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July 22, 2010


SALT... Fuck Yeah...

New Operations Officer(00C) Chief. Pak/Af war salt. Clarice, in your network?


"Classic GOP Tokenism’.”

The only person on the ballot who has actual governing (making hard political decisions)experience is described as "Classic GOP Tokenism’.”
While two democrats (one of whom can't even apparently produce a US birth certificate) and neither one of which has ever made so much as one governing decision are treated with kid gloves by the leftist media. Today every American is paying the terrible price for that betrayal by the media.


never heard of him, but I'm really not very wired in there.


I wrote the WaPo asking for the names of all their employees that were on JournoList. I want to see if the narratives discussed on the listserv influenced their writings. I haven't gotten a reply yet.
Tom's post is a great example.

Danube of Thought

Tucker Carlson has just published a letter responding to the criticisms of the scalded dogs. I like it a lot.


From Tucker's letter -
"Gather 400 lefty reporters and academics on one listserv and it turns out you wind up with a strikingly high concentration of bitchiness. Shocking amounts, actually. So while it might be amusing to air threads theorizing about the personal and sexual shortcomings of various New Republic staffers, we’ve decided to pull back."

I'm sure these JournoListers would treat Tucker with the same respect...right?
Why are these "journalists" treated as special in any way? Yell it from the rooftops what scuzzballs these guys are. Let us see just who these people are that mock Christians, NASCAR fans, Tea Party patriots....
Tucker is too kind.


I posted the Tucker letter on the "Sorry" thread at 4:49 - seems you all have moved over here since then.

Captain Hate wrote in response on that thread: Now he has their tiny nads in a vise. I think he's really enjoying this, which doubles the angst for them.

Yep, Captain - Mediaite (Krakauer, I think) did an interview with him yesterday, and he was laughing every time he answered a question. He IS enjoying it!


Tammy Bruce: tweeted that

Brian Ries of Daily Beast Masterminded Gov Palin's Facebook Deletion

Apparently, Palin's FB post about the mosque in New York disappeared off her page. Ries led efforts I guess to "report" it as hate speech and abuse to get it removed. However, it has been restored by Facebook, I believe.

Bet he is one of the nasty J-Listers!!!!


Question: What's the difference between North Korean propagandists and Journolisters?

Answer: The North Koreans are more professional, ethical, and objective when conducting their work.

Danube of Thought

The quite horrid Joe Klein is unrepentant, and apparently still thinks his messages were private.


Newsbusters has a piece on CNN's Anderson Cooper:

An indignant Anderson Cooper railed against Andrew Breitbart with an uncharacteristic angry commentary at the top of his eponymous CNN program yesterday, calling the conservative activist a "bully," likening him to a "weasel," and accusing him of posting a video which was "clearly edited to deceive and slander [Shirley] Sherrod.

Last night ONLY 783,000 people bothered to tune in to his show. I am sure Breitbart with all of his Big dot coms and other websites reaches multitudes more than Cooper.


What do you suppose are the odds that the loathesome Max Blumenthal wasn't a member?


sorry - my last post is on the wrong thread!


Max the snake.
http://bigjournalism.com/sright/2010/02/20/breitbart-confronts-blumenthal-at-cpac/>Race batin' Max

Captain Hate

Thanks for that response CC.

LOL @ Anderson Goober being called uncharacteristically angry. Maybe "sane" or "lucid" or "coherent" might be an out of the ordinary and "uncharacteristic" object of that sentence. Or "drawing a large number of viewers".

Captain Hate

I dunno Clarice; maybe the JListers have standards that would exclude an ambulatory virus like Max. He gets his repulsiveness honestly, no; as the rotten apple stays close to the diseased tree.

JM Hanes

What is really most striking, although not exactly surprising, is just how terminally callow the JList crowd is. It' hard to see much in the way of a vast left wing conspiracy here; they sound a lot more like a bunch of teenagers strutting their stuff when Mom & Dad are out of earshot.


Private messages, you say. There were accurately quoted, no? What zone of privacy does a group of 400 enjoy? Think: Jimmy the Greek.

Just like the children they are, they show anger that they were caught, passing over all the damage they have done to their so-called profession and the moral stench surrounding them.

Of all the excuses, "you weren't supposed to find out" is near the bottom.

Captain Hate

JMH, they do seem like a lot of Peter Pans with special needs; maybe they are the modern Lost Boys. btw, meant in the most sexually ambiguous manner...

Rob Crawford

they sound a lot more like a bunch of teenagers strutting their stuff when Mom & Dad are out of earshot.

Except their strutting and crowing got turned into the conventional wisdom of the supposedly unbiased purveyors of information.


and any WaPo reporter or writer that was yucking it up on JournoList about the sexual shortcomings of New Republic staffers could have been investigating the union thugs attacking a bank employee's home with his son inside. They never covered THAT story and it occurred here locally. They could have dug up some info on Obama's grades...instead of telling us what a wonderkid he is they could have proved it to us "christias".


There is a picture of Michelle Obama over at the MOTUS blog. Can someone post it here, because I don't know how to (scroll down to the LAST photo).

You have to see it to believe it - her hair! MOTUS calls it a "deconstructed burka."

How can any First Lady attend an event looking like this?????

hit and run

they sound a lot more like a bunch of teenagers strutting their stuff when Mom & Dad are out of earshot.

Iowahawk was ...dare we say it... http://iowahawk.typepad.com/iowahawk/2010/06/ill-take-a-cashiers-check-mr-breitbart.html>eerily prescient.


Sorry forgot the link - Michelle has lost her effing mind.


lol, Hit!


Anderson Cooper? The Anderson Cooper that reported on the Jeff Gannon story? The Anderson Cooper who interviewed a young gay man who was hired to help a private (though influential) citizen on a trip because the client is a lobbyist against gay marriage?

The Anderson Cooper who reported about the bodies in the fridge at the SuperDome during Katrina?

He's concerned about Andrew Brietbart releasing a video, is he?


I can't get it to post...Here it is.


HELP ANN!!!! We need you!!!!:0


Bravo, MayBee! An excellent description of Anderson Cooper!


Okay, Janet - are you not shocked by her hair? Her outfits have been pretty shocking over the last 2 years, but this hairdo is just ridiculous. She looks like she is either stoned or bombed out of her mind.


``strikingly high concentration of bitchiness.'' Apparently, Tucker doesn't read blogs like this one. Or he's lying or, the most likely case: he sincerely expected liberal journalists to be much less bitchy than their counterparts in the conservative talkradio/Fox/blogosphere world...


I have no high ground on the fashion front, so I can't say too much about her clothes...but I do have past experience with drinking & (wink, wink) I think Michelle does too! BTW what's that crawling on her shoulder?

Captain Hate

The quite horrid Joe Klein is unrepentant, and apparently still thinks his messages were private.

Joke Line is such a kidder, starting with that "fierce individualist" garbage about the drones in the hive; what, he was serious?

STFU Stumpy; no your emails aren't private, idiot. Time to join the late 20th century.

Mike Huggins

bunkerbuster -
"...You... keep... missing... the target."
- Ad-mee-ral James T. Kirk


Who knew that publishing jornolist banter would so thoroughly exonerate "liberal" scribes at the dread NYT, Wapo, LA Times, CNN, etc.? After months of, we now know, bogus assertions that jornos used the list to co-ordinate liberal talking points in the mainstream media, we find out that, in fact, no coordination every took place. For all the months and thousands of manly man hours ubiquitous right-wing pundits have spent on this list, they have yet to produce a single example of a NYT Wapo or CNN or major metro daily or network TV story that was generated as a result of discussions on the list. And now, the best Faye Tucker Carlson can come up with is that the banter is "bitchy.'' This from what Breitbart and half the wingnutosphere had crowed was at last proof of a liberal media conspiracy…


The JournoListers need to start circling the rhubarb and praying to the vegetable god that this story doesn't "grow" too much. "Be still rhubarb, be still"...


let's see: Exhibit A: ``strinkingly high concentration of bitchiness.''
Exhibit B: ``but this hairdo is just ridiculous. She looks like she is either stoned or bombed out of her mind.''


Good Lord bubu...they are professional "journalists" working for the news media coordinating their stories on a members only listserv and I'm a stay at home Mom that is writing my opinions on the open internet for anyone to see.
Do you really not see any difference?

Melinda Romanoff

I've been blocked in the past from "photo-ing", but here goes.


David Axelrod

To: Turfers
From: The Axe

Good news. We were able to slide the unemployment payments through without touching any of the stimulus funds so that means I can still pay you monkeys for the witless garbage you do until at least November. Good thing because that was a political win but there's no way we would've paid those deadbeats if it meant not having money to give to you deadbeats. But you've got to up your efforts because, frankly, the results are worse than even we expected. Plus that goddamned Breitbart got all our highly placed idiots running around like a bunch of minks in heat firing people and then rehiring them. It was really embarrassing. Thank God we can throw that asshole Gibbs out there to look like a witless tool.

Speaking of witless tools, here are your marching orders. Go to the blogs where you make ignorant pests out of yourselves and plant the following seeds:
1. Breitbart has been throroughly discredited through his edited videos. Yes we know that only an idiot would believe that but why do you think we hired you? Just throw it out there and see what happens.
2. Say the JournoList is no big deal and that the big papers that we have in our pockets don't use them so why would anybody care. Yes that's a total crock but you aren't here because of your honesty and integrity.
3. Just be your usual bothersome selves. Yes I know how bad each of you can be. Why do you think I send out memos to you and don't receive any back.

There are your marching orders. Go out and make me, errrr, proud.


Yep, one cocktail too many! Thanks Mel...

Melinda Romanoff


That should have been written by Ellie Light,
would have been in form, and more believable.

And it's hotter here than there, so don't meet Preckwinkle this weekend.

Ellie Light

Errr, that was me. Where's the edit function on this software?????


Captain Hate

Looks like the whole administration's in the bag.


It's the Dolph look

Melinda Romanoff

More better Ellie.


I feel better now with that wool tucked under my nose.


It could be worse, so let's count our blessings!


Don't count those blessings yet, Janet, dear. She is perfectly capable of that look - just give it some time. If hubby's poll numbers continue to tank even lower, trust me, she will want to hide her sorry face by whatever means necessary.


oh - and - thanks, Mel! Maybe some weekend when we are all shut-ins on the computer you can give me lessons on how to post pictures.

Not now, however - it is cocktail time (and I have pushed MY bangs off of my forehead).

Old Lurker

"Not now, however - it is cocktail time "

Ah you west coasters...so far behind.


speaking of witless tools, Rick Sanchez was on the vid at the gym while I did my hamster impression and was in high dudgeon over those lying scumsucking teabaggers and the Sherrod case.

He then immediately followed this with a story of rampant "national socialists" trying to patrol the border. He interviewed one obviously insane nut case and ran photos of their demonstration, which included @ 20 people.

At the same time Sanchez ran anecdotal stories of poor Latinos having to leave Arizona because of persecution. In that case he ran a clip of a pro-illegals demonstration that featured a tight focus making it seem there were far more of them.

The Joseph Goebbels School of Cinematography at Cal State - Atzlan would have been proud.




Fred Barnes in WSJ:
``No one on JournoList endorsed the Ackerman plan.'' bottom line. end of story. This just keeps getting better. A gift that keeps on giving. Yet if he Journolist were a place for liberals to coordinate talking points, that would merely be proof that they're NOT taking them from David Axelrod.


Doug Ross Report.
That Journolists can find every woman that Tiger Woods has ever--within a matter of days and yet after years have been unable to learn anything about Obama and yet there are still people who trust these Journolisters.


sen Webb (D.Va) says it's time to end diversity programs.
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703724104575379630952309408.html?mod=WSJ_Opinion_LEADTop> No kidding

narciso the harpoon

Well remember Pagar, it's like the old commercial 'it's not butter it's Parkay. The point I tried to make in some places is that
this shunning protocol was endorsed by Axelrod and Dunn, at the time ,of the Van Jones revelations, and it's in line with Mark Lloyd's FCC plans in line to implement the 'wonderful democratic revolution'

Rob Crawford

So, Bubu, the press didn't spread false accusations of racism in order to put conservatives on the defense and take heat off Obama?


I guess I've just imagined the last 24 months.

You lefties really do live in an alternate reality.

OWells... Fuck Yeah...

Footprints. The thing is always here.

So, do you think the spies figured out AfPak was all Harvard aid,etc? It isn't really we owe, we O, so off spying for the NGO we go for all the cash we go for the B ticket studio............

David Axelrod

Fred Barnes in WSJ:
``No one on JournoList endorsed the Ackerman plan.''

Next sentence: "But rather than object on ethical grounds, they voiced concern that the strategy would fail or possibly backfire."

Sorry Clarice and everybody that we've been inflicting this imbecile on you for so long. To tell the truth, he irritates the hell out of us and I can't stand to have him represent us. Even complete scum like I am has standards. He won't be getting checks from us any more so I wouldn't expect him to be able to maintain whatever squalid existence he festers in. If you hear about Meghan's law being triggered somewhere, that should tell you his whereabouts.

Vote Dem in November. Ah I had to give it a try...

Old Lurker

Rick...is your Uncle Ben deserting the ship? I see he advises against allowing the Bush Tax Cuts to expire in order to salvage the recovery...on the very day Timmy and Pelosi both came out firmly in the Tax The Rich Camp.

Interesting CYA.


oh dear, the ıP leak may be more o a politically induced disaster than an ecological one--thanks WH Brainsters::

AFP) – 1 day ago
WASHINGTON — Some 750 boats drafted in to scoop up oil from the Gulf of Mexico are having "trouble" finding any crude in the sea, a top US official said Wednesday, almost a week after a busted well was capped.
"We are starting to have trouble finding oil," US pointman Admiral Thad Allen, who is in charge of handling the government's response, told reporters.
The boats, which have been drafted in to skim oil off the surface of the Gulf, are "really having to search for the oil in some cases" around the area of the capped well, he added.


OL - lucky you living on the East coast, when cocktail hour comes at a decent time! lol!

Pepper....Fornacation Maybe...

O wee oh, O wee oh chant the wicked witch guards...the thing left. Nose smudges. The A studio but pay in gold.

Danube of Thought

"...thoroughly exonerate 'liberal' scribes at the dread NYT, Wapo, LA Times, CNN, etc.? "

Yep, that's what they're all saying, ain't it? "We're really glad our juvenile banter got published, 'cuz now we're all thoroughy exonerated. Jeez, why didn't we think of releasing all this material ourselves?"

Maybe if their absurd little group still existed, Bubu, you could propose something like that as a talking point they could all agree on. Then again, maybe they'd think it was too stupid. Oh wait--it's too late anyway.


That was quite a piece by Webb.

Captain Hate

Does typhus have some virus that causes it to spew out random weird little nonsensical comments; not your's DoT, the one before.


Why I love Tammy Bruce on Twitter:

Working on a column reminding everyone why/how the left does what it does & the imperative of conservatives standing up against them

The Left *relies* on conservatives backing away, they *use* your decency hoping their lies and threats will frighten you. Do not blink!

When I was on the left we *relied* on conservatives eating their own, wanting to back away. Time to support those who confront the beast.

We NEED to listen to those with experience - who have in past lives been lefties! They really do tell us so much about how to wage this battle.

Will we listen? Oh, I hope so!

Captain Hate

That was quite a piece by Webb.

Yes, I'm waiting for Janet to weigh in on how much of it she believes Webb really thinks.

Melinda Romanoff


The dispersant chemicals do two things, cause the oil to break into droplets as it surrounds the chemical, and the other?

It makes it sink.

And they spread way, way more of it than the USCG said they could.

narciso the harpoon

Ah, Upperwest side Peg has taken up the sherrod case, could she be a little more predictable


That was me responding to the post at 9:33. Trying to be a wisenheimer....sorry.

Captain Hate

When I was on the left we *relied* on conservatives eating their own, wanting to back away. Time to support those who confront the beast.

Ace was pulling this garbage today over @ AoS dumping on Breitbart and emptying his bladder on anybody that argued otherwise. I swear when he gets like that he's like the two catamites at Hot Air only he lets us cuss more.


DoT: Are you suggesting that the demise of Journolist will curtail liberal bias? What's so funny about the desperation of wingnuts is that they never seem to think ahead about their talking points...This j-list is the gift that keeps on giving. Sure, some obscure third-tier wannabe pundits are embarrassed at looking a bit juvenile, and Weigel lost his job (rock-solid proof Wapo doesn't tolerate even the appearance of anti-conservative bias) but, on the whole, the upshot of the list is that the wingnut fantasy of a vast left wing media conspiracy is just that: fantasy...

Captain Hate

No problem Janet; was the one you were responding to like what I described or am I an outsider to an inside joke?

Danube of Thought

I've thought for several weeks now that the onshore damage from this spill is going to be far, far less than people have imagining. (No knowledge or opinion about the damage to shellfish and the like.)

Google "oil evaporation" and see what I'm talking about.


Could be, Mel. I know the press has been looking for oil soaked animals and seems to have found a relatively small number.

Everytime the wind kicks up we're warned that this could increase the spill and damage and...nada.

I think mother nature is like me--a sweet old forgiving cuss whom it is hard to kill.

Gore is demanding we act now because this is the hottest summer in memory. In south America it's the coldest, though, and people and now even penguins are dying of the cold.

Danube of Thought

Are you suggesting that the demise of Journolist will curtail liberal bias?

Of course not, you abject simpleton. (Jesus Christ--how stupid is this kid?)

 Ann  Squaredance

CC: I love Tammy Bruce on Twitter,too. She is fierce about sticking up for Palin which I applaud.

It took me forever to catch up on the threads today, so sorry I wasn't around for the MO sauced, banged look. :)

But I still got ammo:


Who told us this woman is athletic?

Melinda Romanoff


When Po wheels back in, ask him about his friends in the Gulf being worried about VOC's getting to explosive Oxygen mix.

Scary as all get out.

narciso the harpoon

The Ewok is getting his fur ruffled, more and more, lately

In the heh department, in the LUN


DoT: So if the demist of the journolist doesn't curtail liberal bias, it's only rational to conclude that it wasn't contributing to any such alleged bias in the first place. Thanks for providing your share, DoT of a gift that keeps giving...

Melinda Romanoff

Yep, Clarice.

And they had to stop part of the Calgary Stampede last week due to snow.

The methane and other natural gas releases will just expand the Dead Zone.

That's what worries me.


On one of the threads this morning somebody told a story about some hopeless libby reproachfully proclaiming that "Obama might get shot because of your racism." I think what's really scary is that Obama might get shot because of Obama's racism.

Ya know, when we created the whole federal civil service system where these guys can't get fired it wasn't because of some hypothetical clean-toga prissiness. It was because the federal government used to run the way Chicago runs now, and then we had a president shot by a disgruntled patronage-office seeker.

Imagine that some paranoid schizophrenic young black man talks it over with the voices in his head and decides that The Obamessiah has promised him a job because he is black...

Danube of Thought

...it's only rational to conclude that it wasn't contributing to any such alleged bias in the first place

So utterly false and illogical that it rises to the level of comedy.


no inside joke...you described it perfectly. That's why I had to respond.

If Webb is coming out against discrimination toward ANY Americans...well, he SHOULD! That should have been the case all along.
He talks and talks and talks and then votes with the Dems every time. He might say something right now & then, but his actions have been to vote as a liberal Democrat. I wonder if they have something on him sometimes....it's all I can figure.

Captain Hate

So you've noticed it too, narc?


Just watching the Anderson Cooper 360 slam on Breitbart this very minute in China. Unfortunately it is getting play over here. Sharrod's saying that Breitbart can't get past Black and White, that Breitbart's "vicious", and in response to Cooper's question "Is Breitbart a Racist? "Yes he is." Also says she is considering Legal Action against Breitbart.

Interesting to me that Cooper while trying to demean Breitbart, tries to buttress his case by saying that folks on the Left sometimes engage in the same "dishonest" action, but never specifically mentions who they are are when the heck he and CNN ever covered or exposed it.

Keep fighting Breitbart. The knives are of the left are out after you.

Rick Ballard


Uncle Ben is scared spitless. QE 2 is a chimera that he now knows to be fruitless. The G20 told BOzo to pound sand and the quiver is flat ass empty.

I haven't put much faith in the Baltic Dry as a leading indicator lately due to the number of new vessels coming into service but US car loadings and pulp pricing (for packaging) are both signaling an actual decline rather than the stabilization at current levels that I thought probable. I've noted that top line numbers at consumer firms continue to drop (e.g. J&J) even as "profits" soar due to effective reductions in work force. Capacity utilization shows no sign of turning up and housing and auto sales are flat to declining.

Aside from those minor details, Recovery Summer is in full swing. Sorta like it was 80 years ago.


"Anatomy Of A Smear Campaign" is what they're labeling it on CNN.

They continue to slam him. Anderson's girl reporter says Breitbart is "paranoid." And now Cooper is saying "This is not about targeting Breitbart". Horses#$t!

Danube of Thought

Joe Klein: “Here’s my attempt to incorporate the accumulated wisdom of this august list-serve community,”

But as Morrissey points out,

Klein wrote this article in the first person, attributing these ideas to himself. He could just as easily have written, “Political activists are wondering about the following” in his list of issues in this first reaction to the Palin announcement. Instead, Klein wrote, “I wonder about the following,” which misleads readers into believing that these points sprang from his own forehead as Athena from Zeus.

But then we've known for years that the guy is a dishonest butthole, haven't we?


Ann: Ditto #1 and Ditto #2! (What you said, not the merely the pictures!.)


narciso, How nice! Like me he thinks "refudiate" is lovely and useful neologism.


"So utterly false and illogical ..."

Bubu and cleo's barely adequate language skills far surpass their number, reason, or observation skills. Sometimes I wonder if that isn't by design in guvpostmodern edjumacashun.


Daddy: Anatomy of a Smear Campaign . . . ? Well, that would be JournoList wouldn't It? I know, I know, Anderson doesn't want to go there. But, then, no one really wants to go where he is either - and by and large, they aren't! (according to his ratings).


I think AG Holder needs to appoint a special prosecutor immediately to investigate how Secretary Vilesack, President Obama, and the rest of the administration violated Ms. Sherrod's rights with their vile undocumented, ill thought out racist actions....

Then I recommend a beer summit with Mr. Gates....


Who the F#$% is Erick Erickson? Is he another Gergen clone? He is the supposed "Conservative" now on Anderson Cooper's CNN show on to defend Breitbart, and he is ineffective and a colossal weenie, plus he's got a big hunk of food stuck in his teeth making him look like an idiot.


The best way to "refudiate" the BuBu's of this world, and his cohort - the propagandists who call themselves journalists, media, etc., is to simply stop viewing, reading, buying what they are selling.

More and more Americans are saying - uh, no thank you! We are much more informed than you were, are or will ever be. You and your ilk are the antithesis of this great nation.

narciso the harpoon

He's the founder of Red State, but has become increasingly Rinoish specially since around this time last year, he wrote off Sarah's political prospects right after she resigned
whined about her not attending CPAC, the TPC
fee, etc

Rob Crawford

Apparently, when you remove a single source of pollution, yet pollution continues, that proves that what you removed wasn't, in fact, a source of pollution!

Or something.


Hey, if the damn hole has been plugged, we're going to need a new subtitle.

Allow me to suggest "A Strikingly Low Concentration of Bitchiness".

Of course I say that as one who never sees busty posts unless they're quoted while being mocked. Speaking of which, stop that, all of you.

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