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May 29, 2010



Tar balls? Better be careful, that could sound raaaaacist. Might be better to call them tar spheres, tar wads, for the PC crowd.

Danube of Thought

Little balls of Katrina.

Ream us a new hole, there, eh Bucky?

It's the Tar, Baby.


President 404 demonstrates his focus on a serious issue by being President Jokester.

I remain unconvinced of his laser-like focus on dealing with the spill.

Comanche Voter

Coarse cretin.


So tar balls wash up on beaches in the Gulf all the time?


Kind of in line with my post last night, the person he put in charge was totally out of her
depth for the job involved, in the LUN


--So tar balls wash up on beaches in the Gulf all the time?--

Don't know about the gulf, but they wash up on beaches in California.

Seems to me his "go to the beach" quote is a lot more applicable to the 'what if Bush said it' line.
As somebody else pointed out here, how many years of lefty ridicule about what a dunce Bush was did we have to hear regarding his considerably more sensible "go shopping" exhortation?

Charlie (Colorado)

So tar balls wash up on beaches in the Gulf all the time?

Actually, they do, Bob. Remember that there are natural sources of oil as well as other man-mediated sources like spillage.


I remain unconvinced of his laser-like focus on dealing with the spill.

Ya know, I don't think the Feds should actually have "laser like focus on dealing with the spill."

What I'd like them to have, is a laser like focus on assissting those that are equipped and dealing with the spill. What I'd like to see them do is expedite requests from the state and private entities to get things done. Give LA the resources they need. Fast track the Dutch skimmers to get into the Gulf days sooner. Implement the plans already in place. The Feds can't be prepared for everything that's gonna happen everyplace.


Obama lied, the Gulf Coast died


Pofarmer, I don't think any of those things you mention fall outside the scope of dealing with the spill. What we've seen is a failure by this admin to do even those things that they should be doing. The failure to implement the already-approved-for-just-such-a-time-as-this NOAA plan is just one example.

What we're seeing by the admin now is an attempt to look engaged and take credit, when it hasn't done anything of substance.


It's interesting to compare and contrast Katrina with the Obamaspill. In Katrina, Bush was given untold grief over matters that were issues of local jurisdiction in which he had no authority to act. In the Obamaspill, Governor Jindal has been screaming for permission to act in areas of Federal jurisdiction (like coastal waterways) without response, and the MSM remains very slow to criticize or even explain to the general public what is going on.


Excellent point Bob.


That is a very clear summary, Bob. It is maddening to watch this unfold. Frankly I'm surprised Obama is under any pressure whatsoever, given the media's usual treatment of him.

At least we got video of him looking idiotic on that beach, rather than this:

Richard Bagg

didn't Obama take two tar babies with him on vacation to Chicago??


And all those golf balls going to waste.

That must really be depressing our hacker in Chief.

Teresa in Fort Worth, TX

Mr. Bagg,
You need to step back over that line - what you said was extremely disrespectful and not funny at all. As a conservative, I am deeply offended at your characterization of 2 innocent children.


Well said, Teresa!


--Mr. Bagg,
You need to step back over that line - what you said was extremely disrespectful and not funny at all. As a conservative, I am deeply offended at your characterization of 2 innocent children.--

That's one way of putting it,

f%#* off moron, being another.


Hard to say whether Teresa or Iqnatz said it best. I vote for a tie on best way of saying what needed to be said.

Jane says obamasucks

I'm such an idiot, I was about to ask what they term meant. Sheesh.

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