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January 16, 2010


Jack is Back!

When you think about it - it was pretty brave of Brown to invite Rudi to Boston to campaign for him. He being the biggest of Yankee fans. But this lady is truly a remarkable nit-wit, slamming Brown for shaking hands outside Fenway and then describing Schilling as a Yankee fan.

He is actually a Phillies fan.


How was her dinner with the Special Envoy to Southie?


For those who would like an introduction to the kind of high culture that's available in a devoutly Democratic neighborhood like Southie, click before the wiki people find this and destroy it.


The mantra of Coakley and the libs is that Brown and conservatives "oppose plans to crackdown on greed and corruption" in banking, wall street, insurance, Haliburton, Wal-mart, pharma, oil industry,...

But the libs are never concerned about the greed and corruption in government, Fannie & Freddie, the environmental groups, ACORN,...

Let's have look into the taxpayer money given to those groups, and how high-on-the-hog those players are living. Greed and corruption out the wazoo!


Actually, she is right. Curt Schilling is a Yankees fan. He worships Lou Gehrig. His name on Red Sox blogs, like Sons of Sam Horn, which he participated in, even on game day when he was pitching for the sox, was Gehrig. He named his kid Gehrig.

Latest Poll

New ARG poll: Brown up by 3% (with MOE +/- 4%).

"Republican Scott Brown leads Democrat Martha Coakley 48% to 45% in the special Massachusetts US Senate race to replace Senator Ted Kennedy in a telephone survey conducted January 12-14 among 600 likely voters in Massachusetts saying they will definitely vote in the special election on January 19."

"A total of 9% of likely voters say they have already voted by absentee ballot, with Brown leading Coakley 58% to 42%."



WE like Rudy in the Bay state for a lot of reasons, not the least of which he is as rabid about his Yankees as we are about our Red Sox. It's those fair weather fans we have no use for.

I think the Schilling gaffe is the icing on the cake. Who in this state doesn't know all about Schilling and the bloody sock?

Cecil Turner

I think the Schilling gaffe is the icing on the cake.

She truly is an amazingly bad candidate. I'm gonna have to allow that lefty arguments on this race being more about Coakley blunders than a referendum on Obamacare have some legitimacy.

Jim Ryan

bgates, I think I tore something in my larynx reading that Southie link.

Oh, yes, Southie's another planet.



She didn't become an amazingly bad candidate until after Brown started to surge. She won the AG race by something like 70%.

Up until this race I've had a favorable impression of her - probably because she is a "friend of friends". Now she just seems like a primadonna.

Kevin H

"probably because she is a "friend of friends"."

Who are your "friends" voting for? Do you tell them you are voting for Coakley?

Melinda Romanoff

Youse all mean "Souwfies"?


What's all this condescension toward neighborhoods like Southie, yeah I saw the Departed, and I know the Bulger/Connelly case,
but they are working class, like cops, would
not invite Gitmo detainees into their neighborhood, unlike Amherst, except to get
the 'stuffing' beat out of them. They wouldn't approve of Durham's fishing
expedition into the CIA, they'd give the guys
a medal. or am I wrong.


Coakely and the DSCC had a stroke of genious in showing the ad about greedy wall street types with pictures of the World Trade Center.

What voter doesn't hate that the 9/11 families made millions of dollars off their family tragedies.

Go gettum' Coakely, demand Obama tax them fat cat survivors!


"For the Clintons, love and Haiti" - LUN

Puff piece saying the Clintons feel really bad for Haiti. "Clinton said his strategy is to "build back better." That means not just fixing roads, but also planting trees on deforested hillsides, growing more mangoes to export and expanding organic recycling programs."

They feel bad, and are gonna spend your money teaching Haitians about recycling...a real priority at the moment. What have Bill and Hillary done for Haiti with their own money? Anything? Ever?


Speaking of dumb ads-

LUN is the Coakley's campaign ignoring copyright law and rephrasing UPS' famous motto to try to get at Brown.

UPS was not amused.

Cecil Turner

She didn't become an amazingly bad candidate until after Brown started to surge.

Okay, but she's been a gaffe-o-matic since. The unforced errors are rapidly becoming a source of entertainment . . . which ain't really what you're looking for going down the home stretch.


It's like ol' Ted Kennedy, the Lion of the Senate...Ted feels really bad for "the poor".
He gets credit for his compassion by spending our tax dollars. What has he done with his own money? The American taxpayers are even paying for the Kennedy Institute...a tribute to a millionaire. My family can't afford the generosity of our politicians.

Marty Feldman

Hi everyone, since my cousin Clarice is out of town, I will be taking her place. My name is Marty, Marty Feldman. You may have seen some of my movies. Clarice and I were very close growing up. She got the smarts and I got the looks. I hope to be a good fill in for Clar.


Who are your "friends" voting for? Do you tell them you are voting for Coakley?

I'm quite sure these friends are voting for Martha - and they are certainly aware I am voting for Brown. These friends are elected or appointed democrats. They know exactly how their bread is buttered.


Hi Marty.

Marty Feldman

Hi, Boris. You seem very kind. It looks like Clarice was wrong, you guys are a friendly inviting bunch.


I thought the Dems liked UPS because, unlike FedEx, it's unionized? And Bill Clinton is everywhere...hawking Coakley, front and center on Haiti, and even advising Dems on how to get ObamaCare done (remove "the gunk" in the bill like the Cornhusker Kickback which "is killing us". I hope it's obvious to many that Clinton is being commissioned to save the day because Obama can't lead. And the only people Obama inspires are his opponents.


"She got the smarts and I got the looks."

Marty Feldman

I don't want to say my cousin Clarice can be a little uptight at times, but right after my good friend Mel Brooks met her at a dinner at my house, he came up with the Frau Blucher character.


Apparently Clarice got the smarts AND the looks!


Coakley is an awful candidate, so maybe the lefties will have a point, Cecil, if Brown wins.

But actually that is much better for us, because then they will completely fail to learn any lessons from it. Even with a weak Dem candidate it normally wouldn't even have been close in MA.


Hi, Cleo Marty.

Marty Feldman

Janet, my eyes used to be normal, but one night at dinner, Clarice went off on a 45 minute obscenity laced rant about Patrick Fitzgerald. Needless to say, I have never been the same.


This special election can't end soon enough for me, I want the race over and the votes counted (including every one of the absentees, please). Here's hoping that the long weekend serves to do little more than keep the race frozen where it currently is; I can't see an Obama visit being a net plus for Coakley (O is not half the stump speaker that he thinks he is). One more whopper from Coakley might be nice - maybe she can advise Catholics to stop having sex. As it is, the intrade odds still have Coakley with about a 60% chance of winning, though the trendline is in freefall.


Hey, Marty - careful now. Cousin Clarice packs a mean "WHACK," plus she has a surplus of PUK's weaponry in reserve.

Captain Hate

It looks like Clarice was wrong, you guys are a friendly inviting bunch.

Jump in a wood chipper Marty.

Captain Hate

I hope it's obvious to many that Clinton is being commissioned to save the day because Obama can't lead. And the only people Obama inspires are his opponents.

Slick's record of stumping for anybody but himself isn't so great.

Marty Feldman

No worries central, she is basking in the Florida sunshine. Sure she has some long claws, but not that long. I remember reaching for a turkey leg at Thanksgiving and she almost tore my hand off from the other side of the table. She devoured that turkey leg like Edward the Confessor at a medieval feast. In fact, I think she and Ed were buds.


Clinton had an actually worse track record in the 1993-1994, they lost every open contest, including the Texas Senate seat, for "Lord"
Bentsen, as Rush calls him. They've sent Biden
and the Janet "the system" Napolitano, to supervise the disaster relief. I know the temptation to jibe is strong, thank goodness
the 82nd AB is actually more in charge

Marty Feldman

Ok, Captain Hate, I can take a hint. Plus I am running low on solid B+ material, so I may need to go recharge for a while. Just be thankful her other Hollywood cousin, Corey, did not show up...yet.

Captain Hate

Jane or Rocco ought to have a sign tomorrow asking Bammer and Slick why they aren't in Haiti instead of campaigning for somebody as inarticulate as Patches Kennedy on a bender.

Captain Hate

Ok, Captain Hate, I can take a hint. Plus I am running low on solid B+ material, so I may need to go recharge for a while.

Truth be known that's some of the funniest troll material I've seen for a while. That isn't raising the bar very high but I have to give credit where it's deserved.

Captain Hate

They've sent Biden and the Janet "the system" Napolitano, to supervise the disaster relief.

What could go wrong with that?

Old Lurker

No sweat, Cap'n. Hilary is going to supervise.

Captain Hate

Thanks, OL; I feel a *lot* better. Speaking of Patches Kennedy, have they gotten him out of rehab to campaign for Chokeley?


Jane or Rocco ought to have a sign tomorrow asking Bammer and Slick why they aren't in Haiti instead of campaigning for somebody as inarticulate as Patches Kennedy on a bender.

Better Dave based on where I think Bambi is going.

I know Rocco is making calls this AM. I am there in spirit.


Reading Coakley's wiki page, she's quite a character, she took credit for that rigamarole
over that silly stunt with that movie promotion gone awry, she supported the safe zones around abortion clinics, after the law
was struck down. She started in the D.A's office around the time of Amirault atrocity, yet she turned down clemency, despite the looming evidence. I'd say she's the Boston version of Burris


Some real BS from that same WaPo article on the Clintons...
"They mix the paper with sawdust and water and then press the water from the product to create organic briquettes.

"They can sell these things for a penny or two a piece, and three of them will prepare dinner on a typical Haitian cooking stove for much, much less -- 15 percent of the cost of making dinner with charcoal," Clinton said.

He was so impressed that he brought dozens of the briquettes to New York with him. He carries one in his bag every day, aides said, sometimes pulling a briquette out of his pocket during speeches to show audiences."

Someone in Mass. could ask Bill to show them his briquette! LOL!!


This piece in the Post, it maybe from the AP, is a classic in self delusion, watch for the word, 'methodical' in the LUN

Captain Hate

He carries one in his bag every day, aides said, sometimes pulling a briquette out of his pocket during speeches to show audiences to try to pick up young and extremely naive/drunk women.

Cecil Turner

The idea Brown can win is "pure hallucination" according to Chris Van Hollen chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee:

“Why would you hand the keys to the car back to the same guys whose policies drove the economy into the ditch and then walked away from the scene of the accident?” Van Hollen said. “For the Republicans to say vote for us and bring back the guys who got us into this mess in the first place, I don’t think it’s a winner.”
In related news, Democrat owned Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are expected to cost the taxpayers more than $400 Billion. Barney Frank, who famously wanted to "roll the dice a little bit more" and recently saw his mortgage modification solution was actually counterproductive, was heard to wail:
"If Scott Brown wins, it'll kill the health bill," said Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass, reflecting that the Republican would provide opponents of the health care bill a decisive 41st vote to uphold a filibuster and block passage in the Senate.
Nice to see Barney is keeping up on some current events.

JM Hanes


Wipin' the f'in tears from my eyes! Have you seen Boondock Saints? One of my favorite f'in movies.

On my way out of town a few years ago, I stopped at a gas station in rather desolate section of what I think was still South Boston. While I was pumping gas, a really rough looking guy approached me from across the lot, and said, "You shouldn't be here." What struck me most about it was the chivalry.


I wonder if Clinton carries a Rwandan memento he pulls "out of his pocket during speeches to show audiences"?

Jack is Back!


We finally found a way to get back to the Spaniards for leaving Iraq after the Madrid bombings.

Danube of Thought

I had a roommate who hailed from Southie (this was 1959-60) and he had us all enthralled with his stories.

And I'll guarantee you that Yankee fan or not, Rudy is on a par with El Cid in the North End.

I heard Newt say that if Brown wins, there'sno way the Senate will proceed to do this thing before he gets seated. He said "call Joe Lieberman and ask him if he'd vote for cloture under those circumstances."

Rick Ballard

That ARG poll is pretty interesting. They oversampled both Democrats and Republicans in relation to registration percentages. The sample split only makes sense if their sample reflects their anticipated turnout model. The Coakely Killer aspect is the projected 20% Dem crossover to Brown on top of the 58/37 independent split.

The Dem crossover may be the rationale for the arrival of Unicorn 1 tomorrow. That and the possibility that Axelrod is coordinating Dumbo's appearance to coincide with a Brown hit piece by the party organ Globe. I'd say a Sunday hit piece is actually too late to be a game changer, especially on a three day weekend.


The Dem crossover may be the rationale for the arrival of Unicorn 1 tomorrow.

Minds are made up. They aren't changing. Last Saturday only 2 people told me they hadn't decided, and both said they weren't paying attention. Anyone paying attention has long since decided and Obama will change no minds at all.

People are not crossing over because they like Brown, they are crossing over because they are mad at what is going on in this country.

The hard core dems crossing are doing so because they believe in working for a living and are sick of paying for those who don't.

So the best O can do is drum up turnout - altho I think anyone going out to see him already planned to vote.


Does anyone think it's possible Congress could rush the bill through before Tuesday? I don't, but I've been wrong on pretty much everything up until now.


Also in advance of the big day, I wanted to get this out:

I wear a lot of brown anyway, but Tuesday will be fun.


Boston guys,

By chance was about 6 miles high overhead your fair city early this morning about 3:30 AM.

It was beautifully clear and you could see for hundreds of miles.

The lights of Cape Cod looked like a giant fishhook off to the right, and approaching Boston I could see the lights stopping at I believe Dorchester Heights,then the blackness of the Harbor, then Boston all lit up. I believe I was looking at where it was George Washington had fat young General Henry Knox set up the cannons he hauled in in wintertime from Ticonderoga to force the British to release Boston and skedaddle. Off to the north a bit was an electronic waypoint called "Witch" which I assume was near Salem, and then I could also see lights way off in the Northern distance along the coast which I assume had to be southern Maine.

Anyhow, it really looked gorgeous from the air. Am off in a minute to either the Moosehead or the Falstaff House, both beer joints in Paris, and am hoping one of them has the Arizona/New Orleans game on by arrival.


New York guys, Peter or TM etc, does either of you guys have a decent Irish Pub within walking distance of Penn Station that you consider good? Did the Celtic Writers Pub yesterday on about 45th and 8th, but need to find one I really want to go back to. Anyhow, sorry to interrupt the thread with such foolishness.

Have a good weekend JOMer's.


Does anyone think it's possible Congress could rush the bill through before Tuesday?

I don't think so, if The Hill is right that they've put aside discussion of funding abortions and illegals to the end of next yea while they figure out how to nominally pay for the growing number of new carve outs and bribes.


OT, more of the blindness that Matt described in his post last night, in the LUN


...to the end of next yea week


Thanks, DebinNC. I will treat any rumors to the contrary as attempts to depress turnout for Brown.






thanks narciso. scary that we haven't learned a single thing in 30 years about humint.


Oh dear, I've finally left italics open and haven't a clue how to fix it. Sorry, y'all.


This is in part, while Colonel Brown, (that's his Reserve rank) will be a breath of fresh air, not only on the health care front.


Coakley: "I'm not going to let anyone distort my record."

Fine. From what I understand, her undistorted record is her worst enemy.


It's okay Deb! We'll be on a new page of comments soon. :)


Sounds like Obama will bring along TOTUS on Sunday: LUN I hope he gives a shout-out to Skip Gates first.


The italics will go away, the stench of the the Democrat corruption apparently never will.


Are you kidding, Skip Gates will probably be standing behind him on the stage.


Fun MA update from my conservative girlfriend here in town:

I just talked to my brother who lives in NYC but is up in Boston helping Coakley. He said there were not a lot of volunteers at the phone bank. Ha ha.

You know that reminded me, of a thought I had about the esteemed Professor Emmitt Brown (I
mean Gates) the neighbors in Cambridge probably didn't like him very much.

Danube of Thought

I know I'm getting a bit ahead of things, but I think that if Brown wins this thing it will be the most shocking election outcome of my lifetime, one of the most significant. Moreso than, say, Prop.13 in CA.

Jane and Rocco, you two deserve to be in Cooperstown and Canton for your efforts. I hope it helps for you to know how many of us here are thinking of you and rooting you on.


Speaking of humint (right?) and baseball (but not beanbag), Ralph Peters hits the ball out of the park--any park in the league: Hood massacre report gutless and shameful.

There are two basic problems with the grotesque non-report on the Islamist- terror massacre at Fort Hood (released by the Defense Department yesterday):

* It's not about what happened at Fort Hood.

* It avoids entirely the issue of why it happened.

Rarely in the course of human events has a report issued by any government agency been so cowardly and delusional. It's so inept, it doesn't even rise to cover-up level.


Unquestionably, the officers who let Hasan slide, despite his well-known wackiness and hatred of America, bear plenty of blame. But this disgraceful pretense of a report never asks why they didn't stop Hasan's career in its tracks.

The answer is straightforward: Hasan's superiors feared -- correctly -- that any attempt to call attention to his radicalism or to prevent his promotion would backfire on them, destroying their careers, not his.

Hasan was a protected-species minority. Under the PC tyranny of today's armed services, no non-minority officer was going to take him on.


The Fort Hood massacre didn't reflect an intelligence failure. The intelligence was there, in gigabytes. This was a leadership failure and an ethical failure, at every level. Nobody wanted to know what Hasan was up to. But you won't learn that from this play-pretend report.

And there's lots more good stuff where this came from.

Jim Ryan

Deeds-Coakley '12. It would be the best Dem ticket for America.

And why not versus Palin-John Bolton.

Jim Ryan

McDonnell just got sworn in in Richmond a few minutes ago. Said he was going to cut gummint.

Danube of Thought

Lovely item on the miracle of Cuban health care, with a bonus global-warming angle.

Danube of Thought

How about this? Tom Campbell is a law school classmate and good friend, and is incandescently smart. Before coming to law school he got a PhD in economics from the U. of Chicago, where his advisor was Milton Friedman.

He's definitely a moderate Republican, but this is California--any Republican Senator would be a Godsend.

Danube of Thought

"This" was supposed to be this.


That is such a sad story, DoT. Imagine what the conditions in that hospital must be for so many patients to die. They must have been barely clothed with almost no blankets.

May Michael Moore burn in hell for touting the merits of that obscene "health care" system.

Captain Hate

May Michael Moore burn in hell for touting the merits of that obscene "health care" system.

Not to defend that obese waste of oxygen but that's been boilerplate lefty-speak for decades. I'm pretty sure the NPR quislings have a hefty number of broadcasts in their vault of casuistry.

Captain Hate

..a hefty number of broadcasts on that topic in their vault of casuistry.


--Tom Campbell is a law school classmate and good friend, and is incandescently smart.--

He's pro choice and pro gay marriage but that's not really a hindrance out here and he is very fiscally sound so, while I'll probably vote for DeVore in the primary, it would be a pleasure to vote for Campbell over Boxer.
Of course it would be a pleasure to vote for Beelzebub over Boxer.
Campbell is extremely smart and seems like a preternaturally decent guy as well.

--Jane and Rocco, you two deserve to be in Cooperstown and Canton for your efforts. I hope it helps for you to know how many of us here are thinking of you and rooting you on.--

Wanted to echo DoT's appreciation.
You guys have been amazing.

Captain Hate

Yes kudos to Rocco and Jane; particularly DoT's suggestion they should be in Canton so I could go meet up with them from time to time.


I've had a busy few days. One thing going on is that I got a new system--screamingly fast, running Suse 11.2, with a remarkably slick KDE4 desktop. In the last few minutes I installed the Google-Chrome browser. It may be very hard to go back to Firefox, although I'll wait and see. One thing I noticed right away (beyond its speed and elegant, uncluttered interface) is that when the italics were turned off on this page they show as off again in Chrome. A small detail, but nice. I just imported all my settings from Firefox.

Captain Hate

Is Typhus acting screwy for anybody else today on Firefox? Every time I post it doesn't erase the post box writing like it usually does.

JM Hanes

There's no euphoria in real hope, is there? Just that nerve wracking, queasy tension while you watch the clock and wait for the miracle or the nightmare. It's so much easier just to expect the worst.


Heh, the libs in MA are dragging the gutter trying to find any 'dreck' on Scott Brown and post on this site.....


I think we should all chip in and treat our JOM compatriots in MA to a steak dinner, post-election.


Hey - compared to Rocco I've done nuttin' but talk. And talk I will. He's the real hero in my book.


WOW - SEIU members holding signs for Scott.


That is awesome Jane - I just sent it to Ed and Allah at HotAir.


--Jane and Rocco, you two deserve to be in Cooperstown and Canton for your efforts.--

Actually they should be in Springfield, Mass, home of the basketball hall of fame.
Had to google it to even remember where it is.


Wow, Jane..Just wow. (Of course, if Mr PUK were here I suppose he'd suspect that it wouldn't be a bad idea to have folks put on SEIU T shirts while carrying Brown signs.
Just saying.
Political ops can all be devious.

Still, I choose to hope this was not a stunt.

Jack is Back!


Blaggards is near Penn Station. 35th between 7th and 8th, I believe. Not bad but also not Dublin.

The best Irish pubs in New York are in Jackson Heights, Queens.

If you can get an American football game in Paris I will personally nominate you for this year's Philieas Fogg award.


Rocco and Jane--the king and queen of JOM this week! A toast to you both.


Jane, clarice,

This guy took the photos and video and talked to the SEIU people. Lots more detail of the event (Bill Clinton's sparsely-attended appearance) here:

SEIU folks show up for Brown at Bill Clinton's Coakley appearance


Hillbuzz has posted:

"It is our firm belief that at this point Democrats know Coakley will lose, and have already abandoned her."

IMO, that will not boost morale in the Coakley camp.

Danube of Thought

Two things about reconciliation: (1) there are large portions of this bill that can't be passed using that procedure (unless the parliamentarian is corrupt), so what goes through will be even more of an incoherent shambles than it already is, and (2) anything passed by reconciliation expires in five years (I think), so that much of it won't even take effect, and for five years it's the ripest of all low-hanging fruit for the GOP to go after. Bring it on.


--(2) anything passed by reconciliation expires in five years (I think)--

I think it's ten years DoT, which is why Bush's 2001 tax cuts are expiring next year.

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