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August 23, 2012



It's almost like they're all a bunch of crooked bastards in it for the money.


Wow. Kilt it already?




"What the Mailman Knows about Ayers and Obama

By Jack Cashill

A few days ago I got a call asking whether I knew anything about the Ayers family mailman. I had heard of him, I said. I remembered liberal blogger Steven Diamond having interviewed the fellow a few years back, but I paid it little mind, as the information seemed too limited to pursue.

The caller then sent me a video interview with the mailman by WND sleuth Jerome Corsi. The video made me sit up and pay attention. The mailman is a real person. His name is Alan Hulton. He seems entirely credible, and he has a story to tell..."



Yesterday on Talk Radio I heard a bit of an accusation that essentially said the following:

The DOJ is actively hiring Lefty workers into the DOJ that are technically "disabled" due to physical or mental problems, and the supposed reason for doing this is to stack the DoJ with lefties because they cannot be fired under some Disabilities hiring Act by any new incoming Administration.

I did not get the name of the show who brought it up and can't find anything on it by googling so I imagine it is bogus.

Have any of you heard of it, or do you know if it's factually bogus.

Thanks in advance if anyone has any input.


You didn't imagine it daddy, which is not always a sure thing up there;



Daddy, the very first person with severe mental capacity problems hired was Eric Holder.


News Alert: Raub Ordered Released! Judge Rules Police Had NO GROUNDS To Detain Him.

Good news.


Obama’s Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood claims he is “very proud” of President Obama’s “stimulus” bill, which cost $738,461 per transportation job.


"This guy is a bad, bad guy, pathological liar, and a dummy."

Dennis Miller on Biden.

I love how Dennis is unashamedly calling these guys exactly what they are. No mincing words. No fear. It's a pleasure to hear.


Thanks Narciso for that link.

Frightening, but I put nothing past these guys.

From the link:

"Those with “targeted disabilities” may be hired through a “non-competitive” appointment. That means they don’t have to endure the regular civil service competition among applicants, but can be plucked from the stack of resumes and hired immediately instead"

"...those with these “targeted disabilities” may be hired “before the position is advertised” and even “before the position’s closing date.” Moreover, lawyers with psychiatric disabilities and “severe intellectual” disabilities receive a waiver from the requirement that a new DOJ employee have practiced law for one year before being hired."

Hey, maybe Michelle Obama can get a job now in the DoJ.


So busy at work today - have no idea if this has been posted already:

SPOKANE, Wash. -

Ambassador Ryan Crocker, one of the most decorated State Department diplomats in the last half century, was arrested on August 14 by the Washington State Patrol for hit-and-run and DUI in Spokane Valley.

Rob Crawford

Re the Raub story:

“The special justice is very old,” Whitehead said. “He had trouble hearing Brandon. He brought into the courtroom a personal cassette player – we tried to listen to it and you can hardly hear what’s being said. This is the so-called judge – he’s a lawyer, not a real judge – it’s like what you would see in a bad movie.”

Second case this year in which obvious injustice was done by a judge who should have been allowed to retire in peace. Perhaps the practice of pulling judges out of retirement needs to be rethought?


Want to see your taxpayer money disappear faster than the wind, give it to a Democrat.

"Beebe has been an ardent supporter of subsidizing wind energy."


You can become a lawyer with:

"Moreover, lawyers with psychiatric disabilities and “severe intellectual” disabilities receive a waiver from the requirement that a new DOJ employee have practiced law for one year before being hired."

I suppose it is illegal to say anything about this, but who made these rules?


I like today's call by Mitt Romney for complete energy independence by 2020. I think that is a real winner, especially if it is continually pushed and we get some specifics of his ideas about how to accomplish that.

I see from FOX that already an Obama spokesperson has responded that that is exactly what Obama wants also. Good. That means we can start a new national debate of each candidates ideas about how to achieve energy independence by 2020.

We win that debate easily.

Jim Eagle


Thanks for the link to Raub's release. I was almost apoplectic when I read the original story and watched the vid. But this is only emblematic of what it will be like under Obama's 2nd term.

I mean look at the expansion of the TSA mission and those creeps are even equal to police cadets. Forget the brown shirts look for the touchy-feely crowd in blue.


FOX Business just had on an Obama supporter/Key Stone opponent.

Her talking point is that "eminent domain" will be required in order to build a pipeline and that since Conservatives are opposed to eminent domain, American's will not support Romney's policies about Energy Independence and will instead support either the status quo or Obama's ideas (which nobody has heard.)

I am so looking forward to this debate. Bring it on. As if the Left gives 2 shits about eminent domain.

Jim Eagle

::are equal:: = ::aren't equal:: Grrrrrr!


So Obama is now on the" me too" train. He doesn't have any of his own ideas so he has to copy off of Mitt!

NJ Jan

Unfortunately, Obama 's track record on energy does not support me tooing Mitt and his alternative energy theories don't cut it.

Jim Eagle


From my experience there is hardly any eminent domain issues for pipelines. But there is a famous one back in the late 70 early 80's. The ETSI coal slurry pipeline was to bring coal slurry from Eastern Wyoming coal fields to loading terminals in Arkansas and Louisiana.

But the railroads opposed. Little known fact: RR's own a lot of the land contingent to their right of way and of course, oppose any line going underneath their lines. It never got built but from all the legal cases, the guys at ETSI ended up owning the RR's.


Conservatives are opposed to eminent domain?
For a utility like a pipeline?
Learn something new every day.


--From my experience there is hardly any eminent domain issues for pipelines.--

Don' they just buy an easement if no others are handy JiB.
I know my land is crisscrossed by any number of private power, phone and water easements.


AP reporting that President Obama will declare a state of emergency in Florida tomorrow, along with issuing an official Federal order for the state to postpone the Republican National Convention untill he decides otherwise.

Hey, if people's lives are in danger then it's gotta be done.


NYT Muckraking Exelon-Bam? Just hedging. If Bam craters in Nov., the NYT just wants to be on record as showing Bam was another corrupt ChiTown pol... he was an imperfect prog savior. nothing wrong with Progressive politics of course, Bam failed because he was a corrupt pol-- that will be the NYT's angle.

Jim Eagle


The first guys out the door on a pipeline project or Xmission line is the ROW crew (right of way). They spend endless hours negotiating every inch of property that will be used, even the staging and work areas. Lots of farmers, loggers, ranchers and even suburbanites have had nice little paychecks as a result.

Don't even know of a line not started without a full ROW purchase and permitting.


The FOX Business News gal today dealing with the "Eminent Domain"
talking points is Sandra Smith:

She looks great today in some red low-cut outfit, and it was fun to see her mouth turn up in a wry smile at the corners listening to the nonsense of the Obama supporter. I enjoyed every bit of that.

Jim Eagle

Just to show how stupid and ill informed DuDa is then read his 5:46. The POTUS cannot declare a national emergency in Florida until the governor of the state asks him to do so. POTUS declarations without governor requests are limited to public danger and terrorism, IIRC.

But outside of that you were "spot on" as usual. Have a great day.


Ms. Smith is certainly very eminent....


I'm going with Lora Reinbold, daddy.

(Alakan campaign jingles.)


"Just to show how stupid and ill informed DuDa is then read his 5:46. The POTUS cannot declare a national emergency in Florida until the governor of the state asks him to do so. POTUS declarations without governor requests are limited to public danger and terrorism, IIRC."

Wrong! The President can declare a state of emergency under 'The Insurrection Act' which was recently amended to include natural disasters such as Tropical storms and Hurricanes.

Once again; the President will be making an official announcement from the Rose garden at 9.00 am tomorrow morning.

Captain Hate

If Stedman ends up hiring a bunch of useless humps into the DOJ that can't be fired because of the ADA, thank Poppy Bush for getting rolled on that Pandora's Box.


If he does that and the storm doesn't hit that exact spot, he's done, dd. I hope he does it.

Captain Hate

Trying to predict the path of a hurricane is a fool's errand for even a day in advance. If he does such a nakedly partisan ploy, it'll make 1980 look like a nail biter.


Our leprechaun is as usual clueless, asmy experience back in '92, when Lawton Chiles delayed making the declaration,

William Howells and Conant sigh, quirtly;



And maybe Obama can sic the IRS on Romney and Ryan (those dirty tax cheats) while he's at it. If Obama were to do such a thing as puff up a tropical storm into Camile he can go ahead and write off Florida. The surfers will be out in force though.


Boy-o-- Are we sure about that "Insurection Act" declaration tomorrow 0900 when a storm is over Cuba? "Farewell and adieu to me fine Spanish Ladies, farewell and adieu me Ladies of Spain..."

JM Hanes


Such sad news about Ryan Crocker. The man is a national treasure.


It could just be a disaster declaration for the Keys and South Florida. The storm track has it running up the west coast.

I'm thinking though that Obama sat on his hands and didn't declare as disaster areas the flooding in TN and KY. Odd.


Speaking of bad news; worst art restoration in history. 80 year old Spanish broad "restores" fresco of Jesus and makes him look like bongo monkey.


Didn't WeeDavey say he was leaving JOM cause he wasn't banned, I presume under the "I wouldn't belong to any club that would have me as a member" theory?
Guess he can't resist letting us in on the skinny whenever his anus begins speaking to him again.


Here you go, Sue.

Billboard Controversy Comes To North Texas

The ad in Gainesville depicts two men in camouflage holding weapons. The text next to the picture, in a military style font, says “The Seals removed one threat to America,” a reference to the killing of Osama bin Laden. It continues, “Remove the other in November.”
Who doesn't love Texans?

15 minutes of Obama's SSN:



socsec#? I thought Los Angeles Class nuclear attack boat. Big let down.


Ig-- weren't the comments today from DublinAVE (sans D) Must be a different guy!


Boy-o-- Are we sure about that "Insurection [sic ]Act" declaration tomorrow 0900 when a storm is over Cuba? "Farewell and adieu to me fine Spanish Ladies, farewell and adieu me Ladies of Spain..."

It really depends upon the city and the logistics of evacuating large numbers of people. Mayor Bloomberg issued his warning several days before Irene was due to hit. The Declaration itself allows supplies to be flown in and emergency teams to draw up rescue and evacuation plans. Tampa is a huge city and the President feels it would be wise to cancel the Republican Convention now before any more work and money are wasted.


Boy-O, put down the Ipad and have another Bushmills.


That was terrible, wasn't it Ignatz, how did they let that happen?


I'm pretty interested to know what the President "feels" would be wise.


OT, the new Tom Wolfe, doing much the same he did to NY and Charlotte, now to Miami, on October the 23rd/


"Didn't WeeDavey say he was leaving JOM..."
This is kind of like Lucy and the football, right?
Even if he left, his evil twin would be sure to show up.

Danube of Thought

"Conservatives are opposed to eminent domain"

It's provided for in the original language of the comstitution, for openers. I suppose she's referring to the Kelo decision, which for the first time held that private property could be taken for a public "purpose," and not just for public use. The pipeline would be for a public use, and wouldn't offend this conservative.


Does he feel we should keep him on for another term?


Now oddly the second item, shows they are just rote transcriptionists.


hit and run

Lucy had an evil twin?

Rick Ballard

Fox has a new LV poll today.

The skew is 42D 38R 18I, about 2-4 points strong for the Dems.


Romney 45 Obama 44

The poll indicates a 20% higher level of interest (the "very important" question) among Republicans. Alternatively - The poll reflects the standard 20% damage done by President Obama to the Democrat brand.


I saw that LV poll-- I was very unhapppy to see overall approval of 51%. We'll have to see how this Fox LV polll trends.


"Even if he left, his evil twin would be sure to show up."

At least we've abandoned the notion that the President cannot declare a state of emergency.

Jim Eagle

As someone who lives in Florida I am always amazed at how the trolls from wherever know more about our hurricane preparation and forecasting than we do. DuDa is now smarter than Odummy if in fact Odummy calls a national emergency when there is no idea even Monday if there will be one. If you want to lose Florida, then let the Feds decide our fate instead of the local emergency people. Dumb and Dumber.


Obama Has Raped Median Household Income

Rick Ballard


The 51% was set up by asking about the Clinton's first. The last Fox poll on July 17th was an RV (same skew as August) at 45 Obama, 40 Romney and 47% approval for the President. The set up question was not asked. The LV/RV swing from July to August suggests the level of intensity is a very strong indicator of Obama's weakness.

JM Hanes

"Conservatives are opposed to eminent domain"

Yeah, sort of like opposing Dodd-Frank means you don't believe in regulating anything.

Jane - talk is cheap!

AP reporting that President Obama will declare a state of emergency in Florida tomorrow, along with issuing an official Federal order for the state to postpone the Republican National Convention untill he decides otherwise.

Just imagine the Romney landslide if Obama did that. Hell he'd probably get Massachusetts and California.


What possibly could gained by the wave of negative publicity Zero would get?

Is Double Douche still claiming seniors are gonna vote for Democrats in FLA? That was a good one.

Jim Eagle

Romney stickers at least 10 to 1 over Obama stickers where I live. Growing like weeds in the last 2 weeks and this is a predominantly retirement area of Florida compared to Jax and St. Augustine and Daytona.


There's a lot of dross out there, the Coates piece, and the one linked here;



DD's (the last post HAD Dave) posts are further evidence that a little knowledge on the Left is a silly thing. After Katrina, the arcane 1807 Insurrection Act was amended to allow the POTUS to federalize State Nat'l Guards and use Federal troops in the case of natural disasters, where State authorities could no longer keep public order. Before that natural disasters required Governor request for federal military assets in the case of a natural disaster. There were delays in sending Federal military assets into NoLa after Katrina because that disgusting bitch Govenor did not authorize federal military assistance. Bush ordered the Coast Guard in (Dept of Homeland sec NOT DoD) and skirted Posse Comitatus by ordering USN Helos in on the theory they were operating over navigable water, not on the ground-- NoLa was flooded, right?. To avoid delays in the future Congress gave the POTUS the power to use Federal military assets without governor approval, IF the state government could not maintain public order. Tomorrow -- it will be what sunny and 85 degrees in Tampa? I think public order will still be maintained. No POTUS orders tomorrow Boy-O.



If you feel this is the right thing to do, Mr President, then as President you should do it. You should also dispatch Michelle down there and have her tied to a utility pole in a sheer sleeveless blouse while being interviewed on the Weather Channel. It's the right thing to do, and you know it. You can feel it in your bones. And let's face it, you won.

JM Hanes

duda's just yanking the chain.


"Obama Has Raped Median Household Income"

Yet there are still people who claim to be Americans who say they will vote for Obama.
It was insane to vote for him in 2008 and it would be beyond insane to vote for him in 2012.


'duda's just yanking the chain.'

How can you tell? just about everything is equally ridiculous


I'd be the last to say that one good yank deserves another, not that there's anything wrong with that.


Glad to see Fox has sent Opinion Dynamics packing. Its aint gonna be no D + 4 turnout. That may be 6 points too Democrat which would make the 1 point lead grow to a very large number even before you allocate nearly all undecides and espoused third party voters to the challenger save the standard 1% that third parties usually get as a whole.

Jim Eagle

Well, Pagar, the way we are going, we are no longer a Prozac Nation but a Klonopin Nation.

Soylent Red

If Stedman ends up hiring a bunch of useless humps into the DOJ that can't be fired because of the ADA.

Pretty sure that even under ADA, they can be fired for cause.

At minimum they can be assigned to duty consisting of eight hours of staring at a picture of Obama in a locked office.

Ranger: Check last thread please.


The only official who walked away from Katrina with his reputation was U.S. Army General Honore' and the military/CG component who performed valiantly and exceptionally.

Brown, Blanco, Nagin and the rest should have been tarred & feathered. Funny how across the river there were never the management problems there were on the Louisiana side even though the damage was just as extensive.

Soylent Red

Once again; the President will be making an official announcement from the Rose garden at 9.00 am tomorrow morning.

Maybe he's just going to decree that the waters begin to recede, the winds calm...

Maybe, if we're lucky, he'll attempt to walk out there to make sure they hear him.


The old JOM post that TM links above is SO interesting. It would be great if we had some kind of organization that looked into stories & reported on them! Tom's Oct 17, 2008 post had more info on Obama's sketchy background than any WaPo article I ever read. Facts laid out with links....there is no excuse for the MFM.


Isaac may be every bit the dud that Zero is? Poorly defined and low wind speeds and headed for a long time over land in Cuba:


Ralph L

only one person on this thread manages even a pro forma "hey, maybe you should keep those genocidal fantasies under your hat"
I've already called him out for stepping over the line, even in jest, it's someone else's turn. Odd that more people spoke out about your handle, but that's how we've been trained.


Totally OT.

"Ms. Gimenez said she had worked on the fresco using a 10-year-old picture of it, but she eventually left Jesus with a half-beard and, some say, a monkwylike appearance."

If you haven't seen Ms. Gimenez' handiwork, you may not appreciate this.


Ms. Gimenez's handiwork.


Michael Barone on Barry wanting to do to all industries what he did to GM.

Reminds me of the joke from the great movie To Be or Not to Be.
Jack Benny plays a ham of a Polish actor named Tura who while in disguise asks the local Nazi capeetan played by the great Sig Rumann if he's ever heard of,
"that great Polish actor, Joseph Tura?"
The Nazi guy thinks a minute and says,
"Oh yes, what he did to Shakespeare we are now doing to Poland".


"Ms. Gimenez said she had worked on the fresco using a 10-year-old picture of it...


Who doesn't love Texas? Certainly not me.

Jim Eagle


Need to change the family heraldy.

You came from a family of Generals not Admirals.

Obama says so.

What a F**king doofus. I thought Clinton was the biggest embarrassment as CinC but this guy sets the bar so high no one will ever match it.

Frau Kartoffeln

Paraphrasing Thurber, I say it's Cleo dodging the narcisolator and I say to hay-ull with him.

Larry Elder, may his tribe increase--even though he doesn't want children--is supporting Akin. Larry has been playing clueless Claire McCaskill's fawning support of Bent Willie and recounting the "merry" antics of Kennedy & Dodd.

I am thoroughly distressed and bummed that AliceH has not recognized a typical JOM food fight which was unlike others that surrounded the Pitzer Pissant.

Jim Eagle

Has this parody of Obama by Obama ever been posted here before. If so, I apologize.

But it is pretty telling to the ego we are all dealing with.


I'd forgotten that example, JiB, Olson is his replacement at JSOC, so that wasn't the reason.

Danube of Thought

He's just lazy, JiB--and not that smart.

Gmax, I think Fox ditched Opinion Dynamics several months ago. Anyhow, this election is over, and the incumbent dude is going to be launched into the stratosphere. One of the high pleasures of my life is going to be watching that fact dawn on him and his supporters--think, for example, of E.J. ("Baghdad Bob") Dionne--in the coming months.

It will all culminate, of course, on January 20, when he has to welcome the Romney family to the White House, then watch the administering of the oath. Think he'll call in sick?

Jim Eagle


Not only lazy and not that smart but he is thug that thinks that compensates for all his failings. I hope Romney and his Mormon ethical sensibility and manners has a battle plan (and I emphasis battle) to deal with what is coming. It will not be pretty and when you have the MSM on your side laziness and stupidity are features not bugs.


yes, but their sampling has been off for a while, I still wonder how do you get such an overlap between LVs and RVs.

Soylent Red

Think he'll call in sick?

He'll call in an airstrike probably.

I'm sure that whatever happens, he will be predictably graceless and crass.


he will be predictably graceless and crass.

I'd bet that he is under the influence of [fill in drug of choice].

Dave (in MA)

Ignatz 06:44 PM, that is a riot.

Jim Eagle


Spot on. I can't imagine another reaction.


The idiot head of the GOP just said this "It shoulda went."

Reminds me of my small high school's paper that printed this headline: Where Has The True Spirit of Christmas Went?"

Jane - talk is cheap!

Think he'll call in sick?

He'll call in an airstrike probably.

I cannot imagine him surrendering with any grace.


I am going to post this link on both active JOM threads. Everyone who hates CNN (as I do) will have to applaud Anderson Cooper and his "bop her around the studio" interview of Debbie Washerwoman. Please, ladies and gents, notice DWS's new Shirley Temple hairdo.



The Examiner:

"Two key state polls of U.S. Senate races released today by Rasmussen Reports show that, aside from the issue concerning Todd Akin and the Missouri senate race, the trend is otherwise moving more strongly to the likelihood of a GOP majority in the U.S. Senate after this year's election. While Rasmussen is reporting a 48 percent to 38 percent lead by incumbent Democrat Claire McCaskill over defiant Republican Todd Akin, the first general election poll of the Connecticut race shows Republican Linda McMahon leading over Democratic Congressman Chris Murphy by a 49 percent to 46 percent margin.

This analysis projects if the elections were held today, Republicans would win enough seats to enjoy a 52 seat senate majority, and Democrats would hold a 47 seat minority. The Ohio race is too close to call as of today. The map above shows the state senate races and the light gray are the states not holding a U.S. Senate race this year."

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