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July 27, 2010



A man is defined by his choices, and this pretty well sums up the man elected President of the United States.

Community organizer, b-ball wannabe, latte drinking, Hyde Park gravy training dilettante par excellence. Go play some more golf, Barry, you pseud......

Comanche Voter

Let me say that in a game of slow pitch co-ed softball, Whoopi Goldberg could whup
Baracky's ass nine times out of ten.

Captain Hate

Preznit Pantsload would feel out of place in a setting where character is valued.

narciso the harpoon

Tru, Captain, then there's this, to consider, in the LUN

Thomas Collins

Although Boy Scout voters will be more numerous than View voters in November of 2010, Obama has lost the Boy Scout voters. Obama has to rely on View voters plus public sector union voters plus entitlement class voters plus ACORN syle fraud to minimize Dem losses in Nov. of 2010. So as a matter of pure political calculation for Obama, dissing the Boy Scouts for the View makes sense.

narciso the harpoon

The point I was trying to make, and I'm probably giving him too much credit, is Baden Powell was even more a British Colonialist than Churchill


don't honor the Veterans at Arlington in DC on Veterans Day ...

don't appear at the BSOA 100th celebration ...

don't vacation in the Gulf ...

that is some good political advice Obama is getting ...

Captain Hate

Good point narc, no matter how obliquely revealed.

I love how the usual suspects try to tear down Baden Powell by suggesting that he was *shudder* a repressed homosexual, as if that somehow lessens or negates the work that he did or puts him on the same level as the libido-slaves of Folsom Street.


The boy scouts are taking a week to build a whole city which is pretty damn impressive. It took Obama longer than that to destroy the country - but not by much.


I posted elsewhere, but should have posted here: I betcha his goal is damage control --to soothe feathers ruffled by his firing of Ms. Sharrod. He will also deflect from his incompetence by blaming someone else for his stumble.


After The View, later in the evening, doesn't he then have the big fundraiser at Vogue editor Anna Wintour's place? Ah, celebrity, it is such a hard life.

narciso the harpoon

Meanwhile if you wondered how Scott Beauchamp got into the picture, in thee LUN

Dave (in MA)

Maybe he can get the blonde one to show him how to throw.


Thomas Collins has the politics right. I would add that the Obamaniacs' calculation relates more to the 2010 state-wide senate races and Barry Os 2012 run (if there is one). The 2010 competitive House races have Boy Scout voters, the motley crew coalition Barry O needs won't help with those. The dozens of "moderate" House dems who will lose those elections in 2010 were fodder to get the Stimulus! Healthcare, Cap and Trade and Disclose laws passed. Whats that? Cap and Trade and Disclose didn't pass the Senate so the Moderate Dems in the House fell on their swords and no bills were passed??!!--- sorry boys, you'll have to get lobbyist jobs, the line forms to the left-- naturlmente.

Danube of Thought

Hey Jane--what happens in the Mass. governor's election if none of the three guys gets a majority (as appears certain)? Will there be a runoff?


The nice thing is that Bammers is coming under fire from a number of points on the political spectrum for cheapening the office with his talk show appearances.

Who knows? Maybe he'll pull a Tom Cruise.

Thomas Collins

No runoff, DOT. Plurality does it.


I don't think anyone should underestimate Obama ... he is dripping with money and will mobilize his community organizing forces, the same forces that grabbed the primaries from Hillary, to everyone's surprise (well mine anyway).

guanacaste costa rica real estate

Real Men Of Tolerance Prefer 'The View' To The Boy Scouts


Yum. I luv boy scouts.

No, wait! I hate the Boy Scouts.

Er, no, I luv boy scouts but hate the BSA.


Ackerman said of himself in Narciso's link:
"I was standing on my porch, smoking a cigarette while it rained, my voice trembling, my hands trembling. I called Lizza a lot of colorful names. My friend Kate came up the stairs and looked vaguely frightened at how angry I was. Two days later I was fired."

"GLASS ASSASSIN" Ackerman has moved beyond seeming immature and ridiculous, to seeming seriously unstable and a danger to those around him. I don't know if he works at Wired.com, but, if so, I hope they're on guard.


Elena Kagen looked like she could at least make contact which is better than BO - for him it's 3 strikes in slo pitch.


This is a 10th rate human being we have in office. He is just a front man. His backers have got what they wanted. Hint:it was not the reelection of the Democrats that they wanted, it was the destruction of the USA as a Super power. Now they can just let "liddle Barry" rampage around. It amuses. The Democrats have been had--they just do not realize it yet. Unfortunately, so have we all been had.

Obama no doubt imagines that the BSA is some bizarre relic from that hideous and fading civilization of the dread capitalist white man, and a particularly loopy one one at that--on the order of Laurence Welk or beaver skin hats--and is likely sorely peeved that he must feign any enthusiasm at all in the first place. Those hindbound, bitter clingers and all. Was not the West Point speech enough for this year? Seriously,they should just count their blessings and be happy.

Naturally, It goes without saying that even the dimmest Weblos Scout Den Mother is better up for this job of POTUS than this clown. (I say fill the whole of the Cabinet with them: improvement would be sudden and vast.)

This person is a Cultural Marxist lunatic. He is sort that generally ends up teaching Sociology or Poly-Sci, infected and injected with all the usual Marxist poison, at a jr. college somewhere (though I doubt that he has even that much brain power). Oh, and protesting the BSA--excuse me, organizing protests against the BSA.

He is just a puppet. The fact is the rot was already to the core long ago; this is how he "came to power".

He and the cabal that have put him and his apish company of wreckers in Congress are the worse thing that has ever happened to this nation. Worse than the (original) Civil War. We will be a generation recovering, if indeed we can recover, and by then it will be to late to save American power, prestige, position or way of life.

It is gone. They have been tearing it down long before Barry got there. History will marvel at our immaturity, reckless abandonment of our self-interest and responsibility, and, above all, our sheer vainglorious narcissism.

What our forebears have built up over generations, the very jewel of history, we have torn down in a generation. It is a wholly new class of event in all of history.

There should be riots in the street. The fact is that there are none. This is how deracinated and supine we are.


Michelle better keep an eye on her hubby, Barbara has a thing for African-American politicians!

W. R.

Maybe a good thing.
Remember the huge storm in Chicago when The One tried to speak at a vetran's cemetary? If he showed up at the 100th BSA anniversary it might get rained out (though, being scouts, they would be prepared for that).
Looks like there is an "Obama Effect" like the "Gore" effect; whenever Al shows up for a major Global Warming gig, record cold and snow/rain. The same everytime BO shows up and at a major patriotic event and tries to fake it?

Mark Wehking

I talked to a friend this weekend who is a BSA leader. He told me that the current president does not send a congratulations letter to each new Eagle Scout, which has been a tradition for each previous president for as long as he could remember. The BSA leaders are actually considering asking former President Bush to send the Eagle Scouts a letter since this president has refuses. I can't believe someone would be so petty!



To: Scout Executive;area directors;National E-mail;NDC;Boys Life New York;Philmont Email Group;Florida Sea Base;Northern Tier From: Jim Wilson ________________________________________ BSA Must Read: President Obama-Eagle Scout Certificates

There appears to be some confusion as to President Barack Obama’s relationship with Scouting. To ensure that each of you has factual information if this issue comes up, please review the following statements that will assist you with questions.
1. President Obama is the honorary president of the Boy Scouts of America. He accepted this honor soon after his inauguration last year and we appreciate his desire to serve in that position.
2. President Obama’s signature is on the Eagle Scout pocket card and Eagle Scout wall certificate. As with any change in the administration at the White House, there is lag time between when the new president takes office and the processing and licensing of his electronic signature for our documents.
3. The President of the United States signature has never appeared on any of the lifesaving awards.
4. Although he was unable to attend the 100th Anniversary Gala in Washington, D.C., in February, he did send a very nice letter to congratulate the BSA on its centennial. That letter can be viewed at http://ww2.scouting.org/100years/100years/sitefiles/1000/Celebrating100Years/Presidential_Letter.pdf

The Boy Scouts of America has always respected the office of President of the United States and will, as always, respect the holder of the office.

Jim Wilson, Director, Communication Services, 972-580-2010



Also see http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/eaglescouts.asp>snopes.

It drives me crazy when rumors get started and take on a life of their own.



Well, for what it's worth, Chuck Norris (I know) has a June 21 piece on it here:

Norris: White House vs. Boy Scouts, Part 1

I can't speak for any of the facts regarding recognition letters and certificates, but the part about accepting the BSA honorary presidency behind closed doors, and the petition from liberal groups asking him not to accept it, were interesting.



Not taking up for Obama. Just don't see the point in exaggerating what he does.



I agree. Just thought maybe the Norris article might have had some effect on the rumor being so widespread among BSA folks.

michael douglas's friend

Publicity stills from The View?



``This is how deracinated and supine we are.''
Speak for yourself, squaredance. Stunning how much you hate your country...

narciso the harpoon

"These googles they do nothin' warn us next time

Ed Darrell

Can you tell us what your volunteer position is in Scouting?

Were you ever a Scout?

It doesn't appear to me that you hold Scouting very dear. Your story isn't very trustworthy, nor is it loyal. It's the opposite of helpful, friendly, courteous and kind. Your story is obedient only to the "tear down everything valuable" rule of Vandals and others who sack empires. It's not cheerful. It wastes the electrons that carry it, not thrify. It might take some bravery to tell the truth, so you miss out on bravery, too. You don't get close to clean or reverent.

Why not stick to the facts, instead of making up whopping, stinking falsehoods?

Scouting doesn't need people to pretend to stand up for Scouting, by kicking the Honorary President of BSA around. Scouting shouldn't be a political football. Shame on you for trying to make it one.

Ed Darrell

Chuck Norris? Even BSA rejects his stories:

See here: http://www.scoutingnews.org/2010/07/02/president-obama-bsa/

I'll take the word of the Boy Scouts of America over Chuck Norris.

narciso the harpoon

Hey, Ed, Morgan's site not challenging enough for you

Prepare yourself.

Ed, so is Obama trustworthy? I admire your loyalty but it is not helpful. You seem friendly, nay, even courteous. But this kind of obedience, cheerful even, to your overlord is dismaying. Thriftily speaking, you may well be brave and physically clean, but this sort of reverence is unclean to the spirit.

hit and run

So Obama will be fundraising (and appearing on The View),instead of going to the Jamboree. Intent on NOT NOT NOT making scouting a political football, Ed Darrell says:

Keeping Congress from going to the fascists is important. The future of our nation rides on that fund-raising. Will we be a nation where Scouts can flourish, or a nation that regards children as a problem to be dealt with, and denied health care?

It's one thing to say that it was a scheduling conflict that's understandable (and historically common amongst all presidents).

It's another to start claiming his excuse not to go to the Jamboree is valid because for the sake of scouting we gotta keep the fascists and health care deniers out of office.

You should have put both arms around the ball to protect it,Ed. You fumbled.

Ed Darrell

don't honor the Veterans at Arlington in DC on Veterans Day ...

This is typical of the bizarre, mostly-false claims made by those whose hatred is so blinding to them, but who have no rational basis for that hatred.

Obama has an initiative to honor veterans, every day. The Obama administration has a veteran hero in charge of the Veterans Administration, and budgets have been boosted for services to veterans. Veterans were honored specially at the inauguration, and at many other occasions -- Fourth of July is a veterans' picnic, at the White House.

Even the Moonie-owned Washington Times noted that Obama's been looking after veterans better than anyone before.

On Veterans Day, Obama was at Arlington. Alone among presidents since Abraham Lincoln, Obama took time to actually view the cemetery, the new graves, and meet with families of newly-fallen veterans. First since 1864 to do that.

But here? Some yahoo complains, falsely, that Obama was absent.

It's the imagined slights that hurt most, yes? Or was the complainer a propagandist for the enemies of veterans? After all, if Obama can be brought down, we can go back to neglecting veterans, right?

Shame on you. Get your facts right.

narciso the harpoon

So when they opened up the new Fisher center for Veterans, it was just a coincidence he was having burgers with Medvedev, and didn't even sens Shinseki along as a representative

Ed Darrell
It's one thing to say that it was a scheduling conflict that's understandable (and historically common amongst all presidents).

It's another to start claiming his excuse not to go to the Jamboree is valid because for the sake of scouting we gotta keep the fascists and health care deniers out of office.

You should have put both arms around the ball to protect it,Ed. You fumbled.

No, I wasn't the bozo who claimed there is some evil in not being able to make all hoped-for appearances. I didn't fumble it. I didn't even kick it down the line.

Obama told the Scouts weeks ago that he would be unable to make the 30-minute window they had allotted for him. That's par for the course with National Jamborees -- it's the main reason that Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan never made it, despite their two terms each.

And if you look at the original discussions, the White House informed Jamboree organizers months ago it was unlikely. The Jamboree is set up with massive video screens, because the Scouts understand not everyone who wants to be there can make it.

Stupid teapot tempest, until this blog and others start hitting old ladies over the head with the teapot.

Where were you guys on July 12, when Obama invited several Scouts into the Oval Office to discuss policy about issues dealing with children and youth? Where were you in March at the Report of the Nation? Where were you in March 2009 at that Report of the Nation?

Yesterday Charles McGee was named Distinguished Eagle Scout, in a ceremony at the Jamboree. McGee's a special guy, veteran of World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War -- I know, veterans make most people nervous, and conservatives especially hate Vietnam veterans (I think it's because, standing next to a person who served in Vietnam, conservatives tend to melt away, or just fade into a phantasm).

Nevertheless, there was Charles McGee, being decorated as a Distinguished Eagle Scout, an honor that is one of the rarest in Scouting.

Why didn't this blog cover it? Is the blog racist? Oh, yeah -- McGee was one of the Tuskegee Airmen. Is the blog anti-veteran? Is the blog anti-Boy Scout?

The real reason is just plain, every-day hypocrisy. Boy Scouts is important to this blog, and so many others, only as a football to kick around, if there can be a barb at some politician.

Get off your burro and call your local Scout council today, and volunteer.

I'm calling you out. Stop being a hypocrite, and get busy.

We have to change the nation. In Scouting we do that every day, one boy at a time. If you're complaining about Obama, you're not helping.

If you can't lend a hand, will you at least get out of the way and quit kicking old ladies so the Scouts can help them across the street?

Captain Hate

I'm calling you out.

Nobody takes you seriously; go away and stop boring people.

hit and run

If you're complaining about Obama, you're not helping.

Do you tell your scouts that Obama is not at the Jamboree because he has to stop the fascists from getting elected? Or is that just reserved for your blog? Do any scouts read your blog?

You're not being a good ambassador for non-political scouting with comments like that. You know that,don't you?

In Scouting we do that every day, one boy at a time.

Yes we do. Pack 214, Den 4.


My Google-fu is not good enough to find the video of Obama's campaign-era appearance on The View when he could not stop fidgeting. Do you remember that? McCain even parodied it when he appeared.


On Veterans Day, Obama was at Arlington. Alone among presidents since Abraham Lincoln, Obama took time to actually view the cemetery, the new graves, and meet with families of newly-fallen veterans. First since 1864 to do that.

Um, maybe because Veterans Day honors LIVING veterans? (He seems to have trouble with that concept, however.)

I'm not sure what Lincoln has to do with it, since Veterans Day (formerly Armistice Day) has only existed as a holiday since World War I.

The time for Obama to be at Arlington would be Memorial Day. Wouldn't it? And he wasn't there.



Leno made fun of that and put together an edited clip, but it seems to have been taken down from most sites - like from this page at HuffPo. There might still be something up at YouTube but I can't find it yet.

Captain Hate

Porch, thanks for providing evidence that Ed, in addition to being a boring Obot moron, is also factually challenged. I hope the stimulus money ends soon since the trolls jobs "saved or created" aren't exactly serving to help the economy.


Porch- thanks! I think this is another case of Google helping out Obama. I couldn't find it anywhere, either.


Obama on the View during campaign



I found the playlist of Obama's appearance on the View by typing "Obama campaign the View" into the YouTube search box.


Well, what's to honor about live veterans, Porch? The dead are better props, since we can be sorry that they were ever sent on their imperialist missions of exploitation without ever having to deal with their views on the subject.

I think I have that right.

(Good left hook, btw.)


Thanks, Chubby!


Thanks, Cap'n and Extraneus. He does seem to think of fallen soldiers as props - witness his trip to Dover AFB to salute the coffin of Sgt. Dale Griffin, and to make sure his photo was taken doing it.


Thanks, Chubby. I forget to search at YouTube. I couldn't find it by searching regular Google.


So my question is this. Just what is so important on Obama's schedule today that he knew about months ago and could tell BSA that he would not be able to attend the Jamboree?
He taped The View yesterday, so what is keeping him so busy today?

And BTW, my husband was an Eagle Scout and has proudly kept his Boy Scout shirt all these years. He loves to pull it out and review the requirements for each badge with our grandson (who recently became a Scout)


The fundraisers are the important thing. The View is to justify the time in New York.


Rush: "Obama's going to provide The View with some much-needed estrogen."

Ed Darrell
Nobody takes you seriously; go away and stop boring people.

Those who wish to deny the facts don't take me seriously. I used to work with the Republican party -- I'm used to talking truth to people deep, deep in denial, who are absolutely sure that down is up, black is white, and cold is hot.

Of course, if you took me seriously you'd have to examine your views.

Don't take me seriously. That doesn't change the facts you wish to deny. Others, more rooted in reality, see the problem.

Ed Darrell
On Veterans Day, Obama was at Arlington. Alone among presidents since Abraham Lincoln, Obama took time to actually view the cemetery, the new graves, and meet with families of newly-fallen veterans. First since 1864 to do that.

Yeah, that's it: Those who died to save your ass only deserve honor on that one specific day.

See, the difference is this: Obama honors veterans, living and dead, every day. He doesn't regard people as only props for one day, as you do.

So, while he was at Arlington on Veterans day, he noticed the new graves, and he paid respects.

That's what a patriotic American does.

You can learn these American traditions. They'll ask you about it for your citizenship test. If you study, you could pass.


Yeah, that's it: Those who died to save your ass only deserve honor on that one specific day.

Of course not. Those who died in service deserve honor every day, but living veterans deserve special honor on Veterans Day. While it was good of him to go to Arlington and take notice of recently fallen soldiers, the point is, Obama chose not to meet with living veterans on their special day.

It appears to be Obama who's having trouble learning American patriotic traditions.

Rob Crawford

That's what a patriotic American does.

I wonder who told Obama to do it.

I used to work with the Republican party...

How'd your last album sell, Moby?

It's hard to believe you are for real.

You know Ed, you flinger of the word 'fascist', you ought to look up the definition and compare it with your overlord's takeover of industries.

He's an alarmist, too.

Hey, Ed; let's talk about ClimateGate.

Melinda Romanoff

If I didn't have to go to dinner I would so much like to play with my handy shovel.....

Later, and leave some pieces from the Axel-bot.

He serves Kool Aid on campouts.

Heh, heh, one of his pals at his blog called Obama a corporatist. Will Ed add 2 and 2 and get 4?


Less than 3 years ago, the man who would be Comrade Commander in Chief said...

The pin saga started on October 3, 2007 when a local ABC reporter asked Obama why he didn't wear one. Instead of the standard Beltway refrain, "My patriotism speaks for itself," Obama launched into a long explanation of his decision-making process: "The truth is that right after 9/11, I had a pin. Shortly after 9/11, particularly because as we're talking about the Iraq war, that became a substitute for, I think, true patriotism, which is speaking out on issues that are of importance to our national security," Obama said in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. "I decided I won't wear that pin on my chest. Instead I'm going to try to tell the American people what I believe what will make this country great and hopefully that will be a testimony to my patriotism."

The same flag that drapes the caskets of our fallen hero's, yeah...some patriot!

Sorry...I won't feed the trolls anymore


" Obama honors veterans,"

You've got to be kidding!

"I decided I won't wear that pin on my chest. Instead I'm going to try to tell the American people what I believe what will make this country great

What will make this country great. Because apparently according to Obama, it wasn't great at the time.

Telling the people what he thinks will make their crappy country great is totally patriotic!

Ed Darrell

Rocco's going on a starvation diet?

Sorry...I won't feed the trolls anymore.

o Washington Times story on Obama honoring veterans

o "Vets salute Obama on funding"


The first president since Franklin Roosevelt to be so involved assuring the good welfare of veterans -- get the facts, will you?

Ed Darrell

At Pack 214, Den 4, do you tell your Cubs Obama's not the Honorary President of BSA? Do you tell your Cubs to speak disparagingly about the President?

My complaint is solely that the gripe is inaccurate, and rude.

Any counter evidence?

hit and run

My complaint is solely that the gripe is inaccurate, and rude.

So you're saying your complaint did *not* include:

Get off your burro and call your local Scout council today, and volunteer.

I'm calling you out. Stop being a hypocrite, and get busy.

I guess we'll have to find out who impersonated you with those words and tell them that doing so is inaccurate and rude.

Morgan Freeburg's got his number.  Badly a sophist.

If anybody's curious they can follow Ed's LUN and watch his rhetoric demolish itself on the 'Deniers Surprised by Winter' thread.

Ed Darrell
So you're saying your complaint did *not* include:

Get off your burro and call your local Scout council today, and volunteer.

I'm calling you out. Stop being a hypocrite, and get busy.

I guess we'll have to find out who impersonated you with those words and tell them that doing so is inaccurate and rude.

Oh, yeah, I suggested you get good information, by volunteering so you can learn to tell the difference between a legitimate Scout gripe and an illegitimate one. And there's a heavy dose of penance in there, too.

Get your story straight. Get off your gluteals and do something to build up our nation, to build up Scouting, and quit being such a sourpuss.

Typical that conservative couch-sitters don't see the value in service to America.

hit and run

So your complaint consisted of more than what your complaint consisted solely of.

I'm calling you out. Jackass. I am volunteering. I am on the front lines.

The fact that you can't tolerate dissent now that your guy is President is what is telling in all of this.

Yet you pulled the "fascist" card (but nooooo,doing so was not playing political football with scouting! No,couldn't be....you're above reproach).

Typical that liberal whiners don't see the value of political discourse when they're in power. They'd rather everyone else just shut up,lie back and think of their king.

hit and run

Here's Obama's http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obtkCHhJ_q8&feature=player_embedded#!>video address to the Jamboree

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