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July 23, 2010



Senator Webb seems to wander off the reservation here, lets see if the Times calls him on it:

"...In an odd historical twist that all Americans see but few can understand, many programs allow recently arrived immigrants to move ahead of similarly situated whites whose families have been in the country for generations. These programs have damaged racial harmony. And the more they have grown, the less they have actually helped African-Americans, the intended beneficiaries of affirmative action as it was originally conceived.”

narciso the harpoon

"Don't cross the streams" TM, is my advice


Here's the link to that Webb piece.

hit and run

Team Obama was more prompt than that - they fired her before Fox could get on air.

Many have noted how jumpy the administration is on just the threat of Fox News covering a story.

But what about the amazing inability of Breitbart to get Fox News to jump on his story?

Fox like wanted to fact check it and all before --contra Krugman-- "the clips were featured big on Fox News".

That big bad VRWC sure could be a little more V'er and C'er to live up to the hype.


Webb is just trying to set up his reverse Specter after November. He knows he is toast in VA in 2012 as a Dem with Obama at the top of the ticket. He also knows that in Afirmative Action is hated in wide swaths of rural VA. This is his first of what will become a series of 'I am uncomfortable with the Dems positions on issues' bleats. Don't forget that Webb was Harry Reid's willing tool to keep the Senate in sesion during recesses for the last two years of the Bush administration explicitely to prevent the president from making any recess appointments.

hit and run

Have you ever seen http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=ZDM2MmRlMmFmZGRhNGUxZDM5ZmM0MTJmMTZiYzZmZGY=>Michelle Bachmann and Jane in the same place at the same time?

According to Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., the House Republicans should exercise their power to subpoena and hold continuous hearings. Speaking to a gathering for the GOP Youth Convention on July 22 in Washington, D.C., she emphasized this point.

“Oh, I think that’s all we should do,” Bachmann said. “I think that all we should do is issue subpoenas and have one hearing after another. And expose all the nonsense that is going on. And it’s very important when we come back that we have constitutional conservative leadership because the American people’s patience is about this big.”

I'm just saying -- I know I haven't.


The latest and greatest from Sherrod is her claim that USDA under Obama and Vilsack is loaded with racism against blacks.

So why do Obama and Vilsack continue to operate such a racist organization ??


I remember feeling bad for Jeff Gannon. The media wanted to mock & destroy him...why? What was in their own past lives? Is there some moral standard that has to be met to be part of the official accepted press? It was almost as if there was a 2005 JournoList equivalent going after Gannon. (I think JournoList started in Feb. 2007).

narciso the harpoon

Who cares he showed no independence when it mattered, he meekly raised objections to the
Health Care bill, but when the Time came he
swallowed it whole,

Rob Crawford

It was almost as if there was a 2005 JournoList equivalent going after Gannon. (I think JournoList started in Feb. 2007).

There was one before that known as "Townhouse".


'I am uncomfortable with the Dems positions on issues' bleats.

Exactly Ranger. No matter what he says, he VOTES for all the far left garbage.
When I call his office they never know how he is going to vote. He hasn't made up his mind...yeah right. He always votes for the far left garbage!


Rob beat me to it. Plus before that there was the bar at the Willard Hotel is Washington, DC. I am sure there is a newsy equivalent in Midtown NY.


his decision to sign a petition in 2004 questioning whether the Bush administration had allowed the terrorist attacks of September 2001 to provide a pretext for war

That's clever. A Times reader could be forgiven for parsing that as "a petition which wondered whether in the 2002-03 debate over going to war in Iraq the administration had seized on 9/11 as justification", when it really was a petition which accused the administration of plotting the attacks itself or allowing the discovered plot to proceed so that the administration could use the thousands of deaths it had caused to provoke a larger war.


The Times expressing agreement with Beck, Limbaugh and Palin will be like saying "Beetlejuice" three times. No one can predict the consequences.

Heard a rumor yesterday that since all the conventional mudslinging attacks on Palin have failed to eliminate her, the new tactic is to build her up and put her on a pedestal so that (presumably) she can be knocked down later in the 2012 campaign.

So if that's true, we should see Strange New Respect for Palin in coming months.


Who cares he showed no independence when it mattered, he meekly raised objections to the
Health Care bill, but when the Time came he
swallowed it whole,

and giving the EPA power...and every other far left thing you can remember.


The Times should be subject to the Rules of Evidence.

BB Key

Is the administration jumpy on race...Sherrod,Jones,Gates...Yes. Is it intentional? Yes, because when they jump the gun it makes race the issue....It seems they have taken a page from Joel Chandler Harris and want to be thrown in the briar patch.


I'm wondering why noone is prosecuting the murderer of her father, or at least mentioning the murderers name if the guy is already dead.

narciso the harpoon

I forgot about that one, Janet, the point is he hasn't voted right on anything I can recall, he gives weak statements of dissaproval like with the Gitmo transfers to Yemen, but little else


“It is interesting they just lectured the Tea Party movement last week,” Mr. Hannity said, telegraphing a talking point

"telegraphing" is a funny word, given that Breitbart had said the same thing last Thursday.

The link is to the same interview in which Breitbart said, "I have tapes - tapes of racism, and it's at an NAACP, uh, dinner. OK? You want to play with fire? I have evidence of racism and it's coming from the NAACP." It's from those two sentences that Shirley Sherrod claims she was able to deduce, despite the fact that there are annual Freedom Fund dinners in every city and county in the nation, and despite the fact that the NAACP national convention had just taken place July 10-15, that Breitbart must have obtained video of her remarks in Georgia this past March, and that a cabinet secretary ought to be alerted immediately.


I think the Webb piece is important. In the midst of the "real conversation" on race we've been bravely having lately, a Democrat comes out and says what everyone knows but no Republican could have comfortably said before Obama lowered the bar. That's a big step in the right direction.

What will Gibbs say if someone asks about this?

The white farmer discriminated against in favor of blacks is one thing, but maybe we should find out how many white farmers were discriminated against in favor of other favored "minorities." Or white cops, or white engineers.

I hope Webb will follow this up.


Put not your faith in the blind squirrel or the stopped clock for even though it might be right twice a day it is still useless for telling time.

narciso the harpoon

He's had nearly four years to raise this issue, which he made a big deal about it, before he started running as a Democrat, he's a dishonest shill,


Webb obviously had a political motive, in that he wants lots of space between himself and Zero. Apparently if you stand too close to the curb, the bus could run you over in passing? Who knew?

Still lets see if Zero joins in his brave and thoughtful dialogue about ending the travesty of Affirmative Discrimination.

Rick Ballard


Isn't Senator Macaca just telling BOzo that immigration "reform" will be filed next to Air Taxes for the foreseeable future? Senator Macaca is looking at his chances in '12 and shooting for 'slim' rather than the alternative.

BP in the Hood.

No, BBK, they want to hit the Tar Baby.


OT, but excellent aritcle at Realclearmarkets examining what Bush did wrong.
Let's hope the GOP pays attention so they can avoid making them again.


iggy I got to tell you, Bush is looking like a sage and wise leader compared to the new edition...


Yes Webb's shooting for slim, BUT his statement is important as it is rare. Like Nixon going to China, without a Dem leading this charge--for the obvious reason--there will be no change unless Dems are in it. Maybe unwittingly this administration will prove to be useful, forcing Americans to realize that the racial spoils system is corrupt, dishonest and dangerous, It has already been giving us numerous "teachable moments" about big government.


Well ok, but the reason we have Obama is the same thing Webb is talking about. It's the reason we have Sotomayer, and Kagen, and Holder, and thousands, maybe millions of un- or under-qualified AA sweepstakes winners in positions of importance.

It's the reason we had the CRA. I think it's the number one problem in this country, by far - the root-cause of many of our society's ills - and I don't see how it gets fixed until people are able to confidently talk about how wrong it is.

Seems to me that Webb can help this along, even if it's for his own selfish reasons, and even if he's insincere.


I agree Extraneus. Back when I was writing my Senators every day about the health care bill...Webb's auto-reply letters always kinda blamed the administration for not handling it well. But he voted for it in the end. I don't think he likes Obama at all.


Webb is going to get the fully Monty from the like of KOS if he keeps this up. It will not stand as Democrat policy, as without near unanimous black votes, the Democrat become the a small regional party primarily in New England with outposts on the West coast and a few islands of insanity.


Janet and Jane!!! Your names are both appearing in the Daily Caller website - scroll down a bit, right hand side in the "Recommendations" column. Janet is there twice. Oh, you FB ladies have figured out how to get your names in lights. lol.


--iggy I got to tell you, Bush is looking like a sage and wise leader compared to the new edition...--

Indeed he is gmax, but how does that obviate the need to examine past mistakes, particularly when some of those mistakes contributed significantly to the election of the new edition, not to mention us having to even mouth the emetic phrase "Speaker Pelosi"?


"the root-cause of many of our society's ills ..."

Just as the patient starts showing signs of recovery along comes the snake oil salesman with a special deal.

Seems anytime this subject is due for needed adjustment some dimorat gets to steal the credit.

narciso the harpoon

The problem was a more committed conservative
Republican voting bloc, but more fundamentally
the populace from which they are to rise.

“How is there a preemption issue?” the [U.S. District] judge [Susan Bolton, a Democrat appointee] asked. “I understand there may be other issues, but you’re arguing preemption. Where is the preemption if everybody who is arrested for some crime has their immigration status checked?”
Perhaps Eric Holder should apologize.

Hahaha centralcal...my .o15 seconds of fame!

Facebook is pretty good as a kinda poor mans blog. Linking to favorite stories with a bit of comment...anyway, a person can reach some relatives and friends that way. Every little bit helps.


"need to examine past mistakes"

I'd favor less in the way of assertion by circular argument and more in the way of analysis.

biggest error ... "weak dollar" ... the president has no direct control over monetary policy, it is said that a president always gets the monetary policy he wants.
WTF? Seriously?

IMO people just don't want to admit or deal with the real reasons for US breakdowns.


Speaking of media - yesterday several media sites had a clip of Luke Russert questioning Cholly Rangle. I just got around to watching it. The man is simply stunned that NBC (actually, MSNBC) would ask him any tough questions. I think it clearly shows how the Washington bums have come to expect smooth sailing from most media outlets. They feel so secure.


I missed my 15 seconds of fame - does someone go in and erase it?

Have you ever seen Michelle Bachmann and Jane in the same place at the same time?

The power of being able to subpoena is far more important than using it to keep the left in line, altho I do think some things really should be investigated.


I think from the judge's remarks published today and the fact that the DoJ counsel skittered out the back way, Holder (B.s,J.D. Columbia) has another loser on his hands.

And just as Congress is recessing and animus to the Administration is rising.

It's a long, hot summer with the Obama's only having teo pre vacations before the real one...in an elite gated community in the Hamptons or Martha's Vineyard.


He's going to FL for a few days vacation in August, before he goes on his big vacation to Martha's Vineyard.

Chubby (formerly Parking Lot)

((The man is simply stunned that NBC (actually, MSNBC) would ask him any tough questions))

asking tough questions is racist


OTOH, now that the media knows we are on to them, they'll llike actually um do some work.

In the next presidential campaign any Republican who agrees to the Gwen Ifill etc type "debate" deserves to be shot.

It should be a straight up two person debate on a single question limited only by time rules and NO DAMNED moderators.

Gabriel Sutherland

I'd love to see a debate where only the candidates ask eachother questions.

Mechanize the moderator. A simple clock will do.

The Chess masters solved that riddle a long time ago.


Webb is a two faced liar. When he ran here in Virginia he pretended to be much more conservative, but when it came down to it he always votes with the left.

He will be thrown out if the Republicans run someone not afraid to trake on Webb and the medias lies.


Clarice @ July 23, 2010 at 12:49 PM

And that question will be:

Why has it taken President Obama so long to fix everything Bush screwed up? Please take into account in your answer that when Obama got elected the entire Universe was about to collapse on itself due to Bush policies and the US economy was headed for a quad-druple dip depression with mass rioting, bloody goat intestine wars and various outbreaks of boils and gigantic muscular tape worms that eat children and poop racists.


Ohh, and please don't give a partisan answer like those black hating, KKK loving, evironmentent destroying, gun clinging, Hispanic killing Republican scum usually provide.

Cecil Turner

OT, but excellent aritcle at Realclearmarkets examining what Bush did wrong.

Nowhere in there do we see anything about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The closest thing to an analysis of the subprime mortgage mess is this:

The unstable dollar during the Bush years was the root cause of the financial crisis of 2008.
Sorry, but letting the Dems blame the economic collapse on Bush is nonsense. And the failure to address the obvious is one of the biggest drags on the "recovery."

Grunt Palin

Apparently Tommy One Tone doesn't understand that FoxNews.com and FoxNation.com are Fox News.

You could look it up:

"The services offered by FOX News include foxnews.com, foxbusiness.com, foxnation.com, foxnews.mobi, m.foxbusiness.com, the FOX News iPhone application, the FOX Business iPhone application, and any FOX News-branded URL, WAP site and mobile application (collectively, the 'Site'), FOX News messaging services, video services, RSS feeds, podcasting services, mobile services, and any other feature, content, or applications offered from time to time by FOX News in connection with FOX News' business (collectively, the 'FOX News Services')."

There isn't a bus short enough for our Tommy.


Gabriel--let's start a Real Debate Movement--insisting there be an end to these sham ones.

It' s such an idiotic waste of time.

And then--let's demand that Luntz stop interviewing the "undecideds' two weeks or more before the vote. If those dummies haven't figured it out by then, let them stay home.

Captain Hate

When you see the hammer & sickle at half-mast at NPR, it's because Daniel Schorr is no longer stealing my oxygen. He's probably already boring Satan with endless babble about being on Nixon's enemies list.

Cecil Turner

Apparently Tommy One Tone doesn't understand that FoxNews.com and FoxNation.com are Fox News.

You might want to explain that one. All I see is a quote from Howard Kurtz directly refuting the "chatter."

Danube of Thought

Bingo! Lifson at AT just pointed out that there is not one single African-American on Journolist. Not one. How does the Tea Party compare?


lol - Charlie Rangel got the message who the reporter was - Luke Russert - and has already called him and apologized.

This is just sickening on so many levels.

I agree Clarice, that the whole debate process needs an complete overhaul.


DoT: you missed Lifson's update, he found one A-A: Ta Nehisi Coates of The Atlantic.

I think he used to be over at Politico prior to that.

hit and run

Do see the update,DoT -- Lifson notes that the known Jounolist members are .0135% African-American.

1 out of 74.

Also,my funny bone is tickled that the lineup misspells JONATHAN CHIAT and MATHHEW YGLESIAS. I just hope someone has pointed it out to them so they can demand a correction.


It's been updated, DoT. We found ONE. There's more diversity at every tea party rally I've been to though than there is at this collection of ugly white (one Asian, one black) people.



Rough week for journoweenies, huh?

We stayed in ABC's neighborhood (Lincoln Center) in Manhattan this past weekend and several times I walked down "Peter Jennings Way" on my way to and from the Park. Snickered every time.

hit and run

Slow down c-cal,you move to fast.


Some decades ago, Schorr showed up here trick or treating with his second wife and their kid..He looked like the grandfather even then.


There are probably a few more in the 400 - Capehart maybe. Only Ezra knows!

Rob Crawford

several times I walked down "Peter Jennings Way"

Don't tell me -- both ways down that street are the wrong way, and when you get to the end, you're accused of throwing a tantrum?


o k a y

m o v i n g

r e a l l y

s l o w.

hit and run

There are probably a few more in the 400

My math says there should be roughly 4-5 more out of the 326 we don't know about.

That would put Jounolist between .0125% and .015% black.

I'm holding out hope that there are more.

Because anything below that and they wouldn't be celbrating diversity,as far as I'm concerned.

hit and run



you're accused of throwing a tantrum?

Heh. I thought of that several times and made a silent promise that I would toast ol' Peter on November 3, 2010, after my tantrum was over.


I misspoke--that was Schorr's first wife..He married very late..


Because anything below that and they wouldn't be celbrating diversity,as far as I'm concerned.

You should really send this to Daily Caller, hit. Would make a nice little sidebar to the drip, drip, drip.

Captain Hate

Don't tell me -- both ways down that street are the wrong way, and when you get to the end, you're accused of throwing a tantrum?

And the accuser is a Canadian

Danube of Thought

Apparently Tommy One Tone doesn't understand that FoxNews.com and FoxNation.com are Fox News

What warrants that conclusion?


Careful. 4 out of 400 is 1%.

Chubby (formerly Parking Lot)

a Media Matters ghoul made an appearance yesterday saying that the WaPo story about Fox's non culpability was in error ... someone asked it for a link as proof it but I don't think it got back


The theme of the article I linked was what Bush did wrong, from a free market perspective. The circle-the-wagon mentality by saying the Dems did bad stuff too or Barry is way worse than Bush is true, but it's also rather like saying the final voyage of the Andrea Doria was a success because Titanic's was worse. It's also a prescription for not correcting the mistakes of the past.
It seems particularly odd from people who are cheered by the Tea Party movement of limited government, limited debt and free markets.
If big government, compassionate conservatism and the loose spending congressional Republicans are beyond criticism then it's hard not to conclude that Santayna's famous dictum is waiting in the wings.
I for one fully expect, through hard experience, the Republicans to repeat the mistakes of the past unless their feet are held to the fire. And it's pretty tough to generate any heat if poor policies from 2001 to 2009 drop down the memory hole.

David Walser

The NYT didn't even get the time line correct when they agreed with Beck. Monday afternoon Beck had the video clip, but he did not have the full transcript. He played the clip and cautioned: "Context Matters." He asked whether Sherrod was telling a story from her past to illustrate an attitude she had grown out of or was she describing how she still feels and acts? Beck was unwilling to condemn Sherrod without hearing the rest of the video.

Chubby (formerly Parking Lot)

yes Ignatz

dems: affordable housing policies
Bush: monetary policy
Wall Street: toxic derivatives

enough blame to go around

Gabriel Sutherland

This post over at Hot Air does raise a few questions.

A quick summary of the post. Joe Klein admitted yesterday that he was a member of Journolist. He used the admission as a frame for his career where he was a member of other "list servs" predating modern communications. Joe has no regrets about his participation in the Journolist.

Hot Air shows a clip from "How Obama got elected" with John Zeigler and Bill O'Reilly hashing out a clip from Brian Williams just after the Palin announcement. Williams reads Joe Klein's Time piece, which Klein cribbed from Journolist posts, on the air.

The first question I have.

Were any NBC producers, at the time of the Palin announcement, members of Journolist?

hit and run

Careful. 4 out of 400 is 1%.

Heh. Man,I am bad at math.

I was going for 4 out of 74 (what we know currently) = .0135 and I shouldn't have put the % after that,because as you have gently pointed out, it would be 1.35%

I am saying that add 4-5 more, which would be 5 out of 400 - 1.25% or 6 out of 400 1.5%

In the end,there can be only one conclusion: Decimals are racist.

Gabriel Sutherland

Anyone have a link to that list of Journolist members with their photos?

hit and run

http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2010/07/the_unbearable_whiteness_of_be.html>Journolist Mug shots


I offer exhibit A, from the NYT:

"Daniel Schorr, Journalist, Dies at 93"


The Supreme who said we couldn't talk about O's birth should be fired. It's all classified and stuff, so dad was an informant for CIA. All federal employees have to show they are Americans and BCs are basic.
Other O countries are saying they don't O, but they do when it's owe one of hers.


Not that there's anything wrong with it, but does that illustrated Journolist overload anyone else's gaydar.


"repeat the mistakes of the past unless their feet are held to the fire"

First step, correct analysis of what the "mistakes" were. Disagreeing with a FUBAR analysis is not the same as shirking retrospection.

Unless people are ready to address what people clearly do not want to address ... evasive scapegoating is worse than just looking forward and finding something that works. I don't consider an argument over whether the problem was tax cuts for the rich or "wanting" a weak dollar to be productive use of brainpower.


Yep. Teh gayface is strong with them. NO wonder Graham keeps going back for more abuse. I just wish that McCain would give gayface Graham a swift newspaper to the nose and the correct verbal command.

"Down Bitch!"


"Roll Over!"

Rick Ballard


I'm rather curious to hear what it is (IYO) that people do not want to address?

Only 54% of a century ago.

The 'Stockholm's' last voyage was a failure because it sank, while what the Titanic hit didn't.


Apparently pretty much everyone forgot that the Clinton economic boom began when the Republicans won Congress after the economy was anemic during Clintons first 2 years.

They also forget the economy was fine under Bush until the Democrats took back the House and SEnate under Reid and Pelosi, that's when the downturn occurred, having nothing to do with Bush policies.

Chubby (formerly Parking Lot)

even if there had been no Reid and no Pelosi there would have still have been a subprime meltdown


White House predicts record $1,470,000,000 deficit.

Barry, at some point you've spent enough money.

And for this fiscal year, that point was about six months ago.


"it is (IYO) that people do not want to address?"

Rick, whatever makes it possible for Obama and BJ to get elected, for AGW to flourish, for education to brainwash, for media to get everything bass ackwards, and the demons of chaos to drive us all hell bent down the road to perdition.

I suspect wanting a strong dollar may not have prevented the mess we find ourselvs in now.


Left off some zeros.

That should be "record $1,470,000,000,000 deficit".

hit and run

Left off some zeros.

Decimals and zeros are racist.

Captain Hate

Am I the only one to LOL @ the David Brock mug shot besides him even being on that list of mooks? He looks like he just got caught making shit up. All the guys look like the results of very failed genetic experiments.

Danube of Thought

Bush: monetary policy

Isn't monetary policy established by the Federal Reserve?


How quickly I punched the channel changer when Daniel Schorr pontificated on NPR!

Danube of Thought

monetary policy

The regulation of the money supply and interest rates by a central bank, such as the Federal Reserve Board in the U.S., in order to control inflation and stabilize currency. Monetary policy is one the two ways the government can impact the economy. By impacting the effective cost of money, the Federal Reserve can affect the amount of money that is spent by consumers and businesses.

Chubby (formerly Parking Lot)

((I suspect wanting a strong dollar may not have prevented the mess we find ourselvs in now.))

higher interest rates would have put the brakes on subprime lending

Chubby (formerly Parking Lot)

((Isn't monetary policy established by the Federal Reserve?))

Bush appointed Greenspan and Bernanke did he not?

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