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March 29, 2010



"President Persevere" - completely snort worthy!

Buford Gooch

He'd as soon throw his white grandmother under the bus as let the American military quit.

Soylent Red

By God...he's no quitter.

Danube of Thought

Perhaps he's "growing" in office, even though that term has heretofore been reserved by the WaPo and the NYTimes for conservatives who, once in office, set about betraying their principles in return for fawning MSM coverage. (It all gave rise to the "Strange New Respect" award.)

hit and run

I've had fun listening to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkTw3_PmKtc&feature=player_embedded>Churchill today (courtesy of Elliott and Iron Maiden).

"We shall fight on the beaches ... we shall defend our island,whatever the cost may be ... we shall never surrender"

Quite a stark contrast to President PurseSevere.


Cindy Sheehan must be really proud.

Frau  Geschäft

Buford - you forgot the important "typical" in your post.

Just for bad: Barry sucks big time at persevering.


Something to go with that earlier story about the global warmists freezing to death (forget which thread).
calgaryherald.com ^ | March 29, 2010 |
VICTORIA — B.C. Environment Minister Barry Penner was hoping to spark a little romance with his wife over a candlelit dinner Saturday during Earth Hour. Instead, he accidentally set his cat on fire. Penner, who had been urging British Columbians to forgo electricity during the annual conservation event, took his own advice and lit numerous candles for the night. "We actually enjoyed a very romantic candlelit dinner that was only interrupted when our cat set himself on fire by brushing up against the flame, which caused some excitement," Penner deadpanned to reporters Monday.

Dave (in MA)

'Twas nice of BHO to drop in and say howdy to the corpsemen.

Ann says Obama Sucks!

Read Barone: Friend of the Enemy

The cat's had enough of this bullshit.

clarice, supposedly, since it was still EarthHour, Penner and wife only opened the windows to air out their place rather than turn on a fan. How precious.


Ah, yes, cats on fire...

About 4 years ago WonderGirl was making mac-n-cheese. I put the water on to boil, and she mixed up sauce, butter & milk in a bowl which she left on the counter next to the stove. Huey (our cat sometimes mistaken for a raccoon) jumped up on the counter and started licking the sauce in the bowl, with his butt hanging into the flame. The first thing we noticed was the terrible smell of smoldering fur. DrF scooped Huey up and popped outside and rubbed his butt in a snowbank.

Huey never noticed the fire. He was pretty annoyed about being taken away from the sauce, and even more annoyed about having his butt rubbed in the snow, but totally oblivious to the fact that his butt was on fire.

narciso the harpoon

Priorities clearly, in mind, when iss he going to get a chance at the sauce again,, OT,
here's a rebuttal of the premises of the premise in the "Trouble in Paradise" thread
in the LUN


This is sort of on-topic of the current off-topic (and I'm not sure if it is behind the wsj firewall) but this seems important: Giant Gas Bubbles in Indiana Dairy Farm's Waste Pond Frighten Neighbors

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