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May 31, 2012


Dave (in MA)


Carol Herman

Well, most Americans don't know "southern style." But when people from the north visit the south ... one of the most striking things is how long it takes a waitress to bring you a cup of coffee.

As to a "mistrial," I actually expect the defense to go running to the Appeals court ... rather than give the eagles another shot of demonstrating she's no Judge Judy.


Grab a rope!


If he put it in her endo, the rumors would be different.


He doesn't belong in prison with all those decent criminals.

Too bad they outlawed tarring and feathering.


The silver lining is the preemption of Shemp's show.


BTW - Is Bunny Mellon still single?

Carol Herman

Count #3 has been decided. This one pertains to "taking a donation larger than $750K from Bunny Mellon.

They're deadlocked on the other counts.

ALL politicians do what Edwards did. If you couldn't figure this out, how do you explain that men "go on the trail" LOOKING FOR DOLLARS! Finance laws now says they have to "keep receipts"

But I remember when Nixon had a million stashed in his office safe. (The safe was in the White House.)

The media feeds on "getting some" politicians. While the baby? It's conception came as a total surprise to John Edwards!


Hypnotizing, Dave.


Wonder why we don't have the regular prog trolls fantasizing about Silky Pony getting sodomized in prison.


If you'll forgive a repost...

"I say sentence Edwards to more time with Rielle."

MarkO, ain't that the truth.

I think CNN should offer him a gig hosting a Talk Show. They ought to make it a rotating host program:

Monday's with "I did not have sex" Bill Clinton
Tuesdays with "Client Number 9" Spitzer
Wednesday's with Tony "the Weiner" Weiner
Thursday's with "Hiding in the john" Johnny Edwards

Who on Friday?

Al Gore the $500 massageynist?
Any male Kennedy?
"Monkey Business" Hart?

Who am I missing?


"Wonder why we don't have the regular prog trolls fantasizing about Silky Pony getting sodomized in prison."

They play the home version, Lyle.




Imagine 30 years shackled to this:


Wonder why we don't have the regular prog trolls fantasizing about Silky Pony getting sodomized in prison.

They're too busy fapping.


Imagine 30 years shackled to this

Not exactly a trophy wife.


This was at Weasel Zippers - "Dem Rep. John Lewis Doubles Down On Myth Tea Partiers Hurled Racial Epithets At Black Members Of Congress…"

This was a coordinated lie between the CBC & the MFM played out at the March 20, 2010 Tea Party Rally. The actors in the lie were - Rep. Andre Carson, Rep. John Lewis, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, & Rep. James Clyburn.
Don't forget. Liars.


Lisa Druck.

The limericks write themselves.


Imagine 30 years shackled to this

There must be something she does very well. Maybe she's a really good . . . cook?


I was thinking the same, jimmyk. It is her famous sausage recipe.


Dashiell Hammett said his mama told him a gal who was no good in the kitchen was no good in any other room of the house either.


a gal who was no good in the kitchen was no good in any other room of the house either.

Oh man...I hope that's not true. :(


Edward's not guilty on Count 3.

Judge declares a mistrial.


Per Fox News,a mistrial?


My wife is a stupendous chef. :)


John Edwards is a good man.
Now he can get it on, errrrr get on with his life.
Lisa Druck is going to be one happy woman.

Captain Hate

Help a JOMer out: Silky's trial was instigated by the feds, no? That means Stedman "Malcolm X in the Middle" Holder had to ultimately approve it, correct?


The limericks write themselves.

There was a young lady named Druck.
A baby with which she was stuck.
The daddy pretended
the affair had long ended
But soon he was s*** out of luck.

Or we can just recycle ones for Sandra Fluke.


Doesn't that shackle run both ways?
Kind of reminds me of this classic cartoon;

Rick Ballard


A little Wisconsin fodder for next week. It plays well with the info today about the number of Wisconsin AFSCME members who have told the unions to "take this card and shove it".

Captain Hate

The silver lining is the preemption of Shemp's show.

I think this was my first LOL of the day

Jim Rhoads a/k/a vjnjagvet

Hung jury on five counts. Not guilty on count 3 -- Mellon contribution in 2008. The judge granted a mistrial on the five hung counts. The prosecution may now retry on the five hung counts. Should they? IMO, no.

As Clarice and others have pointed out throughout the prosecution, the case hinges on the meaning of "campaign contribution". A gift to an individual is not a campaign contribution. Congress did not bother to define "campaign contribution" for the purposes of the campaign legislation. I think getting a jury to fill in the blanks is prosecutorial overreach.


re: Wisconsin fodder.
Yeah, the world looked a lot brighter back in Feb 2011 for readers of The Nation....


well, good for that jury. And now for he end of that prosecutor's career.

Jim Rhoads a/k/a vjnjagvet

In addition, each element of a crime must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt. One of the elements each of the crimes charged against Edwards was that the donor had to intend that their contribution of money was a "campaign contribution" and not a gift.

On the evidence presented, it will be difficult to get 12 people to concluded the requisite intent was proven BRD.


I guess there really are two Americas: In the first one, you get tangled up with an ugly skank who looks a hundred years old and in the other America, you get tangled up with one who really is a hundred years old.

Dave (in MA)
I think CNN should offer him a gig hosting a Talk Show. They ought to make it a rotating host program:

Monday's with "I did not have sex" Bill Clinton
Tuesdays with "Client Number 9" Spitzer
Wednesday's with Tony "the Weiner" Weiner
Thursday's with "Hiding in the john" Johnny Edwards

It just so happens that today was Tommy "The Felon" Finneran's last day as a Boston AM drive time talk show host. I'd say that he'd be the most experienced host in your lineup. He's #2 in a group of 3 (so far) consecutive Speakers of the MA House driven from office by federal indictments. He'd be perfect.

Jim Rhoads a/k/a vjnjagvet

conclude not concluded


When do we get the first photo of the dark haired alternate Juror who was flirting with Silky in the courtroom?

John's at the podium now.

"Thank you Jurors."


--When do we get the first photo of the dark haired alternate Juror who was flirting with Silky in the courtroom?--

Cuter than Rielle.


There is nothing worse than a reformed slime-er.



"I did not do anything illegal, but I did an awful, awful lot that was wrong....Nobody else was responsible. I was responsible...It is me and me alone."

Thanks his parents, thanks his daughter and his younger kids with Elizabeth.

Then says he is thankful for his daughter Quinn.


Did he thank his bastard child?

Rick Ballard


Russ Feingold - This game is not over until we win."

Now a search for some occupooper feather passing in Madison.


If we had a media worth a damn, the affair would have been uncovered early on and things would have sucked for Edwards, but not nearly as bad as they ended up sucking.

Delicious, isn't it?


I have not begun to get thru all the new threads and comments, so if this has been posted, sorry. It is just delightful.

Bush at WH hanging.


OT, but good article by Jeffrey Lord at Amspec on the death of liberalism.


I could just eat it up with a spoon, Porch. nemesis does indeed follow hubris.

Dave (in MA)
Cuter than Rielle.
Why, I oughta...


WHo is taking over for Finneran?


Thanks for that link, Sara.

Who looks happier in this photo?

Dave (in MA)

Jane, as far as I know "Tom & Todd" becomes "Todd", at least for now.

"Fun with Todd and Jane" has a nice ring to it, though.


I'll have to tell him that Dave. Is it WRKO?


Will the NC bar remove him based on the testimony given at the trial?

Carol Herman

Did this judge lose control of her courtroom?

The jurors are deadlocked. Only one count came back "not guilty." And, so far the jurors haven't been polled. "Just dismissed."

Dave (in MA)




Rick, hold your horses! Barrett just released another internal poll. This one has Walker leading 50-48, so indicated a "dead heat" and is "fresher" than the Marquette poll. LOL.

Plus DWS wasn't enough so Slick will be with Barrett tomorrow.



Bob Beckel on The 5 just told Mayor Bloomberg "to stay out of our lives." Socialists rats fleeing a sinking socialist ship.

BTW I hope we get a thread going on the President ordering by Fiat the US agreeing to The Law Of The Sea Treaty. That is a massive Unconstitutional move and we need to not lose sight of it in all this hoopla today. That ought to be enough to impeach Obama even if he had done nothing else wrong during his entire Presidency.

I would have expected this from a lame duck Obama, not from an In Your Face, pre-Relected Obama.


From behind the WSJ paywall there's an opinion piece today calling for the US to join The Law Of The Sea Treay from these eminences:

Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, James Baker III, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice

Any reason to believe them? I really haven't followed this much.

Dave (in MA)

Ace has a new flaming skull variant. Can't hotlink to it:


henry, I just had 2 gentlemen in my business with ELECTRICAL UNION jackets. 2 Different locals. One in Pittsburgh on in Portland OR. I asked what they were doing in town. They said. I bet you can guess!!

Oh yes. I could.


daddy, Impeach Obama?? Not likely. Little Johnny Boner is being bought off with cartons of illicit cigarettes, or possibly with rounds of Gold, and Presidential head covers.

Rick Ballard


I have it at 54/46 so that poll is correct - within MoE. They need to work on making Barrett appear more lifelike. A tub of Febreze wouldn't go amiss either - he's starting to stink a bit.


Golf not Gold.


Dennis Millers rant today.

"She is the whitest looking gringo woman in the history of the planet. She could have said she was a direct descendent of the Pilgrims and that I would have said "Oh Okay, I see that" but come on...are Indian's not pissed off at this?"

Elizabeth Warren looks like Bruce Jenner in granny glasses.


Gus, sell to them while you can -- AFSCME won't be able to afford those imports much longer.


Oh, I do believe the Indians are pissed off about Lizzie Forked Tongue. But, save the Natives in MA, they can't stop her from getting elected. Apologies to our Bay State JOMers, but the voters there are seriously [redacted] up.

(I can say this. I've actually spent a fair amount of time south of Boston. Duxbury, if you're wondering.)


A serious conflict of interest. Romney speaks with Solyndra as his backdrop.


Clinton to campaign for Wis. recall challenger

MILWAUKEE – Former President Bill Clinton is coming to Wisconsin to campaign for Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett ahead of next week's gubernatorial recall election.

The Barrett campaign says Clinton will be in Milwaukee on Friday. Details are being finalized.

Clinton would be the third prominent Democrat in three days to appear in Wisconsin on behalf of Barrett, who faces Republican Gov. Scott Walker in next Tuesday's election.

Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley, who chairs the Democratic Governors Association, is in Madison Thursday. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who heads the Democratic National Committee, rallied about 100 volunteers in Racine on Wednesday.

A poll released Wednesday by Marquette University Law School showed Walker with a slight 7-point lead over Barrett, 52 percent to 45 percent. The poll's margin of error was 4.1 percentage points.


Rick, another debate tonight 9:00 / 10:00 JOM time on Channel 12 (WISN Milwaukee). If you gawk at accidents, this Barrett performance is for you. BTW, the stink is from Milwaukee sewer overflows into Lake Michigan that Barrett "fixed" 12 years ago.


A poll released Wednesday by Marquette University Law School showed Walker with a slight 7-point lead over Barrett, 52 percent to 45 percent. The poll's margin of error was 4.1 percentage points.

Uh huh. I wonder how this would be reported if Barrett were leading Walker by the same margin.



Bob Beckel on The 5 just told Mayor Bloomberg "to stay out of our lives."--

Is it a surprise that porker is upset with the calorie fascists?


henry, the union dudes, were nice, or a least their credit was good.


BTW I hope we get a thread going on the President ordering by Fiat the US agreeing to The Law Of The Sea Treaty. That is a massive Unconstitutional move and we need to not lose sight of it in all this hoopla today. That ought to be enough to impeach Obama even if he had done nothing else wrong during his entire Presidency.

Just repeating from an earlier thread:

Ok, so I need some help here. Clarice says treaties have to be ratified by the Senate, which is of course true. On the other hand, the Constitutional scholar seems to be imposing the LOST by administrative fiat, and succeeding. So how does this end? Either this is an impeachable offense, or we have a gigantic loophole for Presidents to implement unratified treaties.

In other words: Do we have a system where the President can do whatever the f*** he wants, so long as there are people willing to carry it out, and the only recourse is impeachment (almost impossible with a Dem majority in the House)?


"Clinton to campaign for Wis. recall challenger... in Milwaukee on Friday."

Great news folks! We'll be able to see the progress of Bill's Canker sore:

23 May

24 May

Where will it be 1 June?


jimmyk. Lil Johnny Boner R....ino OH.

There is your problem.


Here's a better shot of "the cold sore"


I live in Milwaukee, I don't see how an impeached has been helps Barrett.
Tuesday can't get here soon enough.


Gwyneth was teh hot....back in the day.

Eric in Boise

Porch, that screams "caption contest".

I'll bite:

"How the hell can they 'miss you yet' with that stain on your lapel?"

Danube of Thought

They shoulda charged him with being criminally assholic.


Good questions JimmyK.

Lugar wants to get the thing passed before he gets pushed out the door. Begich and Murkowski are for it. Reagan was against it.

If any president could simply pencil whip it and pass it, it would have been passed long ago. If this passes without fanfare and fightback, then IMHO we essentially have no Constitution. This dwarf's everything else being discussed today.


Wouldn't it be within a president's rights to honor a treaty that hasn't been passed by the Senate?

Rick Ballard


The House has zip to do with treaties. The President can pretend all he wants but President Romney can unpretend at will. I'm not sure what the theoretical political advantage for the President may be from this and until that point is clear Governor Romney can stay on the sidelines.

Captain Hate

the only recourse is impeachment (almost impossible with a Dem majority in the House)?

You mean the Senate, no? He could still be impeached a la Slick but I doubt that Boehner would want to do it.

Wouldn't it be within a president's rights to honor a treaty that hasn't been passed by the Senate?

I assume that was sarcasm but remember when Slick, ManBearPig and the MFM were shilling for Kyoto which never had a snowball's chance of passing the Senate.


No, it wasn't sarcasm. Treaties are foreign policy documents, and the president can largely do what he wants in this arena. I think Obama is within his rights to honor this treaty, even though it's not ratified. His replacement can simply reverse whatever he did. I'm asking the question, though, since I imagine a president couldn't do that with a ratified treaty.


A large part of the opposition was that China and India were exempt, from such a treaty, making us pay the freight disproportionately.
The other part was that the whole endeavor was totally bogus, something neither Yergin in the Quest, or Steve Coll, in Private Empire, about Exxon, are willing to acknowledge, they rely on the IPCC as if it were gospel.

Rick Ballard

The Heritage Foundation has background info on LOST. I still find Reagan's rationale for repudiation persuasive.


--I think Obama is within his rights to honor this treaty, even though it's not ratified.--

Then presumably he could annex the USA to, say, Zimbabwe so long as the succeeding pres could unannex us?
This is the same faulty argument that says presidents can go to war with or without congress's consent and that the war declaring power was intended largely as window dressing.
The power to declare war and ratify treaties was invested in congress for a reason.


Don't give him any ideas, Ignatz.


Well, rick, we all know how what I think about anything associated with the Un these days.

Note ti self:don't forget to turn on burglar alarm tonight.

I was busy at WUWT on trying to pull in other things the UN thinks are linked to climate change.

Yes. It was not a meteor that took out the dinosaurs. Too much carbon. Not enough biodiversity. Insufficient UN supervision.


Nancy Reagan endorses Mitt today. Says Ronnie would have liked him and I do too. She served tea and lemon cookies to Mitt and Ann as they visited the 90 year old First Lady at home.

Yesterday Mitt got Condi's endorsement as well.

Danube of Thought

I haven't seen the Executive Order, so I don't know what Obama purports to have done. But he cannot, without 2/3 of the Senate, bind the United States to its terms.


--Don't give him any ideas, Ignatz.--

Hey, at least we'd have a president who admits he was born in Africa, and while Mugabe might eat people I bet he never ate a dog. ;)


"How the hell can they 'miss you yet' with that stain on your lapel?"

Eric in Boise,

GWB's response: "Too late!"


Thanks for the LOST link, Rick B.

"LOST, among other things, creates yet another unaccountable and opaque international organization, sets a precedent for international taxation of U.S. companies, provides an avenue for international environmental regulation, and threatens U.S. sovereignty by subjecting the United States and U.S. companies to mandatory dispute resolution in international fora that have traditionally been stacked against U.S. interests.

Every international group appears to be much more against the US interest today than even in 2008 when the article was written. The regime changes in Africa, Mid east, Greece, Russia, etc have radically changed the way America is viewed thruout the world. I have no idea why we have a bunch of former Sec's of State claiming we should turn our national sovereignty over to over countries. My guess is it has to do with the fact that they have all hung around Washington D.C. government buildings too long and have lost touch with America.

IMO, it is totally wrong for a president to take action to implement treaties that have not been ratified by the Senate.


I clicked thru to the Axelrod video of his remarks today in Boston as posted at Real Clear Politics. I had to laugh as a Maker's Mark liquor bottle popped up in front of Axelrod's face.


You can't have enough frank disingenuousness in the day;


Rick Ballard

Gallup Approval Ratings for 6/1 of incumbents reelection year. Bold indicates winners. Truman had GDP growth of 6.5% in Q1 followed by 7.5% in Q2.

Truman 39
Eisen.. 71
Johnson 44
Nixon 62
Ford 47
Carter 38
Reagan 55
Bush 41
Clinton 53
Bush 49
Obama 47

Winners average approval - 55%
Losers average approval - 44%

Eleven incumbents - 6 winners, five losers (including Obama).

Beasts of England

'If he put it in her endo, the rumors would be different.'

Posted by: Threadkiller | May 31, 2012 at 03:34 PM

I thought the term was innuendo?

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