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December 03, 2011


Danube of Thought

Well, minus 22 at Raz today.


Just so creepy the way Sandusky tries to create an alternative reality. Guess he is hoping for a Simpson-stupid juror or two.

hit and run

You know,having run the live feed from 11:30 until his speech,I'm thinking of those poor people,one after another,who got up to the mic today at what was the official opening of Cain 2012 HQ and made unequivocal pronouncements that only Herman Cain - alone among the Republican candidates - was willing and capable of beating Obama and restoring our nation.

No one told them of his decision . . . that Cain 2012 was being suspended. Their remarks were all made as if Cain was going to defiantly continue his campaign.

I'm not saying every one of those speakers should have been told. From such a thing leaks are sprung.

But someone -- from Cain on down -- might have thought not to hang those speakers out to dry in the order of events for today's . . . announcement.


Concerning all these creepy Alan Grayson ads all over the place:

If I click on them, is that money in TM's pocket plus money out of Grayson's pocket, or only money in TM's pocket.

I still think Grayson, with those creepy eyebrows and that little shadow under his nose, is somehow going for the Adolf Schicklgruber lookalike award.


Hit , Mark Bloc proves again he is not ready for prime time. In the end it may not have helped, but Herman needed a better campaign manager.

Daddy, money goes from Grayson's pocket to TM's. Click thru advertisers are billed by the click until their daily budget limit is reached. Enough clicks here and Grayson doesn't show up anywhere for the rest of the day.

(Another) Barbara

I'm not saying every one of those speakers should have been told. From such a thing leaks are sprung.

They didn't need to be told. There was only one path left open to Cain. I did not see any part of the live feed so I don't know at what level (in the campaign) were the introducers, but you can be certain that all his major advisors knew and likely had been among the first to tell him he must now depart.

A man of honor could not have done otherwise. I hope he can make things right with Gloria.


Thanks henry,


I just made you a bunch of money:)


Scariest thing you will see this weekend: Yikes!

hit and run

Dang typepad.


Eyewash! No that's not enough, Brainwash! One Medvedev Cheerleader beer will do the job nicely. ; )

hit and run

Take two.

Not to pile on . . . but on TheCainSolutions.com right now...

Down with Politicans!

Down with Politicans!

There is no "I" in team. And there are only two "I's" in Herman Cain's POLITICANS.


Dear Mr. & Mrs. Cain:

Once again, I am forced to vote against a candidate instead of voting for a candidate; might just stay home this election. I’m an now convinced the big corporations in collusion with big government via the lobbyist run the election process. If I do vote, I’ll write-in, "Herman Cain" out of protest if you don’t return to the race. The establishment had it in for you from the start. You should of stayed in the race. Even if you didn't win, the other candidates would have had to fight for your delegates in return for a commitment of simplifying the tax code.

What was with the secret service protection. Was your family really receiving threats?

Concerned Voter...


We are but a mere six or maybe a dozen commercials away from kickoff. Sheesh.


oooh - the Attorney's General are really asking pertinent, pointed questions. Hope a few of you are watching this. First up was Newt - I detected a little sweat, not a lot - but I think he met their challenges well.


That is a different Jane.

hit and run

I promised not to watch any debates. I just turned the Huck forum on. Don't know why.

Well. Perry next up.


Touchdown answered with touchdown. The first shootout looks like it has a sequel. Do you really want to listen to Ron Paul babble about a gold standard when Spartan football is on?

Ralph L

Do they "suspend" their campaigns so they can continue to accept money? Why would anyone send money at that point?

hit and run

Do you really want to listen to Ron Paul babble about a gold standard when Spartan football is on?

Paul's not on,so no need to turn to Spartan babbling just yet.


Now a halfback pass. You dont know what you are missing.

hit and run

Main Entry: spartan  [spahr-tn]
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: economical
Synonyms: austere, grim, barren, bald, bare, bare-bones, bleak, clean, dour, plain, primitive, rustic, severe, simple, spare, spartan, stark, subdued, unadorned, unembellished, vanilla


Why would you promise to not watch any debates?


Look again Hit

unbowed and unbroken are synonyms.


Hit, we could make a giant wooden badger...

hit and run

Why would you promise to not watch any debates?

Why wouldn't I?


Did you not see 300? Fierce warrior, noble and determined. Its a virtue smorgasbord I tell ya.


4th and 1 naked bootleg and toss for the TD. Bring it Badgers.

hit and run

I saw 300.

I bet all the players for MSU *and* Wisconsin saw it too.

I bet it makes no difference to the outcome of the game who saw it.


I bet William Gholston makes a difference, and Keyshawn Martin does too. Hide and watch

hit and run

They watched 300 more than once?

hit and run

For the record, TheCainSolutions.com has been updated so that "Politicians" is spelled correctly.

There you go. Better late than never. Better now than later. Better never to have mispelled it....but who's gonna know a month from now.


13 yard strike from Cousins to Bell. We are going this way, first down.

Jack is Back!


I thought you were a Texan. What's with Spartans like in Michigan State, right?

So, any doubt LSU is numero uno? Like my golf game - a tale of two halves (nines). Not pretty but damn explosive all of a sudden and BOOM!


Keyshawn for 20 yards and another first down, followed up with 11 to BJ Cunningham and of course another first down.


woohoo! Cousins is smokin!!


Keith Nichols catches the ball in the flat and pitches it back to BJ Cunningham for the tying TD.

Sorry make that the go ahead score as they fake the kick and run it in for two.

You are still watching Rick Santorum? Better you watch 300 backwards...


Well I don't know about you, but I wouldn't because it gives me an opportunity to see how the candidates do, and what they say they stand for. And it also gives me an opportunity to see what tricks the media is up to.

So what is your reasoning for not watching them? Clearly you are not alone in that decision, I am just curious about your reasoning.


JiB I got here as fast as I could. But I bleed green.

SMax just informed Mrs Max and I that she intends to be a second gen Spartan.


Gholston just dropped the Badger QB for a 7 yard loss. Good call Gmax ed Thanks


First punt of the game goes to Wisconsin.


I dont care if you dont know a single player on either team, this is a great game 22 to 21 and its not even halftime yet. This reminds me of the second Ali Frazier fight. Neither is going to go down, and winner will be determined once the final bell sounds.

hit and run

I just don't watch cable news. I haven't watched it since maybe 2004 - except for election nights. I did watch some debates in the 2008 cycle - but honestly,doing so didn't do anything to help inform me of the candidates or my vote.

But then,I do rely upon your expert liveblogging to a large degree.


Another sack, and another punt.


Keyshawn Martin for 28 yards on 3rd and long.

Good call ed

thanks again

PS Keyshawn on a sweep runs for another 13 and another first down.

Finally Keyshawn for a catch for 8

on three successive plays

Jack is Back!

I am outside on my upper terrace reading the latest Charles Finch novel on my iPad and skipping back to JOM to catch all the MSU v Wisc highlights:)

The book is better.

hit and run

Liveblog the book,JiB! It could be just as exciting.


Touchdown Bell.

29 21


Ist game, Wisconsin jumps to a 14 point lead, Spartans claw back. 2nd game Wisconsin jumps to a 14 point lead, Spartan claw back earlier.

Another hail mary ending?

Captain Hate

Gmax, this is a great game plus it has Gus Johnson.

Jack is Back!

BTW, according to my sources, if you are looking for a Christmas present for Clarice she could do with a luggage trolley or a personal sky cap :)


Gus Johnson? Who he?

Captain Hate

The announcer; he used to be with CBS and did some great basketball coverage.


Got it.


I need to catch my breath.

hit and run

Look,I'm not sure I would advise everyone take the same approach of not watching cable news and debates.

But I really didn't come away from tonight's Huck Show with any information I didn't already have.

I shoulda watched the Badger game all along,like gmaXXX has been saying.


Correction Hit it has been the Spartan game, at least in the 2nd half. 22 unanswered points. Now the coaches make adjustments at halftime.

It does not get any better than this, well maybe when the Cowboys beat the Redskins, but other than that nirvana, this is as good as it gets.

hit and run

Sure,I'm changing my orientation to it being the Spartan game.

But that's just because I have a huge crush on MayBee.


meant 2nd QUARTER. 2nd half is yet to come, like Christmas Future...


OT for all you JOM cooks - Holiday Gruel Recipes

"A quick and easy way to add to your gruel's flavor, as long as you haven't invited Mayor Bloomberg to dine with you, is to add a bit of salt to the mix."


The black guy loses to the girl in the Dr Pepper challenge. For his sake I hope none of his buddies know he was at the game...


You are just trying to convince her to send you a tasteful nude you scamp...


World leaders, they are also called Spartans. The TV just said so, so there.

Ralph L

Fierce warrior, noble and determined.
And great abs.


Gholston drops Wisconsin back for no gain

hit and run

Speaking of college games . . . I went to a small school in Oklahoma and was well aware of Bedlam (that's OU vs OSU).

My roommate my freshman year ended up going to OK State. But he grew up in an OU family. His grandma lived in a house that was as close to Memorial Stadium in Norman as you could get (looking at google maps,it was Lincoln Ave). We went for one particular OU home game -- and they had a party going on - like every home game. And there was Grandma pouring out of the keg on the front lawn.

I mean really. How awesome is that?

I haven't kept up with that roommate over the years. I see his profile on facebook,but he and I have never re-connected.

Then again,this was the roommate who slept with scissors under the pillow . . . just in case!


I thought the debate tonight and the format were excellent. Real questions, each candidate with about 11 or so minutes to show his/her stuff. For the Perry supporters, you should be happy, he did his best so far. Gingrich and Romney were excellent, as was Santorum.

Charlie (Colorado)

OT for all you JOM cooks - Holiday Gruel Recipes

Goodbye gruel world.


Back to a one point game, Wilson slips a tackle and finds his receiver standing in the endzone for the TD. Toe to toe in the middle of the ring.


puns are grueling.


Heck of a game gmaX. Despite my niece giving me a Buckey bobblehead for Christmas last year, I'm not a Badger fan. (Using the bobblehead for target practice would make me a bad uncle). This is one hard fought game.


Keyshawn Martin again. That guy is going to get free for a big one sooner or later.

Thomas Collins

Oklahoma State 41, Oklahoma 3 late in the third quarter.


That is a butt whippin that the Cowboys rarely have ever put on the Okies.

Thomas Collins

Make that 44-3.


Downed at the one foot line. Your move, creep ( quoting Robocop ).

Charlie (Colorado)

Or if we're going for gruel, try congee.

Thomas Collins

Spartans and Badgers are putting on the best game this Conference Championship Weekend.


Pease porridge hot, pease porridge cold,
Pease porridge in the pot, nine days old;
Some like it hot, some like it cold,
Some like it in the pot, nine days old


Short field, after a great return by Keyshawn. That name again ed.

Lets go Cousins, shows us the way.

suburban gal

This game is just too much. Go State.


Holy Cow! that was an amazing TD pass under great pressure.


Woohoo! Spartans touchdown.


Great return by Wisconsin on the kick off.

here we go.


One quarter to go. Winner is Pasadena bound. Go Green.


One thing is clear, Sparty is clearly the better mascot all over Bucky Badger. That one there is no dispute.


Careful gmaX, you're gonna make me a bad uncle. ; )


Send it to me, I will empty a clip into it.


Please lord, one more TD, as a Christmas present.


Hey, Insty just instalanced Clarice's Skycap, Where Art Thou?



I was going to launch it from my trebuchet then hit it in mid-air with #2s, but my niece saw the gleam in my eye and explained the bad uncle thing. If it is not on my mantle (in one piece) I'm in big trouble.


Oh dear lord, only a FG. Is 5 points enough?


There really is no such thing as a bad uncle!


You have got to be kidding me, that was a hail mary.

Thomas Collins

Oklahoma State wins the Big 12 with a 44-10 victory over Oklahoma. Oklahoma State coach just said there is no question the Cowboys should be number 2. I wouldn't say "no question", but the Cowboys certainly made their case today.


Holy Shite!


Omg. What a catch.

My only gripe with this game is that it is on Fox and they don't broadcast sports events in 5.1 very well the balsnce is all wrongMakes the game sound like mono when you switch back from Espn or ABC.


In Kirk Cousins I trust. My nerves are shot though.


I'vegot my bucky badger pjs on. What's with this spartan hooey?


OT? That would be wild.


Ok I am calling the shot, TD to Keyshawn Martin on a great run after catch. Dont want to give Wisconsin a lot of time however. Need to use some clock first.


Pease porridge hot, pease porridge cold,

I notice that in the Little House books, they sing it as "Bean porridge."

Reading "By the Shores of Silver Lake" today. It starts out sad: The family except Pa and Laura have scarlet fever, and "Far worst of all, the fever had settled in Mary's eyes, and Mary was blind."

Throughout the book, Laura acts as her eyes by "seeing out loud" for Mary. I wonder if all the practice doing this sharpened her observational and narrative skills, and whether without this there would even be a Little House series?

Danube of Thought

"Better you watch 300 backwards."

I just did. It says "Ron Paul is dead."

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