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November 11, 2010



I say let them eat cake. After all, today is my birthday...

Captain Hate

Happy birthday, PD.

Captain Hate

And happy veterans day to all our vets.

Old Lurker


hit and run

Happy Birthday PDinDetroit!


Happy Birthday, PD! Stay away from the carrots and go enjoy some cake.

Janet the tea-vangelist!

A huge Thank You to all our veterans!

Happy Birthday PDinDetroit!


Happy Birthday, PDinDetroit!


Happy Veterans Day! Neat graphic, Janet.


Happy Veteran's Day!

As a side note - I finally got to talk to my son who's over serving in Afghanistan. He called at 3:45 a.m. our time the other night. Hadn't seen (or talked to) him since he came home on emergency leave when my grandson was born late last spring.


Oh yea...he posted some pictures. You should see some of the stuff they have to eat...talk about "bad eating".


Feliz cumplea~os PD!


How wonderful, Specter, that you got to talk to your son!

God bless all of our soldiers and veterans on this and every day.


The irony being that there's nothing unhealthy about meat and dairy anyway. These government agencies have probably caused far more obesity than they've prevented.

Woody Allen had this figured out in 1973.

Happy Birthday, PDinDetroit.


Wonderful, Specter!

Jane (sit on the couch or save your country)

I say let them eat cake. After all, today is my birthday...

Sheesh PD, I even had that in the calender and haven't yet looked at it.

Have a great one!

Jane (sit on the couch or save your country)

BTW PD you share your birthday with my grandfather who is 112 today. WEll, he's dead but he's still 112.


happy birthday, Pd in Detroit

Rick Ballard

Don't forget to send a message of support to Representatives Pelosi and Clyburn today. We want them on that wall as it continues to slide into the abyss in '12.

Happy Birthday, PD 'n D.


Happy Birthday, PDinDetroit!

And to all the Veterans out there, you rock!!!!


I am always amazed at the number of veterans we have here at JOM. Thank You All and your families.

PD 'n D, HAPPY BIRTHDAY. You share it with the best!

Melinda Romanoff

Happy Birthday PDiD!


Happy Birthday, PD!

And a big thank you to the veterans out there


HB PD and hat tip to all you vets.


From one PD to another, happy birthday PDinDetroit!

Melinda Romanoff

Many thanks to all the veterans for their service.

(I got to take a Marine out for a birthday lunch, yesterday, with his lovely wife, aka YL.)


Mel, so is your Marine's birthday also THE Marines' birthday a/k/a November 10th? Pretty cool.


Thank you Veterans!!

And Happy Birthday to the gun slinger in Detroit:-)

Thomas Collins

Happy Birthday, PDinDetroit. Enjoy the cake and those Red Wings (looks as if they are going to have another solid year).


Happy birthday PDinDetroit! May your golf handicap decrease.

Melinda Romanoff

No, porch, just celebrated the Corps B-day with a Marine, married to a Young Lurker.

That kind of cool.

Old Lurker

Porch, Mel has taken my kids (YL and hubby) under his wing since they moved to Chicago.

JOM is the site that just keeps on giving!

Melinda Romanoff


Just wait 'til you get the bill. (heh)


It's a pleasure to do anything with the lurkers as I'm sure the generous hearted Mel will agree.


It's hard to find poppies to wear nowadays. When we were kids, we'd wrap red crepe paper around a wire. Granpa, blind in one eye from mustard gas in the trenches, always had one in the buttonhole of his three piece suit, along with the service pin.



It is hard to find poppies to wear, and darn it, I left mine at home today. I have two paper ones that I brought home from my London trip. They are easy to find year-round in the UK.

Melinda Romanoff


It, of course, was a joy, and we weren't going to go away hungry.

Gumbo and Po' Boys around, except the Marine, who insisted on cajun enchiladas.

With hot sauce, always lots of hot sauce.


Yum, Melinda. My husband is heading home to Louisiana to see family this weekend, so he's going to get to eat all that good stuff. I told him in payment for holding down the fort at home, he has to bring me a muffaletta from Central Grocery in the French Quarter.


To the Vets, enjoy this day and thank you.

Dad, I miss you, but don't worry, I found a group that respects what you did for this country.

PDiD, Happy Birthday!

The only Hope this country needs is">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3X0M4yP4lIU"> Bob Hope
to show us what we are good at. Who is the Bob Hope of this generation?

John Boehner needs to watch the end of that video to see how a man can hold back tears.

Regarding the thread topic: We should ban oil from the World Health Organization’s diet. Didn't they screw the Kurds in the Oil-for-Food scam?

Janet the tea-vangelist!

Mel linked this on the other thread. An AJ Strata post on Valerie Jarrett.

Really, the Obama administration is like the mafia.


Happy BD PD. God bless our vets and thanks for your service.


From a previous thread re water boarding. No water boarding in SERE at Fairchild AFB, water survival at Homestead AFB or jungle survival at Clark AB (Phillipines) in 1968.

Old Lurker

"Really, the Obama administration is like the mafia."

But without the management ability to run a large enterprise.

I say it's angel food and I say the Hell with it.

Oh, easy, PD. It's carrot cake for you.

Melinda Romanoff


Hugh Hendry was the one who described Soros behind the moat.

We must understand the psychology of the individual.

Yep, thanks, and I read it the first time from your link back then.


Thanks for the warm B-Day wishes, been trying here at work lately - too much work, not enough PDinD to go around.

I'll bet no one can guess what I got for my birthday?

Hint: Last year, when I turned 44, I got a Ruger Redhawk .44 Magnum 7.5" Barrel (hunting pistol).


PD in Detroit:
Have a wonderful birthday! Both of my sisters-in-law have a birthday today and my brother is a veteran. Lots to celebrate today!

Frau Schiessgewehr

The very best to PDinD. It sounds like a smoking hot birthday.



A Colt 45?

Janet the tea-vangelist!

a .45 Colt rifle?


Happy Birthday PDinD! hope it's the best.

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