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July 24, 2012


Danube of Thought

In the name of God, just get this man out of the White House. Just get him out.


This will be one ugly baton pass.
Because Romney represents the true enemy to them, not murderous jihadis or lethal commissars.

And the Romney team will be all gentlemanly about it. "Tut tut. Bad form."
No price will be paid.


The ballot question would instruct Massachusetts lawmakers to pass a resolution asking Congress to propose a Constitutional amendment regarding the rights of corporations and placing limits on political contributions and spending.

Now read that again .. and tell me that this sentence can't have more than one meaning ... like giving corporation more rights and stripping away personal rights by placing limits on political contributions and spending.

Rick Ballard

"or pass the baton to Romney"

I believe the baton is next on the OFA raffle list. Three bucks will get you a shot at owning it.

Today's Richmond Fed Report provides a nice chart for those who wish to mark the start of the Obama Recession. No need to wait six months for the NBER hacks to make it official - it's here.


But we can count on the Canadians to do the right thing, right?

What is right for Canada used to happily coincide with selling the U.S. most all it's oil. Since that scenario has for the first time been threatened and, at least temporarily, taken off the table, it is absolutely in Canada's interest to develop alternative markets and investors. The fact that China, with its shaky human rights record (among other things) is the most eager is a big issue - but the decision to diversify its market seems to be to be not just appropriate but necessary. Good for Canada, bad for us. Thanks, Obama.


Via Hot Air Headlines... A new RNC Video (not entirely off topic):

These Arn't Gaffes

Short, to the point.

Thomas Collins

I am not convinced that Obama will approve Keystone if he is reelected. With the "flexibility" provided by his reelection, Obama's focus for his second term won't be ending the constraints on energy production. It will likely be more in line with ValJar's agenda to not only end the self-evident truths polity, but to prevent any chance of its rising again. The goal will be to turn the city on a hill into ruins in the ground (with enough left for the Ruling Class).

Danube of Thought

Well, waddaya know:

Elton John praised former President George W. Bush and “conservative American politicians” for pledging billions of dollars to “save the lives of Africans with HIV.” He also credited hip-hop artist Jay-Z with starting a “domino effect” in the African-American community to support gay marriage. “We’ve seen George W. Bush and conservative American politicians pledge tens of billions to save the lives of Africans with HIV. Think of all the love. Think of where we’d be without it, nowhere, that’s where. We’d be nowhere at all,” John said at the International AIDS conference in Washington on Monday.

so if china takes control of Canada's oil the usa will be buying canadian oil from china? too bad Harper is softening, hope Canada hasn't sold its soul before november


((No price will be paid.))

one can always hope, that after the obama fiasco, they will be out in the cold for a very looooooooooooooong time

Jim Ryan

after the obama fiasco, they will be out in the cold for a very looooooooooooooong time

Or: We are too far down the slippery slope, thanks to the last 80 years of big government bloat and corruption. The GOP will take control after this November and, as they try desperately and in vain to reduce spending, preside over the collapse of the economic and political system in 2014. History books 50 years from now will blame the demise of the U.S. on "conservatism."

Have a nice day.


Canada doesn't really have a choice. Billions have been invested in the Alberta oil sands. Now, Obama has singlehandedly blocked the connection of Keystone to the Canadian side of the border. Probably 20' - 100' of pipeline.

If China does buy that stake, they will then have to negotiate the mess that is the tribal/environut opposition to a pipeline to British Columbia.

To call Obama's action reckless is an understatement. NAFTA, North American energy independence, and economic prosperity are being sacrificed on the altar of Obama's flawed Green Energy policy.

The implications of the new energy boom are massive and could lead to a new industrialization that would make our country more competitive globally in a wide range of industries. But the statists know better of course.


Stock market tumbling some more.
Europe is coming to a sticking point? Or can they kick the can down the road another time?
Recent statements by some of the Euro leaders have a whiff of reality about them. Perhaps we are coming to the endgame.
German Vice Chancellor Philipp Roesler said he’s “very skeptical” that European leaders will be able to rescue Greece and the prospect of the country’s exit from the euro had “lost its terror.”

Roesler, who is Germany’s economy minister, told broadcaster ARD that Greece was unlikely to be able to meet its obligations under a euro-area bailout program as its international creditors hold talks this week in Athens. Should that be the case, the country won’t receive more bailout payments, Roesler said.


((We are too far down the slippery slope, thanks to the last 80 years of big government bloat and corruptionWe are too far down the slippery slope, thanks to the last 80 years of big government bloat and corruption))

I hate govt bloat and corruption as much as anything, but is it really "government" that is the root problem? ---or voters?


Canada would need to look elsewhere even if Keystone weren't blocked, because the US will (I hope) soon enough expand its own oil shale and fracking resources enough to not be a big enough customer.


((Canada doesn't really have a choice...))

in the long run if US policy doesn't change, probably not. But in the short term, they should be able to wait four months ...


TC-I am not being cute mentioning that Belmont Forum and Future Earth Alliance. Those are horrifically graphic documents. And the intention is to remake the economy around sustainability with technology companies gathering the tremendous info needed to try to manage the redesigned economy. That's a different National Research Council report. On using Computer Research to create a sustainable economy

I have yet another Natl Academy of Sciences report called Ecosystem Services: Charting a Path to Sustainability. It lays out that the "social and economic planning" that will be needed because "Spaceship Earth faces an 'all hands on deck' emergency."

Here's an example of the kind of spending and planning and policies being adopted in the federal world of no actual budgets and Holdren as Science Czar.

"Just as the fiscal policy of the government is designed to increase the GDP and expand the economy, the team recommended that environmental policies ensure an overall net increase of natural capital within the national balance sheets. In other words, it should be the objective of the federal government to identify and rehabilitate strained ecosystems, strategize to maintain or enhance the ones currently in use and prevent the degradation of others."

Obama says climate change will be the focus of his 2nd term and Ehrlich's book with Holdren is quite clear. They do not want to allow fossil fuels.

It is absolutely nuts but it is the policy.

There's also a call out for a "PlanetWorks" conference to create a social network.

"They aim to bring government figures from the federal down to municipal levels together with leaders of high-tech companies (especially the top Internet companies), other big businesses, foundations, and the news and entertainment industries."

Like I said on the other thread, this is all a Corporatist dream extraordinaire. That's why Tapper keeps trying to save Obama from his poor choice of word in a public forum.


keystone is merely a utility that transports oil, and canada's pipeline infrastructure and network already is and will continue to be useful as a transportation utility, even moreso when more usa oil is developed


oil and pipelines are two different topics -- and presently China is after Canada's oil, not, afaik, its pipeline companies -- their current infrastructure and ability to build more


it's all about (or as they say in Canada, aboot) price. At the right price and with the right grade Canada's oil will do just fine in an open market.

When the feasibility studies for the oil sands were done many years ago, the price of West Texas Intermediate was probably $20 bbl. Now Canadian oil companies are doing well.

With NG, we are ready to see a re-shaping of the carbon equation. NG is one of the cleanest fuels and yet the opposition by people like Holdren, Chu et al is positively Luddite.

Substituting diesel for NG is a no-brainer and yet the Gaia worshipers continue to insist that theirs is the one true faith.

When one considers the overall energy input/output equation of green technologies the true measure of their stupidity is evident.


Everyone see the genius Bloomberg comment?

“I don’t understand why police officers across this country don’t stand up collectively and say we’re going to go on strike, we’re not going to protect you unless you, the public, through your legislature, do what’s required to keep us safe,’’ he told CNN’s Piers Morgan.
After chastising Bloomberg for advocating anarchy and noting that most police are legally prohibited from striking, Ed Morrisey correctly observes that this would make people more determined to acquire guns and ammo.
Bloomberg’s proposal would only reinforce the truth that citizens have to defend themselves from crime.
Bloomberg is the poster child for the left's 'life's lottery' philosophy.
Captain Hate

When I found out that Elton John was friends with Rush, even though it was one entertainer to another I thought that he'd be less reflexively dogmatic in his evaluation of politicians. It's too bad we have to treat entertainers in such a childlike manner except so many of them are poorly educated imbeciles and prove it with their unscripted utterances.


I thought a large part of the keystone project was going to be to build pipeline extensions that will transport oil between U.S. destinations, not just from Canada to the U.S.

James D.

Matt, they're not Luddites, and they're not stupid - at least the Holdrens and Chus aren't. They know perfectly well that their policies will lead to a much poorer society, with a far less mobile, and (eventually) a much smaller and more easily controllable populace.

With people like them in charge, no doubt with special "VIP Carbon Allowances" or whatever they'll be called, so they can continue to drive (well, be driven) and fly on private jets and keep their houses heated and air conditioned to the hearts' content, while we freeze in the dark and look upwards at our betters jet-setting through the skies.

That is their vision, ultimately. It's monstrous and evil, but - from their perspective, at least - certainly not stupid.


Was the Aurora Shooter Really Wearing Body Armor?


He was so well equipped that if anyone in that theater had tried what the National Rifle Association recommends—drawing a firearm to stop the carnage—that person would have been dead meat. Holmes didn’t just kill a dozen people. He killed the NRA’s answer to gun violence.
Only, it doesn't appear that there's any evidence that he was wearing body armor. The evidence seems to show that the MSM has a new template to discourage normal, obvious self-defense arguments.
Captain Hate

Tammy Bruce is playing Nanny Bloomie's and Pierce the Idiot's comments now.

James D.

re: Bloomberg, I don't want to even say what I honestly think of him.

"He can go straight to hell" is the mildest thought I have regarding him.


Good Morning.

New FOX story says that the DOJ is looking into Pennsylvania's Voter ID Law to determine if it is discriminatory.

I'll go out on a limb here and say Holder determines that it is. Link

Captain Hate

Ice-T stealing MFM souls: http://tammybruce.com/2012/07/ice-t-ill-give-up-my-guns-when-everyone-else-does.html


Good Morning Quiztime:

Instapundit has up the following fun line:

Ursine miscegenation? Not that there’s anything wrong with that . . . .

Without clicking on the link, anyone know what "Ursine Miscegenation" is?

Hint: You'd know it if you saw it:)


Hitting body armor with a handgun round at close range hurts like hell and will often knock the target down. It won't kill them, but it can definitely stop them for a few moments, perhaps enough time to take further action.

One of the positive side effects of the body armor in use today is massive bruising.

Opening fire in a packed theater is another question entirely. People shooting wildly in such an environment is a very bad idea and the combination of adrenaline and lack of situational awareness is very dangerous. It would have taken a highly skilled shooter to do anything about that maniac.



I can't bear the suspense. (Folks who know something about the constellations do have a shot at this.)

Captain Hate

Without clicking on the link, anyone know what "Ursine Miscegenation" is?

Different types of bears humping? Ie grizzly and black bears?


Speaking of Ursine, er bear - looks like Alaskan bears have their own webcams!


"Ursine miscegenation"

Whatever it is, it's Bush's fault. Or global warming's. Unless it's a good thing. Then Obama get's credit.


polar bears and Kodiaks?

I read something a while back that Kodiaks are basically grizzly bears re-named. Heck if I know. They're big and they're unpredictable and I do not like them, Sam I Am.


Speaking of insane US Energy policies...

A very long story today in the ADN that is anti-Shell drilling.

"a small group of sign-waving activists rallied in the drizzle in front of the Federal Building downtown...Maybe a dozen environmentalists and others gathered for the last-minute protest."

Maybe a dozen, and that's good enough for a long ADN story:

"The demonstrators were eclectic. One man tried to start a "no drilling" chant but couldn't get traction. A 10-year-old wearing a polar bear costume shook pompoms and said she was sad for the polar bears and seals."

Here's a photo of an "eclectic" 10 year old in a Polar Bear suit, which according to the McClatchy owned ADN is worth publishing in order to shut down US Oil Exploration and weaken this nation:

Melinda Romanoff


I prefer to watch them from my side of the television.


Melinda Romanoff

Oh goodie, Teresa Ghilarducci is back in the news.


On topic, I'm finding it hard to get excited about this. Oil has a world market, I don't think it can matter too much who buys from whom, except for the threat of major disruptions (and some transport costs). But even disruptions affect the world price, not just individual markets.

Our real problems are internal: Being forced to throw money down the green energy toilet, to (as cathyf put it on an earlier thread) put a chunk of the world food supply in our gas tanks, and generally not being able to make our own decisions based on free market prices and our own costs and benefits.


it doesn't appear that there's any evidence that he was wearing body armor.

Well even if he did, he had on a gas mask not flak helmet. A shot to the head would have stopped him straight away.


It would have taken a highly skilled shooter to do anything about that maniac.

Yes, but I do wonder if he would have attempted it had he thought that some of the patrons might be armed. He doesn't appear to have been suicidal. Even if an armed population can't always stop a suicidal maniac, there's likely a deterrent effect on non-suicidal attacks.


Gotta' dash but...

Yesterday received a very official looking FAA letter.

It says in part:

"This notification is being sent to you because you have been identified as holding a paper airman certificate issued under 14 CFR Parts 63 and 65 for a flight engineer or navigator, mechanic, repairman, control tower operator, aircraft dispatcher or parachute rigger certificate...(signed Tona K. Gates Manager, Airmen Certificate Certification Branch, AFS-760)"

Goes on and on about Govt Regs and how I have to get whatever paper certificate transferred to some plastic, hologrammed secure FAA certificate by such and such a date or I turn into a pumpkin and lose my qualification.

What's nuts, is that I have had the plastic, hologrammed secure FAA card now for going on 10 years.

The FAA is mistaken in my case (horrors), but now I am in the limbo situation of having to go thru whatever hoops are required to convince a Government Agency that they are dicked up and please don't screw with my livelihood because of bureaucratic incompetence.

I immediately called work to ask a question about this and the guy who answered, and who I know well, said that he had received one yesterday too.

Can't wait to see the bureaucratic efficiencies of the FAA transferred to 330 million subjects under ObamaCare.

If anyone else here received a similar letter, I'd be interested in knowing if in your case it was correct or incorrectly sent to you.



Romney really shouldn't use the phrase "Let me be perfectly clear" in a speech. (just used it in one)

That is Obama's tell that he's lying. OK it is the 'whomp upside your head' that he is lying - moving his lips was the first tell assault on your common sense.


"Ursine Miscegenation"
Not litigated in Loving v. Virginia.



That posted photo above of the dog attempting to have sex with the 10 year old in the polar bear costume is not technically "Ursine miscegenation":)

Melinda Romanoff

John Lovitz is still on a tear, rips iBama for Nobel Prize "You didn't earn that".



"Not litigated in Loving v. Virginia"

I thought Virginia was for lovers?

Go Lovitz!

Charlie (Colorado)

Without clicking on the link, anyone know what "Ursine Miscegenation" is?

Grin and bear it.


Atlanta resident slimes Atlanta resident Chik-Fil-A. LUN, and this is truly poor journalism by a guy who probably prefers KFC.


((Romney really shouldn't use the phrase "Let me be perfectly clear" in a speech. (just used it in one)))

I think you're absolutely right, he should not say that, and I hope that the Romney campaign somehow gets that message.



He was so well equipped that if anyone in that theater had tried what the National Rifle Association recommends—drawing a firearm to stop the carnage—that person would have been dead meat.

How can Slate be certain of this?

Even if Slate could be certain, what does that mean? That means that in this instance the killer could not have been stopped. Which means that he couldn't have been stopped by police, either - correct?

I guess Slate would prefer the "wait until shooting stops, then go in" approach used by law enforcement in Columbine. Or "don't get to the scene until after shooting stops," which is what actually happened in Aurora. Obviously either of those would have been much less reckless and dangerous than actually attempting to take down a man who is in the process of killing people.

Let's face, it, since it turns out the perp wasn't a Tea Party member as hoped, Slate is consoling itself by rejoicing that the perp's alleged unstoppability "proves" that liberals are right about gun control.

Frau Ich-herz-Ramirez

"New FOX story says that the DOJ is looking into Pennsylvania's Voter ID Law to determine if it is discriminatory."

Disgusting Doonesbury is flogging the "voter ID is Jim Crow" image for all it's worth. I hope Trudeau's business drops off.


"—that person would have been dead meat."

If the Slate author thinks someone is invincible with body armor (if it even was, and most likely level 3 soft armor) then the author should be willing to don a vest and let someone shoot at him a few times and see if he just stands there. And even if it was level 4 armor with a steel plate, we are talking about an 8x10 plate, there are plenty of other places to hit (and I would probably hit them if I was actually aiming at the plate).

Some guy

Without clicking on the link, anyone know what "Ursine Miscegenation" is?

Andrew Sullivan...?

What do I win?


O/T: "The difference between the US and Europe? About 6 years." Santelli delivers.


Romney really shouldn't use the phrase "Let me be perfectly clear" in a speech.

I think it is a way of Romney mocking Obama without being direct about it. I wouldn't be surprised if he picks up quite a few of Obama's favorite rhetorical tricks just to get under Obama's skin.


most people can only fire a single firearm at once, so unless he was Rambo or Annie Oakley, "well armed" means pretty much doodleysquat except in access time to firing more bullets.

His rifle seems to have jammed, so he was able to continue shooting with a pistol(s), but he would have already planned for that anyway.

Maybe Slate can argue for single firearm ownership but with 300 Million+ guns in circulation, the argument is moot.

Frau Ich-herz-Ramirez

BTW - repeated statements that the Aurora shooting is the largest mass shooting in US history made me check back on the Ft. Hood shooting where 13 were killed and at least 30 wounded. So far I have not heard one reminder of the Ft. Hood shooting. That's because *it* was a "work place" shooting and not a crazy Tea Partier grad student Batman fan.


I think it is a way of Romney mocking Obama without being direct about it.

I thought so too, Ranger. I sort of like it.


I hope Trudeau's business drops off.

Well he cant go below zero, with me. I have not read a column in at least 10 years, the guy and I agree on nothing, and the comic is never funny in my opinion.


32 people were killed and 17 wounded at Virginia Tech. So do they measure by body count or total number of victims shot? The bastards.


Daddy, I have a paper private pilot certificate (I'm not current) but haven't received any notice whatsoever.


Frau, there have been many shootings where more than 12 were killed. Virginia Tech, Luby's in Killeen, the McDonald's in California, Charles Whitman here at UT all come to mind.


if anyone in that theater had tried what the National Rifle Association recommends...that person would have been dead meat

Interesting that the noise, poor lighting, etc which would have made it difficult to hit the maniac would apparently have posed no obstacle to the maniac targeting specific people himself.


Romney today:

I will not surrender America’s leadership in the world. We must have confidence in our cause, clarity in our purpose, and resolve in our might.

This is very simple: if you do not want America to be the strongest nation on earth, I am not your President. You have that President today.


For the same reason Santorum's children can't do a google search of their own name, Chik-Fil-A is now being targeted by the LGBT community. Did these people not know Chik-Fil-A voluntarily shuts down on Sundays because it is the Lord's day? Sheesh.


I know I said this before, but were we to have a "War on Guns" and make mere possession of a gun a felony, they would be as hard to get as cocaine and heroin.

Reality is quite a concept.


Interesting that the noise, poor lighting, etc which would have made it difficult to hit the maniac would apparently have posed no obstacle to the maniac targeting specific people himself.



The noise and poor lighting might also have aided a counter assailant in hiding from the perp while getting into position to take him down.

I don't know how far the maniac walked into the theater as he was shooting, and the tear gas was also an obstacle. But it seems to me that a determined armed person *might* have been able to sneak around behind him and shoot him in the head or back.


The LGBT community is about 2% of the population. Something should be done about this abuse.


I know I said this before, but were we to have a "War on Guns" and make mere possession of a gun a felony, they would be as hard to get as cocaine and heroin.

Actually they'd be easier to get, because cocaine and heroin are consumables and have to be "gotten" over and over again. Not so with guns - get a weapon or two and take care of them and you're covered (though you do need to have a stock of ammo). So the existing supply goes much further.


Each adult birthday, the birthday person gets to choose the restaurant. It is usually on a Sunday when we do birthdays. My son in law always chooses Chik-Fil-A as a joke, because he knows it is closed and because he really likes it and they paid his way through college by working there. They have always closed on Sundays for religious reasons. Doesn't it just sort of make sense that they support traditional values? Anyway, who needs the Muppets? My grandchildren go there because you can turn the prize in for an ice cream cone.


Go to the Jim Henson website and give them hell. I did.

As for Trudeau, I agree no one read him, but perhaps a note to the WaPo editors that once again Gary's jumped the shark might not be out of line.


Interesting that the noise, poor lighting, etc which would have made it difficult to hit the maniac would apparently have posed no obstacle to the maniac targeting specific people himself.

And considering the rate at which he was firing shots, and how many he was getting off, anything that would have stopped him a few seconds sooner, even if some bystanders got hit. He was shooting at people, trying to maximize the number of victims.

But I still want to stress the deterrent effect of knowing there are armed citizens out there. That's potentially a lot more valuable than whatever those armed citizens can do once a maniac starts shooting.


Mark O,
Will you fall off your chair if you hear Romney say, "he's not that smart."?


An armed citizenry will never be able to stop every lunatic out there. Never could. Never will. It doesn't matter if it will stop every atrocity. It is a guaranteed right under the 2nd amendment. In plain language. No one had to make it up. If they want it changed, then do it the only way possible. Change the constitution.

Captain Hate

The LGBT community is about 2% of the population.

Are you omitting every conservative that the Identity Imbecile claims is deep in the closet but states that making that accusation, while acting as if it was something extremely negative, doesn't make him a homophobe.


Good points Sue and jimmyk. I agree about the deterrent effect but gun control people get really hostile about that one (probably because they know it's true).


Did these people not know Chik-Fil-A voluntarily shuts down on Sundays because it is the Lord's day?

Of course, that's what makes them so petulant. It's that Lord who says their behavior is an abomination. The activists can't just disagree, they have to harass them and try to shut them down.


Drudge says ABC News is taking steps to stop reporting inaccuracies. I didn't click to see if Brian Ross had been fired. I sort of doubt it.

Captain Hate

As for Trudeau, I agree no one read him, but perhaps a note to the WaPo editors that once again Gary's jumped the shark might not be out of line.

He ceased to be funny at about the time when he married Jane Pauley.



That is a great statement by Romney. Thanks for posting.


The LGBT community is about 2% of the population. Something should be done about this abuse.

Thank you. Tyranny of a tiny minority. As for this:

if anyone in that theater had tried what the National Rifle Association recommends...that person would have been dead meat

...I'll give anyone 100 to 1 odds that this cretin has never read one item published by the NRA nor attended a single firearms course offered by the NRA. Besides, if there were someone carrying and returned fire, that someone would be facing criminal charges by violating the "no guns" sign at the theater.

Rick Ballard

I like the timing of Governor Romney's trip. He's ceding news cycles just before the Q2 GDP announcement on Friday (it's gonna suck) and he'll be back in time to comment on the July employment report next Friday (it's gonna suck worse than the GDP). I'm hoping the tenor of his remarks will follow the simple line of "Now, you did build that mess, BOzo."

I agree with Ranger - "Let me be clear" is a dig at El JEF and it's tied to his "I didn't say that" non-rebuttal.

Some guy

He ceased to be funny at about the time when he married Jane Pauley.

I thought marrying her was the second funniest thing he ever did.


Ice-T stealing MFM souls

Ice-T is a big Obama supporter, but I wonder if gun control could be a wedge issue for black voters, similar to gay marriage. Outside of places like NYC where it's already hard to own a gun, I suspect many blacks feel as Ice-T does. They're most likely to be victims.


--An armed citizenry will never be able to stop every lunatic out there. Never could. Never will.--

Neither can cops.
Looking forward to Slate's call to disband police forces forthwith.


Looking forward to Slate's call to disband police forces forthwith.

Bloomberg is already calling for police to go on strike. Same diff.

Frau Rechthaberei

Ah, a feather in the hands of a fourth grade nitpicker. Priceless.

Captain Hate

The turd vac is really fast today.

Melinda Romanoff



So a mass shooting in a place where guns are prohibited is supposed to teach us that guns should be prohibited, and that there's no benefit to an armed citizenry.

What next? The failure of the Soviet Union (or of Obama's economic policies) teaches us that capitalism doesn't work? The destruction of the black family from the War on Poverty teaches us that we need more entitlements? Makes sense to me.


I missed it!


So did I, Sue. And I've been refreshing frequently this last hour.

Melinda Romanoff

Not fast enough!


I missed it too, but I was away for lunch.


Oh well, I don't read him anyway, I just see his posts.


Demand for guns in Colorado jumps in wake of movie massacre

"A lot of it is people saying, 'I didn't think I needed a gun, but now I do,' " he told the newspaper. "When it happens in your backyard, people start reassessing — 'Hey, I go to the movies.'"
Rick Ballard

The Pride of Pitzer was stupid enough to reveal he doesn't know the difference between the Lord's Day (domenica is a hint) and the Sabbath (sabato is also a hint). Constantine settled that one some 1600 years ago but Dr. Dumbass can't really be expected to know... well, anything outside of third hand, third rate Marxist dialectic, I suppose.

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