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May 16, 2012



She probably would have banned you anyway.

Just like she did to me.


Well, TM, surely someone here can comment on her Facebook page. No, me, as I don't "do" facebook, but lots of people here seem to, as well as "tweet" on "twitter."




You apparently scare easily, stay away from snakes and old dilapidated houses under a full moon to help you with fear phobias...


Marsh also falsely writes that Zimmerman confronted Martin.

"... While Martin noticing Zimmerman had his own worries, there can be little doubt, due to his reaction to Zimmerman confronting him, which the injury reports verifies ..."

"... But if George Zimmerman doesn’t pursue and instead chooses to wait for the police to do their job, the altercation and killing does not happen. ..."


Open Letter to Petes Sake ...

Get a life ...
Comment on the article or get you own blog to write your open letters on ...


Petes Sake


Very few link to Tom beside Insty the glibertarian.

But, the comments on this one make up for it.

Biggest Dolt in the Universe: Tom Maguire
by BooMan
Sun Apr 1st, 2012 at 01:31:35 PM EST

Tom Maguire is an impossibly stupid man, and his commenters are probably even dumber. Maguire had anticipated the possibility that voice analysis would determine that Zimmerman was lying when he (allegedly) told the police that he was screaming for help. His argument was that we can't use science to identify voices unless we can recreate exactly what those voices were saying. So, for example, if you scream in fear of your life into a tape recorder, the only way to match that recording is to have another recording of you screaming in fear for your life. We couldn't use your 911 call from moments earlier. Also, you can't use science to identify a voice if there is any background noise. This, of course, ignores the entirety of the Orlando Sentinal's explanation:

Rob Crawford

it would be nice if the delegates from the Reality-Based Community could come to agreement on some basic facts.


Yeah, right. Even the appellation "reality-based community" comes from their community-based reality.


There's something about the Zimmerman case that appeals to liars and dingbats, isn't there? Is it something subliminal? Extra terrestrial? What?


"... There's something about the Zimmerman case that appeals to liars and dingbats, ..."

we had the identical pattern in the Duke Lacrosse rape case. The establishment stampeding to a guilty judgement. A prosecutor focused on making a name for him/herself instead of doing justice.


As a contrast there is absolutely no one anywhere on God's green earth that links to Petes Sake and nary a soul that would ever even in jest call him a glib

Or lucid

Or cogent

Or ( oh hell you get the gist )...


he could only weigh 250 if he had an adamantium skeleton

Ha, well played, sir. (Had to look it up, but well played nonetheless.)

Rob Crawford

There's something about the Zimmerman case that appeals to liars and dingbats, isn't there?

The opportunity to speak "truth" to "power".

They've constructed their imaginary little world in which White always means powerful and guilty and Black always means powerless and innocent. The Zimmerman and Duke cases are based ENTIRELY on that fiction, and they see it as vindication of their view of the world.

When it turns out that reality does not conform to their preferred fiction, they don't take it well...


There's something about the Zimmerman case that appeals to liars and dingbats

A lot of folks have invested a lot of their credibility and self-worth into a narrative that has Zimmerman guilty of racism and, incidentally, murder. If Harry Morgan's character from the Ox-Bow had a blog, he'd sound like this Petes Sake character.

I am amazed that there has been more righteous wrath expended on getting Zimmerman behind bars for being on the wrong side of a narrative, than there has been for getting Jon Corzine behind bars, even though he's the guy who ran the company that, um, lost a billion or so of money in client accounts.

Zimmerman may yet be proved guilty (though the evidence that would do it sure has been well-hidden). But the lynch mob atmosphere that has formed around this case has been something extraordinary. Hopefully, once the election is over, or after Crump gets a high-paying gig someplace, someone will have the decency to embarassed about their conduct in this case.


It has been my experience with liberals, that once the narrative is written--nothing, but nothing, will change it for them.


someplace, someone will have the decency to embarassed about their conduct in this case.

Maybe. But judging by their behavior thus far, I find it difficult to see that they ever had any decency and are utterly incapable of embarrassment.

Theodore Nugent

" You don’t enjoy being on the receiving end of this sort of playground logic, so why take such pains to excuse it when the shoe is on the other foot?"

It's called 'payback'.

Where's my fillet knife?


Imagine the Duke LaCrosse accuser, had a broken nose and head lacerations.

Oh dear.


Another meme that won't die is Zimmerman rejected an order to not follow, and it's cousin vampire meme, that the dispatcher issued the "order" before Zimmerman got out of his truck.

On the night of the shooting, Zimmerman had called 911 to complain about a suspicious person in the neighborhood, according to authorities.

In the call, Zimmerman said he was following Martin after the teen started to run, prompting the dispatcher to tell him, "We don't need you to do that."

Zimmerman apparently disregarded that advice.

Sources: Medical report says Zimmerman had broken nose, other injuries after fight - Lateef Mungin, CNN, May 16, 2012


cboldt, please stay around. We need your sanity.


Liberals look for any anecdotal apportunity to reward a class that they have decided has victim status.
War on women,
war on gays,
war on Skittles,
etc etc etc......
When facts get in the way. YOU BECOME A BIGOT.


Yes, we did, steve. Sometimes even the same dingbats and liars.


cboldt. What was Zimmermans' reply to the SUGGESTION....that....."WE"....don't "NEED" you to do that?

I recall what it was.



Yes, but among White Hispanics "OK" "apparently" means "NFW." /CNN


"Zimmerman apparently disregarded that advice."

And you correctly conclude Crump is basing his case on that very linchpin.


Isn't that cool, Gus. That kind of circular thinking saves a lot of time--no need to use reason, investigate facts, etc. Leaves more time for making giant papier mache puppet heads and marching around speaking truth to power.


I think it's time to start putting out pictures of Peggy Noonan on milk cartons.

I can't even find a time when she's taken more than 1 week between columns:


I can't imagine it had anything to do with her last column:
"The Case for Sending Senator Lugar Back to Washington"
which came out on 4 May, 12 days ago.

A complete mystery.


Lawyer says Zimmerman medical report leaked to boost case - By Marisol Bello, USA TODAY, May 16, 2012

"You have to look at this in the full context," he [Crump] said. "George Zimmerman made the decision to get out of his car, profile Trayvon Martin, pursue Trayvon Martin and confront him."

He said the report shows that Martin was fighting for his life and the altercation never would have happened if Zimmerman had not pursued the teen.

He also questioned the severity of Zimmerman's injuries. ...

"He was fighting for his life," Crump told CNN's Anderson Cooper. "Let's not forget that Trayvon Martin was fighting a man with a 9mm gun. We also have to remember that he didn't start this fight. George Zimmerman got out his car and pursued Trayvon Martin."

That'll fly with the rubes who populate the Democratic party, and other assorted malcontents and mental defectives; but no way will it fly with a competent judge.


--If Harry Morgan's character from the Ox-Bow had a blog, he'd sound like this Petes Sake character.--

Great line, Appalled.

Dave (in MA)

OT: Another Kennedy tragedy?


Peggy Noonan is missing? Who knew?


The biggest tragedy is that Joe Kennedy didn't croak before spawning.


I think it's time to start putting out pictures of Peggy Noonan on milk cartons.

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Okay - let's don't and say we did.


Put your hands in the air and step away from the Butter Pecan.


"Zimmerman apparently disregarded that advice."

Lateef apparently didn't read his own network's transcript of the bond hearing where lead investigator Gilbreath admitted under oath there was zero evidence that GZ wasn't returning to his truck when he encountered TM.


"Zimmerman apparently disregarded that advice."

Trayvon Martin's friend/girlfriend allegedly told him to "run" he apparently disregarded that advice.

IIRC - There is no such law in Florida that indicates "disregarding advice" is illegal and or racist.

TMarsh and her reality based minions just like stimming on Todays Talking Points - doesn't really matter which bright, shiny lie captures their fancy from day to day.


The spin put on Zim’s injuries and how they were Zim’s fault reminded me of a reference to MST 3000: “that guy I groined in the knee."


Miss Crump continues to make ASSumptions. I think the prix should go back to Mayberry.
Obama and his ilk have set back race relations 20 years.
Holder should be in prison.


TMarsh today put in quotes the Orlando Sentinel's mid-March “called 911 dozens of times in the months that led to the fatal shooting" contention, which was disproved and corrected weeks ago. Either TMarsh hasn't followed the case enough to know the facts or she knew the facts but preferred the lie, and cowardly hid behind the quotes.

Rick Ballard

Another Wisconsin Poll

It confirms the Rasmussen and PPP findings and gives a good explanation (in the main article) as to why the GOP is being over weighted - Dem lack of enthusiasm. I linked the top line results because of the Q11 45% negative response to public unions.

It doesn't appear that the unions are going to be rewarded for all their effort and expense any more than the occupoopers are.

What a shame.

I have somewhat more than a suspicion that the Grillntats Case is going to prove to have the same sort of results. I sure hope the Democrats stick with the Pinhead Troika right through to November 7th. They've got a real grasp of what counts in politics. Just ask Julia.

The three-page medical report is among the evidence the special prosecutors provided defense lawyers before Zimmerman's trial.
Lawyer: Zimmerman medical report leaked to boost case - Gannett - May 16, 2012

Heheheh. Yeah, handed to the special prosecutors by O'Mara in the first place, in open court no less, broadcast by CNN; now reported as "among the evidence the special prosecutors provided defense lawyers."


WOW...Kennedy or not, suicide and/or early death is a suprememly sad situation. RIP Mary Kennedy.


Ms Marsh and the commentariat of the left might want to hold off the comments on Zimmerman's prescribed drug use. There is a reason that Crump sealed the autopsy and it may not be because of busted knuckles. The toxicology report is not public yet. I am not saying it will be bad for the prosecution, but at the rate that their themes/memes/spin is blowing up I would suggest caution.


--Heheheh. Yeah, handed to the special prosecutors by O'Mara in the first place, in open court no less, broadcast by CNN; now reported as "among the evidence the special prosecutors provided defense lawyers.--

Yeah, that was kind of hilarious how the defendant's doctor's report became the prosecutions evidence wasn't it?


Michelle Jacobs, law professor minimizing the importance of GZ's injuries in that Gannett piece teaches Critical Race Theory at Univ. of Fl Law.


--WOW...Kennedy or not, suicide and/or early death is a suprememly sad situation. RIP Mary Kennedy.--

That was kind of my point re Joe Kennedy.

How many people would not have been drowned/prematurely died, been raped abused, run over, etc, were that whole miserable clan to have run its course and come to an end with that hideous old Nazi patriarch.


cboldt | May 16, 2012 at 05:28 PM
"He (Crump) said the report shows that Martin was fighting for his life and the altercation never would have happened if Zimmerman had not pursued the teen."

If only no one but Trayvon ever walked on that sidewalk he would be alive today. If everyone would close their eyes when Trayvon was walking in the rain? If only everyone would let Trayvon bust them in the nose he would be alive and in jail today. If only.

blue dragon

Wisconsin; too close to call, but no one can stop you from declaring victory before the buzzer.

This, is another kettle of pink gefilte.

Four percent of the population identifies as LGBT—roughly twice the number who identify as Jews. Right now, when one party is trying to grant them more rights and the other is trying to circumscribe them, you can expect overwhelming Democratic support. Certainly you’d expect that a higher proportion of gays than Jews would vote for the Democrat, right? Well, in 2008, you would’ve been wrong: 27 percent of gays voted for Sen. John McCain, as opposed to 22 percent of Jews.

Maybe that number will go down this year given Obama’s announcement, but in terms of a longer trend, it implies that eventually the gay vote—at least the gay male vote—will be very much up-for-grabs. And why shouldn’t it be? Fifty, 30, or even 20 years from now, both parties will support gay rights, at least on its face, and the issue will be largely uncontroversial. (Put it this way: In 50 years, I’d bet Democrats won’t make the same charges against Republicans about gays that they do now about women.) At that point, roughly half of the gay population will be men who are disproportionately wealthy; disproportionately childless; and likely less concerned with social issues, their primary one having been resolved. And what do we call wealthy American men who care about economic policies with a limited personal commitment to public education? Usually, we call them Republicans.


The left is just pathetic on this. They have their meme or narrative, or better yet, "legend" about a country where little black boys are routinely stalked by armed paranoid racists who shoot them for no good reason. But as the old west newspaperman says, when the legend conflicts with the facts, print the legend.....Taylor Marsh is of that tradition.

I, for one, am glad that Tom Maguire posted his comment here and not on some comment page someplace else......


I wonder how much force you must punch with to bust knuckles on both hands.

CRT is a blot on humanity. Never let it be treated as other than what is is-Brain and civic poison.


Note the subtle backtrack in what Crump is now saying. He tacitly admits that there was a fight in which Trayvon got in some shots, which is different from the original story. He does not really say who started the fight. He retreats all the way back to "if GZ had never left his truck, TM would be alive today."

This is undoubtedly true. But it is not relevant to the self defense issue. By getting out of his truck or by ignoring a suggestion from the dispatcher (if he did so), GZ did not waive his right to self defense.

Crump's clear interest is to find someone to bring a big civil suit against. He does not need GZ to be convicted in order to do that. He can make his half baked causation argument to the jury in that case.

The question is who will be the defendant?


A few tidbits in this NYT piece
Trayvon Martin Case Shadowed by Series of Police Missteps

  • There was only one photo taken by the police at the scene of any of Mr. Zimmerman’s injuries — a full-face picture of him that showed a bloodied nose — before paramedics tended to him.
  • Some Sanford officers were skeptical from the beginning about certain details of Mr. Zimmerman’s account. For instance, he told the police that Mr. Martin had punched him over and over again, but they questioned whether his injuries were consistent with the number of blows he claimed he received. They also suspected that some of the threatening and dramatic language that Mr. Zimmerman said Mr. Martin uttered during the struggle — like “You are going to die tonight” — sounded contrived.
  • After Gov. Rick Scott of Florida contacted Mr. Wolfinger and had a conversation with him in late March, the prosecutor recused himself, citing, among other things, an unspecified conflict of interest.
  • [Zimmerman] was read his Miranda rights and answered questions

Cutcher gets a few paragraphs of attention, too. Can't say that I agree her treatment by SPD was "sloppy" in any way.


Cutcher seems upset that the SPD did not pay more attention to her, even though by her own account she heard little and saw less....

Rick Ballard

"Wisconsin; too close to call"

No it's not. There are three decent polls within the past week showing Walker outside the MoE. He would win easily today or tomorrow. If your point is that "something might happen between now and the election to change things substantially", then make a case for what it might be.

It won't be improvement in Dem enthusiasm. The Democrat Party took care of that in spring '09 under the brilliant leadership of Barack Hussein Obama.


If!!! If my Aunt had a mustache, she'd be my Uncle.


So now Crump. Jackson and Team Skittles are profiling Zimmerman, and everyone else with a psychological disability, as being raving lunatics just because they take prescription meds?

Psych disability discrimination is covered by hate crime and hate speech legislation.

What a bunch of hypocritical bigots!

According to the medical report, Zimmerman was on two prescription drugs the night of the shooting.
Martin's camp said it wonders if the medication could have resulted in mood swings or paranoia.

Read more: http://www.wesh.com/trayvon-martin-extended-coverage/31072911/detail.html#ixzz1v4TGEEAO


No one is trying to CIRCUMSCRIBE nor CIRCUMSIZE Gays....blue dragon........Jews on the other.....errrrr HAND...............


Accusing the Sanford PD of sloppiness is a diversion from the bum-rush that that Crump gave them. He could not let them issue a final report and had the city manager and the mayor doing everything possible to stop them including getting rid of and attempting to pay off the police chief with a severance package (was there also a nondisclosure clause). The Sanford PD never finished their investigation which was done in a timely manner. Crump did not like the direction it was headed and had to have political interference to change it. The Sanford PD will probably be defense witnesses.

Danube of Thought

One of the more astonishing factoids in this matter is that as of the day of the bond hearing the prosecution had not sought the medical records.

I await the buubmeister's criticism of Crump's willful lies. Can't have those sorts of things when one only cares about justice.


The question is who will be the defendant?

Anybody who can rub two nickels together.


Crump lied Skittles died??

Rick Ballard

"The question is who will be the defendant?


What's the promotion in Black Klan status worth to Crump? Under the right circumstances, a high position in the Black Klan has been rewarded with a Budweiser distributorship and a safe House seat for sons of a Black Imperial Wizard. Crump is playing a long game with good odds, now that Jackson and Sharpton are getting long in the tooth.


uh oh:

Byron York ‏@ByronYork
New Fox national poll: Obama 46 Romney 39. A seven-point drop for Romney since last month.

FNC has lousy polling, right?

blue dragon

"There are three decent polls within the past week"

Could Rasmoose be one of 'em?

You may recall the 2004 General; Kerry was above the Margin of error, too.

I want to see your enthusiasm for polls when it turns into a blue tide.


-- Accusing the Sanford PD of sloppiness is a diversion from the bum-rush that that Crump gave them. --

The last sentence in the NYT article is, "In announcing the charge, though, Ms. Corey praised the Sanford Police Department's work, indicating that it had conducted a 'thorough and intensive' inquiry and was a 'tremendous help' to her office."

The accusation of slop isn't coming from Corey's office. It's coming from Crump.


In the Edwards case, the defense rested today. I think that's Abbe Lowell's statement of how seriously he takes the prosecution's case.


RFK's ex wife commits suicide. The Republicans are the ones at war with women, though.


The accusation of slop isn't coming from Corey's office. It's coming from Crump.

Very true but she was brought in to bypass them and the local DA and she did. All of this is from Crump and Corey probably wishes she had never met him.


I agree, Clarice. As much of a scumbag I think Edwards is, I don't think he is guilty.


From the NYT link above:

"One involved the investigators’ inability to get the password for Mr. Martin’s cellphone from his family, who apparently did not know it. That was significant because Mr. Martin had been talking to a girl on the phone moments before he was killed, but the young woman did not contact the police after Mr. Martin’s death was made public."

Wait a minute - whatever happened to the lie that the SPD mishandled Travon's cell phone? I never heard before that TMartin's family knew the police were trying to get into his cell phone? Didn't Crump blather on about SPD never contacting the girlfriend?

Maybe it was just the Kaka brigade...


-- He [Crump] could not let them [SPD] issue a final report and had the city manager and the mayor doing everything possible to stop them ... --

SPD turned over its material to Wolfinger, on March 13 or thereabouts (going from memory). Wolfinger had scheduled a grand jury for April 10, to make final disposition of the case. My sense is that SPD did in fact finish its investigation.

The only "new" material resulting from the work of Corey's team of crack investigators is DeeDee's account of a phone conversation (which Crump asserted he would withhold from the police anyway), and Sybrina's contention that she recognizes the calls for help as Trayvon's voice.


FNC has lousy polling, right?

Dunno, this one appears to be +8 Dem, registered voters, so suspect. Probably just a blip. Barry's been pretty steady at 46%, Romney's bounced around.


-- Wait a minute - whatever happened to the lie that the SPD mishandled Travon's cell phone? --

Wait awhile. That lie isn't dead, maybe never will be. Funny how the SPD is to blame for DeeDee's failure to be forthcoming with material evidence. Oh, and too that the phone records are, ahem, available on the web. IOW, "who called" was available to the family via Tracy's online account with T-Mobile, on a day to day, up to the minute basis.

There is no need for the phone password, when you have the account password.

Rick Ballard

"FNC has lousy polling, right?"

Not as bad as some. They do not weight for party. That drops their value through the floor for political polling. Their issue polling can be reasonably good.

Don't forget that 1 poll in 20 is going to be absolutely wrong - there is no confirmation whatsoever on this poll.

"You may recall the 2004 General; Kerry was above the Margin of error, too"

blue dragon,

You are either a liar or an idiot. RCP has the data to prove it.

No more replies to your drivel.


cboldt, I marvel at your rapid and complete recall of all these details.


Here is the Megyn Kelly/Jon Lovitz interview that daddy was telling us about.


I love cboldt.


-- I marvel at your rapid and complete recall of all these details. --

Just skip past the parts where I get the details wrong in a material way, okay?

But seriously, memory is a fascinating and odd thing. Many things I ought to remember, I don't; and some pieces of trivia stick like glue. I just looked up when SPD turned the case file over to Wolfinger, and as my good fortune would have it, March 13 is correct.

Rick Ballard

Idiot it is. The Wisconsin election is in three weeks - somewhat similar to October in terms of election timing. Walker will be at 51-53%.


I cannot remember the details rom day to day..I write things down and then forget where I filed them. So to me, cboldt it's a marvel.


Me too, Clarice.

John B

I knew from the begining that Zimmerman would be railroaded. You could tell by the immediate outrage. It's almost as though the race-hustlers knew they'd have to be the first ones to react in order to control the narrative.

I began a compilation of evidence released, and the public reaction to the case. It's unreal the way Martin supporters have reacted regardless of the evidence.

(shameless self-promotion) http://truthinreligionandpolitics.com/2012/04/07/some-facts-about-the-trayvon-martin-case/

What's worse is the lack of humility to admit they might have been hasty framing Zimmerman as a bloodthirsty trigger-happy racist


How many people would not have been drowned/prematurely died, been raped abused, run over, etc, were that whole miserable clan to have run its course and come to an end with that hideous old Nazi patriarch.

My guess is the number fails when compared to the debris caused by this president and the Chicago clan.

Melinda Romanoff

Where's dragon's wizard?

Sounds more like a Night Hawk.

blue dragon

I thought you were done with me. Your HotAir numbers leave Walker at 9% which is laughable.

The avg is 45-47. I predict (since we're into that) the indy will drop out because removing walker is the objective.

I will be back to laugh at your 51% for Walker

Melinda Romanoff

Oh, Hi Dana.

Melinda Romanoff

And bye.

Danube of Thought

Public Service Announcement

The man posting as Blue Dragon is Dana Gilbert Ward of Pitzer College. The owner of this site has requested that no one respond to his posts in any way. Thank you for your cooperation.


It feels kinda cool to be scary to these douchebags.

Rick Ballard

OK - liar and idiot.


Why can't it be a floor wax and a desert topping, Rick, You would think that Fox would get another pollster, or at least update the methodology,

Polite Iconoclast

"What's worse is the lack of humility to admit they might have been hasty framing Zimmerman as a bloodthirsty trigger-happy racist"

As opposed to the racial-profiling of an american teen-ager in his own neighborhood, shot down in his youth, by a trigger-happy
neighborhood organizer?


I want to see your enthusiasm for polls when it turns into a blue tide.

I absolutely laughed out loud when I read that. I will be tapdancing while you are out on the ledge. But you wont be anywhere around I am quite sure, because that is the kind lying crapweasel you are.


"OK - liar and idiot."

"John Wayne; Is that you? Is this me?

Danube of Thought


A new poll from Marquette University Law School — which had Scott Walker and Tom Barrett in a dead heat two weeks ago — now shows Walker pulling ahead in the Wisconsin gubernatorial recall election: [W]ith three weeks to go until the recall election Gov. Scott Walker has taken a 6-percentage point lead over Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, 50-44 percent, among likely voters. Just 3 percent say they are undecided. In the previous poll, taken April 26-29, Walker held a 1-percentage-point lead among likely voters.

Fox is not quite as bad as some of the University polls, but they used to use Opinion Dynamics ( may still ) and are always too cheap to pay for likely voter polling. If there were other polls showing Zero with a statistically significant lead, then it would be different but I dont know of any lately.


Danube, Althouse gets into hidden gold in that poll. Key Walker supporters lead in the certain to vote category by 91% to Barrett's 83%. Turnout is the key.


in his own neighborhood

You get your news from ABC right? Did you even know his was visiting ( due to a second or third suspension from school ) and that his neighborhood was in Miami hours and hours away?

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than open your mouth and remove all doubt.


True, gmax, however it almost puts in the shoes of that ridiculous poll of Americans,
that Gallup hauled out yesterday.

Danube of Thought

Dana Gilbert Ward just posted as Polite Iconoclast.

Captain Hate

Gee I didn't see this coming: http://weaselzippers.us/2012/05/16/report-mossad-spy-executed-by-iran-was-outed-by-wikileaks/

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