MSNBC edits Romney to make him look silly. They forgot that in 2012 everybody has a video camera, so the full clip was available elsewhere. And who looks silly now?
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Andrea Mitchell is an ugly, lying bitch. That's as nicely as I can put it.
And she flat out lied re Plame and her knowledge about it as far as I could tell as the events unfolded.
Posted by: Clarice | June 19, 2012 at 11:28 AM
An easier question might be do Trandrea and her NBC cohorts (the "t" is silent) ever tell the truth.
Posted by: Captain Hate | June 19, 2012 at 11:39 AM
Looks like the whole brand is showing a pattern:
NBC edits Sandusky interview tape
MSNBC edits Zimmerman tape AND Romney tape
And these are merely 3 recent ones we know of. How many more are there actually?
Agree completely with Clarice about Andrea Mitchell.
Posted by: centralcal | June 19, 2012 at 11:40 AM
Clarice just about covers the Andrea Mitchell stuff.
The Republic will survive 'Bam and his debt addicted, racially obsessed crony government spending crew -- barely but it will survive-- and 2 good things may come from 'Bam. 1. the country rejects 'Progressive' national politicians for a generation and 2. the "National" legacy media are exposed as lying weasals. "Bam may have singlehandedly destroyed those 2 threats to the Republic. I always though 'Bam was Ayers' leftwing plant-- maybe he was a Koch Brothers plant all along.
Posted by: NK | June 19, 2012 at 11:45 AM
You're too nice Clarice.
She is very snide also.
Posted by: Donald | June 19, 2012 at 11:46 AM
I am at work and away from the Telly, so will love any live blogging reporting about this:
Posted by: centralcal | June 19, 2012 at 11:47 AM
Isn't this exactly what they did to GHWB with the grocery store scanner? He wasn't amazed that there was such a thing as a scanner, but that it worked so well (because earlier scanners hadn't).
Posted by: Porchlight | June 19, 2012 at 11:49 AM
CC-- "Andrea will address this on her MSNBC show today at 1p eastern," a network spokesperson told POLITICO."
Anything short of Mitchell committing seppuku will be insufficiently addressing the matter.
Posted by: NK | June 19, 2012 at 11:49 AM
Well, NK, you should check out Mediaite and the scumbag Tommy Christopher who is writing her
excusesjustification as I type. And, no, I have no intention of linking to him.Posted by: centralcal | June 19, 2012 at 11:52 AM
well Boehner sems to have this right:
Posted by: NK | June 19, 2012 at 12:00 PM
WooHoo Boehner.
Posted by: Captain Hate | June 19, 2012 at 12:03 PM
Go Boehner. Draw the bright line.
Posted by: Porchlight | June 19, 2012 at 12:14 PM
Oh the revolting irony to turn on CNBC and see the hideous hag Maxine "Bonnie, as in Bonnie and Clyde" Waters grilling Jamie Dimon on how to run a clean bank.
Displaying her mighty intellect to go along with her corruption she demands he answer her questions with a yes or no and the very first question out of her mouth one second later is an either/or that God himself couldn't answer yes or no to.
Posted by: Ignatz | June 19, 2012 at 12:14 PM
I just watched the two clips. The editing was disgusting enough, and clearly, as in the Zimmerman editing, was not a mistake. But what sickens me even more is Andrea Mitchell calling Mitt Romney out of touch. Andrea Mitchell calling anyone out of touch with Joe and Jane America is the equivalent of Bibi Jones complaining that Denise Milani's photoshoots are too graphic.
Posted by: Thomas Collins | June 19, 2012 at 12:20 PM
Usually I support using a bank fraud to interrogate a fraud (that's why FDR made Joe Kennedy first SEC Chairman). Maxine Waters is a corrupt politician who has covered for a fraudulent bank, but she's too fucking stupid to interrogate Jamie Dimon, or my border collies for that matter. (apologies for the swearing, but Maxine W. is just fucking stupid)
Posted by: NK | June 19, 2012 at 12:20 PM
I rise in defense of stupid people around the world, NK. Your defamatory comparison cannot be allowed to stand unanswered. Maxine Waters does not and will never possess the intellectual horsepower to enter the ranks of the merely stupid.
Posted by: Rick Ballard | June 19, 2012 at 12:30 PM
Senators Grassly and Leahy have requested that SCOTUS broadcast the ACA ruling. Wouldn't that be something? Of, course, Roberts will probably deny the request.
Posted by: centralcal | June 19, 2012 at 12:33 PM
RickB-- I stand corrected.
Posted by: NK | June 19, 2012 at 12:34 PM
Zero chance of a live broadcast-- is there a smaller number than 0%?
Posted by: NK | June 19, 2012 at 12:35 PM
Once again,I can't fault MSNBC's creative editing designed to shed light on a deeper truth.Here's a Presidential candidate,that's proved through his job creation efforts in Mass. that's he's all fingers and thumbs, about to inherit a job that requires an insane level of lateral thinking skill and he's telling 'Wawas' anecdotes????
"I can see Russia from my house".-Sarah Palin
Anyway shout out to Boehners people for pre-empting their bases's expected apoplexy on the Affordable care act decision that's going to be made public next week(friday week if my source is correct).Getting Boehner on record in a strong way hides his involvement in leaning on Roberts so hard.
Nice strategy.
Posted by: dublindave | June 19, 2012 at 12:37 PM
I think Maxine Waters may be posting here.
Posted by: woo woo | June 19, 2012 at 12:42 PM
A non-person just left a dropping here, claiming, yet again, that Sarah Palin said something that she did not say. What he is quoting is something that a left-wing moonbat said, on SNL, mocking Palin. The former governor said that Russia could be seen from Alaskan soil, as indeed it can be, in the case of Big Diomede Island and Little Diomede Island. But the non-person is not operating out of simple ignorance. The non-person knows the truth. It just loves throwing out all the lies it can muster to distract reasonable and rational people.
Posted by: Mark Folkestad | June 19, 2012 at 12:46 PM
Ruh-Roh-- Russian ship has insurance canceled by Brit insurer because it was carrying military equipment to Syria in violation of the policy terms. Ship apparently comes about near the Hebrides and heads back to Holy Mother Russia. Vlad the Impaler will not be pleased, some vodka soaked maritime insurance broker in St Petersburg will be disappeared soon enough.
Posted by: NK | June 19, 2012 at 12:46 PM
Meanwhile, it is being reported that China, Russia and Syria are planning Mideast war games. See LUN.
I think we are going to find out sooner rather than later that having a POTUS who proudly downgrades the US is not going to turn out well.
Posted by: Thomas Collins | June 19, 2012 at 12:48 PM
what poor schlub has to watch Mrs. Greenspan's show to see how she explains it away?
Speaking of schlubs, dublindave, you do know that quote is from Tina Fey don't you?
Posted by: Bill Lake | June 19, 2012 at 12:48 PM
Even ABC has cleaned up the Palin quote and admitted having gotten it wrong initially; although I doubt that the dense Charlie Gibson knows it yet.
Posted by: Captain Hate | June 19, 2012 at 12:52 PM
Posted by: Threadkiller | June 19, 2012 at 12:53 PM
This WaPo piece explains why the MFM is going full Ottomatic.
It's common for party faithful to get behind the nominee but the speed and intensity of the embrace of ABO does not comport with Dem projections (probably based upon careful reading of the ACME Political Strategery Manual). After all, T1000 really is a 1%er and everyone knows how much Americans hate merit based success.
I wonder when the Pinhead Troika will have the President start giving "America, where is your jealousy, your envy, your greed?" speeches? They better hurry. Governor Romney will be breaking the 90% support barrier fairly soon.
Posted by: Rick Ballard | June 19, 2012 at 12:55 PM
TC-- well at least the Brits outed the military gear shipment to Syria, maybe MI-6 can still play the game with Vlad. I know the fool 'Bam can't (and wouldn't even if he could) and Hillary spends her time these days looking through construction boot catalogues and resumes for young female attendants (photos a must.)
TomM-- I'm begging you, please sanitize the site-- DD stands for dumber than dirt, he is an insult and an embarassment to the merely stupid everywhere (h/t RickB.)
Posted by: NK | June 19, 2012 at 12:57 PM
TK, nice comparison pix, but Dobbie is the better-looking of the two.
Posted by: Mark Folkestad | June 19, 2012 at 01:00 PM
Oops I've posted this stuff in the wrong thread. I've got Andrea on. She is one ugly chick.
"Mitt wrapping up bus tour. there has been a lot of discussion over nite about a conversation that you and I had yesterday. WE didn't have a chance to play the part about innovation so let's play that now:
Now on to immigration..."
And there is your mea culpa
Posted by: Jane | June 19, 2012 at 01:01 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH...nice one, made him sound even MORE out of touch hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahah
Posted by: dublindave | June 19, 2012 at 01:01 PM
My timing was right so I thought I'd tune in Andrea on MSNBC.
When I got on the station and heard 15 seconds, I decided my timing was wrong and turned off MSNBC.
Ahhhh! I can breathe again!
Posted by: sbwaters | June 19, 2012 at 01:04 PM
Hey,Maguire,you really busted Mitchell on that editing you think you think she'll be put on paid leave and an internal investigation will go ahead.....roflma....
Posted by: dublindave | June 19, 2012 at 01:05 PM
A Rubio clip was just played on MSDNC. When pressed on his qualifications for Vice President, Rubio once again said he knows he is qualified for the Senate.
Posted by: Threadkiller | June 19, 2012 at 01:07 PM
Did you just hear that big boom?
Posted by: Jane | June 19, 2012 at 01:08 PM
"AND I can see Russia from my house"-Sarah Palin
Yeah, the meaning really changes when you add the word "and".
Posted by: dublindave | June 19, 2012 at 01:09 PM
Megyn Kelly says things in F&F have changed - including Issa's demands. She will tell us later who is pulling the strings.
Posted by: Jane | June 19, 2012 at 01:10 PM
I've been laughing my ass of since Mitchell's-uhm-rep destroying apology.....I gotta go get some air.
See you cats later.
Posted by: dublindave | June 19, 2012 at 01:12 PM
@1:05 shows that's it's waaaay past time for sanitation clean-up of JOM comments section.
Posted by: NK | June 19, 2012 at 01:12 PM
DUDU,Did you just hear that big boom?
Yes,it was my heart skipping a beat when I saw you were on-line,my love xxxxxx
Posted by: dublindave | June 19, 2012 at 01:13 PM
"Fat, Drunk and Stupid (and with bad teeth) is no way to go through life son."
Dean Vernon Wormer
Posted by: NK | June 19, 2012 at 01:16 PM
Oh, but do they crave another dishonest hit like the ones they did on GHWB and Sarah Palin. So bad that they can taste it!
They know there's a Pulitzer in it for the lowest, most fiendishly sleazy prog "reporter," and the competition is intense. Who will win?
Posted by: Extraneus | June 19, 2012 at 01:16 PM
I wonder why it never occurs to liberals that if they must be fed lies in order "to shed light on a deeper truth," then what they will be left with is, in fact, not any sort of truth at all.
When you grow up, dudu, and acquire some actual wisdom, you will discover that if a thing is true, it stands on its own. It doesn't need the help of lies. Or "creative editing."
I think this, more than anything, is why I have so little respect for liberals--they have so little respect for themselves. They actually WANT to be duped, fooled, and lied to.
Posted by: derwill | June 19, 2012 at 01:20 PM
I think this, more than anything, is why I have so little respect for liberals--they have so little respect for themselves. They actually WANT to be duped, fooled, and lied to.
Posted by: Jane | June 19, 2012 at 01:25 PM
Jane and whomever she quoted @ 1:25. Perfect. That is the literal true about virtually every committed liberal. It is a corrupt mindset that takes even high IQ and turns into to a stupider than stupid. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Posted by: NK | June 19, 2012 at 01:28 PM
Jane and Derwil....
Posted by: NK | June 19, 2012 at 01:29 PM
When a "comedienne" makes up some crap, it's close enough to a real Palin quote for people like doubledumbass.
Posted by: Dave (in MA) | June 19, 2012 at 01:32 PM
Issa says there are no defenses to not answering the subpoena. Contingent requirement for the meeting is receiving the docs. "It's not about meetings, it's about docs"
Posted by: Jane | June 19, 2012 at 01:35 PM
"Once again,I can't fault MSNBC's creative editing designed to shed light on a deeper truth"
Once again, fake but accurate is good enough for the lower orders. (What is Austrian for "fool?")
Posted by: Danube of Thought | June 19, 2012 at 01:35 PM
They actually WANT to be duped, fooled, and lied to.
And they idolize the ones who do it best.
Posted by: Extraneus | June 19, 2012 at 01:40 PM
Posted by: Threadkiller | June 19, 2012 at 01:40 PM
Issa-- hopefully Issa has some inside whistleblowers, and he's setting Holder up for a perjury trap. Of course, Holder won't fall for that, he'll just play out the string until January 2013. He did that for Bubba, he'll do it for himself.
Posted by: NK | June 19, 2012 at 01:40 PM
NBC also edited out "under God" from the pledge (my AM radio guy reminded me...Chris Plante I think)
Posted by: Janet | June 19, 2012 at 01:41 PM
When I saw the first clip yesterday, I thought it was ironic as hell that Andrea Mitchell was laughing at Romney for having not frequented many WAWAs.
Like Andrea has ever set her snooty face inside one.
Posted by: Paula | June 19, 2012 at 01:43 PM
Here is that video.
Posted by: Janet | June 19, 2012 at 01:44 PM
I can see how Trandrea™ got confused by the WAWA story. Before he hooked up with Trandrea™, Crazy Al was banging BABA WAWA.
Trandrea ™ Captain Hate, All Rights Reserved. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.
Posted by: Dave (in MA) | June 19, 2012 at 01:44 PM
Posted by: Dave (in MA) | June 19, 2012 at 01:45 PM
LOL, Dave (in MA)
Posted by: Porchlight | June 19, 2012 at 01:50 PM
"Job openings in the U.S. decreased in April by the most in almost four years, the latest sign that the labor market is cooling. The number of open positions dropped by 325,000, the biggest decline since September 2008, to 3.42 million from 3.74 million the prior month, the Labor Department said today in Washington. Hiring slowed from the prior month and firings climbed. The decrease in openings coincides with the slowdown in hiring seen in April and May, signaling employers are pulling back as the economy cools."
Posted by: Danube of Thought | June 19, 2012 at 01:52 PM
What's a WAWA?
Posted by: lyle | June 19, 2012 at 01:52 PM
DoT-- saw that yes. It's another big economy pothole for the ChoomWagon.
Posted by: NK | June 19, 2012 at 01:59 PM
"Liberalism is a mental disorder. "
Remember these are people who actually get up in court and claim that their members are too dumb to get photo ID, but they should be allowed to vote anyway.
Posted by: pagar | June 19, 2012 at 01:59 PM
lyle, it's a convenience store chain in the Northeast. A good one too.
Posted by: Porchlight | June 19, 2012 at 02:01 PM
Bohner has now narrowed the request to 1300 docs. He's pulling the strings. I am not happy.
This is Issa v Bohner to some degree. Bohner is cooling on the contempt. He is on my shit list.
This is how to email of you live out of his district.
AlsO WH announce that they will implement Obamacare regardless of what the court says.
Have a banana.
Posted by: Jane | June 19, 2012 at 02:07 PM
No email: Call here: Phone: (202) 225-0600
Posted by: Jane | June 19, 2012 at 02:09 PM
AlsO WH announce that they will implement Obamacare regardless of what the court says.
Well, they didn't say they would implement it if SCOTUS strikes the whole thing down.
Not that I would trust them on that.
Posted by: Porchlight | June 19, 2012 at 02:10 PM
Thanks, Porch. Too lazy--and unsurprised that the MFM is up to their same lame tricks--to figure it out on my own.
Posted by: lyle | June 19, 2012 at 02:10 PM
AlsO WH announce that they will implement Obamacare regardless of what the court says.
Please, Lord, have them do exactly this. As defiantly and publicly as possible. Thanks.
Posted by: lyle | June 19, 2012 at 02:17 PM
you do know that quote is from Tina Fey don't you?
Remember when the left used to (inaccurately) claim that Reagan confused movies with reality? It seems the left has a monopoly on that--helped by the fact that SNL and Hollywood rarely lay a hand on Democrats.
Posted by: jimmyk | June 19, 2012 at 02:21 PM
I opened this thread, read the first post and thought to myself, "Damn. I must have posted here earlier." Well, no. It was Clarice, and I love her.
Posted by: MarkO | June 19, 2012 at 02:24 PM
I have never been impressed by Bohner. While it may not be true, I always felt as if he had attended a two martini lunch just before he hit the camera.
Posted by: MarkO | June 19, 2012 at 02:25 PM
Posted by: MarkO | June 19, 2012 at 02:26 PM
No one's buying it: Mediaite declares "victory" on Andrea's behalf (because she didn't apologize!), but the comments are 10-1 fisking their effort.
Posted by: jimmyk | June 19, 2012 at 02:32 PM
"When you grow up, dudu, and acquire some actual wisdom, you will discover that if a thing is true, it stands on its own. It doesn't need the help of lies. Or "creative editing."'
Sadly,not everyone has the innate ability to discern the truth of a Presidential candidate's character.Especially if it's someone like Multiple-Mitt whose turned dodging where he stands on any given issue into an artform.
The point Mitchells selective editing was making was that Romney is out of touch with the majority of working Americans.I'm not sure that that's a misrepresentation considering the recent addition of a car elevator to the Romney Mansion.
And so my point stands,"sometimes"you can shed more light on the truth by intentionally taking something out of context.
Posted by: dublindave | June 19, 2012 at 02:33 PM
Jane, suppose Mitt asked Boehner to put the leash on Issa until after the election? Avoid the sideshow?
Posted by: Another Bob | June 19, 2012 at 02:37 PM
In an effort to make duda's point, Obama declares the private sector is doing fine.
Posted by: Threadkiller | June 19, 2012 at 02:38 PM
At a Sheetz (and I guess at a Wawa, too) you walk in, press touch-screen buttons to get exactly, precisely the kind and quantity of sandwich you want, and then pay and then receive the sandwich. It is amazing. As long as the sandwich is good, of course.
Posted by: Jim Ryan | June 19, 2012 at 02:39 PM
There's a button for salt. A button for pepper. They're not fooling around. This way, you get precisely what you want and the sandwich maker has an easy job of reading a clear recipe for your sandwich printed on a screen.
Posted by: Jim Ryan | June 19, 2012 at 02:41 PM
Sadly,not everyone has the innate ability to discern the truth of a Presidential candidate's character.
How true that is.
Posted by: Porchlight | June 19, 2012 at 02:43 PM
It was condensending and completely devoid of any integrity or truth. But that is what appeals to the progs and their lap dog politicos. Its the narrative that counts here and what Mitchell and NBC did was continue the legacy of Rather and Mapes - fit the narrative to the facts not the other way around.
Dishonesty like this will beget only more of the same and the Romney team knows this like Duckie knows his cadavers. Lies will kill the chance of any second term because the Romney campaign knows how to slice and dice and expose the belly of the beast.
Posted by: Jim Eagle | June 19, 2012 at 02:44 PM
I wish Subway would do that. The sandwich makers always make it seem like their job is so tedious, having to listen to the customer tell them which toppings they want.
Posted by: Porchlight | June 19, 2012 at 02:44 PM
I predict the ginned up Holder-gate will fizzle out much like the Mitchel edit-gate scenario,not with a bang but with a whimper.
Once again Republicans confuse the reality they wished they lived in with the reality they actually live in.
Posted by: dublindave | June 19, 2012 at 02:46 PM
Its the narrative that counts here and what Mitchell and NBC did was continue the legacy of Rather and Mapes - fit the narrative to the facts not the other way around.
"The narrative" is all the Dems have been talking about for the last week or so. That's the new strategy - "tell better stories." Spielberg etc.
Nice to see duda and Trandrea working so diligently for the cause.
Posted by: Porchlight | June 19, 2012 at 02:47 PM
Duda believes the private sector is doing just fine.
Posted by: Threadkiller | June 19, 2012 at 02:48 PM
Jane, suppose Mitt asked Boehner to put the leash on Issa until after the election? Avoid the sideshow
He better not let me find out. I've always liked Boehner. I like his background and work ethic. I understand the politics he is dealing with and I know the left will make hay of it, but have some principle!
Posted by: Jane | June 19, 2012 at 02:49 PM
THat was a full dowdification from here;
Posted by: narciso | June 19, 2012 at 02:49 PM
Say Clarice why don't you let it all out and tell us what you really!!! think about Andrea Mitchell. I mean there's no sense in holding back.
Posted by: Comanche Voter | June 19, 2012 at 02:49 PM
If you or someone you care about gets murdered, we will be sure to hope the investigation fizzles out - to uphold your "values" and all that.
Posted by: Jane | June 19, 2012 at 02:50 PM
Check out the video of Obama and Putin, who can hardly look at each other.
At about 1:10, when they shake hands, Obama follows that up with the lamest dominance move known to man: the post up-palm-handshake pat on the shoulder.
what a dork.
Posted by: Extraneus | June 19, 2012 at 02:51 PM
2,700 weapons walking across the border; lots and lots of dead Mexicans as a result and dead Border Patrolmen with a nice big cover up are not a ginned up witch hunt, asshole.
Posted by: matt | June 19, 2012 at 02:53 PM
In the 'narrative' department, Popular Science's Tom Clynes is giving Michael Mann,
the benefit of the doubt, with supposed death threats, attacks on anyone who would dare examine the Bialystok play, et al.
Posted by: narciso | June 19, 2012 at 02:53 PM
"And who looks silly now?"
All the people -- which obviously includes you -- who are either saying or suggesting the full context makes any difference to the stupidity of what Romney said.
First, it was perfectly understandable even w/o the complete context that Romney was praising the WaWa touchscreen machine because it was an example of how efficiently and beautifully the private sector works. You didn't need his actual attack on the public sector to understand that. It was clear. Second, his analogy (between a touchscreen cash register which is a tangible thing, whereas the postal service is a complicated system was, to put it kindly, a very poor analogy. Second, his substantive point (that the fact you can buy a hoagie real quick when the store uses a touchscreen register proves that the private sector is vastly better, more efficient, more awesome, than the public sector) is ridiculous, misleading, and untrue on the actual merits. There are endless examples of private sector entities being maddening and impossible to navigate or get satisfaction from, along with examples of businesses that work well; and there are countless examples of the public sector (including the post office) working the way they should, being efficient, quick, and professional, as well as examples of the public sector being inefficient, bureaucratic, etc.
Plus, Romney's attitude of childlike wonder and awe at the touchscreen in WaWa makes him look like an idiot. He's never been in a store with a touchscreen register before? He's never heard of WaWa before? He just discovered this wonderland of free enterprise called WaWa for the very first time?
The man is a blooming idiot when faced with any aspect of life other than engineering corporate takeovers in a boardroom, and demonstrates that fact every time he opens his mouth. He's also cold, calculating, completely out of touch with daily realities of anyone who hasn't lived their entire lives from birth in the rarefied atmosphere of the ultra-wealthy. And to top it off, he has no beliefs, no convictions, no moral center at all. He is void of any set of personal values that he adheres to regardless of what might benefit him politically. He's a political chameleon. He's utterly amoral, an empty, vacant soul.
Posted by: Kathy Kattenburg | June 19, 2012 at 02:54 PM
How’s this: Andrea is a ferret-faced, dissembling poltroon, relegated to a position of inanity to which she clings only by virtue of her marriage to a doddering leftover of history. And, she has terrible breath. To her I say only two words, and they are not, happy birthday.
Posted by: MarkO | June 19, 2012 at 02:54 PM
Just for fun:
Posted by: Ann | June 19, 2012 at 02:54 PM
I see someone got ahead of me;
Posted by: narciso | June 19, 2012 at 03:00 PM
Duda believes the private sector is doing just fine.
Actually parts of the private sector ARE doing pretty damn well.Corporate profits have recently topped 10 per cent of gross domestic product,for some bizarre reason they've refused to follow the tradtional patterns of a recovery by re-investing in the economy.
I guess it doesn't always "trickle-down".And i'm guessing that we Democrats will be reminding the American people of the fact when it comes time to hold these Coporations down and make them fucking bleed taxes.
We'll get it one or another.
Posted by: dublindave | June 19, 2012 at 03:00 PM
Ex-- the video body/facial expression language is so telling. Vlad is smugly lording over 'Bam -- sneaking a peak a few times to let 'Bam know who's boss. 'Bam the narcissist is pissed at being humiliated -- again-- so he scowls. And the faux shoulder pat at the end is so pathetic-- the complete tell of a weak foolish man. God 'Bam is such a putz.
Posted by: NK | June 19, 2012 at 03:01 PM
Image Andrea without a pound of make-up.
Posted by: Jane | June 19, 2012 at 03:01 PM
Yeah, Ann. That picture always gets me. Mitchell HATES Sarah Palin.
I totally agree with Clarice's first post too.
Posted by: Janet | June 19, 2012 at 03:05 PM