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February 26, 2012


Captain Hate

How 'bout the NBA All Star game?


Is there a bigger fraud perpetrated on the viewing public than the NBA All Star game, where absolutely no defense is ever played? Why dont they just play HORSE?

Captain Hate

I might be biased but most of my sports watching buds think the NFL All Star game is the biggest fraud for the same reason PLUS many of the biggest stars that are still in the playoffs or just played in them beg off.

Jim Rhoads a/k/a vnjagvet

The NFL All Star game certainly gives it a run for its money. Both use the famous ole' defense.


Duke and Duke, does seem to ruin I mean run everything, doesn't it.

Captain Hate

Stern, Selig, Goodell and whatever goof gets booed roundly when awarding the Stanley Cup could all have Duke and Duke Top Men Emeritus status. Never have the respective professional sports all been such rudderless ships.


Seriously, what do they have on the relevant parties to keep their job,


Baseball has the only All-Star game worth watching, despite Selig's best efforts to ruin it. People actually remember the game more than five minutes (and in some cases, more than 75 years) later.

hit and run

Via Hot Air Headlines: Act of Valor #1 This Weekend with $25M

Captain Hate

I give Selig the world's tallest midget award for pretty much not jacking around with the rules of the game and never making arbitrary decisions which screw up the playoffs. I guess hockey would be the same but by the time the Stanley Cup is over there's not a bit of ice on the ponds of even the most northernmost NHL city. If Selig expands the playoffs that award will be withdrawn.


Daytona 500 opens with big bang! What a mess.

clarice feldman

Great news fot all the DoT(ties), Hit.


We have so many traditions around here.


Selig introduced interleague play, which is just a sop to the few cities that have two teams, while the rest have exciting matchups like Detroit vs. Arizona or San Diego vs. Kansas City. And now the plan is to have two 15-team leagues, which means IL play all season. And don't get me started on expanding the playoffs, which he seems dead-set to do.


So, in anticipation of writing an editorial after the Big Zero loses in November, is there ANYTHING that Obama did right during his administration?


He got Bin Laden after dithering for weeks on the intelligence...

Ozzy, Man.  Dios mio.

sbw, this seems to be the moment the oceans stopped rising.

hit and run

We have so many traditions around here.

I'm a sucker for traditions.

I'm currently celebrating my Traditional Sunday Afternoon Cheap Beer Tradition of Traditionally Enjoying Cheap Beer.

hit and run

is there ANYTHING that Obama did right during his administration?

Dang. Kim beat me to the oceans rising bit.

Oh,I got it,he didn't close Guantanamo.

Celebrate Impotence!

Captain Hate

Thanks jimmyk; I forgot all about that clustereff interleague play and its impact causing asymmetric intraleague play. And you know we're stuck with it forever because whatever imbecile replaces Selig won't want to *diss* his legacy by sending it to well deserved oblivion.

To hell with Selig.

Rick Ballard

"is there ANYTHING that Obama did right during his administration?"


Surely the double decimation of the ranks of those willing to identify themselves as Democrats must count for something? I can't think of another President who has given his party the opportunity to close their ranks by 21% in just three years.


"is there ANYTHING that Obama did right during his administration?"

He kept his promise to make energy prices necessarily skyrocket.


Tell me the world isn't insane.
Toronto Father Arrested and Strip Searched After His Daughter Draws a Gun With a Crayon at School.
Oh, Canada!


Have the Democrats managed to muzzle Debbie "does Dallas" Wasserman? I dont think she has been quoted saying anything stupid in over a week, probably a record for her...


Oh yeah she has. She was blaming gas prices on Bush if IIIRC.

I can't believe no one ever talks about both her parents in or facing jail because they are corrupt pols. No one should talk about anything else.


Georgia judge draws a gun in court!

I seem to recall another judge who drew his, ahem, weapon, while behind the bench.

Bill in AZ sez it's time for Obama/Holder murder trial in Mexico

"is there ANYTHING that Obama did right during his administration?"

Here's my list:

Bill in AZ sez it's time for Obama/Holder murder trial in Mexico

Now, if you're talking about promises kept...
1. He brought the country together. Oh wait.
2. He equalized a lot of incomes. 20+ percent don't make anything now.


No one should talk about anything else.

Jane, there's just so much material with these Dems, it's like a big candy store. Hard to know where to begin.

Mad Jack

Jane: I just did a quick google check on the charge that DWS's parents are facing jail and it would appear that it is a different Wasserman family involved.

Jack is Back!


From the previous thread, I did not know you were SAC? Where? When? and What wing?

I was 410th/526th out of Sawyer and Anderson during Vietnam in 1967-8 before I headed off to AFIT at Wright-Pat.

Mad Jack

Assuming I did this correctly there is a link to a Sun Sentinel article on the matter.


I was SAC (crypto) 66-68 not far from Pitzer ... March AFB.


Hard to know where to begin.

Yet no one ever does.

Mad Jack IIRC it's her step father and mother. I'll see if I can find it. God knows I wouldn't want to slander the bitch.


Mad Jack - it is definitely her mother and her step-dad. It has been news we have been following for quite some time here - just not being followed in the MFM.

Annoying Old Guy
there's just so much material with these Dems, it's like a big candy store. Hard to know where to begin.

Is that why so many GOP candidates never begin?

- Obama Ex Oficio


Here you got Mad jack -



SAC, crypto, March AFB...about as far from pitzer as a man can get.


Here is one link, I will find more on DWS's corrupt family.


Jane, beat me. Go Jane!

Jack is Back!


22nd right? I was in Guam doing bomb/nav support when they came in. Flew back with them to March deadheading to Sawyer. NIce BOQ there:)


Guam? Did you ever see the island tip over? Rep Hank Johnson has me concerned...


22nd right?

Think so. I was 33rd Comm. Used to play in a band at the Enlisted club fairly regularly.

Mad Jack

Hey I'd love to see DWS tarred and feathered and she deserves it on a number of levels but I'm seeing a number of right leaning sites and FL papers that are quickly backing away from the assertion that her folks are corrupt pols. "Trust but verify" as my favorite Pres often said.


I want Wasserman Schultz to be the face of the Democrat Party. It will pay dividends ( big ones ).

Jack is Back!


The jarheads are going to ruin it for everyone:) Great island, very patriotic Americans who would love to become a State but it won't happen (not in my lifetime).


You were in SAC. Where, When and What?


Mad Jack, you seem to be correct. DWS is pictured with her parents in your link, when she was sworn in and it isn't the Wasserman-Rubin's.


this is to Janet:

I heard a fascinating radio interview today with novelist Meira Chand. She was born of Swiss-Indian parentage in London, married an Indian, has lived in the U.K., India, Japan and now Singapore, which citizenship she has adopted. I've not read any of her books to date, but am definitely going to check her out. The reason I'm telling you this is that I am feeling mortified today by the "Bull Temple" joke we shared yesterday. I realize today that it would probably be seen as quite offensive by large numbers of people on this earth who considere the Bull Temple to be holy ground. :(


Yet no one ever does.

We do. Think how much better it is now than when we had no internet and three left-wing TV networks.


Her parents' names are Ann and Lawrence Wasserman.


Ohio State Nuts tied at halftime with Wisconsin (at home no less ). May hand the Big Ten title to my Spartans without a whimper unless they pull this one out...



The jarheads will surely try, but live fire training opportunities on Guam will be just as limited as they were on Oki.

Ever been to Jeff's Pirates Cove? I hear that's where GHWB recuperated after his rescue.

Jack is Back!


Not aware of Jeff's, it may be after my time there.

That can't be right about 41. He was rescued by the sub Finback and stayed there rescuing other flight crews until he was returned to the Juancinto. But he may have done some R&R in Guam.

Where is Jeff's located?


If anyone gets mad at you for my joke about calling the DNC/MFM propaganda machine "The Bull Temple" just send them to me. I don't care if they are offended. They can call me a name if they want to & make a joke about my beliefs. I'm pretty much done with the concept of "offended". It is tiresome.


"Churches were burned in Nigeria, I did not hear any apology. Churches were burned in Egypt, I did not hear any apology. Churches were burned in Malaysia, I did not hear any apology." Newt Gingrich. Seems right to me.

Jack is Back!

McIlroy v. Mahan is getting interesting.

Mahan was up by 3 but lost the 14th and Rory has driven the 15th about 20' from the pin while Hunter is in front of green with tough little chip and we all know that is not his strength.

Jack is Back!

Also, 500 postponed to Monday. Great.

Mad Jack

great putt

Mad Jack

not so great by Mc



Where is Jeff's located?

Ipan, Talafofo. East coast, across from the naval station.


Wisconsin takes the lead, lots of time left though.

Jack is Back!

And a great shot into 16 - hole high 12 feet for birdie and close it out.

Possible to have 2 American flags today with Wilson winning his match.


So Betamax Brown still clueless, or running the scam, as his father was in on Indonesian crude;

“We’ve been there before, I’ve been there. When I was governor before we had gas lines and the prices shot up and the price shot down.

We took steps: fool fuel efficiency, mandating electric cars, and now President Obama adopted the California regulations and we have to go beyond that and you have to support mass transit, unlike the Republican Congressional bill that guts mass transit.

We have to get real here. The instability in the ME is driving up that price and if the Republicans get their way stimulating a war in the ME will go to $2…uh… rather go *up* $2 a gallon, so we have a real problem here that we’re not going to solve in the short term, but long term fuel efficient cars, electric cars, Cali will have a million of them in the next 8 years and land use policies that minimize reliance on fossil fuels



You were in SAC. Where, When and What?--

904th Air refueling Squadron 1982-86.
940th Air Refueling Group reserves) 86-88.
Based at Mather AFB in Sacramento. KC 135 Crew Chief. We were all part of the 320th Bombardment Wing and the BUFFs were I think the 441st Bombardment Squadron or whatever those stupid, fat ass, leaky, noisy B-52Gs were assigned to.

Manuel Transmission

Yesterday, I flew Herb M over to a couple of adjacent islands to give a talk at local Lincoln Day Repub gatherings prior to our caucuses coming up. Herb, in his usual way painted a wonderful picture of the mess we are in while giving it a long historical perspective. It is hard to summarize an hour talk into a few sentences and he was pressed to get it down from a much larger vision he has. Anyway, his point is that the western world took about three centuries to go from total poverty except for a lucky few to today where the only people who starve to death are those under the heel of some whacko dictator. Today, there are something like 100M people per year entering the middle class which he defines roughly as having 'disposable' income.

Next was seeing the 9/11 event as the trigger to start bringing the last miserable wretches into the modern world by the resultant severe disruption wave that Bush's wars caused to the old guard despots in the ME. His point as to our impatience about the messy Arab Spring was that we expect the kids in Cairo and other places to get their act together by 'next Thursday' which isn't possible, but it isn't likely to take three centuries, either.

As to the prolonged recession, he sees it as the tipping point where our and other aging demographic groups around the world will never bounce back to the previous high consumption behavior because us old codgers don't spend like we did when we were young whippersnappers. The only way out is when the younger populations mostly in the disrupted regions (plus China and India) can finally get the thugs off their backs and do what everyone does when they have free choices and a structure with property rights, etc. He didn't say it would be easy or quick, but human nature would prevail given the example we have provided (even if we screw it up now). When asked about the MB, he didn't give them much chance in the long run, especially if we get rid of BOzo and get back to a proper job of throwing banana peels around over there and slipping a few favors under the door as well.


California under Brown aspires to become Greece.

Who wants to stand and wait for bus to go get the government check?

Mad Jack

Good matches, Jack. Plus there is nothing else on :-)


"...land use policies that minimize reliance on fossil fuels."

What's he gonna do, plow up the freeways like Daley did to Meigs Field?


Didnt Nazi Germany have "land use policies that minimized reliance on fossil fuels?" They herded all the jews into ghettos and did not let them work...

Strawman Cometh

Still waiting for one of our guys to proffer that we should have spirited osama off to club gitmo.
More recently, one of the 0 admin mouthpieces formed the words "pixie dust" in reference to the proposition that we should, perhaps, drill domestically (and in the immediate offshore) for oil.
We need our guy to hit these hanging curves. We know our gal can.


Rubin is her step father, no? Then who are those people in Doug Ross's photo?


((India...can finally get the thugs off their backs and do what everyone does when they have free choices and a structure with property rights, etc. ))

India? is a parliamentary democracy not a thugocracy or dicatorship, is it not? and making great economic strides?

Rick Ballard

I believe that Governor Brown is opting for triple stacking the Corbusier barracks in re-education/work camps. It's always been his dream.


OSU back up by one, but still plenty of time for the upset.

Jack is Back!

Mahan 2 and 1 over McIlroy. Hey, its a Ryder Cup Year. Wilson has Westwood on the ropes. A harbinger of things to come? I sure hope so.

If anyone wants tickets to Medinah in September - good luck. Maybe Mel has a few he can loan out:)

Mad Jack

Rubin is her step father, no?

I believe the answer is, no.

Manuel Transmission

Regarding fun times in SE Asia, just got a nice link LUN from a pal here on the island that summarizes his version of Flight of the Intruder. He was part of the first push to drop mines from A-6s off the Enterprise.

Currently, he and his wife are spearheading the defense for property rights that Mrs. MT is helping with here on the island. The latest on that is a meeting over on the mainland (we say 'Merica) where the local ecothugs thought they had a clear shot to get things further along ala Agenda 21. They were shocked to find an angry crowd that nearly booed them out. One of the players on our side is suggesting that we hold a demonstration at our courthouse with a bunch of excavators rumbling around the square.

Melinda Romanoff

Sounds like an interesting flight, MT.

Jack is Back!


Ever run the boom? Had a chance once to fly the 135 on a nav check run and it is not something for the faint of heart:)


That Herbert Meyer, Casey's assistant at CIA


Wisconsin up by 2 with 25 seconds left. Does Matta have a play that can get them a good look?


Since Drudge is calling something "the Dullest Show on Earth"

This may be it.


"And yet Barack Obama has done the equivalent of precisely that with his launch of ‘African Americans for Obama’."

Why would any of them think they were better off with him?


OSU flings up a prayer, misses rebound Wisconsin and immediate foul. Now up by 4 with 14 seconds left.

On Wisconsin!

Spartans Big Ten champs with a full two games to play.

Manuel Transmission

India? is a parliamentary democracy not a thugocracy or dicatorship, is it not? and making great economic strides?

Sorry, wasn't trying to denigrate India. The parenthetical pairing of India and China was that they were both gaining ground on building out the middle class even though they were evolving under decidedly different rules. The ME has a lot farther to go.

I've spent a fair amount of time in China and never been to India, but my sense is that they are fairly close to the same point on the path to widespread middle class status. Having said that, I have no delusions about how wonderful China's authoritarian gummint behaves, or how long before it may implode.

Captain Hate

India? is a parliamentary democracy not a thugocracy or dicatorship, is it not? and making great economic strides?

Yes to the first and probably to the second (so much activity is off the books that it's really hard to tell at any given time) although I heard somebody recently say they've had a downturn.

Manuel Transmission

narciso, correctamundo.



"Corbusier barracks" - Cabrini-Brown?


Cabrini Brown Buchenwald.

Captain Hate

Mustang it's great to have you here but you disappear for long periods of time. Do you have to maintain radio silence?


TaxProf via Instapundit:

62 Colleges Meet 100% of Students' Financial Need

Some schools make a concerted effort to keep their final prices within a student's ability to pay, based on what's formally known as your expected family contribution (EFC). Your EFC aims to estimate what your family can reasonably spend on one year of college, calculated using your family's income, number of children, amount of assets, and more. A minority of schools report to U.S. News that, on average, students who qualify for need-based aid won't have to pay more than their calculated EFC.
I know most of us will be happy to know that Pizer is on the list. (They're almost all liberal arts colleges.)


Ever run the boom? Had a chance once to fly the 135 on a nav check run and it is not something for the faint of heart:)--

Did ops checks all the time, but the actual boom operators were pretty highly trained specialists, as you can imagine, since they were poking a thirty foot metal spear at a $30 million plane, not to mention a pilot about two feet away from the tip, at 4 or 500 knots and then gushing a few thousand pounds of kerosene through it.
Used to get to watch em all the time and the view from the boom compartment when its unoccupied is spectacular; like you're Slim Pickens about to ride one down on the Russkies.


LUN is a commentary from ZH talking about the World Bank and mentioning its newest target-the oceans.

I have encountered the WB several times and this appears sound based on my experience with what they push.

Any thoughts?

Rick Ballard


Is Koster going to take another shot at Larsen this year? He came very close last in '10 and BOzo may drive Washington into the purple zone. I wonder if the 2-1 lead that McKenna holds among independents will prove out against Larsen.


Man Tran, I am convinced Agenda 21 is the sleeping giant. I'm also convinced that 9 out of 10 people have ever heard of it.


Ig and JiB.

Been there. 135s an KC-10s. Different experience for each. I feel privileged. On top of the world.

Then an F-15, just topped off, hit the burners beside us as he left. Didn't have to, but a courtesy show for us.

Jack is Back!


Amen to that. I used to love to stand on the steps and watch that needle close in - then the thud and the gushing sound - heart starts beating again.

Sandy Daze

Speaking of Agenda 21:

Integrate the three pillars of sustainable development and promote the implementation of Agenda 21 and related outcomes, consistent with the principles of universality, democracy, transparency, cost-effectiveness and accountability, keeping in mind the Rio Principles, in particular common but differentiated responsibilities.SOURCE

Yeeow !

Makes that stuff (e.g. this) from Charlotte Iserbyt, not as wackadoodle as it may appear on first blush. In deed, who would I trust more, Ban-ki Moon or Charlotte Iserbyt ? No question and more, I'd let her be with my children, I'd use different means if Ban-ki took one step toward my family. Iserbyt sounds eerily prescient.

Presumably this is the line rse is working.

They all need to burn in hell. And if they do not believe in hell, because this collectivist carp is absolutely evil, then surely there are terrestrial alternatives that will suit.


Manuel Transmission

Is Koster going to take another shot at Larsen this year?

Haven't heard, yet. I did get a brief intro to a new guy running for the Senate slot. His name is Michael Baumgartner. He is currently a state Senator, but started out as an economics officer at State and has been training our military guys on economics in the ME.

hit and run

By the way -- and my aim here is to help DoT's heart soar like the hawk -- the $25M Act of Valor pulled in this weekend (I presume that number is solely US box office sales) bested in its opening weekend the all time, worldwide total of $24.2M for Fair Game, whose run at theaters ended just over a year ago on February 17, 2011.

America has spoken and Valerie and Mr. Plame have been found wanting. As has Sean Penn.

Oh, and just to rub it in -- Fair Game's total domestic gross? $9.5M

Sandy Daze

I should hasten to add that Watts Up With That is the source, I linked it, but did not credit it in words.

Please read the excellent WUWT artice Rio+20 meets Agenda 21 here.


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