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June 28, 2012



Let's play two! They don't make 'em like Ernie Banks anymore (except maybe for Derek Jeter, he'd play two a day.) LUN

Captain Hate

If Banks played shortstop do you really think you'd hear "Just past a diving Banks" with maddening frequency.


This is the link to watch the Holder vote (but, don't know what time they stop speechifying and actually vote):


Jim Eagle

Just went to CC's link at 12:56 and the Dems are beside themselves calling this a constitutional vandalism, blah, blah, blah. Just going through the formalities until dropping headache number two on The Won.


"Let's Play Two! On To Holder"

Oh,that's so cute,Tom!The holder contempt vote is like a 'participation' medal for losers.

Democrats get a historical landmark acheivement upheld by the Supreme court thus altering the landscape of America.....and Republicans get to hold a pageant in Congress.

That's sweet!!!!!Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!

See,everyone gets something for participating.


You might find this article on Obamacare heartening.http://lsolum.typepad.com/legaltheory/2012/06/the-decision-to-uphold-the-mandate-as-a-gestalt-shift-in-constitutional-law.html

The sum and substance is 4 judges found the mandate outside the commerce clause, and a 5th--Roberts--seems to as well though he thought it could be justified as a tax.

The FDR decisions are about to be pushed back.


wow, this is so cool
Porchlight's dad, and Sandy's daughter


Well, I guess they won't hold him in contempt out of respect for the Smartest President ever.

Frau Jetzt oder Nie

Despite troll-dupe gloating, I'm beginning to feel things are not as rosy as they appear on the surface. Taxes throw this monster into a different ball game. Our 2009 signs are still on target. "Crush ACORN's Nuts" may need revision a tad.


The FDR decisions are about to be pushed back

Good luck with that.


The votes have begun.


Andrew McCarthy laments that the House Leadership poorly chose the time for the Holder contempt proceedings, as it will be overshadowed by the SCOTUS ruling. On the other hand, the coverage will be determined by the actions of the other Stupid Party. The Congressional Black Caucus has already threatened a walkout. That is going to be really hard to resist not putting that on TV.

Fortunately or unfortunately, the contempt proceeding is just a mere step.
Whether or not they get media coverage won’t really change anything.

Anybody who peeked in at MSNBC last night knows that the lies about “Fast and Furious” are as thick as duck pluckers wick. Madcow was selling the line, from the Fortune magazine story, that no guns walked and the whistleblower lied. Even the DOJ gave up on that back in November when they backed away from the February ’11 letter to Issa.

Worse is that virtually nobody on either side of the argument knows the focus of what the contempt citation is intended.

“… These key documents would help the Committee understand how and why the Justice Department moved from denying whistleblower allegations to understanding they were true …”

Giving it a low profile might be in order.

Frau Jetzt oder Nie

Super read, Clarice.

Melinda Romanoff


That warm breeze of a mandate against the tent flaps has now been shown to be a tax hungry grizzly in the camp.

What do you plan to do?

Quite a focusing moment. Oh, and all those camping fees that were due on your departure? Illegal. And they can't pass it on to the next guy either.


Ig and MelR-- commented earlier that the Fortune interview with the ATF agent this week was invalidated. Does anyone have a link to such invalidation? because if that agent's story isn't accurate, what the hell was the ATF and DOJ doing in F&F? There wouldn't be anybody to arrest or turn to prosecute higher ups.


MelR-- the Tax Grizzly has been there since the founding of the Republic-- well at least since the 16th Amendment was ratified-- the people have the obligation not to elect socialists. That's the bottom line.

Melinda Romanoff


My point was that the veil has slipped.

Elsa Lanchester never looked so good.


MelR-- Ok got it.
PS: can you document how the Fortune ATF interview is invalid?

Jim Eagle

15 Dems voted Yea.

Not 35. Probably feel safe now that ObamaCare was upheld. Haven't figured out that they are probably NOT safe.

Jim Rhoads a/k/a vjnjagvet

Contempt passes. At least 15 dems vote in favor.


BTW at the uber liberal website I occasionally visit, there is no joy in mudville because they found out that their tax refunds can be taken from them and Obama broke his campaign promise not to tax them.

It seems to me the right is a lot more gleeful than the left at this point.

Anyone know if the first vote was the contempt vote?

Frau Jetzt oder Nie

Mel - In southern CA, grizzlies are removed from the community. I'd sure like to see a few tranquilizer darts used this November.

I hope to join masses in protest against this tax travesty. The bottom line is the election of fiscally responsible people to office. I'm prepared to go down with the ship here in CA because the only way to demonstrate progressive idiocy to to have it exposed. Gov. Moonbeam's new "budget" has even more spending in it and depends on more taxes and especially on the wealthy who according to the Dems "don't pay their fair share."

Janet, alert Jess that there may be a companion on the porch some time in the future.


Democrats planning on running away...again.

Frau Jetzt oder Nie

Previous generations learned about the price of folly through fairy tales and fables.


Oh good, Megyn Kelly reporting that a lot more democrats than are in the black caucus will be stamping their feet and walking out for Eric Holder.

Hey guys - didn't you all vote for the unaffordable tax act?

Captain Hate

Did any Repub vote against it? Weasel Zippers said one did but didn't ID whom.


JiB- 15 dems is alot on a partisan vote like this. Why not more? The white Dem House members in close districts that need black votes to survive voted against contemt. If they vote against the Black AG, they lose the black votes at home and their seat. Simple political calculus.

Captain Hate

I heard that the CBC is so upset at the Holder vote that Charlie Rangel will pay his full tax bill on time as a protest.


That was a different resolution I believe, CH.

There are two more stupid votes, then 50 min of debate, and finally the vote.


15 votes? Well that is a truly and enormous BIPARTISAN VOTE to find Holder in Contempt of Congress. What an embarrassment this whole Keystone Kop administration has been. Even Carter's clown show was more competent than this.


--Ig and MelR-- commented earlier that the Fortune interview with the ATF agent this week was invalidated. Does anyone have a link to such invalidation?--

Here's a short one and keep in mind Verbruggen himself is a bit of a squish on F&F.

Here's another.

And a third by Katie Pavlich at Townhall.


Hey guys - that was NOT the contempt vote, it was a vote to proceed with the contempt vote or something like that. The CRIMINAL debate is taking place now and the CRIMINAL contempt vote will follow that.


Here goes the vote , the walk out and Sheila Jackson Lee making some ridiculous charge.


Well, as long as we're pulling back curtins today, why not this one.


Ig-- I briefly looked at the articles. Seems like there is a dispute AMONGST the media of which witnesses are more credible. I have alot more sympathy for Issa and contempt now-- the DOJ docs are vital to corroborate the whistleblowers or Voth. Given the fact that Holder is allowing himself to be held in contempt, who do you think the subpoenaed docs corroborate?


The walkout by the CBC is theater for their black constituents.
First time Evah an AG is held in contempt. So glad it's Holder.


maryrose-- black vote is about 11% of the national electorate and the Dems need 90% of it-- soooo... out they walk. Pathetic.


Actually if its only 11% they will need 130% of it. They are increasingly squeezing on a toothpaste tube that has been empty for sometime, telling themselves they just have to squeeze harder. I have rarely seen that strategy work, but hey I am not a Democrat...

Captain Hate

Sheila Jackson Lee making some ridiculous charge.

This is less "unexpected" than bad economic news.


--Seems like there is a dispute AMONGST the media of which witnesses are more credible.--

Ordinarily when the word of someone who is accused of wrongdoing is contradicted by their own incriminating emails and emails from independent parties (the FFLs) it's fairly easy to determine credibility.

At Fortune magazine apparently it means the guy contradicting himself and who faces possible civil and criminal prosecution is the credible source and the people who pointed out the insanity of what he was doing are not credible.


Ig@2:53-- I haven't made those conclusions yet. YET. I think if the subpoened docs were produced, Issa's whistleblowers will be vindicated. So-- let's see the docs!

Jim Eagle

Sheila Jackson Lee making some ridiculous charge.

....and hat!


The CRIMINAL debate is taking place now and the CRIMINAL contempt vote will follow that.

Thanks centralcal - keep us posted, I am having a hard time keeping up...


NK: Yes, let's see the docs! Isn't this the most transparent administration Evah?
I love the decision today and how it proves that anything Obama touches turns to dust. Now he has to explain his tax increaseon the American people. His dem congress in the end will have done him in by passing this lousy legislation. He has only Pelosi and Reid to thank for his present untenable position.


To anybody who's watching CSpan-- if 15 dems voted on the partisan procedural motion, any media speculation about more voting for the contempt resolution?


"On Monday, July 4, ATF Acting Director Kenneth Melson testified before investigators for the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and Senate Judiciary Committee about Operation Fast and Furious," a Committee press release reports.


TM, I accidentall y posted the 3:22 can it be deleted PLEASE>


PLEASE I'm begging.


In addition to these concerns noted in the letter to the Attorney General, Acting Director Melson made key assertions to investigators:

Contrary to denials by the Justice Department, Acting Director Melson acknowledged the agents had in fact witnessed transfers of weapons from straw purchasers to third parties without following the guns any further.

The ATF group executing Operation Fast and Furious had been placed under the direction of the Arizona U.S. Attorney’s office.


Well all of that PLUS anything passed by Reconciliation can be repealed by reconciliation. It just needs to be pounded home to the low information voters, that 51 Republican Senators plus President Romney = repeal of this hated Obamacare. Thanks Democrats, appreciate making it easy to sell firing you in mass instead of individually...


Clarice - I promise I won't read it. :-)


Pelosi is eating up the Dem's debate clock.

Jim Rhoads a/k/a vjnjagvet

Was that the first draft of a certain Sunday regular feature, Clarice?


Keep talkin' Nancy

Frau Jetzt oder Nie

Everyone fears the Dread Chief Justice Roberts!

I'm glad I read the 3:22 before it disappears.
"The ball is now in the Republicans’ court. They’ve already scheduled a repeal vote on July 11. Once before the Democrat controlled Senate was able to scotch the effort by threat of filibuster. Had the mandate stood as mandate they could do so again. But now that it’s a tax, it can be passed by a simple majority. And if it is, the president will be forced before the election to veto a repeal of a law a majority of the voters keep indicating they want repealed. "

hit and run

Pelosi is eating up the Dem's debate clock.

Who cares? Obama ate dog.

Q: How do you eat up a Dem debate clock?
A: One bite at a time.


Pelosi says she will walk off at vote time. I have no idea how the clock has not expired.


If you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...

Jim Rhoads a/k/a vjnjagvet


Pelosi will walk out with the CBC because of the "outrageous presentation" by the the Pubbies, or something like that.


Yes, Jim, And as I'm racing to go out of the country tomorrow I've no time to write another, URGH--TM please.



Email him. If the email address on the side doesn't work I have a good one somewhere.

Jim Rhoads a/k/a vjnjagvet

Well, it is/was great. No harm no foul, it there?

Jim Rhoads a/k/a vjnjagvet



Keep walkin' nancy..

OT-- the Italian debtors lead ze German bankers 2-0 at half of the Euro 2012 semi. Frau Merkel will not be amused next time the Italians ask for a bailout.


Good news: Romney campaign raises $1 million in three hours after Obamacare decision
The Romney campaign raised $1 million dollars in the three hours immediately following the Supreme Court decision to uphold President Barack Obama's health care reform law, according to a campaign spo


Clarice, you have email.


I did email him, Jane. Thanks, Jim, but I don't think AT will appreciate it being first published here.

Tom Maguire

Much as I hate to delete comments...


Much as I hate to delete comments...

It's the 21st century, why don't you put delete buttons on your site.And what's with this green-ugh!!!


Thank you, thank you, TM!!


“By ruling that the individual mandate was permissible as a tax, he joined the Democratic appointees to uphold the law—while joining the Republican wing to gut the Commerce Clause (and push back against the necessary-and-proper clause as well). . . . Roberts’ genius was in pushing this health care decision through without attaching it to the coattails of an ugly, narrow partisan victory. Obama wins on policy, this time. And Roberts rewrites Congress’ power to regulate, opening the door for countless future challenges. In the long term, supporters of curtailing the federal government should be glad to have made that trade.” We’ll see.

**All the tiddlywink players see what a chess player looks like!


I would have bet the farm that my garbage would have been deleted long before Clarice's quality posts.


Rick Ballard

Pssst... If you wanna buy a bootleg advance copy of Sunday's fantastic Pieces at a relatively low price, send me a note and a signed blank check.


Devil!! Though I mean it..Did Pelosi an Reid and Obama think they could outplay Roberts?

Dave (in MA)
Much as I hate to delete comments...
Now what happened?

Going to get some exercise. When I get back I want to See Holder's been held in contempt. I''m counting on youguys.


Ignore the 3:49 comment-- It's Nigerian Spam.....


God,this holder vote is sad.Feel like the only kid to turn up at a dorky kid's birthday party.

At least there's lemonade and candy.But man....it's lonely here and I gotta play with this freakin dork(republicans,justoneminute site,holder contempt,vote).

I'm going to go hang out with the cool kids(Huffington,Kos,TPM) cause they're having kick ass fun(ACA upheld).

Later sad people.Ya'll are drips.

Jim Rhoads a/k/a vjnjagvet

I am sure Lifson won't mind an inadvertent dry run on the site where many of his most ardent fans congregate.


Dingell just declared that he "has not fallen of a cabbage truck."


DD-- drunk again....


Issa just smacked Dingell around. Dingell may start talking about a different type of cabbage(CABG), the way his response is going.


BB Key

Rep. Trey Gowdy now closing for the Republicans

Captain Hate

Is Dingell admitting he's fallen on his head multiple times; just not from a cabbage truck?


Gowdy closed on Dingell's motion.


Dingell head sits so low in his freak-show shoulders, it either got pounded in from multiple blows to the skull, or it is an evolutionary marvel in skull protection.

Tough call.


I love Trey Gowdy. He is the only guy who got applause.


If you're missing Rep Gowdy, you're missing a great speech.


The issue is clear. The Obama Admin and the Dem Reps in the US House are lying to the American public.


So, from pagar's link, looks like voting underway on whether to punt to a different committee. Is that right?


Correct, AliceH.


Punt it back to the same committee, Alice. And delay it until after the election.

Janet  - Sorry about my horrible sentence construction.

I just pray there are no Styrofoam cups on the House floor....

BB Key

Alice, They are voting on Dingell's motion which tells Issa's committee to hold a new hearing and call former Bush Administration officials to testify...


Gavel banged. Time to stop milling about people - let's get to the real vote.


Thanks, cc and TK and BB Key.


which republican voted "Aye"?

Jim Eagle


Yep. And who the hell is the lone Republican to vote Yea?

No baliout for Italy. They are up 2 nil on Germany. Mario Balotelli, who looks just like Obama's Italian son, scored both.


Now what are we voting on?


Looks like the walkout has commenced. Or maybe it's just a smoke break.


The march has begun!!

No spitting...

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