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September 08, 2011


Danube of Thought

Power blackout from the border to Orange County. Went out an hour ago. Not a good omen for the Chargers' season (but they always blow it anyway), but at least it will reduce Obama's ratings.

Dave (in MA)
to to the decline ... declre Missin
Congratulations on the new iPad. ;-)

I infer she won't be running for anything, unless "bag lady" has become an elective office.

Cheney will be saddened by this.


When zero kept saying something about PASS the bill.........

I kept thinking.....

Lean Forward Pass Gas


Yes, what on earth has happened to Hillary???

Captain Hate

Hillary, who looked exhausted and unkempt.

She's suffering from Huma withdrawal; plus having a husband who's so out of it he's a constant danger to start spanking it in public.


I was reminded about last night's thread 'inclinase hacia adelante' lean forward, doesn't really mean much in Spanish, except you might tip over the
railing, or fall on your face, so it is
the perfect MSNBC slogan,


What does Obama expect Congress to pass...a list of his nebulous proposals? Where's the beef, since details of his "plan" aren't found at the WH site?


PASS the bill

Um, what bill? Does he have one?

Sara (Pal2Pal)

Carney is telling O'Reilly the bill will be submitted next week.


Thanks Janey May! You did a stupendous job breaking this hogwash down for consumption.

I think a bill should be passed. Make it a $100 and pass it to me. ::grin::


Carney is telling O'Reilly the bill will be submitted next week.

Ah yes... The fierce moral urgency of sometime next week.


I can see this bill passing ... right after a "balanced budget" amendment to the US Constitution and the invention of "energy so cheap that we won't meter it."


I should tell everyone that I am on ic hydrocodon/acetaminophen500 and scotch (one so far)! :)


Sue, I always agree with everything you post but I think it is unusual that the national threat info came right after the speech.


Well, I think Obama will submit a bill, and then, if the Republicans do not pass, he will insist that they (Republicans) do not want people to be able to have jobs. Win, win in his mind.



It's the scotch in you that disagrees with me tonight. ::grin::

I know. I am also skeptical of anything this WH says or does. But I have to believe they aren't using national security for political gain. I have to. Otherwise, I'd have to eat radishes and vomit in the Georgia clay.

Charlie (Colorado)

"It's time for Congress to stop thinking about their re-election ... and start thinking about my re-election!"


Well, Sue, the info regarding the attack or that there might be one in DC or NYC came from info gathered when they captured and killed Osama--which was a while ago. So, what's up with our just hearing about it now?

Danube of Thought

What kinda Scotch, Ann? I am sitting here in the powerless, darkening living room, with no NFL, and am contemplating a second Stoli Martini (jumbo), followed by a temper tantrum.

Did asshole use the term "fair share?"


Tom, love your posts but would it kill you to spend 30 seconds running them through a spell and grammar checker? Second graf is a mess.

Charlie (Colorado)

EXtraneus, here's your hangover remedy.

Danube of Thought

"At a late afternoon news conference, a spokesman said that the outage started with a problem on a transmission line in Arizona. That caused a sequence of events that shut down both generators at San Onofre Nuclear Power Station .  The other two  main power supplies to the region, a transmission line from the north and another from the east, were also down, the spokesman said.

"SDG&E officials said they did not know why the power went down, but there was no indication of terrorism."

I blame Bush.

Ben Franklin


I was off-grid by choice. Spent 2 weeks in Yosemite. No TV. No internet, no cell reception.

Didn't miss it.

Charlie (Colorado)

I should tell everyone that I am on ic hydrocodon/acetaminophen500 and scotch (one so far)! :)

Ann, holy crap! That's the sort of combination that ends up in TMZ near the graf saying "she was found nude, collapsed at the foot of her bed. The Coroner has not released a time of death."


That can't be it, although they said Younis al Mauritania, had been delegated for these tasks, did they get him in time.


d-man. Tut, tut. Over the years I have trained everyone here on the art of creative reading.

Charlie (Colorado)

I was off-grid by choice.

People can live like that?



Scarlett shoulda tried codeine and scotch.

Woot Woot!


Dewars. I'll light a candle for you too. :)

Ben Franklin

Well, maybe just a little......

And, Frau whatchamacallit; I have no imitators. No one fills in for me. I just seem like Lakshmi.


Everyone's a critic. ::sigh::


Yes, I realize that. I still have to think they have something in the chatter that caused them to issue this statement.

Charlie (Colorado)

Seriously, Ann, hydrocodone potentiates with alcohol badly; acetominophen is rough on your liver anyway, and alcohol multiplies that. Go easy on that combination.


--Tom, love your posts but would it kill you to spend 30 seconds running them through a spell and grammar checker? --

That's what clarice is for.


AP factchecks Obama's "It's paid for" and finds it isn't.

Ben Franklin

"People can live like that?"


Charlie (Colorado)

That's what clarice is for.

Uh oh.


Okay, Ann, yada, yada, listen to Charlie, stop mixing your meds with liquor. Public service announcement. Back to laughing our asses off over Scarlett...


OT, but oh my, Althouse has a third post defending an attack on Perry's debate answers last night:

In this context, Perry's invocation of Galileo makes perfect sense, and if anybody's a flat-out moron here, it's Fallows.


Opening drive TD for GB!

Gotta keep PD informed.


Ann, I have found that "three fingers" worth of Port -- about a jigger -- in a tooth glass -- a small five ounce glass -- is quite enough to soften the edges. Please, no more.


Doh.. that should be *Althouse has a third post defending an attack on Perry's debate answers*

Rob Crawford

Opening drive TD for GB!

I'm not allowed to watch any football anymore. Something to do with being the contrarian in a group of Notre Dame fans last weekend.


At this rate, the game may be over by the end of the first quarter.

Ben Franklin

"Doh.. that should be *Althouse has a third post defending an attack on Perry's debate answers*"

But you got me with the punchline anyway...........

Dave (in MA)

Ann, I've heard that it's dangerous to your liver to combine alcohol and acetominophen.


Weprin, has a staff of consummate idiots, he came up with an ad with a jet flying over the Manhattan skyline, to symbolize corporate tax rates or something, the ad was pulled.


"she was found nude, collapsed at the foot of her bed.

Now Charlie, I appreciate your concern but don't advertise, I have enough admirers already!!

Honestly, I am okay. I didn't even use the f-bomb watching the asshole. :)


Ben Franklin


Got your comment from Sunday. Wondered where you've been.

I can't talk about Anarchism because it gives too much fodder for the miscreants. Some still think I am tenured at Pitzer, and there is no rescue squad qualified to help them overcome their daily deficit of grey cells.


TD GB, 14-0



I love you girl. ::grin::


TD NO. 14-7


I loved the moment when he said his objective was to get the rest of the world (or China, anyway) to buy American-made cars.

How's he gonna do that without a military to force them to do so? It sure ain't gonna be through Union-backed competition.

Jack is Back!

Forget everything,. This game is now getting interesting. Packers 14. Saints 7. Nite all.


I Support Ann!

Seriously, 350 mgs won't interact with alcohol--the damage comes from long-term use of both in combination or a seriously large dose of either.

And if the Pack keeps scoring, who wouldn't wish for a little opoid?

Scratch that last--who needs artificial help with these porous defenses?


Thanks for the snarkblogging on the other thread, Jane. Well done.

Poor Americans with expensive gas...then let us drill!
Poor Americans with crumbling bridges...then let us build things without a 15yr. wait with enviro. regs.!

Government is the problem. We have GOT to shrink our fed. government....not just cut a little here & there.
and TM is right, Hillary looked just awful.



Check your email.


TD GB. 21-7.

This is more a track meet than a football game.

Captain Hate

Wow, 21 points in the first quarter. I knew Aaron Rogers was something special the way that he came back in the playoffs 2 years ago against HOF Kurt Warner and the Cards only to lose in OT. Now with a slough of stud receivers, damn.

Captain Hate

And of course I'm very pleased that the person who replaced Favre is doing well.

Ben Franklin

"Power blackout from the border to Orange County"

Be careful not to get the Grid you wish for....................


Jane there's nothing in my yahoo mailbox.

Ben Franklin

from Corrente;

From President FU.........

what FDR said about unemployment.

"No country, however rich, can afford the waste of its human resources. Demoralization caused by vast unemployment is our greatest extravagance. Morally, it is the greatest menace to our social order....I stand or fall by my refusal to accept as a necessary condition of our future a permanent army of unemployed. On the contrary, we must make it a national principle that we will not tolerate a large army of unemployed and that we will arrange our national economy to end our present unemployment as soon as we can and then to take wise measures against its return."

It's carved in stone......Obama : the Paper Prez


FLOTUS looked grumpy too the few times I saw the camera pan to her (I didn't see the whole thing).



I sent it again, but I think I answered my own question.


FG NO. 21-10

Anyone find Boehner's response letter yet?

Ben Franklin

Sorry, but I really MUST transfer this IN TOTO, for your amusement;


Democratic Koch-puppets

"Case in point. One really must applaud Brad Friedman's work in exposing the Koch secret confab, which is already creating huge repercussions in New Jersey. As you will recall, Republican Koch-puppet governor Chris Christie was one of the secret speakers at KochFest 2011...
The hottest of the firestorms to develop on Wednesday in NJ, surrounded Christie's remarks at the Koch event concerning backroom efforts to secretly support the Democratic Speaker of the state Assembly, Sheila Oliver, in exchange for her support for a bill that slashed public employee pensions and benefits.
In his KochFest speech, Christie talked about how he brought Oliver on board. Oliver now denies that she ever had such a secret conversation with Christie. In fact, she called Christie "mentally deranged." But results is results...
The pen-ben bill (as it's known in NJ) was ultimately passed in the lower chamber 46 to 32, with 33 Republicans and 13 Dems voting in favor, and the majority of Dems voting against. Local Democrats and unions were furious at both Oliver and Senate President Steve Sweeney for working with Christie to pass the bill.
Oliver says Christie is deranged. Christie says that Oliver was "courageous" for selling out her liberal base. (He's really twisting the knife.)

Oliver happens to be black. I mention this only because, back in 2008, this blog received many, many angry comments from people who insisted that Obama couldn't possibly be a sell-out or a phoney because -- well, because he's black. Anyone who called him corrupt must be a racist. Or so we were told -- then.

I think by this point we all know that a backroom deal is a backroom deal, and race has nothing to do with it. That is the great lesson of these years."


Punt returned for NO TD. 21-17

Melinda Romanoff


I see a very efficient "O". I don't think the "D" has gelled yet.

I have hopes for a split.


Yes Ben, the counter-revolutionaries are everywhere! You can't trust anyone!

Thomas Collins

Ann, kidding that you didn't use the F-Bomb or kidding that you think he's an a-hole? :-))


Ann, I believe it was Dennis Miller who lamented that at Christmas not enough people give the gift of percocet. One of those with a nice Merlot can lift the gloom.

But, of course, I would never abuse my medicine.

Charlie (Colorado)

Seriously, 350 mgs won't interact with alcohol--the damage comes from long-term use of both in combination or a seriously large dose of either.

Walter, the problem is that you get loopy on the first ones and decide to take another....


Mel, I think we chased the D out of WI over the past months. It makes for a different kind of football. : )

Melinda Romanoff

Did I say efficient?


On cue, TD GB. 28-17.


I'm watching Roger. GOAT.

Danube of Thought

"Be careful not to get the Grid you wish for...................."

How to count the hours, days, weeks, months--nay, years!--i've spent wishing for the right power grid?


Back from dinner. Henry, thanks for the updates.


The ad choices bar on the left side of my screen is full of drug rehab ads now!

Treatment Progarm Options
Inpatient & Outpatient Substance Abuse Addiction Recovery Rehab


PD, Brewers updates not as good ... Down 6-2 after 7.

Melinda Romanoff

From Insty.

An Ad.

Go watch a 30 second spot that says it all.


Agreed, ChaCo. I just don't see Ann not following the rules.

Ben Franklin

"-i've spent wishing for the right power grid?"

You mean the one which doesn't crash?

Dang that governmental interference !!!!!


Thrills & excitement.


I dunno, Janet, you might want to check out those treatment options. I've heard nothing but good things about those fabulously toned Prog arms.

Danube of Thought

"You mean the one which [sic] doesn't crash?

"Dang that governmental interference !!!!!"

With what did the government interfere? If it did not interfere, how should it have interfered? What did the government interference, or lack of it, have to do with this outage?

Aren't you the dope who provides "context?"


woot-woot!!..oh yeah!!!good stuff!!


Actually, DoT, it's hard to see any governmental interference in the http://www.scppa.org . After all it was formed by the CA legislature and has twelve public power agency members (eleven cities and one irrigation district). Gotta give this one to Mr. Franklin.


Yeah, four games against the Phils, that could be brutal.

Jim Rhoads a/k/a vnjagvet

Is that AP fact check on the earlier thread a sign of the beginning of the end of the MSM's ElJefe swoon?

Ben Franklin

"Aren't you the dope who provides "context?""

You're the 'dope' who hasn't the mental flexibility to note the
road, bridge, dam, highway and power grid potholes dotting the Nation. Stretch those hardened arteries of thought and recognize the valid role of government in maintaining these vital services.


Dave (in MA)

The previous stimulus was supposed to address Cleo's laundry list, but less than 7% of it went to transportation and infrastructure.


NO FG. 28-20.

I thought the grid was owned by private utilities.


108 yd kickoff return. TD GB. 35-20.

Melinda Romanoff

OK, that was a cool runback.


Maybe he was thinking of caiso.com . After all, they are so independent that the governor nominates and the legislature confirms their leaders.

Transmission lines and distribution are handled differently in different regions. CA just happens to have a bit more direct state control than most.

Ben Franklin


"But as the nearly 100 year old power grid has aged, facing a growing population and higher load demands for power, the industry has simultaneously become more and more deregulated by mandate. And deregulation has led to less and less necessary preventative maintenance, upgrades in technology as well as necessary investment in research and development. And the poorly maintained grid in many of the areas of the country, predominantly the mid-Atlantic and northeast states, has but put even more stress upon its transmission lines.

The basic structure of the North American transmission system is made up of over 140 control centers and approximately 3500 utility providers covering over 200,000 miles. Utility generating plants, transmission and sub-transmission systems, distribution systems and customer loads travel over a two-part power grid; one in the east and one in the west. Texas has its own grid.

Compounding the vast network and intricacy of the grid is the interconnectivity and delivery of power that in many cases is incompatible with widely varying levels of equipment integrity, data systems and personnel training. It is the secondary system which supplies the distribution of electricity to consumers, where most of the power failures occur, and that which require time to repair. And the network of sub-stations feeding electricity to neighborhoods, via feeders which flow to transformers, is where supposed problems arise during local outages, further exacerbated by non-maintained equipment.

But although deregulation of the utility industry began over two decades ago, it was the 1992 Energy Policy Act which changed the way electricity was sold to local consumers for the first time. Energy companies were permitted to install their own plants and sought customers throughout the country, but not necessarily in the same geographic region. Energy brokers then entered into the picture and utilized the open market to buy and sell power. And thus began the potential unreliability of energy delivery."


TD NO. 35-27. Back to the track meet.


Oh my goodness, sorry I caused such trouble.

Thanks for all the support. I only took one!

I am not laying on the floor but I do have on a sexy negligee. ::wink::

I think MO looks like she could use a few loopy pills, Janet. She has looked mad at the world since she came back from vacation. Thxs for the pics.

Ben Franklin

The 'free market' has created a non-uniform system of incompatibllity

IOW; everyone creates their own version of the 'wheel'

Very business savvy. Not too efficient.


Looking at the graph at http://www.caiso.com/Pages/TodaysOutlook.aspx , it seems like DoT's outage started around 4PM local time.

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