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December 29, 2010


Danube of Thought

Someone should nominate Randy Barnett for a Nobel Prize of some kind.


Yes,DoT. But then you and I are old enough to remember that "mythic past". The Times also has the obit of the economist who was instrumental in ending the CAB and govt regulation of the airline industry--you know the change that made flying affordable for so many more of us--another shot from the mythical past, I suppose.


Fox radio saying that O'Donnell is being investigated criminally by the Feds for misuse of campaign funds. So, even if you lose they will destroy you.


Under the Tea Party proposal, the states would have much greater power than the president to veto federal laws.

Dream on. To actually follow the constitution would require someone to read the freaking constitution.

Rob Crawford

Fox radio saying that O'Donnell is being investigated criminally by the Feds for misuse of campaign funds.

Meanwhile, Charlie Rangel's planning his next party for Castro...


And the Obama campaign's disabling of security checks, enabling collection of foreign money, goes uninvestigated.


O'Donnell should trumpet that loudly and often in interviews, PD. As long as she's given a mike she might as well use it.


"Dream on. To actually follow the constitution would require someone to read the freaking constitution."

Given the graduation rates in our major cities, the chances of that aren't good.

Old Lurker

Reading the constitution, Po, or just reading?


So, I was about to type something snarky about TM spending too much time in the comments and picking up bad spelling habits. Then I thought I'd best be sure I wasn't missing the subtle humor.

Lo and behold, our Federal DHHS itself has adopted this spelling convention in at least one official document, albeit in the metadata. The title of this document is the "Consent Form Package - DHHS / OCR / Helath Information Privacy Complaint Package".

hit and run

So, I was about to type something snarky about TM spending too much time in the comments and picking up bad spelling habits.

Heh. As was I. But I dind't go so far as fniding the info you* did.

But that's just becuase I knew you wuold.

I'm premonitious.

*Merry Christmas Walter

Tom Maguire

What the helath am I doing?



It seems like years since you and TM both had multiple comments on the same thread.² Combine that with old commentators coming out of the woodwork and new ones dropping in (Whoot!) and I will join you in regarding that as one of the best threads in recent years.

¹ And a Happy New Year to you and yours!

² Such a shame that the subject matter everyone had to work with was so weak.


Seems like a rumor about Christine, since no person seems to be willing to go on the record, that doesn't stop too many sources, from going with it.


You knew she was a witch, right narcisco?


Like Sabrina, not so much like Samantha, the smell of CREW just wafts around this whol matter,


It might be a rumor about Christine, but the Obama campaign's practices still need to be investigated.

Jack is Back!

Some ex-staffer for Uncle Joe who is now at CREW. Go figure:)

It's a BFD, don't ya know.

hit and run

Some ex-staffer for Uncle Joe

http://thevimh.blogspot.com/2010/07/fec-messes-with-joe.html>Wait. What?

hit and run

For Janet,my link above has a quote that Biden's "...campaign was also charged with sloppy record-keeping."

Sound familiar?


Now Po, do you mean "read read", or something else?

Rick Ballard

Will Illinois beat California into default? I particularly liked this comment:

Bill Gross, who runs the world’s biggest bond fund at Pacific Investment Management Co. in Newport Beach, California, said Illinois’s budget may be only 55 percent-funded.

“That means the other 45 percent they can’t pay or have to borrow,” Gross said today in an interview on CNBC. “How a state like that can get in that type of position, I’m not quite sure.”

He said he would avoid buying any Illinois debt.

That should help Illinois muni sales quite a bit - potential buyers know that they won't have to outbid PIMCO. What a relief.


Reading, reading the constitution, reading a mortgage, reading the bill of sale on what politicians are pushing. Our schools are pushing out a bunch of uneducated morons, and it shows.

Oh, and by the way, and this isn't going to be very politically correct, but, Barry and Moochell have spent their entire careers around these folks. Folks with less than 40% high school graduation rates. They have to be "organized", they have to be poked and prodded, they have to be told what to do and "given" help. I really wish they would quit treating the rest of the country as if we are like those folks.


I saw that interview Rick -- or rather listened closely.

Do you think BHO is going to let his home state default? Particularly with all those union members to take care of.

Rick Ballard


Will BOzo go hat in hand to TanMan for the dough? Even if he does - the answer should be no. People dumb enough to hold Blue Hell debt don't deserve any better treatment than that received by GM bond holders.

I note Petrobras for cover.

He Who, He Haw Haw, Can't Name, Walla Walla Bing Bang and the Boyz can't be doing well on the carbon religion stuff.

Jane (get off the couch - come save the country)

I really am interested in watching these states go bankrupt. I'm interested in how they craft the bankruptcy law and how the unions get screwed - so I guess it will have to wait until 2012 - only 368 days away.

Rick Ballard


PIMCO's refusal to deal is what it will look like. Gross provides 'prudent man' cover to any fund manager who has been going along to get along with the credit rating agency charade to this point. Mad Ben is going to have run the presses again to keep a bid under junk munis.

You can always while away the time until the first failed auction by watching Portugal fade and Japan gulp as it stares into the abyss.


For Janet,my link above has a quote that Biden's "...campaign was also charged with sloppy record-keeping."

Thanks Hit, I bookmarked it. I actually have a bookmark folder titled "messy/sloppy excuse" now!


Anyone who has farm ground in CRP is/was called by someone with access to that list regarding trading of carbon credits. It's a public record thing I'm sure Kim.
I'm glad the whole thing fell apart actually.

It's just like the guys who come around trying to buy rights to maybe build wind machines...

We had a lot of fun with the Nat gas folks who wanted to build a second pipeline through our ground. You have no idea how much equipment just walks off the place when the workers are around...


ban trolls who are apparently here only for attention. there are only a couple of those, long term.


I think he's way over-rated. UFC fans thinks he's a legend. I would let the record speak for him. But I do respect him for doing so well even in his 40s.
And I asked this question a while ago and I just got bashed by UFC fans.

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