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April 16, 2012




This article is sad, but it summarizes what is happening to GZ.


What we know from this, is no one was fired,
for this act of media malpractice, of course
Brian was busy on the hunt for the Muto, as the Fox mole was revealed as;


I posted, in the Sand in the Gears thread, an article from Reuters where the reporter interviewed some of Zimmerman's neighbors. They say they saw bandages, swollen nose, and spoke up to defend George.

They also reported that SPD and FBI interviewed them, but nobody from Corey's office did.


See, there's the problem...

"All the news that's fit into our narrative to print

They just have a messaging problem; and you clearly misrepresented their intention.

I think it's because you're Racist


The press, all about making a fake story then swarming it out there for the public to gobble up. Another thin slice of credibility consumed.


I mean I could toot my own horn, or one could rely on Les Jones, who settled on the three
key links, that disprove this.


We need a google bomb Democrat Party Lynch Mob Zimmerman


per Drudge, Obama accused Romney of profiling today, re illegal immigration.

This issue is not going to go away.

and while conservatives are supporting justice for Zimmerman, a Democrat, libbies are supporting his prosecutor, a Republican. Conservatives are not supporting Corey but Rick Scott the Tea Party fella is. What's the world coming to?

Ben Franklin

Didn't I see something on a previous thread wherein Martin was on his stomach with Z sitting on him, when the shot was fired? Just askin'.

William Demot

@Ben Franklin - That was the female witness who heard the cries for help. She arrived outside after the shot was fired and saw Zimmerman bent down with his hands on Martin's back. In her mind, this proves that Zimmerman was on top and Martin was underneath during the "scuffle". She's an incredibly bad witness because she makes a lot of assumptions and claims things she couldn't possibly know. Also, she gave the cops one story and then changed her story after it became a media circus. IMHO what she probably saw was Zimmerman getting up from under Martin, still unsure whether Martin is incapacitated by the bullet.


'dogs and cats living together, human sacrifice, mass hysteria' seriously Chubby, the last time, the Dems were sticking up, for
prosecutors, was the caterwailing over those 6 US Attys, one of whom failed to file charges
against Bill Richardson,

William Demot

People scrutinize the 911 call and focus on the "He looks black" and "fucking (punks)" comments. They miss the important bits.

The assertion that Zimmerman was racially profiling Martin is disproved by the 911 call. Zimmerman states exactly why he found Martin suspicious and none of it has to do with his race.

"There's a real suspicious guy... This guy looks like he's up to no good, or he's on drugs or something. It's raining and he's just walking around, looking about."

According to Martin's girlfriend, he was loitering in the rain, then sheltering on the porch of someone else's house. Also, he was talking to her on a hands-free phone with his hoodie up. To any impartial observer he would appear to be talking to himself. If he was making hand gestures as he talked, it would look even more strange. Hence Zimmerman's assumption that Martin was on drugs.

Also, the idea that Trayvon was afraid of Zimmerman would seem to be contradicted by what Zimmerman says in the 911 call.

"He's here now. He was just staring... looking at all the houses... Now he's just staring at me... now he's coming towards me... He's got his hand in his waistband... Somethings wrong with him... he's coming to check me out. He's got something in his hands. I don't know what his deal is... How long until you get an officer over here?"

Martin is lingering, not walking away. He even approaches Zimmerman's car in a possible attempt to confront him. Zimmerman appears to be worried about his own safety and worried about a possible confrontation.

After Martin runs and Zimmerman gets out of his car, Zimmerman loses sight of Martin within seconds. This exchange with the dispatcher is very telling:

Dispatcher: What's your apartment number?
Zimmerman: It's a home it's 1950--- oh crap I don't want to give it all out, I don't know where this kid is.

Again, Zimmerman appears afraid of Martin and is worried that Martin is close enough to overhear him or may be doubling back to surprise him.

Looking at Zimmerman's words in the 911 call overall, it gives the impression of someone who has no intention of confronting the person he is observing. Quite the contrary, he seems reluctant to approach Martin or engage him in any way and may be worried about being confronted or attacked.


-- Didn't I see something on a previous thread wherein Martin was on his stomach with Z sitting on him, when the shot was fired? Just askin'. --

Shot him right in the back of the head, that's what I heard. But the coroner was in on the fix. Demand Trayvon's body be exhumed and re-examined!!


he world is even more 'down the rabbit hole',
then we first knew;



Good points, William Demot.

That would explain some of the weirdness if Martin was on the phone, but not the looking around and into windows part.

I'm more used to the sight now, but people walking around talking on their headsets always look slightly insane to me.

Ben Franklin

"Shot him right in the back of the head, that's what I heard."

The Coroner was in on the fix? Really? That's your position?
The most risk averse profession inspires a bureaucrat with no political ambition to fix the case? Wow! You ARE good!

Ben Franklin

Didn't I hear that a whole crowd of people swore under oath that Zimmerman was yelling out "Die coon!!!!" as he sprayed bullets from his assault rifle into the back of a poor little black kid who was out in the rain looking for his lost puppy? Just askin'.


-- but not the looking around and into windows part. --

I don't think there is a "looking into windows" part in the evidence. It was dispatch that speculated Martin near the homes.

Ben Franklin

What, exactly does Martin, with a hole in the back of his head, tell you people?

I shudder to ask.


The video shows no damage to the back of Travon's head.


Ben-Daan, please, do ask. You amuse us. We think you a curiosity.


Dana, of course. Love my keyboard. Same number of letters. Progress of a sort.

Ben Franklin

"We think you a curiosity."

Curious, eh? Evidence?


Ben you're a scumbag. I mean I've never commented on what a scumbag Ben is because ben is such a scumbag that I don't think it's necessary to comment on what a scumbag Ben is.

What a scumbag liar. Hopefully you'll get an aneurysm

Ben Franklin

So, I'm a scumbag? Just want to be clear, Donald.

Captain Hate

Yeah. Using Alton Maddox as a source; what could go wrong with that?


And a liar Ben. You are garbage.

William Demot

I'm sure the prosecutor could find a way to claim the bullet entered Trayvon's head and exited through his chest. You just have to switch to the passive voice at the critical point... "a bullet ensued".


What, exactly does Martin, with a hole in the back of his head, tell you people?

That when the affidavit says "Zimmerman shot shot Martin in the chest," the prosecutor misspelled "head"?


You would not be a scumbag if you weren't such a liar. But you ate a liar do you're a scumbag.


You're getting the hang of it, William, the thing is acting a little like Columbo, asking
'just one more question'



Capiche? Bitch.

Danube of Thought

Looking at Zimmerman's words in the 911 call overall, it gives the impression of someone who has no intention of confronting the person he is observing. Quite the contrary, he seems reluctant to approach Martin or engage him in any way and may be worried about being confronted or attacked.



Are and so. Whoops


The problem with this case, was almost from the start, the template was the only evidence
offered, and it was like pulling teeth, to discover basic facts.


"The Coroner was in on the fix? Really? That's your position? The most risk averse profession inspires a bureaucrat with no political ambition to fix the case? Wow! You ARE good!"

wow... just wow...


Ben Franklin

'That when the affidavit says "Zimmerman shot shot Martin in the chest," the prosecutor misspelled "head"?"

Of course the Coroners report is what we are all waiting for, and your depiction is what I had read, but cboldt is the Gold Standard, so i take him at his 'word'. I will wait for the report before I dismantle his effigy of omniscience.

William Demot

@Narciso - Exactly. I remember the first news story I read about the case. I searched through it and thought "something's not right here". Basic facts that would be there in any other story were oddly missing in this one.


apropos of fixed coroner's reports you may want to Google Thomas Noguchi at LA County.

I seriously doubt it happened in FL. It happens for the rich and famous, but not for some poor kid in the suburbs.

narciso, it's not the basic facts, but rather the release of the full reports, which should never be done except in court anyway. We do not have a right to know in an ongoing investigation.


Narciso, @ 07:49.

There has to be some way to get the injustices coming from the DOJ in front of the ordinary voter.

It almost seems like the DOJ is on a mission to destroy decent Americans.


"The problem with this case, was almost from the start, the template was the only evidence offered, and it was like pulling teeth, to discover basic facts."

Did we even get facts early on?

I mean, I'll be honest - I didn't even pay attention till like 3 weeks ago. But the reason I didn't pay attention was that I saw no evidence of facts being presented, and instead only the media and race-baiters hooting and hollering on a daily basis.

I'm under the impression that we only really have evidence now because of the race-baiters overzealous attempts to portray things as they weren't and a couple dedicated soles looking for reality. And honestly, even it is often near impossible to locate (I still couldnt find the "John" transcript or conversation breakdown when last I tried)

Melinda Romanoff


Look at where Corzine's defense funds are sourced, and yes, he's an EX-employee.

Captain Hate

There has to be some way to get the injustices coming from the DOJ in front of the ordinary voter.

I'm not sure what Issa's up to. Maybe he's painstakingly amassing a case against the chinless wonder who seems to be off fecklessly performing other offenses against the concept of the rule of law equally applied to all. I'm not a big fan of "October surprises" when a more timely revelation is warranted.

Melinda Romanoff


"It almost seems like the DoJ is on a mission to protect "their" citizens."



Well my local fishwrap, as I;ve dub bed the Herald and their fine scribe, Ms. Robles has
run with this story, often seemingly dictated
by Crump's office. Our local drive time Clear
Channel host, was based on this fact pattern, quite clueless, and sheepishly proffered the
data from the Sanford PD, as some Eureka moment.


What, exactly does Martin, with a hole in the back of his head, tell you people?

On second thought go back to economics and math, where we only giggle instead of laugh out loud.


"It almost seems like the DOJ is on a mission to destroy decent Americans."

Whaddaya mean "almost"?

Melinda Romanoff


When you push a car sized snowball off of a cornice, chances are, you have no idea where it's going to hit, IMO. I'm willing to wager he's going for some modicum of "aim" before the shove. If he's going to bunch it under the carpet for fear that the public "can't handle the truth", I won't be able to estimate that outcome.

Captain Hate

Oops: http://weaselzippers.us/2012/04/16/breaking-democrat-controlled-senate-votes-down-buffett-rule/

Captain Hate

If he's going to bunch it under the carpet for fear that the public "can't handle the truth", I won't be able to estimate that outcome.

That would be horrible, Mel. Tar and feathers comes to mind.


and per Drudge, Barney Frank is saying Obamacare was a huge mistake.

Melinda Romanoff


Staged vote. Don't fall for the meme. Remember, all tax bills must originate in the House. Guess where this one originated?

The Senate Budget Committee (aka Club of 'Rounders).

William Demot

At this point, I'm wondering if Obama (or at least the White House) intervened and got the DOJ to force a prosecution so he could use this whole travesty as an election issue...

...maybe I'm just being paranoid.

Ben Franklin

"where we only giggle instead of laugh out loud."

...that you, Ben? *giggle*

Jane (get off the couch - come save the country)

"It almost seems like the DOJ is on a mission to destroy decent Americans."

It's payback, for defining "decent Americans".


Of course the Coroners report is what we are all waiting for, and your depiction is what I had read, but cboldt is the Gold Standard, so i take him at his 'word'.

Cboldt had ample cause to mock you for "just askin'" about something so absurd.

Another Bob

Melinda R: Re. Corzine's defense funds - clue us in please.

Your prediction of whether Corzine does hard time?


OT, Bret Stephens had a somewhat clueless piece, well he interviewed Woodward that probably had something to do with it, about
the limits of internet reporting, saying there
was so 'search string for 500,000' well that's true, but campaign reports, LinkedIn,
Open Secrets do make it easier.

Rob Crawford

On the upside, my order of five more magazine arrived today.


Is this what you referring to, Melinda,


Ben Franklin

"Cboldt had ample cause to mock you for "just askin'" about something so absurd.'

Well, it's par for the course on speculation. Plenty of mocking is in storage for the fateful report. Any bets he was shot in the back?

I'm giving even money.


why is it in the same state of florida? white zimmerman can shoot unarmed black trayvon martin and it takes mass protests and vigils for him to be formally arrested and charged after 45 days of police initially letting him go. yet it only took 2 days to arrest and charge black trevor dooley for shooting unarmed white david james with no mass protests or vigils? RACISM/WHITE SUPREMACY. I WANT YOU ZIMMERMAN SUPPORTERS TO PROVE ME WRONG.


--I'm sure the prosecutor could find a way to claim the bullet entered Trayvon's head and exited through his chest. You just have to switch to the passive voice at the critical point... "a bullet ensued".--


Rick Ballard


The SPD did not release "full" reports. They released carefully selected fragments which supported the decision to not charge and therefore release Zimmerman. The purpose of the release was solely exculpatory regarding the department, the fact that all we see is also apparently exculpatory for Zimmerman was a necessary evil.

Zimmerman's statement and corroborating or contradicting eyewitness statements would have to have been included in order for the investigation/prosecution to be fully compromised.

Ben Franklin

"--I'm sure the prosecutor could find a way to claim the bullet entered Trayvon's head and exited through his chest"

I would be curious to know how many who find this humorous, found the "magic bullet" theory a plausible explanation.

William Demot

--why is it in the same state of florida? white zimmerman can shoot unarmed black trayvon martin and it takes mass protests and vigils for him to be formally arrested and charged after 45 days of police initially letting him go--

1. Police gathered evidence and determined that Zimmerman acted in self-defence.

2. Racist people held mass protests and vigils demanding that Zimmerman be arrested.

3. Authorities caved in to political pressure from these racists and charged Zimmerman with Murder despite having no evidence that a murder occurred.


Mission accomplished.

Zimmerman arrested and charged with 2nd degree murder mission accomplished.

He goes free mission accomplished.

He goes to jail for twenty years mission accomplished.

He devolopes super powers and flies away mission freakin accomplished.

A weakening or complete abolishment of 'stand your ground' laws,tighter gun control legislation,broad inter-police department review of policies and procedures involving the shooting of young black men,a re-embracing by the black cacaus of are first African-American President the list goes on and on and on it's a litany of Democratic wins accross the board.

Sorry to be an asshole, but that's the "bigger picture" reality.

Speaking of asshole;I see Ann'I speak for all women'Romney is defending her decision to strap Seamus,their Irish setter dog,to the roof of their friggin car while going down a busy highway at a hundred miles an hour.

Are you fk'n kidding me?

Although I loved Dianne Sawyer's(the exchange happened in an Interview Ann did with sawyer)follow up question;"But didn't the dog get sick?"

Apparently, the dog had the runs which Ann attributes to eating a piece of Turkey(she's an animal toxicoligist in her spare time).

Really Ann?You don't think poor Seamus losing control of his fk,n bowels wasn't because you strapped him to the top of a car doing light speed?

These people are seriously sick.


'In September 2010, Trevor Dooley stormed into a park near his home outside Tampa, angry because a teenager was skateboarding on the basketball court. Dooley was carrying a .32-caliber semiautomatic handgun in his pants, and it was visible to David James, 41, who was in the park with his 8-year-old daughter.

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2109511,00.html#ixzz1sFwOaxxR'

I mean, yeah, it's almost identical.



I would be curious to know how many who find this humorous, found the "magic bullet" theory a plausible explanation.

I found it humorous, and also find the "magic bullet" theory plausible and likely correct.

There's no reason a bullet couldn't enter through the head and exit through the chest, but I doubt a coroner would fail to notice. (I'm not sure a pistol round could do that, though I don't know.)

East Bay Jay

They named the Irish Setter Seamus? Isn't that profiling?


"Sorry to be an asshole"

Never apologize for being honest.


Yeah we have a break through...

Danube of Thought

I am strongly opposed to the whole notion of sock puppets. However, I think there is one now prowling this site as Ben Franklin who has succeeded in making it impossible to distinguish him from the real one, i.e. Dana Gilbert Ward. Either that, or Dana has decided to make a caricature of himself.

No matter.


The leftist insanity goes on and on!


"When the companies that supply motor fuel close the books on 2011, they will pay about $6.8 million in penalties to the Treasury because they failed to mix a special type of biofuel into their gasoline and diesel as required by law."

Looks like a 6.8 million dollar theft by the Obama regime to me.


Captain Hate

I'm wondering where this sooper genius Mitt == Michael Vick strategy came from. Maybe from this clown car: http://weaselzippers.us/2012/04/16/liberals-to-ann-romney-happy-birthday-bitch-hope-you-die/

Ben Franklin

'No matter." So goes your comment...


the sock is more self aware like HAL or Skynet, although no less annoyinh,


It's Isikoff, so consider the source



Dana Ward

at Rate my professor

teaches as though he really wants you to know you don't know as much as he does and wants to make sure that you never do - doesn't teach political history or theory, teaches propoganda


"I'm wondering where this sooper genius Mitt == Michael Vick strategy came from."

Both engaged in animal cruelty but only one served time.

Question;was it the rich white guy or was it the black guy?????

Take a wild guess.

Anyway,there ends Ann Romney's reign as the voice of oppresed stay at home moms of America.And so begins a new Reign as voice of animal lovers of America(who strap their dogs to the roofs of moving vehicles).Should be good for at least 4 votes.

Some guy

Run with that DublinDave. It's absolute genius!


So he's like Sam Kinison's character, in Back to School only not as learned.

Ben Franklin

No one is taking my bet? Even money, guys and gals.

Was Trayvon shot in the back?

William Demot

@DublinDave - you know the dog was in a dog carrier, right?


How about even money, is 15% less than 28%? LOL


Coroner says he was shot in the chest, just as GZ said he was.

Danube of Thought

Hispanic guy lynched by mob of Sharpton-led race pimps: Mission accomplished.

Racial divisions horribly worsened under Obama and Holder: Mission accomplished.

Obama treated to the boot-tip after one failed term: Mission accomplished.

William Demot

Martin was found face-down in the grass, hands beneath him, gunshot wound to the chest. I don't think the media ever reported that he was shot in the head. However, I know some dumb people decided he was shot in the head.

Danube of Thought

"''No matter.' So goes your comment..."

Is it real, or is it Memorex?

Rick Ballard

President adopts NO_LIMIT Grillntats: Mission Accomplished

It's Swiss Brain Syndrome - get your shields up or listen to the breeze blowing between your ears.

Ben Franklin

"gunshot wound to the chest."

No exit wound at close range? Let's wait for the Coroner's report.


No one is taking my bet? Even money, guys and gals.

Why wouldn't y'all wanna bet with someone who invents fake son Marines who die in Afghanistan, I mean Iraq...no wait it was off the coast of Libya fer sure!!

Posted by: Ben Franklin | April 16, 2012 at 09:46 PM

Ben Franklin

"Why wouldn't y'all wanna bet with someone who invents fake son Marines who die in Afghanistan, I mean Iraq...no wait it was off the coast of Libya fer sure!!"

How did a moron like you qualify for a loan on a Yachtfisher?

Posted by: Ben Franklin | April 16, 2012 at 09:46 PM


How did a moron like you qualify for a loan on a Yachtfisher?

Posted by: Ben Franklin | April 16, 2012 at 09:46 PM

I paid cash

I'm actually Chapo Guzman



They are called sportfishers moron

Danube of Thought

I would be curious to know how many who find this humorous, found the "magic bullet" theory a plausible explanation.

Partial scores: zero; zero.

Ben Franklin

"They are called sportfishers moron"

Oh, you couldn't come up with the cash?

Some Drug Lord you are.


Danube of Thought

Where, oh where is the buubmeister? I really, really miss the buubmeister.

Melinda Romanoff


You know what you're going to get handed at sea when you ask that goof for a sheet, right?


Well look at what the Sentinel considers important, from their twit feed;


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