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September 25, 2010



I'm sure this is just another coincidence, in the LUN

Danube of Thought

At this point I'm guessing it's a different guy. Too bad...


No, that's the same coincidence.

Jack is Back!

Considering that Breitbart has made Bill Maher admit (albeit defacto) that he is more a "european socialist" than a Libertarian, I'd stick with Big Gov doing work no one else in MFM wants to do, knows how to do or just plain won't do.


His feet killed him LOL

Ed Butt

These guys change their name more often than they change their underpants. It could be a totally different person LOL.

Charlie (Colorado)

I hope you're proud of that title.


I think the most intriguing part of the Big Government article is the timeline:

--July 8, Representative Frank Wolf sent a letter to Judiciary Chairman John Conyers and Ranking Member Lamar Smith demanding hearings before the House Judiciary Committee.
--July 9, Ten members of the House sent a letter demanding the DOJ Inspector General open an investigation.
--July 13, The Dept. of Justice replied but their letter contained factual inaccuracies about the case
--July 17 Smith and Wolf send a swift and pointed rebuttal
--July 20, Low-level DOJ staffers were sent to the Hill to brief Wolf on the Panther story, but Wolf threw them out of his office claiming they weren’t being truthful to him.
--July 22, Wolf sent another letter to Attorney General Eric Holder demanding answers.
--July 24, Portia Robinson, intergovernmental liaison at DOJ, sent a letter to the Civil Rights Commission trying to deflect attention.
--July 25, a man named Malik Shabazz visited the exclusive, private residence in the White House.
--July 30, the Washington Times broke the news that top political appointee, Tom Perrelli (the #3 official at Justice) was involved in the dismissal of the case. Perrelli was also a top campaign bundler for Obama.

jazz and cocktails

there's a Malik H Shabazz that completed a 10 mile run in Charlottesville, Va in 199.



Googling for fun - a Malik H. Shabazz, age 44, is listed here as having run a ten-mile race in Charlottesville, VA in 2000.


Other blogs report Malik H. Shabazz is a minister who lives in Richmond.

I wonder if Breitbart might have jumped the gun here. But even so, maybe TM is right and the goal is to spark news coverage of the NBP case.


Sheesh. That's like the fifth time in a week that I've failed to hit refresh before posting. Sorry y'all - I give up.

hit and run

there's a Malik H Shabazz that completed a 10 mile run in Charlottesville, Va in 199.

And Porchlight's timeline:
--July 30, the Washington Times broke the news that top political appointee, Tom Perrelli (the #3 official at Justice) was involved in the dismissal of the case.

Between the fact that this Shabazz completed a race in Charlottesville,and Tom Perriello is the congressman for the district that includes Charlottesville,it is obvious.

Jim Ryan is behind all of this.


Austin Peay 3, Wisconsin 70

Dunno why Bucky plays these teams. If they win, they were expected to, so it doesn't help their rankings. If they lose, it's an upset and their rankings go down. No upside.


70/3. they might as well stayed home.

hit and run

http://www.news-record.com/node/99626>So here in NC,the state is still split on Obama:

...opinion on Obama's performance essentially split, with 47.3 percent of those surveyed approving of the job he's done and 47.5 percent disapproving. Six months ago, it was nearly 47 percent approving and 48 percent disapproving.

But the job Congress has done is more unifying,you might say:

Almost 68 percent of poll participants disapproved of how Congress is doing its job.

First term Republican Senator Richard Burr* (the John Edwards Seat! heh) should pull out a win. But it ain't because of what he's done or how much people like him:

Only 29 percent of respondents in this week's poll said Burr deserves re-election, while nearly 49 percent said it was time for a new person to have a chance in the job.

Yike. But his challengers are pretty weak...

OK,I buried an important part of the story. The beginning of the sentence in my first blockquote above started like this:

The telephone survey of 584 adults conducted this week found...

Oh. A survey of "adults" in late September of an election year.


*Richard Burr was born in Charlottesville. Coincidence?

Tom Maguire

I hope you're proud of that title.


hit and run


Cybot troll

Rob Crawford

Oh. A survey of "adults" in late September of an election year.

Just this morning I was wondering if the press would be trying to keep up the Democrat rank-and-file by widening surveys instead of narrowing them as we approach election day.

The next stunt will be omitting the sample description.


The push to release a US citizen spy is still alive, and being actively pushed by Barney Frank:

Four Dems urge Pollard clemency

WASHINGTON (JTA) -- -- Four Democrats in Congress are urging President Obama to release Jonathan Pollard as a means of advancing the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

A letter circulating among other members of the U.S. House of Representatives and initiated by Reps. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), Edolphus Towns (D-N.Y.), Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) and Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) "notes the positive impact that a grant of clemency would have in Israel, as a strong indication of the goodwill of our nation towards Israel and the Israeli people," said a statement issued Thursday by Frank's office. "This would be particularly helpful at a time when the Israeli nation faces difficult decisions in its long-standing effort to secure peace with its neighbors."

So lets try to sort this out. The release of Pollard--whose espionage is estimated to have cost the US the equivalent of $20 trillion dollars in defense spending--would be "a strong indication of the goodwill of our nation towards Israel and the Israeli people"?

What does that mean--that the US has never shown any indication of goodwill toward "Israel and the Israeli people" in the past? Really! One might better ask why repeated and generous manifestations of goodwill were repaid in such a treacherous manner. And why would release of an American spy constitute an indication of goodwill toward Israel? To me, what the US does with US citizens who spy is none of Israel's or any other country's business. This would seem to be especially true if what Clarice constantly repeats--in the face of Israeli government admissions--is true, namely that Pollard was a rogue and Israel doesn't commit espionage against the US.

Danube of Thought

Seems everybody in the Big 10 isvplaying tomato cans today.

daddy the "Extremist"

Looking up info on Caligula's horse's name (Incitatus---which BTW is my preferred write in candidate name against Zoe Lofgren for re-election this November 2nd) I came upon this ">http://names.whitepages.com/last/shabazz"> link which tracks family names in the US.

Says there (from I think the White Pages in US phone books), that there are over 11,029 Shabazz's in the US, of which Malik is the second most popular first name.

As Gomer Pyle used to say, "Shazamm!"


My husband said the same thing. we were trying to figure out last week why Ohio State was playing Ohio University. later we found out that OU got paid a large sum of money to participate.

Jack is Back!


I posted the LUN over on the other thread. She has a republican opponent ex-Marine officer who served in Al-Anbar and is now a school director in Willow Grove. Meet Edward Gonzalez at LUN.

daddy the "Extremist"

"So here in NC,the state is still split on Obama:"


From my experience down there last week I think its because everybody drinks Bud Light from a can. I can't think of another unifying factor that could possibly make such a large swath of the population so frickin' stupid.

hit and run

I here ya,daddy. I'm drinking Miller High Life from a can as we speak.

Much more of an enlightening experience,believe me.

daddy the "Extremist"

Thanks JiB,

Don't know why we hadn't heard about Edward Gonzalez.

I would think that after yesterday's disgrace, a little bit of Dennis Miller and Rush and FOX etc highlighting this Marine Veteran as an alternative to Zoe Lofgren might give him a huge boost.

Think I'll do a call in to Dennis Miller on his message machine later and see if I can't get him on Monday to mention this guy or get him on the show. Miller's got to know what a bozo Lofgren is and what crappy and inappropriate comedy that bit was. I don't know if you guys listened to it, but on top of everything else it simply wasn't funny. To Miller I think that must be inexcusable. It was simply pathetic.

Here's the number to leave a message at Dennis Miller's message machine if anyone else wants to do it:

1-866-509-RANT [7268]

Can't hurt, may help.

hit and run

Or ***hear*** ya,that is.

It's the Champagne of Beers,of course.

Jim Ryan

I live in Charlottesville, I jog quite frequently, and this week I visited San Francisco where I walked down the street, looked at the people, and said to myself, "So, these are the people who vote for Pelosi." If you think all that is just a coincidence, then, well, I just don't know what to say to you.

daddy the "Extremist"

" I'm drinking Miller High Life from a can as we speak."

Well of course Hit.

As we all know, Miller's aluminum really knows how to lock in that flavor!

daddy the "Extremist"

And I did take back a jug of this for the relatives: ">http://www.thepoliticalcarnival.net/2010/06/alaska-distillery-in-wasilla-launches-smoked-salmon-flavored-vodka/"> Smoked Salmon Flavored Vodka.

Fun video attached says they had to have a vomit bucket next to the tasting table during their 49 different tries at trying to get it to stay down in your gullet as opposed to having it come back up your gullet.

Was nasty, but my brother said it was drinkable in a Bloody Mary.

Danube of Thought

I note that Penn State's tomato can, Temple, is leading at the half, 13-9.

That's the way it works, Maryrose. Teams from tough conferences want easy home games for their non-conference schedules. The little guys are in no position to demand home-and-home, and they're willing to get stomped in return for a big payday. USC and Ohio State scheduling each other home-and-home a few years ago was courageous--and rare.

Danube of Thought

Hell, daddy--just give me the Stoli or Grey Goose and leave the poor salmon alone.

hit and run

If you think all that is just a coincidence, then, well, I just don't know what to say to you.

You could say you were gonna get your bass fixed.

hit and run

just give me the Stoli or Grey Goose and leave the poor salmon alone.


Put the salmon in a http://justoneminute.typepad.com/main/2008/12/david-gregory-t.html?cid=141255326#comment-6a00d83451b2aa69e20105362cf3db970b>whiskey risotto.* And serve it with the Stoli or Grey Goose. But the salmon must die.

*Really. Could typepad make it any harder to link to old comments?!?!?!?! What a bunch of cybot trolls.

Jack is Back!

Kelly should have stayed in Cincinnati.


According to this">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malik_Zulu_Shabazz'>this you should know Malik Shabazz. Remember him now? Sounds like a guy who could get a meet in the WH.


daddy & hit...keep cheering me up, you two!

I am still worrying a cybot will come visit my house :) and porch, It will be interesting to see what Glib-gibbs comes up with to explain Malik or the absence of M :)...your timeline was illuminating!

daddy...should I use my real name when writing my "What kind of stupid would still vote for Murcow" to the ADN? I only want to offend your clueless neighbors, not true Alaskan-spirited people who want their state to prosper and emerge from the "good old boys"(and their girls) mindmeld.


I like college baseketball season.

hit and run

It likes you back,MarkO.

You two were made for each other.

JM Hanes

Rats. Another too good to check checked.


Do. Not. Give. Up.

I have no idea how to read a WH log, but the Breitbart timeline's visit to "the exclusive, private residence in the White House" doesn't exactly sound like a 6 busload White House tour, does it? I suppose it could just be extremist rhetoric, of course.


Kelly should have stayed in Cincinnati.

Notre Dame has been the death of genius coaches from the City of Cincinnati before.
Which is fine with me.


JIB, I've always had a terrible time with names. When I was a kid, I used to have nightmares that I'd be a witness before HUAC, they'd ask me if I knew____ and when I said "no", they'd whip out half a dozen pictures of the two of us together. Having said that, I nevertheless am sure, I do not know and never have known Malik.


The private residence thing did sound a little fishy, JMH. Not sure how to get around that if Malik H. Shabazz is a real person and really visited and it wasn't the other Shabazz.

hit and run

My cousin took me on a private tour of the WH in 2005,and I barely got a peek in the Situation Room,much less the private residence.

But I would be very interested to find out how my visit was logged. It may explain those dark sedans that I've noticed tailing me since the '08 election.

hit and run

The secret service must've loved my kids. From hit and run jr nearly hurdling the velvet rope into the Oval Office to both kids conspiring to run willy nilly through the north lawn before my cousin uncovered the nefarious plot (their parents were oblivious!),I'm just glad they weren't gunned down.


What is anyone named Shabazz doing visiting the White House? Names like that and Hussein were banned during the campaign- now not so much. Is this Malik person for or against the mosque at Ground Zero?
In honor of my dad I do love Notre Dame football. He had to stop watching the games because it gave him high blood pressure.This season looks like a heartbreaker.
Hit and Run:
Have you ever tried a Corona or Corona Light?


USC was beating the Pac 10 equivalent of Bishop Amat High School 50 some to 13 last I looked. Seriously, the non-conference beat downs should be expunged from any national contender's schedule.

Just back from Coronado Speed Freak (week). Great morning, but it got pretty hot out on the tarmac. All sorts of interesting old race cars and great talking to the owners, who are usually their own mechanics.

Met Adam Carolla (a putz) who actually drives Datsun B-210's (figures) and Mr. Edelbrock. Great Navy and USMC kids volunteering and if you see a crazy Catholic Navy chaplain, tell him I said hi.

Melinda Romanoff


There are some who refer to corn syrup beer like that as "used".

Carta Blanca, Bohemia, or Dos Equis, are my favorites.

Melinda Romanoff


I tripped across something, while looking at what we're ordering for dinner.

A spot where they assemble the pizza, and you go home and bake it. It started here, and it's called HomeMade Pizza Co.. If you toggle the location tab, you will find several DC locales.

A bit pricy, but a real treat.

Just something to check out.



I agree with your characterization of Corona. I prefer more bitter brews, so I'm partial to pale ales and IPAs. I like Sierra Nevada as a regular, but there are lots of others.

Melinda Romanoff


Sierra on tap.

Particularly, at The Bridge Tender in Tahoe City, CA.

hit and run

Have you ever tried a Corona or Corona Light?

mrs hit and run likes it with lime. I'll drink it too, but honestly I don't like lime in my beer.

Carta Blanca, Bohemia, or Dos Equis, are my favorites.

I do like Dos Equis.......

In case anyone was wondering,I was born with a very,very poor and undiscriminating palette. Something has to be very discernably different before I really give a flip about it. Whether that's a curse or a blessing,I leave to others to decide. As for me . . . I just live with it.

I don't really give a flip about beer varieties for the most part. Sorry,I readily accept any ridicule for drinking pisswater,but it doesn't really make enough difference taste-wise to not drink pisswater.

It's how I was made! And I embrace it!

But I have developed a taste for Grey Goose. For what it's worth,being smooth enough to drink over ice is something even my sorry,lazy tastebuds pick up.


It may explain those dark sedans that I've noticed tailing me since the '08 election.

hit, it might be worse than you think. Those sedans stalking you might have been sent out by ... her.


Legal Insurrection on Stuxnet--wouldn't it be great if true?

According to the website DEBKAfile, an Iranian official has acknowledged that some 30,000 Iranian industrial computers are infected with the Stuxnet malware:
Mahmoud Alyaee, secretary-general of Iran's industrial computer servers, including its nuclear facilities control systems, confirmed Saturday, Sept. 25, that 30,000 computers belonging to classified industrial units had been infected and disabled by the malicious Stuxnet virus....
Stuxnet is believed to be the most destructive virus ever devised for attacking major industrial complexes, reactors and infrastructure. The experts say it is beyond the capabilities of private or individual hackers and could have been produced by a high-tech state like America or Israel, or its military cyber specialists.

Deutsche Presse-Agentur has a similar report of the Iranian official's statement regarding the damage. AP has a similar report about the infection, but not the report of damage:
Iranian media reports say the country's nuclear agency is trying to combat a complex computer worm that has affected industrial sites in Iran and is capable of taking over power plants.

The semi-official ISNA news agency says Iranian nuclear experts met this week to discuss how to remove the malicious computer code, dubbed Stuxnet, which can take over systems that control the inner workings of industrial plants.

Friday's report said the malware had spread throughout Iran, but did not elaborate. Foreign media reports have speculated the worm was aimed at disrupting Iran's first nuclear power plant, which is to go online in October.
More on Stuxnet here.

The interesting thing is that regardless of whether the Stuxnet infection actually causes damage, it will have the Iranians worried that at any moment their nuclear systems may shut down, blow up, or otherwise self-destruct. That fear in and of itself may delay the program.

Melinda Romanoff


I was just staying in the Mexican Camp, as it were.

Not commenting on anyone's palette.

No sirree, not me.


Saw this bumper sticker today:

I voted for Obama
You can thank me later

Yeah, if there's anything I will thank you for, this ain't it.

One of those cars on which you'd be hard pressed to find room to put another sticker, what with the Hate is Not a Family Value, Love Your M(picture of globe)other, Fear makes people do stupid things, etc. all over the place.


Never have been there, Mel. We spend more time in North Lake, like King's Beach or Crystal Bay in the summer, and Sugar Bowl, Alpine or Squaw in the winter.

Lots of places have Sierra Nevada on tap out here. It is a fun place to tour too.

JM Hanes

The only beer I ever drank and liked was on a 6 hour slog through the Costa Rican jungle, knee deep in running water for the first hour or so, having been dragged along on my ex's idea of a dream vacation. Needless to say, I can't remember the brand. Not that it was important at the time either.



What I've heard is that Stuxnet targets Siemens SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) controllers, and has been around since July. Maybe the hackers are targeting Iran, but it could also be that the Persians are just advanced enough to have these but without the computer management skills.

I've seen a post from a Dow employee telling about their Stuxnet experience.

Who knows?

In any event, Debka is always fun.


Yes, I read that, too, Dr J. Who knows?But it wold be a wonderful way to defuse the danger if true.


In an emergency, be prepared.

Hugh Dudgeon

But if true, how long before the 0 apologizes?

Hugh Dudgeon

Also useful in a emergency. Can't get the Mrs to slip one on.

Captain Hate

I voted for Obama
You can thank me later

There's a car that's begging to get keyed. Almost as clueless as the idiots that kept their Lurch/Silky stickers on. Coexist is another indicator of dumbassery.

Btw, I didn't see any mention of Coates testimony in the WSJ today. Will the gabfests tomorrow mention it or Colbert?


I didn't see any mention of Coates testimony in the WSJ today.

Me neither, CH. Seems they spent too much time on the new fluff section.

Ah, for the days when "Pepper ... and Salt" was on the front page.


The only beer I ever drank and liked was on a 6 hour slog through the Costa Rican jungle, knee deep in running water for the first hour or so, having been dragged along on my ex's idea of a dream vacation.

She doesn't always drink beer, but when she does, it's Dos Equis.

hit and run

JMH,I didn't realize that Burr was yours before he was . . . ours.

She doesn't always drink beer, but when she does, it's Dos Equis.

Omigawd funniest thing I've read on JOM EVAH!!!

Because it's true.


Coexist is another indicator of dumbassery.

Ha. Is that the one with a Yin-Yang, peace sign, Jewish star, crescent moon, etc.? Just saw my first one today.

I'm not a good enough person to sport one of those. You have to be really really good, I would imagine.


She doesn't always drink beer, but when she does, it's Dos Equis.


And longer,  And longer.

I once witnessed a spectacular incident of road rage in a driver sporting a Coexist sticker. I amused myself all day with that one.


I'm going out to dinner tonight with the missus to celebrate our twentieth wedding anniversary.


Isn't it time for another MAYBEE BIRTHDAY?

Strawman Cometh

Me: Bitterly clinging to my 12 foot graphite surf rod on the Ivan ravaged (well, big waves and rips, anyway, so big and ripped they had to postporn [I did that on porpoise] the East Coast Surfing Tournament) Salvo, NC beachfront casting in vain valiantly for something to kill and eat.
He? "Nation" magazine t-shirt wearing person, a type, a g'mnt employee type, that the OB has of late been infested with, traipsing tidal pools with a somewhat female-type person.
I said to him, nothing, I had fish to kill and eat, but if I had, he'd never wear that t-shirt, again.


That's right up there SUV's with Obama/Biden stickers, talk about missing the poinr entirely

hit and run

I'm going out to dinner tonight with the missus to celebrate our twentieth wedding anniversary.


20 is big. And beautiful. Congrats to you both.

JM Hanes

ROTFL, MayBee! I'm going to frame that with a picture of my hat and hang it on a wall in my boot room front hall. LOL

JM Hanes

Strawman doesn't always drink beer.....


A proper fisking of a Richard Cohen column, in the LUN

hit and run



Don't get to the outer banks much. hit and run jr and I went there a couple years ago.

Oooooh. And speaking of beach trips and anniversaries -- we are about to book next spring break's trip . . . to celebrate mrs hit and run's parent's 50th anniversary . . . we're going to the gulf.

Calling rse ............ we'll be a little east of PCB.

hit and run

Calling rse ............ we'll be a little east of PCB.

TO ALL WHO MAY BE CONCERNED: that is *not* stalking. I swear.


Congratulations Mr and Mrs, Peter!


Yeah, Happy Anniversary Peter! 20 years ...wow!


Happy A-Day peter and Mrs. peter :)


I think the Costa Rican jungle is one of the few places I haven't had a beer. :-(
Ah, those wild years....


I don't always celebrate days, but, when I do, I prefer anniversaries. Congrats, Peter.


Happy 20th! And many more to come.


Speaking of bumper stickers, I was down in NC in August and saw my first "Obama in '12". Wouldn't have expected to see that in NC, but it was in the Ashville area, which I gather has a sort of artsy-hippie contingent.


Well, I don't know what happened to a previous post, but I would be remiss in not pointing out that in my "emergency" link above, there's a video at the 3:00 mark showing Paul Krugman, former Enron advisor, modeling ladies' wear.


Had MrsJ's curry beef tonight, with rice instead of potatoes. Very good! (Once you realize the whole cloves are supposed to be fished out before you eat it.)


Happy Anniversary to Mr & Mrs Peter!


Once you realize the whole cloves are supposed to be fished out before you eat it.

Good advice for bay leaves and allspice balls, too.


Here is a great picture at Directorblue on the Larwyn's Linx post.


Glad you liked it Ext! But it is fine to put the potatoes into the curry and eat all over rice. Or use naan instead of the rice. The potatoes take a bit of the edge off the curry.

And happy anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. PD! 20 years is a biggie.

Strawman Cometh

Always liked Steyn's comment about the crescent co-exist bumper-sticker:
"I found myself behind a car in Vermont, in the US, the other day; it had a one-word bumper sticker with the injunction "COEXIST". It's one of those sentiments beloved of Western progressives, one designed principally to flatter their sense of moral superiority. The C was the Islamic crescent, the O was the hippie peace sign, the X was the Star of David and the T was the Christian cross. Very nice, hard to argue with. But the reality is, it's the first of those symbols that has a problem with coexistence. Take the crescent out of the equation and you wouldn't need a bumper sticker at all..."
googling also found this gem

Melinda Romanoff

Congrats, Peter and Mrs. Peter!

hit and run

I was down in NC in August and saw my first "Obama in '12". Wouldn't have expected to see that in NC, but it was in the Ashville area, which I gather has a sort of artsy-hippie contingent.

Wait. What?

Come on people. Either you believe sylvia when she says I'm a stalkin psycho ...or... you email me when you're coming to NC and let me buy you a beer or coffee or dinner or round of golf or whateveryourheartmaydesire.



peter, congrats,and have a great time!


Happy anniversary, Peter and Mrs. Peter



peter, not PD. Who says I don't read carefully! :)


See a video clip of a woman being stoned to death two months ago by the capital C's in Pockiston via HotAir.

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