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September 21, 2011


Dave (in MA)

"Could the Mongolian President please raise his hand? No, I said 'Mongolian', not 'Manchurian'."


My initial reaction--shopped. Now not sure.

Captain Hate

The PJM article has a great comment: Maybe the photographer asked the group "Who wants to see Obama re-elected?"

Cheesy smile.  Got the head tilt.  Same angle as the teleprompter.

Que Blammo?

Benjamin Franklin

Feeding the
snark Beast again, eh Maguire? Save it for the evening when your trollops get good and juiced. (more traffic).


"A former peace negotiator with Israel who served for years as a top aide to Yasir Arafat says President Mahmoud Abbas’s bid for membership with the United Nations is a mistake that will result in Palestinian suffering.

Mohammed Rachid, who left his position with the Palestinian Authority months after Arafat died and rarely gives interviews, told The Daily Beast that, much like the second intifada 11 years ago, the campaign could cost Palestinians their relationship with key allies and their international legitimacy.

He also accused Abbas and others of nurturing false hopes among Palestinian refugees and their descendants through the years over their “right of return” to historic Palestine (now Israel), knowing it was incompatible with any potential peace agreement.

Rachid’s remarks marked the first serious criticism of the U.N. initiative from the inner circle of the Palestinian leadership, past or present – "

See my face, see my face.

Who's the Invisible Man?


I believe it's real, but now that the meme that it's shopped is out there, whenever any rightie mentions the photo, the lefties will circle the wagons and accuse the righties of lying and supporting a hoax.

FUNNY FUNNY joke, Dave. LOL!

Ho, ho, DinMa.

Tsakhia Elbegdorj.

Dave (in MA)

Kim, it's the President of Mongolia.


“I’m trying the Federal Government Diet. Since I was going to gain 10 pounds, if I only gain 8 I’m 2 pounds ahead and can reward myself with some cake.”


--Feeding the
snark Beast again, eh Maguire? Save it for the evening when your trollops get good and juiced.--

Since your snarky remark is made at 8:45AM Franklin Standard Time should we assume you're good and juiced [or 'shroomed, as the case may be] pretty much round the clock?


It's unique when he pwns himself, and inadvertently, makes our point for us.


Probably NOT 'shopped', but clearly just a moment in time when 'Bam lifted his hand for whatever reason. No real signifigance in him doing that. The real signifigance of the general release of the photo is that we are approaching, or reached, the moment in time when the apolitical majority in the country realize 'Bam is a joke. As Tom M puts it, 'Bam has "lost the room", plus the fact the photo is released by Getty and put on MSNBC, even 'Bam's media enablers won't cover for him any longer. He's a joke and everyone knows it.


Tapper says a series of photos were being taken, and Obama chose to wave at the cameras for whatever reason.


Can a picture of the president fighting off a bunny attacking his rowboat be far behind?


Definitely not photoshopped. Getty Images has it on their site. Here's the link and caption:


Caption: NEW YORK – SEPTEMBER 20: U.S. President Barack Obama waves while standing with aother leaders during the Open Government Partnership event at the United Nations September 20, 2011 in New York City. The United Nations General Assembly kicks off September 21, with leaders from around the world attending. (Photo by Allan Tannenbaum-Pool/Getty Images)
Date created: 20 Sep 2011


Ignatz-- exactly, we are reaching, or reached, the point where 'Bam is treated by the media as the joke he is.


Did anyone else wave, or was it just our president?


I think he was cracking a joke. People are laughing, or close to it, in the photo. It's not that big a deal IMO but what is interesting is that it actually escaped into the public realm.

I also think it's funny that his supporters are outraged at what they are sure is a faked image making their President look like an idiot, but then when they figure out it's not faked, they say "oh, it's no big deal, he was goofing off." So does he look like an idiot or doesn't he? If he doesn't, why be angry that someone might have faked it?


Sorry forgot the link to the Carter anthem I don't Want a Bunny Wunny In My Little Rowboat and the gripping yarn behind it.


Also, the photographer, Allen Tannenbaum, appears to be a serious artist. I am pretty sure he would not allow Getty to sell an altered version of his work. And if it was shopped, the WH would insist that someone publish a correction and remove the photos from Getty, UPI etc.

Someone will probably ask Jay Carney about it today.

BB Key

Reminds me of a timid kid raising his hand to ask if he can go to the bathroom...


I think it perfectly displays Bambi's "it's all about me" way of thinking. Perhaps we should frame it and give it to the British.


I think he was cracking a joke. People are laughing, or close to it, in the photo.

I don't see that.

Comanche Voter

I'll go with Jane's hypothesis. President "It's All About Me" strikes again.

Or more accurately, "Doofus Strikes Again".


People are laughing, or close to it, in the photo.

Those might just be their game faces. They have the same exact expressions in all three of the Zombie pics.


I think he was cracking a joke.

I think he's cracking.

I think he's a joke.

BB Key

Rush is on the photo...it going to be brutal

Benjamin Franklin

Think they 'get it'?


This week, the Arab Middle East will hold its first elections since the beginning of the so-called “Arab Spring.” While not held in a democracy—the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is rated “not free” by Freedom House elections are in some measure a response to the events in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Libya, Syria and neighboring Bahrain, as well as smaller protests region-wide.
A council of the seven emirs, or princes, rules the UAE, a federation consisting of the highly industrialized emirates of Abu Dhabi and Dubai, as well as the poorer emirates Ras Al Khaimah, Sharjah, Fujairah, Umm Al Quwain and Ajman. This Supreme Council has effective veto power over all legislation; in particular, the rulers of Abu Dhabi and Dubai can each individually veto anything. This leaves the legislature, the Federal National Council (FNC), with relatively little power.

Though the FNC, according to the Gulf News, has no “final say in passing, amending, or rejecting legislation or the federal budget,” it does play an important advisory role, drawing on the long traditions of shura and majlis in the Arab world. When asked to explain why Islam is compatible with democracy, most Arabs point to these two principles. Shura translates as “consultative council,” referring to early days of the Islamic caliphate, where rulers consulted with groups of advisors. Majlis translates as “legislature” in modern Arabic, but referred to a tribal practice where leaders met with individual supplicants and groups, no matter their status in society. In the Gulf States, this principle still applies, and many (unelected) government leaders continue to set aside weekly time to meet with citizens."


Obama's puppetmasters are just proving to him and us that it is THEY who pull the strings


LOL Bgates!

Rick Ballard

TM has it right. The publication of the photo is tied to a general proglodyte attempt at disassociation with pathetic failure. They can't airbrush BOzo but they can engage in heroic sophistry to "prove" that the Kendonesian commie was "never one of us".

He is though and pathetic failure is the hallmark of progressivism so President Albatross remains firmly tethered to the neck of every proglodyte hack in the US. They're not going to be able to outrun the stench of this failure any time soon.


Bank of America just downgraded by Moody's to baa1 and the French government rumored to be forcing mergers and write downs.

FAZ reporting that German banks will need $175 Billion in additional capital.

The Greek have not laid off a single government employee, and the cabinet meeting to make further cuts has turned into a brouhaha.

It turns out that large Greek businesses basically used supplier financing and have been defaulting on their suppliers, in many cases small ones, at an ever increasing rate. This does not show up in the numbers.

Since many of the multinationals are using their suppliers as their banks, I wonder how another downturn will affect that dynamic.

Melinda Romanoff


Per your last paragraph, not too much.

Everything else is spinning plates, though.

And when is Moody's going to take it's turn as the pinata?


Perhaps he was just waving spontaneously to someone in the gathering around Tannenbaum.
At any rate, BOzo is so hungry for any acknowledgement from an outside source.
I noticed after the recent Rose Garden speech he was in campaign mode calling out Rs and Boehner in particular. At the end of the speech which had been delivered sternly the crowd started applauding and he broke into his trademark grin and waved back.
The guy is just craving any kind of recognition.


RickB-- I agree. The smart-ass liberals (many friends of mine) can spin as musch as they want, Epic failure is not the fault liberalism, It's Obama's fault, we should have picked a smart liberal like Hillary!blah blah blah. The simple truth is "progressive" politics has been ruined as a brand for a generation. I'm good with that; Liberals are furious for that same reason.

Melinda Romanoff


What you said.

JM Hanes

OT/ Yo Tom Maguire!

This may come as no surprise to you, of course, but vindication is always sweet: Paul Krugman Rulz (or did) in the President's private office:

"Apparently, President Obama listens to his fellow Nobel laureate, Paul Krugman. Ron Suskind includes a nugget in his book, Confidence Men: Wall Street, Washington, and the Education of a President, that indicates how Obama relies on Krugman.

"Suskind quotes 'an attendee' of daily economic briefings as saying:

'Each morning at the economic briefing it was like we were debating Krugman,' said one attendee of the meetings. 'Clearly Obama was reading Paul's columns and related materials on this Sweden-versus-Japan split, and it made sense to him as both analysis and a guide for action.'

"So, that's what Obama meant when he said 'I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors.'"

Somehow, it's hard to picture Krugman actually under the wheels of the President's economic bus, despite all the recent unpleasantness, isn't it? Oddly enough, we're now learning that if it weren't for the political optics that damn Larry Summers, Obama could have given us a $1.2 Trillion Stimulus in the first place, making Krugman happy and obviating the need to make up the difference with a Jobs Bill, now.....

I love how the proliferating quotes from Suskind's book are served up as "nuggets." I suspect that's a journalistic euphemism for "too good to check."


Hey Daddy -

Are you in that Typhoon? Be careful out there!


Gee I wonder if Bambi knows Krugman referred to Social Security as a Ponzi Scheme?


OMG-- 'Bam took seriously Krugman's NYT columns? Even Krugman doesn't take his NYT columns seriously; Krugman doesn't even write his NYT columns. Krugman only gives serious advice to paying consultation customers -- not to saps who read the NYT. And 'Bam took that stuff seriously? OMG, that explains alot.

Frau Nebenbei Gesagt

(Someone here feels it's all about him.)

Melinda Romanoff

Fed Time!!


OT - Nice news...
At 11:13 I got this email from the Wounded-in-Action ministry at my church requesting help for a wedding at Walter Reed.

"Good Morning All!

I received a very special request this morning for assistance in providing a small wedding for an amputee in the hospital at Walter Reed and his sweetheart on October 8th. Their wedding colors are purple and ivory ... predominantly ivory. We need to have committments by 10am Friday, September 23rd.

Items Needed:

1) A simple 2 or 3 tier wedding cake (preferably round tiers) to feed 30-40 people (very small slices) - Do we have anyone who makes wedding cakes?

2) Flowers - to include a bridal bouquet and groom boutonniere

3) Decorations

Please let me know ASAP if you can do this. They're scrambling to put this special day together for this couple."

By 1:47 all that plus lots more is covered! Very cool...."God never ceases to amaze me with his love!"

That is all. Just need to hear good stuff sometimes. :)



That makes me cry - in a good way of course.


MelindaR-- what has the bernanke done now?

Melinda Romanoff

Fed's servers are crushed.


This reminds me of the troll's posts, only funnier.

Melinda Romanoff

$400B buying of 6-30 yrs, selling 3yrs less.

Reinvesting maturing MBS paper in more MBS.

Benjamin Franklin

"Gee I wonder if Bambi knows Krugman referred to Social Security as a Ponzi Scheme?"

Convenient memory. (I thought that was milder than LIAR !)

"Ponzi scheme aspect" doesn't mean what you want it to mean.

"Well, I gather that a lot of right-wingers are quoting selectively from a piece I wrote 15 years ago in the Boston Review, in which I said that Social Security had a “Ponzi game aspect.” As always, you should read what I actually wrote. Here’s the passage:

Social Security is structured from the point of view of the recipients as if it were an ordinary retirement plan: what you get out depends on what you put in. So it does not look like a redistributionist scheme. In practice it has turned out to be strongly redistributionist, but only because of its Gee I wonder if Bambi knows Krugman referred to Social Security as a Ponzi Scheme?

, in which each generation takes more out than it put in. Well, the Ponzi game will soon be over, thanks to changing demographics, so that the typical recipient henceforth will get only about as much as he or she put in (and today’s young may well get less than they put in).
Notice what I didn’t say. I didn’t say that the system was a fraud; I didn’t say that it would collapse. I said that in the past it had benefited from the fact that each generation paying in to the system was bigger than the generation that preceded it, and that this luxury would be ending in the years ahead.

So why did I use the P-word? Basically because Paul Samuelson had done the same; he was basically just being cute, and I was emulating him — which now turns out to be a mistake."

Rob Crawford

They can't airbrush BOzo but they can engage in heroic sophistry to "prove" that the Kendonesian commie was "never one of us".

Just as there is No True Scotsman, and as Communism Has Never Been Tried, none of them Every Really Supported Him.

Kinda like Clinton signing the Iraqi Liberation Act, conducting military campaigns partially justified by Saddam's WMD programs, then just a few years later screeching about it all being lies.


Anyone think Obama will pardon that murderer tonite to play to his base?


“Peace is hard,” an impassioned Obama said repeatedly in his annual address before the U.N. General Assembly.

Obama hasn’t ever done “hard”


Even Krugman's excuses are not believable.

Rob Crawford

Anyone think Obama will pardon that murderer tonite to play to his base?

One connected to Fast and Furious, or another one?


--$400B buying of 6-30 yrs, selling 3yrs less.--

Trying to get that yield curve inverted again? :)

Captain Hate

Anyone think Obama will pardon that murderer tonite to play to his base?

Can he do that?

Btw, am I the only person that thinks those two people that got sprung from Iran (for a fat $500k each) were two of the biggest dumbasses in the world for hiking in Iraq close to the Iran border, assuming they weren't really in there?

Rob Crawford

Can he do that?

AFAIK, the pardon authority is unlimited.


--he was basically just being cute, and I was emulating him--

How does a man, whose face looks like a schnauzer leaving the room, do "cute"?



Doesn't that mean that the discrepancy between book value and true market value will remain with us for an even more extended period?

When precisely will the markets clear under this change?


The Fed is getting into mortgages again although what was said went by pretty fast and didn't catch exactly what they're going to do.

Captain Hate

AFAIK, the pardon authority is unlimited.

You're right but it would be such a controversial move, and one that is usually exercised on the way out the door (watch for those to be real doozies with El JEFe), that it would put his approval ratings so low that RON PAUL would probably win against him.


Heartwarming story, Janet. I am sure their wedding will be wonderful.

Frau Steingehirn

Give me a hardworking trollop over a thread-sucking troll any day. It seems there is a demand for the former.

Trollop! Pictures, Images and Photos">

Benjamin Franklin

" it would put his approval ratings so low that RON PAUL would probably win against him."

Does Sacha Baron Cohen have dual-citizenship?


Frau Steingehirn

Yes, thanks, for sharing that good news, Janet.

Melinda Romanoff


What market?


I wish I lived close by, Janet, I could take their wedding photos:)

I do donate to disadvantaged high school seniors who need graduation photos whose names come through my local Exchange club.

Thank you for sharing such a lovely story.


The popular Fast & Furious t-shirt -

Charlie (Colorado)

BF, what that comes out to say (besides the horrible cut-and-paste accident you suffered in the middle) is that both Krugman and Samuelson identified Social Security as having the characteristics of a Ponzi game fifteen or so years ago, but that Krugman repents of using those words now that he thinks they're politically inconvenient.

In essense, he's trying to talk his way out of what has become an admission against interest.


I wish I lived close by, Janet, I could take their wedding photos:)

I know you would, glasater. It is hard to volunteer anything in the WIA ministry cause the requests are filled so fast. A core group covers most of the requests. When I've responded, it has always been too late! A good problem.


Can he do that?

He can.

Btw, am I the only person that thinks those two people that got sprung from Iran (for a fat $500k each) were two of the biggest dumbasses in the world for hiking in Iraq close to the Iran border, assuming they weren't really in there?

I think that is true, but I am also very glad that they are free at last.


Janet, I have all the equipment to make wedding cakes and sugar paste decorations. If there's ever a need for these military families--any sort of celebration--let me know.

Benjamin Franklin

"In essense, he's trying to talk his way out of what has become an admission against interest."

("horrible.....") Yeah..preview-preview-then preview.

The semantics around this issue are Legion. But I don't wish to
re-litigate. I hope you recognize that, along with similarites between
SS and the 'Ponzi' do not trump the dissimilar.

"A rabbit has ears and a tail like a rodent, therefore all rodents are rabbits"



A feel good story is always welcome. What a great church family you have.

Benjamin Franklin


Did you shutdown your website? URL goes to Pajamas.


I'm confused. I do not think the presidental pardon authority extends to state crimes. I might be missing something.


for the record, no rabbit is a rodent and no rodent is a rabbit because all rabbits are lagomorphs LUN

Melinda Romanoff


All the way down to a jaywalking ticket.

I understand the protocols are a bit iffy.

As in "iffy you got the dough and there's a Clinton in the room, we can do bidness".


Btw, am I the only person that thinks those two people that got sprung from Iran (for a fat $500k each) were two of the biggest dumbasses in the world for hiking in Iraq close to the Iran border, assuming they weren't really in there?

Maybe they were ATF agents trying to get some of them there terrorists to buy guns from the local gun shops.

But seriously - yea...dumb as anything for being there. And who put up $1M to get them out?


Mel, I repaired to the DOJ web site and found this, which seems to square with my recollection:

Under the Constitution, only federal criminal convictions, such as those adjudicated in the United States District Courts, may be pardoned by the President. In addition, the President's pardon power extends to convictions adjudicated in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia and military court-martial proceedings. However, the President cannot pardon a state criminal offense


Thanks Clarice. I'm just on the email volunteer list...but if a request does go out & doesn't seem to be met...I'll let you know.

Look how many want to help. It is why the Dem victim stories get tiresome....'I had to wear my dead sister's teeth.'. Was there no other charity...church, secular, city? Maybe people that need some help & are surrounded in their lives by liberals really just need to get some new friends, a church home, &/or move to a red State!

Melinda Romanoff


Not being a lawyer, and you looking it up, takes all the fun out of it.


However, the President cannot pardon a state criminal offense

He's never let the Constitution stop him before.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

Anyone think Obama will pardon that murderer tonite to play to his base?

The execution scheduled for tonight is a State case, not Federal, so I don't think he can pardon him. I might be wrong, but that is what they were saying on the news this morning.

Danube of Thought

Constitution, Article 2 Section 2:

"...he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment."

The guy in Georgia hasn't been convicted of a crime against the United States.

Melinda Romanoff

Aw, C'mon!

Does everyone have to pile on my fun?

Melinda Romanoff

Although, in retrospect, I should have said Holder instead of Clinton.


If I had only read this blog back in high school social studies...


So what is the real impact of this Fed Shell

Melinda Romanoff


TBTF banks make out big, again. The actual target, IMO.

Strawman Cometh

And who put up $1M to get them out?
Bigger question: Will they be able to remove their bumper-sticker?

JM Hanes

Speaking of promoting democracy and human rights, I know how to cut and paste, too!

Freedom House has some fascinating things to say in their Analysis of the Obama Administration FY 2011 Budget Request for Democracy and Human Rights. Among assorted "nuggets:"

In the FY11 request for Governing Justly and Democratically (GJ&D), the Administration has requested a record $3.3 billion for democracy and human rights programs, a 25% increase over last year‟s request, although the majority of this increase is accounted for by growth in the proposed investment in Afghanistan....

If funding for Afghanistan and Pakistan is removed, the FY11 request reflects a global decrease of $27.7 million, or 1.5% from the adjusted FY10 request. GJ&D funding for Afghanistan alone is more than GJ&D funding for the Western Hemisphere, Africa, East Asia and Pacific, and Europe and Eurasia combined.

Drilling down we discover that when you aggregate Good Governance spending in both the budget and the supplementals for Afghanistan, the total represents a decrease in support. Oddly enough, the funding request for Iraq was down a whopping 46% from just last year. So too:

When Afghanistan-Pakistan funding is removed, the GJ&D funding request for South & Central Asia] this region actually falls. Most alarmingly, GJ&D funding for Central Asia continues to be reduced each year, including in FY11. The republics of Central Asia, including Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan represent some of the most repressive countries in the world. Recent events in Kyrgyzstan demonstrate that a U.S. policy of downgrading human rights and democracy to support short-term interests damages both the U.S. reputation and strategic leverage in the region.

Are you hearing the same dog here not barking at all that I am? Iran merits a mere three mentions -- once as a beneficiary of Voice of America, and twice as part of modest support for unspecified Federal/NGO partnerships promoting democracy in the region. I would note that such collaborative efforts no longer include the Iran Human Rights Documentation Center -- which was defunded during the Green Revolution! Apparently Syria doesn't even have a dog.

You won't be surprised to discover that "Freedom House is concerned that overall funding to support civil society groups in the FY11 request shows a 14% decline from the FY10 estimated spending levels."

It is also disconcerting that efforts to support freedom of expression are not accorded greater prominence in the budget proposal at a time when the world‟s leading authoritarian states have embarked on systematic efforts to diminish access to information via the Internet and to curtail free speech more generally. Given the strong statements made in recent months by the Secretary of State on these themes, one would have expected greater focus on these efforts in the budget proposal....

R.I.P. Hillary. Closer to home, "[T]he largest percentage increase over the FY10 request was for Mexico (539%.)," but Freedom House has issues!

[W]e are concerned that 50% of the Rule of Law and Human Rights request for FY11 is provided through the International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement account. This account is primarily aimed at combating transnational crime and strengthening law enforcement. Programs in these areas may sometimes serve to strengthen the delivery of justice and respect for human rights, but past experience demonstrates that this is often not the case....

Ya think? Let's ask Eric Holder what could possibly go wrong.

Call it cold comfort, but JOM folks might be interested to know that Freedom House titled their 2009 analysis of GWB's last budget "A Legacy of Support for Freedom?" Not after Obama gets through with it, alas.


Mel, actually, he could, in the spirit of deficit reduction, issue a pardon even though it wouldn't work. Then, he could have the DOJ sue on the matter as a Federal preemption and complain about the mean conservatites on the SC. You know, the old "Democracy is messy" thing.

But, it is true, we took your T-Bird away.


Obama at UN - about a 40 sec video.
I don't know where Con-coon is though?

“We must not put off action that climate change demands”

I don't recognize climate change as a being that I must obey.

JM Hanes


"[W]atch for those to be real doozies with El JEFe)."

Rumor has it that Obama's exit list will include a preemptive pardon for Chicago.


Speaking of Hillary, didn't Obama recount his greatest foreign policy successes at the UN today? Well, those dubious "accomplishments" are Hillary's, too - and unless I'm forgetting something she did as First Lady or Senator, her only ones.

Republicans would be wise to start taking some well-deserved shots at the heir apparent, unless they'd rather run against her, which would be un-wise.

Melinda Romanoff


If he started NOW, he'd still never be able to finish all the names on the list by Noon on Jan. 20, 2013.


A fairly acid rejoinder, but where does Weiss get the notion that Netanyahu, 'embarassed' Obama, the latter can muse all he wants, but
the former actually has to deal with the fall out. I'm sure Mark Lynch will make up for it, in onbsequious toadying, but seriously people

Dave (in MA)

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