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July 23, 2010


She'll fit right in.

Just another liar.


If this site gets any more content rich, I will have to give up sleeping just to keep up. Whatever will I do next week when the Wolverine is here?

Melinda Romanoff

She's also not wanted by the tranzis, hence Geithner's "Anybody, but" comment.


--Whatever will I do next week when the Wolverine is here?--

I hope you'll spend all week playing with the little squirt. The DC follies will still be here when you get back.

Melinda Romanoff


I would recommend, um, nevermind.

But you are now number two, bumped from the top by Scott Johnson, from PowerLine.


Whatever will I do next week when the Wolverine is here?

I know you are too good a grandmother to go with my usual strategy of sending younguns outside to play so you can read JOM. ;) Maybe you will get lucky and it'll be a slow news week?

Captain Hate

Maybe you will get lucky and it'll be a slow news week?

We should all be so lucky; the McDivot administration has been unremitting chaos.

Danube of Thought

Minus 17 at Raz today.


I'm counting on you all to keep it a slow news week.

Legal Insurrection has a great post on the Journolists--how they were paid off with a super special WH briefing after they pimped for Obama.

These guys are like (ugly) children..

Carol Herman

Wow. The congress is heading into recess. The trifecta owns DC. And, the press. And, what happens in this final week? The Sherrod (poor woman, I suppose), is found driving while she's on a 3-hour journey. The White House doesn't let go. And, by mid-afternoon, you could almost picture the insanity IN the White House ... as staff is trying to maneuver a resignation out of this driving woman. Lucky she just didn't plow into a guard railing!

Then, you have Rangel. Not resigned. But with a completed investigation, "blowing kisses" at the departing congress critters, heading home.

For a bunch of dudes who are supposed to "own the agenda," we're certainly talking among ourselves about "FAILURES" in execution of battle plans, aren't we?

Oh, MarkO, come save me.


The hair-do alone should lead to a filibuster.


The wolverine at judo class. Watch out evil doers.



Check that link.


doesn't it work for you?


The link doesn't work for me either.


Sorry--it is a closed board. I can't think however to post it. Sorry.


Nope. I get a pre-natal exercise video.


driving while she's on a 3-hour journey.

LOL! Sherrod 3 hr. drive home vs. a 3 hr. tour...Sherrod is cast away vs. the castaways.

There is a Gilligan's Island parody in there somewhere!


I emailed it to jane. Maybe she knows how to post it, If not, it's no big deal.


Nope. I get a pre-natal exercise video.

I got a story about the difference between pre-school and nursery school. And who is Fifi?

I am clueless about how to post it Clarice, sorry.

BTW I have a funny story. Last night I went to concert by the Army band on the local common. I sat down next to a couple who are new in town. They wanted to know what sort of things were going on in town. After I told them what I knew, I mentioned that I was thinking of starting a tea party.
The woman said: "like a bunch of women meeting at 4 in the afternoon?"

I live in an alternate universe.



It's from a site where I know hot to post pics..But I haven't figured out how to do that using apple yet. No problem. Actually, I think it's probably a bad idea given how many kooks there are online.


Lun is a Hot Air post with a video. The relevant part is right at the beginning. It shows Brian Williams reading Time's Klein piece about Sarah Palin. So the whole JournoList approved narrative bleeds over into the networks...it doesn't matter if Brian Williams is officially on JournoList...he gets the message anyway.


From Insty LUN:

UPDATE: Reader Charles Quinn writes: “I read the link you gave about Mr. Berwick @ 10:46 am. One sentence stands out. ‘Berwick has explicitly called for doctors to relinquish their ‘clinician autonomy’ and instead follow standardized government treatment guidelines.’ This sentence cuts right at the heart of Roe vs. Wade does it not? Didn’t that case enshrine into the Constitution that government make not interfere in the relationship between a woman and her doctor? Wouldn’t it be the supreme irony if the Supreme Court, or an inferior court for that matter, struck down Obamacare using Roe vs. Wade as a precedent? The agony for the right and the left would be excruciating.”

Any thoughts lawyers?

Danube of Thought

Stephanie, I posted on that same potential irony about six months ago. There is lots of language in the privacy cases, including Roe, that would fit nicely with a privacy attack on Obamacare. It would be too delicious for words.

OT: my hunch is the judge will strike down the state crime in the AZ statute and leave the rest standing.


DoT, here's how the law is described by its opponents:

Opponents say the law will lead to racial profiling and trample on the rights of the hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants in Arizona.

I can almost keep a straight face when they argue that a Latino American citizen deserves better than to be treated like a common airline passenger, but this is ridiculous.


Thanks DOT. I thought y'all would have been all over this, but I couldn't remember if I had read about it here or elsewhere.

Danube of Thought

From Roe v. Wade:

In a line of decisions, however, going back perhaps as far as Union Pacific R. Co. v. Botsford, (1891), the Court has recognized that a right of personal privacy, or a guarantee of certain areas or zones of privacy, does exist under the Constitution. In varying contexts, the Court or individual Justices have, indeed, found at least the roots of that right in the First Amendment, in the Fourth and Fifth Amendments, in the penumbras of the Bill of Rights, in the Ninth Amendment, or in the concept of liberty guaranteed by the first section of the Fourteenth Amendment. These decisions make it clear that only personal rights that can be deemed "fundamental" or "implicit in the concept of ordered liberty," are included in this guarantee of personal privacy. They also make it clear that the right has some extension to activities relating to marriage, procreation, contraception, family relationships, and child rearing and education.

(I've deleted the numerous case citations.) Would that zone of privacy encompass the decision about whether to obtain medical insurance? It would if the Court says it does.


One state is challenging Pbamacare precisely on privacy grounds--I believe it is Fla where there is a specific state statute involved.


I hope it encompasses our BMI figures. I sure don't want MO popping in demanding I rip out my azaleas , plant rhubarb and move my fat behind.

Melinda Romanoff


Just don't add the lead shot to your garden and you'll be fine.

Danube of Thought

If I were making the argument, I think I would put the emphasis on 14th Amendment liberty.

Thomas Collins

I think it is unlikely that any of the SCOTUS Justices will use Roe v. Wade as a significant authority to decide the cases involving the constitutionality of ObamaCare when they end up on the SCOTUS docket. The four real Justices on SCOTUS (Roberts, Alito, Thomas and Scalia) recognize Roe v. Wade as the act of naked judicial imperialism that it is, and won't want to extend it (as an aside to the JOM non-lawyers who don't keep track of things judicial, a significant portion of firm abortion rights advocates also recognize that Roe v. Wade is one of the worst reasoned decisions in SCOTUS history; the veneer of politeness that many lawyers like to adopt in regard to SCOTUS, and, in the case of abortion rights advocates, the desire to avoid doing anything that hurts the cause of abortion rights, prevent them from calling Roe v. Wade the abomination that it is). The three Justices on SCOTUS who largely view their position as an opportunity to advance the post-modern political agenda (Sotomayor, Breyer and Ginsburg) are likely to want to find a way to uphold ObamaCare. Kennedy, who often acts like a real Justice but who on occasion lapses into a desire to be liked by polite company, is likely, I think, not to want to expand Roe v. Wade's scope no matter what robe he is wearing when he decides these cases. Kagan isn't there yet, but I suspect she will want to uphold ObamaCare.

I have LUNed the SCOTUS decision in Roe v. Wade for anyone who would like to peruse a textbook example of how not to act like a member of the judicial branch.


Actually didn't the whole thing start with Griswold, another manufactured case out of Connecticut? I think that was the first time the court decided that a right to privacy existed - between married couples IIRC.


I noticed that Drudge had a report that OCaresforyourfatbehind excludes HIV and abortions as required to be included in the medical info in the database. Upon reading the article, it notes that:

CNSNew.com followed up: "So, when it says a 'test result,' if they did an HIV test they wouldn't have to put it in the record?"

"It's between the doctor and the patient," said Blumenthal.

CNSNews.com asked: "So what does have to go in there?"

"The information that the patient and the physician agree needs to be in the record," said Blumenthal.

CNSNews.com asked: "So you can say, 'I don't want this in my health record, I don't want that in my health record, in my EHR'"?

Blumenthal responded: "Exactly the same thing in the paper world would pertain in the electronic world."

Before speaking with Blumenthal, CNSNews.com asked the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) via email whether abortions and STDs must be included in the new EHRs, and if abortions and STDs need not be included what other surgical procedures and diseases could be excluded from the EHRs. If in fact abortions and STDs could be excluded from the EHRs, CNSNews.com also asked HHS to point out where specifically the law exempted abortions, STDs or any other procedures or diseases from being included in the records.

Peter Garrett, the spokesman for HHS's Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, responded by email.

“Nothing in the HITECH electronic health record regulations or in our policies touches on or requires the recording of any particular type of health information in a particular patient's personal health record,” Garrett said in an e-mail.

“That is between the doctor and patient,” Garrett wrote. “The EHR incentive program is a voluntary program. If a physician chooses to participate, they are not required to record any specific type of health information and the physician needs the patient's consent in order to record any of their personal health information. As with all medical records, protecting the privacy of patients' heatlh information is a top priority and informational privacy will continue to be protected as EHRs become more widely used.”

The way I'm reading this bureauspeak is that you and your doctor can agree to not include certain information, but that the doctor will be paid bonuses to include all information, so exactly what assurance does the patient have that the doctor will do what is in the patient's vs. the doctor's best interests? And what verification does the patient have that the doctor complied with the "leave it out" request?

What good is the medical database for analyzing and devising who gets what treatment (death panel) if the full info is not there? Since HIV is most likely to be "not included" information, when an HIV positive patient seeks treatment for Sarcosi's Carcinoma or pneumonia (for example) how will the medical treatment be affected? What about a person who's BMI is high and has a diagnosis of heart disease?
Both situations are supposedly caused by the underlying medical problem (HIV or fatness) but only the fat person has their behavior (in continuing to be fat) held against them and possibly denied treatments due to their behavior?


Wasn't it Bork who said no one understands the 14th amendment?


Wasn't it Bork who said no one understands the 14th amendment?

After reading Justice Clarence Thomas' 67 page concurrence in McDonald v. City Of Chicago, I would say that he has a pretty good handle on it.

Danube of Thought

I think the argument more likely than any other to get five votes is simply that the law exceeds the scope of congressional power under the commerce clause.



The link worked for me.

Your little warrior is a darling!!!

Dave (in MA)
Typo, or is that something like pwned? LOL Cl@r!c3

Hey, Clarice - the Wolverine link worked for me too. The Judo Warrior Princess is just too cute. Gonna be a beautiful woman someday.

Thomas Collins

Following up on Jane's 2:43 PM post, see LUN for Griswold v. Connecticut, another in the line of SCOTUS privacy cases.

Rob Crawford

I sure don't want MO popping in demanding I rip out my azaleas , plant rhubarb and move my fat behind.

I'll plant rhubarb if MO eats the leaves.


Thanks, Barbara and cc..maybe it only works for yuku members.

we could all fly to Jaipur for our checkups to find out what's up and report to US physicians fo snakebite treatment etc.

(Open heart surgery there is only $2k--the whole trip for an annual checkup will be worth the fine for not having insurance.)


Clarice - didn't you set up a temporary blog there once when Tom was away for what we later found out was surgery? Maybe those of us who signed in at the time can still get in? Anyway, I recognized your nom de plume there "FiFi."

hit and run

Neener neener I got to see the Wolverine too.

hit and run jr just emailed: "dad,get her number!"


That's probably how some of you got it. I'm sorry to hurt Hit Jr's feelings, but this week she's engaged to marry Luke. Last week Nicolette was the one and the before that for almost two years it was Henry.

But tell him not to give up hope. As yo can see, his chances improve day by dy.


Clarice, the photo worked for me too (look for the albums on the RH side and click on the last thumbnail in the list, then click again for the full pic).

She is gorgeous - I can see why you are so besotted.


Thanks, porchlight. Looking at all my typos I realize how tired I am. I have to get my laps in.

hit and run

Anyone seen the http://hotair.com/greenroom/archives/2010/07/23/revealed-the-obama-donor-list/>Obama donor list yet?

From Anita Moncrief in Hot Air's Green Room...


From Legal Insurrection - JournoList Bernstein invited other Jlisters to the White House.


we now have 75 Journolist names and affiliations:
http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-bloggers/2557877/posts>75, I say 75

(Janet that pic looks like something from Dr Strangelove or the Manchurian Candidate.The camera angle, the lighting--all designed to make these moogs look like movers and shakers instead of smalltime hacks.

Danube of Thought

All of 'em white as the driven snow.


Actually, there are some he missed, like ambinder..so it's really more like 77 or 78 names we have. C


Third from the left may not be snow white.

hit and run

All of 'em white as the driven snow.

'Cept Oliver Willis who's black.

But then,he's not a confirmed Journolister,either.


I just emailed Oliver "Like Kryptonite to Stupid") to ask him if he was a member.


On another thread TS says she thinks Jay Rosen might be a JournoList. Can't find that out, but if anyone can it would be fun.

See you later.

hit and run

I will always think of him as http://justoneminute.typepad.com/main/2008/02/subterranean-ob.html?cid=103890112#comment-6a00d83451b2aa69e200e55067581a8833>Oliver "Smells Like a Movement" Willis.

Man I hate trying to link back to old comments. There's some magic syntax to get it right (that link above will only take you to the top of the page),but I don't have the patience to re-learn it for the 3,625th time. Oh well.

Chubby (formerly Parking Lot)

I will always think of Oliver as a jug of kool aid


JOM is a goldmine...from your link hit there is Ranger's idea about starting a group -

"I think someone should set up a group called the Weather Underground Victims for Truth (WUVFT) for short. They have the absolute moral authority of victims to ask Obama why he was so friendly with a man that was part of a group that had as one of their goals 'creating the greatest act of domestic terror in American history.'"

Just a brilliant idea.

Cecil Turner

I'm put off by "into" vs "unto" on the breach thing.

It's a good speech . . . and this is classic loin-girding:

Now set the teeth and stretch the nostril wide, hold hard the breath and bend up every spirit to his full height.


It is brilliant. Maybe someone ought t put together a book-the best of JOM.


Clarice, when you write "75, I say 75" names I hear Foghorn Leghorn. Do you do that on purpose?


Here ya go Cecil, a really well thought out and presented view: Stop Hyperventilating: Obama Will Not Choose War with Iran. The linked conversation with David Frum--and I never thought I'd be saying this--is also very worthwhile.



Willis sends back this response" to my inquiry.
"I don't know! Doesn't Tucker share these things with you guys?"

I told him to quit deflecting and answer and if he wasn't a journolister how did he get invited to Jared's WH "briefing"(suck up to toadies)?


At the site I just linked there's also a video conversation with James Glassman, Executive Director of the George W. Bush Institute (yes, THAT Bush). It seems very worthwhile: James K. Glassman on Strategic Communications and U.S. Policy Toward Iran.

Melinda Romanoff


You've got mail.


Got it. Now you have it.

Melinda Romanoff

Ping Pong! (no response needed, but thank you none the less)


The fall guy for the Sherrod case.

I actually feel sorry for Tom Vilsack. He hitched his wagon to loser Obama.


"part of a group that had as one of their goals"

Janet, I think you'll find many of the Obama Adminstration tied to such a group.
Shirley Sherrod married to "husband is a former Honcho in the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee back in the 1960’s. You can read more about it in Bill Ayers book “Fugitive Days.” Yes, that Bill Ayers. He was involved in SNCC as well. Is just one example.
One clue might be picking the name "Russia" for a child.


Who named their child Russia Pagar? Oh my goodness, you've got to be kidding.


Hint: It wasn't me


Fear not! CNN is having a Shirley Sherrod special on tomorrow night at 7 (repeats at 10!).

"Who is this remarkable woman?"


Hahaha..is that the name of Bill Ayers kid? I've been googling & I can't find his kid's names.

I've been googling - that sounds inappropriate!

hit and run

It is brilliant. Maybe someone ought t put together a book-the best of JOM.

I've already got 50% of the book archived at TheVIMH.


Maybee, Do you think they will reveal why her and her husband were awarded $150,000 for Pain and suffering.

"plus $150,000 each to Shirley and Charles for pain and suffering)".


Ok, second clue, the lady has been in the news a lot the past few days because of what she told the NAACP.

More clues will follow as soon as Obama releases his college grades.


Pagar- I'm betting they will not include her recent rant that Andrew Breitbart wants to return us all back to the days of slavery.


Kenyatta Sherrod (left) and Russia Sherrod, the children of Shirley Sherrod,

I didn't know. Thanks for the clues!


I just got an email from Soylent who's on his way to Kuwait without his pants and stuff. It's a long story but he claims he's well and surrounded by armed to the teeth defenders.


LUN A bit of background on Sherrod for those interested.


Oh good grief! Kenya(-tta) and Russia?

Enough already, Shirley. We see through your smoke screen.


Maybee, you'd win that bet I'm sure.

Janet, I wouldn't have known either, except I had just seen it on another blog.

Hopefully, the next big Story.

"Anita Moncrief to file FEC charges against the Obama Admin" Reported by Gateway Pundit.


"Who is this remarkable woman?"

I hope we find out.

Btw, are we still reading that story about her father being shot in the back by a white guy whose name we still don't know? That's strange, since Janet's link says it was the guy whose farm was adjacent to her father's. Can't we trace that from tax records or something? Have none of the reporters asking the question above had the time to look into this between all the Daily Caller hits?


I never found out Bill Ayers kids names - he has 2. Wiki tells about Chesa Boudin who Ayers/Dohrn had guardianship of, but not their own kids. It is kinda odd.
Maybe a "journolist" could move in next door & find out a little something for us.


Speaking of Soylent - I've been waiting for him to leave the country. I think JOM should send him stuff - as soon as we get an address. Both Matt and Janet have offered to put the packages together and I figure that the rest of us can donate stuff and money to make sure he remembers us. If you are in, send email to HIt - well Hit or me. Hit because he can then compile a mailing list for me. If you send them to me, then I have to figure out how to compile the mailing list. (Hit knows I was going to do this but doesn't know I was going to volunteer him.

So what do you guys think?


Maybe he'd like a nice switchblade?


We will need a list of Soylent's preferred addictions! Jerky?...Slim Jims?...chocolate?..cigars or Red Man?...Skoal?..licorice?


Both Clarice and I are on his email list, so maybe he will give some hints.

hit and run

We will need a list of Soylent's preferred addictions!

This is our moment,this is our time . . . to finally compile a JOM Babes calendar.

For Soylent.

Old Lurker

For Soylent indeed!


He'd like a second pair of pants. His are in the washing machine on the base, soaking wet, but I don't think we can do much about that.When he was here I used to send him brownies but I assure you having done that for a friend in Iraq it is very hard to be sure your food doesn't spoil in the long hot trip. There are companies which let you pick out gift baskets which are delivered on site and they know how to do this. Of course, Janet has experience with non perishables,

Of course I'm in. He gave us the Bald Man, didn't he? We oe him for the laughs.


That could be fun! Jane with a sultry look near her radio microphone, Clarice in a frisky french apron baking bread, JM Hanes picture could be of a garter instead of her signature hat! The ideas are endless...
I might try to copy old Rachel Welch & go for a cro magnon look! Hah


Extraneus first thinks of switchblades ...remind me to be careful around Extraneus!


According to this article, Ayers and Dohrn named their first child Zayd Dohrn after Black Panther Zayd Shakur. Don't know why they chose Dohrn for the boy's surname? Their second son was named Malik after Malcolm X. I'm not sure about this son's surname.


Here is a relatively short article from Am. Thinker on the WaPo Intelligence Contractors stories. Has anyone been reading those? I haven't read one word of them.


Thanks Rocco.


It's all about jobs. It's just a bunch of informants.


Looks like Webb may be about to ride the racist rail.

Leftists in a Lather about Webb

Hope he's as tough as he acts.

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