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November 30, 2009



Harummph! Leave my Tiger alone!

Thomas Collins

Oh for the good old days when rich influential folks could cover up their dirty laundry. See LUN for a bio of Doris Duke. From the LUN:

"In 1968, Duke founded the Newport Restoration Foundation to restore some of Newport's oldest structures and to revitalize tourism. It was speculated that this was an appeasement for something that had happened in that town two years before. In October 1966, Duke ran over and killed her interior decorator, Edward Tirella, with her car as he was trying to open the gate to her mansion. Duke claimed her foot accidentally slipped to the accelerator. Tirella was dragged across the street and crushed against a tree. The circumstances were suspicious and the rumors started to fly. According to stories, Duke and Tirella were lovers, and Tirella had planned on leaving her. An investigation into the incident was dropped a week later. Police called it an "unfortunate accident." Fueling more rumors and speculation, the Chief of Police retired a month later and Tirella's family received a large sum of money after a civil suit."


40 Percent of Democrats Saying They're Unlikely to Vote, or Certain to Not Vote in 2010?


Rich influential white folks, you mean.

Hey, is there a chance that a police investigation could get Sharpton and Jackson to rally around Woods? Could he be officially declared black?


I saw that too, anduril. I think the poll was ginned up to scare Dems and get them (and ACORN) engaged for next year.


Wasn't Doris Duke married to Cary Grant at some point?

Patrick R. Sullivan

I see Tiger has taken my advice in the wake of Martha Stewart; refuse to talk to police, say absolutely nothing.


You know - there's a way to take this marketing lemon and turn it into marketing lemonade:

Tiger Woods - Buick Ad

If I'd been in my Buick Enclave rather than my wife's Escalade, I would have missed that tree ... it's halogen headlights and advanced driver warning system would have helped me avoid ...

Patrick R. Sullivan

Though it must be nice to live in a town where the police have time to worry about scratches on a golfer's face, rather than more serious matters:

The slayings of four Lakewood police officers Sunday came just as police across the region were starting to refocus and regain some sense of normalcy after the ambush killing of a Seattle officer a month ago.

Seattle Assistant Police Chief Nick Metz said laughter and a sense of routine had returned to police headquarters in recent days, something that had been missing in the weeks after Officer Timothy Brenton was slain and his partner wounded on Halloween night.

But with four more officers killed in Lakewood — believed to be the highest number of police deaths in a single act in state history — law-enforcement officers and their families again are reminded that their badges can be viewed by some as targets.


> In October 1966, Duke ran over and killed her interior decorator, Edward Tirella, with her car as he was trying to open the gate to her mansion.

fwiw, Edward Tirella was the first to put avacado colored appliances in kitchens, at the time they were custom orders and verrry expensive. Also, he was responsible for silver and flock wallpaper.

So Ms. Duke may have been doing society a favor, or at least the decorative arts part of society.




Sorry Jane, but you make yourself the most-hyped personality in the world for a decade, (and get filthy rich in the processs, well, you live by the sword etc...
Something like this was bound to happen sooner or later, all the press was waiting for was a pretext.


At least he has a skill or two rickinstl - unlike the truly most hyped personality in the world sitting in the White House.


glasater -

Wasn't Doris Duke married to Cary Grant at some point?

He was married to Barbara Hutton, the Woolworth Dime Store heiress. She had a pretty sad and controversial life, too.


Heh! Jane, spot on.


I feel sorry for Tiger Woods and his family. It's pretty obvious what really happened. Yes, technically if his wife gave two conflicting reports to police about his injuries, then she filed a false report, but who cares? It's not technically DUI if he is not on a public highway, and if it's an emergency medical situation, I think it is very defensible. And then again, if Tiger loses endorsements, he will still be filthy rich. Anyway, Buicks pretty much suck. I hope he is able to salvage his marriage, and do what is best for his children, which are his true riches. Goes to show you what happens when you run around. Wonder if the MS media turns on him because he is basically a political conservative, although not very political.


Does that editorial, ring a cloying bad note, or is it an apologia for all their other commentaries


When was the last time a public personality said, "It was all my fault."?


When was the last time a public personality said, "It was all my fault."?

The last time a public personality was trying to hide what really happened, I suppose.


Thanks Barbara--I knew Cary Grant had been married to some poor little rich girl somewhere along the line:)


Oh for the good old days when rich influential folks could cover up their dirty laundry.

Like OJ telling the police he and Nicole were just wrassling.

Thomas Collins

Jane, I see you're tolerating no criticism of your Tiger, and I know you know where I work. Thus, I will be saying no negative words about this matter. I'll ignore Rachel and Elin and Tiger, and concentrate on Doris Duke (perhaps we can take TM's focus off Tiger and direct his mind to the events outside that Newport mansion circa 1966)!!! :-))

Gregory Koster

Caro, The Once will say it is all his fault as he accepts the Nobel Prize and the check-that-he-is-going-to-donate-to-charity-but-I-haven't-decided-which-one-yet-so-don't-ask-me-or-I'll-call-Pinch...

On the Parklnad officers: I don't think they were specially picked. The news reports make it seem that this fellow was just good old fashioned nuts, thinking he was the Messiah, making his family get naked at 3AM one Sunday because all families should be naked on Sunday. The distinguishing feature in this case is that Mike Huckabee commuted an Arkansas sentence he earned about nine years ago, nominally because of his tender age, more likely because he had a lot of melanin, and there's no surer way to earn points with the press than to let melanin make such decisions for you. Up here in Washington he resumed his career of Messianism, though it took him quite a while to get back on track. It will be interesting to see if he had other run-ins with the law that were aborted. He was taken to Western State Hospital, but the quacks said, no he ain't nuts, try him. But they didn't try him, just as they didn't haul Major Hasan up at Fort Hood. The deaths came, and now the flurries of how-did-it-happen speculation begin. The harshness of the present system of criminal prosecution would be easier to bear if it were applied consistently. Good luck with that.

Woods would be better to let it all hang out. He'll take a dreadful beating now, and for some time to come, but in the end, his life won't be based on lies. See: Billyboy. Who really thinks Billyboy is happy, for all his nose-thumbing at the yokels who elected him over and over?


When Barbara Hutton married Cary Grant, the match was called CASH AND CARY.


Don't talk to the police! If they want 'talk' let them talk to your lawyer. And, yes, Fixing the vehicle, and paying to replace the fire hydrant, fall into Tiger's court. Other than that? Nope. Nada. But where would his fame be IF he didn't have the media looking for 'the story?' Nobody says it has to be true. But there's "story," here. Conjecture won't stop.

And, for 'domestic violence,' you'd need one member of the couple filing charges. Good luck with that! Most of this stuff just 'drops.'


Granted Jane, fantastic golfer. Probably a good person. My point is that this is the price you pay for superstardom.
And note that I added the qualifier of "over the last decade" to my statement.
Obama has taken the title this year, and he has absolutely no apparent skills beyond bullshit artistry and melanin.


Oh for the good old days when rich influential folks could cover up their dirty laundry.

For some reason the name "Kennedy" pops into my mind, not quite sure why...

When was the last time a public personality said, "It was all my fault."?

Not a lot of news value in that quote: A one car accident, who exactly could be at fault other than he? I suppose he could have blamed a manufacturing defect.


Maybe it's time for Washington State to fire its shrinks and get some new ones. Just saying....

Captain Hate

Who really thinks Billyboy is happy

Not me; that such a noxious piece of white trash is turning out to be as delusional and bitter as Carter provides some solace for the eight miserable years he was planted in the White House.

Gregory Koster

Clarice, they'd just run for Congress and would inflict their idiocies nationally. Look at the list of awards he brags about. You remember McDermott's visit to Iraq in 2003 just before the invasion? That's the product of his imbecility multiplied by representing a district that thinks Geo. McGovern was a John Bircher. I say, keep the likes of Jim at Western State Hospital, and hope that they are mistaken for patients...

Sara (Pal2Pal)

They just announced on Fox that Tiger will not play the tournament this weekend he'd been scheduled to play. He put a statement on his Facebook page indicating that "his injuries" from the accident will prevent him from participating.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

I don't think there is much comparison of Tiger and Bambi, aside from the fact that Tiger has actual accomplishments. A quote from Tiger: "If I call myself black I reject the mother who raised me."

Sara (Pal2Pal)

Gawd, Shep is racist. I cannot stand this guy.

Captain Hate

I agree with Sara: Unlike Stanley Ann Dunham's mistake, Tiger has real accomplishments and appears to be genuinely post-racial.


This all recalls the advice given 40 years ago given someone, then a teenager, by his father:

Just because it points doesn't mean you have to follow it.

Charlie (Colorado)

Just because it points doesn't mean you have to follow it.

heh. The story in my family, handed down from my great-grandfather, to my grandfather, to me, was of an ol' hound dog lying in the sun up in Forsyth County GA, his tail-tip over the track on an old gravity-powered logging railroad. One of the logging cars rolls past, and being gravity powered, it's relatively quiet, so the houndog pays no attention until the rolls over his tail, nipping off the tip.

With a yelp, the houndog whips around to see what bit him, getting there just in time for the second bogie of the railcar to hit him right in the head.


Don't lose your head over a piece of tail.

Charlie (Colorado)

Or God's good news and bad news for Adam.

Good News:

you have a brain and a penis.

Bad News:

Only blood enough for one at a time.

Charlie (Colorado)

Are you getting an idea what my teenage years were like?

Old Lurker

I think I'm getting an idea of what you WISH your teenage years had been like!



I looked at the photos last night of the car, and it seems there was no damage to the driver's side of the car at all. It looks like it hit the tree at 10-20mph, because those front ends are designed to crumple.

The hydrant still has 6-8' of pipe attached in the photo, as if it were pried off the feed line. At higher speeds, the ones I have seen have sheered just below the flange.

It would seem inconsistent with the story line. Can't tell if the airbags deployed. If they did, maybe he got a broken nose and black eye(s).

The stonewalling is going to kill him. Sooner or later there's going to be a tell all.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

Fla. Cops: Not Seeking Search Warrant in Woods Case


They just announced on Fox that Tiger will not play the tournament this weekend he'd been scheduled to play. He put a statement on his Facebook page indicating that "his injuries" from the accident will prevent him from participating.

One cannot play golf with the groove marks of Ping 7-Iron Upside the head when that is not the manufacturer you are paid to play for. It takes a while for that to heal properly.

Jack is Back!

I am a golf nut. I live on a golf course and work as a rules official on the Florida State Golf Associations Junior Tour.

Tiger is a "one off" athlete who happens to be the greatest golfer of his generation. Not the best yet. He still has to beat Jack's major total. Plus he will never beat his runner-up total which to some golf purists is even more amazing a record. That said, there is no excuse for any extra-marital dilly-dallying if that is what becomes reality. Sure, its tough out there traveling week after week living from cut to cut making barely enough to survive your tour card membership.

But that is not how Tiger lived. He played selective tournaments this year. The longest stretch this year was during the FexEx cup playoff. Unfortunately, it seems, for Tiger was that one of the venues was at Liberty National, a ferry ride from Manhattan, where as anyone with a billion bucks and super star quality can get in trouble in a New York minute. Remember, under that super-stud veneer is a kid - he still talks vulgar jokes, likes to "man up" with his mates, is profane (even on camera), plays video games for hours on and considers Michael Jordan and Charles Barkley close friends (not exactly social and marital saints).

His world is his oyster but he needs to stem the PR bleeding now and come clean - 100% clean - for his own image salvation, his kids and his continuing relationship with his wife. I am going to bet that by the time his Mom is done with him (tonight, tomorrow?) he does a mea maxima culpa and gets this behind him so he get on with life and make his 2nd billion.

Earl in his grave is disappointed and Tilda will make sure Tiger remembers the discipline of control that he was taught.


It would seem inconsistent with the story line.

I would say so. Elin's "heroic" smashing of the rear window to free her husband doesn't sound like a plausible scenario. Did she try opening the door?


Has any married guy on here left in a huff to go cool off for a while? Huh? Anyone? I know I have.


Well said JIB! I love golf also....

But face folks--we are never going to find out the real story here.

Patrick R. Sullivan

Why Tiger needs to keep clam, the law school lecture.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

So far, nothing so far that TMZ has made public seems to prove true, so I'm withholding judgment as to whether there was dilly dallying. She says no, he says no, she has hired an attorney, Gloria Alred, to sue the Enquirer. Who knows?

Sara (Pal2Pal)

From a Tweet:

BREAKING: The Food channel is creating a new cooking show "How to cook the books on climate with Al Gore"


--Has any married guy on here left in a huff to go cool off for a while? Huh? Anyone? I know I have.--

I can't actually recall ever doing so.
I can definitely state I never left at 2:00AM, air hockeyed off the neighbor's cat into a tree and had my wife claim to have extricated me with a five iron through the tailgate. I can also state unequivocaly I have never proclaimed I would never have another accident; which as Rush pointed out is a rather odd thing to proclaim if it really was just an accident.


The problem with Tiger "coming clean" in an Oprahesque public confession is that exposes himself to tremendous liability in a divorce suit, unless he and his wife signed a prenup. So I wouldn't count on it. Probably going to have to live in the doghouse for a while, and pray that his wife forgives him.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

If she beat him with a golf club, or even if all she did is scratch him up, how would that be a negative to Tiger in a "no fault" divorce state like Florida. Seems he would be the one for a cause of action, say in a child custody case, rather than she. And if someone who is worth about $800 million is too stupid not to have a prenup, then he deserves to get taken, but I doubt seriously that is the case.


Has any married guy on here left in a huff to go cool off for a while?

Not me. And I never want to have to want to.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

Lots of guys storm out during an argument. The wife's reaction is usually one of feeling completely disrespected and madder than ever because he wasn't man enough to stand up, instead running away. I'm talking verbal arguments, not physical abuse. If a woman stands around allowing a man to abuse her, she's an idiot. I'll say the same for a guy, even if I do think that most of the time they are probably the one at fault.


Larry Kudlow offers An Open Letter to Tiger Woods. Some good lines, but I think "mench" should be "mensch."


I know a guy who once locked his wife in the basement till she cooled off. My wife's a saint so I'd never have to try that. Sounds a bit dicey for the long term.


One thing you can say for Tiger is, at least he didn't pull an OJ on his wife. Well, sounds like Tiger's wife had a pretty shrewd idea of how to deal with a superior wing span.

Jim Rhoads a/k/a vjnjagvet

...even if I do think that most of the time they are probably the one at fault.

One of the few times I have disagreed with SP2P;>0

[Ducking, walking out of house].


I love Kudlow but he was totally wrong on the Foley affair--and I'm inclined to think there are times confession is not necessarily good for the soul.


Tiger should not say a word.

Stew in it TMZ.


Anyone figured out what par is for an escalade?

Captain Hate

Earl in his grave is disappointed and Tilda will make sure Tiger remembers the discipline of control that he was taught.

Tida was Earl's second wife; not saying that he was the reason for the first union falling apart but it dissolved somehow...

Jim Rhoads a/k/a vjnjagvet

I agree with you and Jane, Glasater:

Confession is good for the soul more often than it when it is good for the legal position. In this case, Tiger is taking advice from his legal team. TMZ is looking for a juicy story.

A few years ago, one of my daughters lost her temper, hopped into her car and promptly missed the driveway at the local Chevron station, driving over a curb, a landscape area and two signs. Messed up the family vehicle pretty good as well, but she was uninjured. Clearly she was guilty of at least reckless driving, but the owner did not call 911. There was no investigation from either the local police or the state police. Go figure.

I suspect if it had not been Tiger, nothing whatever would have happened except payment by insurance companies.


Jim R. I agree with you. I feel sorry for Tiger in that celebrity sometimes gets way too much attention that the ordinary person wouldn't. No, he hasn't it well PR-wise, but so what?

Sara (Pal2Pal)

Tida was Earl's second wife; not saying that he was the reason for the first union falling apart but it dissolved somehow...

Since Earl was career military with 2 tours in Vietnam, I'll bet it was long separations that did in the marriage, rather than some other nefarious reason, especially given the date of divorce as 1968.

Via Wiki:

Woods attended Kansas State University on a baseball scholarship, and earned his varsity letter in 1952 and 1953.

Woods had mixed Black, Chinese, and Native American ancestry. While at Kansas State in 1951, he broke the Big Eight Conference "color barrier" in baseball. Woods played mostly catcher, and was good enough that the Kansas City Monarchs of the Negro Leagues offered him a contract. However, he rejected the Monarchs, graduated from college in 1953 (B.S. in Sociology),[4] and started a career in the U.S. Army.[1]


Woods served two full tours of duty in the Vietnam War, the second as part of the elite Green Berets.[2] He was a Defense Information School graduate. Near the end of his active duty career, LTC Woods was Professor of Military Science & Tactics, (Army ROTC) at the City College of New York.

He married Barbara Woods Gary (May 18, 1954, in Abilene, Kansas).[4] Before their divorce (1968 in Ciudad Juárez, 1972 in California),[5] they had three children: Earl Dennison Jr. called Denny (1955), Kevin Dale (1957), and Royce Renee (1961).[6] Earl Jr.'s daughter Cheyenne Woods is also a competitive golfer and received some coaching from Earl Sr.

Woods met his future second wife in Asia. Kultida "Tida" Woods has Thai, Chinese, and Dutch ancestry. They married on or around July 11, 1969 in Brooklyn, New York, and she bore Woods' fourth child, Eldrick on December 30, 1975. His nickname, "Tiger", came from Earl Woods' friendship with Colonel Vuong Dang "Tiger" Phong, of the Vietnamese Army.

Captain Hate

I feel sorry for Tiger in that celebrity sometimes gets way too much attention that the ordinary person wouldn't.

Please. The media fawns over every muscle twitch that Tiger makes on the course and I haven't heard a syllable of complaint about that from him. He enlisted the whores of Nike (Just Go Fuck Yourself Do It) to drive up his celebrity meter to eleven even before he started winning professional tourneys. Now he's experiencing the downside of what he and Earl initiated.


TMZ lost me in their garbage trawling last year, they were co promoters of thst particularly vile piece of innuendo by that 'artistic virtuoso' Larry Flynt. Even
Entertainment Tonight has become the latest
version of the 'two minute' hate'

I/m not the biggest fan of golf, but until there is something real, I'm sticking by

Jim Rhoads a/k/a vjnjagvet

You are right CPT that he has carefully manufactured a (too) perfect image. That naturally sets up a target on his back. But that doesn't mean he has to confess all of his failings to a breathless gossip press.

Gees, how long was Edwards able to hide behind his sick wife's skirts to keep the press off of his sorry butt.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

Oh puhleeze, Captain. He earned the acclaim, even as a junior golfer. Endorsements are part of the sports game, but you've got to be a star already or you don't get the endorsement bucks, not the other way around. And Tiger has not been a celebrity publicity whore, if anything just the opposite. Neither the media nor Nike made Tiger the best golfer in the world today or the best known, his skill and talent did that.

Captain Hate

But that doesn't mean he has to confess all of his failings to a breathless gossip press.

Of course not but he shouldn't be surprised by the interest, particularly because he plays in an individual and not a team game (btw, his performances in the Ryder Cup haven't exactly been exemplary, including asking, along with Duval, for compensation for representing his country). Although I readily admit Tiger's greatness, the media bukkake whenever he plays has destroyed my interest in the game; and I've followed it long enough to remember when Jack looked like almost as big a slob as John Daly.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

Who said he was surprised?


Tiger Woods is an erratic driver as most golfers are. I also wonder who else would be allowed to stick his finger at the police three times in a row.

Jim Rhoads a/k/a vjnjagvet

Anyone, justone. There is a right for all US citizens (and in most instances, non-citizens) not to speak with the police. It's like in the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

I also wonder who else would be allowed to stick his finger at the police three times in a row.

Anyone. He is under no legal obligation to talk to them. Nor should he.

Gregory Koster

Posted in another thread, but it's still important:

Let us praise Rick Ballard for inspiring the 1 December Day by Day. Nice work Rick! You and Porchlight ought to form a club.


I think Tiger should continue to remain silent. I see all these PR types saying he should talk or it's not going to go away. But even if he DOES talk, it won't go away either, so might as well not talk.

But although I do think it was domestic related, a couple things I think are overblown. I think it's plausible that the wife smashed the back window. If it were me, I would be afraid to get glass on someone, so I would try to smash a window farther away.

Also, as to the question why not open the door, the door was probably locked and too time consuming to find the extra keys. So smash the rear window and reach around and unlock the door. It's also possible after she unlocked the door he was conscious enough to get out with her help but then felt faint and laid down.

So I think some of the speculation is overblown.


As to the wife, there is no excuse for domestic violence, even if she learned of an affair. The only thing that might excuse it somewhat is if Tiger also got a little physical. Unless she has a pattern, I would think that this might be the most likely explanation. Good thing Tiger came to his senses and ran out of there at the last moment before it escalated too far, although of course unfortunate about the accident.


Joan Rivers complained about finding a husband. And, then she found one. The marriage worked because she married a parasite. Her fame went into his pocket. He didn't even treat her well. And, she described what it was like to approach her "Tara like" home in Beverly Hills, HATING TO WALK IN THE DOOR!

What's interesting is the HOUR. Supposedly, there was a Thanksgiving Dinner; but then 'the guests went home?'

You're trying to put a story together? At 2:30AM, Elin, fearing burglars, and having no gun, probably kept the golf club nearby.

Even if Tiger was on pain meds, it was 2:30AM. And, he was home! Oh, the 'woman who may be the mistress,' landed, today, at LAX. And, Gloria Alred was out there to meet her. Alred smells the money!

By the way, if Tiger wants a divorce, AND he can prove his wife swung the club at his face? On the other hand? Bill Clinton preferred staying married. Some people just do.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

Rachel Uchitel gives big story interview to the NY Post.

'THIS is ridiculous. Not a word of it is true," Rachel Uchi tel told The Post. "I told the Enquirer and Star that it wasn't true. I told them not only did I have information to disprove the story, but I offered to take a lie-detector test.

"It's the most ridiculous story. It's like they are asking me to comment if there are aliens on Earth. I found out who their sources were [Uchitel says she understands there were two sources to the story], which girls were blabbing.

"The worst thing is that everybody in New York is talking about me and Tiger Woods now because their reporters have been calling up everyone I know or have ever worked with, asking what they know about the supposed affair.

"It's just dumb stuff. I was happy to answer any of their [the National Enquirer's] questions, but they didn't want to listen to me when I denied it. I look like a home wrecker and an a- -hole.

"And its horrible to Tiger's family. His wife must feel horrible. The worst part of it, it's not true.

"That's a horrible thing to read: 'Tiger's telling Rachel he loves her.' It's just so dumb.

"This girl was never around me for any of the time she was saying she was. If I was having some big, lurid affair, I would not tell this girl. It's just ridiculous.

"She got paid money to sell a story to the National Enquirer. I heard she got $25,000 and another girl got $25,000. The other magazines heard about it, but they turned it down because there was no hard evidence.

"She had a personal reason to make this up. She got herself invited on a trip that I went on [to Europe]. She conducted herself in a manner that was so embarrassing that the trip ended after a day. It was a total nightmare. I saw her again last week in Vegas. I was embarrassed by her behavior. She fell down the stairs at the restaurant because she was so wasted. She's a train wreck.


'BUT Tiger and I are not friends. That's a whole different ballgame. I've only met him twice. He came in to The Griffin [the Meatpacking District nightclub where she worked as a VIP hostess] in the summer. As usual in my job, I got a call from a promoter that he's coming in. I went outside and brought him and his entire group in, walked them upstairs, introduced him to his waitress.


"I had never spoken to him before that. I had met him once in my entire life before that, for two seconds at a bar through a mutual friend who just introduced me. Period. He was shy and quiet and sitting with someone else. It had nothing to do with me.

...Much more

She rambles all over the place, and she sounds pretty upset about the lies. And I think I get why she has hired Alred. I would too.


If the propaganda producers would spend 1/1000th of the effort chasing Climategate fraud as they spend chasing a Tiger Woods non story, Climategate fraud would be the lead story in every propaganda outlet in the USA.


Hey Rick - you ROCK! Like Porch I hope you get a signed copy.

Doesn't sound like Tiger is philandering - so what's with his wife?

Rick Ballard


Thanks for providing the context for Chris Muir's selection of 300. Wegman did accurately peg the Jerks of the Inner Circle and if one wanted to dig a little deeper the "core" of the data manipulators will be found to be <10 with Hansen, Jones and Wigley (Jones very appropriately named predecessor at CRU) holding hands and giggling.

I really appreciate Daddy's updates on the BBC's efforts to hide the scandal. The BBC is supported by taxation and has a great interest in aiding the imposition of a World Wide Air Tax. That's the whole purpose of the Copenhokum get together and the sole reason the lying fraud currently living at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. will be sure to be there.


Obama made a BIG mistake turning down obama's invite to play golf this summer.

Old Lurker

Boy can you imagine the fun PUK would be having with the BBC-AGW unwinding.

Then again, maybe he now has access to the strings and is sending us presents...

Thanks, PUK!


I imagine it.OL..He'd not be sleeping at all.


She rambles all over the place, and she sounds pretty upset about the lies. And I think I get why she has hired Alred. I would too.

Nobody hires Gloria Allred to get herself out of the limelight.


Congratulations, Rick, on DBD! That's terrific.


You are right CPT that he has carefully manufactured a (too) perfect image. That naturally sets up a target on his back. But that doesn't mean he has to confess all of his failings to a breathless gossip press

Of course he doesn't.
He'll decide how he wants to handle this, and the breathless gossip press will decide how they want to handle it.
Personally, I'm pretty appalled by a wife that apparently caused her husband to lose consciousness due to her physical attack of him.
I don't know what Tiger should do to handle this, but I think the situation is pretty horrible.

Jack is Back!

Just to clear up something about Tiger's silence: In Florida (where I live) you do not have to give an interview or talk to the police or FHP if it did not involve another vehicle or pedestrian. In other words, Tiger does not have to talk to the police about the accident under Florida law.

The FHP have been thinking about obtaining a warrant to search Tiger's hospital records to see if his injuries are similar to the degree of the accident versus feline clawing or golf club assault. I understand they now will not apply for the warrant.


What do you do to handle that Maybee, particularly if there is no affair? It tells you a little more than you want to know about Elin.


Okay, that last comment sounded a little too demonizing for my taste. So I take it back.


..and yes, I confess, that having a friend who killed her husband has affected how lightly I take these things.


Demonizing how, Jane?


WEll I'm accusing Elin of something we aren't sure of - because of my blinding love for my Tiger - or something like that.


I think it's fairly obvious from Tiger's own statement that the story that he got in a fender bender and she rescued him simply isn't true.

Old Lurker

I HATE stories about women killing husbands, Jane!


This is a pretty interesting group of folks on the Kudlow Report commenting yesterday on Tiger:

Video Link

Jim Rhoads a/k/a vjnjagvet

Nobody hires Gloria Allred to get herself out of the limelight.

Gloria Allred never hires a client to get herself out of the publicity.

There. Fixed.

BTW FL SHP just held a three minute press conference (two female officers presiding) stating that TW was charged with careless driving. There will be no further investigation. The SHP verified TW provided drivers license, registration and proof of insurance which they noted was all he had to provide under state statute. Maximum penalty: $164.50 fine and up to 4 points for moving violation.

Sounds about right to me.

Captain Hate

Never fear, the Chinese are on the case at LUN although evidently they consider an Escalade to be a special needs van.


This LUN has a funny video recreation of Tiger's crash.

Johnny Ancich

Easy explanation why Tiger Woods had an affair (or two, or 3, or 4...)

New meaning to the 18th hole.

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