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November 11, 2011


Melinda Romanoff

Just recreating tenement living as a social experiment.

Too bad they're learning the same lessons all over again.

Jack is Back!

What stands out for me is the ignorant language and thinking that they are expressing. These are not smart, intelligent, critically thinking people but are rather young tin-foil hat wearing belligerents. And BTW, Kristen Powers is a ignoramous.

Jim Ryan

Bill Whittle cites ingratitude.

Indeed. And gratitude is one of the cardinal virtues. It's necessary for good character. Without it, you're miserable, completely lost.

Danube of Thought

I knew it was coming all along: Death stalks the Adullamites.


The Occupy Justia crowd is growing:

"So anyone searching for cases which cite Minor v. Happersett would be thwarted as to finding Ex Parte Lockwood at either site. At Cornell, the word “Happersett” and the entire reference to the Minor precedent is stripped from the page. While at ftp.resource.org, the fields are fragged so badly that the relevance of search returns are greatly corrupted.

JustiaGate has now most certainly widened to implicate Public.Resource.Org, Carl Malamud and Cornell’s Legal Institute."

Turns out Carl Malamud started Law.gov and courts.gov. Tim Stanley (founder of Justia) and the New York Times started a campaign to install Malamud as the Head of the Government Printing Office.

Who is Malamud? I have no idea because I just found out about him. But he does have his own Rules For Radicals:


A more complete research paper:


Someday one of these links will have something for Clarice to write about, or something for Jane to talk about.


--Death stalks the Adullamites.--

Between the merely expired and the murdered just how many is this now; four, five, six, more?


Could that speech be more flat and perfunctory? I passed legislation to employ veterans and I got Bin Laden. Give it a rest.

Danube of Thought

You rely on the web for your case authorities, you take your chances. And you commit malpractice.


The world record has been broken. The links I posted were read, evaluated, and commented in 8 minutes.


...and commented on...

Jack is Back!

Cross posting:


Michigan State has been recognized as one of the two greatest basketball teams in history. Don't anyone tell John Wooden or Ed Jucker or John Thomas. What an idiot.

And don't he look smart in that flight jacket? Too bad DoT has to miss this one. Where the hell is TOTUS?

Sure, the only way to start a basketball game is to plug jobs for veterans sponsored by Moochelle and Dr. Jill. ESPN, the go to network for political commentary.

Guy does not know how to shut up when there is no TOTUS.

He did it - he mentioned OBL because Vinson was part of the mission. Of course, he did. Tomorrow the republicans discuss foreign policy and national security but how can they top killing Osama?

By beating Obama, thats how.


Well, I am watching the "before" of the basketball game on the carrier. What is Michelle thinking? Her outfit!!! Obama is so insincere when talking about our troops, it repulses me.

Jack is Back!


They will do evening colors first before the start of the game. Looks like the CO is the guy in charge and not some wise ass ESPN producer.


Actually JiB calling MSU one of the greatest basketball programs is about the only thing I have agreed with Zero on, in about 3 - 4 years...

Jack is Back!


No slight but as CINC on Veteran's Day you honor the service not the teams playing with that kind of platitude. Tom Izzo has it right -there is only one greatest team and that is our military.


I am still repulsed. Just saw Obama in his flight jacket "yucking it up" with some people.


6 minutes


'Ah, Beaks, what ever did happen to him' I'm speaking of this illustrious Michigan State alumni, in the LUN


Danube of Thought

TK, you mean one needs to read your links in order to determine whether relying on web sources for legal research is malpractice?


...it just struck me...I think I am a computer addict. :(


I assume there will be a fly over. A lone f-18 is in a holding pattern above San Diego's east county.

Benjamin Franklin


You're probably already aware of this...fyi

CME? Coronal Mass Ejection? That can't be good..


"Federal regulators have ordered an audit of every American futures trading firm to verify that customer money is protected, a move that comes after roughly $600 million in client funds were discovered to be missing from MF Global, the bankrupt brokerage firm once run by Jon S. Corzine.

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the federal regulator searching for the missing money at MF Global, will audit many of the nation’s largest futures commission merchants, according to a person briefed on the decision. Exchanges like the CME Group will examine smaller firms to ensure they are keeping customer money separate from company money, a fundamental rule on Wall Street."


No, that is not what I mean.

Benjamin Franklin

"Just saw Obama in his flight jacket "yucking it up" with some people."

Was he wearing a codpiece? If not, your indigestion could not compare to mine.


You only digest the real thing?


They just showed a closeup of scoamf and my husband went ballistic. "Wtf is he doing wearing an air force jacket on an aircraft carrier it's navy!!!".


Tom Izzo always has it right.


Air Farce One

Benjamin Franklin

"No, that is not what I mean."




The surgeon general will come along with the warning stickers soon enough.

Benjamin Franklin

Well...Dang ! Howdy !!!


They are winning. Thanks to the endless repetition of the Big Lie.

A Big Lie is so colossal that no one would believe that someone could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. There are many examples: Claims that Earth is not warming, or that evolution is not the best thesis we have for how humans developed. Those opposed to stimulus spending have gone so far as to claim that the infrastructure of the United States is just fine, Grade A (not D, as the we discussed last month), and needs little repair.

Wall Street has its own version: Its Big Lie is that banks and investment houses are merely victims of the crash. You see, the entire boom and bust was caused by misguided government policies. It was not irresponsible lending or derivative or excess leverage or misguided compensation packages, but rather long-standing housing policies that were at fault.


"How can it be that homeless vagrants are now responsible for their poor choices but over-educated unemployables are not?"

There are have nots and have nots apparently.

Jack is Back!

Good game so far, but it is obvious that the background is causing the 3 pointers to hold their fire. Whoever has the big bodies to move it inside will win this puppy. If there is more than 12 pts scored off the 3 pt. line I will buy DoT a martini at Red Circle.


I'm sure Mr. Ritholtz has a fact filled account of the wickness of the bankers and their GOP partners-in-crime.

Dave (in MA)

Is it true that Jughead was late for the wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington because he was waiting for the parents of the Unknown Soldier to show up? That's a theory that's out there.

Benjamin Franklin

Herman Cain to protesters: "If you're not rich 'blame yourself"

"There are have nots and have nots apparently."

The sheer idiocy of these statements has everything to do with the maintenance of the Status Quo.

The idea that everyone can be rich is at the heart of most of the
populism of conservative ideals. So often, people seem to vote against their best interests, like Joe the Plumber.

He was afeered he might, someday (when he achieves full employment, or starts a business) be in a position where he pays a larger percentage of his earnings in taxes. What are the odds it will occur for him? It's not important, because, you see, THE DREAM is that everyone, everywhere, can be rich.

Imagine if everyone were rich. Your toilet needs to be roto-rooted, so you call the number. "Sorry. Can't come out today. In fact, I may not come out next week, because, you see, I'm rich and I don't have to work."

Ditto; Your doctor, lawyer, grocer, druggist, gas station attendant, etc. etc.....


Did you catch the beginning of his speech, Dave?

"Alas, poor Unknown Soldier, I knew him..."


I'm torn.
The C&Ps are a bit irritating but the embarrassment I feel for Ben when he ad libs his poorly reasoned, contradictory "ideas" is I think even stronger than the irritation.
God help the Pitzerite brains full of mush.

Jack is Back!


I have made a promise not to challenge your prog propaganda disguised as some PolySci 101 lecture but this time I need to make an exception.

No one is saying everyone can be rich except the guys hucksting those self-help manuals. But what most right thinking people are espousing is that as a free market, capitalistic democracy (in comparative terms) we provide equal opportunity to take the risk and compete for the gold ring. Name one country or political system that has produced more successful individuals in terms of capital, quality of life or income? You can't. Simple.

More people come here than leave for that reason alone.

Your proposition is hollow like most arguments against capitalism and the liberty of individual achievement.


56% humidity on the deck.


Court is slick.


--I'm sure Mr. Ritholtz has a fact filled account of the wickness of the bankers and their GOP partners-in-crime.--

Poor Barry has jumped the shark and ignores any attempts to educate him in his comment section.
Of course his entire argument is a strawman in that the opposing argument is that the government set the conditions for a credit bubble and risky loans which enabled bad decisions by the banks, not that the banks are lily white victims.

JM Hanes

"Imagine if everyone were rich. Your toilet needs to be roto-rooted, so you call the number."

Imagine the plumber sitting by a phone that never rings. So much mo' bettah, no?


His just stating this as fact, without resorting to a single detail, well hyperlinks
don't work on dead tree, Morgenstern admits that it was probably a combination of good intentions, poorly drafted regulations and greed, but to ignore the policy driver.


Or the MayTag repairmen, lol.



Couldn't get that far in the article without registering. Not sure I understand the idea that it was "greed" alone-banks were forced to make affirmative action loans, loans that already had a history of going bad (autos went through a subprime phase too). Banks had a tool (perfectly legal, and with the Delphi bankruptcy, useful) to eliminate the risk of carrying them. And all the while, Dem politicians and public sector unions reaped a windfall-excess profits-in taxes, fees, and barely commented on compensation and benefits packages.


The CRA was a bad idea and a bad law but I don't think it can explain the hundreds of billions in bad loans and utter disregard for the preposterous valuations and the risk of those valuations popping, especially so soon after the Nasdaq bubble of only five or six years previous.
But none of that could have happened without the credit bubble created by the Fed, the CRA, the backstop of the GSEs just waiting to gobble up the trash, etc.


Seems quiet...eveyone must be enjoying the game:(

Sara (Pal2Pal)

I am helping set up a friend's new computer and don't have mine handy. Could someone please post the LINK for the Firefox HTML toolbar? Thanks in advance.

Benjamin Franklin

"But what most right thinking people are espousing is that as a free market, "

'Most' 'right thinking' people espouse a 'free market'. Have we narrowed the rhetoric a little with that indisputable truth?

What is the reality?

The reality is more like your " we provide equal opportunity to take the risk and compete for the gold " which is more like 'every man/woman for himself/herself. That philosophy dove-tails with the penchant for 'freedom' which means, for many 'I am free to do whatever I want to achieve my personal goals, no matter how my goals affect my fellow humans for good or ill. When such behavior negatively impacts society, we create laws to rein in such persons.
But that sort of regulation creates a bureaucracy which must oversee the scofflaws, mete out sanctions or punishment, and becomes a unwieldy beast. You say you want government small, because it intrudes on personal liberty, but you champion Business and expect the 'free market' to do all such correction through
commerce wherein the 'freedom' enjoyed by the individual, is limited to boycotting business and 'hurt' them by denying them business. However, you have no problem with the freedom of business to consolidate power through acquisition and absorbtion of competing business. Naturally, this limits the freedom to boycott said improper business practices at retail, but that's not a real problem for you folks, is it?


I dunna know, Rich. I stepped away briefly and there's some complicated discussion on nanodiamonds I can't get a handle on.


Wrote too soon, been doing that a lot lately.

I was going for securitization (a long history) and cds (a much shorter history)-and of course I'd mangle it. I was using Andy Cuomo's shorthand for the various mortgage products that went bad.

The RE bubble had many causes and the Dems were right there on the front rank cheering it on. They cashed in on it by puffing up a compensation and benefits bubble for public sector unions that is now starting to pop. They protected and still protect Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and a nontrivial number of Dem fixers made millions of dollars. The Dems also fully funded there foundation money laundering operations fully paid for by government grants and windfall profits from the mortgage bubble.


Yay! Belmont College is beating Duke 9 to 6 in a college B-Ball game.

Go To Hell Duke!

Now that I've got that out of my system all's right with the world:)



I saw that and came over here. Yowser!

Sara (Pal2Pal)

Never mind, I found it.


Hey, Heel's are on the other channel whipping Michigan State.

Where the heck have I been?

Uncle BigBad


Text formatting toolbar

which contains HTML


The surgeon general will come along with the warning stickers soon enough.

Yeah, RichatUF! Hah! What will be the warning picture?

Here Sara...

Firefox Add-ons


Sara (Pal2Pal)




Did you here that a NY judge struck down the law requiring pictures? Drive a little south and the packs still don't have the pictures.


here...hear...need coffee...

Benjamin Franklin

Or has the 'Promise Keeper' pledge you made to DoT, expressly forbid you from a second response upon threat of excommunication?


Duke winning. The White Phantoms are playing like they are outdoors, on a boat in the dark. That's their best chance.

How can you root for a team Obama likes?


Rich, I give you a flow chart:



Did you here that a NY judge struck down the law requiring pictures?

Yeah. It's okay though even if it happens...I'm just planning on cutting them out & hanging them on other things.

Maybe tape some to the OWS campers?

Jim Ryan

But none of that could have happened without the credit bubble created by the Fed, the CRA, the backstop of the GSEs just waiting to gobble up the trash

This is the key point. Amongst businessmen there are some sleazy, greedy, and stupid people, there always have been, and there always will be. The difference between the 15 years running up to 2008 and other times is that the government overregulated and interfered with business using the Fed, the CRA, and the GSE's.

Yet the occupants don't occupy Fed buildings, Congress or the Jim Johnson residence. For some of them this due to ignorance. For others it's due to their leftism.





Dear Lord. It's some sort of evil Raggedy Ann costume.

Would you believe Marcel Marceau?




Buford Gooch

Dana, you are so over-matched on this site, it's hard to understand why you are still here. I guess you are unable to see just how foolish you look.


I can't believe Barry does anything but cringe when he sees Michelle's getup for the first time on these occasions.

Internally cringe, of course. He can't betray anything on the surface lest he get his ass kicked - in this case right off the side of the Vinson.

Danube of Thought

"You only digest the real thing?"

I only rely on the real thing. I would never consider doing otherwise.



Benjamin Franklin

"Dana, you are so over-matched on this site, it's hard to understand why you are still here. I guess you are unable to see just how foolish you look."

Your 'argument' proves, thinly, why it is necessary for me to remain.

(See; Shakespeare---Fool)

Jim Ryan

Seuss? Cat in Hat?

Danube of Thought

Earlier I posed a series of questions directed at anyone here who felt that income inequality in the US was a problem.

I did so with the the utmost confidence that Dana would lack the courage to answer them and that all here would recognize that lack of courage (yet again).

Or perhaps Dana does not consider income inequality in the US a problem, in which casehe is invited to say so.


Her new butt containment device must be made of some material we could use somehow in military applications..it's that good.


"How can you root for a team Obama likes?"

Where the hell did that Sunuvabitch say he likes the TarHeels?
Did he really?
Gad dang-it.
If so, now I really ,really hate the POS.

BTW, loved the angry look on Coach K's face after your big guy blew that Dunk.

Nice to be back in College B-Ball Season ain't it.
And screw the NBA.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

Moochelle has lost alot of weight, I think.


Dot, please forgive the timing of that post. "Digesting the real thing" was a response to Bens' indigestion/codpiece revelation.

Nothing to do with you old buddy. :-)


In Ann's first posted pic I thought initially that that little black thing on Michelle's left breast was a silhouette image of Mickey Mouse. Going back I now see that it isn't.

Honestly, if it had ears and was really Mickey Mouse, then that outfit would have made more sense to me.

Danube of Thought

Roger dodger, TK.


That marks where Justin Timberlake tears her clothes off, daddy.

Danube of Thought

Transplanting my questions from the prior thrread:

For anyone concerned about income inequality in the US, some questions:

--Does the fact of its existence mean that someone has done something wrong? If so, who?

--Should the government do something about it? If so, what?

--If God announced that He could cause the incomes of the bottom quintile to increase by 10%, but only if that of the top quintile increased by 80%, would you prefer that He do so, or leave things as they are? Please tell us why you answered as you did.


Owww, my eyes, my eyes. That hair must be so soft to the touch.

Melinda Romanoff

I'm thinking the "skunk works" had little or nothing to do with that containment system.

JM Hanes

Looks like Michelle is wearing hard heels on the gym floor, which I always thought was a big no-no?

Danube of Thought

Unambiguously excellent news:

"Breaking: Layoff notices are being handed out across CNN/U.S. today. Photographers, editors and other staffers in Atlanta, New York, Washington, DC, Los Angeles and Miami are being let go. In all, at least 50 positions are being eliminated. As many as 12 staffers in the Washington, DC bureau alone, four of whom are longtime photojournalists.

"CNN Senior VP Jack Womack writes in a note to staff that the cuts come after a 3-year analysis of the company’s work processes."


She is very manly. But she sure can cake on the makeup-kinda looks tranny-ish.

Benjamin Franklin

" I posed a series of questions"

Mea Culpa....please forgive me Monsignor....may I kiss your
ring? Such verve in your wordsmithing. What courage in your venturing out to discover new horizons of Thought!!
Truly you are a legend for all to behold with reverence and honorific platitudes reflecting your sagacious presence before the glorious throne of God.

You are the Divine Messenger.......You are, Danube of Thought.


Where is Janet? Boy, do I have a clip to add to her file:

GENIUS BRAD (It ain't the Apple Genius Bar)


It is like watching Mika and Joe or anyone on MSNBC but funnier.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

You rely on the web for your case authorities, you take your chances. And you commit malpractice.

Does this include the Library of Congress or many university libraries who live in this century and not mid-last century?

Research depositories around the world have been digitizing their collections/catalogs for 25 years.


The CRA was a bad idea and a bad law but I don't think it can explain the hundreds of billions in bad loans

No, but the same mindset that was behind the CRA was also behind FM/FM and Congress and Clinton pumping up the subprime market. Basically the community organizing mindset but with Barney Frank and Chris Dodd and others pushing in the taxpayers.

Benjamin Franklin

Was I sufficiently subservient, TK---Iggy ?


Update on McQueary
The eyewitness at the center of the Penn State child abuse scandal, receivers coach Mike McQueary, has had quite a roller coaster rode over the past 24 hours. He went from “probable” for coaching on Saturday to “doubtful” to “out” in less time than it takes to do a load of laundry. Now, according to several sources, McQueary has told his players that he’s “in protective custody” and “two-fisting” booze. Oh, and as for his status: “I’m not your coach anymore. I’m done.”

Then there is an update:

Subsequent to our posting, the Patriot-News made some substantial changes to their initial report.

The reference to “double-fisting it” has been removed, as has the portion where McQueary talks about not being their coach anymore; changed the name of the new wide receivers coach to Terrell Golden; and added that “Sports Information Director Jeff Nelson said that McQueary was not in protective custody – that his characterization was not true, raising the possibility that it was an attempt at black humor that fell flat. If so, the players did not get the joke.”

Bottom line seems to be he's 'done.' And not accessible by the players.

More info at the LUN

And presumably more updates, too. The situation seems 'fluid' as far as reporting goes


Which Ben is this?

JM Hanes

"Layoff notices are being handed out across CNN/U.S. today.... In all, at least 50 positions are being eliminated."

In other news, Anderson Cooper's 360 will be expanded to 4 hours a night.

Frau UFOs ueber Torfmoorholm

Gotta love TM's "Anarchists for Big Government."


Local Talk Radio today was all about Alaska Energy issues and the guest host was an energy expert. She had on excellent guests in various energy fields throughout the show.

Here are some Highlights I think worth mentioning since our current stifling of energy extraction is of concern to all of us.

They are cautiously optimistic about the report by Escopeta of finding 3.5 Trillion Cubic Feet of Gas. Even if it's only a third of that, that would keep us busy in Cook Inlet and supply power to Anchorage and the Valley and whoever else we wind up shipping it off to for 20 years, creating thousands of jobs, billions in Revenue, etc.

Another Company has already done the proper paperwork and is scheduled to have a second Jack Up Rig arriving in Cook Inlet next summer, and Escopeta is currently working on getting their second Jack Up Rig to the inlet also next summer, making a total of 3 in the Inlet. Very encouraging.

Escopeta was originally looking for Oil, not Natural Gas. Their intent was to drill down to the Jurassic level (@15,000 to 18,000 ft I believe) but so far they are only half way down when they said they hit Nat Gas. Either and/or both is great for business.

The state and various Energy companies have been trying to figure out how to build various lines from the North Slope to Fairbanks and/or on to Anchorage in order to bring down Natural Gas from the north. The Energy guy said that as of now they already know that the proposed Bullet Line would require over 2,200 permits---Ai Yi Yi!

All agreed that what is essentially killing us up here is Federal regulations. Wish I knew more but those were the takeaways that really struck me.

Lisa is angry about the Presidents announced Keystone Pipeline delay, and in the ADN I see our Rep Don Young is proposing another stab at Drilling ANWR, but even the idiotically quoted "Lindsey Hajduk, a community organizer with Sierra Club Alaska", knows this bill is going to go nowhere with Obama's bunch. My probably unfounded fear on doing this with this Admin is that Obama will by some fiat ultimately decree ANWR some variety of National Park, thus locking it up from energy extraction forever. I put nothing past that (UGHH, pains me to say it) half-assed TarHeel fan.


ANWR already is. Carter made it a national monument in 1978 and congress, when Carter was a lame duck, turned it into the Wildlife Refuge. The Carter Presidency, the gift that keeps on giving.


More Cain developments by way of journolist (Politico and the NYP on a yahoo site with a Fox video) maximum saturation.


Manufacturing scandal one joke at a time.

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