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August 25, 2012



100 year old Norway package opened!

Fans of Norwegian peasants slaughtering Scottish Mercenaries in 1612 will be delighted. Everybody else, not so much.

Danube of Thought

Well, daddy, it beats the hell out of Al Capone's vault.


What could go wrong?

Biologists turn to poison to rid Alaska lake of invasive pike

Have no idea if this will work, but last time we tried to get rid of an invasive species up here with poison, (The Rats on Rat Island) we inadvertently poisoned to death 41 Bald Eagles and 186 glaucous-winged gulls.

Previous to that incident State Fish and Wildlife guys poisoned about a million baby Salmon with cleaning solution while cleaning a tank in a State Fish Hatchery.

This new story states "Fish and Game recommends that consuming fish exposed to the treatment (the pesticide Rotenone) is not recommended.

The Rats on Rat Island BTW are all dead.

I'll keep you posted.


Interesting. Joe Biden is so boring and stupid that nobody even posts about him on a Joe Biden thread. Ha!


Heck,daddy--just make gefilte fish and quenelles out of them and send them south.

Breitbart's reporting the anarchists are planning to shut down communications and ems during the convention in tampa.

Mark Folkestad

Yes, DoT, Geraldo has to be burning with envy right now.

Dammit, the Alaska authorities can pay my way up to that lake, and I'll catch all the pike I can. Pickled, it's superior to herring.



I asked Kinsler to give you a dinger for your birthday, and he was kind enough to send it your way. Hope you like it, I dont do that for just anyone...



Speaking of gefilte fish...

A Woman Needs a Man like a Fish Needs a Video Game.

Jim Eagle

Talk about chutzpah: Biden made that statement above in Bridgehampton - yep, the Hamptons. Not many in the audience thinking about where they will be living the next month - they know that when it starts to cool off, it will be Palm Beach or Palm Desert. And 90% would never walk up to their kid's bedroom but would rather take the home elevator or send their batman or butler to see to their little tykes good fortune.

27East is the online edition of the Southampton Press and Easthampton Star, my hometown newspaper. He must be there for the Hampton Classic? I wonder if Ann Romney went this year - huge world class equestrian event.


And while we're at it, have you given your yodeling Gibbon his Helium Dose today?


My cat would love that video game.


Damn, I thought Obama's birth certificate would be in the Norwegian package. But alas, all it contained was Todd Akins' college transcripts.


what he didn't say was that he is upping the rent for his Secret Service detail to help pay his increased expenses.

Comanche Voter

Yeh--Joe could know in just a few days that Chez Vice President is no longer for him--no mattre what happens on November 6. But his skull is so thick that it may take time for the news to percolate through.



Moreland too. I asked for upper deck, what a peach of a guy to comply. Just for you.

Jim Eagle

Another 5 murders today in Chicago including one near Obama's Hyde Park house.


Am off for a long one now with the dogs since it's so gorgeous.

While I'm gone, if anyone has a moment to dig up any follow up info on an old case I would be appreciative. The case was of that former CNN Chief Exec who was caught on videocam maliciously inserting feces into the mailbox of his Gay (I think) Republican neighbors, outside Atlanta.

Here's and old link: Obama backer and former CNN exec puts dog poop in gay couple’s mailbox

Listening to some Lefty on the radio screaming about the Right Wing hating gays yesterday that incident came to mind, but I can't find out if he was ever prosecuted, as all mention of it seems to have been immediately silenced since the day it happened. It might be valuable to have an update on hand we can immediately refer to as we start running into the sliming from the DEM's and the MSM we anticipate in the coming weeks and days. Thanks in advance if anyone can dig up anything.


Jim Eagle


Insty has a link to JWF who has the NBC headline:

"Astronaut Neil Young has Died"

I kid you not.


Space Cowboy Neil Young might be appropriate however...

Jim Eagle

Want to feel old?

Every man to walk on the moon was born in the 1930's. Most are still with us. All 12 were Americans. But not exceptional Americans, if you get my drift.

The Twitter universe is gonzo over Obama's remark that Armstrong was "a great American of his generation". Everyone is pointing out correctly that he was "one of the greatest American's of all time not just his generation". But this is Odummy and everyone is in 2nd place when it comes to greatness.


Re the ex-CNN exec's putting a baggie of dog poop in his gay neigbors' mailbox, he was ticketed for littering


As government expands, home ownership declines..... Go figure..

Ralph L

shut down communications and ems during the convention in tampa
Poor Ta pa is screwed.

Mark Folkestad

Clarice, it is my understanding that most gefilte fish in this country is made from equal portions of walleye and carp, the walleye being lean, and the carp fatty, for a yin-yang blending, and the vinegar eventually dissolving the troublesome carp bones. And I understand that most gefilte fish in Europe is made from carp and zander, the European walleye cousin. But pike is firmer than either walleye or zander, so it would probably make for better gefilte fish. Not that I'm going to try it out myself. Pike and walleye are too precious to me.


Walleye pike is a pike.

Mark Folkestad

Sorry, GMax, but walleye is a big species of perch, not a member of the pike family, even though it has been called walleyed pike in many areas.

Mark Folkestad

Walleye is Sander vitreus, and the pike is Esox lucius.

Danube of Thought

Crosby, Stills and Nash are said to be taking it hard.

Jim Eagle

You know the difference when you hook one, don't you, Mark?

No rain today. That Isaac is sucking the weather out of us here on the First Coast and its starting to get iffy down in Miami area, the Keys and lower West Coast. But it did scrub a launch down at KSC which is only an hour from us.


walleye is a big species of perch,

Really? Silly me for thinking that something called a pike was really a pike. Thanks for genus and fillum instruction although I cant imagine where I will use the info. I had heard them called pickerel a bunch too in Meeechigan. But then pike was a Northern too.


Crosby, Stills and Nash are said to be taking it hard.

Naw,they really had a falling out. Lynyrd Skynyrd might actually be celebrating though...


"Astronaut Neil Young has Died"

from JiB's 5:02 post. Here is the link.

Some funny comments -
"RIP Armstrong.
Neil Young walked on the moon also. He just didn’t use a rocket to get there."


"Neil Young’s most famous song was “Oiho”."


One more -

"One small mistake for them, one giant laugh for blogkind."

Mark Folkestad

JiB, I've caught a lot of both walleyes and pike. I definitely know the difference when they're on the line.

GMax, sorry, but you aren't the only one who has been misled by the name confusion. My own father called walleyes either walleyed pike or pickerel (a small Esox species, in reality) and he called pike northerns. James J. Hill, the Empire Builder, put out a lot of advertising to promote the Great Northern Railroad, and there were several paintings and magazine ads featuring pike, with the name "Great Northern Pike". That stuck with the public. Heck, Dad called ruffed grouse partridge, and the partridge is a completely different bird.

Jane - talk is cheap!

Crosby, Stills and Nash are said to be taking it hard.

This is such a great place to hang around on a lazy Saturday.

hit and run

Crosby, Stills and Nash are said to be taking it hard.

Thanks to PUK I became email friends with Graham Nash.

He's a loony leftie to be sure, but he recognized what a treasure PUK was.


Neil Young, another one of the 99%er sympathizers.
Has a several hundred acre redwood ranch in the hick town of Woodside, California which probably boasts more billionaires per capita than perhaps any town in the country.
Wonder if he'd mind if I Occupied it for a few weeks with a logging outfit?


"It's written Raymond Luxury Yacht, but it's pronounced throat warbler mangrove," honestly
how did the crack team at NBC, miss this,


Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said in a statement that “the Republican National Convention will convene on Monday August 27th and immediately recess until Tuesday afternoon , August 28th.”

Ralph L

Narciso, they're all under 40?

Captain Hate

Thanks to PUK I became email friends with Graham Nash.

He's a loony leftie to be sure, but he recognized what a treasure PUK was.

I have a number of friends in the improv world; one of them quite well known within that highly obscure sub-niche. Invariably they're all lunatics politically; other than that they're nice people.


so including Neil Young, it was 13 men who walked on the moon.


Who was it who had that rant in the Guardian,
the other day?


Mitt Romney Remembers World Icon & American Hero Astronaut Neil Armstrong…

“Neil Armstrong today takes his place in the hall of heroes. With courage unmeasured and unbounded love for his country, he walked where man had never walked before. The moon will miss its first son of earth.

“I met and spoke with Neil Armstrong just a few weeks ago--his passion for space, science and discovery, and his devotion to America will inspire me through my lifetime.”


And more:

...[A] fifth of the world's population -- watched and listened to the moon landing, the largest audience for any single event in history.

Parents huddled with their children in front of the family television, mesmerized. Farmers abandoned their nightly milking duties, and motorists pulled off the highway and checked into motels just to watch on TV.

I am offended by NBC's error. There is absolutely no excuse for that kind of stupidity.


Come on now... NBC's error was good enough for government work.

Captain Hate

Who was it who had that rant in the Guardian,
the other day?

That's a pretty big haystack to sift through.


daddy, Have you lost your wallet?

NCHORAGE, Alaska — A grizzly bear has killed a hiker at Denali National Park — the first fatal attack in the park's history, officials said Saturday. Denali Park officials said the hiker was backpacking alone along the Toklat River on Friday afternoon when the attack happened. A wallet was found near the site of the attack with probable identification. However, next of kin have not been notified and the hiker's identification has not been released. Officials said this attack was the first known fatal mauling in the park's history.

Hee was a musician of some note, although his
output has substandsrd of late.


Ry Cooder?

Captain Hate

If it's an improv guy from the UK, they're almost off the charts as far as thinking Stalin was much too lenient. The major exception is Evan Parker who, after a point, became pretty detached from them. His work continues at an extremely high level as well.

Captain Hate

Yes Jim, Ry's rant was pretty nutty and his work *has* fallen off (or is at least so obscure that nobody at all knows about it).


Yes, that's him, I associate him with the Streets of Fire soundtrack, and not some of
his later work, sort of like with John Cougar.

Captain Hate

Streets of Fire was great, with Rick Moranis getting verbally smacked by Amy Madigan. Of course the luscious Diane Lane had a prominent role. And all those Studebakers. That ignorant turd Springsteen wouldn't let his slacker song be used. That's ok Brooooooooooce, they brought the Blasters in to add some kick-ass mood instead of your classic crock garbage for the boomers.

I think Ry might've had some random slide work in the soundtrack.


Graham Nash has the voice of an angel and it was his remarkable tenor that made CSN---and sometimes Y.


I didn't know the Bruce backstory, to the film, in the LUN, illustrating your earlier

Captain Hate

This is from IMDb:

The title came from a song written and recorded by Bruce Springsteen on his album "Darkness On The Edge Of Town". Original plans were for the song to be featured on the film soudtrack but when Springsteen found out the song would be rerecorded by other vocalists, he withdrew permission for the song to be used.

Captain Hate

I'm not the biggest Woody Guthrie admirer in the world AT ALL; but Broooooooce claims to be (I'll let the irony of somebody called "The Boss" being a purported acolyte of somebody like Woody waft over you) and I doubt that Guthrie would've had any problem with people recording his songs as long as he got his royalty cut.


Obama's negotiation skills are akin to a Tourette's sufferer playing poker.



Just curious if you know of and have an opinion of the musical talent of Duane Eddy? I have a close connection to Duane.

And, what are the Terps going to do this year? I still can't believe the way they treated Ralph and what they have become. Although I am a Hokie, I always liked Ralph.


--Graham Nash has the voice of an angel and it was his remarkable tenor that made CSN---and sometimes Y.

Posted by: MarkO | August 25, 2012 at 09:09 PM --

Loved the Hollies; they always seemed underrated somehow.

Captain Hate

MoodyBlu, what I remember of him I liked but he kind of disappeared. Do you know what became of him? Even guys like Link Wray reappeared from time to time.

Ralph got treated exactly like he deserved. He initially raised the program over the disaster Vander Linden created but then just meandered between being mediocre and terrible. When the team was mediocre he wanted his salary boosted upward (and that idiot Yow usually caved to him) and when things were terrible he blamed the weather and everything but himself. I understand you liking him because Beamer had no problem cleaning his clock; but for those of us having a vested interest in the team being good, him being let go was very deserved. Edsall is probably *not* the answer but that doesn't mean Ralf should've stayed.

Ralph has pretty much burned all bridges to Maryland. It didn't have to be that way.

Danube of Thought

We spent our honeymoon in January of 1994 at the Mauna Kea on the Big Island. No TV in the rooms then (part of the charm of the place), but the NFL playoffs were on, and the concierge confided in me that there was, in fact, one TV down in the basement of the place. So I go down there and the TV is on for the start of the Vikings game, and there was one sofa and one person on it:Neil Young (known to be a Vikings fan). So I sat down on the other end of the sofa, and he made absolutely no acknowledgement of my presence in the room.

So I was damned if I was going to acknowledge his, or give any indication that I knew who he was. I did, however, begin to give excited little grunts in favor of the Vikes' opponents (the Giants), which I hope annoyed the hell out of him. Giants won.

Ralph L

give any indication that I knew who he was
Probably a great relief to him. If you'd gushed like a fan, you could have had the sofa to yourself.


""There a whole hell of a lot of people who’ve made that longest walk up a short flight of stairs to their kids’ bedrooms, saying, ‘Honey, we can’t live here anymore""

Soon to be heard at the Naval Observatory on Nov.7
I wonder if Joe Bidens cocaine using daughter still lies at home.


Danube. When the Vikes scored, did you shout. HEY HEY MY MY!!!


Graham Nash has the voice of an angel and it was his remarkable tenor that made CSN---and sometimes Y.

Yes....but....musically, he was also the wussiest of the four and that's saying something with that reprobate Crosby in the mix plus eternal acid waste case one-worlder bum Stephen Stills. Plus he seems like a real decent person.

That said, Nash does deserve some credit. I think he helped make a real band out of the group, instead of four singer-songwriters trying to pull rank with each other.



As a fan of the Vikes and a fan of Neil Young's music, that hurts a bit. But only a little. I love the story because I hate seeing people kiss celebrity ass.




What is LIBTARD Governance for $1000 Alex?



No bear, but the dogs and I had an interesting rendezvous with a Bull Moose this afternoon on our hike. I was able to record some of it but then the dogs started barking, and since he was so close and appearing to get upset, I pulled the dogs back for safety. We quickly regrouped and then worked our way around him and carried on.

Hopefully I can get a daughter to post a bit of it tomorrow. He had a huge rack and was a great looking animal.

Jane - talk is cheap!

Neil Young (known to be a Vikings fan). So I sat down on the other end of the sofa, and he made absolutely no acknowledgement of my presence in the room.

Ahhh the John Kerry syndrome. Ugh. I don't get that at all. When I'm famous I will be just the opposite!

I've been telling people your Paul Newman/ice cream cone story, Dot. It's a winner even if snopes doesn't think so.

Manuel Transmission

My close encounter with the predecessor to CSN was a buddy whose sister married the drummer from Buffalo Springfield. That got us backstage at their concert in Tempe. Later, went to LA and hung out with Dewey the drummer for a couple days. Turned out to be a real putz and the marriage lasted about as long as any Hollyweird coupling.

Rumor had it that BS broke up just to rid them of Dewey.

Ralph L

I scanned Daddy's last comment as:

daughter .... had a huge rack

what a braggart.


LOL Ralph.

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