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December 24, 2009



What a great looking family!


WOW - we get to see Dear Leader.

Thanks so much TM. You keep some of us sane and we really do appreciate it.

Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Rick Ballard

Merry Christmas to all!


I'll repost from another thread. Feels more fitting here...

To the JOM crew...remember, there is always true hope! Psalm 121

1 I lift up my eyes to the hills—
where does my help come from?

2 My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.

You guys here are the best. Merry Christmas!


Season's Greetings,and Merry Christmas to All!

It's really nice to see such a great family, and the one who makes this great site possible.
Thanks TM!
I agree with Janet, True Hope is most important.

Captain Hate

That's a pretty big carbon footprint, TM.

And it looks *great*. Merry Christmas and thanks for providing us with a forum with plenty of well-conceived topics.

hit and run

Merry Christmas TM.

Thank you for sharing the card with us. Your family is beautiful.

Merry Christmas everyone.


Merry Christmas!!!!


Merry Christmas, TM


I thought that was the line to get on the family PC.

Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas,TM to you (with thanks for your work on this site) and to your beautiful family.

Charlie (Colorado)

Want to sell any of the girls? You do good work.

Old Lurker

Also moved from the other thread:

Off to church soon with the kids and their young men, JOMers.

I do want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays in all it's versions...Buddists too if you have a season's greeting...

In any event, I respect and enjoy all my friends here, and am grateful for the dimension you have added to my life.

All I want for Christmas now...is an island...and an ark to get you all to it.

Best to All.

Danube of Thought

An absolutely lovely family, Tom. Merry Christmas to all of you, and thanks once again for your great work at JOM.

Jim Ryan

Merry Christmas, Tom.


Merry Christmas to all.....


Lovely family you have there. It'd be a shame if Andi Sullivan or his doppelbloggers got interested in it's forensic obstetrical issues, birth orders and such.

Merry Christmas to all.


Buford Gooch

Merry CHRISTmas to all!


I guess you don't need anybody to tell you what it's all about, Tom. You obviously are reminded every day.

Merry Christmas to you, your lovely family, and to all the JOMers.


Beautiful family!

Merry Christmas and a hearty thank you for producing exactly the kind of blog I would--if I was only a lot smarter, harder working and a better writer.

Barry Dauphin

Wonderful card, TM! Merry Christmas. Thanks for another great year of JOM.


Merry Christmas TM and clan!!!!

Merry Christmas to all JOM'ers, and Happy Holidays!!!


Merry Christmas, TM, to you and your lovely family, from snowy Minnesota.

I really don't know what I'd do without this place. Thanks for the fellowship and the jolt of sanity each day. Let's get that island set up soon.

I hope all of you have the most merry and blessed of Christmases. God bless!


What A BEAUTIFUL family!!!! Love Peace and Joy to you all.

Now....Let's eat! (The Verner Household is getting ready to sit down to a trad Christmas eve feast....)

Jim Rhoads a/k/a vjnjagvet

No question where your values are Tom. Somehow, I wasn't surprised. You are truly a great host of the best blog on the web.

May the Lord keep you all through 2010.

Janet - Psalm 121 was one of the passages I read at my Mom's funeral over 20 years ago. That was her favorite psalm, and the one that sustained her when she lost my dad in 1960. It is so comforting.

Frau Dankbar

Best wishes to all JOMers this season of good will, especially TM who graciously and patiently lets us invade his site, enjoy his posts, camp out and sometimes act as if it's ours. Now we see the wealth of love that fuels Mr. Maguire's wit and generosity.


True Hope indeed Pagar!

...and Jim, I've had Psalm 121 on my mind. Memorized it this last week, and my husband ordered a silver disc necklace from Israel for me for Christmas with it written in Hebrew.

Just came home from our Christmas Eve service, and the sanctuary was filled to the brim. Had to use an overflow area. A good "problem" for a church!


Merry Christmas, Tom. Wow, you are cute! What does bad say?... Hubba Hubba! You have a beautiful family, too. Thank you for a great blog and for bringing us all together and keeping us sane.

And Merry Christmas to all of you here! This has to be the best blog on the internet and the nicest group of people I have never met.:)

God Bless you all.


What a beautiful family! I know some great boys, if you believe in arranged marriages.

Merry Christmas TM and the JOM crew. You are wonderful all.


Merry Christmas TM, and all here!! May hope and laughter fill your hearts, always.
Your family is beautiful...what life is all about!!

God Bless JOM, and all who find strength in the love of God and country, family and friends!!


Merry Christmas to my favorite blogger and commenters!

Manuel Transmission

Merry Christmas to all the gang here. May we get to meet a few more in the 'real world' this coming year, especially Tax Day!


Merry Christmas, all. And many thanks to TM for hosting this blog.

"But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart."


Tip: Control-click, or left-click, or whatever is appropriate on your platform, on the Christmas card above gives you an option to view the image in a new window, which shows it full size and in all its true glory.


Merry Christmas to you TM, and to the JOM family!


Merry Christmas!


Happy Christmas from Boston.


Merry Christmas from Austin. So nice to put a face (and a beautiful family) to the name.


Thanks for the Christmas Card, TM.
Happy Christmas to everyone!


Thanks, TM, for another year of excellent blogging and for letting us bat things around in the comments section. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Fellow JOMsters, I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday season. Merry Christmas!


Special greetings to you, Elliott, our international ambassador of good will.


Merry Christmas to everyone at JOM!

God Bless Us, Everyone


Thanks, Clarice. Don't forget daddy, though. I believe he is accredited in the most foreign capitals.

Soylent Red

Merry Christmas TM and fellow JOMers!

And while we're tossing the verses around, I recommend Philippians 2, which puts the purpose and the stakes of our holiday into perspective:

Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,

but made himself nothing,taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.

And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death— even death on a cross!


Thanks for the great blog, Tom. Beautiful family. Merry Christmas all and G-d bless us, every one.


Right you are ,elliot, but you are keeper of the list, so that counts for something



From your one of your virtual reality 'family' members to your live action family, may I extend to you and all your family the very best of wishes for an outstanding 2010.



Lovely photo of a lovely family. It just shows what this great country is all about.

My goodness you're all so young......

Merry Christmas and the best New Year's wishes to the Maguire Family:)



I loved your Christmas picture. Where did you take it?


Merry Christmas, TM, and to your gracious family who share you with us.


Stockings are filled. Advice from Jennifer Rubin here:

And if the Democrats refuse to heed the voters and their own nervous members? Then we will have a major course correction on Election Day 2010. It is now conceivable that the House may fall back into Republican hands and that the Democrats will lose their filibuster-proof majority. And that will be the end of the untrammeled experiment in Obamaism, which can loosely be described as the endeavor to campaign as a moderate and race as far Left as possible until the voters notice.

Elephants have hugh memories!

Good Morning, Jane and Merry Christmas! Cheer Up. 2010 is just around the corner.


Thank you TM,

I do believe that's the best looking bunch of Yankee fan's I've ever seen in one photo.

Many, many thanks good friend for all you do each and every day for this wonderful JOM family. Merry Christmas.



There is a sad, humbled, ornamental elephant on the lowest branches of the tree. But its prouder kin, like their ancestors under daring Hannibal, have ascended to the upper branches to challenge the Red Dragon himself. And over him, the cuckoo clock, for and end to his hour of mad excess draws near.


Hey Ann--Merry Christmas:)

The photo is of our neighbor's barn and I see it out my kitchen window every day. Have it on the FB page also..
Took the picture one year ago when we had two feet of snow.
Love the barn and have taken pictures of it for years in all kinds of weather.
Thank you for your kind words:)


Feliz Navidades Senor TM & Family

thanks for all you do


Well I think you guys should all get plenty of good stuff from Santa this morning, cause he">http://www.adn.com/photos/holiday/story/1068034.html?/1521/gallery/1068035-a1068016-t3.html">he and Rudolf always seem to get a good nights sleep at the Hilton.


Merry Christmas everybody.

Obamaism, which can loosely be described as the endeavor to campaign as a moderate and race as far Left as possible until the voters notice

Sticking his name onto a practice that's been going on since -what? the Wilson administration? -seems a bit...appropriate, for him, actually.


In the spirit of brotherhood and reconciliation, let me offer this little insight into the minds of our Democratic friends and relatives:

We have 10% unemployment, skyrocketing debt, alienated allies, emboldened enemies, and plans to make the federal government the arbiter of the air we breathe and when we breathe it last.

So it's no wonder Democrats reacted to Rush Limbaugh the way they did.

Because that parade of horribles represents a B+ - can you imagine what failure would look like?


The Pope was knocked down during Christmas Eve mass. He's ok.

The White House says Benedict acted stupidly.

Thomas Collins

Merry Christmas!

See LUN for my favorite Christmas song.


Lovely Thomas, just lovely.


Merry Christmas to the Maguires, and thanks for a great blog.


Merry Christmas everyone.


Merry Christmas! Thanks for everyone being you!


Merry Christmas everyone!

It's nice that teenagers want to sleep late on Christmas morning.

Thanks for the elephant picture Ann. Since Clarice has the pike franchise, maybe we can go for the elephant themed memorabilia catalog in 2010.

Glasatar- thanks for sharing that gorgeous picture. Maybe it will be Atlanta' s turn for significant snow soon.


Merry Christmas all...there really is a Santa!


Merry Christmas One and All. We all count our friends as blessings. Though few of us have met face-to-face, friends I consider all.


So true cindyk. Like Ann said..." the nicest group of people I have never met.:)"


Hey Ann,

Merry Christmas to you and yours too - particularly your elephant! I expect my optimism to return very shortly and you guys all help!


I got up and went out to get the paper from the driveway to find that the rain and deep tire-rutted slush from yesterday have cooled into treacherous Afghan-like terrain.

Obviously, this means the sanest course of action is to stay inside and check the messages on JOM!

Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope you have a wonderful day.

"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord."


Tom, a hearty thanks for sharing a glimpse of your lovely family.

Porchlight, greetings to a fellow Minnesotan. Stay bundled up and safe in this nasty weather.

Merry Christmas to all! You've been like something of a family to me (including a few cantankerous ones).


Speaking of "Afghan," that reminds me ... I've finally gotten around to starting _The Great Game: The Struggle for Empire in Central Asia_ (Peter Hopkirk), which was recommended here on JOM, I think by Mel, or was it daddy? Anyway, thanks for the recommendation, it's a fascinating read.


I posted my Merry Christmas wishes yesterday on the other thread, but would like to repeat them this morning ...


I agree with Ann, Mr. Maguire is really cute! (and has a very, very attractive family, too.)


Right you are , Elliott. Daddy is also a JOM goodwill Ambassador.
Glasater I had assumed that was a professional photograph of a barn. Wow! What a great shot and what a lovely sight to wake up to each winter morning!


That's a pretty big carbon footprint, TM.

Too funny Captain Hate! T'would be a sad world indeed if that is how we thought of each other!

Melinda Romanoff

Merry Christmas to all!

Lovely card TM.

Glad you like the book PD, it was my brother's recommendation to me years ago. He treated it as a reference level book. (I LUN'ed it, in case anyone is curious.)


Help, I need tech support/recommendations.

My modem is not working AGAIN and I have had it with Earthlink - my ISP provider for years and years.

Should I change to AT&T (local telephone provider) or Comcast (cable provider)? This is so traumatic - having to change everything in my internet life (every login everywhere uses my email address, which will obviously change if I change providers).

I am so frustrated.


oh, and I have to leave soon for a Christmas Day brunch, so I will check back later for any recommendations. I am sort of leaning toward Comcast, I just need some advice - is that the better choice?


You can switch to cable and still keep Earthlink. You pay the cable company, and they pay Earthlink. Not sure it's a savings vs. moving to whatever the cable company offers, but I know you can do it.


...at least with Time Warner cable.

bio mom

Merry Christmas to everyone. And thank you Tom for this site for all of us to have a place to stay sane during these trying times.


What English Sounds Like to Foreigners


Extraneus that would be fantastic - a great solution! I will contact Comcast next Monday. THANK YOU!!!!

Cable is advertised as faster than DSL, is it true?




What a beautiful family. Thanks for making this blog a wonderful community to organize.


You know the line about "once is accident, twice is coincidence, thrice is enemy action,
I'm beginning to think that someone doesn't want to see my "Poor Richard's" type insight, crazy I know

Soylent Red

Merry Christmas all!


Stupid sugar plums banging around, making a racket, kept me up half the night.

Heading out now to shovel a few more inches of fresh snow global warming off the parents' driveway. It's a toasty 9 degrees here in Lincoln. I'm so happy that every time I visit here it turns into frozen hell. I must be related to Al Gore somehow.


Merry Christmas to all! Bless you all for your hearts, minds, warmth and humor.

TM, thank you for the glimpse of your family. You must be as proud of them as they should be of you!

JOM's gift to me, for which I thank you all, has been the opportunity to understand our world more thoroughly and work through ideas about it.

My gift to my wife, Wendy, today, is, after 13 months work, 42 revisions and 80,000 words, is a draft of a 285 page novel with the working title, "Individuals, Journalism, and Society: Roman dialogs."

Thank you for your contributions! Again, Merry Christmas and may the New Year be wondrous and joyful for you all!


I just got a kick ass hedge trimmer. Love to everybody, stay safe.



Merry Christmas again to everyone here, including our intrepid host and his beautiful family. He has the second most attractive wife I've seen in quite some time.
Regardless of politics I hope we can all try harder to appreciate the ones we love while we have them and while they have us, because there are zero guarantees on how long either will last.

Isaiah 6:14 and 9:6;
Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel........

For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.


Thank you Clarice very much:)

And again...a very Merry Christmas to all in the JOM world. And to Kim where ever she/he is... We miss you!


glasater, kim dropped in on a thread a few days back in response to Sue's email. She just popped in for one comment, but is apparently doing fine. I was very relieved to see her!


I didn't see that Porch, what did she say?


If I haven't made it plain, I give thanks for this wonderful group of friends I've been able
to find thru 'this connection of tubes' as one was won't to say.

Soylent Red

a kick ass hedge trimmer.

There's some words you don't see strung together just every day.


Someone 'facebooked' my daughter the Linus monolog about the meaning of Christmas from "Charlie Brown's Christmas. She just played it for us on her iPhone. A family Christmas Moment.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. :-)


it's a beautiful morning here and off to church soon. May your Christmas day be beautiful, peaceful, and joyous as well.


Every Obama promise comes with an expiration date: LUN


Porchlight, I missed kim popping in too. Can you link to the comment/thread or tell us which day it was?


I don't know the date, but the whatt'sup link under the name Fritz was certainly evident. That LUN Peter, shows satire is not only dead,
yet they keep beating it with a stick

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