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September 22, 2011


Melinda Romanoff

Not that 4200 or so of them (words), piled in a corner by the cleaning staff, would work any differently.


A smart move, I think,


Rick Ballard

BOzo may still be slightly miffed with Sark over having been played like a deeply hooked bluegill on 20 pound test re Libya. The President appears a bit dissatisfied with the unexpectedly small dividend he's receiving from always leading from his behind.

Dave (in MA)
Wait - did The One say that statements and resolutions were "just words"?
Never let an Axelplouffe piece go to waste.

Do you suppose he's starting to realize all that smart set talk about French superiority and why we should follow their lead is so much--well, baloney?


'But of course, Clarice'



This speech was one of the saddest displays I have ever seen. It was like watching a SNL skit


EU workers refuse to work 40 hour week. LUN.

Benjamin Franklin

"Alain Juppe, the French foreign minister, told reporters after Mr. Sarkozy’s speech that the United States “cannot do it alone” in negotiations for a Middle East peace, and that a collective approach was needed. Mr. Juppe said he thought this time that the five permanent Security Council members should have a direct role in shepherding talks.

Somewhat incongruously, Mr. Sarkozy visited Mr. Obama’s hotel on Wednesday afternoon for a previously scheduled meeting with the president, and was effusive, in front of the cameras before the meeting, in his praise for Mr. Obama. Mr. Obama, for his part, refused to engage with reporters assembled for the photo op. “Do you support the French one-year timeline?” one reporter asked. Mr. Obama responded, “I already answered a question from you before.”

Another reporter asked Mr. Obama if he agreed with the French position on Palestine. Mr. Obama smiled and replied, “Bonjour.” A third reporter queried if that response constituted a “no comment.” The president’s response: “No comment.”"

Bebe, an astute politician who understands the power of the Jewish vote in the U.S, has won the first of many battles yet to come.

Someone has to break the logjam. Do the French have the


It was like watching a SNL skit

Except it wasn't the least bit funny.

Jack is Back!


Sacre bleau! French, Inc. turns on itself? Vivendi asks every tin horn dictator they have bribed, for their money back?

Any idea when Barry and Iamanutjob do lunch?



Not to put too fine a point on it, but I would have loved to heard the conversations between BarryO and Mooschelle and Jar Jar Barrett last night. I guaranty you BarryO was cussin' about the Joooozzzz making him look bad in front of his UN pals, and letting the Frogs be the cool guy. This is all going to end badly...for everyone.


Typo alert -- "have heard" and Jar Jar "J"arrett. I am the worst typist ... evah!


What I love was this new idea for the Israelis and Palestinians to try walking in each other's shoes.

Obama took the US to war in Libya based on the UN and NATO. Not according to US law at all. Now he has this idea that countries directly involved have to make their own decisions.

Benjamin Franklin

Is this right? This can't be all registered Jewish voters. Must be limited to mailing lists.


2,037,737 TOTAL UNIVERSE / BASE RATE $85.00/M

Dave (in MA)
It was like watching a SNL skit

Except it wasn't the least bit funny.

So then it was exactly like watching a SNL skit.


--It was like watching a SNL skit--

--Except it wasn't the least bit funny.--

Then it was exactly like watching an SNL skit.


matt, those figures are incredible!Let's hope the SEIU doesn't get wind of them.


WoW, Dave! I definitely need to refresh before posting. :)


Wow, you two.

Melinda Romanoff


The video expose of the EU MPs on Friday mornings and the reimbursements was fantastic. I think EUReferendum ran them.

Jack is Back!


That's nothing. Bidding work in The Netherlands we had to account for 47 total days off for union construction workers. They literally take the month of August off and you just shut the jobs down. Then they get all kinds of holidays including the big break between Christmas and New Years. All paid for - not voluntary. I believe in France the union construction workers are now 37.5 hours which includes a 1 hour paid lunch break per day. It used to be 35 hours a week. Overtime is very rarely used to make up for lost time. Scheduling becomes an algorithm unto itself.


So then it was exactly like an SNL skit.

... can't be emphasized enough.

Jim Miller

The work hours story from Europe that I liked best was the one about the inspectors checking engineers and other technical people to make sure they weren't taking work home, or staying extra hours.

If I recall correctly, they were sometimes actually checking briefcases as the engineers left.

(It's been a while since I read this, so I am a little hazy on the details.)

Rick Ballard

"Obama took the US to war in Libya based on the UN and NATO."


The UN was the fig leaf. Causation involved the British and French jerking on BOzo's nose ring with "can't miss" intelligence concerning the ease with which a coup could be effected. French mercs continue boots on the ground slaughter with NATO air cover and the British/French hand picked Ali Baba cannot be said to have a firm grip on anything put the password to his Swiss bank account.

The results are what anyone might expect when the President is involved. You wouldn't want it on your shoes.


Ha, Rick!

I know Obama did it for the UK/France-- that's part of what makes Sarkozy being kind about Obama so funny.

I just find it so funny that he dared to use the UN figleaf for himself but now he's all "You can use the UN to give yourselves credibility!" to the Palestinians.

Danube of Thought

Epic fail.

A world-class embarrassment.

Tom Maguire
What I love was this new idea for the Israelis and Palestinians to try walking in each other's shoes.

As the old adage notes, don't get angry with someone until you have walked a mile in their shoes. Then, when you start venting, you'll be a mile away. *And* you'll have their shoes...

Charlie (Colorado)

Except it wasn't the least bit funny.

how is that different from an SNL skit?


Ha ha ha ha ha!

Dave (in MA)
What I love was this new idea for the Israelis and Palestinians to try walking in each other's shoes.
Terrorists have been known to use exploding shoes.

Rush, is going after Elizabeth 'Red Herring' Warren, pretty strongly


I thought the shoe comment was dissonant in view of the insult value that Muslims put on throwing a shoe at someone. His writers are tone deaf.

Jack is Back!


It only proves he lurks here. That or he is a wiki-freak.

I suspect it is the former. Truly.


Yes, he is, Narciso. An Ace contributor is front paging some of the pithier comments about Warren, too.

Marauding Band = FDA, EPA, etc. etc. per Rush. No kidding.


Yep, Dave. If it were GWB, this week SNL would have Will Ferrell donning Richard Reid's shoes and blowing up to huge applause. Preceded by Alec Baldwin in outraged native-American garb ranting about whitey stealing the original Indian adage, along with everything else, and replacing "moccasins" with "shoes".

Benjamin Franklin

"Rush, is going after Elizabeth 'Red Herring' Warren, pretty strongly"

Has he called her a 'Dyke' yet?.


Then, when you start venting, you'll be a mile away. *And* you'll have their shoes...

Deep Thought by Jack Handy(?)


That's got to be Rhodes who wrote it then. Probably, JiB, what strikes me about that segment, is that Warren, not content to dig
a small hole, brought the drilling machine
from the Core,


lol - Rush calls liberals like Warren "one-armed lunatics - they never stop swinging."


Has he called her a 'Dyke' yet?.

Your disappointment is palpable.


Paging Dr, Bombay, I mean Joe Wilson, to the read courtesy phone:


Benjamin Franklin

How often does this happen?


"WASHINGTON — House Republican leaders suffered a surprising setback on Wednesday when the House rejected their version of a stopgap spending bill, leaving unclear how Congress will provide money to keep the government open after Sept. 30 and aid victims of a string of costly recent natural disasters.

The unexpected outcome illustrated how the intense fiscal fights of recent months had transformed the politics of disaster relief, which in the past has typically been rushed out of Congress with strong backing from both parties. Democrats remained nearly united against the measure because they saw the amount of disaster assistance — $3.65 billion — as inadequate, and they objected to the Republicans’ insistence on offsetting some of the cost with cuts elsewhere."


I can't see Warren winning.
The phrase "familiarity breeds contempt" applies in her case in spades, IMO.


Did the Democrats vote against the bill because it didn't follow the important principle of PayGo?


How did Obama get so obsessed with the Brent Spence bridge? I always hated it because it's double decker and getting on is a bit tense. But it isn't falling apart, and it's completely possible to use one of the other bridges if you aren't going immediately to the area around Brent Spence.


How did Obama get so obsessed with the Brent Spence bridge?

uh, Boehner and McConnell connections?


Surely there isn't a person in the world who thinks otherwise, is there ccal? There can't be anybody who thinks the Brent Spence Bridge is a national crisis.

(ps. Has Obama put the free trade agreements in front of congress yet?)

Dave (in MA)

cc, that's my take. He needed an example of "neglected infrastructure" on the enemies' turf, even though this isn't actually the case (as mentioned by C.H. the other day).


lmao: Rush just said he hopes Obama channels Reagan at the Brent Spence Bridge:

"Mr. Boehner. Tear down this bridge!"


He thought he had a gotcha moment with Boehner and McConnell.


How did Obama get so obsessed with the Brent Spence bridge?

Ohio and Kentucky, the Rust Belt and the South, banding together against him.

Traveling over it as a kid, I always thought the bridge was really exciting. It was the equivalent of the GW for me at that age.


The bridges over the Ohio river are all very pretty, and add to the the Cincinnati skyline.

Granted, I haven't lived in Cincinnati for a while, but I'd be surprised if getting it widened is a huge local issue. He's obviously trying to show the nation that Republicans are willing to let their own infrastructure fall apart. Both Kentucky and Cincinnati put a lot of money in recent years into updating their river fronts. Newport added an aquarium and a destination restaurant/shopping center. Cincinnati updated the whole area around the stadium. I have to believe the bridge would have been addressed if it were that pressing to the locals.


During the week at work, there are many days that I fall way behind on these threads. Many people, events, are discussed and I am totally clueless.

So, I was surprised today (a slow day at work) while reading comments at MOTUS blog that Debbie Washerwoman Shultz's mama is awaiting sentencing on corruption charges and her step-daddy is already serving time in a Federal pen for tax evasion.

Have you all discussed this and I simply missed it, like I do so many things?


Holy cow CC - I haven't heard a word about that. And she now has her second ethics complaint against her too.


MayBee the bridge has been addressed and is already on track for a major rehab. NRO has a pretty thorough story on it, where it stands now, when the work will be completed. Right now I think it is in the $18 million environmental phase. Years away from completion - not a shovel ready project at all.


Here you go Jane - a link from a commenter at MOTUS who lives in Florida - she calls them the Wasserman Crime Family! lol.

Notice in the photo of mama and daughter, daughter isn't identified nor is Obama. Too funny.


I don't know where my post went, but Cincinnati has an 8.7% unemployment rate- which is lower than the national average.

ccal- yeah, it didn't make sense that the bridge would be ignored if it was what the locals wanted. Obama is such a clown.


Now you have a feel for the crazy, crazy world
I live in.


Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Diana Wasserman Rubin:

Mama not as curly as daughter.

Captain Hate

The pear-shaped Debbie Wideload-Schultz's parent's problems were just mentioned @ AoS by a poster a couple hours ago, although the following link is from over a year ago: http://blogs.browardpalmbeach.com/pulp/2010/05/diana_wasserman_rubin_on_way_out.php


Wow, c-cal, I didn't know that. Is that why she resigned her position on that committee?

Captain Hate

ccal- yeah, it didn't make sense that the bridge would be ignored if it was what the locals wanted. Obama is such a clown.

It's pretty amusing to consider the people in the White House that might have some degree of savoir faire when El JEFe is about to beclown himself and there's nothing they can do about it. Things like this give the Ulsterman entity credibility even if it's just a vaporware creation.


Think of them of the Oakar, Strickland, counterparts down here, Capt, you see why
I can't get cynical enough down here.


Wow, a little bing-badda-boom and I even found Wasserman-Rubin's mugshot!

Wasserman-Rubin Turns Self In


Doubtful Sue - mama turned herself in around July of last year and has been awaiting sentencing since. Amazing how this never hit the media isn't it? All you have to have is a big "D" after your name - instant anonymity!

Captain Hate

Damn narc; your memory is as awesome as everybody says. I haven't thought of Mary Rose (definitely not to be confused with our fellow poster) for a long time. I miss the thought of her and Kucinich fighting like cornered rats over their disappearing congressional districts, caused in part by the migration away from the economic wastelands their policies have helped create.

Jack is Back!

Don't forget that Brent Spence was a Kentucky Democratic Congressman back in the WW2 and later years. I believe he was from Newport but I could be wrong on that. Actually, he picked the wrong bridge. This one is working and not shut down but is getting very congested and as such, the states of Ohio and Kentucky are going to do something about without the Feds dictating. There is one down the river in Louisville that connects Indiana and Kentucky that is shut down for inspection. Don't know if it is back in play as of today but I am too lazy to google and find out.

BTW, the old play in DC for infrastructure financing was to ask for a rise in the Federal gas tax but I guess that is out of vogue now - instead you ask for $500 billion to be paid by all those millionaires who avoid the bridge and use choppers and jets like the POTUS.


Being a Democrat means never having to say you're sorry.
"No contest", "guilty, your honor" or maybe even "you'll never take me alive, coppers" but never "sorry".


I have a dear friend who is liberal. He and I actually avoid talking about politics to avoid harming our friendship. I don't even think he realizes how conservative I am. Recently he wrote to me and expressed dismay at all the "bad news" out there. I am not sure what he meant--economic, or that the Obama bubble has burst. I just left it alone, and pretended he was talking about the weather. Call me a coward.


A better place for the Once to campaign for a new bridge would be Tappan Zee: A bridge whose location was chosen because of politics and not for any practical or engineering reason; a bridge that has been under scrutiny since 2007 as a possible collapse danger, and whose replacement cost is currently estimated at $16 billion. (Of course, double that number because it is located in that Capital of Liberalism, NY.)

Danube of Thought


All Florida voters disapprove 57 - 39 percent of the job President Barack Obama is doing, his worst score in any Quinnipiac University poll in any state.

In possible 2012 presidential matchups, Romney tops the president 47 - 40 percent while Perry gets 42 percent to Obama's 44 percent, a dead heat. In the August 4 Florida poll, Romney and Obama were deadlocked 44 - 44 percent while the president led Perry 44 - 39 percent.

Obama does not deserve a second term, Florida voters say 53 - 41 percent.

Jack is Back!

Megyn just played the full quote from the Red Herring. Her argument is specious to say the least. She is saying that since you took the risk and built the factory, "we built the roads your trucks drive on to deliver the goods, we provide the police to protect your factory from the marauding mobs, blah, blah." Of course, government contributes to the necessities of promoting and protecting a free market capitalist society. But they do this with monies accrued from taxes that we as individuals and companies pay. The government earns nothing from private initiative, risk taking and capital except the benefits of taxation based on that market making money on their ideas, their hard work and their aspirational motivation.

She is right - this is not class warfare - this is ideological warfare in which to save this country as a land of economic, political and cultural liberty the left cannot win.



Most of my friends are liberal, but I have an especially close friend with whom politics have to be more studiously avoided. We had some "words" in 2004, 2008 and 2009, but now we both know better than to raise the subject. I think avoidance/subject changing is the best policy...although it is sooo tempting to get into it sometimes.

The interesting thing is that this particular friend is actually pretty moderate and not nearly as far to the left as other friends. Perhaps because she and I agree on so many things and have so much in common besides politics, it is especially challenging to get past the things on which we vehemently disagree.

Melinda Romanoff

I think this bridge stuff has a little more Chicago in it than one might think.

They did it Louisville last week, too.

I'd like to know exactly who did the engineering reports.


All Florida voters disapprove 57 - 39 percent of the job President Barack Obama is doing

Not true. I disapprove at least 85-15.



OK -- you have me curious on what the 15% is...

Shah, El Tigre.

Hey, narc:

Yellow Cake, Yellow Cake
Bake me a Yellow Cake.
Niger, the Tiger,
Flits across the Douane.
Yellow eyes burn bright,
It's Atomic Dawn.



I think you should go to this debate and live blog it.

Jack is Back!


For Brent Spence it was done in-house with help from Burgess + Niple. They are a boutique bridge design engineering consultancy. Good crew. Done work with them in the past - this would be in their wheelhouse. I have LUNed the study.

Captain Hate

Peter and Porch, I don't have any desire to rub my lib friends' faces in what a miserable failure El JEFe has been. I feel kind of bad for them because they were so emotionally invested in that nincompoop that I don't feel like twisting the knife. Just knowing that I was right provides an adequate amount of satisfaction.

Rob Crawford

Granted, I haven't lived in Cincinnati for a while, but I'd be surprised if getting it widened is a huge local issue.

The problem is the bridge is a MAJOR commuter route. Anyone headed from downtown and the west side of the city into Kentucky is likely to use it. Plus it carries every semi and vacationer headed south along I-75 -- which links Detroit to Tampa, FL, hitting Atlanta along the way.

The talk about widening/replacing the bridge has been around for a decade, at least, but no one wants to start construction in a spot where it will double or triple their commute.

That the current "not shovel ready" issue is the environmental stuff is icing on the cake, really.

Jack is Back!


Sherman Minton down in Louisville area is shut down for structural and weld inspections. Doing ultra-sound now and to follow with X-ray of the welds. Doing in-house at state highways with private NDE contractors for the testing. This one will take time due if you have a lot of weld and steel member replacement.


Ben Franklin,
Have you ever heard Rush use that word?

Or do you just automatically assume he does?


Just knowing that I was right provides an adequate amount of satisfaction.

That's about where I am right now. Of course, it would be nice to be vindicated come November 2012 as well.

Melinda Romanoff


Cool! Great link. I read about some of the structural things and it gave me comfort that the aggressive thing was being done. Two in a week on the same river, though, raises my hackles.



Don't forget St. Eusibius & St. Jemima's days, when all of the Dutch and Belgians take off to honor the patron saints of waffles and pancakes respectively.

The French laws clawed back a couple of hours/week a couple of years ago, but they simply spend more time eating cheese now.


Andrew Malcolm in the LAT:

Oops, Obama touts his jobs plan today at an Ohio bridge that won't qualify

Danube of Thought

Try to imagine Rush using the language Dana Ward has used here.


Just knowing that I was right provides an adequate amount of satisfaction.

I've been kinda the opposite. I've become more & more outspoken, & I always ask my lib neighbors questions & to explain why they think their ideas will work.
Why do you think Obama is smart? What were his grades? Who decides what the correct global temperature is? Do you ride a bike to work?

For years conservatives have been the polite, live & let live crowd...& look where we are. The libs are unwilling to let us live how we want to live. They are a bunch of little dictators & busybodies.


You're braver than I am, Janet. And you're asking great questions.


Got to have another great JOM meetup with DrJ today in DC. What a wonderful group of people at JOM. DrJ found a nice place to sit outside...plenty of coffee & conversation. One good thing about living in the DC area is so many people come through.

Dave (in MA)

Porchlight, apparently the LAT's token conservative is on his way out, over to IBD.


I didn't know that , Dave (in MA). I wonder if he'll have any light to shed on the Khalidi tape once he's no longer working for the LAT.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

Issa endorses Mitt Romney.


I feel kind of bad for them because they were so emotionally invested in that nincompoop that I don't feel like twisting the knife.

Not me, I want to twist the knife all day long. I used to be able to with Dick but now he's on the same bandwagon, altho he indicts everyone not just bambi.

Dave (in MA)

"Train wreck"
"Blood bath"
"Deep dive"

Terms that you never like to see on the front page at MarketWatch.com.


"Not me, I want to twist the knife all day long."

Me, too. Just wish they'd catch a clue in the future before their emotional investment causes the rest of us such long-term and irreversible damage.

Melinda Romanoff


BEEG Margin call.


I have had many old friends refuse to talk to me because I have shifted politically; with others we agree to talk about other things. I only wish the brunt of O's failures fell upon those rich and influential people who supported him instead of all those further down the ladder.

TM, I thought your post today was world class funny.

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