In a column titled "The Hardest Call", David Brooks shares his angst before hopping off the Obama Express Distress:
...if this passes, we will never get back to cost control. The basic political deal was, we get to have dessert (expanding coverage) but we have to eat our spinach (cost control), too. If we eat dessert now, we’ll never come back to the spinach.
So what’s my verdict? I have to confess, I flip-flop week to week and day to day. It’s a guess. Does this put us on a path toward the real reform, or does it head us down a valley in which real reform will be less likely?
If I were a senator forced to vote today, I’d vote no. If you pass a health care bill without systemic incentives reform, you set up a political vortex in which the few good parts of the bill will get stripped out and the expensive and wasteful parts will be entrenched.
Hmmph. The basic political deal was that Dems would create a huge new middle class entitlement. Over the next fifty years they would then troll for votes by "fighting" for the little guy while spending other people's money on his health care. The long term impact on innovation and the quality of care would probably be disastrous, but the next election is less than a year away, so whee-hee!
Krugman supports the bill and explains the game, if you read between the lines:
...Bear in mind also the lessons of history: social insurance programs tend to start out highly imperfect and incomplete, but get better and more comprehensive as the years go by. Thus Social Security originally had huge gaps in coverage — and a majority of African-Americans, in particular, fell through those gaps. But it was improved over time, and it’s now the bedrock of retirement stability for the vast majority of Americans.
Brooks at least offers a bit of liberal bait in explaining the importance of cost control:
Well, yes - if we spend all our money on health care it will crowd out other possible uses for those resources. Meanwhile, we have a nation where something like a third of adults are obese, and we can't figure out how to reduce health costs? It's very expensive to take care of people who won't take care of themselves, even relying on other people's money. (On that note, the Massachusetts Medicaid success in bringing down smoking from awful to merely preposterous levels is encouraging if verified.)
May I stipulate that David Brooks is a moron?
Posted by: MaryD | December 18, 2009 at 11:13 AM
You may. And I'll second that...notion.
Posted by: anduril | December 18, 2009 at 11:15 AM
THe ayes have it the motion has been carried
Posted by: narciso | December 18, 2009 at 11:19 AM
TM, if one simply looks at overall transfer payments from the Federal Government, states and localities (whether made directly to the beneficiary or to service providers for services provided to the beneficiary), I am very skeptical that smokers and the obese cost the government more $$$$$$$ than folks who keep themselves fit as a fiddle into their 100s. I am not in favor of "death paneling" the elderly. However, I do think that those who both complain about the cost of government and then also complain about governmental costs caused by those who don't bow in the direction of every health or fitness craze ought to recognize that their complaints are based more on moralism (being out of shape is a sin) than hard headed cost analysis.
Posted by: Thomas Collins | December 18, 2009 at 11:20 AM
Oh boy--a thread featuring David Brooks and Paul Krugman! This should be a dead one.
Yesterday--or was it the day before?--someone criticized me for linking to Steve Sailer. I've also been criticized for constantly criticizing "Neocons." Here's my chance to kill two birds with one stone. I'm going to link an article by Steve Sailer in which he actually praises--of all unlikely candidates for Sailer's praise--David Frum!
David Frum And Immigration
Don't let the title turn you off--Sailer, as is his wont, covers a lot of ground in his inimitably literate and witty style. The breadth of coverage is hinted at in the opening paragraph:
Posted by: anduril | December 18, 2009 at 11:24 AM
--...Bear in mind also the lessons of history: social insurance programs tend to start out highly imperfect and incomplete, but get better and more comprehensive as the years go by......--
......until they bankrupt the country.
Posted by: Ignatz | December 18, 2009 at 11:34 AM
Except for dealing with Iran, and signing on to the Guiliani campaign, Frum makes inept and maladroit seem like an aspiration, so his contempt for Sarah was not a " bug but a feature"
Posted by: narciso | December 18, 2009 at 11:37 AM
narciso, the 3rd paragraph in Sailer writes:
"But perhaps it’s not quite time to overlook the past … First, let’s review some of Frum’s legendary bad choices:"
and that's where the fun begins. But he also turns serious in his praise of Frum.
Posted by: anduril | December 18, 2009 at 11:46 AM
I assume this horrid legislation will pass in some form or another, and that it will survive constitutional challenges. What most interests me is whether between now and 2012 the electorate will give us a congress and a president who will repeal the whole thing. I think it's a close call at this point.
Posted by: Danube of Thought | December 18, 2009 at 11:50 AM
Now here's a thoughtful article on an important social topic--one which has a strong bearing on American electoral politics--from today's WSJ: Winning Not Just Hearts but Minds: Evangelicals move, slowly, toward the intellectual life.
A copy and paste job can't do justice to this article, but I'll have a stab at it:
Posted by: anduril | December 18, 2009 at 11:54 AM
First of all, Terry Eagleton, although more self aware than most is a Marxist, and Rowan Williams, is a fool, on all counts. So is this the intellectual current we are aspiring too. My first experience with Mr. Reynolds was a horribly maladroit review of Going Rogue, for First Things which echoes the work the attitude of FRum and Dreher. It seems the neo Gnosticism embodied in the work of Dan Brown, seems to be the goal
Posted by: narciso | December 18, 2009 at 12:02 PM
A thoughtful article that says think like me or you are stupid.
Posted by: abadman | December 18, 2009 at 12:46 PM
It does seem that among the goals here, is to strip out the morality, as well as any respect
for most traditional institutions, hence the dying Mainline protestant churches, the remaining cells of liberation theology.
Posted by: narciso | December 18, 2009 at 12:54 PM
"What most interests me is whether between now and 2012 the electorate will give us a congress and a president who will repeal the whole thing. I think it's a close call at this point."
DoT - The last time I saw something like this happen was in a vintage 1930s movie where someone runs in and shouts, "The Depression is OVER!" and everyone cheers. We will have to be our own deus ex machina if this train wreck can be avoided.
Posted by: Frau Hoffnung | December 18, 2009 at 12:54 PM
It's an argument from aesthetics made while driving the Eco-Pious from the liposuction clinic to the tanning salon.
Do obese smokers cost society more than investment bankers who rely upon mistaken algorithms to peddle incorrectly priced debt instruments to pension funds which go bust afterward and saddle underfunded government "pension guaranty" programs with the result of having relied upon "ratings" provided by rating firms which rely upon the investment bankers for their sustenance?
I'll take fatso, waddling up to Walmart while puffing on a Marlboro, thanks just the same. Ten thousand fatsos will cost society a helluva lot less than a few clutches of investment bankers.
Posted by: Rick Ballard | December 18, 2009 at 01:02 PM
I'll take fatso, waddling up to Walmart while puffing on a Marlboro..
Heh Mr Ballard...
Smokers pay huge taxes on the product they buy--far more than what they cost society with health issues.
Posted by: glasater | December 18, 2009 at 01:11 PM
narciso, the panelists (Gladwell, Wood, Smallwood) giving those evaluations (re Eagleton and Williams) are identified by the author as non-Christian.
among the goals here, is to strip out the morality, as well as any respect for most traditional institutions,
When Reynolds speaks of
then I think there's something more going on. The fact is, of course, that that type of return to or revival of "Christendom" is what Benedict XVI has made the theme of his papacy. And pass no judgment here on the viability of such a project--I only say that there does appear to be felt need for that.
Posted by: anduril | December 18, 2009 at 01:28 PM
This movement is already in the public square, it's so much so, that 'our betters'
typified by the tenant on Pennsylvania Avenue
want to counter it, or if necessary suppress
it entirely, while leaving the door open for
a more militant current of another faith, which they consider more authentic. So that's not really the objection, I understand who Woods and Gladwell are, my objection was with
the choice of role models with this movement
Posted by: narciso | December 18, 2009 at 01:49 PM
the choice of role models with this movement
but who did you expect woods gladwell and smallwood would be assigning as role models? doesn't mean actual christians will pick eagleton and williams as role models--least of all those who are talking about
"a return to the concept of Christendom, which he defines as a "culture created by the happy fusion of Greek and Roman philosophy with Jewish and Christian thought"
Posted by: anduril | December 18, 2009 at 01:53 PM
Rick , you're my favorite. Don't tell the others.
Posted by: clarice | December 18, 2009 at 01:59 PM
Reid Must Get 60 Votes By Midnight Tomorrow
By Philip Klein on 12.18.09 @ 1:37PM
If Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid hasn't secured 60 votes by midnight Saturday, he won't be able to meet the ambitious deadline of passing a health care bill on Christmas Eve.
The reason is that in order to trigger the chain of events leading to a Christmas Eve vote, Reid would have to file cloture on his "manager's amendment" -- containing all of his final negotiated changes to the bill -- by the end of tomorrow.
Once Reid files that amendment, it will set up the key cloture vote on Monday at 1 a.m., requiring the support of 60 Senators to pass. While that would technically give him all of Sunday to win over Sen. Ben Nelson or any remaining holdouts, Reid would not be able to make any further changes to the bill in order to accommodate any Senator.
Posted by: anduril | December 18, 2009 at 02:12 PM
President Moooslim-boy in Chief sinking like a stone. This is actually getting painful to watch, even for me!
Hey big gov luvin libs, you better get used to saying "Madame President" in three short years.
Go Sarah Go!
Posted by: brucet | December 18, 2009 at 03:02 PM
I'll just crankily note that there is very very little clinical evidence that obesity can be brought into long-term remission by anything other than bariatric surgery.
Posted by: Charlie (Colorado) | December 18, 2009 at 04:16 PM
From Kim Strassel today:
That's in line with the Washington Examiner's editorial:
and they add:
Well, scratch defense, but...
Posted by: anduril | December 18, 2009 at 06:06 PM
Does anyone take Bolsheviks like Krugman seriously anymore? Didn't they suffer enough humiliation when the Berlin Wall went down?
Posted by: Dennis D | December 18, 2009 at 06:07 PM
Lieberman splits DC:
Link goes to TPM, fair warning.
Posted by: Porchlight | December 18, 2009 at 08:07 PM
Porchlight, my take continues to be that this thing is simply being played out by the "moderates." No one can tell me that Dorgan (see above) isn't praying for this thing to just go away. No matter what, somebody will need just a little more assurance about some concern, etc. They'll take turns keeping it going, let it die a lingering death. I mean, Lieberman leaving town. Please. Like he didn't know that some health care vote might come up? Not buying that. But, hey, he's having some fun, and that's great. Couldn't happen at the expense of a nicer bunch of people.
Why would you be apologetic about linking any informative article? People here are way too uptight.
Posted by: anduril | December 18, 2009 at 09:05 PM
Because TPM, doesn't have a great track record
of accuracy, and it's a netroots favorite, which has disseminated false rumors before
Posted by: narciso | December 18, 2009 at 09:20 PM
A small question: without Ted Kennedy, where's the 60th vote?
Posted by: JorgXMcKie | December 18, 2009 at 11:19 PM
Paul Kirk - the temporary replacement - MA changed the law to put him in just for this vote. The MA senate race is Jan 19th but the MA legislature decided Teddy, who was absent for the year before, had to be replaced in the meantime.
Posted by: Jane | December 19, 2009 at 05:58 AM
Over at AoS they're reporting that Ben Nelson has been bought off. Gee there's a shocking situation: A donk with no integrity
Posted by: Captain Hate | December 19, 2009 at 06:26 AM
What a surprise.
Almost feeling that this whole thing has been a dog-and-pony show.
Posted by: RichatUF | December 19, 2009 at 06:58 AM
And yet there is still no bill.
Posted by: Jane | December 19, 2009 at 07:21 AM
Smokers pay huge taxes on the product they buy--far more than what they cost society with health issues.
Posted by: glasater | December 18, 2009 at 01:11 PM
Is it the smokers fault that his health costs are borne by "society"?
Posted by: mockmook | December 19, 2009 at 12:34 PM