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January 19, 2010



We'll get those stories, but they'll all be about the hubris of the Republicans in thinking that one minor freak special election in any way diminishes the superhuman perfection that is B+O.


Early Results in Brown 54 Coakley 45 1% Reporting
Tuesday, January 19, 2010 8:17:01 PM · by GQuagmire
Boston Globe ^
(From FR)


Clarice: are you still in Florida?


The cite above is actually to boston.com but I can't get there to confirm it..


No--I'm home,cc.

Captain Hate

clarice, let's go down to the playground and celebrate!!



Cecil Turner

Drudge has 52-47 Brown (no results percentage given).


Jane you are a genius! You knew it would be an important race and it was.


No use buttering her up, porchlight. She's promised me the producer slot when she goes nationa.

JM Hanes

B+O Bravo bgates!


Not only is the Boston Globe results page crashing (Oh, the symbolism!), it crashed my browser in the process.


O'Reilly--9% in 52-47.

Rick Ballard

Where in the world could Obama go for the months of August, September and October in order to minimize damage to the Democrat party? Glacier skiing in Antarctica?

They're gonna have to rename Unicorn One to The Angel of Death as a fair warning measure for elected Dems.


Sorry,JMH..I supose until much later it's safer not to go there/

Jim Ryan

In what year will Brown's seat be up for election?

Jim Ryan

Er, the people's seat which Brown sits in, I mean.


Rasmussen is saying there was a late break to Coakley. Shazaam...I'm ready for this to be over.


Two years,Jim..remember it's the remainder of Ted's seat.


Oh gawd, I really wanted some credit and now that you guys are giving it I feel like a fool.

Let's hear it for Rocco's efforts! He actually did stuff to make it happen.

Old Lurker

That would require admitting there are still glaciers, Rick.

Jim Ryan

Right, thx, Clarice.


There may be another War Between The States.If Brown and Rubio both are Senators.Who has the best looking Senator?

JM Hanes

Apologies? It was the most gratifying crack-up I've had in ages.

Terry Gain

O'Reilly--18% in 52-47. Nice template C


53-46 - that's 7.

Terry Gain

O'Reilly--21% in 53-46.


Talking point tomorrow, this was not NOT I tell you, a referendum on Obama or Obamacare or listening to the clear spoken will of the people or anything like that at all. Republicans get elected from time to time in Massachusetts, its what we open minded progs do, you racist teabagger scum.

JM Hanes

I wish I knew which areas O'Reilly's numbers are coming from.


O'Reilly--21% in 53-46.


This is as exciting as a Presidential election.

Jim Ryan

A little nervous that they haven't yet counted the precincts with the vermin who stuff ballot boxes.

Sean Trende at the RCP blog: “With 36 precincts — almost 2% ! — Brown is still at 55%-45%. Ashland is in, giving Brown a 54%-45% lead. Romney won it 59%-36%. Unless Brown is putting together a different coalition than Romney’s, he’s in trouble.”
Jim Rhoads a/k/a vjnjagvet

Wait for Barone

Terry Gain

I wish I knew which areas O'Reilly's numbers are coming from.



I am burning up, but I won't take off this brown blouse until it's official for Brown!!

I actually watched Chrissy Matthews for a few minutes-- it was to gloat, I admit. But, Barnicle had to get in a "stupid teabagger" comment--the dyed in the wool Boston liberal does not get it--the anger is eating him alive, while the tea partiers are celebrating!


O'Reilly--25% in 52-47.

Terry Gain

O'Reilly--25% in 52-47.


House analyst Dave Wasserman’s Twitter feed. He says Brown’s been overperforming thus far.

JM Hanes


Geraghty says that was a late break among the undecideds, but he also pointed to the 22% of Democrats apparently going for Brown.

I am sooo ready for the final numbers too!


He's got it folks. Don't worry.


29% in

Brown 53% 333,916
Coakley 47% 295,727
Kennedy 1% 6,061

Brown doing well in Worcester County and Essex County (Lawrence). Coakley has a slight lead in Suffolk County (Boston)


That was from Allah at Hot Air. I hit post while talking to my husband.

Danube of Thought

Disappointed we're not seeing Barone on O'Reilly.


Have they counted the votes from Old Granary cemetery yet?


Here are the results by town

Terry Gain

Doberman--30% in 52.4 -46.7

JM Hanes

Massachusetts -- LOL, Terry!

I seem to be all exclamation points tonight!


From Campaign Spot

Obama Towns Are Flipping To Scott Brown. Early Night, Folks.

In 2008, Ashland, Massachusetts went for Obama over McCain, 5,039 votes to 3,181.

Tonight Brown won Ashland 54 percent to 45 percent - 3,467 for Brown while Coakley carried 2,897.

You can call it, folks.


Patrick Ruffini tweets he is very close to calling it for Brown. Again, via Allah.



Obama Towns Are Flipping To Scott Brown. Early Night, Folks
NRO ^ | 01/19/10 | Jim Geraghty

Posted on Tuesday, January 19, 2010 8:46:59 PM by freespirited

In 2008, Ashland, Massachusetts went for Obama over McCain, 5,039 votes to 3,181.

Tonight Brown won Ashland 54 percent to 45 percent - 3,467 for Brown while Coakley carried 2,897.

You can call it, folks.


It's all over except for the high-fivin'.

Can anyone say "resource allocation"?

Ain't NO safe Dem seat ANYWHERE--not after this. Dems will not be able to shift resources (MONEY) around assuming that they have safe seats that won't need party bucks.

On MSNBC 30% presnt reporting:
Brown - 52.4 337,954
Choakley - 46.7% - 301,283


Brown 52% 419,852
Coakley 47% 374,727
Kennedy 1% 8,040


Let's take a minute to gloat about Obama's visit on Sunday. Was he just trying to get away from Michelle's birthday?

Mad Jack

Initial Cape Cod results are good for Brown. Looks like he will take Teddy's home town easily. Falmouth, the biggest Dem town on the Cape, went for Brown 8091 to 7133. She lost Falmouth. Stick a fork in her!


Total Fiasco for the Democrats.

Best Line Of The Night!


Oops, didn't notice the new thread.

23% counted, Brown 53%, Coakley 47%.

Mary Ann Marsh on O'Reilly is very subdued.


Via Allah, Wasserman ready to call it for Brown.

Oh, my.

Terry Gain

O'Reilly - Howie Carr calls it for Brown - 36% in 52-47.


Big lead in Worcester County

Cecil Turner

Globe: 52-47 Brown with 36% reporting. That's about it.


More from Campaign Spot

It's Not 2008 Anymore

Coakley won Sudberry 51-48. Obama won here, 6,392 votes to 3,583 votes, 64.4 percent to 35.6 percent.

I hear a lot of nervous voices out there. I suppose a Coakley win is still theoretically possible, but she's going to need to come up fantastically in the communities that have yet to report.


Nantucket County

2008: Obama 4,059 McCain 1,863
2010: Coakley 2,139 Brown 2,032

01/19 08:42 PM Share

Danube of Thought

It's in the bag. Wahoo!

Fresh Air

Well, we still need to see Boston. But the maximum delta there is about 20,000 votes, based upon 100,000 total and a 60-40 spread for Choakley. I do think you will see a bit of an offset from the suburbs, however, most of which haven't reported yet.


Brown's leading in Middlesex County by !% with 45 % of vote in. That's her county


Big lead in Worcester County

That's us Rocco! We rock!

Brown's leading in Middlesex County

That is more than amazing.

He can't win suffolk. Can he?

JM Hanes

"It's all over except for the high-fivin'."

Not by a long shot! The weepin' wailin' blame shifting has just barely gotten started.

Terry Gain

Brown's leading in Middlesex County by !% with 45 % of vote in. That's her county
Posted by: Rocco | January 19, 2010 at 08:52 PM

Fitting for a guy name Rocco to deliver news of the knockout.

Jim Miller

Today, I predicted that Brown would win by 6 percent.

For the record, I would be delighted if Jane, Rocco, and all the rest of you from Massachusetts beat that margin.

(And I have no idea if you will, since I don't know Massachusetts political geography.)


Can I take my shirt off, yet?


"I voted for Obama because I wanted change. ... I thought he'd bring it to us, but I just don't like the direction that he's heading," said John Triolo, 38, a registered independent who voted in Fitchburg.

He said his frustrations, including what he considered the too-quick pace of health care legislation, led him to vote for Brown.


You can Glenda - I think.


Chris Matthews not looking too happy on MS-NBC. Olbie going "mmm hmm" glumly in response to Chrissie's comments.



And I'm loving it.

Jim Ryan

They aren't going to be able to support Perriello's re-election bid in VA-5. He's going to be a one-termer, thanks to Scott Brown et al.

Fresh Air

Lead is now 55,000 votes with 40 percent in. Real tough to surmount that if Boston turnout is only 100,000.

Terry Gain

Can I take my shirt off, yet? Posted by: glenda | January 19, 2010 at 08:56 PM

This gentleman says that's completely up to you, glenda.


I love this tweet:

Tomorrow's headine: Dems blame Coakley, Coakley blames White House, White House blames Bush.


When is that idiot Kerry up for re-election?


WooHoo! Brown's going to win it!


Fun night so far.

JM Hanes

"Big lead in Worcester County"

This one's for you, Rocco!


2014 Verner.

He is next! No deval is next. Here comes Charlie Baker.


LOL, Jane!

Terry Gain

Madcow -52% Brown 53 Obama's candidate 47


Brown 52% 587,389
Coakley 47% 520,311

52% in


59% in 53%-46%



UPDATE: Obama carried Falmouth by about 4,200 votes, with about 60 percent. Tonight Brown carried it, 53-47.


--Can I take my shirt off, yet?--

Not when Charlie's in the room, please.

JM Hanes


It gets better. Rocco didn't just deliver news of the knock-out, he delivered the knock-out.


Best Tweet Tonight:

If dead people are voting in Mass, I hope one of them is Mary Joe Kopechne!

Martha Choakley

The night is young, my teabagger friends

Fresh Air

84,000 vote spread with just under 60 percent.


Networks building suspense (at least CNN), but it's over. Brown won.

wasserman tweet

Terry Gain

Hannity 60% in Brown 53 Democrat 46


Awww...thank you Jane! Senator Brown...Don't it sound GREAT!

Dave (in MA)



Larry Sabato has called it!!!

Stick a fork in socialist health care folks--IT IS DONE!!!

Yay!!! Clap clap clap.


Steny Hoyer says a Coakley loss shows how angry the country is at Republicans. Surely, surely Hannity misquoted Hoyer.


Is Drudge down from the traffic? Did that even happen in 2008?


Obama endorsement: The Kiss of Death.

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