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September 28, 2010


Rob Crawford

On the other hand, who knows what shenanigans the Democrat vote-fraud engine has been up to.

Quack, quack, quack.

Speaker of the House, with many of her allies lame ducks and angry about it.


Another Democrat Against Speaker Pelosi

“I believe Washington is broken, and it's time for new blood,” Sangisetty tells ABC News. “I'm a pro-life, pro-gun, conservative Democrat. Those are my values and the values of the people of my district. The speaker doesn't share those values.”
I think without question that this guy is also an idiot. Either that or he's lying.


Where were all these "conservative democrats" in 2009 and 2010?


Ext, why not both?


Some wag on twitter suggested Nan could switch parties...in order to remain speaker....


That's a fair point to consider. A lying idiot.

Some Dems Won't Commit to Re-Upping Pelosi as Speaker

Rep. Gene Taylor, D-Miss., who two weeks ago threw a colossal insult at his party by joining Republicans in a pledge to repeal the health care law, stepped out of line again over the weekend by telling a pair of Capitol Hill newspapers he wants someone other than Pelosi leading the chamber -- specifically pro-defense Rep. Ike Skelton, D-Mo.
Poor Dems on the hawswers, trying to figure out how to climb or jump over the rat guards.
Malicious Moderate

From KD;

"the alternative? Well, if the prospect of ripping apart healthcare reform, shutting down the government, deep sixing START, slashing social spending, and reliving the glory days of investigations over Christmas card lists isn't enough to get you motivated, I guess I'm not sure what is. I wish I got more warm and fuzzies from Obama too, and I wish, like Mike Tomasky, that his "fetish of not kowtowing to public opinion" were a little less ostentatious. But letting Darrell Issa take over the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform doesn't seem like a very good way of getting that message across."

The New Whigs are just the recycled 21st century republican samewich.

Imagine End-Timers like Bachman, O'Donnell and Palin calling the foreign policy shots.

Hurry Sundown!!!!


MM--can't stand rolling the dice?

Malicious Moderate

'--can't stand rolling the dice?"

More like Russian Roulette. Do you gamble with your loved ones lives?


Bachman, O'Donnell and Palin

Hmmm. Now what do these three have in common? Anything? I'm drawing a blank.


'I fully expect to be speaker of the House five weeks from now'

Let's see. That must have been something said by that idiot Sarah Palin. No? How about that stupid fool Christine O'Donnell? Not her, either? Um ...

The only people stupider than brain donor Nancy Pelosi are the Dems in the House who elected her speaker. They aren't even smart enough to be embarrassed by her.

Malicious Moderate

Shallow religiosity for starters.......

Captain Hate

From KD

Keith Doberman?

ripping apart healthcare reform

Bring the heat, meat

Rob Crawford

Still too cowardly to use your real name, 'cleo?

Chickenshit wanna-be slaver.


You know you've gone too far, when one of our 'favorites' Contessa Brewer goes against you, in the LUN



Kevin Drum. It was lifted from TalkLeft. Too lazy to look up but I think the Drum comment was a quote from Clyburn.


Any links to Obama's sermon to the congregation at Madison today?

Oh and to cheer up MM, a look at Gallup today.


I guess if she had a penis she'd hit a hornets nest with it.


I am so looking forward to the deplaning of pelosi. Let her walk back to San Francisco.

I don't think the sermon has started yet Rich.


Yeah, I just saw a blurb on the news that he was just starting. Did they change the time?


Per tweets from Jake Tapper, looks like O got his big crowd - 26,500.


Was it Pelosi that said she was going to concentrate on jobs? New EPA rules will cost more than 800,000 Jobs.

These will be private jobs wiped out for no reason, except the Global Warming scam the Democrats promote at every opportunity.

Captain Hate

I think the Drum comment was a quote from Clyburn

Drum and Dumber?


Rep. Gene Taylor, D-Miss., who two weeks ago threw a colossal insult at his party by joining Republicans in a pledge to repeal the health care law

Why should that be an insult to the party? Isn't that the same party that's endlessly hectoring the Republicans that they need to be willing to "step across the aisle"?

If it's such a great idea, they should welcome one of their own doing it.

Old Lurker

No, Pagar, it's not the GW Scam per se, it's to force everybody into survival only at the mercy of the Elites. Makes us all "Rent Seekers" using the economics terminology.


The questioner was no brainiac either, TM.

Cap and Trade is the killer for an increasing segment of the population.  See comments at the New Statesman on the first thread at Steve

Fail, MM. But it's another irony for my museum. Using 'shallow' and 'religiosity' together in the same sentence just points out the poverty of your thought, recycled pap from the toy bin of every poorly educated progressive in the country.


True, but, gosh, can Bachman,O'Donnell and Palin keep up with the geniuses like Biden and Franklin and Murray? Can their ethics match McDermott and Dodd and Moran's.

Steve is phenomenal.

I meant look at the comments at 'The New Statesman'.

Danube of Thought

"Do you gamble with your loved ones lives?"

If I wanted to, one of the first things I'd do would be to cede control of their health care to the national government.


All I can say is, thanks for the Michelle Bachman ad.


Well it was Zucker, who asked the question, and there was no follow up, like what the heck are you talking about


The "my brother's keeper" shtick used by every redistributionist prog as a fig leaf isn't "shallow religiousity" in left land, though. And Hillary's Aunt Jemima accent in the south isn't phony, condescending pandering.

Got it/


U.N. Audit Finds 'Lapses' in Managing Food Program Aid to N. Korea

In an eerie replay of a scandal that enveloped the United Nations Development Program, an internal audit by the U.N.’s World Food Program shows significant “lapses,” “anomalies,” and unexplained variations last year in the way the relief agency reported its financial and commodity management in North Korea.
The UN? No way.
You too can be an idiot who thinks he's a patriot

"The "my brother's keeper" shtick used by every redistributionist prog as a fig leaf isn't "shallow religiousity" in left land, though. And Hillary's Aunt Jemima accent in the south isn't phony, condescending pan"

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the fuck?

You must be into the 40 mg range for your Narco prescription. You are gonna run out before refill time old girl.


MM ...

what are you talking about with Loved ones ?

Given that you are just another ball less progressive male I'm certain you have not found anyone to procreated with and its a better than even chance you don't know who your father was and you are most likely still searching for your birth mother who gave you up as soon as she saw your nasty mug ...

So what loved ones are you talking about ? your cat ? hamsters ? fish ?

Do you care about anyone but yourself?

Is your favorite film, "Idiocracy"?

If you are thinking American, you really must watch and learn.

Henry R

Obama in Madison (AP except):
"University police estimate more than 17,000 people packed onto a mall in the heart of the campus to see the president. Another 9,000 lined up for more than a mile to get in but were diverted to overflow areas.

Rock band the National and singer-songwriter Ben Harper also entertained the crowd before the president arrived."

What would turnout be without the National and Ben Harper? If the concert was before Obama, I am sure the crowd was smaller by the time Obama started speaking.

Danube of Thought

The excitement is dead, as in not capable of coming back to life. He has become a national embarrassment,.


OT: Great speech by a great American hero.


Rick Ballard

Plouffe did an excellent job on the advance work for the Red Square event in Madison - turning away 8,000 is certain to draw headlines tomorrow.

I like the 26K number. It's about the same as the number of families who will lose their homes to foreclosure this week. Call it 2.6 people per home and you arrive at 67,600 people who have experienced Obamunism and the immiserative effects of the progressive social disease to a degree that is somewhat more memorable than the euphoria of an evening spent listening to more lies.

Oh - I almost forgot - the 67,600 - that number has been repeated every week since BOzo's inauguration. A few less than 6,000,000 individuals, most of whom are also to be numbered among the 20 million un and under employed.

Good job, Dave. You've got a real winner there.


Rock band the National and singer-songwriter Ben Harper also entertained the crowd before the president arrived."

Ah, that explains a lot. Like the Decemberists opening for him in Berlin.


And Portland. Hope all is well, saw your comments earlier.


Three times as many Madisonians fill the stadium down the street several times a month in football season.

Rob Crawford

Like the Decemberists opening for him in Berlin.

Russian revolutionaries?


I heard a snippet from the National. never knew of them before, must be very college
radio, doesn't seem like they would be big
crowd getters, maybe it's just me.


my last blog post says it all. "Independent Democrats? Really?". LUN. I don't know why the idiots at the RNC haven't figured this out yet.

Sestak and the pro-lifers and all the rest posed and postured and then caved to Mad Nancy and Harry Reidski and the whole socialist agenda. On top of it, the racism and smears and outright lies are mind boggling.

Now they're running for the shadows like cockroaches. Someone needs to turn a flashlight on them.


Russian revolutionaries?

A band named after them. No coincidence, I'm sure.


best line from Idiocracy: "welcome to Costco. I love you."


A band named in honor of Russian revolutionaries, Rob. Says on wiki, "The band also draws inspiration from communism, occasionally opening shows with the Soviet national anthem."

I really wish they had been able to experience communism first-hand.



They wrote a song called "Valerie Plame" and in her book she talks about going to one of their shows (part of the 04 campaign season I think).

Rob Crawford

I really wish they had been able to experience communism first-hand.

Yep. Like Lincoln said about slavery: let those who support it be the first to live under it.

(No love for the czars, but damn, the alternative was worse.)


Anyone have a link to a transcript to the speech?

Melinda Romanoff

In case anyone is curious, I have a particularly poor view of those that espouse the views of the "Revolution".

Call me bitter.

But now armed.

Pinky Tuskadero

"I heard a snippet from the National. never knew of them before, must be very college
radio, doesn't seem like they would be big
crowd getters, maybe it's just me."

That's ok Pops. The National has was one of the main acts at Lollapalooza this year and at the main act at Pitchfork music festival in 2009 (Chicago) with their audience at 20k. Their most recent "album" (May 2010) hit #3 on the music charts (#1 in rock and alternative categories).

It doesn't sound like they would be a draw for you, but if Pat Boone was performing...


Found a Chicago Trib write up for the speech.

In the two years between rallies, the economy has gotten worse. In 2008 he described the economy as “sluggish,’’ although unemployment was less than 5%. Now unemployment is 9.6%.

Obama devoted a large chunk of the speech to explaining how that happened. Losses under Republican leadership have proved tough to reverse, he said. But he also said he needed more time for his own economic policies to work, pointing to the years the government was in Republican hands.

“I am telling you, Wisconsin, we are bringing about change and progress is going to come. But you’ve got to stick with me. You can’t lose heart,’’ he said.

What a surprise.

Rob Crawford

They wrote a song called "Valerie Plame" and in her book she talks about going to one of their shows (part of the 04 campaign season I think).

I figured they were morons; the depth of ignorance is just appalling.


The Decembrists don't have a fracken thing to do with Communism, they were a reform movement, yes the stupidity is wide spread, there Rob


Thanks Pinky. I guess we can safely conclude that the National and Ben Harper, rather than Obama, were the big draw in Madison tonight.

What's with "album" in quotes? Is that a tough concept for the young folks?


Hope all is well, saw your comments earlier.

Thank you, Rich. The story had a sad ending - the disturbed young man in question was apparently a math major, a brilliant student just out of high school. "Very respectful" was how his teachers described him. His mother runs a daycare in South Austin. Really sad all around.


Yep. Like Lincoln said about slavery: let those who support it be the first to live under it.

Same goes for Congress and its policies. This is why I think Jane's "You Too" should be ratcheted up a notch to "You First."


The difference between 1994 and now is that now you have me. Had no idea that it was an Administration wide push and is going to last until the election. Anyone get the details of Biden at Penn State?

daddy the "Extremist"

Just in from the Talk Radio dogwalk.

Today's attack on Joe Miller by Murcowski and the ADN are for a fishing License he purchased in 1995. He paid 5 dollars and Lisa and the ADN demand to know why he didn't pay 50 dollars. Answer is the paperwork says that if during the previous year (1994) your income was less than $8500 you pay the 5 dollar, not the 50 dollar fee. That's what he did since he was in college thru 1994, and not earning. In 1995 was when he graduated, sold farm property, bought a house (now appraised at $400,000 after 16 years of appreciation, and got a job as a Law Clerk with a $70,000 salary. He did everything exactly correct and by the book, but Lisa and the ADN are trying to smear him. ">http://community.adn.com/adn/node/153327#ixzz10nDj7qfh"> 446 comments.

On the other side of the roster, on Lisa's website are over a dozen Republican State Pol's listed as endorsing Lisa. Fagan tried to contact them today and of the 3 he reached all said they have demanded for over 2 weeks for Lisa to pull their Endorsements since she lost the Primary, but that her campaign has refused. One Pol is considering Legal action since he says the Repub's have a stipulation here in the Party that they are not allowed to endorse someone who is not a Republican and who is going after a Republican. The other 9 or so Pol's haven't yet been contacted but I suspect we'll know their opinions by tomorrow. Sadly, none of that is in the ADN, news broadcast etc---only on talk radio.


daddy the "Extremist"


On Glenn Beck's radio program today he had a guy call in who said a somewhat phony organization down your way was touting itself as some TEA Party brand and was trying to suck votes away from Grayson's opponent deceptively by pretending to be the real Tea Party supported candidate.

Glenn Beck took his name and info and said he would look into it and if he found anything would probably let us know in future. Just thought I would mention that since Grayson has been revealed as such a slimy liar in his ads today. This faux Tea Party organization in question was supposedly founded by a former Democratic activist. That's all I know.


i was struck by that , daddy, one of them being Colberg, Sarah's former attorney general
and current mayor of the Valley as I understand, many like Hawker, Ramras, Stedman
and others wouldn't surprise me though


I'm not surprised, farther south of me, there's a putative Tea Party candidate running
against another Republican, who happens to have gone to the same school, (mine by chance)
and business partner with the Democratic nominee

Dave (in MA)
Now unemployment is 9.6%. Obama devoted a large chunk of the speech to explaining how that happened. Losses under Republican leadership have proved tough to reverse, he said.
http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/7569/unemployment.jpg> src=http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/7569/unemployment.jpg> (click the graph if it doesn't fit)
Dave (in MA)

(and it doesn't)

daddy the "Extremist"


It really is fun seeing Fagan function now. Yesterday he was very complementary of Sarah's performance as a national figure since leaving the Governorship and Dan's anti-Palin disciples really went after him on air. Fun stuff.

Today he played a few damning Lisa soundbites over and over again.
Two of them are ">http://www.thealaskastandard.com/"> here, just below the top story.

The second is a John Stossell very short interview and takes a long minute to load and then you sort of have to punch it a few times to get it going, but both are very damning soundbites from Lisa, and Miller's folks are turning them into ads.

Dave (in MA)

Nice of Diane Sawyer to lend Lisa some Vaseline for the camera lens.

daddy the "Extremist"

I believe ">http://www.adn.com/2010/07/27/1383774/28bear-cub.html"> this will be our passenger tomorrow evening.


Ohhh... lil brown bear. Cute!


Indeed, many a Marxist has been doomed to live in a country that embraces his own political preferences.

Identity conservatives, or at least the ones that espouse free market purism, are free to inveigh without ever having to contemplate what such a society would actually be like, let alone having to live in one.

Jane (sit on the couch or save your country)

Nothing on the news about the President's latest adventure. That's a nice way to meet the morning.

I wonder if bubu thinks saying nothing makes him sound wise?


Most identity conservatives apparently consider it an advantage that the economic system they champion does not exist anywhere. They are not very good at defending themselves, hence the endless whining about liberal intellectual superiority. And by advocating something society in human history has even tried -- democracy without government involvement in the economy -- they can attribute to the system whatever magical properties suits their emotional needs of the moment.
As a champion of a mixed economic system -- one that acknowledges an active, limited role for government in healthcare, education, food safety, financial regulation and so on -- I have virtually the entire world and much of human history to draw on for primary examples of the soundness and sustainability of such a system. While that also requires me to defend the system's weak points, I find that far easier than having to invent certainty about a system that has never even got off the page and into practice.
If free market fundamentalism is so closely allied with human nature, why have we humans never even attempted it and what limited efforts that have been made have always failed?


meant to write: And by advocating something society in human history has NOT even tried ...


Ah, Spunkmeyer, maybe if your parents had to flee on one of these 'worker's paradises' and you didn't get to see one of them again for a dozen years, you might understand


The WaPo informs readers about Andy Stern today...p. A3 in the "Digest" box (just little snippets on news). It is the second item.

No mention of his early resignation as SEIU president or his current work for the Obama administration...."he indicated he will keep his post on the newly created National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. This 18-member panel, set up by the Obama administration, is tasked with developing proposals for drastic budget cuts, including cuts to Social Security and Medicare."
* that quote is from the world socialist website.


"Identity conservatives, or at least the ones that espouse free market purism, are free to inveigh without ever having to contemplate what such a society would actually be like, let alone having to live in one. "

Pfft. You seem to think so little of your fellow man.

Most government functions you mention are highly privatizable. The idea that only government can "take care" of the people is just so much crapola. Of course, centuries of propaganda plus destruction of family and community bonds indeed create such an impression.

Jane (sit on the couch or save your country)

hence the endless whining about liberal intellectual superiority

Hey bubu, how bout some examples of that "superiority". We breathlessly await.

Army of Davids

The worst evils which mankind has ever had to endure were inflicted by bad governments.
Ludwig von Mises

hit and run

Obama to Democrats: "Buck up!"

Liberals to Obama: "Buck off!"

Conservatives: "We told you he'd buck everything up!"

JM Hanes


What do you mean by "identity conservatives?"

You do seem to have conservatives and libertarians confused. Oddly enough, the latter make great straw men for liberal argument.

Rick Ballard

"Nothing on the news about the President's latest adventure."


There is typically at least one change in momentum in the month before an election. Stories about The Great Buck Up are being held pending such a change. I'm not sure that Obama and Biden can buck things up any more than they already have - but I'm sure it won't be for lack of trying.

Army of Davids

We will not return to structural unemployment of 4% to 5% until ObamaCare is repealed. The bill is a job killer.

It's the stupid economic policies, stupid.

Rob Crawford

So bubu's a staunch defender of communism?


Sure, sure, "it's never really been done", and it's always -- always -- gone wrong because of American interference. We've heard all the excuses.

They're all lies. Murder and tyranny are not an accidental aspect of communism -- they're the essence.

Rob Crawford

What do you mean by "identity conservatives?"

By this he's referring to the caricatures he and other idiot leftists have built to make themselves feel good.

Danube of Thought

Brother, is this ever a joy to read:

In one of the most closely watched U.S. House races in the nation, Republican Daniel Webster now holds a 7-point lead over Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson in Central Florida's 8th Congressional District, according to a new Sunshine State News Poll.

Webster, a former state senator, leads the freshman congressman 43-36 in the survey of 559 likely voters conducted Sept. 25-27. TEA ("Taxed Enough Already") Party candidate Peg Dunmire drew 6 percent and NPA hopeful George Metcalfe garnered 3 percent, while 9 percent remained undecided (2 percent cited "other" and 1 percent refused to state).

Here's the whole thing.

Danube of Thought

Whatever is meant by the term "identity conservative," we can safely say that its use has not caught on like wildfire. I have never seen it used elsewhere, and when I just googled it nothing came up using that phrase. Nothing at all.

So we have a true original among us. And he lives with his mother, can't get laid, and writes sophomoric rants.



I think that poll was taken at in part before the Taliban Dan ad story blew up, too. Which means Grayson probably hasn't yet hit his floor.


at *least* in part


The headline about the Obama rally in this morning's paper:


There's a picture of him working the rope line. You can see he's really in his element: Being adored. I can just imagine what's going through his mind: "You love me! You really, really love me!"


What gets me about the left & their whole "speak truth to power", freedom man, "if it feels good, do it", ....talk....they are all about controlling all our behavior.
If they want to be vegans & drive golf carts, & use only one square of toilet paper, & not have light,...then do it. I don't want to. You know what "feels good" to me?...driving my big, safe SUV, eating lots of meat, having plenty of affordable energy,...
They're big on saying what "we" should do..
we should use less energy.
we should eat better (whatever they define as better).
we should take care of our "brothers".
Now, THEY don't do it, but "we" should be forced to through government.
Did Kennedy help the poor with HIS OWN money? We know Obama doesn't. Hell, Kennedy is gonna get some monument building built by OUR money. Just sickening.

Danube of Thought

Minus 14 at Raz today; 46/52 overall.

Rob Crawford

Did Kennedy help the poor with HIS OWN money?

He didn't even pay off his victims with his own money.


My cousin in Madison probably went to the rally...she loves Obama. Now, she's always asking my Mother to send her money because after living a life of "if it feels good, do it" she is broke, has addiction & medical problems, & won't work. After living the lie of godless liberalism, they've got to turn to the God fearing conservatives to save them.


Finally a transcript.

THE PRESIDENT: You cut regulations for special interests, whether it’s the banks or the oil companies or health insurance companies. Let them write their own rules. You cut back on investments in education and clean energy and research and technology. So basically the idea was if you just put blind faith in the market, if we let corporations play by their own rules, if we leave everybody else to fend for themselves, then America would automatically grow and prosper. But that philosophy failed. Because in the period when they were in power -- understand this, from 2001 to 2009 -- job growth was slower than it had been in any decade since World War II. Between 2001 and 2009, middle-class incomes fell by 5 percent. The cost of everything from health care to college tuition just kept going up. And a free-for-all on Wall Street led to the very crisis that right now we’re digging ourselves out of.
Obama is deeply unserious, or crazy, or both.

Jeffrey Folks has a good one at the American Thinker 'Energy Independence: Are You Serious?'

Heh, Quattro.  He's got four wheel drive.

Or stupid, or an idealogue, or both.

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