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April 23, 2012


Rob Crawford

People I talked to in and around NBC say it was idiocy, not ideology, that led to the edit, and that seems like a reasonable explanation

So they're idiots? This is supposed to make us more confident in their ability to cover the news?

Free Libby.

Let's hear Madame Librarian, or some such Marionetted Maid, on the Peacock's Display.

I know, do not attribute to blah, blah, blah.  But with narratives, the rules are reversed.

Always the same question, the same question; incompetent or disingenuous.


Let me guess that NBC's counsel has a finger in this dike.


We may be idiots, but we're not hacks!

Some guy

People I talked to in and around NBC say it was idiocy, not ideology, that led to the edit, and that seems like a reasonable explanation

Why does that seem in the least bit "reasonable"?

It doesn't even make sense, let alone seem reasonable.


"People I talked to in and around NBC say it was idiocy, not ideology, that led to the edit, and that seems like a reasonable explanation." -- Complete and utter BS. Everytime one of these journalism frauds is committed-- it's always someone Libs detest that's the victim-- George HW Bush and Gary Sick's October Surprise, Richard Jewell, Chevy Pick up trucks, Alar, AGW, TANG, and on and on. 'Mistakes were made' BS --it ALWAYS starts with ideology, the media just decides today's conservative target.


it was idiocy, not ideology

Well, they're hardly mutually exclusive, so I'll cast a vote for "both."


ding, ding, ding- we have a winner, JimmyK at 1:08.

Jack is Back!

Court just released a bunch of GZ/TM court file to the media. Prosecution file not released.

It's counterintuitive, and lethal to the truth.

You got it NK. With narratives, do not ascribe to incompetence what is most likely maliciousness.

On worse days, why must we become so critical?  Oh, well, prawly nuttin' new.

On better days, I'm optimistic that the new found hazards of believing narratives will actually sensitize once and future citizens to the characteristics of false narratives.

Thomas Collins

The strongest defense of MSM I've heard comes from a relative (a born and bred Dem) who lives in Florida. She said she didn't think the editing reflected bias, it simply reflected the media's desire to milk this case for all it was worth. She is fuming at MSM for this. She says there are many spots in Florida where racial tensions, including Hispanic-black tensions, are bad enough without MSM experimenting with gasoline and matches.

So, I guess the defense of MSM is that they weren't biased, but they knowingly manipulated the story to exploit racial tension for ratings purposes.


Glad the bail bonds got some free advertising in JIB link


I thought Carr's piece was about as good as one could expect from the NYT. The Capus quotes included laughers like this one to explain why they didn't rectify their error on air:

"Mr. Capus said that they were so busy cleaning up the mess “inside our own halls,” that they neglected to loop in the audience. In that sense, the process was probably too “self-reflective,” he added.

Uh huh. The piece shows Capus really, really likes the word "probably".

Rob Crawford

So... we have nominations for:

biased and stupid
willfully inflammatory

I'm still not seeing any reason to believe what the press reports...


Speaking of Fla, I guess the NAACP will become the National Socialist association, they refuse to let Lt Col Allen west speak to their members, http://campaign2012.washingtonexaminer.com/blogs/beltway-confidential/naacp-purges-allen-west/496506


Do they really want to go with the idiocy over ideology excuse? NBC: "We're not biased, we're just stupid." Well that's one way to flush credibility down the toilet.


What, no love for ABC News ? The network with their ace reporter Matt Gutman covering the story that on 3/17 tweeted, "Sanford FL neighborhood watch captain who shot 17 yr old teen bc he was black, wore hoodie walking slowly, likely not 2 be arrested".


Jack is Back!


How long you think before a bunch of NBPP types break into their office in Sanford and try to find out where GZ is hiding? Better yet, just get his latest GPS coordinates off the monitor. You know the media is on this like flies on s**t and you can expect that Michael Smith of Magic Bail Bonds will be carrying and looking over his shoulder every day.



Listening to Megyn FOX on the John Edward's Trial we hear that, according to John Edward's ex-staffer Andrew Young, Rielle Hunter has the following opinion of the Love Child:

"She (Rielle) was a New Age Spiritualist. She truly believed that the baby was the Reincarnation of a Buddhist Monk that had died just before the baby was born, and the baby was the combination of the Senator's charisma and intellect and her New Age Spiritualism and it was sent here not just to save the United States but the Universe."



The bail bondsmen I know deal with bad people daily and are prepared.


I don't know about you guys, but trying to keep up with TM's output lately I feel like Sisyphus. Roll the stone up to the top of the hill, finally catch up with the comments, then it rolls down the other side, so you chase after it, discover you're suddenly another hundred comments behind, and roll the damn thing back up the hill again...etc...



I don't think that word means what they think it means. No one would ever refer to RNA splicing as truncation. They seem to think it refers to [....] of a passage. Instead, it actually means [...].

That cancer was straight out of Marcus Aurelius.

Knowing him, he believed it too.

And dishes.

daddy, it's like laundry.

Jack is Back!

Bill Lee, chief of Sanford PD has offically resigned.

Jack is Back!

Update on GZ release from court records:

Court records show Zimmerman's arraignment was moved up to May 8, a hearing during which a defendant formally enters a plea. That, though, was made moot by his lawyer filing a written not guilty plea several days ago.

Those newly-released court records also reveal that prosecutors didn't want Zimmerman wearing a suit – civilian clothes of any kind – at Friday's bond hearing. That, wrote Bernie de la Rionda, was an unwarranted attempt to polish Zimmerman's media image.

The judge said yes to the suit, and the defendant wore an over-sized blue one, but the judge also ordered him to wear shackles, another rule O'Mara had asked the judge to relax.

At Friday's bond hearing, Special Prosecutor Angela Corey and prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda failed to convince the judge that Zimmerman should stay locked up.

The judge ordered Zimmerman to wear a GPS monitoring device, give up any guns, abide by a 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew plus imposed other restrictions. O'Mara surrendered Zimmerman's passport.

According to the Seminole County website, Electronic Monitoring Protection and Crime Tracking program "provides real-time, 24/7 monitoring of offenders' whereabouts via GPS mapping. Offenders are subject to immediate arrest if they break the rules, for example leave the area where they've been ordered to stay or tamper with their monitoring equipment.

That Bernie is starting to act like a real scuz-ball!


It's really too bad that people badly hurt by media malpractice--like Lee and Zimmerman--have so little recourse, isn't it?

Jack is Back!

People in Sanford and Seminole County are pretty upset that Lee had to resign. They have started a movement to bring him back.

Rob Crawford

daddy -- Rather Sisyphus than Augeas.

Rick Ballard

It sounds to me as if the judge is letting Bernie know that he better bring some meat to the table or his sorry ass case is going in the dumpster where it belongs. I know O'Mara is competent to work in the grist mill but I'm hoping his motion to dismiss is polished to a mirror finish not normally seen in trial courts.

Is denial of a motion to dismiss subject to immediate appellate review or does the circus just stumble forward with Bernie in a clown suit doing face plants in the center ring?


I don't think that word means what they think it means.

True, crimso. Of course, when the MSM refers Breitbart's video of Shirley Sherrod, which actually was truncated (not by him, even), they use the word "edited." Now would that be idiocy or ideology, hmm?


JiB-- any public explanation of why Lee resigned?

O'Mara also demanded all the evidence the state has gathered against his client, something routine in criminal cases. What's important in this filing, though, is the likely delivery date: this Friday [April 27].

Funny thing about he docket, now it's back to showing just April 12 entries, while over the weekend I was able to see entries dated April 20 (yes, I save them).

Anyway, no matter. Sounds like O'Mara was on the ball, sandbagged the press and the public by saying that he couldn't file a Notice of Discovery until the May 29 arraignment, when as a review of FL Rules showed he could file it after the information was filed [April 11].

-- Is denial of a motion to dismiss subject to immediate appellate review or does the circus just stumble forward with Bernie in a clown suit doing face plants in the center ring? --

Good question about the Motion to Dismiss for failing to include all the elements of the charged crime. I know the immunity motion is appealable, pre trial, and I would assume that both issues would go to the appellate court simultaneously.

That cuts both ways on immunity. Corey will appeal a decision to grant Zimmerman immunity.

Jane (Better a crate than a plate)

Do not miss Janet's link!


"In all criminal prosecutions (except those of Hispanic on Black crime), the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence."


Just returned from welcoming home our fallen hero. The town turned out and I have never seen so many Patriot Guard Riders in one location. If I were to guess I'd say there was 2 miles of them.


RickB-- I think there is going to be some litigation trench warfare here for a while. O'Mara has GZ out of jail, so O'Mara is in no hurry now. he'll serve his discovery demand notice, the State has 15 days to disclose. I strongly suspect that the State will not voluntarily disclose everything O'Mara demands, citing witness confidentiality, atty work product and privilige etc, and probably move for a partial protective order -- in part based on GZ planning an Immumity Demand. I don't think the State is in any hurry either. Judge Lester will sort it out, probably by giving O'Mara about everything he requests. Then what? -- a Florida Practioner has to help out here; doe he move to reduce/dismiss charges? does he demand an Immunity Hearing-- what is the expected procedural sequence and timing?


-- doe he move to reduce/dismiss charges? does he demand an Immunity Hearing --

Both, when he's ready.


Megyn on FOX says new Zimmerman Documents just posted on line.


Bless you sue. Was his wife from his hometown? I saw she was living in Savannah near Hunter. I could see from his bio he was collecting the next step in schools every time he came back from deployments. That's what they do with those who show great leadership and skills.

I now have an offroad dirt bike stored from my adrenalin junkie. Bought it as soon as he got back and then burned himself with the muffler.


Heartening report, Sue. I notice the vile Phelps' clan has been vanquished by such wonderful shows of support.

Thanks, Janet and Jane for that lol video. Obama at the blackboard was my fave.



His wife is a Yantis, TX native. That is a small town south of us, about 15 miles.


Documents released in George Zimmerman case - MyFoxOrlando - April 23

Includes links to copies of the documents. I don't see a Notice of Discovery in there, as a separate document. I wonder how the one news account reached the conclusion that the state had until April 27 to comply.

Pictured together on the InnerWebz.

Phelps was a Gore Democrat, ya know.


I also foresee that GZ will never be released from jail because he and his supporters will not be able to raise the bail money.

Your crystal ball suggs. He is already out.


I foresee a suit against very deep pockets

Me too. Doesn't GE own NBC?


Those backwater nincompoops better be glad they didn't show their faces around here. The couldn't have gotten close to the family, though. The Patriot Guard Riders were out in full force, so there might have been rumors.


Ahhh, the Notice of Discovery is embedded in Notice of Appearance.

Hahahaha. The press got sandbagged, but good.


Interesting to me to see FOX Business News covering a protest by American Airlines Stewardess's and Stewardai protesting against their American Airlines Management and carrying signs saying they hope they get bought out by US Air.

Butch Corey and the Sundance Crump.

Who is that guy, O'Mara?


O'Mara also demanded a statement of particulars, under Rule 3.140(n). This is a sort of "improved charging document," where the state is obliged to go into more detail about how the facts alleged are sufficient to sustain the elements of the charge.

Zimmerman also waived personal appearance at arraignment, so we won't see him on May 8th.

This case is finished, except for the behind the scenes death struggle of Corey and her yap dog, de la Riona


Looks like Corey put more effort into denying Zimmerman's request to wear civilian clothing than her worthless probable cause affidavit.


You lost ignorant me, cboldt, at "the press got sandbagged," but I hope you'll expand on the meaning of "This case is finished."


thanks for asking that deb, I didn't understand those exact same points.


Redbrow raises a good point. The obnoxious stuff from Corey about the suit of clothes and $1M Bond means to me she will litigate the case viciously ... uh.. I mean vigorously. She'll stall on discovery, she'll hope GZ gets into trouble and gets his bond revoked, she'll oppose Immunity, make the smallest possible showing of evidence in response to the demand for particulars. All of the predictable lawyer games. Trench warfare-- this case drags IMO.


-- Looks like Corey put more effort into denying Zimmerman's request to wear civilian clothing than her worthless probable cause affidavit. --

There's more humor in there. O'Mara moved for both, civilian clothing, and no restraining shackles. The state focused on the appearance created by the suspect's clothing, and made no argument based on safety due to shackles. So, the thing the state argued most for, it lost, and what it argued least for, it was awarded.


That denial of civilian clothes thing (motion?) was signed by Bernie. The chutzpah of #7's charge that O'Mara wants GZ in civilian clothes in order to present an "affirmative image", given the outright lies Bernie put in the affidavit to blacken GZ's image without evidence (thank you, Gilbreath), is really amazing.


-- You lost ignorant me, cboldt, at "the press got sandbagged," but I hope you'll expand on the meaning of "This case is finished." --

O'Mara told the press that he would not get the state's evidence file until mid-June, citing a May 29 arraignment plus 15 days. At the time he gave them that information, he probably knew that he was filing a Notice of Discovery, and would have the material before the end of April. The press has been touting that this case was going to drag on and on and on and on and on and on ... and so forth. It's not.

As for "case over," Zimmerman won't be seen inside a court again, on this incident. The bait for the press is absent. The law will work in pre-trial motions, with Zimmerman free, until the Motion for Immunity is finally resolved. I think that will resolve in Zimmerman's favor by mid-June, maybe by Mid-May. Corey will appeal it, and lose the appeal. That's it - case over. The law works!

The "hard hitting" part is over. Zimmerman's release. The judges can work in relative peace and quiet, as the media lacks the skill to present pre-trial motions as compelling news.


Ahhh, the Notice of Discovery is embedded in Notice of Appearance.

I note that it contains a request for "trial by jury." Is that final? I know there was some speculation that they'd opt for a judge instead. Of course, it's moot if it never gets to a trial, but still, in the event it does, I might think a judge would be safer.


Thanks, cboldt. O'Mara, pro bono or not, couldn't have bought the good publicity he's already garnered.


jimmyk, I think he can change it up to the moment of jury selection.


cboldt --

I think it is too early to be sure here.


Interesting analysis, cboldt. I think you're right.


-- I note that it contains a request for "trial by jury." Is that final? --

Clarice has the answer there. I'll add my two cents, this isn't going to get to a trial. I predict Judge Lester will find self defense to a preponderance of the evidence, and Zimmerman will be granted immunity. Corey will appeal that, and will lose the appeal.


-- I think it is too early to be sure here. --

Yes, I know. We discussed this at length a few days ago, and you and I are in sharp disagreement.


I'll add my two cents, this isn't going to get to a trial.

I'm giving up on predicting anything in this case. I was sure (as many here were) that Corey wouldn't indict. But in any case, the trial by jury request is flexible.


It is essentially a bench trial for the immunity hearing so if the judge denies immunity there, they would rather just have a jury during an actual trial anyway.


the judge making Z wear the shackles doesn't symbolize smooth waters ahead for Z, imo


Corey can't sandbag O'Mara on inculpatory evidence. The Rules of procedure direct the state to produce its evidence, or lose the right to use it to obtain a conviction.


-- the judge making Z wear the shackles doesn't symbolize smooth waters ahead for Z --

He granted reasonable bail. If Zimmerman doesn't have to appear before the court again, that patch of rough sailing for Zimmerman is a trifle.


"I also foresee that GZ will never be released from jail because he and his supporters will not be able to raise the bail money."

Was this Ben or faux-Ben? I am having trouble tracking the trolls.


I think Judge Lester got his main question answered when Gilbreath told him the gun was fired at such close range that gunshot residue and stippling were found on TM. I still contend that Judge Lester asked that question of Gilbreath directly, because I saw it. CNN's transcripts apparently don't include whatever's missed during their frequent commercials, but a female voice on CNN said something like, "We're now going to a commerical but the hearing in also being aired on our sister station HLN", so I was switching back and forth and saw more than the transcript contains. Note to self: never trust a CNN transcript to be a complete record.


I think that will resolve in Zimmerman's favor by mid-June, maybe by Mid-May. Corey will appeal it, and lose the appeal.

And in the meantime, the man can't have a glass of wine with dinner. Anyone know who requested that particular facet of his bail, or why?


Real Ben made that assertion. Faux-Ben (who I have been enjoying with great pleasure) has simply been repeating Ben's prediction with glee.

El Bango

"the judge making Z wear the shackles doesn't symbolize smooth waters ahead for Z, imo"

As far as restraints the judge said go with the standard polices of the sheriffs office (not because Z was a danger). Plus it is more than outweighed by the fact the state wanted no bail and the judge allowing $150k ($15k cash). That is more telling.


Off topic, a friend sends a prayer request.

Rick Ballard


The loss of the orange jumpsuit costume was a heavier blow to Bernie than the ridiculous shackles were to O'Mara. Selecting a suit that was too big was a very nice gesture on O'Mara's part and drawing a nice tall bailiff was a definite plus. If you're going to read the judge, then you have to read the nuance. I saw nothing that added up to awarding Bernie other than a nice goose egg.


I wonder if she's related to RACHEL COREY.

Suicide by stupidity.


I think the combination of the oversized suit/body armor and shackles kind of made him appear more sympathetic without chains.


First post here in reply to DebinNC re: stippling. Here is the info:


Great blog!! Got here via Wagist.


...THAN without chains.


-- I still contend that Judge Lester asked that question of Gilbreath directly, because I saw it. --

I hope you don't think I found the contention incredible, and I agree that CNN transcripts are flaky (I've seen cross mis-attribution, where in the transcript, the host speaks as the guest and vice versa). I was just looking for a citable reference.

My sense is that Judge Lester has seen his share of shenanigans from both defendants and from prosecutors, and he's going to make up his own mind based on the evidence, not on the fury and other emotional rah-rah that either party uses to advance its side.

If Lester asked about the evidence pertaining to the closeness of the gun to the victim, it shows he knows enough abut the case, he's interested in the case, and the prosecution is going to have to show how Martin was not a threat. IOW, not that he can come out and say it, but the self-defense burden just shifted to the prosecution.

Tom Maguire

From the Daily Beast:

Gilbreath confirmed that the fatal gunshot was at close range; he said there was powder residue and “stippling” on Martin’s body.

No help there on whether Lester asked directly.


I think the shackles worked in GZ's favor. Suit made him look real and the shackles a victim of corey and crump and other hustlers. Eliminates the contention he got off scot free.

Juxtaposed to the bloody head shot and you felt "That poor man".

cboldt-you shouldn't have to become so notorious that you attract top talent to stop a vicious overcharge prosecution.

It's Corey who should be infamous in Fla, both the bar and general public.


Although Z-man is "indigent", I saw speculation earlier that O'Mara could get a nice payday with a follow-on case to protest this being brought to trial, or perhaps against the media or the Crump law firm.
Idle speculation? Or does this happen from time to time?

Prev comment should say "...prayer request for Bo."


I also like that O'Mara said the condolences were a response to Sybrina's remark in a presser. But (my paraphrase) now that he knows Sybrina's remark wasn't sincere, don't expect Zimmerman to make further remarks of sorrow. The ball is in Crump's court, as to what the Martin family wants from Zimmerman, personally, outside of the legal process.


rick: ((Selecting a suit that was too big was a very nice gesture on O'Mara's part ))

redbrow: ((I think the combination of the oversized suit/body armor...))

I read somewhere that the big suit was covering a bulletproof vest, do you agree?


--Off topic, a friend sends a prayer request.

Funny stuff, Jim, especially the Sarah McLachlan score.


Yes, Tom, the residue/stippling admission by Gilbreath was reported, but the fact that it was Judge Lester's direct (and only) question..."Do you know how close the gun was to the victim when it was fired?" Gilbreath's answer: either "Close" or "very close"...that Gilbreath was responding to, not Bernie or O'Mara.


-- I read somewhere that the big suit was covering a bulletproof vest, do you agree? --

Speculation on my part - I think yes, Sheriff department policy for defendants who have active death threats. Again, speculation, I don't know the sheriff department policy.


As for "case over," Zimmerman won't be seen inside a court again, on this incident.

You don't think he'll have to testify in the immunity hearing? I would think that before a judge releases Zimmerman (assuming that occurs), he'd want to hear his direct and cross-examined testimony. How else would Zimmerman's version of events come in? I'm almost certain hearsay is generally inadmissible in an immunity hearing, so his affidavits and testimony to the police can't be used by the defense.


Jim, I laughed for a long time at that video. It made me apprecite how much funnier clean satire is than the smut that smutmeiesters like Maher specialize in.


FYI, there appears to be an official website set up to support GZ here: http://therealgeorgezimmerman.com/

I have no idea if it is legit, but it seems to be checked out/confirmed with his attorneys by NBC in Atlanta - article here: http://www.11alive.com/news/article/237462/40/George-Zimmerman-website-raising-money-for-defense

In the footer of the home page, GZ has everyone's favorite Edmund Burke quote.


Thought this humorous.

Neil Cavuto, in a discussion of Romney naming Rubio as his Veep, has a header up saying that these are Rubio's negatives:

Half-Term Senator
No Major Executive Experience
Not Fully Vetted

Gosh, who in this country would ever vote for anyone with negatives like that?

Rick Ballard


I'd say yes to body armor. It may well be a sheriff department response to the death threats by the New Black Panther Wing of the Black Klan. My point was that Bernie's desire to dress the stage by selecting costumes was denied in a manner which demonstrated the judge's reluctance to turn his court room into center ring. He's no Ito.


Crystal Ball-- I think motion practice takes several months, not weeks. Lester denies the Immunity Motion, a plea is quietly arranged after elections, with the understanding from the Romney Admin, that there will be no federal charges.


One news report this morning showed GZ's leaving jail and mentioned he was wearing shirt, jeans, and a bulletproof vest.


daddy@4:30 - that's hilarious! Did he add "funny name" or "doesn't look like the guys on the dollar bills"?

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