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May 31, 2012



if she lied about her heritage to gain preferential treatment, what else has she lied about?

Carol Herman

Faux-Ka-hontas ... isn't picking up the spread she needs to win Scott Brown's seat. Now, is she?


This is coming out in time to enable primary voters to send a signal, right?
Will be interested in seeing if Faux needs to participate in a run-off.


I love this part of the article:

However, Fried acknowledged Wednesday to the Globe, it seemed strange that the issue of her heritage would not come up during the hiring process since she was recruited in the early 1990s, when the school was under intense pressure to diversify its faculty.

Hmmmm... So, Harvard Law did routinely ask prospective hires about their heratige, just not Liz?

mad jack

Watched the "endorsement " on the news this morning and it was clear that Patrick wanted to anywhere else but there. High comedy.

Danube of Thought

It's the "running dead even" bit that has me hornswoggled.


Given Kerry and Kennedy, I don't hold MA Dem voters in very high esteem, but if Warren claiming she was the first nursing mother to take a bar exam in NJ doesn't prove she's certifiable, I don't know what would.


I'm telling ya, Lizzie, take the "lyle gambit" I offered up yesterday: claim you're a trans-sexual. Totally believable. Problem solved and you're practically swept into that sweet Senate gig.


Good morning.

Nice video of David Axelrod getting shouted down by Romney supporters at an Obama Rally in Massachusetts today.

Too bad the cameraman didn't turn the camera so we could see the size of the protest team, but from the difficulty Axelrod has and his meltdown, sure looks like Romney's supporters outnumbered Obama's.

Jane, Rocco, TC, Dave...any on the scene descriptions from you guys?

Captain Hate

Here's an AoS link daddy http://minx.cc/?post=329720

Looks like Mr Whipple didn't plan on this

Rob Crawford

I'm telling ya, Lizzie, take the "lyle gambit" I offered up yesterday: claim you're a trans-sexual.

Problem is, she'd reflexively follow that with a claim that "Rocky Horror Picture Show" was based on her...


Axelrod declared to the Romney protestors "You can't handle the truth".
Does he know that was a line used by Nicholson to deflect criticism of a lie he was caught telling?


Even better, Rob. Do it, Lizzie. Just what this country needs is more frauds in the Senate.


Allow me to introduce a different theory of what happened... She did claim to be a minority, but not to help herself, but rather to help her then-employer lessen some of the pressure it was under to improve its diversity ratings. "why not", she thought, "It's no skin off my back to put down that I've got some Indian in me and the numerator goes up by one".

And to some extent, it helped (with, perhaps, some of her colleagues who were doing the same thing?).

But having done that, she isn't in a position where she really wants to admit she helped game the system. That would be a big no-no, doing so would only provide ammunition to those conservative racists who want to do away with the whole diversity scam. So she's stuck trying - and failing - to come up with an explanation.


I know the morons at AoS are not everyone's cup'o'tea but this is too good:

Axelrod looks like Hitler would have looked if Hitler had totally let himself go.

And, Steve? Credulity like yours must be pharmaceutically administered.

Danube of Thought

I'm watching Obama welcoming the Bushes. It's the most gracious I've ever seen him, by far.


I admit I'm flailing at finding something that is consistent with both what she's said and done.

But am I wrong?


How did the "Info" about Ward Churchill Warrens "Indian heritage" get into Harvards records???

Let me guess her Mother told them.


Use common sense to contrast recollections in these 2 stories and see if either pass the smell test::

1) Lizzy tells Harvard she is an American Indian and it immediately gets reported on their official paperwork in 1992, exactly at a time when they are under massive pressure to increase their minority quotas on the Faculty. She's listed as an Indian in 1992, not listed when she leaves Harvard, then immediately listed as an Indian when she returns in 1995, yet in all this time, when it is extremely important for Harvard to have her on their rolls as a Native American, no one who hired her has any memory of her telling them that she was a Native American or has any recollection of that being a factor in her hiring, including Lizzy.

2) Contrast that with Obama's Bio page for his first book. He is a complete nobody in 1991, yet when his bio blurb is dug up in 2012 revealing that it said he was born in Kenya, immediately out pops some Junior editor from 21 years ago who tells us she specifically is to blame because she recalls she inappropriately fact checked Obama's personal facts back in 1991, and let slip through in the very first sentence of his Bio clip (only 12 words in) that he was born in Kenya not in Hawaii.

Common sense says it is impossible to believe these scenarios the MSM has presented to us. Perfect recall of an innocuous factoid by a nobody about a nobody from 21 years back, contrasted against complete forgetfulness of a very important fact by important people, desperate for that fact to be true, and that fact staring them in the face on paperwork in front of them as they made their hiring decision.

Given those "facts" Occam's Razor would be doing more slashing than Jason in a Friday The 13th flick.


Maybe the preezy finally got the memo that Bush isn't as unpopular as Obama likes to think, and looks especially good in the rearview mirror.


The most fun politician jokes ever. Ever better than the " who ate the dog" jokes! Bow Wow, she cooked the dog!



Laura Bush looks fabulous standing next to GW in the White House. Anyone else watching this? And GW is laughing it up and looking fit. He is certainly enjoying himself.

"Presidential Gallery now starts and ends with a "George W."

Standing O for that.


Steve, considering that, per the Globe, "Warren listed herself as a minority in a widely used Association of American law Schools directory from 1986 through 1995," it's a bit of a stretch to suggest that she had no intention of it helping her get hired. If she really was concerned about being hired on her merits, she would not have listed herself as a minority in a directory known to be consulted by deans precisely to help locate minorities.



I tried really hard to name Porchlight #3 George W. Porchlight (W for Williamson, my mom's maiden name). And Mr. Porch's name begins with a B. So he would have been George W. B.

But I was foiled.

I hope there is video of this so I can watch later...


So what are we calling this?


How about "The Pow Wow Chow Row."


does Harvard have an Amerindian student association? Wouldn't they seek out mentors?

Why wasn't Elizabeth Warren the Derrick Bell of the Amerindian student body at Harvard or at least its law school?

Sounds like she's off the reservation to me.


Perfect recall of an innocuous factoid by a nobody about a nobody from 21 years back

Yep, and it's even more than innocuous, it was a non-action, she neglected to check a fact. The only way someone would remember not doing something is to be called out for it. If I forget to pay a bill, I'm only going to remember that if I'm slapped with a penalty the next month. Otherwise, 21 years later I'm not going to remember not paying it.


Captain ,

Thanks for that link of the protesters. That's wonderful.

I'm getting might optimistic!


--It's no skin off my back to put down that I've got some Indian in me--

The PC police have declared that particualr metaphor hate speech in the context of Injuns.


I was so happy seeing President and Mrs. Bush back in the WH. My favorite line..."glad you all could come to my hangin'". Of course, I saw him on tv at the Ranger game just the other night so I knew he looked fit but I sure loved seeing them class up the place.


Daddy/DoT-- thanks for those reports about today. Great to hear GWB looks good and 'Bam was gracious.


Porchlight, I am watching a full recording of it at C-Span right now. You will be able to view it any time you like today, I am sure.


Bam was only semi-gracious. He had to throw in a few digs. "it was a bad time for Americans, the economy in free-fall, worse than we thought".


Laura Bush: "Nothing turns a house into a home, like having portraits of its former occupants staring down at you."

And she looked gorgeous. Perfectly dressed for the occasion.


"worse than we thought."

Oy, the "so bad I need more than four years to fix it, even though I said I could fix it within two years" meme.


"She did claim to be a minority... to help her then-employer"
"I admit I'm flailing at finding something that is consistent with both what she's said and done.
But am I wrong?"

Steve, I was just getting ready to defend you for attempting a bit of humor...even if not up to the lofty standards of JOM.
But the follow-on is pretty lame. RUSerious?
If so, yes: you are wrong.


Great visual on Megyn's show on FOX.

It's Mitt Romney standing in front of the abandoned Solyndra Factory in California giving a Press Conference.

Now Megyn's running the the story of the 150 strong Cherokee group demanding Liz Warren apologize or prove she is an Indian.

Leader of the group is Twila Barnes and she is Megyn's guest.



Can Scott Walker beat DeFranco?


Totem Pole

Totem Poll

Totem Bull


--"worse than we thought."--

Will it never dawn on these fools that statement not only indicates they are unwilling to accept responsibility for the last four years of ineptitude but that it makes them look like Alfred E. Newman in the first place.
Everybody else on the planet knew how bad it was. How come these imbeciles didn't and why should they be reelected if they didn't know what everyone else did?
Isn't possible, likely even, things are still worse than they think?

Danube of Thought

Any moment now, Senator Leahy and the New York Times will denounce the 1st Circuit decision on the DOMA as an unprecedented flouting of the clearly expressed will of the "elected branch."

Will someone please provide appropriate links when that occurs? Thanks. (Keep your eyes peeled.)


Too much?


Verdict reached in the John Edward's Trial.

Verdict to be announced in about 15 minutes @1040 East Coast time.


Never enough!

Dave (in MA)
So what are we calling this?


How about "The Pow Wow Chow Row."


Captain Hate

Tammy Bruce is in ecstasy over Mitt's Solyndra appearance.


To date, Warren has done no interviews with the American Indian press. There are dozens of tribal papers and national Native news outlets, including well-respected Cherokee outlets, that she could have reached out to in order to help calm the controversy and alleviate Native concerns about both her background and its impact on Indian citizens.


So I've been talking to all of you in the other thread, thanks for telling me you moved!

Daddy, did you get my message about Dick answering your question?


Drip ... Drip ... Drip

Jim Eagle

All I am getting out of this being a non-resident of the Bay State is that these progs like Obama and Warren are more than just plain ole exaggerators - they are "made up" people.

One of Frederick's school projects a few weeks back was to make a "stuffed person". You take two sheets of butcher paper about 5 1/2 feet long and do an outline of yourself laying prone on the paper (actually you have your dad do that). Then you stapel the two pieces together and fill with old newspapers or other packing material. Next you draw your face on it, make some kind of hair for the head, dress it in clothes (he used a lab jacket since his stuffed person is a scientist). When completed you then wrote and auto-biography of your "stuffed person".

I told Frederick that is exactly how Obama was created. But he is Bill Ayer's "stuffed person" and is stuffed with all the sealed records he has sequestered. But Ayers did write the auto-biography of record and even gave him a "stuffed woman" to keep him company at night.

Stuffed. People. Indeed.


Wow, this is a big news day.


I am bouncing between threads, Jane!

hit and run

"it was a bad time for Americans, the economy in free-fall, worse than we thought".

Sunday, December 11, 2011, 60 Minutes:
Kroft: Did you overpromise? Did you underestimate how difficult this was gonna be?
Obama: I didn't overpromise. And I didn't underestimate how tough this was gonna be.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011, interview on KIRO in Seattle:
President Barack Obama said Tuesday he wishes he knew the full extent of the economic crisis when he took office, if only so he could have let Americans know just how tough the coming years would be.
"I think we understood that it was bad, but we didn’t know how bad it was,” Obama said in an interview with KIRO in Seattle.


Just browsing some photos of the portrait ceremony. What a thrill to see the Bushes looking so happy and healthy.

Thomas Collins

Daddy, I didn't know Axman was in the Bay State. By the way, daddy, Deadhorse recently finished her first year teaching on an Indian reservation in South Dakota. Re Warren's stated desire to connect with Indians, it occurs to me that Deadhorse has now connected with many more Indians than Warren is ever likely to connect with. Perhaps Warren should pull out of the race and try to get a job teaching Cherokees.


Rush is playing the digs from Obama towards Bush. Glad it wasn't just me that caught them.


Too bad Bush has too much class to get up there and make some digs back at Obama. I failed to mention that Obama called Bush "George" while Bush called Obama "Mr. President".

Jim Eagle

I do believe we have a different GOP campaign for POTUS this time.

While the Axe was fighting through the Romney gauntlet in Boston, Mitt was doing a photo-Op in California - outside the Solyndra building. There is a little bit of Lew Atwater's soul being spread around the Romney strategy and tactics. Well done, so far.


Still standing by for JohnEdward'sGate, errrrr,


Unanimous on 1 count, Hung on the rest.


That only looks like mutually exclusive position statements, H&R. The trick is to trace the pronouns.

The 12/11 statement is about Obama himself - "I didn't overpromise... I didn't underestimate. The 12/13 statement is about all the stupid American people and his staff, none of whom do their jobs as well as he could. "we didn't know how bad it was."

You see?


Hung jury on most of the counts, supposedly a verdict on count 3 - "illegal campaign contributions from Bunny Mellon in 2008 in excess of the $2300 donation allowed. Don't know what the verdict is.


"Daddy, did you get my message about Dick answering your question?"

No Jane,

Haven't started catch-up yet. I better get to work, but there's so much fun stuff happening today. My apologies. Thanks.


Hung jury on all but Count 3?

papist granddaddy

Warren TM cornering on two wheels. Can't talk about McBain.

Slow conservative news cycle.y


Pelosi: ObamaCare Will Be Upheld 6-3, "Because I Know The Constitution"

Are you serious?


Wow, this is a big news day.

Thus covering up the really bad economic news.

I am so torn about Edwards. He really should not be convicted of anything - but he's a really big jerk.


House defeats bill to ban gender-based abortions

The final vote was 246-168. Though a majority voted in favor of the bill, this particular proposal required a two-thirds majority to pass -- supporters of the bill fell 30 votes short.
And the article never explains that?
Dave (in MA)

Extraneus, the always level-headed Rep. "Flag on Mars" Lee from Texas must have had a convincing argument.


If only John Edward's had been banging Bunny Mellon on the side, instead of Rielle.

No baby, no hiding in the Motel 6 Toilet from the Nat Enquirer folks, no having to explain where the money came from, she's already sitting on death's doorstep...

and she's a heck of a lot better looking gal!



hit and run

I'm not sure how the first person plural can be used to exclude oneself, Alice.

In fact, using the first person plural for Obama would seem more likely to be royally used.


--I'm not sure how the first person plural can be used to exclude oneself, Alice.--

It's the "Patronizing We". Per wiki:

The patronizing we is used sometimes in place of "you" to address a second party, hinting a facetious assurance that the one asked is not alone in his situation, that "I am with you, we are in this together". A doctor may ask a patient: And how are we feeling today? This usage is emotionally non-neutral and usually bears a condescending, ironic, praising, or some other flavor, depending on intonation: "Aren't we looking cute?""

I say sentence Edwards to more time with Rielle.


Here is a link to a video of President & Laura Bush at the portrait ceremony.

hit and run

It's the "Patronizing We".

Hmmm, I see what you're saying. Is there such a thing as a patronizing us?

“This recession turned out to be a lot deeper than any of us realized,”


"I say sentence Edwards to more time with Rielle."

MarkO, ain't that the truth.

I think CNN should offer him a gig hosting a Talk Show. They ought to make it a rotating host program:

Monday's with "I did not have sex" Bill Clinton
Tuesdays with "Client Number 9" Spitzer
Wednesday's with Tony "the Weiner" Weiner
Thursday's with "Hiding in the john" Johnny Edwards

Who on Friday?

Al Gore the $500 massageynist?
Any male Kennedy?
"Monkey Business" Hart?

Who am I missing?


Who am I missing?

Maybe Barney Frank landlord for a male prostitution ring?


Lieawatha in heap of trouble

Captain Hate

Who on Friday?

Kathleen Porker since she doesn't seem to have any trouble co-hosting with philandering trash.


Hit- I think you'll find that our President only has two categories of pronouns - "I, me, my, mine" and "Not I, Not me, Not my, Not mine". "We, us, our" is either an insincere effort at diplomacy, or an overt attempt to obfuscate the actual meaning "you, yours, your".

Try it. You'll see a whole lot of "obvious" contradictory assertions disappear once you apply the narcissist usage dictionary.


Jane, Finally caught up to your comment.

Being Dick's number 1 fan in Alaska made my day:)


'Shirley they can't be serious' I finally realized why the clueless spy, Carle, was so verklempt at Rodriguez, he was revealed to be
a pretender, as my reading of his memoir, indicated, but didn't even bother to name him,


I couldn't resist



Hahahaha, Rocco!! So good!! Hahahaha


heh, Rocco!


I must admit Captain, that was firing the torpedo into the thermal exhaust port,


--Who on Friday?--

Why can't the pimps and working girls host one day out of the five?
Got to be more entertaining that lineup of humorless cement heads from Mon-Fri.


Is it me, or is Megyn Kelly Teh hot.



LOL. Woo Hoo!

Captain Hate

It's not you, Gus.


That was a rhetorical question, right?

Captain Hate

Gus, this is for you, buddy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdMrmgRFPVI


"Why can't the pimps and working girls host one day out of the five?"

Good suggestion Iggy.

Monica Lewinski,
Ashley DuPree
That Pron Star chick Anthony Weiner was texting...

That'd sure give the girls at The View a run for their money---a panel of females that literally gave Dem Politicians Blowjobs, as opposed to a panel of females that figuratively gives Dem Politicians Blowjobs.

Jim Eagle

Well you have Megyn Fox (who I only know through Transformers) and you have Megyn the Fox on Fox. But she is also a very smart, no BS, cut-throat interviewer unlike those carp artiste's at CNN and MSDNC. I mean, if Soledad O'Brien could only see herself interviewing Sunnunu she would go home crying. My God, what a talent, what potential......


She was in other films like Jennifer's Body, which she couldn't carry, and Jonah Hex, the less said the better,


Sentencing Edwards to a lifetime with Rielle? Why not? He can go on channeling womb denizens and she can do her New Age shtick. Perfect.


Post script to my 4:11... Jonah Goldberg is also noticing something odd about pronoun usage:

"Maybe it’s me, but when [Obama] says “we” and “our” it sounds an awful lot like the royal we to me."



If you say anything bad about Megyn Kelly, I will find you and you will pay.

that is all.


I don't about her Indian lineage, but that kid looks like a Teat-on.


...don't know...


Too bad Bush has too much class to get up there and make some digs back at Obama. I failed to mention that Obama called Bush "George" while Bush called Obama "Mr. President".

Oh, I thought "W" got a few great digs in, they are called laugh lines.


Who's hotter?
Rielle Druck Hunter Edwards
Joke-a-hauntass Ward Churchill Warren Lying Squaw.
Megyn Kelly.

Take your time, it's a tough choice.

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