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August 31, 2012



False leaks which make Ears look good are in the national interest.

Was this leak either false or did it make Ears look good?

Ipso facto, prosecutable.

Jane - Get off the couch your country needs you!

I didn't realize you are a seal Sue. Cool!

Thomas Collins

I suppose Axelmessplouffecutter thought it was worth the risk of threatening a SEAL to limit dissemination of this book. Obama, I recall, has decent polling numbers on national security. I think this must be because the "Obama nailed bin Laden" meme has taken hold in a significant portion of the electorate.

I'd love to see Clint Eastwood query Obama the Empty Chair on the entire bin Laden proceedings, including his deferring to George Catlett Dwight David Jarrett on whether to go after OBL.

Jane - Get off the couch your country needs you!

That would have been such a better comment with a comma.

I didn't realize you are a seal, Sue.

Melinda Romanoff


This Administration intends to have it both ways.

And why is it only UK newspapers are doing the heavy lifting?

(Reposted from earlier thread)


Did the Pinhead Troika, do this as a group decision, seriously.


You beat me to it, Jane.

I think prosecuting the seal would be a disaster for Obama. Calling the seal's version of the story "classified" makes it seem to be accurate.

By the way, the nom de plume, Mark Owen, has put me in some danger. I hope, however, to be able to participate in the royalties.

Thomas Collins

Looks as if Romney will visit New Orleans before Obama. See LUN.


That pooch must be feeling... chapped.

Melinda Romanoff

Just like, say, someone who teaches Predictive Anarchy at Pitzer?

Jim Eagle

Another "rope a dope" moment just like responding to the Mitt comment on his birth certificate. Get it all out in the open.

The trouble with lies and liars is that you have to constantly keep reminding yourself what it was you said so you don't contradict yourself. It is now a legitimate issue - the bin Laden raid and how it went down because the Regime has made it so not Bissonette.

Time to buy some Orville Redenbacher stock.


Is "concreal" a quickly typed variation on conceal?

Between outing Seal Team 6, postponing previous tries to get Bin Laden, taking Val Jar out of loop, and now apparently circulating a false story of the raid, I suspect this attempt is out of desperation. When you have a corrupt media covering your back, you get sloppy about what you do and why. Assuming no one will ever know.

I noticed the reporter I wrote about this morning had a later post that came out yesterday almost giddy over the split among Reps with respect to Common Core. I guess in her mind with a split there would be no stopping it. Little does she know how thoroughly her attempt at a save would come back to haunt the ultimate rep of CCSSI. I would have never read that NV speech if she had not tried to put the genie back in the bottle after a gloating bo let it out. If she was less a partisan she would have been more careful with her words and his.

Used car salesmen are going to demand their rights to be seen as a superior sort relative to too many of the media. More than hacks, they really have been complicit in stealth destruction.

Jim Eagle

And why is it only UK newspapers are doing the heavy lifting?


And a left-wing rag at that with an Obama sympathizer writing the article.


Who ya gonna root for? A Navy SEAL & Clint Eastwood or the Hipster Doofus?


It's a perfectly promulent word, OT, has anybody installed MajicJack.

Melinda Romanoff


ConAgra Foods (CAG).

Nice dividend.


I predict the Pentagon Papers will be published.

Some guy

Perhaps one of the barristers can chime in, but the enforceability of non-disclosure agreements post employment can be iffy.

Penguin is probably high-fiv'n thanks for the free publicity.


Well Random House, prints fetid trash, as we found out last year, Meacham, as much as assures it.


Perhaps one of the barristers can chime in, but the enforceability of non-disclosure agreements post employment can be iffy.

I'm no lawyer (or an actor), but it's going to depend on his exact status vis-à-vis the military. When you leave the service, there are often a set of requirements that make you a reservist for a few years.

It's quite possible that they could threaten call “Mark Owen” back to "active duty" and court- martial him.

JM Hanes

Ha. Executive Privilege meet Prior Restraint. May the best man win!


Meanwhile, who had this bright idea;



Mel's 10:42 link showing the collusion between the NYT & CIA makes me think of the Sandy Berger/stolen national security documents story. There was a real lag time between the crime with Berger getting caught & the WaPo covering it. It was months. I believe the crime & him being caught was in Sept/Oct...& the MFM reporting it was in the summer. How could the WaPo not have known? Why wasn't there coverage the moment Berger was caught?

Natural High

Yesterday, upon a chair

Clint met a man who wasn’t there

How sad it is that Rowdy Yates

Has ended up as Orly Taitz


He wasn't there again today

How I wish He'd go away

Danube of Thought

the enforceability of non-disclosure agreements post employment can be iffy

They can't prevent publication. But in all probability they can get some post-publication remedies, such as attaching his royalties.

My next-door neighbor was the Air Boss in the Carl Vinson when bin Laden was buried at sea. He still smiles and politely refuses to tell me anything about it. He's still on active duty, but nearing retirement. My hunch is he'll stay mum even after he retires; he's a straight arrow.

Danube of Thought

Dems in NC are giving away free tickets to The One's aceptance speech in a bar.



Manuels Tavern (in GA, by the way, about a mile away from the house) is the equivalent of Democratic Party Headquarters in ATL. If you need a local Dem Pol, you have a good shot of finding one there.

Get out the kitchen scales.

I wonder what a billion dollars in nickels weighs.


Dot, you have mail.

Comanche Voter

I think The Bamster and his boys are in a tough situation here--a virtual no win.

Let the book be published, taking the shine off the White House sponsored movie that will come out 10 days before the election showing heroic Obama leading the charge into the compound---or

Sue the bejabbers out of the SEAL author, which won't do Obozo much good with about 60% of the country. The other 40% know that the SEALS are just a buncha cold blooded baby killers who can't be allowed in polite salons in Berkeley, San Francisco and Cambridge.

Either way our New Messiah and Lightworker Extraordinaire looks bad.

Well, el tougho shitto as they say in the Spanish Marines. That dilemna couldn't happen to a more deserving putz.


Obama is on "official business" at Fort Bliss, TX, congratulating himself on the 2 yr. anniversary of his single-handedly ending the Iraq War.

JM Hanes

I would love to have been a fly on the inner sanctum wall when the White House tried to figure out how to handle this pipin' hot potato, especially when I don't get the feeling that the Prez has a whole lot of friends over at DoD.

Johnson’s letter is among the first official comments from the Defense Department over the book; previously it had deferred questions to the White House. Its top spokesman, Jay Carney, told reporters on Thursday that he would not comment on Bissonnette’s account other than to say that administration officials had given the most accurate information available in the days after the May, 2011 raid.
Oh the rocks and lo, the hard places! You have to be pretty desperate to create a window of plausible deniability by suggesting that the frickin' White House was in the dark about what transpired for more than about 20 minutes of radio silence. How long does it take to debrief a SEAL? You only need Carney's wiggle room if the alternate narrative is the accurate one, and if the SEALs were laughing about the "'firefight' reports they saw in the news media," then somebody else built that.

I note that the DoD gets the honor of threatening to sue Bissonette & Penguin. We won't see DoJ charging him with a national security breach for revealing classified information, will we? Too many White House worms in that can! If I were a consumer of vast right wing conspiracy theories, I'd say somebody was trying to put Osama bin Laden in the double edged sword file drawer right after Obamacare.

Some guy

concreal v. con·cre·al

1. to hide with concrete; withdraw or remove from observation with concrete; cover or keep from sight with concrete: They concrealed him in the parking lot.

2. to keep secret or bury; to prevent or avoid disclosing or divulging: to concreal one's identity by using a false name.

see Hoffa, Jimmy

hit and run

Obama is on "official business" at Fort Bliss, TX, congratulating himself on the 2 yr. anniversary of his single-handedly ending the Iraq War.


Meanwhile, Romney's headed to New Orleans.


And don't forget to go after whoever's responsible for this:

Around a hundred thousand tons of nickels.  I'm doubtful.

Hmmm, a hundred billion grams, or a hundred million kilograms. I'm dubious.


One billion nickles would be about 110,000 tons.

Captain Hate

My hunch is he'll stay mum even after he retires; he's a straight arrow.

When I was growing up in Maryland, there was an NSA guy around the block who seemed to regard everybody he talked to as a probable Alger Hiss. There's a guy at the park where I walk my dog who was a former NSA employee who would probably give me classified info on the nuclear football if he was in a particularly screwy mood.


What about the incalcuable harm done by Team BOzo crediting itself and Israel for messing up Iran's nuclear computers? Is that egregious WH security leak okie dokie?


It's a billion dollars in nickels, but you get the same answer I do. There is a report that Samsung paid its billion dollar fine to Apple in nickels. I dunno.

Not legal tender those nickels, either.

Heh, google already has it as the dumb meme of the day.


Deb, I also think the US role in that like the NYT's semi-official description of Obama's role in killing OBL is untrue.


Obama blinks:

President Obama will visit Louisiana after all.

Obama campaign spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki told POLITICO earlier Friday that the president had no plans yet to visit the Gulf state and review damage from Hurricane Isaac, even though Mitt Romney announced plans to visit Friday.

(Also on POLITICO: Romney heads to storm-ravaged Louisiana)

But the White House announced a few hours later that he is now planning to go there.

"On Monday, September 3rd, President Obama will travel to Louisiana to meet with local officials and view ongoing response and recovery efforts to Hurricane Isaac," the White House said in a release.

Not as funny as the empty chair.  Maybe as funny as an empty wastebasket.

Heh, and the judge hasn't ruled on the fine yet, either. I wonder where that meme came from? The amusing part of the meme is that Samsung said they wouldn't be intimidated by 'Geeks with style'.

Melinda Romanoff


Go ask the US Mint if there are enough in circulation. I'll wait.

...but I won't be holding my breath.

Who started that goober?

Pretty soon we're talking about real mass.

For all you nickel nursers and buffalo squeezers out there it's nice to know that Obama's first stimulus was around a hundred million tons of nickels.

Natural High

Phony story generated by a Mexican news agency known for bullshit.

Just like your Seal bullshit.

The Outlaw Jersy Whale

So Chris Christie went rogue Tuesday night, turning what was supposed to be the Keynote address into (as someone put it on twitter) a Me-Note address where he explained that he took the vast wasteland that is Jersey and turned into a fucking paradise on fucking earth.

And, oh yeah, vote for Mitt Romney or something:

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, famous for rarely mincing words, prescribed a dose of tough medicine tonight in his keynote speech at the Republican National Convention, telling party delegates and the nation that the solutions to the country’s economic ills “will not be painless.”

“Our problems are big and the solutions will not be painless,” he said. “We all must share in the sacrifice. Any leader that tells us differently is simply not telling the truth.”

Though it took him 17 minutes to mention the newly minted nominee by name, he said Mitt Romney would tell Americans “the hard truths” about fixing the economy and creating jobs.


Christie, a popular Republican believed to have his eyes on a future White House run, talked about his own biography and touted his record of busting unions and balancing the budget in New Jersey. He used the word “I” 32 times, but mentioned Mitt Romney by name only seven times.

One of the joys of watching the speech was the shots of Ann Romney, who had just finished her own speech where she implored all of the women in America to become sister-wives to that handsome zany hunk-O’-man that is her hubby like she was some kind of Mormon shadchan, sitting on the sidelines next to a glazed-looking Mitt, pursing her lips and grudgingly doling out half-hearted applause for the vulgar mendicant as he blustered on and on, failing to properly abase himself before the eyes of his betters. Instead Christie went off on a shouty “Was it over when Obama bombed Pearl Harbor?” rant that included telling America that they would get fuck-all and would like it when he became President and, oh, you want love?, well boo-fuckity-hoo, go find a hooker and pay for it yourself, dickface, because the government tit is officially closed for business. Now who’s with me? Get on your feet you lazy fucks and go make me a sandwich, before I show you the back of my hand. Yeah, you want some of that, big man? Didn’t think so … fucking pussy.

Also, Mitt 2012 but really Christie 2016 because this fucking mook has got roadkill written all over him..


Who is the bigger doofus on this play,

the Kent State guy who snags a flubbed punt and runs almost the entire length of the field the wrong way or the chuckleheads on the receiving team who tackle him before he reaches the wrong end zone?


JammieWearingFool ‏@JammieWF

Didn't notice it, but Rush said there was a teleprompter for the empty chair. Ha ha ha @BarackObama

Melinda Romanoff

Ah, no classes, I see.

When that tenure vacuum gets turned on, there are going to be some surprised pisser prods.

JM Hanes


"Is that egregious WH security leak okie dokie?"

I note that in the deluge of Convention fact checking, no one seems to have taken on John McCain:

We can't afford to have the security of our nation and those who bravely defend it endangered because their government leaks the secrets of their heroic operations to the media.
It's not hard to imagine why that assertion wasn't included the Journolistas' fact checker media kit.


These books always have to be vetted by the DoD or controlling agency prior to publication. It is a part of your contract and the rules. If found to be a violation of your NDA you can face very harsh penalties. Everyone knows the rules.

The the Administration has violated its own rules and directives repeatedly is not at issue. This guy stepped way over the line. What goes on in SEAL Club stays in SEAL Club.

Danube of Thought

"The parallels between 1932 and 2008 are not trifling."

--Dana Gilbert Ward of Pitzer College, now hiding out as "Natural High"

Danube of Thought

So now Lincoln Chafee joins Crist on the DNC speakers' list (Jim Jeffords must have been unavailable). That oughta fire 'em up!

Agent J

That Kent State football video indicates to me that maybe, just maybe we should spend a little more time in the class room..but damn it was funny..


...to concreal one's identity by using a false name.

see Hoffa, Jimmy

Posted by: Some guy | August 31, 2012 at 12:45 PM

and see also Soetoro, Barry

concreal shows up as misspelled


When we take about Duke & Duke Dot, I mean the idiots who gave Chafee RNC money without even demanding he support Bush's judicial nominees in return.

Anyone with a brain knew he was a lefty out for himself only and not worth a penny of R money.


It is a part of your contract and the rules. If found to be a violation of your --NDA you can face very harsh penalties. Everyone knows the rules.

The the Administration has violated its own rules and directives repeatedly is not at issue. This guy stepped way over the line. What goes on in SEAL Club stays in SEAL Club.

Posted by: matt | August 31, 2012 at 01:34 PM --

Is there a time at which the rules allow people to deceive the public and does combating that deception warrant violating the rules?


--Posted by: The Outlaw Jersy Whale | August 31, 2012 at 01:24 PM--

That's quite an offensive C&P even for Ben/Dana.


Last night we saw upon that chair

A president who wasn't there

He wasn't there again today

Oh how I wish he'd go the hell away


Obama: leading from behind, even in NO.

laff trac

" trolled tens of millions of people by losing a ten minute argument with an imaginary Barack Obama."

dubbydave = Comedy Gold!!


OMG .. it that Al Jolson or what ? LUN

JM Hanes


"Obama blinks."

He was probably trying to figure out how to get around meeting Bobby Jindal on the tarmac.

Brewer Greets Obama on the Tarmac

Captain Hate

That Kent State football video indicates to me that maybe, just maybe we should spend a little more time in the class room..but damn it was funny..

Kent State can never get ridiculed enough imo. Many of the local MFM graduated from it and for some reason they fantasize about the teams being good.

Watch the end of the replay.

I think one of the Towson guys was trying to keep the other off the runner.

Captain Hate

So now Lincoln Chafee joins Crist on the DNC speakers' list (Jim Jeffords must have been unavailable). That oughta fire 'em up!

No wonder they can't give away tix even to people that are getting hammered early in the day. Drinking versus a DNC freak show featuring extinct RINOs?


BTW Cap, I forgot to say Happy Anniversary AND MANY MORE! in the other thread.

Captain Hate

Thanks Iggy


In fact, @InvisibleObama got thirty-seven thousand followers last night on Twitter. It was the greatest thing I have ever seen. Ever. Of all time.

I guess invisible clothes weren't enough.


the regulations are published and are inviolate.


Looks like they're gonna double down on the doofus vote by having Chafee at the convention.

He got him first.

Upon further review of the tape, I reverse my call.


This was Obama's response to Clint - a tweeted photo sent two and a half hours after the speech.

The text: "This seat's taken."

Insecure, narcissistic dork. Way to prove Clint right, Barry.


In fact, @InvisibleObama got thirty-seven thousand followers last night on Twitter. It was the greatest thing I have ever seen. Ever. Of all time.

An invisible Obama should be the greatest thing you've ever seen since the rest of the time all you see is dancing unicorns.

Hint: If you graduated from Kindergarten you might have caught Mr. Eastwood's message.


Crist & Obama wondering what the hell they're doing on this beach with a few lousy gulls...as their media fan club looks on.


Obama decides to pretend to wave to someone out at sea....

hit and run

Obama decides to pretend to wave to someone out at sea....

I thought he was parting the waters so he could walk to Deepwater and go plug the damn hole.


"It's my seat and if we don't play my way, we don't play at all."


Frau Steingehirn

Natural High, DoT? Something illegal must be growing in the Pitzer Tongva Native Garden.


Thin-skin Bam is heading for a public implosion before this election is over.

He's a small, self-absorbed man who can't laugh at himself because he doesn't have any idea who he is. He's been given a position of immense power, and now, as a result of his own predictably inept actions as president, he's been forced to absorb ridicule - and we've all become a bigger target.

I hope nothing really ugly is planned for us before November.

Danube of Thought

I think the biggest doofuses may be the refs, for failing to blow the play dead the moment Parker touched it. By rule, a muffed punt can't be advanced--in any direction--by the kicking team.


President Barack Obama was today forced to announce he will fly to storm-hit Louisiana on Monday – hours after Mitt Romney beat him to the punch by deciding to head there this afternoon.
After it emerged that Obama was still taking time to fit in a campaign stop in Cleveland, Ohio before checking out how clean-up operations are proceeding in the Bayou state, the Obama campaign abruptly cancelled that event.

'In light of the President’s travel to Louisiana to meet with local officials and view ongoing response and recovery efforts to Hurricane Isaac, President Obama will no longer travel to Cleveland, Ohio on Monday, September 3,' the campaign said in a terse statement.

Romney had changed his schedule to head to an affected town outside New Orleans while Obama, who has yet to visit the Tropical Storm Isaac zone, headed off to Texas to campaign.


I thought he was parting the waters so he could walk to Deepwater and go plug the damn hole.

Hah! Yeah, that's better, hit!!

That picture Porchlight posted really is childish. Wow. Can't imagine any President of the United States doing that.

Where's my rulebook?

I think the receiver touched it, which makes it a fumble, and in play.

Captain Hate

Does this haircut make me look fat? http://www.nationalreview.com/planet-gore/315434/nicole-gelinas-thank-george-w-saving-new-orleans-isaac-greg-pollowitz


So .... when will Charlie Crist come out of the closet? LOL


Donna Brazile must have found a way to get thru to the pinhead troika that the light bringer better bring his rear end to NOLA.

Frau Steingehirn

Obama will be late to New Orleans because of his lengthy visit with the military members still recovering from the "workplace massacre" at Fort Hood.
no?...never mind.


The second Fluke propositions him, fdcol63.


--This was Obama's response to Clint - a tweeted photo sent two and a half hours after the speech.

The text: "This seat's taken."

Insecure, narcissistic dork. Way to prove Clint right, Barry.

Posted by: Porchlight | August 31, 2012 at 02:22 PM--

Wow. Extremely stupid to respond at all and extremely stupid response after stupidly deciding to respond.

Is that spherical little cocoanut with the taxi door ears supposed to impress?


Mike Lee Mike LeeVerified ‏@SenMikeLee

Republicans on the Senate Budget Committee have been talking to empty chairs for 3 years: #eastwooding #tcot pic.twitter.com/FL1KgWdm


--I think the receiver touched it, which makes it a fumble, and in play.

Posted by: Where's my rulebook? | August 31, 2012 at 02:43 PM--

It was a muffed punt not a fumble so the kicking team cannot advance it, but he didn't advance it he unadvanced it. Hmmm, loophole?


Who would even have a chair like that? I've been in CEO conference rooms, yet never saw "The CEO" monogrammed on a chair. What a dork.

Captain Hate

Kim, I tried reading through the online rulebook which seems to have been put together by a bunch of Jesuits deep in the bag. I think DoT is correct but I could only take reading so much online casuistry before I threw up my lunch the white flag.

Btw tonight is the last blue moon until 2015

hit and run

"This seat's taken."

Keep the chair. Vacate the premises.

Frau Steingehirn

Happy yesterday birthday, Elliott.
I was unable to send my wishes on time because of our "home invasion."

After attending the first showing of "2016," I got home to prepare for the evening. At 4:30, during a monsoon cloudburst, the electricity for our block went out. It was not restored until 9 p.m. Desperate, I went across the street to the *only* conservatives in the neighborhood to ask if we could watch the convention with them. They, however had to attend a gala for the upcoming L.A. County Fair. We were invited to take over their living room and watch the convention. All in all, a wonderful final night even if Dana Milbank informs me this morning that the speakers were all selfish wretches.


Very funny video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8asJMw_T61Q&feature=share

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