The Zimmerman defense is expecting to get their discovery documents on Monday, May 14. Normally, they would become public record at that time but defense counsel O'Mara expects to move for further redactions:
The first round of discovery documents in the George Zimmerman Case are most likely to be provided to O’Mara Law Group on Monday, May 14. Public release of the of the discovery may be delayed as we may be filing a motion to further redact information, and an opportunity to review the discovery is necessary to determine the applicability of that motion. While we understand the frustration of those who want to view the information as soon as possible, we believe that Mr. Zimmerman’s right to a fair trial, decided by an impartial, unbiased jury is paramount.
The absence of news has moved this case off the front pages, which I believe is the defense strategy. Once the lynch mob is distracted by something (aren't the Heat still in the hunt? And surely a Kardashian is doing something silly somewhere...) the legal system can process Zimmerman out like an ordinary case.
Let's hope. I guess people are more concerned with "Bully Mitt!"
Posted by: sailor | May 11, 2012 at 10:04 AM
Mitt bullied a child and now that child is dead.
Posted by: MarkO | May 11, 2012 at 10:05 AM
I do not know. Why would an innocent man want to stretch the process out as his lawyer appears to be doing? I have read that trial may be delayed until 2013. In effect, between now and the trial, he is doing time due to the restrictions on his movement, having to be incognito and wearing a tracking device.
Posted by: Steve | May 11, 2012 at 10:09 AM
"... Let's hope. I guess people are more concerned with "Bully Mitt!" ..."
I am more concerned that leader of the pack Mitt dodged service in the Vietnam war. You cannot be in favor of sending Americans into battle against Iran when you skipped out of the war of your day.
Posted by: Steve | May 11, 2012 at 10:13 AM
--surely a Kardashian is doing something silly somewhere...--
According to some mag I didn't note the name of in the checkout line K. Kardashian is pregnant.
I'm assuming it will be C sectioned cause there aint no way even a baby version of that arse could make it down Courtney Love's birth canal let alone a more standard version.
Posted by: Ignatz | May 11, 2012 at 10:13 AM
Well in the yadda, yadda, formulation, that's correct MarkO.
Posted by: narciso | May 11, 2012 at 10:15 AM
Am I right that Zimmerman is not allowed to drink alcohol during this whole time period? That seems reason enough to move this thing along. Talk about cruel and unusual.
Posted by: jimmyk | May 11, 2012 at 10:18 AM
Well, you cannot accuse the lawyer of ginning up public interest in the case in order to boost donations to the legal defense fund.
Posted by: Steve | May 11, 2012 at 10:29 AM
Well, Steve, I think there were many fathers who did not have to serve in the Vietnam War--exempted because of children. Am I not right?
Posted by: sailor | May 11, 2012 at 10:38 AM
((The absence of news has moved this case off the front pages, which I believe is the defense strategy. ))
I dunno, but I seem to recall that before the story fell off the front pages, it was the other side that was doing the fastest back pedalling.
Posted by: Chubby | May 11, 2012 at 10:42 AM
Two stories. DC ABC wih video and follow up today.
And Piers Morgan last night.
Posted by: Raoul | May 11, 2012 at 10:52 AM
"You cannot be in favor of sending Americans into battle against Iran when you skipped out of the war of your day."
Certainly you can.
Posted by: Danube of Thought | May 11, 2012 at 10:55 AM
"Am I right that Zimmerman is not allowed to drink alcohol during this whole time period?"
Not allowed drink beer but he is allowed to continue following children around at night time.
Somebodies gotta protect us from kids who eat skittles.
Posted by: dublindave | May 11, 2012 at 11:02 AM
"You cannot be in favor of sending Americans into battle against Iran when you skipped out of the war of your day."
Since serving in the military is no guarantee of being a good military leader as president [cough]Jimmy Carter[cough], isn't that a rather narrow view not grounded in reality?
Posted by: Some guy | May 11, 2012 at 11:03 AM
Raoul, it appears the back pedaling continues apace. not rotating so fast that it looks like a cartoon blur, but close
Posted by: Chubby | May 11, 2012 at 11:04 AM
I heard there's a black fifteen year old in Georgia walking home drinking Ice tea,ya know,criminal behaviour.
Perhaps George can take care of that while he's waiting on his trial.
Posted by: dublindave | May 11, 2012 at 11:08 AM
Posted by: Raoul | May 11, 2012 at 10:52 AM
The mitigation of damages begins! Who can walk backward the fastest.
Posted by: Bob | May 11, 2012 at 11:10 AM
"... Since serving in the military is no guarantee of being a good military leader as president [cough]Jimmy Carter[cough], isn't that a rather narrow view not grounded in reality? ..."
taking the other side, you can argue that serving as president is the equivalent, risk to one's life wise, of serving in combat for the country.
It just bothers me a lot that our people are being killed in Afg and the political and media class does not seem to notice.
Posted by: Steve | May 11, 2012 at 11:12 AM
Posted by: Bruce | May 11, 2012 at 11:13 AM
((Not allowed drink beer but he is allowed to continue following children around at night time.))
it's just amazing how shameless shameless liars are about repeating lies that they know are lies
Posted by: Chubby | May 11, 2012 at 11:14 AM
>Or, how about in 1992, when one person was, again, a war hero, and the other had repeatedly lied to evade service?
Don't forget 1996. For all of his faults, Bob Dole is a war hero with the scars to show for it.
Posted by: DanInMN | May 11, 2012 at 11:19 AM
"... I am wondering then, did you vote for the decorated war hero, or the person who never served, back in 2008, when we were involved in two wars? ..."
I have always voted for the republican. And I did not consider GWB to be a draft dodger. With the training he received as a pilot he could have easily been activated and sent to the war if it had heated up.
But the Romney family is a bit of a problem for me. George Romney did not serve in WWII, Mitt in Vietnam and none of his sons in Iraq or Afg.
Posted by: Steve | May 11, 2012 at 11:23 AM
Come on, duda. The kid broke the guy's nose and jumped him. That's criminal behavior in all 50 states.
You're on the verge of taking yourself out of the discussion.
Posted by: Danube of Thought | May 11, 2012 at 11:25 AM
Posted by: Dave (in MA) | May 11, 2012 at 11:33 AM
>But the Romney family is a bit of a problem for me. George Romney did not serve in WWII, Mitt in Vietnam and none of his sons in Iraq or Afg.
I can see this, and it certainly has some weight. However, this isn't a choice been Romney and some war hero....its a choice between Romney and an admitted cokehead, pinko, douchebag named Obama.
Romney was not my first, second or third choice, but at this point it doesn't matter. Obama gotta go.
Posted by: DanInMN | May 11, 2012 at 11:33 AM
Steven, maybe you could start here:
Civilian Control of the Military
((Civilian control of the military is a doctrine in military and political science that places ultimate responsibility for a country's strategic decision-making in the hands of the civilian political leadership, rather than professional military officers. One author, paraphrasing Samuel P. Huntington's writings in The Soldier and the State, has summarized the civilian control ideal as "the proper subordination of a competent, professional military to the ends of policy as determined by civilian authority". ))
Posted by: Chubby | May 11, 2012 at 11:35 AM
Door #1: Boys, if an adult ever follows you or asks you what you're doing or why you're at a certain place, just kick his ass. He has no right to dis you like that.
Door #2: Boys, if you assault a stranger, you could be legally shot and killed in self defense. So don't do it.
Hmmm... Which would be the better enduring lesson of the Trayvon case?
Isn't it strange that this question breaks down along party lines? The left apparently wants their boys to learn lesson #1, while the right prefers lesson #2 for theirs.
Posted by: Extraneus | May 11, 2012 at 11:36 AM
I have spent so much time in the shadows documenting everything, that this is a new experience for me.
LUN is NRO's Phi Beta Cons mention of the blog. Yes I have multiple names like many people who wear multiple hats.
Now back to house cleaning and running $ to youngest's school. My other life.
Posted by: rse | May 11, 2012 at 11:39 AM
ext. I agree that is the underlying lesson, but it is cloaked otherwise: innocent harmless black children minding their own business are the epidemic targets of [mostly] white lunatic stalkers and murderers.
Posted by: Chubby | May 11, 2012 at 11:45 AM
"... Romney was not my first, second or third choice, but at this point it doesn't matter. Obama gotta go. ..."
I think people are putting out of their minds that the country is falling apart. With Romney we will have sounder finances but a ton of unrest from the cities and democrats in general. With 4 more years of Obama the deficit and debt will be that much more out of control. I thinks states have to go their own way. Responsible people in the EU can find a stable country to be a part of. The same should be available in the US.
Posted by: Steve | May 11, 2012 at 11:47 AM
Nice plug at NRO, rse.
Posted by: Ignatz | May 11, 2012 at 11:51 AM
Fear not; if Romney wins there's be a huge resurgence in press coverage of casualties.
That right there is one of the strongest arguments to be used with undecideds and "Independents". Folks, if you want our politicians to be held accountable, their actions to questioned and investigated by press, and the constitution to be restored as the ultimate restrainer of government overreach - vote for the Republican.
Posted by: AliceH | May 11, 2012 at 11:52 AM
I posted this on the other thread, just another round of Minitruism,
Posted by: narciso | May 11, 2012 at 11:57 AM
John F'ing Kerry served in Vietnam (it's seared in my memory), and I wouldn't want that traitorous lying douchebag in the White House for anything.
Posted by: fdcol63 | May 11, 2012 at 11:57 AM
From Beltway Confidential:
Posted by: centralcal | May 11, 2012 at 11:59 AM
You know that book where Bill called Barry an amateur and was cajoling Hillary to primary him?
It's just getting started...
Posted by: hit and run | May 11, 2012 at 12:03 PM
"... John F'ing Kerry served in Vietnam (it's seared in my memory), ..."
I would be very interested to read a full review of the swift boat saga. No way do I believe Kerry's account of what happened.
Posted by: Steve | May 11, 2012 at 12:04 PM
And I wish the Dems all the luck in the world with that one--as I wish Warren all the luck in her defense.
They'll need it and more to pull that carp off.
It seems clear O'Mara believes that with his client out on bail time is on his side,and there's nothing good to come of rushing this case to trial.
Posted by: Clarice | May 11, 2012 at 12:07 PM
Door #1: Boys, if an adult ever follows you or asks you what you're doing or why you're at a certain place, just kick his ass. He has no right to dis you like that.
Door #2: Boys, if you assault a stranger, you could be legally shot and killed in self defense. So don't do it.
Door #3:If you're an adult with a loaded gun in your pocket don't follow children around at night time.Being followed by a stranger is an act of aggression, or put another way,strangers usually follow you becaue they mean you harm.Acts of aggression are usualy met with other acts of aggression.
Unless of course you were counting on the situation spiraling out of control.
Zimmerman knew Martin was a teenager.Zimmerman knew he had a loaded gun in his pocket and he knew following Martin was an act of aggression because the dispatcher warned him against it.But he still knew he had that loaded gun to fall back on should anything spiral out of control.The quickest way to get somebody to fight you or turn on you is to folow them at night time-it will scare the living shit out of them. Zimmerman knew what he could and couldn't get away with because he studied the law.He saw Martin talking to his girlfriend on the phone,eating skittles and drinking ice tea.None of these actions denote criminal behaviour.Eating skittles?Drinking ice tea?Laughing on the phone with your girl?This is what you do seconds before breaking into a house?Zimmerman has a history of violence and a known bad temper that caused him to loose his job.And the cherry on the cake is that he announces his intentions to the dispatcher"they always get away with it".
This guy intended to kill this kid from the very first sighting.He knew exactly what he was doing every step of the way.
Posted by: dublindave | May 11, 2012 at 12:07 PM
TM was the go-to blogger on that when it was unraveling, Steve. Perhaps you could find something worthwhile in the archives.
Posted by: Extraneus | May 11, 2012 at 12:08 PM
House Democrats received training this week on how to raise the issue of race to defend government programs
Gives "Race to the Top" a whole new meaning.
Posted by: hit and run | May 11, 2012 at 12:08 PM
George Romney did not serve in WWII, Mitt in Vietnam and none of his sons in Iraq or Afg.
And? So?
Posted by: Rob Crawford | May 11, 2012 at 12:11 PM
The prepared content of a Tuesday presentation to the House Democratic Caucus and staff indicates that Democrats will seek to portray apparently neutral free-market rhetoric as being charged with racial bias, conscious or unconscious.
They can go to hell.
Posted by: Rob Crawford | May 11, 2012 at 12:11 PM
Wait. Do I have that right? Have I been reading this blog for eight years???
Posted by: Extraneus | May 11, 2012 at 12:12 PM
Didja have beer for breakfast this morning, hit. You're wittier than usual and that says a lot.
Posted by: Clarice | May 11, 2012 at 12:13 PM
-- It seems clear O'Mara believes that with his client out on bail time is on his side,and there's nothing good to come of rushing this case to trial. --
I don;t think he;s rushing, but perhaps he's not as "slow walking" this as I thought. The August 8 date is for "docket sounding," and that represents the date by which pretrial motions are to be disposed of. O'Mara might move to continue the docket sounding to later than August 8, but if he doesn't, then the immunity motion will have been made, hearing conducted, and ruling on the motion, all by August 8th.
Posted by: cboldt | May 11, 2012 at 12:13 PM
A state attorney with some sense of shame, would have retired the indictment, after that pitiful performance, a month ago. But I'm adding that caveat.
Posted by: narciso | May 11, 2012 at 12:20 PM
"... TM was the go-to blogger on that when it was unraveling, Steve. Perhaps you could find something worthwhile in the archives. ..."
His stuff was terrific. The account of pulling the young green beret out of the water especially.
Posted by: Steve | May 11, 2012 at 12:20 PM
--This guy intended to kill this kid from the very first sighting.--
And of course Shithouse Rat Davey will deny saying this in a few days, when he's claiming he just wants a fair trial for Zimmerman. Fortunately No Limit Nigga will presumably be there to remind him of it.
Kind of like Inchworm's sick rape fantasies that he now denies.
Posted by: Ignatz | May 11, 2012 at 12:24 PM
Posted by: Bruce | May 11, 2012 at 12:24 PM
"... I don;t think he;s rushing, but perhaps he's not as "slow walking" this as I thought. ..."
I wish we were getting word from Zimmerman thru a route other than the lawyer.
Posted by: Steve | May 11, 2012 at 12:24 PM
Dumbassdave, as always, is focused on stalking kids.
Seems like his Irish Inch really does dictate all his thinking and he's once again on the prowl for new rape fantasy subjects.
Posted by: NO_LIMIT_NIGGA | May 11, 2012 at 12:26 PM
what do you know--Coal is Back!!
Posted by: Clarice | May 11, 2012 at 12:26 PM
I'm wondering who Obama's physician is now? I doubt it is Dr. David Scheiner, MD.
Posted by: Sue | May 11, 2012 at 12:32 PM
Didja have beer for breakfast this morning, hit. You're wittier than usual and that says a lot.
Not this morning. Unless you count 1am. That's about the time we were wrapping up poker.
Maybe I'm still drunk.
Posted by: hit and run | May 11, 2012 at 12:33 PM
While the saner heads on the left are starting to come around on the case, the rabble rousers in the Black leadership seem to still be pushing the racial side of this as hard as they can to incite their people. Late last week, I heard one of them talking with a lot of anger about the brutal murder of this poor black "child" by this white racist killer. The only thing missing was the obligatory shot of a much younger Martin that President Obama so identified with. If trial were this week, and Zimmerman acquitted, then I think that we still do face the possibility of racial violence, and I think that he would be the target of much of it - more than even today. Right now, everyone else can tell them that they should let the system do its job. But, after it fails, in their view, what is left, except for revenge?
I am playing a bit of devil's advocate here. I actually don't have much idea here about what Zimmerman's attorney is up to here. So far, I am more than willing to believe that he is competent and knows what he is doing here, in very trying circumstances. And, as usual, defer to Cbolt, who has a better grasp on all of this than most of the rest of us do.
Frankly, I think that he might be safer waiting for trial, than having been acquitted, or, worse, found to have immunity.Posted by: Bruce | May 11, 2012 at 12:37 PM
Fear not; if Romney wins there's be a huge resurgence in press coverage of casualties.
Yes, and let's not forget the homeless. The press will rediscover a vast homeless population if Romney is elected.
Posted by: Tom Bowler | May 11, 2012 at 12:40 PM
Not the least on topic, only posting this because it made me chuckle:
Fred Thompson @fredthompson
Obama Food Czar: obesity is USA's "greatest natl security threat." Really? Then let's try air-dropping McD's gift cards on Al Qaeda.
Posted by: centralcal | May 11, 2012 at 12:40 PM
Dumbassdave, as always, is focused on stalking kids.
Yesterday his homophobic side was on display.
What a guy!
Posted by: Jane | May 11, 2012 at 12:42 PM
"Seems like his Irish Inch really does dictate all his thinking and he's once again on the prowl for new rape fantasy subjects."
Is this an example of one of your
"Rorshach statements" that are so neutral in content however one responds is a clear indicator of their inner most desire?
Well then you're wrong,i'm not on the prowl to rape a low-fat Caramel frappacino.
Dirty little frappacino,you know you like it!
Posted by: dublindave | May 11, 2012 at 12:47 PM
This is the insidious nature of Gitmo, just like the Orwellian Ensure, some detainees ended up more zaftig, than when they entered
Posted by: narciso | May 11, 2012 at 12:48 PM
On a more serious note,
Posted by: narciso | May 11, 2012 at 12:55 PM
A story at Ace's on how Obama operatives are digging around for information on Romney donors.
Posted by: Sue | May 11, 2012 at 12:56 PM
Ramirez--when you want the very best.
Posted by: Clarice | May 11, 2012 at 01:06 PM
Timing of the case? 'slow walking'? a couple of weeks ago some commenters suggested that the motion to dismiss/Immunity hearing would take place in May, and case dismissed late by May-- early June the latest. Obviously, that's not happening. I know it was a media account -- so it means nothing-- but the lawyer talking heads the Orlando Sentinal recently quoted talked about the Reasonable Doubt defense-- implying the defense would put all its eggs in that basket. Does anybody have any authoritative sounding writing from Florida crim law defense attorneys, explaining why the defense may not move to dismiss or for Immunity under Florida Law? I don't see any down side to the defense doing that-- do Florida lawyers disagree and see a risk to the defense moving for Immunity?
Posted by: NK | May 11, 2012 at 01:17 PM
George Romney was born in 1907 so he was 34 when WW2 started. He served in Detroit as part of Arsenal of Democracy with conversion to production of war material.
Like others Z is not safe from the haters yet and there will be new US AG in January.
Posted by: PaulV | May 11, 2012 at 01:23 PM
I thinks states have to go their own way. Responsible people in the EU can find a stable country to be a part of. The same should be available in the US.
Are you talking about secession? States will only have so much power under Obama to "go their own way," after all. What they currently have is likely to be substantially reduced.
Generally I do support voting with one's feet, which is one reason why I live in Texas.
Posted by: Porchlight | May 11, 2012 at 01:25 PM
"(duda) You're on the verge of taking yourself out of the discussion."
DoT, you remain a paragon of patience and tolerance.
Posted by: Frau Roggenbrot | May 11, 2012 at 01:27 PM
Frau-- I agree, DoT is a far better man than I in the patience department.
Posted by: NK | May 11, 2012 at 01:29 PM
Lifson's not buying the Post story-
Posted by: Clarice | May 11, 2012 at 01:33 PM
"... Are you talking about secession? States will only have so much power under Obama to "go their own way," after all. What they currently have is likely to be substantially reduced. ..."
I suppose so. Financially, culturally, I do not see how the country works anymore.
Posted by: Steve | May 11, 2012 at 01:34 PM
OT-Angela Davis was chosen by students to be the commencement speaker. Pitzer mission fulfilled.
Religious Left news from Cleoville:
"Tuesday, 8:30 a.m., the Claremont School of Theology will hold its annual commencement at Kresge Chapel Lawn on the campus...
The commencement speaker will be Bill McKibben, renowned climate change activist and author.
McKibben will also be awarded an honorary doctorate for his important and critical leadership in fighting the human causes of global climate change.
(emphasis added)
Posted by: Frau Quatsch | May 11, 2012 at 01:35 PM
fred thompson always makes me laugh--
Narciso, that FBI lexicon thing is really something--That DoJ is really crazy.
Posted by: Clarice | May 11, 2012 at 01:37 PM
Angela Davis was chosen by students to be the commencement speaker.
It's a bit like Hollywood and Broadway have little left but remakes and retread stories from comic books, the left is just replaying the 60s and trotting out aging radicals because they have no new ideas. Who has even thought about Angela Davis since 1970?
Posted by: jimmyk | May 11, 2012 at 01:39 PM
I think our pal from the Emerald Isle has proven that he's not as dumb as his posts on Trayvon and Zimmerman make him appear, so it's worth considering - before taking righteous exception to his droppings - that he doesn't actually believe what he says about the case. He's just on-board with the hoped-for benefits re: gun control, solidification of the bond between Obama and black voters, etc.
Posted by: Extraneus | May 11, 2012 at 01:41 PM
Is this an example of one of your
"Rorshach statements" that are so neutral in content however one responds is a clear indicator of their inner most desire?
Well, Inchlongdave, you were already indulging your child stalking fantasies before my first comment on the thread.
"allowed to continue following children around at night time"
"I heard there's a black fifteen year old in Georgia"
"If you're an adult with a loaded gun in your pocket don't follow children around at night time."
Posted by: NO_LIMIT_NIGGA | May 11, 2012 at 01:43 PM
I haven't seen anything yet that contradicts my original impression of Dumbassdave, Extraneus:
"Yeah, I had you pegged as a lying little hypocritical bitch from your first comment, Dumbassdave. And your show of contrition now is as insincere and dishonest as the one you offered Sara last night.
You're obviously willing to say anything, regardless of how tasteless, irrelevant, or untrue it is, as long as it pushes the narrative you've latched onto or slanders people you don't like. You don't even seem to notice when you completely contradict yourself from one comment to the next. You have the brains and attention span of a goldfish.
That makes you nothing but a worthless garden variety troll.... albeit one who seems to have the hots for sweet, innocent little latino boys."
- Posted by: NO_LIMIT_NIGGA | April 12, 2012 at 11:17 PM
Posted by: NO_LIMIT_NIGGA | May 11, 2012 at 01:45 PM
Ex-- I admire open mindedness-- but you may be spending way too much time reading DD's stuff.
Posted by: NK | May 11, 2012 at 01:46 PM
I think our pal from the Emerald Isle has proven that he's not as dumb as his posts on Trayvon and Zimmerman make him appear
I've seen no evidence of that, though admittedly it's a pretty low bar. The bottom line is that responding to trolls is counterproductive. (I didn't think kaka was a troll, just dumb as a post. bubu and duda are trolls.)
Posted by: jimmyk | May 11, 2012 at 01:47 PM
the left is just replaying the 60s and trotting out aging radicals because they have no new ideas.
I doubt that Ayers has any real friends that tell him how pathetic he looks as a codger tottering around pretending to be a revolutionary.
Posted by: Captain Hate | May 11, 2012 at 01:48 PM
Lifson's piece at Clarice's 1:33 is scary. It's truly the truth v. the msm now.
Posted by: DebinNC | May 11, 2012 at 01:48 PM
Actually I just read everyone else's responses, and many seem to take his comments more seriously than they deserve.
Posted by: Extraneus | May 11, 2012 at 01:49 PM
More flaming feathered skull:
Posted by: Captain Hate | May 11, 2012 at 01:53 PM
Well, Inchlongdave, you were already indulging your child stalking fantasies before my first comment on the thread.
"allowed to continue following children around at night time"
"I heard there's a black fifteen year old in Georgia"
"If you're an adult with a loaded gun in your pocket don't follow children around at night time."
But none of those refrences have anything to do with "sexual assault".
Following someone is an act of aggression.Whatever form that aggression takes is open to interpretation.
I said nothing about "rape".
Are you having a rorshach moment?
Posted by: dublindave | May 11, 2012 at 01:56 PM
The bottom line is that responding to trolls is counterproductive.
You're more polite than I am.
Posted by: DebinNC | May 11, 2012 at 02:01 PM
if you will notice once again, the Left simply re-names the issue when confronted with the facts. The Claremont Theology presser calls it climate change, not global warming.
Newspeak is insidious.
Posted by: matt | May 11, 2012 at 02:03 PM
Lifson's piece at Clarice's 1:33 is scary. It's truly the truth v. the msm now.
What's really encouraging are the details of the finances of that rag and how a major owner of the company stock is Berkshire Hathaway. There's as much red pigmentation in the bottom line as there will be in a November electoral map.
Posted by: Captain Hate | May 11, 2012 at 02:05 PM
Newspeak is insidious.
Out: gay marriage ... In: marriage equality
Posted by: DebinNC | May 11, 2012 at 02:05 PM
"Dumbassdave, as always, is focused on stalking kids.
Yesterday his homophobic side was on display.
What a guy!"
Not sure how I was "homophobic".
IF it my use of a slur then allow me to explain;I presented you with a story about a young Mitt Romney assualting a a gay boy in prep school.To demonstrate the intended nature of the crime I used a derogatory word,"Queer".
If that was what upset you so much I apoligise.If it was something else you'll have to jog my memory.
Speaking of morally selective outrage and staying on the Mitt Romney story....I found it odd that you took no offence to a child being tortured because of his sexual orientation,but you did take offence to a 6 year old child in a foreign country being given a dish to eat and later told that it contained dog.You were in fact disgusted that a 6 year old child would show such poor judgement.
But nothing for the gay kid who was tortured.
Perhaps it's because he was being tortured by someone who you support for President and you're allowing it to slide to protect your nominee.
Well,keep scraping that barrel.......
Posted by: dublindave | May 11, 2012 at 02:07 PM
When you've lost Scarborough, usually means you weren't subtle enough with the anvil;
Posted by: narciso | May 11, 2012 at 02:10 PM
When Obama eats steak, he offends Brahman Hindus.
Posted by: Party of Reagan | May 11, 2012 at 02:12 PM
It gives me great pleasure to know that one of Warren Buffett's companies is financially bleeding profusely. I wish more of them were. He's not a big shareholder in JPM by chance, is he? Fingers crossed.
Posted by: lyle | May 11, 2012 at 02:12 PM
"The bottom line is that responding to trolls is counterproductive."
Not if you're the troll.
"You're more polite than I am."
You're a person who is praying that the murderer of a child goes free.Honestly,hun,a lack of politeness is the least of your character flaws.
Posted by: dublindave | May 11, 2012 at 02:14 PM
Gotta go eat Flip the burgers,ya'll.
Remember,if My man Maguire asks me to get, i'll honour his wishes and never darken your doors again with my witty acidic insights.
I'm a man of my word.
Posted by: dublindave | May 11, 2012 at 02:16 PM
matt-they don't just rename it. In my world the real meaning is frequently 180 degrees from the common sense, historical use of the term. There is thus nothing to tip off that publicly funded officials are pushing something nefarious in broad daylight.
This is especially a problem involving charter schools and charter school districts. The legal operating agreement means something different to the funding taxpayers and parents than the paid implementers. I think that's why bo pushes these charters so. I read the agreements and then have to tell people what it really means.
frau-Red says the AP Enviro exam only talked of Climate Change, not AGW.
Plus the new national science "standards" came out today. "Doing" science, not knowing it or systematically building up a store of knowledge. That will set the world on fire. Accessible to all. You can see why I take the idea of national ed reform being needed to allow for innovation in the economy ludicrous.
Only if innovation is new way for the govt to regulate in ways that benefit insiders. Which actually was the definition in a well-attended meeting in Rio about 10 years ago.
Posted by: rse | May 11, 2012 at 02:23 PM
I think of a, troll as someone who dumps something on a site with no intention of defending what he says. Ben Franklin is the archetype, and duda is getting there. Bubu attempts, at least a little bit, to engage, but he has the disadvantage of being an enraged, hate-filled adolescent, and so always comes out looking foolish.
For my part, I think I've responded to duda for the last time. He is not discussing issues in good faith.
Posted by: Danube of Thought | May 11, 2012 at 02:23 PM
Interesting how this is turning out;
Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker
Lots of angry email this a.m. from readers who don't think a politician's high school indiscretions are fair game. #WelcomeToTheGeneral
Posted by: narciso | May 11, 2012 at 02:24 PM
When you've lost Scarborough, usually means you weren't subtle enough with the anvil
I hope that when Arlen Scarblowhard comes crawling to Reince Priebus, the head of the RNC tells him that his future is at the witness protection network.
Tammy Bruce is contrasting the VF article on the Taming of the Shrew plus the Ugly Duckling with the dynamos in the Romney family.
Posted by: Captain Hate | May 11, 2012 at 02:25 PM
Bubu attempts, at least a little bit, to engage, but he has the disadvantage of being an enraged, hate-filled adolescent, and so always comes out looking foolish.
What do you expect, when his only source of information is the left-fascist echo chamber? He reads 1/10th of the facts about a subject and considers himself an expert.
I suspect he'll go into journalism when he grows up.
Posted by: Rob Crawford | May 11, 2012 at 02:30 PM
For my part, I think I've responded to duda for the last time. He is not discussing issues in good faith.
Fair enough.You're someone I like DOT and would def have a beer with you sometime, regardless of our political affiliations.
I ignore issues that have already been covered such as "Zimms" imagined broken nose.
It's been covered.The EMT report from the Daily news,the EMT not following up treatment for a potential concussion EVEN though he Zimm had a duty to comply because he was in police custody.
Covered covered covered.
Having said that I recognise my own caustic nature and the limits of my own intelligence are having a negative effect on the group-which is an awesome group btw.
I'll think about packing up and leaving after I clear up any loose debate ends with Jane and No Limmit nigga.
Posted by: dublindave | May 11, 2012 at 02:32 PM