemism for "Teabagger's."


I've heard Froma is a worthlesss slut so it must be okay to pass it on....

Frau Reisetasche

Janet, I almost wrote "how amazing" but the huge masses of people who flocked to D.C. on truly short notice is not so amazing. Perhaps, they, too, will be reported as "outsiders."


Aww Frau, I hate the media. The crowd was the same "salt of the earth" group that was at the 9-12 tea party. Nice to each other, love America...just good people.


Good for you, Janet.

I find the same kinda people attend the Hannity Freedom Concerts. My daughter was so mad at me this year when I didn't buy tickets. She loves them.

One year we drove all the way to New Jersey to attend in the rain and she still thought it was awesome... mostly because the people are!


Well I've done my share of Yankee bashing but now it's time to man up. Congratulations New York Yankees. And the guy we love to hate, Derek Jeter, is one class act!

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