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August 28, 2012



Save your wrist--come to the new thread.



Jane - talk is cheap!

Boy I bet Valerie Jarrett is really pissed off over that "You didn't build that" remark.

JM Hanes

Davis was a knock out, as promised.


Loved Artur and loving Nikki! Yay team!

Danube of Thought

OT: shitbird in the news.

McP is my niece's ex.

McP's is a really, really bad place to mouth off.


Sorry Yu Darvish has a shut out going and Rangers are up 1-0 at the moment. So a bunch of yammering politicians or the best team in the American League? No contest.

Captain Hate

Serious question: How does the Pinhead Troika deal with the "you didn't build that" comment without making the thin skinned JEF feel like the unbelievable dummy that he is? They've gotta be apoplectic that he did that yet do you think they keep up a facade that people were too dumb to realize the brilliance contained in that utterance?

Jane - talk is cheap!

Boy Nikki Haley is hitting it out of the park.


CH, Skeletor Colmes was on FOX earlier with O'Reilly still flogging the line that the earlier context of Obama's remarks need to be taken into account. As though the context did anything but emphasize Obama's disdain for the private sector.

Jim Ryan

What, couldn't Ann Romney find a no-show job for $350K?


The Reps have a dynamite second string.

Jane - talk is cheap!

Go Ann!!


Alan Colmes looks like a space mutant, and he is seriously mentally ill.
He makes my skin crawl.

JM Hanes

I sure wish they would dim the house lights for the speakers.


How does the Pinhead Troika deal with


and then lie again.

Look you right in the eye and lie one more time.

Jane - talk is cheap!

Someone is calculating on twitter each speakers popularity by what is said. So go say something nice about Ann if you are on twitter.


Pointing out the war that the NLRB waged against S. Carolina, and Justice did with
the immigration rules, was a nice touch.


So what do you think about the next Senator from the Lone Star state?

Internet buzz is he nailed it...


Speaking of the war on women, Nikki Haley was put thru hell, wasn't she?


This country needs a mom.

Captain Hate

McP's is a really, really bad place to mouth off.

Ventura's really dumb and has a very big mouth. His 15 minutes have been over for a long time and he's too ignorant to realize it.

JM Hanes

I'm not sure I think women sigh harder.

Captain Hate

Whoa JOM got a plug by Moran after Clarice signed off.

Jane - talk is cheap!

She is doing great.


Maybe not, JMH, but they make up for it by faking a couple sighs here and there.


His 15 minutes have been over for a long time and he's too ignorant to realize it.

His fifteen minutes were in "Jose Chung's From Outer Space."

Frau Hitzewelle

This is *not* the first time Ann Romney is proud of this country!!!!


Ann is such a great name for a first lady!


He ain't got time to bleed....


LOL, PD, that was the one with Trebek was n't it.


Man is she RICH!! I hate her!!!

Jane - talk is cheap!

Boy, she is just so genuine.


How can Moochelle compete?

Jane - talk is cheap!

Take that Hillary Rosen!


That's great, CH. I didn't know that he'd done that.

Melinda Romanoff



narciso: Correct. Also Lord Kinboat.

Captain Hate

LOL, PD, that was the one with Trebek was n't it

Yes; I had to look it up because I had no idea what it was.

Melinda Romanoff

Camera instructions are obviously to pan white only.


2 loving parents. Ouch, all she needs to do is mention EXTRA LARGE EARS, and Obama might explode.

Jane - talk is cheap!

Yay! Ann! (ours and the one on TV)


CH: You're missing one of the best eps of the series. If you have Amazon Prime, you can watch it free any time.

Jose Chung (Charles Nelson O'Reilly) was also in an episode of Millennium.


A guy who used to wear a feather boa in the ring got in a fight with a Seal? There are places on Earth that you could be prosecuted for that level of stupidity. Can he whistle out his ear now?

Captain Hate

Clarice he was praising your writing at AT and here. My opinion of him clicked up a few notches.

Hi Rick if you're lurking ::waves::


Practically everyone on that Predator shoot except for Carl Weathers, Ventura, Schwartzenegger, even the Indian, Landon, all went nuts, eventually.

Jane - talk is cheap!


"Helping others is a privilege not a political talking point"



That was very nice of him.


I think Ann Romney made a good point by asking whether it's America's values to attack people over their success. Guess she's not too thrilled with the faux outrage over Bain.


This is a grand slam!!

Jane - talk is cheap!

"This man will not fail"

I believe her.


She has not said anything about growing the middle class. This makes me think she is not part of the establishment.

NJ Jan

Wow, Just wow!!!!


She's a show off. All that success, and charity and raising great kids, and staying married, and loving America.

What a phony.


I believe her too.

Frau Hitzewelle

What a speech! The woman is fantastic.

"Mitt Romney was not handled success.
Mitt doesn't like to talk about how he's helped others. He sees it as a privilege and not political talking points.
...Give and it shall be given unto you."

"This is the man America needs. ...This man will. not. fail."

JM Hanes

I thought that was a knockout line, too, Jane.




It doesn't get better than that.


Okay - have no idea what you all are typing - was transfixed in front of the TV. Same age as Ann - and was laughing or bawling through so much of it. Now, Chris is up - gotta go blow my nose.

Jane - talk is cheap!

This is just so much fun! And a week from today we will all be gagging.

Dave (in MA)

Her hubby hasn't even been elected yet and she's already proud to be an American. Imagine that.


Sara, I think she is fabulous. I'm kidding.
No offense.

Jim Rhoads a/k/a vjnjagvet

Ann is remarkable. She has picked just the right vignettes and hit the right notes. I've seen Eleanor, Bess, Mamie, Jackie, Lady Bird, Pat, Betty, Rosalyn, Nancy, Barbara, Hillary, Laura, and Michelle. None did it better.

Captain Hate

Going nuts was a pretty short trip for Jesse; barely beyond the driveway. For somebody that roided it up, the only sign of it was his guns. He had a huge boiler and manboobs.


Romney said in his interview with Wallace "at first I just loved her". Nothing pretentious.


I was hoping for a John Belushi cartwheel.

Beggers can't be choosers


I see it only thru your eyes--though I probably watch a video later..Sounds great..when you all are bowled over like this, I know it was fab.

Soylent Red

Damn good speech from Mrs Romney.

And Gov Christie is one large mammal.


Out Of The Park


Gus was joking, Sara.


gus, don't be put off by those who don't get it.


Ann's speech felt pretty natural and conversational, and she managed to avoid the painfully strident "Hillary Clinton tone" for most of the speech.

On a side note, is Chris Christie actually using the teleprompters?

Frau Hitzewelle

Oops! Mitt was not *handed* success."


No problem PD, thanks TK. Sara had a good heart.


She was awesome!


Apparently the msnbc sluts were awful but everyone else says she was fab.


Only if they are covered in BBQ sauce.

Melinda Romanoff


Why be so square?

Jane - talk is cheap!

OOOOhhh tonite we are choosing respect over love!


Either he's not using the 'prompter or they got someone in who knows how to work the thing.


Noel Sheppard
Ann Romney hits a bases loaded grandslam in the bottom of the ninth to win game seven of the World Series!

Captain Hate

Same here, C; it's a rule I rarely violate. And yes it must have been boffo which is no great surprise to me because her response to Hilary Rosen caught my attention and energized the entire campaign. I believe she's Mitt's biggest asset.

Jane - talk is cheap!

It looks like Christie did build that.


Sorry, I meant both of those as compliments! I'm pretty sure Gov. Christie doesn't need the teleprompter, based on other speeches and interviews and press conferences I've seen. The guy's bold and articulate.


Build a burger?

Jane - talk is cheap!

Welcome Nextcube.


You have to be articulate to wipe something that bold.


next: didn't take it any other way. I was referring to earlier comments about the teleprompter operator not operating it properly, and messing up the speakers.

Captain Hate

Yes welcome Nextcube.

Melinda Romanoff

This camera scan to whites only is getting a bit tiring, when I, red/green colorblind goof, can perceive distinct colors in the great pan view.

Uh-oh, education, I know where this is going to end up.

Jim Ryan

Stop it TK. Some milk came out my nose.


--Maybe not, JMH, but they make up for it by faking a couple sighs here and there.

Posted by: Threadkiller | August 28, 2012 at 10:18 PM --

Hey, who's to blame if they gotta fake it?


Am I wrong to think this is better than any speech Mitt will ever give?

Jim Rhoads a/k/a vjnjagvet

Christie sure is a good speaker. I suspect he was an excellent trial lawyer.


Here's a video of Ann's speech:http://www.businessweek.com/videos/2012-08-28/ann-romney-at-the-republican-national-convention


What is it about these conventions that induces people to put on funny hats even knowing they might be caught on television?

Frau Hitzewelle

TK - we could use someone that bold and articulate in our lost state of CA.

Jane - talk is cheap!

"they believe in teacher's unions, we believe in teachers".

The contrast between the 2 parties could not be bigger or clearer.

Melinda Romanoff

Now they're going for grey haired whites only.

Am I the only one catching this smear?

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