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May 23, 2012



Weight loss and Skittles all in one post. Nirvana?

Ignatius J Donnelly

There are weights listed for the witnesses as well(and Trayvon)on the crime scene report. I'm guessing they were estimates.
GZ has a 38 inch waist but does not look that porky. Do they weigh people when they are arrested?

Jim Eagle

Usually, when you go the doctor's office (which GZ did, right) they weigh you. Al least at mine they do. There should be archival and recent evidence of his weight if would seem but its still irrelevant and immaterial unless you are a race hustler or left wing apologist for anti-gun laws and anti-self defense.

Someone send Chucky Blown a couple of TM's trademark fighting videos. He sure is big for a pre-schooler.

Tom Maguire
Weight loss and Skittles all in one post. Nirvana?

When O'Mara is scraping the bottom of the G Zimmerman legal defense fund barrel we will see the "Zimmerman Twin Lakes Diet" book - 250 to 185 in just seven years, and only one homicide!


I disagree with the premise. It is entirely plausible that a thin, tall adolescent would attack a heavier but shorter older guy, particularly if the teen was in an aggressive state of mind. Many of us have known feisty short guys with a Napoleon complex who would go up against anyone if in the mood.


If Zim weighed 200 pounds, MO would have shot him.

Rob Crawford

particularly if the teen was in an aggressive state of mind

Such as from withdrawal from "drank"?


Why is the NYTs calling an 18-year-old minor a "boy" ? Are they racist?


Fox News just played the "adjusted" witness testimonies from four different witnesses. All of the sudden they are remembering a different event than what they said they
saw the first time.

Anyone want to bet somebody got to them?

Zimmerman's attorney's are going to have a field day - gonna toast them some witnesses - bring on the toaster oven! They are toast - idiots.


Profiles in Cowardice:

John Kerry reads the Tea Leaves:

Kerry: No vote on Sea Treaty before election

"Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said some lawmakers “on and off the committee” have candidly told him they'd “be more comfortable” if they could avoid having to cast the controversial vote during the campaign season. "


You have to believe that Trayvon chose to attack a man who outweighed him by 100 pounds...

Outside the obvious falseness of this "fact" does this idiot every stop and ask himself how an allegedly pudgy 250 lbs white hispanic managed to chase down a teen aged football player?

Or is that like too much math & hard work when you're stupid?

Rob Crawford

some lawmakers “on and off the committee” have candidly told him they'd “be more comfortable” if they could avoid having to cast the controversial vote during the campaign season

We need a Constitutional amendment banning Congress from being in session from mid-October to the seating of the next Congress. Just don't let them do ANYTHING after they've been voted from office.


Boy, Rob, is that ever right. What Kerry is saying is, "We'll sell out the country in the lame duck session, after we've been voted out of office."

If ever there was a worthy amendment, this would be it.


I don't think anyone knows what Zimmerman weighed on that fateful night. I doubt even Zimmerman knows.

Melinda Romanoff

Is this Zimmerman guy still alive? Hang him already. Justice demands it! Verdict first, trial later.


For anyone following the Piers Morgan brouhaha.

All the Brit papers, including the BBC, are going after Piers. Fine with me. Whats going on today, is that during some official Inquiry a BBC bigshot, Jeremy Paxson, has told inquirers that Piers Morgan specifically told him at a dinner part in 2002, how to hack into telephones and explained in detail how he had done so to some celebrity.

This directly conflicts with Piers telling a previous session of this board of inquiry that "phone-hacking did not happen at the Daily Mirror while he was editor between 1995 and 2004."

And as a result of this BBC guy dropping the dime on Pier's today, Piers has twitted back "Right - that's the last time I'm inviting Jeremy Paxman to lunch. Ungrateful little wretch."

This seems to be the nub of it today. I do not know if these answers to the Inquiry board are under Oath, or what the penalties for lying to the board are, but it overall appears Piers is caught in a lie, and the BBC and the Brit News Orgs seem to be aligned against the crappy, pompous POS CNN host.

If anyone has a better understanding of the situation, please educate me.

Strawman Cometh

how an allegedly pudgy 250 lbs white hispanic managed to chase down a teen aged football player?
The teenaged football player is high on pot and "Orange Drank"?


So has the full tox report not been released? The news reports only mentioned THC in the blood. There's still the question of what he was doing between 6:25 and 7pm, if the time stamp on the 7-11 video is accurate.


Oh, and narciso? I don't see any other blogs citing that Quiqley piece from yesterday as parody. You still stand by your claim?


Another gem is on page 183. The report from the EMTs. With the benefit of time and light, they peg the "boy" Trayvon Martin at 20 years old. Adds a bit of credence to GZ claim that he thought TM was just a little younger than himself.

Kathy Kattenburg

Tom, why no comment on the four witnesses's changed stories about what happened that night?


We need a Constitutional amendment banning Congress from being in session from mid-October to the seating of the next Congress.

Yes! If employees can be fired and then summarily escorted to the door, with maybe a few minutes to clean out their desk, then we should do the same with Congress.

Rick Ballard

Those who call KaKa stupid are committing a grave injustice against the merely stupid. She's in a whole 'nother league.

Strawman Cometh

shhh, don't tell KKlown about the previous thread.

Strawman Cometh


Jim Rhoads a/k/a vjnjagvet

KK the drive by troll has totally missed the last thread. Good comment KK. Keep 'em coming. And while you are at it, please enlighten us as to how the changes help the prosecution's case. Betchacant.

Some guy

Tom, why no comment on the four witnesses's changed stories about what happened that night?

'Awesome' wrapped in 'You're kidding' stuffed into 'LOL' and layered with 'Gee Whiz' sauce.


Fitzgerald is holding a press conference tomorrow to elaborate on his stepping down. What the hell? Or maybe who the hell cares? That man's ego rivals Obama's.

Rick Ballard


Cross your fingers - he might go out with a strong objection to interference by My People and the Pinhead Troika. It's only a 1 in 20 shot but a public announcement followed by a presser is rather unusual.


He was a bottom dwelling denizen of Omicron Persei 8, long before, daddy, for what he did to the British troops in the Mirror,


Bernie de la Rionda moves to seal state's evidence.

According to the Orlando Sentinel, Assistant State Attorney Bernie de la Rionda, the lead prosecutor, writes in the motion that some of Zimmerman's statements:

"are contradictory, and are inconsistent with the physical evidence and statements of witnesses."

De la Rionda argues that because those statements "could be used against him at trial," the records should not be public.

Looking for a link to the motion. From the above brief description of the reason, the request is outside the reason the rules provide for protecting information.


So we have a commenter interested in Changing Witness Accounts who is criticizing TM on his Blog for not commenting on Changing Witness Accounts, yet who is apparently such a poor Witness herself that she is unable to witness TM's Account of Changing Witness Accounts, witnessed by all 152 commenters who already commented on TM's Changing Witness Accounts.

You were right narciso, I should have chosen the Blue Box Universe:


And what about our host's absence of comment about Zimmerman showing disrespect to the Sanford PD? [Side remark about "new" - this is an old recording, the only thing "new" is the press digging it up, now]

New audio recordings reveal Zimmerman's contempt for Sanford police - WFTV.com

"I've also had the opportunity to take ride-alongs with the city of Sanford Police Department," Zimmerman said. “And what I saw was disgusting. The officer showed me his favorite hiding spots for taking naps."

I told you, daddy,


I looked at the phone record, and tried to determine which calls were from DeeDee. My current best guess is:

The calls are:
5:09-6:30 (81 min. - from Martin to DeeDee)
6:30-6:43 (13 min. - from Martin to DeeDee)
6:41-6:44 (4 min. - to Martin)
6:45-6:50 (5 min. - from Martin to DeeDee)
6:46-6:48 (2 min - from Martin to non-T-Mob.)
6:49-6:53 (4 min. - to Martin from DeeDee)
6:53-6:54 (1 min. - from Martin to DeeDee?)
6:54-6:55 (1 min. - from Martin to DeeDee?)
6:54-7:12 (18 min. - to Martin from DeeDee)
7:04-7:05 (1 min. - to Martin)
7:12-7:16 (4 min. - to Martin from DeeDee)

The DeeDee calls are:
5:09-6:30 (81 min. - from Martin)
6:30-6:43 (13 min. - from Martin)
6:45-6:50 (5 min. - from Martin)
6:49-6:53 (4 min. - to Martin)
6:53-6:54 (1 min. - from Martin) (?)
6:54-6:55 (1 min. - from Martin) (?)
6:54-7:12 (18 min. - to Martin)
7:12-7:16 (4 min. - to Martin)

The non-DeeDee calls are:
6:41-6:44 (4 min. - to Martin)
6:46-6:48 (2 min - from Martin)
7:04-7:05 (1 min. - to Martin)

I'm particularly uncertain about the calls marked with question marks, but put them with the DeeDee calls. Both the beginning and ending times are rounded in some unknown (to me) fashion by T-Mobile. The only call to a non-T-Mobile phone is at 6:46.


I'd argue that Zimmerman's statements are NOT in the nature of a confession, on the basis that a confession is an admission of wrongdoing. I wonder if it is SOP for the state to withhold defendant statements from public records, even when the statements are not in the nature of admitting a criminal act.

But the state is arguing to withhold more than Zimmerman's statements. It also wants to withhold crime scene photos, the voice stress test (that Zimmerman passed, but Bernie wants to withhold because, he argues, it will prejudice the jury against Zimmerman).

According to de la Rionda, those statements "are contradictory, and are inconsistent with the physical evidence and statements of witnesses."

Guess what Bernie? You are going to be tested on that claim, just as you will be on the sworn claim that the evidence shows Zimmerman disregarded dispatch instructions, and on the sworn claim that dispatch told Zimmerman to wait for the responding police officer.


MJW, some of those calls appear to overlap in time. The phone can maintain more than one connection, simultaneously. Just saying, I'm not sure all of them are DeeDee.

Entries for February 26th ...

  • 6:30 pm calling North Dade 13 minutes long (T-Mobile-to-T-mobile)
  • 6:41 pm incoming call 4 minutes long (T-mobile-to-T-mobile)
  • 6:45 pm calling North Dade 5 minutes long (T-mobile-to-T-mobile)
  • 6:46 pm calling North Dade 2 minutes long
  • 6:49 pm incoming call 4 minutes long (T-mobile-to-T-mobile)
  • 6:54 pm incoming call 18 minutes long (T-mobile-to-T-mobile)
  • 7:04 pm incoming call 1 minute long
  • 7:12 pm incoming call 4 minutes long (T-mobile-to-T-mobile)


Duh ... I see you already figured that out, and in much more detail than I had. Sorry ...

hit and run

Fitzgerald is holding a press conference tomorrow to elaborate on his stepping down. What the hell?

The media was his boss during the Libby investigation -- it's only fitting he tell them in person.

And someone should bring some sand and throw it in his eyes.



I was wondering what tall tale he is going to tell us tomorrow. Seems every press conference he tells some untruth.


Ohh yeah, that "confession" argument for withholding from public records is bogus, and I'll bet Bernie knows it.


A confession occurs only when the defendant "acknowledged guilt of the essential elements of the act or acts constituting the entire criminal offense" [emphasis in original, cites omitted, including to binding FL Supreme Court precedent]

MJW, some of those calls appear to overlap in time. The phone can maintain more than one connection, simultaneously. Just saying, I'm not sure all of them are DeeDee.

I'm not sure they're all from DeeDee either, but a one-minute overlap doesn't mean much, because the end times are just the call duration added to the beginning time, and the call duration is always rounded up to a minute, and the beginning time is rounded in some unknown fashion.

There could certainly be times listed in the DeeDee calls where Martin hung up on DeeDee, called someone else, then called back DeeDee.


Oh, I missed cboldt's follow up to his comment, but in any case, it's a good point that some calls I associated with DeeDee may actually be calls to someone else. I especially wonder about the 13 minute call at 6:30.


MJW, I'm looking at that 13 minute call out, starting at 6:30, which appears to be interrupted with a 4 minute incoming call at 6:41 - then there is Trayvon making two callouts, a 5 minute one starting at 6:45, and a 2 minute one starting at 6:46. He's talking to more than DeeDee, and she probably knows who it is.


My point is just that we know, where the calls overlap, there is more than DeeDee. As to who, or which are DeeDee and which are others, I assume that the longer ones are DeeDee, but that is based on Crump's statement. Still, the phone records are easy enough to line up, and that would be too easy a "lie revealed" from Crump to make it, if the DeeDee's phone records didn't align with the narrative of "hours of time on the telephone line, talking 'bout things to come."


Florida Attorney General Advisory Legal Opinion - AGO 84-33 on Arrest report / public records

In sum, while the initial complaint affidavit and arrest report in a criminal case file may contain "a reference to some statement or admission on the part of the defendant" this does not necessarily reveal the substance of a confession and only the "substance of a confession" is exempted from public disclosure by s 119.07(3)(m), F.S.

Perhaps someone who uses T-Mobile can provide some details about T-Mobile's billing. If the bill shows an incoming call, does that prove it was answered, instead of directed to voice mail? I assume it does.

DeeDee says the phone disconnected while Martin was under the mailbox shade, and then a few minutes later he saw Zimmerman on the phone and looking at him. The disconnection occurred around 7:54, and Zimmerman called the SPD at 7:09:34. That's about 15 minutes. Martin also received a one-minute call at 7:04 fro someone other than DeeDee. I'm curious who the call was from.


...around 6:54...


-- Martin also received a one-minute call at 7:04 fro someone other than DeeDee. I'm curious who the call was from. --

DeeDee probably knows, because that one-minute call is entirely coincident with the 18 minute long incoming call at 6:54.

The detail records will have phone numbers, not that we get to see them, but this is a fertile field for O'Mara. He can get the information before deposing DeeDee.


Just wanted to drop a note to you all, who from jump street, have had a soft spot for Zimmerman. From the get-go I was very critical of Zimmerman. However, after all of the medical evidence has come out, I have to agree. Tom and the rest here were right. The second-degree murder charge is crazy. I still don't think this should have EVER happened. Ever. But still. This is crazy considering the evidence and existing law.


There seems to be an inconsistency in DeeDee's story about when Martin put up the hood. In the interview, she first says he put it on after he started walking, and after the phone disconnected (at 7:12). Later, at around 15:31 in the interview, she says Martin put up the hood while he was under the mailbox shade before he started walking.

Jim Eagle

OT: Toby Harnden wins the Orwell Prize for his book "Dead Men Risen", about a unit of the Welsh Guards in Afghanistan. Its the kind of book Michael Yon will soon write about the Army's use of medevac choppers and how we endure more fatalities as a result. Political malfeaseance and Command appeasement to the politicians.


Tom, why no comment on the four witnesses's changed stories about what happened that night?

Posted by: Kathy Kattenburg | May 23, 2012 at 04:30 PM





Nice comment, Fenderdeluxe.

Hey, so as to

did they come from a driver's license database?

My license still shows the same height and weight as it did when I first got the right to terrorize the roads, on the day I was eligible. At the time, I estimated that I'd grow another three inches yet stay at my existing weight. Unfortunately, neither happened, but they're still there decades later.


Besides the DeeDee inconsistency on when Martin put up the hood, the story that Marin was huddled under the mailbox shade to get out of the rain seems inconsistent with Zimmerman's description of Martin as "just walking around."


Also, if Martin were standing under such an obvious landmark as the mailboxes, I think Zimmerman would have mentioned it when trying to describe Martin's location.


It was raining at night, I don'r know about you, but visibility is rather obscured under
those conditions.


And if Martin was under the mailboxes, why was he still outside almost 15 minutes later? It's what? A two minute walk home?


--a note to you all, who from jump street, have had a soft spot for Zimmerman.--

I'm not going to back and check, but my recollection is in the first post on this, Tom M was of the position that it seemed like some sort of charge was appropriate. It was the external, publicity-hound style demands being exerted upon local police and Prosecutors that was the initial point of contention.

At first, support for Zimmerman was primarily support for due process and allowing the investigators to do their jobs. When Crump, Jackson, Sharpton failed to bring to bear any actual evidence of malfeasance to back their claims, and instead operated on "feeling" and wholesale accusations of racism, then attention turned to deep diving into the law, the evidence, the politics.

When the SP took over and that poor excuse for a murder2 affidavit was released... that's when support shifted from mostly attempting balance to a more full-throated effort to counter-balance the "narrative".


It was raining at night, I don't know about you, but visibility is rather obscured under those conditions.

I'm no sure what your point is. I doubt very much it was raining so hard that Zimmerman couldn't tell whether Marin was walking around or standing under the mailbox cover.


Alice, what's the latest on your car?


-- my recollection is in the first post on this, Tom M was of the position that it seemed like some sort of charge was appropriate. --

Sometime around me jumping back in here for a spell, Maguire was deconstructing Zimmerman's narrative and showing how it did not fit the layout of Retreat at Twin Lakes. He then changed his mind, based on placing Zimmerman's truck at a different location.

Jim Eagle

Don't know about the rest of you but I am noting a lot of similarities here to Libby (not the actual case but the optics):

Prosecutors under extra-judicial pressure to do something, anything, that makes it worth while even if it is so over the top that the people at JOM's heads expode and their hair catches fire.

Blameless individuals doing what they were supposed to do under the circumstances. Not to lie, or cheat or obsufscate but rather telling the truth under the kleig lights of an all powerful poltical police state and media focused opposing force (for Libby, the oppressive Dems and for GZ the oppressive leftists and race industry).

A media driven by the yellow stains of inciteful journalism that would make even Hearst shudder. Remember the Maine will soon be replaced by Remember Trayvon and his Hoodie.

But then there is the most serious distinction of all - the real apathy of most Americans as to the justice they are witnessing. As if this will never affect them. But then the next time they are doing 40 in a 35 and can't catch a break it is happening to them.


All you need to know about the WSJ/NBC poll which historically is one of the most D biased polls around:

Last month’s WSJ poll had it 43D/39R/14I if you included leaners. The new poll: 44D/36R/16I. The spread between Democrats and Republicans has increased by four points since April — and yet O’s lead over Romney has shrunk by two points. Hmmmm.

Clean out your desk Zero, we are coming for ya...

Soylent Red

OT, Slick looking sick. Time has not been kind to that man, and I doubt eternity will be friendly either.

Is that herpes on his upper lip?


That was really a half hearted and half assed attempt by KaKa wasn't it? I see old DoubleDumb so for a brief comment too, but failed to address the poll showing murder being down to 24% and self defense now being almost double that at 40%. He was so sure that it was a win win, I just knew he would explain this poll to me, but alas his heart was not in it either.

Who has ledge watch for these two once Walker wins in a walk?


GMax, new poll has Walker up by 5, but Milwaukee is processing early votes by the school bus load. Walker will win, but fraud will make it closer than a walk. (Should be recount proof though).


I'm not going to back and check, but my recollection is in the first post on this, Tom M was of the position that it seemed like some sort of charge was appropriate.

Yes, I remember that clearly. "Somebody should be charged with something" was the thrust of the post.

I think people here were discussing the evidence and the applicable law(s) well before Corey charged, though.


Seems like reverse Dorian Gray, but then again,I always found a rather sleazy character,


Neighbor just called with two extra tickets to see Joe Bonnammassa. Is he any good? As a blues guitar god, I mean ;-) See ya!!!!


henry, do you have any sense of how early voting is proceeding in Walker-friendly areas?


Have fun, cboldt. I must admit I've never heard of the guy.



You need a purple drank! Relax. The Tea Party got your back.


Porch, I haven't seen anything on that. The general sense is overall turnout will be comparable to a Nov election. Plus the sense that early voting from universities is "disappointing".


GMax, purple drank?. I have Wild Turkey for [ahem] medicinal purposes.

William Demot

Why is nobody reporting on this story?:

At first, we were told that Obama made a BRAVE decision because the odds were 50/50 that Bin Laden was inside the compound.

Fast Forward a few months and we are told that the Pakistani Doctor who was instrumental in the killing of Bin Laden managed to gain access to the compund and take blood samples from Bin Laden's children confirming Bin Laden's probable presence in the compound.

How, then, is this a 50/50 gamble or a BRAVE decision when they had proof that Bin Laden or Bin Laden family members were hiding in the compound?????

I havent seen ANYONE in the media point this out. WHY NOT????

Jim Eagle

John Bonnamassa sings John Henry

cboldt just made a good choice. Have fun!


Henry its a college poll which almost always means Democrat bias. But get this, in a poll that shows Obama + 6 it shows Walker + 5. I will beat anyone any of amount of money they wish that Wisconsin will not have a 6% margin in the vote in November. Given that, they can not steal it. Remember the momentum and then enthusiasm is with Walker.


Plus the sense that early voting from universities is "disappointing".

Oh, TOO bad. Well, I hope Althouse votes the right way for a change.


The Wild Turkey agrees [hic]

Jim Rhoads a/k/a vjnjagvet

I think she will, Porch. Meade too. BTW, someone asked after Captain Hate in the comments on a post about a female candidate for a political position in Mexico who has set up a number of billboards featuring her and some female colleagues all of whom are topless.

I assured them that CH was alive and well and posting regularly on JOM.


You point out an interesting point, William,
we came to Abbotabad, because of what we knew of the courier through the interrogations of
Quahtani, Faraj Al Libi, and Hassan Ghul, all those that would likely have been freed if Obama had his way, the wikileaks of Brennan's
talk with the Saudi king, on the other thread,
proves the point,


Now Deval Patrick. Boy like I said with Harold Ford and Cory Booker, good thing he is a Democrat and black. Otherwise the racist smear would be trotted out again. Rats off the sinking ship?


GMax, Ace has a theme about Dem policies never being wrong, just the "messaging."

I suspect Booker, Ford, and now Patrick are setting up the "shoot the messenger" theme that prog policies are fine, but Obama was a poor front for them.


"Yassuh Massa' Obama, I'se sorry I done said sumpin' I'sa a should'nt' a said 'bout dat dere Bain Capitol Suh.

No Suh! You won't catch me and Booker Suh, sayin' nuttin' 'bout nuttin' frum now on till you tell us'un's ' perzackly what we 'lowed to say Suh!

Jim Eagle

Isn't Booker, Ford and Patrick another indication of the prog/dems war on women? According to narciso's prior link ValJar is the Obama Cheney.


It is very subtle, JiB, like the Canadian menace, whose influence must be guarded against in all it's nefarious forms,



Anyone need a li'l dose of Schadenfreude?

Levi Johnston is 'penniless and living with his mother after squandering $1million on guns, boats and cars'

Melinda Romanoff


After today's lunch, you're tipplin' Turkey!?!

If Gus would answer his phone, he might learn about these things.


--Time has not been kind to that man.--

Agreed, but I didn't know Gwyneth Paltrow was a man.
Whose his date that they cut off?


And speaking of Epic Fails...

Authorities in the Chinese capital Beijing, have set new standards for public toilets, including a stipulation that they should contain no more than two flies.

No comment yet from president Obama


Joe Bonamassa. He's from the area.


I'm so verklempt to learn about Levi.Such a rat.

Danube of Thought

In the Civilized Era, Levi Johnston would have been tied to a tree and horsewhipped. Then he would never have been heard from again, but instead would have had to seek honest work as, say, a messenger boy or shoe clerk.


Mel, a friend stopped by after work and drank all my beer. His wife works downtown and he shared her reports of school buses and vans with out of state plates lining up for early voting. That plus reports the door to door union GOTV writing down names & addresses. WT helped me talk him off the ledge (plus a good rebel yell or two that could be heard in Milwaukee). If you get bored this weekend, I sense a shoot-em up -- plenty ammo and zombie targets. : )

I think Gus played hooky today and was soaking up rays & beers at the ball game.

Jim Eagle

A man fallling from 35,000 feet wtihout a parachute sounds exactly like Dickhead Trumka next wednesday.


Ditto, Clarice, and I know it's an anonymous source, likely the nazgul that McGuinness used, but turn about is fair play,


JiB, two more weeks, then ValJar might toss Trumpka from 35,000 feet without a chute.


Joe Bonamassa can play guitar. I believe he also has a line of amps or effects pedals.

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