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February 20, 2011


Is that a Norwegian Blue Spruce?

Pinin' fer the slopes.


I guess that proves Obama is a Muslim.


Isn't it the height of hubris and audacity that the unions now want to negotiate with the Governor who is in the process of passing legislation, not negotiatin contracts.

Can you imagine what the press would say if the Tea Party had tried to negotiate with Obama during the Washington March??

clarice feldman

It is an omen, I tell you, a sign of disfavor.

Good morning all--here's the CP this week--nothing at all political, because I was too busy to keep up with the evolving dramas and craziness.

http://www.americanthinker.com/2011/02/clarices_pieces_the_gift_of_wo.html>Tales of the wolverine


Here's how the Republicans should respond to the 'Is Obama a Muslim' question from the liberals:

Reporter: Is Obama a Muslim.

Republican: This is a ridiculous question, people need to realize that you see all kinds of false information in the press. For instance, Reporter X, you guys reported that In Spetember 2008 Obama referred to his Muslim Faith, now that is just crazy, he would never say that.

And you guys reported that Obama actually said that the Muslim call to prayer was one of the prettiest sounds on Earth...do you now admit you were lying? In fact one reporter claimed Obama could recite the Muslim call to prayer in perfect Arabic.

Clearly these reporters and the rags they work for need to be rejected and they should stop reporting these false accusations and putting words in the Presidents mouth.
I can tell this President would never bow to Muslim leaders and he certainly would not engage in Muslim prayers.


Clarice, "Tales of the Wolverine" is the best Pieces yet. Your reports of her activities bring a great deal of joy to many of us.


Went to a dinner party last night. I'm becoming convinced that conservatives need some type of covert sign -like the Christian fish in Roman times, to identify each other!

clarice feldman

Thank you, pagar. She's visiting me now for a very brief time and my heart soars like an eagle.


Lovely, Clarice. And, though not political, it is timely. Excellent teachers like the one you describe contrasting against those who are shaming themselves with horrid signs while they demonstrate in Wisconsin.

clarice feldman

I didn't intend that, cc. It just worked out that way, but I agree. In our anger at the union mess in Wisconsin and elsewhere we can['t forget there are some wonderful teachers who really transform their pupils' lives.


Good morning all. Milwaukee talking heads will be on Charlie Sykes (Ch 4 at 10:00 to 10:30). Sykes has balance and his panel will have tantrums when their spin is exposed. PD posted that Walker will be on Fox News, Sykes panel will react to that too. Should be fun this morning.

Best wishes to the wolverine from us badgers.



All I can think of is how fun it will be for Saya to read that to her kids some day.

I'm truly amazed at how smart kids are these days. Between Saya and Frederick, and Amy's kids here, it is astounding.

Great pieces.

Danube of Thought

Lovely, Clarice. Bless that child, and bless Miss Sanchez.

And Miss Martin taught me it was homonyms, so homonyms it is.

Captain Hate

Scott Walker is pawning Chris Wallace; it's a wonderful thing to see. All Repubs should take lessons from him.

Old Lurker

"I'm truly amazed at how smart kids are these days."

Very true for top achievers.

Always has been the case.

The difference is that the other group is woefully ill-equipped for the future they are about to inherit. And I think that is a change from previous times when the muddle was more closely matched to the work available to them.

Top achievers who are clever enough to protect themselves from the looters will, as always, live better than the others. That "who are clever enough" part is what is new to this generation.

Jack is Back!


Ain't kids a joy? Then they grow to be teen-agers. Not so bad but they get this weird sense of embarrassment whenever you say something to anyone while they are within listening distance. Great Pieces, you are one lucky Granny.

Master JiB is also lucky in that he has a master's list of great teachers from his 2nd grade homeroom to the Spanish and Technology teacher Mr. C who is from South America and can't wait to quiz him on the trip.

Speaking of teachers and schools, I wonder if the ones in Wisconsin stay out our sick out on Tuesday if Walker will issue walking papers (hey I like that aliteration:)? It would be a brave step and he can then say that on Wednesday he will begin hiring teachers by independent contract for one year only, same pay but with a different bennies package. Then he can at the same time decertify every public employee union in the State.

These are times for intense courage from our elected leaders. Start at the top and work your way down.

Danube of Thought

Nice piece in the by a guy from the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinental. Excerpt:

Through it all, Walker has remained the calmest man in Madison. He invariably praises public employees for their work. If he shows anger, it’s only behind some very closed door. He stayed on message, saying he’ll flex on some things but not on restraining unions’ bargaining power....

Walker now says he understands what an obstacle unions are to local budgets, and he intends to dig Wisconsin out of a $3.6 billion deficit in part by cutting aid to local governments. If unions think he’ll bend, they’re underestimating him.

But it’s also certain that unions, national and local, will fight ruthlessly. Benefits are the part of public-sector compensation that’s growing and notably ahead of non-unionized private pay. If unions cannot bargain that, what’s the point of government workers paying dues?


If unions cannot bargain that, what’s the point of government workers paying dues?


Danube of Thought

Minus 18 at Raz today, 44% overall. Maybe his profile in courage on the budget, and his support of the Wisconsin thugs, are seeping in.


BTW, this is pretty funny. I would title it "Delusion, thy name is Democrat." (Via RCP):

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/02/19/democratic-strategy-wisconsin_n_825584.html>Democratic Strategy In Wisconsin: Kill The Bill, Then Recall Republicans From Office

This part is hilarious:

"We've seen what happens when Scott Walker and the Republicans have total control: You get dictatorial power," said Hulsey. "The tyranny of the majority, as [James] Madison spoke of in the Federalist Papers."

"Recall Walker" is a popular chant amongst protesters in Madison, although Walker just took office in 2011 and therefore is not eligible to go through the process yet. (Most protesters who talked with The Huffington Post admitted that they knew about this technicality but wanted to join in the chanting anyway.)

So, they know they are the minority, and they know they legally can't do it... but hey, lets talk about it as a strategy anyway!

And then there is this final graph:

Conservatives are also reportedly eyeing recall efforts against two Democratic state senators who left Wisconsin this week. When asked about whether he's worried something like this, Hulsey said he thought it was a politically risky move for Republicans: "Rock and roll! Let's rock!"

Ah, yes, its a great idea for Dems to think about a recall campaign, but "politically risky" for Republicans.


Danube that sounds like McIlern (sp?). He's on Sykes panel most of the time. DebinNC posted a live link on the last thread.


Isn't it the height of hubris and audacity that the unions now want to negotiate with the Governor who is in the process of passing legislation, not negotiatin contracts.

Matched by that of the Dem. senators who put themselves in exile, then call in to CNN with their list of demands. And more recently, one of them (Joe Erpenbach, who I occasionally see stop in at the coffee shop) proposed a negotation with the Walker. Good to see Walker decline that "offer."

I guess these Democrats don't know that we have elections, and that following elections, elected representatives show up and represent.

As it is right now, every voter in the districts served by those fourteen senators have been completely disenfranchised and is without representation. Are Democrats always tut-tutting about the need to avoid any measure (such as voter ID) that will disenfranchise voters? Apparently it's okay when they do it.

Today's Democrats: Opposed to Democracy


Still no decent polling on this? Gotta be some tomorrow.

Captain Hate

Try to recall somebody who was just elected and is honoring his campaign promises? When was Bob Shrum sent to Wisconsin to plan that brilliant strategy?

I figure the only thing that's keeping Il Douche out of Wisconsin is a west-coast golf outing today. Since he plans on being in Cleveland later this week, there's a good chance the community organizer won't be able to resist the lure of crowds in the badger state.

Captain Hate

Try to recall somebody who was just elected and is honoring his campaign promises? When was Bob Shrum sent to Wisconsin to plan that brilliant strategy?

I figure the only thing that's keeping Il Douche out of Wisconsin is a west-coast golf outing today. Since he plans on being in Cleveland later this week, there's a good chance the community organizer won't be able to resist the lure of crowds in the badger state.

Captain Hate

Hmmmm; only meant to say that once.


Democratic Strategy In Wisconsin: Kill The Bill, Then Recall Republicans From Office

These Democrats remain in denial that there was an election and that the voters expressed their will, and that what is happening now is what the voters want to have happen.


Great and very touching piece's Clarice, I have trouble switching between thinking in Spanish and then English sometimes, between
Japanese and English must be much harder. The
problem is these legislators are trapped in their own cave, probably have never missed an update on Huff Po, or Kos, they can't imagine
another viewpoint. We on the other hand, are like fish, we're inundated by the MFM outlook,
it's like water, but we know what air is.


but we know what air is.

Speaking of air, I'd love to know what the air is like in that rotunda where 8000 protesters have "stood shoulder to shoulder" for days. AP said it's not only messy and mud-spattered, it now stinks. The unions are having food sent in and the squatters interviewed inside seem happy as clams. Should they be ousted by Tuesday, or does their continued squatting and destruction of property present a useful object lesson?

Danube of Thought

You were right, Henry. I thought I had linked to his article, but the link didn't take. Here it is.


Union membership sounds like prep school for model citizenship in a totalitarian state. Your progress, career, earnings, beliefs, you owe all to the union. Meanwhile, your genuine right to progress individually is robbed from you.

Thomas Collins

Clarice, this week's Piece stirred memories of the early childhood years of my kids. They are all grown now and there are currently no grandkids, so it's been awhile since I have interacted with children of that age. I look forward to future reports concerning Wolverine's activities.


Thanks for the link Danube. I don't know about the air in the Capitol, I'm recharged from a day of fresh air and vitaminD from sunshine. We couldn't find anything on air all day and the nets were very slow yesterday.



Since I missed saying thank you yesterday, let say it twice today.

Thanks for giving us the local view x 2!


Ranger, thanks for your insight on Egypt. BTW who gave Lindsay Graham a spine today? I hope you let him keep it.

Jack is Back!


What are the odds of the teachers returning to work on Tuesday? With them out doesn't this cripple the day for working families and is that starting to show in the chatter, news or op-eds in Wisconsin?

clarice feldman

Thank you all. DoT the falling numbers show again that O's approval only rises when he's on vacation and his mouth is zipped.


Why were the protesters allowed to assemble inside the capitol building? I would think security rules or some such would prohibit it inside. I know, free speech and all, but couldn't it have been confined to outside?

I confess to being pretty dumb about these things.


Clarice, I read your Pieces to my Literacy Coach wife today and she so enjoyed it (as, did I). Because aliteracy (knowing how to read but not knowing why you should) is as big a problem in our community as illiteracy, I plan to dedicate a portion of our newspaper that goes to every household to addressing both.


Jack, on Friday the teachers closed schools whip kids were on buses in route. They don't care who they hurt. The schools where I live and in Brookfield where I work stayed open throughout. Parents in these two places would lock them out and import new teachers from somewhere else if they close the schools over this.


Excuse me, with kids on buses. Friday evening news featured interviews with very angry parents, including angry parents that support the unions.


CC the Capitol doubles as a homeless shelter in the winter. At least that's what I've heard on the radio.


Commentary has a piece on your beautiful Capitol buidling, Henry, along with links to pictures.

The State Capitol of Wisconsin is one of the greatest examples of Beaux Arts style architecture in the United States. It was built between 1906 and 1917, the third capitol building on the site.


Cruciform in shape, with four equal wings, the Wisconsin State Capitol has one of the highest domes in the country (only a few feet shorter than the U.S. Capitol) and the only one made of granite (the dome of the Capitol in Washington is cast iron). While grand on the outside, the inside is magnificent, abounding with Beaux Arts exuberance and luxury that never crosses the line into vulgarity.


Littering is one of my large pet peeves. So this report of how the capitol squatters are destroying this lovely building just drives me nuts.

Danube of Thought

If I'm a school superintendent and I get presented with a doctor's "excuse" for a teacher's absence, I am going to question the teacher about the time and place of the examination that led to the issuance of the excuse. I will have in my hand a list of those doctors who have thus far been identified as proudly handing out the phony ones.

And I'm going to deal as harshly as the law allows with those who seek to excuse their absences by fraud.


I think I found out the name of another doctor handing out sick notes. Please note the name Doug Smith on this UW website who is partnered with James Shropshire in The Master Teachers Program.

Here is Smith's bio with picture on a UW website.

Doesn't he look like the doctor in this youtube (at end of vid)

Clarice...what a wonderful granddaughter you have!


School closings in WI are district decisions. Did all the districts close for sick outs? Can some that closed reopen next week, while others don't? Will some districts, or individual principals, challenge doctor excuses, while some won't? How could such disparity possibly work? Has the WI School Superintendent had anything useful to say?


This would be great if Boehner had a slip of the tongue:

Boehner: I've never questioned President Obamas Communist faith....

Reporter: You mean Christian faith..?


Deb the WI state schools official is elected, union candidate always wins. 150 districts closed Friday but most were open. What happens Tuesday depends on how union robocalls are received that morning. School Boards face elections and by law have open meetings. Parents will be heard.

clarice feldman

sbw.if the local schools do not have such a program for kindergarteners have them arrange to send someone to the UCLA lab school to learn the method. That's what that school is for, developing effective teaching methods.


I wish Walker would stand up and say: "I won" when Obama comes out to support collective bargaining.

Of course Walker isn't an asshole so he probably won't.

clarice feldman

In the summer of 1962 I first came to D.C. to work as a summer intern. I remember clearly walking to the Capitol from the bus stop and being disappointed--the Capitol appeared tinny (especially the dome) compared to the one in Madison.


Clarice, thanks for the pointer. I've passed it on to my wife.


I think the sneaky symbolic thing for the Wisconsin tea party to do would be to call for a rally at the Capitol the day the current slobs leave... and clean up the mess.



A graceful way to deal with the "earnest" climatistas.

It is very good if one has the time to watch.


You know how bad a hack you have to be, for Politico not to hire you, that's Hertsgaard
for you.

Thomas Collins

I hope Breitbart and other real journalists are investigating whether the striking and hiding Wisconsin Dem lawmakers are paying their way at the resorts at which they are staying and, if they are not, who is paying the tab. I would especially be interested in knowing whether Organizing for America money is finding its way to the Dem lawmakers


The WaPo was crappier than usual this Sunday. They had a front page headline story based on a poll. It was like that old joke about...The World's gonna end Tomorrow - Blacks & Women hardest hit.

They also had a write up touting the artistic genius of Kayne West again (they had a big one in Nov. 2010 declaring his obscene, poorly selling album a masterpiece). This weekend article covered the painter, George Condo, that worked with West. He too is a genius. The two of them are dark, twisted geniuses. West also has music videos for the same album that feature - "The macabre 30-second trailer shows the rapper making sexual advances to a dead or drugged female corpse in his bed, and several dead, lingerie-clad women are seen hanging with chains around their necks.”"
What a genius.


Have been wondering exactly the same thing. Good for you for pointing it out!


Thanks for pointing out the name of Imhofe's main adversary in the video clip.

Thanks to you for reporting on current cultural decline:)

Candy Crowley has a fine interview with Rumsfeld on State of the Union. He nicely cleaned her clock.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

Did anyone else see the teacher on Fox and Friends this morning? He said that none of the teachers at his school had joined the sick out and that he and others supported Walker. He said that the whole teacher rebellion/sick out was centered on just a couple of counties and cities like Madison and Milwaukee.

Captain Hate

Did anyone else see the teacher on Fox and Friends this morning? He said that none of the teachers at his school had joined the sick out and that he and others supported Walker.

Thanks for commenting on that; I posted last night that I strongly suspected a significant number of teachers, maybe a solid majority, were appalled by this union tantrum.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

Gentlemen, start. your. engines!

See you all later today, got to go watch the Daytona 500.


I hope Breitbart and other real journalists are investigating whether the striking and hiding Wisconsin Dem lawmakers are paying their way at the resorts at which they are staying and, if they are not, who is paying the tab.

It'll be an issue, I'm sure. I emailed my Senator, Dem. Fred Risser, to demand that he return to work and to point out that if he's planning to stick the taxypayers for the bills he's running up for his part in the Coward's Junket, he should think again. I also went here and suggested that one way for the state to save money will be to deny expense reports from any of the 14 senators for the period of their cut 'n' run self-imposed exile.

I suspect I am not the only person doing this.

Captain Hate

Speaking of the Daytona 500, am I the only person who didn't know that NASCAR attendance greatly exceeds the NBA's? Well done Stern.


and that he and others supported Walker.

I imagine a lot of teachers (and members of other public sector unions) would be thrilled to be able to devote their union dues toward other things ... such as retirement? health care? if they had a chance.


Clarice, terrific article this week. Watching the wolverine exhibit such an enthusiasm for learning must be very gratifying.

Regarding sabotage, although I've known the meaning for decades, I didn't know the historical origin of the word until I saw Star Trek VI a few years back. :-)


PD - the rule of thumb (in radio and I suspect everywhere) is that for every person who calls/writes in/ attends, 40 more are thinking the same thing. So if a million people show up at a tea party, 40 million wanted to. It would be interesting to see how many letters your rep gets.

Jack is Back!

Need some feedback.

Just tried posting a comment from my iPad [This is right up DoT's alley]. It refused to accept the comment. It has the JOM url and a note that "We're sorry, we cannot accept this data".

Anyone ever have a similar occurance?


Here is an interactive web site where one can enter cities, states and countries for comparisons on how education is working around the world.

Miseducation Nation


Did you do a "refresh" before posting?

Jack is Back!

BTW, we are watching the Daytona 500. Even though I am only 30 minutes from Daytona and the track, I have decided that we won't go to the race until next year. I want Master JiB to want to go and right now he is more psyched watching this year on TV since Transformers is co-sponsor.

When we flew in mid morning on Thursday, it was a zoo. Getting from the airport (it is next to the track) out International Speedway Boulevard to I-95 was a struggle with patience. You have to experience Daytona during Speed Week. The local Barnes and Noble is right across from the main entrance to the track and during the week you can hear the roar and resonance of the cars as they practice and you try to sip your latte while reading Brad Thor.

What's happening in Wisconsin today?


JIB, I have gotten the ""We're sorry, we cannot accept this data" note several times on a regular desktop or laptop. IMO, it has to do with the amount of time spent writing up the comment, especially if I have to go back and find URLs for links.

What I find will work many times is to Cut and paste the comment and than switch to IE from Firefox or which ever and post the comment. Hope that helps.


"We're sorry, we cannot accept this data"

I see that all the time. It always occurs when I've had the page open a while without refreshing. I select-all, copy, refresh, paste it back in again, and it works.


JiB, My data generally doesn't get accepted after it has successfully posted, not before.


Jack is Back!


Those are all good comments and I will try the refresh right after I do the cut and paste. Currently on the laptop.

Funny, they didn't bring this up on MacMania:)

But the Woz was great.


Good work identifying that asshole Dr. Douglas L. Smith, Rocco. Looks like the same guy to me.

So as to the list so, any more besides these two?

James H. Shropshire
Douglas L. Smith

How about the wise-ass blonde at the end of the video? Was that Kari P. Cataldo?


When that happens to me, I need to refresh before pasting the comment back, Jack.


Reposting the link to the video.

"Who's sick?"

"Well, everybody is sick of Scott Walker. Hunh."

Rob Crawford

Speaking of air, I'd love to know what the air is like in that rotunda where 8000 protesters have "stood shoulder to shoulder" for days. AP said it's not only messy and mud-spattered, it now stinks. The unions are having food sent in and the squatters interviewed inside seem happy as clams. Should they be ousted by Tuesday, or does their continued squatting and destruction of property present a useful object lesson?

Walker should invite them to a meeting/negotiation at the nearest stadium. Tell them he'll send a personal representative named Narses to speak to them. Heck, say he's arranged for free running shoes if they show up.

If they fall for it, they deserve it.



That sure does look like her. Same hair color and round face. Remember when Clarice e-mailed Foley during the Libby fiasco? Do you think it would be a waste of time e-mailing and asking them if it's them in the vid?


I bet Breitbart has film of all of them.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

Anyone ever have a similar occurance?

You will get the message about not accepting a comment when you've left the tab open without refreshing the page. It happens to me all the time.

Although I do copy my raw comment before refreshing as a precaution, I've found it really isn't necessary. My written but not yet published comment will still be in the comment box after the refresh. I never have to paste it back in again. All I do is right click my mouse and click "Reload" in Firefox or "Refresh" in IE. I only use Firefox.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

I posted this link yesterday. What about the Doctor mentioned here?

QUESTION: Should Pro-Castro Democrat activist Dr. Bernard Micke of Madison Wisconsin have his license revoked?


via Instapundit:

http://punditpress.blogspot.com/2011/02/university-of-wisconsin-department-of.html>University of Wisconsin, Department of Family Medicine is not Responsible? (Updated with Video)

Some interesting information there.


I emailed all three of them to the Wisconsin Journal Sentinel tip email. Posted the email in the newer thread.

Probably a lib paper, though, huh?

Sara (Pal2Pal)

Here's another one:

Dr. Kathy Oriel - Madison Residency Program Director


Patrick McKenna is identified on the UW DFM staff and directory page as a PGY 3. This is a resident in his 3 and final year of post graduate training and as such cannot operate independently as the Department of Medical Education is responsible for his actions.


Hannah Keevil MD signed an excuse.

The above from this link.



I missed that yesterday and can't seem to find a picture of him to look for him in the crowd. But I'm pretty sure we can take Iowa Hawk's word for it. Good catch!


My written but not yet published comment will still be in the comment box after the refresh. I never have to paste it back in again.

That doesn't happen for me in Safari. Perhaps it's browser specific.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

PD: I've been lucky with Firefox, but I still copy the comment before refreshing. I know, without a shadow of doubt, that the first time I fail to copy it, will be the time it doesn't come back.


Sara, you're probably right about that?

How are your flu symptoms? Feeling any better?

Sara (Pal2Pal)

PD: Still sluggish, but my breathing is better. The other day, I felt like I was gasping for breath, even when sitting still.


Sara, I also use firefox, I also always have the message still in the comment box after I hit refresh, and I also always copy it anyway because I also know that the first time I don't it will go *poof*!

Also, it's really trivial to copy your entire comment. Click in the comment box. Hit command-A-command-C (on the mac) or control-A-control-C (on windows). Takes about two seconds, max.

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