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April 22, 2010


barb in ATL

That is right out of the movie "Major League II."


That is just great! How fun!


Catchers everywhere are waiting for the next one.


That's nothing. Last night Alfonso Soriano went to right field on a 3-1 pitch. When you've seen that, you've seen everything.


Anybody want to learn about Dirty Bombs? Stratfor can help: Dirty Bombs Revisited: Combating the Hype.


After being hit by a pitch twice in the same inning and then having the chance to take out that frustration on the catcher, who would have thought he'd jump over instead. Nice play.


Wonderful agility! Good for him.

Manny Ortease

espn.com commenters:

"F-ing swett!!!"
"Holy sh******t!!!"
"In your FACE!!!!!"

JOM commenters:

"Wonderful agility!"
"Bully! Reminds me of my days playing cricket back at the academy."

This is one high class site!

Captain Hate

espn.com and fox sports should shut down comments forever in view of the embarrassingly witless content.


I wonder what the coach was arguing about. There was no tag. Runner avoided malicious contact (Which is a high school issue, not a college issue I believe), and looked awesome doing it.

Never seen it in my 26 years of officiating.

I did however eject a coach on Saturday for arguing safety rules after having won the game by 10 runs. After the game. Awesome. First in about three years.


Style points? Counts for two runs? Kinda like Aussie Rules?


Awesome! I'll put this here because there seems to be a sports angle. Watched it ten times.

To Really Understand The John Paulson Trade, Watch This Awesome Rube Goldberg Video


I imagine the manager was making the argument that the runner went out of the baseline to avoid the tag and was, accordingly, out.

By the way, just where is the baseline on most avoiding plays?

Dave (in MA)

MarkO, he went out of the baseline rounding 3rd like all runners do, but he was right on the line as he approached the bag (and the catcher).


as a former Ram lacrosse player, I am very proud of our circus act/baseball team.


Heck fire, since no one has ever done it before, at least not where it was shown on you tube, I'm sure the coach was just arguing something, anything, because it, heck fire, didn't look right.

Totally awesome. I loved it.


from base to base a runner establishes the line. As an example, a runner leading from, or going to second base could run out to the right field fence as long as when he started to the base he went in a straight line (It is done in high school frequently to create a run down to advance a runner from 3rd to home). Second, When a runner attempts to make a tag, the runner has to be withing the sweep (Or range) of the tag or he is out of the line.

And Sue is right, I mean what the hell else was he gonna do? I should have thought about that.


Whoops going FROM second base. From the plate to first, it's drawn out by the runner's box.


OT - FBI Claims Detroit is a "target-rich" environment.



from base to base a runner establishes the line.

I guess the question is whether the baseline has two dimensions or three. I never would have thought much about that until seeing this video.


Generally speaking lines have two dimensions.
At least that's what I heard in geometry class, during those periods I was awake.


Guess I was sleeping while I posted that. Meant to say generally lines have **one** dimension. sheesh.


My brother hurdled the catcher one time in softball after catcher caught a low throw. Other team said he missed plate but we heard cleats hitting plate.

Jim Rhoads a/k/a vjnjagvet

It is clear to me (both in instant replay, freeze frame and real time) that the catcher never tagged him. If the line is only one dimensional, any runner who hops over a tag at any base would be out. Doesn't happen. Also, had he flown into the catcher causing him to drop the ball after the tag (remember Pete Rose scoring the winning run in the 1970 All Star game by this maneuver?) he also would have been safe, even though he was above the baseline when the play occurred.

The Iona catcher tried to influence the umpire by showing him that he reached over his head with his catchers mitt. He did not. He tried to reach up with his throwing hand without the ball. That doesn't work even if he had touched him with his hand.




generally lines have **one** dimension

The discussion, however, is (or was) about baselines.


--The discussion, however, is (or was) about baselines.--

True, but since a runner is out if he strays very far from that one dimension, it still seems pertinent.

Terry Gain

I wish Dizzy Dean were around to describe this wonderful play: "wow, he slud right over him".


True, but since a runner is out if he strays very far from that one dimension, it still seems pertinent.

Why? The point of my question was (I thought obviously, and tongue-in-cheek): In how many dimensions is "far"?

The rule is that the runner is "out of the baseline" if he strays more than 3 feet from the line. I was (half-jokingly) suggesting that that could include vertically as well as side-to-side.



Kazhakstan has FOX News on tube. Who'd a thunk it.


say hi to Borat for me, daddy! And watch our is sister. Is most famous prostitute in Kazakhstan.


how about watch out for....it's early here.


Did you notice that when the coach came out to argue he threw both arms straight up in the air? Maybe he was yelling, "that wasn't a run it was a freaking touchdown!"

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