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March 23, 2012



TomM-- are you feeling OK? This sounds like one of BenF's rants yesterday.

I admit I despair at this whole racialist discussion; a 14yo boy is dead, a middle aged man's life ruined and probably going to jail, a cop's career kaput, a civic association scandalized, race hustlers reveling in the muck. For what?


TM, Am I the only one seeing Tom Wolfe flashbacks?

And what about the family of a 14 year old boy who doesn't come home for three nights, and doesn't call the cops to look for him--even after a shot was heard in their neighborhood while their son was out?


Is the "3 days in the morgue" part of the story BS?

I am jumping in here to say that from Charles Blow's chat with the parents the body was ID'ed the next day. The dad reported a missing person, the cops put two and two together and went by the house with a photo, and dad came to the morgue to make the ID. Ghastly.

One might wonder why Dad let the son roam all night in a strange city (And was it a strange city, or had mom moved away with Trayvon after the split?) without bestirring himself for a quick walk around the block, during which he might have noticed some flashing blue lights. Whatever. --TM


All I want to know is, when they hang Whitey Zimmerman, will it be pubilc?

Tom Maguire
This sounds like one of BenF's rants yesterday.

Let me get a sweater, it's chilly in here.

For what?

Search your soul. It's a teachable moment.

Jack is Back!

TM keeps forgetting the parents. Where the hell were they for 3 days? And why didn't they report Trayvon missing? Especially, the father since Trayvon was on his way back to his father's girlfriend's house. Unless his father wasn't there but Trayvon was sacking out there since he was from Miami visiting and maybe his father didn't have room for him at his place.

And there is not one scintilla of evidence that this was race related in any way unless one wants to assume that having a neighborhood watch means you're racists. If anything, it would appear that George Zimmerman was a wannabe even though his own father says he was also altruistic and helping kids, etc. But you don't have to be a wannabe, you can be a legitimate cop and still put to much shine on your badge and do the same thing Zimmerman did.

Then there was the 911 call by Zimmerman who was telling the dispatcher that the kid was rummaging around in garbage cans and acting funny. What was that all about?


14? Reports say Trayvon Martin was 17, same age I enlisted.

Most pictures now in news reports look like he was 14 at the time of the photo, while Zimmerman's photo is obviously a mug shot.


I don't have the full transcript but our President didn't speak stupidly.

Is that supposed to be tongue-in-cheek? It sounded pretty stupid to me. First, in one fell swoop he inserts himself (his favorite topic) and race (2nd favorite) into the narrative ("If I had a son..."). Second, just days after his press secretary says it's a local matter, he's making it a federal matter ("it is absolutely imperative that we investigate every aspect of this and that everybody pulls together, federal, state and local...").


How ironic is it that this whole thing is starting to smell like an old-fashioned, media-driven lynch mob?


For what it's worth, WIKI says Trayvon was 17, and Whitey Zimmerman had an unrelated arrest in 2005, for which he had his mug shot taken. Whitey's Mother was Peruvian, his father "Caucasion-Jewish". No mention of Trayvons religion, nor Whitey's mothers religion.
This story is a sick effing joke.
Neighborhood "watch" dude, gets bloodied in scuffle, 6'3" "child" gets shot.
Sharpton, Jerry Rivers, Opie Obama and Charlie Rose all involved as is the rest of the TURGID LIBTARD MEDIA. Looking desperately for a RACIAL angle.


Oh yeah, and third: Collective guilt ("All of us have to do some soul-searching..."). Why? Did we have to search our souls after the white boy was set on fire by his black schoolmates in Kansas? At the risk of crossing a line, I have to say it reminds me of when Ariel Sharon said, after the Sabra-Shatila massacre, something like "Goyim kill goyim and they blame the Jew."

Rob Crawford

The two reconnected via cellphone for the last time at 7:12 p.m. for four minutes. Police say they arrived at the scene at 7:17 to find Martin dead, Crump said.

I call BS. If they were on the phone from 7:12 to 7:16, that leaves only a minute between when she claims to have been speaking to Martin and when he was "found dead".

AFAICR, that doesn't square with the 911 calls.


No current pics of the kid. Apparently he's not the little cute kid in the photos that are out. Also,Zimmerman claims to be "hispanic" not "white"


TomM@5:02-- Oh boy I get to tell my kids and dogs tonight TomM responded to one of my comments!!-- the wife? she don't care.

Wait, hold on a tick-- here's a thought-- is TomM also BenF? The mind boggles.

Rob Crawford

If anything, it would appear that George Zimmerman was a wannabe even though his own father says he was also altruistic and helping kids, etc.

Actually, his "wannabe" status is not clear. There was apparently an organized neighborhood watch; he wasn't the only one on it. His supposed over-zealous calls to police amount to an average of one call every three months -- out of the ordinary, but perhaps not out of the bounds of reason depending on the neighborhood and given his role on the neighborhood watch.

Like LouP said, this is a classic Democrat tactic -- stir up race hate and violence to keep their "low-information voters" in line.

Things are going to get ugly before this time next year. God help us all.


In other criminal news-- Congress committee has emails showing Corzine is a fraud AND a perjurer. Further testimony next week; Get some popcorn and Seize Corzine's passport and Gulfstream IV!!! http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-03-23/mf-global-s-corzine-ordered-funds-moved-to-jpmorgan-memo-says.html

Rob Crawford

Apparently he's not the little cute kid in the photos that are out.

ISTR he's an over-6' tall football player.

On suspension from school for (depending on the report) 5 or 10 days.

Rick Ballard

I suppose it's easier to sneer at Neighborhood Watch volunteers from the safety of an economically segregated, gated or high end suburban neighborhood. Why don't the yokels just lay out enough money to hire professional security to protect their property? Or move to places where drug dealing scum aren't prone to steal anything that's not nailed or bolted done?

How terribly declasse to have to rely upon neighbors to protect property just because the police are always minutes away when seconds count.


Jimmyk, the key word is "soul".
Soul music.
Soul food.

Jack is Back!

Another great tweet snark, this time from Ben Domenech:

"RT @jamestaranto: #ILikeObamaCare because the challenges to it have driven @DahliaLithwick and Linda Greenhouse around the bend."

BTW, the best tweets to #ILike ObamaCare have been from Dave Burge (Iowahawk).


Yes, Rick, Forget that the only reason the poor Portuguese neighborhood in Newark is crime free is that the men have there own neighborhood watch, or that women and children can walk thru Little Italy in NYC without being molested is because no one would dare face the angry men in that neighborhood if they did.


If Obama and Sharpton play their cards right they can lose the Hispanic AND Jewish votes in Florida.


Taranto's columns today and yesterday are total masterpieces--Greenhouse and Lithwick skewered and roasted to a turn.

Jack is Back!


He had applied to be a police cadet and got turned down. He had made over 50 calls since 2009 to 911 regarding crime watch observations. He had a CWP and a gun.

Down here in cracker country we have a Sheriff's department with a C.O.P.S. service (Citizens On Patrol) who drive depatment vehicles and do not carry and cannot confront only report. And since when does a gated community need a neighborhood watch and doesn't have its own security. Weird.

Classic wannabe.


JiB-- 'Classic wannabe.' that's what it sounds like to me, but don't jump to conclusions like PaulR did the other way -- especially if the kid was 17 and school suspended.


I think with this as in the Duke case and almost everything frankly, it's fair to assume 99.5% of all the press reports are B.S.


Just three weeks ago, it was the Obama position that killing children SAVES MONEY.

Supposedly the shooter is Hispanic and half his relatives are black. Not sure what the 'white' angle is here.

Will the media also declare Obama to be white?

And the 'if I had a son, he would look like Tayvon is just CREEEPY. Why does everything, everything have to be about HIM??

Rob Crawford

He had made over 50 calls since 2009 to 911 regarding crime watch observations.

Wrong. That factoid is based on a typo made by the police. The fact is he made 46 calls over the period of ELEVEN years. That's a hair over one every three months.

(And, of course, the site I read this at is now under DoS or just overloaded.)

He had a CWP and a gun.


Clearly anyone with a CWP (and a gun) is just stalking the streets looking for an excuse to shoot someone. Why else go through all the expense and fun of the licensing process?

And since when does a gated community need a neighborhood watch and doesn't have its own security.

When it can afford the fences and gate, but not the full-time security staff?


Pops-- agree with your5:44. 'Bam is clinical.


Ben "cleo" Franklin, is a "CLASSIC WANNABE", but that doesn't mean he's going to shoot us.

Rob Crawford

Supposedly the shooter is Hispanic and half his relatives are black. Not sure what the 'white' angle is here.

Stirring up a lynch mob and getting as much racial anger in the news as possible. Why else hold a "march" in NYC?


--Classic wannabe.--

Which, whether true or not, tells us persactly nothing about the specifics of this case.
Even wannabes get jumped and pounded and act in self defense.
And there is certainly no shortage of "actual ares" as opposed to "wannabes" who abuse their badge and murder unarmed people for little or no reason.


So I know next to nothing about the case, but apparently when the police came on the scene, Zimmerman had a bloody nose and a wound in the back of his head.

So let's just speculate that Zimmerman confronted the kid, then started to walk away and the kid hit him from behind. If that is what occurred, of course your going to use your weapon that you have on you.

Anyway, I just think the left needed to get off the whole 'Bill Mahrer calls a bunch of women sluts' story.


DEMONIZE the tea party.
Millionaires and Billioinaires.
Sandra Flucks too much,
Trayvon victim of Whitey.

Which one of these does not belong.

Danube of Thought

Now the entire Miami Heat team has posed for a group photo, heads bowed and wearing hoodies.

Jack is Back!

Well you guys have more information than I have and I live in the Orlando media market. You evidently have better sources than we do.


DoT-- remind me to never watch the NBA. What a bunch of dumb f#@^%s


Is this the point at which everyone needs to be reminded that Bill Ayers and the Weather Underground sought to incite a race war in America?

And that Obama is Bill Ayers's Manchurian Candidate who became POTUS?

Indeed, it's gonna get ugly.

hit and run

So I know next to nothing about the case...
So let's just speculate...
If that is what occurred...
Anyway, I just think...

I think you're on to something.

hit and run

remind me to never watch the NBA

If you need a reminder about that,then I question whether you should be calling others dumb whatever-it-is-you-called-them.


So now the plan comes into focus:

Obama team gaming out open support for gay marriage among top Democrats?

So all this racial pot stiring is about keep the African American vote locked up while coming out in support of gay marrage to unlock all that "creative class" money that hasn't been flowing into ObamaCo's campaign coffers.


Heh--American Doctors for Truth.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2AMOgKM6qo&feature=player_embedded

Jack is Back!


One of the docs called into Rush yesterday. They are the real deal. Have a feeling it wasn't your random call. Wonder if El Rushbo is their angel?

Rick Ballard


The youtube reminded of a general question I've wanted to ask. I had a physical last month and a dental check up a week after. I noticed an absolute absence of MFM propaganda mags at both the doctors office and the dentists office. No Time, no Newsweek, no Redbook, no People etc.

Has anyone else noticed an absence of propaganda at health care offices?


Of course Obama is going to change his stance on the Keystone,,,,errrr, I mean Gay Marriage. Obama/Axelrod are in a panic. They are looking for new sources of votes.
Going after the HALF HISPANICE WHITEY ZIMMERMAN, is not going to work out too well for Obamacrime Inc.


BenF@6:23 seals it: BenF is TomM!


--Has anyone else noticed an absence of propaganda at health care offices?--

There are a number of Time magazines at wifey's oncologist's office.
Of course they are from the Clinton and first Bush administrations so I'm not sure that says anything about Obabmacare.


What a sneaky way to up your hits!!!

Danube of Thought

I think I have a bit of a problem with the stand-your-ground law as it applies (or seems to apply) here.

Rob Crawford

Dana/Cleo -- GFY.

Rob Crawford

Oh, and I'm referring to the real one, not just the sock.

I know the real one rarely ever cuts loose on what he feels down in his heart of hearts, so the 6:23pm comment was not from the real one.

(It's just a remarkably accurate simulation)

Captain Hate

I know the real one rarely ever cuts loose on what he feels down in his heart of hearts

Check out last night's action.


((Also,Zimmerman claims to be "hispanic" not "white))

afaik "hispanic" is a linguistic group, not a race

hit and run

If you were smart, you might lay low for a while.

And if redemptive self-awareness were in vogue...


Well this is somewhat interesting. KLO link which CC gave us on the other thread I am replicating here. Scroll down to where it says in the text above the picture "AND DALLAS:" Tell me does that look like the back of the head of a six foot redhead wearing a white shirt in the immediate foreground? If so, that be me! Here:



Handsome devil, CH.


What are the odds in that big of a crowd and the only picture from Dallas was from someone standing right behind me? I can prove to my wife ( who went to the Ft Worth rally ) that I was there now. See as they have always told me, God works in mysterious ways!


Wonderful, Gmax! Looked like a beautiful day in Dallas.


Interesting you should mention that, Rick, I'm seeing more travel and nature books instead of magazines in my doctors' offices. You don't suppose that even free they don't want that carp any more?

hit and run

I would recognize the back of that head anywhere (I spent half a women's college soccer match studying the backs of the heads of the entire UNC parents' section afterall)


LOL Jeff you did indeed. But I will never forget that precious look on Princess face when JMax approached the fence...


I meant GMax, not CH. The back of your head is lovely and we'd recognize it anywhere..


You know its kinda strange to see a picture of back of you. You dont see it much and its almost impossible to get a view exactly like that even with a mirror, so I studied it quite a bit. The white shirt and my positioning in regards to the banners on stage convinced me. No flash went off, but as you can see there was not a cloud in the sky so they did not need more light.

The speaker on the stage at that point was a black man who said some stuff about Barack Obama that would remove paint from furniture. He really was disgusted with the One.

hit and run

princess hit and run still talks about meeting JMax. I can't remember -- was JMax left back or right? I'm thinking right?!!?!

princess hit and run has really taken a liking to defense this season. She alternates now between goal and defense. She's not aggressive to the ball so much as she is to someone else who has the ball.

If the ball were standing in front of the opponent's goal waiting to be kicked in the back of the net for a goal,princess hit and run might go after it . . . or not. But if an opponent is barreling down toward the goal she is defending,princess hit and run will (legally in most cases) take the ball from the opponent to make the clear.

She's only eight,so legally and not-so-legally are very gray areas...


I agree, you look quite handsome from behind, Gmax!!! So glad you followed my link and found yourself - lol.


Center Back Hit. Sweeper.

hit and run

Ah, of course. In the wee little leagues we only have 5 on the field at a time (plus goalie) . . . two back,three up front. princess hit and run usually (to the detriment of my heart) waits until the opponent is behind her and then swoops in from behind to take the ball.

She seems to almost enjoy letting the other player think she's got a clear path to the goal before . . . so sorry,that's my ball,c-ya later.


Hit Jmax started playing at 8. I was paying little attention just being supportive Dad until the coach came up to me after a couple games and said something like, you know I have never seen anyone quite like your daughter. She takes the ball away from the other team, dribbles through the entire rest of the team and puts the ball in the back of the net. She is gonna be special.

He was right, but hey she was already special to me.


If it's true that Zimmerman was flat on his back screaming for help with 6'2 football athlete Trayvon on top and punching him out .... then the question of standing his ground would not likely apply.

The only question would be if Zimmerman had it coming. Which is where CRT is likely to be applied.


--He was right, but hey she was already special to me.--

OTOH, hope you don't mind GMAX but I spent less time studying the back of your head than I did admiring the many attractive young ladies fighting the good fight in various locations around our great land.

Rick Ballard

A slightly different picture of Zimmerman emerges.

How amazing.


[i]Has anyone else noticed an absence of propaganda at health care offices?[/i]

They only had People at my dentist recently. I love looking at People just to see if I recognize one person in the magazine. Generally the answer is "no".


Iggy if it was the former and not the latter, well my teenager would call that creepy!


I wonder what Janet and Porch saw, but I was encouraged that there was lots of young people at the rally. Not little kids in tow, yes there was some of those too. But teenagers and young adults there to exercize the first right mention in the First Amendment.


--Iggy if it was the former and not the latter, well my teenager would call that creepy!--

I'd call it creepy.


So I went to see the Hunger Games, and despite
Donald Sutherland and Lenny Cravitz's attempt to spin it as pro OWS, it's rather strongly pro tea party, the heroes of District 12, are coal mining bitter clinging stock,

The reviews that I read after I saw it, were fairly inadequate to the task, even the Journal's guy, and of course the Times is out to lunch, but what else is new there,

Danube of Thought

You look like a stud to me, Gmax.


No offense DoT but it sounds better coming from my wife...


So, this is 'unexpected' no not really;





DoT--you are too gloomy and doom ridden..I do not think Obamacare will survive. Let's hope the protestors mug Kennedy or the penumbras and auras vanish for a brief moment in time to save the country.


CNN and also Mathews, 'boosted' the 911 call to enhance a supposed racial slur, "f***in' coon". Zimmerman clearly says "He's at the back entrance...He's f***in' close". They, the MFM, apparently need a racial component to demand a Federal hate crime case. When they drop the low end out and increase gain at 2.2 and 4.6kHz, the 'l' in close drops out. This thing's as bad as NBC 'boosting' gas tank explosions.


Here is the lovely Lila Rose speaking at the DC event today, who did the undercover work with the Mona Lisa Project.


I'll keep an eye out for the Star Parker speech on video...she was wonderful & strong.


--DoT--you are too gloomy and doom ridden--

Yep. Maybe this will help;


Thanks for linking that Rick B. Yes, a different photo and a different view of Mr. Zimmerman. Wonder when we will see an equally current picture of Trayvon, instead of the very young ones everyone is currently showing?


Ig, if that doesn't perk DoT up, nothing will.


Perfect timing, Ignatz. Actually our last appointment today left at closing time - he is a D.A. and was with his wife, and, yes, I had JOM "up" on one of my two monitors.

I really, really appreciate your humoring me with the time restriction on female derrieres.


A more current pic of little 6 '3" Trayhttp://s1151.photobucket.com/albums/o628/trayvonslimmmartin/


--I really, really appreciate your humoring me with the time restriction on female derrieres.--

Anything, for my favorite, cc.
Don't tell, clarice.


I want to go on record as saying that Brad Miller is dead wrong and does not speak for me. I would root for DOOK over the Taliban any day. Just barely but hey. Unless one of my options for both of them to lose and to be crushed and ground to small pile of salt...

Danube of Thought

Yes. It perked me up. Hugely. Martini No. 1had just arrived on board.

Frau Grammatik 80%

I believe it's "lie low" fwiw, but Pitzer Kidz won't notice.


Justice asshat Kennedy just made up law that gives defendants the right to effective counsel during plea bargaining. He will write the majority opinion upholding Obamacare.


Nice, feel good story of Christians in Texas helping out an ailing atheist with some bills, who had protested their Nativity scene.
The atheist protested their Nativity, his bills didn't, in case that wasn't clear.


Since most criminal cases are resolved in plea bargains, I happen to think that's a decent result. What's the point of allowing assistance of counsel if you do not provide for it when most people need it.

Maybe I'm prejudiced but the more I see of prosecutors these days, the more protection I think we need from them.


Oh, thanks so much and Clarice trademarked smooches back at you Iggy for allowing me the pleasures of JOM at work.

Actually, the day you posted several lovely, albeit quite graphic, butts in a row, an elderly gentleman client who is a bit of an *ss himself (cough *retired doctor* cough) was exiting my boss's office. Unfortunately for me, I had just refreshed JOM on monitor #2 and up popped one said beauteous butt. Flustered I hastily tried the old SOB move, but only more butts appeared. Shaken, in those split seconds I fumble bummed looking for the "X" to close the browser just in time before the elderly (thank you, God!) gent rounded the corner to full view of both my monitors. This fella is a real challenge as a client and while he may have secretly appreciated your lovely photos, I am sure my boss would have been embarrassed and horrified after having had to spend an hour with the jerk already.

Danube of Thought

Now comes this race-hustling fraudulent son of a bitch to calm everyone down:

"Civil rights leader Jesse Jackson said Friday that he's grateful the rest of the country has sat up and taken notice of the tragic slaying of Trayvon Martin. But he can't help but wonder: Why has it taken so long for everyone else to recognize the chronic injustices that African Americans face?

"'We're surprised that everyone else is surprised,' Jackson told the Los Angeles Times. African Americans have tried for decades to get the rest of America to understand their plight, he said, particularly their beliefs that justice is still elusive in many parts of America, especially the Deep South.

"Then along comes the Trayvon Martin case, and facts that are not in contention: Volunteer neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman pursued and then gunned down the unarmed 17-year-old last month, and never faced arrest because police said there was no evidence to contradict his claim that he fired in self-defense.

"'I hope that this will be a transformative moment,"' Jackson said."

Actually, I hope so too.


Fitz, Morris, Welch, et al, make good arguments for the defense, they are everything
they pretended Ken starr to be.

Rick Ballard

The Sanford cops have a webpage on the shooting. A statement and 911 calls plus other info.


That photo surprised me. The President's comments led me to believe he would look more like the result of an illicit liaison between Minnie and Goofy.

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