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June 08, 2011



Clinton: "Geez, Anthony, you're such an amateur."


--Mr. Clinton declined to comment.--

Yeah. He was busy assuaging his disappointment in Weiner by the expert plying of a stogey.

I Won

Watch my poll numbers skyrocket once I bail out Greece. It'll make killing bin Laden look like only a bounce.


It said "Clintons." I'm sure Hillary is equally annoyed as this blows the cover off their little three-card Monte game of who's the real couple. (Though now that I think about it, there are four possibilities if we include Bill and Anthony.)

Thomas Collins

Wilbur Mills is probably also scoffing at Weiner (in Wilbur's case, from the Beyond). See LUN for a photo of Wilbur and his femme fatale.



15 SWAT Officers Break Down Man's Door and Detain Him and His Children for 6 Hours Over a Student Loan That was NOT EVEN HIS!

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot???



wonder what would have happened if the first day Cong. Weiner just said, yeah, I sent it, it was a joke, get over it. He'd be in much better shape politically.

Army of Davids

Reckless Endangerment?

This time it's Republicans. As discussions of winding down Fannie and Freddie, and their taxpayer hit of between $300 billion to $650 billion, are batted about DC....Republicans are floating legislation to create yet another GSE w/ explicit taxpayer subsidies.

Not only a no. But a @#$%&! no to this idea.


The Argentine Firecracker. Those were the days, when scandal included actual touching and hiding included dips in the Tidal Basin. What are our grandchildren to do?


--“He was busy assuaging his disappointment in Weiner by the expert plying of a stogey.”--

This will be a tough limerick to fashion.


House to Hold Boeing Hearing in South Carolina

The U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government planned to announce Wednesday that its members will travel to North Charleston on June 17 for the hearing.

In those days inamoratas had boobs and hips. I suppose that's why present scandals are conducted over the IT. I mean The Shadow was a lot scarier on the radio than it ever could have been on tv. It's imagination over reality.


Bill Clinton, who officiated at his wedding in July and is extremely close with the congressman’s wife

That's what they call "burying the lede", isn't it?

Captain Hate

The Clintons are deeply unhappy about the situation and with Mr. Weiner, people who had been told of their thinking said.

Good beards are hard to find.


Good point, bgates, meanwhile Iowahawk twitters:

Maybe it's just me, but I don't think Bachman should have hired Henry Rollins as a spokesman.


Micky Kaus has a suggestion for Weiner: Resign and run as a candidate in the special election to replace himself. If he wins, his constituents forgive him, end of story.

Which would say more about them than it does about him.

Captain Hate

Iowahawk FTW

Rob Crawford

15 SWAT Officers Break Down Man's Door and Detain Him and His Children for 6 Hours Over a Student Loan That was NOT EVEN HIS!

First: Apparently the DoEducation has its own SWAT teams.

Second: And they're apparently being used to deal with late loan payments.

Third: The local police didn't do their job. They should have helped prevent the unlawful breaking and entering into the home of a private citizen. Search warrant? Sorry, we don't recognize the Department of Education as a valid law enforcement body.

Fourth: The judge that issued a no-knock warrant for a f#$%#@^ing LOAN? Impeachment. At minimum. Phrases involving rails, tar, feathers, and even the old favorite of Vlad Tepes come to mind.

Danube of Thought

dips in the Tidal Basin

I believe it was the reflecting pool.

Rob Crawford

Oh, and can we end the GD Department of Education already? They educate no one, arguably contribute to the mal- and mis-education of millions, waste money, and, now, apparently believe themselves to be the Stasi reborn.

It does put a nasty spin on the threat about your "permanent record", doesn't it?


Maybe it's just me, but I don't think Bachman should have hired Henry Rollins as a spokesman.

LOL, nice


I had remembered it as the reflecting pool, but the TC's link said, "When police approached the car, Foxe leapt from the car and jumped into the nearby Tidal Basin in an attempt to escape."

Either way, Wilbur took home a wet fox.


What's puzzling in the Mills-Foxe story is why she felt the need to escape. They were being pulled over for a minor traffic violation. I doubt the cop would have reported this to the National Enquirer. There must have been something else. Booze? Drugs?


"They DO NOT fear that she will lose . . .
they don't want her in the race because they are afraid she CAN beat others in the Republican race and they will be out of it, have no role."

Rush on Republican elites, etc. and Palin.

Captain Hate

That story about the DoE SWAT team is an effing disgrace; this is the face of your federal government. The guy that was victimized is being way too conciliatory in just wanting an apology. I'd want somebody's head on a pike and additional people doing jail time. I assume there's a Fresno area Tea Party that can make good use of this...

What can go wrong with having these types of organizations running health care?


--I believe it was the reflecting pool.--

Tidal Basin.


"They (Republican operatives) fear Palin will beat their guys and Obama, and leave them on the outside looking in."

Rush Limbaugh


Rob Crawford - way too many things like this going on around the Country. Just consider the recent rulings by the Indiana Supreme Court on No-Knock Warrants and No Legal Right to Resist an Illegal Police Entry into Ones' Own Home.

Things like this make me think of Kristallnacht...


Captain, yes there is a quite large Fresno area Tea Party and I am sure they will make very good use of this. Stockton is about a 2 hour drive to the North of us and so, I don't know how large a Tea Party group they have, but I suspect they too have one.

Everyone in my office is aghast at this incident.


And, I should add, outraged over it.

Rob Crawford

Things like this make me think of Kristallnacht...

I think of Lexington, Concord, and Athens, TN.


If you watch the end of the video, CH, the reporter says they deny kicking in his door and cuffing him in a car.

Either way, I wish the drowner in Alameda owed the Feds money; they surely would have saved him then.

Captain Hate

Ack cc; don't know why Stockton got changed to Fresno in the course of writing that.


The reason they charge in, guns almost blazing, is because they fear the homeowner might have his own. Which he has a perfectly legal right to do.

Why do they never get jail time for these faulty home invasion raids? Is there a congress person working on this issue, or does it need to make it to the SC?


heh.. I knew Bachmann was my kind of lady!

It's Rock and Roll and the Message is: Do It! Rollins Band LUN.


--"Why do they never get jail time for these faulty home invasion raids?"--

It's not in their contract to go to jail. They don't do anything that is not in their contract.


If I remember right, there was a question a year or so ago about why DOE was procuring shotguns.

Note: the Washington Post reporter, in this story, apparently doesn't know the difference between a rifle and a shotgun.


The DOE should be closed down immediately, IMO.


I'm reminded of a B movie, 'Class of 1999, which posited the creation of the Department
of Educational Defense, that employed military
robots to deal with the discipline problem,


So what is up with the story about Thatcher refusing to meet with Palin? I didn't see it reported but I heard mention of it. Someone on HotAir said Rush was debunking it.


Note: the Washington Post reporter, in this story, apparently doesn't know the difference between a rifle and a shotgun.

Neither do 99 44/100% of the rest of the MSM.


It has no named source, it appeared in the Independent and Al Ghaurdian, not reliable
publications, and it seems to be out of character with her, she visited with Cameron
who is squish city, not long ago.


Why do they never get jail time for these faulty home invasion raids?

Not many make FBI Color of Law Complaints and probably fewer still make it through that process.



Porch: an unidentified source close to Thatcher (snort) said Thatcher would never meet with Palin and that "she is nuts," meaning Palin.


Gawker supposedly has a photo of Bbreitbart's cell phone with the money shot



Captain Hate

That doesn't sound like Thatcher at all. Unless she's jumped the shark mentally, I'm calling BS.


That's essentially what Rush said. He knows Mrs. Thatcher personally, has spent significant time with her, including watching her be extra-cordial with anyone who wanted to meet her, including presumably people she didn't even like. IOW, she'd *never* do such a thing as has been reported by this "ally."


Thanks y'all. I thought it sounded out of character for Thatcher too. Even if she actually held those opinions, I can't believe her aides would say anything like that publicly.


If the shotguns don't get you the educrats will.



Picture of Tony is actual size!


A WI example of "do as I say, not as I do" Dems trying to get recall petitions thrown out despite more than enough valid signatures are citing petition collectors for ACORN style pay per signature (without any evidence).


Wish you'd said that earlier, MarO. By now thousands of love sick progs have texted him professing undying love.


oops, here's the link. The GAB is on a lunch break, scroll down for older updates and check back later today for more.

Jane (sit on the couch or save your country)

Hey will you guys click on this?

It's the latest at You Too COngress, but I want the guy I'm talking about to get to the top of any google search so that will help.

If you read it, you will know why.

Jane (sit on the couch or save your country)

Ewwwwww, I'm not sure I needed to click on that Weiner pix. But I guess the whole world should see it, and I am just doing my duty.

WOnder what the congressman is doing today.


the link I posted to gawker above is actally safe to clic on, as you have to clic on aditional link to see pic

or as Ace says

one step safe, two steps penis

Ace not sure if pic is real, Breitbart has not confirmed it.



Kudos, Mike Aja.


Were you able to see his face in the shot, Jane? Otherwise, why believe it's him?


Ditto, Mike Aja!!


And they didn't at least for attribution, if the Tory Central Office, would have been proud
of making the point, if the opinion was that wide spread. We know Cameron for one, 'doesn't
get her.


Another British press account had Thatcher's named aide denying that Guardian report and saying she merely wasn't sure of the state of her health at the time of the scheduled visit and would have to leave the meeting up in the air until closer in time, something more in accord of my understanding of her,


That makes more sense, then again I don't work for the Post, The Times (both of them),
or Joyner's Blog, so what do I know.

How is the Lunch going.

Danube of Thought

Wow. Sounds like the Obamacare argument in the Fourth Circuit went well.

Jane (sit on the couch or save your country)

What I didn't put in the post is that Mike is 63 years old, and as buff as a 30 year old. (cause I thought that would be wrong)


It's not until the 13th, narciso.

Anyway I'm heartbroken. there was a contest for the 20 hottest conservative women in the new media and not only didn't I make the cut I didn't even know there was a contest. Rats.

Jane (sit on the couch or save your country)

Dot, that sounds pretty good.

Clarice, they clearly do not know what they are talking about.


As for whether the pic is real, I'm skeptical -- story is that Breitbart has the pic on his cell phone, and he showed it to these two radio "shock jocks" and allowed them to snap a pic of his phone with the pic on it. Given the occupation of the guys who sent it, I think that it's much more likely a pic of one of them, displayed on their phone, and Breitbart had nothing to do with it.

Jane (sit on the couch or save your country)

It makes no difference if it is him.

He's cooked regardless

Captain Hate

Apologies if this has been posted but I never get tired of Sergeant Ed Schultz again proving "I know nothink": http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2011/06/07/joan_walsh_on_defending_weiner_i_looked_kind_of_stupid.html

Captain Hate

daddy, this is what happens when you hire Botch Davis: http://tarheelblue.cstv.com/auto_pdf/p_hotos/s_chools/unc/sports/m-footbl/auto_pdf/NoticeofInquiry0607#00


How can Bill Clinton officiate a wedding?I thought you had to be an officer of the court at least a Justice of the peace



I thought of that "three-card monte" already, am not yet ready for the fourth alternative....!


Look, I'm gonna say this once, and I don't wanna hafta repeat myself: Back off on Weiner. He's needed in Congress, and if you don't believe me, then believe the Zionist Organization of America:

Weiner’s political identity has long been intertwined with his Jewishness. He has been celebrated by the pro-settlement Zionist Organization of America for his positions on the West Bank, and Weiner routinely introduces a bill that would deny assistance to Saudi Arabia, even though that wealthy country does not receive U.S. assistance beyond a small program that trains Saudi army officers in democracy.

ZOA President Morton Klein said the Weiner scandal represents a “terrible loss for the pro-Israel community.”

“As long as Anthony Weiner remains in Congress, his position on Israel will be among the best,” Klein said. “The only issue now is whether his influence will have diminished and whether his credibility will have diminished.”

The stakes are much bigger than you knuckleheads realize, so stop playing with fire and just shut up.


DoT, that is such good news. Jane, that must be it. Must.

Jane (sit on the couch or save your country)

How can Bill Clinton officiate a wedding?I thought you had to be an officer of the court at least a Justice of the peace

Anyone can officiate at a wedding. You get a one-day Justice of the Peace pass and you are good to go.


Thanks Jane


Glenn Kessler is defending Romney by calling out some leading GOPers re Obamacare: GOP Leaders Backed a Healthcare Mandate.

Some highlights:

Conservatives’ biggest knock against presidential candidate Mitt Romney is that he implemented an individual health insurance mandate in Massachusetts. But if you look at the Republican leaders who have supported the idea over the years, you wonder who is fooling whom.

In the early 1970s, President Richard Nixon favored such a mandate. In the 1990s, Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole and House Speaker Newt Gingrich supported a mandate.

The Heritage Foundation, one of the top conservative think tanks, embraced a mandate.


NRA President Dave Keene “Most Republican leaders in that era supported a mandate, and the Romney plan came out of the Heritage plan,” ...

In fact, “The idea of an individual mandate as an alternative to single-payer was a Republican idea,” says health economist Mark Pauly of the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School.

More recently, when asked on Fox News in February 2007 about the Romney plan, Republican Sen. Jim DeMint, chairman of the Senate Steering Committee and a favorite of the tea party movement, said, “Well, that’s something that I think we should do for the whole country.”

In announcing his run for governor of Minnesota, Republican presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty said in May 2006, “We’ll be looking, like we do in automobile insurance, to require people who have the resources and the means to have [health] insurance.”


Asked if a health insurance mandate would be a good idea, current Republican presidential hopeful Jon Huntsman said in September 2007 on Utah’s KUED, “I’m comfortable with a requirement.”


Pawlenty has since said he never supported a mandate, Huntsman says he never pushed it, and Gingrich and DeMint say they now oppose a mandate. Romney has said the first thing he would do as president is grant waivers from the Obama healthcare law to all states and seek to repeal it.

But to demonize the former Massachusetts governor for having adopted an idea that was supposedly anathema to Republicans is to rewrite history.


Dennis Miller's opening monolog:

"If they asked Weiner about Paul Revere's ride now, he'd probably say "The British are...uh...arriving, the British are arriving."

Sara (Pal2Pal)

Why do they never get jail time for these faulty home invasion raids?

Because they harass, threaten, stalk, lie, and drag court proceedings out for years and years and witnesses die, move away, figure it has been so long ago, why bother, etc. Law enforcement in this country is very powerful when they want to make a victim look like they deserved whatever it is they dished out.


That was a fun Obamacare article. The last word went to the Obama legal flack:
Katyal said that even the challengers agreed that persons who show up at a hospital seeking treatment could be required to buy insurance on the spot. If so, he said, why can't the government require they buy it in advance?

First, the challengers should not agree to the former point. Doesn't anybody know what "insurance" means anymore? Second, I think Katyal would agree that persons who show up at a tv station seeking to run a Palin for President commercial could be required to pay for it on the spot; if so, why can't the government require we all buy those in advance too?

Thomas Collins

Re Clarice's lament that she "didn't . . . make the cut" for the hot conservative women contest: I think they're saving Clarice for the "Clarice's Pieces 2012 Calendar Pictorial"!


Voila! That must be it, TC. I don't know why I didn't think of that.

Danube of Thought

I have no idea why the challengers would agree with that proposition, which I believe is false in any event. A hospital might require you to pay in advance, or post collateral, but I doubt they could require you to buy "insurance," and no insurer would issue it.


I'd have to say this is the dumbest DoJ in American History.

(Another) Barbara

OT to Clarice: I had a dream about you last night, which surely must be nearly as great an honor as making some old "Hot Conservatives" piece.

In my dream we were walking through a train station, so apparently I had crashed the lunch get-together on the 13th. I was patiently explaining and re-explaining to you that you pronounce your first name incorrectly. I told you that the one other person I once knew -- in elementary school -- with the same name pronounced it "CLARE-iss."

Actually that's the case, and it's why -- when I was a lurker here -- I couldn't understand why JOMers were urging you to name your column "Clarice's Pieces." Literally could not fathom the rhyme nor reason.

Don't you hate it when people bore you with their dreams? Me too. I want to assure you that you did not capitulate to my opinion, though. I'm now guessing that my Clarice's (CLARE-iss's) parents had seen the name written, but never spoken aloud.


Heh.. I 'm flattered. In 7th grade I had a teacher who called me Clar-ISS. He was unfortunately shell shocked during the war and the children were cruel to him. He'd panic and then ask me, "Clar-Iss" to take over--collect the papers, hand them out, etc. So I helped cover for him. Odd, no one else ever pronounced it that way.


Captain Hate,

Just to be clear where I stand on UNC.

If a sinkhole opened under the University and sucked the whole place down to Hades, the only tear I would shed would be for the Basketball Court. Go to Hell Duke!

Captain Hate

Ok I posted this on a barely breathing thread, so maybe it will get a better audience here: http://minx.cc/?post=317319

Captain Hate

Message received daddy; when they hired Botch to upgrade their football program I thought that either he wouldn't be nearly as good as they were expecting or he'd get the program in trouble. I wasn't thinking it could be an "and" situation.

Danube of Thought

I'm listening to Judge Napolitano on Cavuto. He is predicting the 11th Circuit will reverse Judge Vinson and uphold the law. He also predicts the SCt will hold it unconstitutional.

I think he's a pretty flaky guy, and I don't take much stock in what he says.

Clarice, that's the way Clarice Starling, the heroine in The Silence of the Lambs pronounced it. (I can still hear Anthony Hopkins saying it.)

Danube of Thought

AB, I dream about Clarice several nights a week. I won't bore you people...

Charlie (Colorado)

Look, I'm gonna say this once, and I don't wanna hafta repeat myself: Back off on Weiner.

Anduril, just in case no one has said this lately:

Bugger off.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

You are lucky Clarice. From birth until age 50, I went by my middle name of "Leslie." At 50, I got tired of always having to tell people and decided to start using my first name exclusively. Of course, none of my family or old friends ever made the change over to Sara, but anyone I've met in the past 15 years only knows me by my first name.

If there is one thing that drives me up a wall it is people who pronounce Leslie as if it had a "z" in it. Lezlie instead of Leslie. It just bugs the hell out of me. At least I don't have that problem with Sara. With Sara it is combating those who want to tack an "H" on the end. I don't know how the H was dropped, because in 12 generations, all the Sara names in my family have no H. Every other generation, i.e., I was named for my Grandmother, she her Grandmother, etc.

I would like to see a contest for the hottest/smartest "mature" women of the Internet. Bet you would win that one hands down.


Clarisse's Pisses?


Believe it or not, now that you mention it, DoT was in a dream I had last night. I don't remember the details, but he was on TV expounding on the Republican primaries. Deep voice, looked like the guy with the horns. Something about how a particular candidate couldn't win, but I don't remember it clearly enough.


Well, DoT and Sara, I thank you both. I hope I'm not doing anything too criminal in anyone's dreams.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

CLARE-iss: I had an 8th grade math teacher who sounds like your 7th grade teacher. He was gassed in WWI and thought a little blue man lived in our classroom wastepaper can. He would even leave the room during tests and leave the little blue man in charge to catch any cheating.


I regard Napolitano as VERY flaky. I don't think the 11th circuit will sustain Obamacare. I also think it's time for O to throw Steadman and his minions under the bus and replace them with--like, you know-- lawyers.


lol, daddy!

You're gonna get thwacked.


Just be thankful your name isn't Ralph...aka Rocco


So glad to hear both DoT and Clarice offer up their opinion of Judge Napolitano. I find him quite weird and all over the map on some of his judicial analyses. Have often wondered where in gawd's name Ailes found him and, more importantly why?

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