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August 09, 2011



The problem is more with the central bank's canon than ammunition for its cannon.


Section 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned.

Is it unconstitutional to have less than AAA ?

Did S&P violated the 14th Amendment by questioning the federal debt.


We may be waiting for the Fed, but the American people have already spoken (three day rolling polls for today):

President Obama Job Approval


Approve 40

Disapprove 50

Disapprove +10.0

Rasmussen Reports

Approve 45

Disapprove 55

Disapprove +10.0

It is interesting that for over two years, Obama rode higher among Adults compared to Likely Voters. But now, it is the Likely Voters are keeping his numbers up on the approval side.

Thomas Collins

Perhaps the Fed is announcing contracting out its operations to the esteemed financial institution described in the LUN.



I think that's right-- Barry O will get his hardcore 45% -- unless a white Leftist runs as a third candidate. The conservative gets 54-55%. I've said that since July 2010, no reason to change my mind.


more like slamming another load of meth when the economy has already been on a run for a week and a half. it's like the last reel of the original version of Vanishing Point.


Looks like it's steady as she goes for the Fed:

the Committee decided today to keep the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent. The Committee currently anticipates that economic conditions--including low rates of resource utilization and a subdued outlook for inflation over the medium run--are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate at least through mid-2013. The Committee also will maintain its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments from its securities holdings.

No QE3 yet! The markets are disappointed. They need their fix!

Dave (in MA)

The Dow is dropping like a giant, dropping thing.

Dave (in MA)



Dead cat bounce.


The Dow is dropping like a giant, dropping thing.

this tickles me


The Dow is dropping like a giant, dropping thing.

Hahhhahaha...oh my goodness, everything is a mess. Too funny Dave..


The same tragic/funny mix is Iowahawk referring to lads when he posts about the London riots.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

DOW is up 149 pts right now.

Carol Herman

Sorry, but I think the mistake was to give Boehner the car keys.

And, the stupid party? Remains so.

Prices will level out (and down), until the number is reached ... that brings the retail trade back into the showrooms.

Not a day before. I pick 20 years in limbo.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

Jury gives Warren Jeffs life in prison.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

Oops. He is already on his way to Huntsville in Texas, where he'll serve his life sentence, eligible for parole at 100 years old.

Comanche Voter

Well you can say that Fed's cannon has a hangfire problem with a hot round in the breach;

Or, and more correctly, you could say that the Fed's cannon with Obama and his regulators as the gunners is a squirt gun that's been dowsing enthusiasm in the private sector.


Zombie chronicles SF SlutWalk


Dave, did Shemp use that line?

My brother emailed me wondering if Barry is saving or creating DOW points.

Charlie (Colorado)

Is it unconstitutional to have less than AAA ?

I don't think "validity" is the same as "quality".

Dave (in MA)

TK, it was stolen from Blackadder.

What the hell?

Rick Ballard

From the Fed Release:

Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in June indicates that economic growth so far this year has been considerably slower than the Committee had expected. Indicators suggest a deterioration in overall labor market conditions in recent months, and the unemployment rate has moved up. Household spending has flattened out, investment in nonresidential structures is still weak, and the housing sector remains depressed. However, business investment in equipment and software continues to expand. Temporary factors, including the damping effect of higher food and energy prices on consumer purchasing power and spending as well as supply chain disruptions associated with the tragic events in Japan, appear to account for only some of the recent weakness in economic activity. Inflation picked up earlier in the year, mainly reflecting higher prices for some commodities and imported goods, as well as the supply chain disruptions. More recently, inflation has moderated as prices of energy and some commodities have declined from their earlier peaks. Longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable.

So Mad Ben has pumped in $2.5 trillion while the Obamacrats were incurring $4.1 trillion in deficits (CBO Source) and all we get is deterioration? That makes the 200+ point drop after the announcement understandable but where did the subsequent 600 point pop from the low come from?

The Fed just guaranteed that ZIRP will run on into mid 2013 because another recession is imminent and the market found the news bullish?

What a curious conclusion.


Patty Murray, John Fn Kerry and Max Baucus?

That's Reid's choice?


Rick-- I don't know that it's a curious conclusion. Since October 2008 we've in bizarro world; many publicly traded companies doing very well (low interest rates, no wage pressure, foreign growth and -- most importantly-- Obamanomics keeps competion down by making it impossible to start new businesses.) Now, of course if you're a small private business relying on domestic or a jobseeker, Obamanomics is horrific. But for investors in publicly traded companies -- Helicopter Ben's cheap money is manna from DC.


they're not starting to close the tap, Rick ergo, the St. Vitus Dance can proceed for a bit longer. The objective is to keep the plates spinning until they can make good their escape from responsibility for the mess.

Of course, Murphy's Law is going to bite them in the ass sooner rather than later. Industry is voting with it's feet.

The computer manufacturers are cutting orders to their key suppliers in anticipation of a lousy Christmas season. Auto manufacturing is slowing. The entire electronics supply chain in Guangdong Province has slowed down.U.S. manufacturing is slowing. All these things have already been reported.

The market is still overvalued according to many analysts and the banks are still sitting on all sorts of bad paper and underwater foreclosed property.

The moment the music stops it's going to be like musical chairs with one chair and a dozen people trying to sit down at once.

Danube of Thought

"Did S&P violated the 14th Amendment by questioning the federal debt."

No. There is no provision in the constitution that can be violated by a private individual or an assemblage of private individuals.


What a curious conclusion.

Well, I found the 600 point drop the day before, allegedly in response to the S&P downgrade, equally curious, so perhaps this is just undoing that overreaction. The fact is that there hasn't been that much real news. Yes, we're still in a weak and slow-growing economy, but that's been largely factored into the market already--it's still some 25% off its 2007 peak.


jimmyk-- I agree with your observations. In the post 2008 bizarro world, publicly traded equities (excluding financials) are about the least toxic asset in which to invest. Hey-- maybe SarbOx did something right after all. Why don't we impose SarBox on the POTUS, Congress and Fed Chair?-- we can build them their own prison for the sovereign debt, Soc sec and Medicare ponzi schemes.

Melinda Romanoff


You left out one feature of that chair.

It's really a stool, and it's upside down.



Jim Miller

Stephanie - Or, as we like to say here in Washington state, Senator Patty "no rocket scientist" Murray.

She won the award twice, so I think we ought to give her credit for that achievement.


where did the subsequent 600 point pop from the low come from?

I found the 600 point drop the day before, allegedly in response to the S&P downgrade, equally curious

The talking heads always try to state what news has driven whatever market move subsequently happened, as if they know.

Every day we hear stuff like:

"Markets were up on the latest unemployment figures."

"Markets were down on the latest GDP figures."

It's as good as hearing that the markets were up or down on news of J Lo's love life.

They have no idea why the markets were up or down, but they get paid to make these statements.


Yeah, I did notice that Reid put forth his 'best and brightest.'

Patty Murray must be heading the contingent rooting for more shovel ready jobs in a QE3 proposal... day care centers, roads - all that stuff that makes a clean, articulate guy loved by the masses.

Rick Ballard


They're not turning off the tap but they're not injecting new money either. The authorization for the issuance of another $2.4 trillion in debt into what is, at best, a stagnant economy should raise the question of source of funds to purchase the debt. EUtopia is muttering about the need for around $3-4 trillion in cash for their own illusion maintenance. They're going to have to print bogus euros faster than Mad Ben has been printing BOzobucks to 'raise' that much dough.

The cutbacks you mentioned are very real, as is the news today about productivity slipping away. Yesterday's sell off may have been a bit too much but the late rally today on no positive news was (IMO) a bit more overly optimistic than yesterday's sell off was pessimistic.


Drudge is flogging world-wide unrest "amid economic uncertainty."

Swelling list of demands fuels Israel protests

In some ways, the sudden eruption of social discontent is surprising: Israel’s economy is set to grow by an impressive 3.7 per cent this year. Unemployment hovers at just over 7 per cent and is even lower in the greater Tel Aviv area, the centre of the protests.
Just a matter of time before this becomes a 2012 election issue?

What colour was Mark Duggan?

Mark Duggan is the man who was shot dead by the police on Thursday in Tottenham. The Tottenham riots last night were sparked when people protested his death. This morning, I first heard of the riots on the radio, then on the television. I read articles on the internet. But oddly, no one would say what colour Mark Duggan was. No one would say the unsayable, that the rioters were, I suspect on the whole, black. Then, finally, Toby Young’s Telegraph blog post on the riots was published. Is Toby Young the only journalist out there who will dare say that these riots are about race?

Still, one paper did carry a photo of Mr Duggan. When I saw the photo, it confirmed what I knew instinctively: black youths once again have set London alight.


First tax-free holiday in Arkansas a boon for business

"I have never seen anything like this," said Clancy Graham, a manager at Little Rock's RK Collections Boutique, an independently owned store. "If we could do this three times a year, it would be amazing. It has done crazy good stuff for our business."
Tax cuts modify people's behavior? Say it ain't so!

Did everyone see the guy stripping his clothes off to give them to a looter in London? link

A strong looking guy like that couldn't defend himself against the thug.

In other news, I have a new a Glock 19 on order.

Thomas Collins

DOT, can't the 13th Amendment be violated by private parties? I suppose one issue would be whether a federal court would have the power to issue an injunction prohibiting private parties from imposing involuntary servitude without implementing legislation.


He'll never forget that humiliation. It wouldn't be surprising if he's arrested for murder within days.


as 10cc once said; "load up, load up, load up the rubber bullets".


Heh, Walker just signed the redistricting maps this afternoon. Dems losing minds all over. Polls close in 2 hours.


Social media used to spread Britain's riots

LONDON (AP) -- Some of the text messages read like real-time rallying calls for rioters.

"If you're down for making money, we're about to go hard in east London," one looter messaged before the violence spread.

Others direct troublemakers to areas of untapped riches - stores selling expensive stereo equipment, designer clothes, alcohol and bicycles.

Most show a portent of even worse things to come.

Would Obama want to put a stop to this if it happened here?

I'm Standing 'Between You and the Pitchforks'


Per local TV, Milwaukee turnout at 6:00 above 60% (Darling vs Pasch). Turnout is also high in R leaning areas, but they don't give any numbers.


Ex, that pic looks a little fishy to me. Is the thug armed, because the pic doesn't indicate it? Are there other thugs off-camera threatening a beat down? Otherwise, I don't see what's "compelling" the little guy to strip. He may one of those white WTO anarchist types who love mayhem and is playing the victim to increase the fear factor. The pic is oddly uninformative imo.


"""Did S&P violated the 14th Amendment by questioning the federal debt""

They didn't question the debt, they questioned our ability to pay it back and thus our ability to continue borrowing more.


One of the problems with Republicans is they let the media get away with far too many lies.

When talking about 'cuts' they fail to point out we are not cutting anything, we are reducing the outrageous growth rates.

And when they talk about debt, they only talk about the debt allready incurred, not the debt projected over the next ten years.

So when Obama says he wants to cut 4 Trillion in debt he's actually saying he wants to increase the debt to 25 Trillion dollars rather than 29 Trillion, he's not cutting anything.

The Republicans should counteract this by insisting that any tax increases under the grand bargain goes to pay down existing debt and cannot be used to project paying down debt not yet incurred, thus all future debt reductioins need to come from actual reductions in planned increases in spending.


Good point, Deb. It's hard to understand from that pic why someone would choose to give up his clothes in such humiliating fashion rather than get beaten up, if that was the threat. He wasn't that little, and if he was even slightly aggressive, his size wouldn't have been the most determining factor. Maybe it was staged.

Surely that pic will motivate resistance to the thugs.


I can't believe how absolutely gutless and toothless the Brits have made themselves. Imagine actually arguing over whether to use rubber bullets on maurauding thugs.

I would insist on real bullets, in real guns and real shooting of these real criminals.

You don't want to get shot, then don't be out destroying the society. Society has a right to defend itself.


The whole Duggan story is a concoction and an excuse to rob, destroy and tear down society.

These thugs couldn't care less about Duggan and would have killed him themselves if he stiffed them in a drug deal or sold drugs to their children.

The idea that these thugs are acting out on some ideal is absolutely disgusting and vile moral equivalence talk.

Duggan died because he was a drug dealer who lived on the wrong side of the law. We ask police to put their lives on the line everyday, and they need to be given leeway to act to protect themselves from these thugs. Mistakes happen with any law enforcment situtaion when your dealing with thugs - that's the price you pay for being able to walk down the streets in peace.


The whole story is BS. If Duggan was a nice family guy beloved by all, why would a bunch of thugs think they were doing him a favor by beating people half to death, robbing, arson, killing all in this great family guys name??

Give me a break, its like saying the parishoners would start robbing, raping, maiming and stabbing people if the Minister got killed.


"""It's hard to understand from that pic why someone would choose to give up his clothes in such humiliating fashion rather than get beaten up, if that was the threat. He wasn't that little, and if he was even slightly aggressive, his size wouldn't have been the most determining factor."""

And in the real world, if he did put up a fight, it wouldn't be one on one, it would be him against a dozen thugs beating and kicking him to death.

That's how a gang works, if you put up resistance, you get swarmed, you get put down and beat to death as a message to all others.

It would have been much better for him to give up his pants, then pull a 45 out of his underwear waistband and blow the thug away.

Simply put, if all these shop owners were in their stores and armed, these thugs would have run for the hills and hid behind the police.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

Man on the street to John Stossel's question, who is to blame for this economy?

Answer by black man with son in tow: Wall Street, because they put Obama in office.


It would have been much better for him to give up his pants, then pull a 45 out of his underwear waistband and blow the thug away.

I don't know, Pops. That perp would have taken one shot to the chest and the little guy would still have had at least 8 rounds left. If enough backup thugs chose to take a 45 to their own chests after that, maybe they'd have been able to finish him, but I'm guessing they'd have headed for the hills instead, with a few in their backs.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

I thought you could own a weapon of any kind in England. Where would they guy get the gun? Only thugs have guns in that type of society.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

could = could not own a weapon


Iowahawk posted this on FB -

"shoot to kill any arsonist or anyone with a Molotov cocktail in his hand... shoot to maim or cripple anyone looting any stores in our city." - Mayor Richard Daley (D) instructions to Chicago police, April 4, 1968.


30 minutes tip the polls close. For those with strong stomaches, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee is blogging it's GOTV operations. H/T Wispolitics.

Danube of Thought

43.7% in the RCP average; 40 at Gallup.


Is it worse than watching "The Five", Henry?

Uncle BigBad


Thanks for the update, and please keep us posted.

If any of the repubs win with a close margin, brace yourself for Al Franken-type recounts.


Thanks, Henry. I was hoping for your reports.


TK, I don't have cable, but it is progressives in gloat mode-- worse than Debbie Wasserman-Idiot's hair.

Uncle BigBad, it doesn't need to be close, e.g. Kloppenberg a couple months ago (she brought in Team Franken and still lost by 7000+).

per Russ Finegold "it's not over until we win!"

Count on 1 or 2 recounts, followed by criminal charges against Judge Prosser, which should take us to circulating Walker recall petitions at halftime as the Packers go for their second Super Bowl win in two years. At least that is the plan so far. : )


It is quite obvious from watching what's happening in Britian, Philadelphia, Wisconsin, etc. that these roving gangs of thugs are the right wing militias Obamas idiots at Homeland Security warned us about.


Polls are closed.

JM Hanes

Anybody know where has Old Lurker disappeared to? I've been missing him.


Pops, I read what you wrote as "these roving gangs of thugs are the right wing militias of Obama's idiots that Homeland Security warned us about."

Sara (Pal2Pal)

And Mitt isn't above a little "campaigning" himself. For instance his "Happy Birthday" message to Obama.


Wispolitics recall results page is now available. They will update throughout the evening as returns come in.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

Oops wrong thread, sorry.

Captain Hate

henry, are you joking on the criminal charges of Prosser? If not what are they expected to be?


Hasn't there been inklings of riots in London for the past few months-iirc the "student protests" turned ugly. Also Ramadan...

Eu Referendum always has a good take:

This is the culmination of welfarism, political correctness, minimum wage and an overly "liberal" justice system. And for all the whining we hear about damaged shops and businesses, well, this is what you get. You get the government, and thus the criminals and the police, you deserve. As we keep saying, if you take no interest in politics, it will take an interest in you.

It's that bogus he said/she said from some months back,


For local analysis, WISN 1130 Milwaukee will have "wall to wall recall coverage" from 9-11.. Station manager Jerry Bott will be joined by former state senator (future US Senator?) Ted Kanavas of Brookfield. I expect lots of interviews from each campaign, Wispolitics people, and maybe listener calls.


Captain Hate, sadly I'm not joking. Althouse had a post yesterday (LI has a link in his recall roundup) on the chief judge in Dane County appointing a special prosecutor to go after Prosser. The left is at war with WI, and if they win any of these things you and Kasich are next.


Remember, the RA has more than a little experience with dealing with riots and insurrection.

It would be the ultimate condemnation of the nanny state were they have to deploy in their own cities, but it's probably long overdue.

London used to be my favorite city along with Manchester. I never had any issues because I was the American, even in some of the more dicey neighborhoods. I lived in a council house for a year.

Today, that comfort level is long gone. Between Londonistan and the ghettos and the sheer bloody minded idiocy of government after government the country has fundamentally changed irreversibly.

The upper class twits, chavs, hoodlums, and muslim radicals have won the day. An editorial by a Conservative MP raised the race issue, and unfortunately her description is accurate.

In Philly, the mayor is saying the same thing. I pulled into the gas station here this evening, and a young tramp pulled into the pump next to me with her gangsta rap playing 110 decibels and tattoos up one arm and down the other.

I am starting to believe that we are being punished for our sins by a plague of morons.

Melinda Romanoff


OL is in a secure location with YL, whom had better pick up the, paid for tomorrow, Christmas gift for the spouse.

Not that I would know these things, after having lunch with YL last week.

Dave (in MA)

Way to go, Harry. We're all but assured of having the debt crisis solved now. When you think of someone who can really get things done, who else comes to mind but the effin' horse-faced condiment gigolo?


"Anybody know where has Old Lurker disappeared to?"

Didn't he just build a house on Nantucket Island? If I had a house on Nantucket you would never hear from me during the summer. (I wish I were more of a pest so you all might considering chipping in and getting me a nice little cottage.)


As far as Prosser goes, Dane County Chief Judge Foust plans to appoint a special prosecutor. Foust is a good guy. Reported yesterday "Asked if he was expecting any backlash regarding an appointment, Faust dryly replied: "I don't know because I haven't made it yet."" Typo on Foust/Faust goes to the reporter but speaks volumes.


Local TV is teasing voter confusion. Recount anyone?

First results at Wispolitics look good for Rs, but only 2-7% reporting.


Thanks Harrjf, I see Dane County and think Sumi clone.

Captain Hate

you and Kasich are next

Bring the heat, Meat.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

Last updated at 8:31 p.m.

2nd Senate District - 16% reporting
62% - Sen. Robert Cowles, R-Allouez (Incumbent)
38% - Nancy Nusbaum, D-De Pere

8th Senate District - 2% reporting
62% - Sen. Alberta Darling, R-River Hills (Inc.)
38% - Rep. Sandy Pasch, D-Whitefish Bay

10th Senate District - 12% reporting
56% - Sen. Sheila Harsdorf, R-River Falls (Inc.)
44% - Shelly Moore, D-River Falls

14th Senate District - 22% reporting
55% - Sen. Luther Olsen, R-Ripon (Inc.)
45% - Rep. Fred Clark, D-Baraboo

18th Senate District - 6% reporting
54% - Sen. Randy Hopper, R-Fond du Lac (Inc.)
46% - Jessica King, D-Oshkosh

32nd Senate District - 12% reporting
52% - Sen. Dan Kapanke, R-La Crosse (Inc.)
48% - Rep. Jennifer Shilling, D-La Crosse

Old Lurker

Mel outted us accurately. We are on Nantucket watching our house be built slowly. At dinner Mrs. L was asking about my blog family since I have not been joining lately....to which YL told about lunch with Mel. I mentioned I had read a thread last week in which Maybee was teasing the JOM guys about her tasteful nudes and I got so flustered I could not make my iPad type.

And just as we were laughing about that, into our dining room at the restaurant walked Lurch without his lovely wife and after that we skipped desert. The tax dodging yacht is said to be tucked in the harbor. If I had known he was just named to the latest save the economy committee, I would not have been able to hold my tounge.

Miss you guys and will join in more.

PS I was delighted to see the update about Ann.


JMH and Mel:

It appears that Jane is missing too. I am starting a rumor.

I am feeling frisky!!

Old Lurker

Oh Ann! Last year at this time Jane and Caro both were here for dinner!

Captain Hate

Ann!! Great to read you.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

2nd Senate District - 47% reporting
43% - Sen. Robert Cowles, R-Allouez (Incumbent)
41% - Nancy Nusbaum, D-De Pere

8th Senate District - 7% reporting
71% - Sen. Alberta Darling, R-River Hills (Inc.)
29% - Rep. Sandy Pasch, D-Whitefish Bay

10th Senate District - 44% reporting
59% - Sen. Sheila Harsdorf, R-River Falls (Inc.)
41% - Shelly Moore, D-River Falls

14th Senate District - 37% reporting
55% - Sen. Luther Olsen, R-Ripon (Inc.)
45% - Rep. Fred Clark, D-Baraboo

18th Senate District - 7% reporting
54% - Sen. Randy Hopper, R-Fond du Lac (Inc.)
46% - Jessica King, D-Oshkosh

32nd Senate District - 21% reporting
50% - Sen. Dan Kapanke, R-La Crosse (Inc.)
50% - Rep. Jennifer Shilling, D-La Crosse


Ann! OL! Yeah!

This is the real Hotel California, isn't it?

Melinda Romanoff


Great to see you! Hope the fingies hold up for a good sharing of warmth, as we all will exude in thy general direction.

Not Monty Python style, mind you.

I hope you're feeling up to the task at hand.



Timing is really everything....Isn't it. :)

Missed all of you!

Melinda Romanoff



1 lb. bag of sugar through the gas cap.

I'll cover the cost of the sugar.



Sara, thanks for posting the counts. Wispolitics has a type in the Cowles race, with 52% in Cowles has 57%. Radio now updating faster.

Melinda Romanoff


Dumb question, because I know you mentioned it earlier and I've forgotten.

The opposition needs 4 to take the Senate. Is that correct?

Captain Hate

I know that it's early tonight and lots of things could change, but if the Repubs win big maybe the rank and file of these turd unions can tell the brass to just concentrate on trying to make their lives a little easier and quit jerking around with wasting their dues on politics.


Olsen holding a 10 point lead with 45% in.

Darling addressed her victory party , upbeat & expects to win.


Nothing would make me happier than seeing the left blow even more money for nothing in Wisconsin.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

Uh oh.

Last updated at 9:04 p.m.

2nd Senate District - 67% reporting
59% - Sen. Robert Cowles, R-Allouez (Incumbent)
41% - Nancy Nusbaum, D-De Pere

8th Senate District - 9% reporting
71% - Sen. Alberta Darling, R-River Hills (Inc.)
29% - Rep. Sandy Pasch, D-Whitefish Bay

10th Senate District - 58% reporting
58% - Sen. Sheila Harsdorf, R-River Falls (Inc.)
42% - Shelly Moore, D-River Falls

14th Senate District - 47% reporting
55% - Sen. Luther Olsen, R-Ripon (Inc.)
45% - Rep. Fred Clark, D-Baraboo

18th Senate District - 8% reporting
52% - Sen. Randy Hopper, R-Fond du Lac (Inc.)
48% - Jessica King, D-Oshkosh

32nd Senate District - 26% reporting
49% - Sen. Dan Kapanke, R-La Crosse (Inc.)
51% - Rep. Jennifer Shilling, D-La Crosse

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