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August 23, 2012



Lets not talk about Michelle Obama losing her LAW LICENSE.



They're on the ropes, I tell ya.

Here's a great shtick from Leno


Is there a link to a story about Moochelle surrendering her Illinois Bar membership?



ramirez again.

I think she went into inactive status..and I think if it was because of some wrongdoing we'll never know. I rather suspect it's because AA goes only so far and she really isn't smart enough to practice law.


Michelle's law license is old news, right?
All the snopes style sites say it basically expired, nothing to see here, move along.
WND notes the verbiage on the form "on court ordered inactive status". Is the phrase "court ordered" standard boilerplate for this status?

Minimalist Poster

is this the link on the Obamas' law licenses:


or has something changed since then?


re: Michelle's law license
WND also concludes "nothing to see here, move along" if you read deeply enough into the article.

Jim Eagle

In Jacksonville (Duval Co.), US Rep. Corrine Brown (D), AKA, The Dumbest Woman in Politics, is suing in Federal court to allow voting on Sundays during early voting in Florida. Says by not allowing Sunday voting you are suppressing the "god-fearing, gospel singing, dressed in Sunday best" AA voter. They don't have time to do it during the week or on Saturday but they do go to church and its only right that after listening to the Preacher mention that Obama needs your vote that they be able to give it just like the money they give to the usher during services.

They used to allow Sunday voting but it was optional. Now with tighter budgets they cut back on it. If the court agrees with her they have to bring it back. Now I wonder if they will also allow Saturday voting for our Jewish population so they can vote after Shabbath?

In fact, you can set up the machines in the back of the Temple and Church.


re: Michelle's law license.

The continuing ed requirement can be a bit of a hassle. She wasn't giving legal advice to any clients so I understand it.

Plus, when as the Obama's would have you believe they're fishing through the sofa cushions and raiding the change jar to scrape together the $10,000.00 for summer camps,

that $350 annual fee could have been a deal breaker.


Both Obamas and Bill Clinton. Does Hillary have hers after having to take the bar exam a second time?


Nothing to see, except for the fact that she was plainly not bright enough to practice law or do much of anything else besides serve as a graft receptacle as her husband amassed political power.

Michelle Dunham (R) would have been the most popular role of SNL's 2007 breakout star, Brian Urlacher.


JimMtnView-- thanks, the WND story was very informative. She left law to go into the welfare/Grievance Industry. She went Inactive to avoid paying renewal fees and possibly Continguing Legal Ed requirements. No biggie.


It's worth mentioning - as we enter this time of Election Lawyering - that local boards of election determine how the funds are spent to make sure their electorate --- the people in their voting district --- can vote.

Which is to say:

The Local Government spends Money to Make Sure Local People can vote.


Funny how all. the. damn. problems. center around districts in which Democrats were responsible for 1) choosing the election technology and 2) training the poll personnel.



Poetry :)
"she was plainly not bright enough to .. do much of anything ... besides serve as a graft receptacle"


Jim-- MelR will tell you there are thousands of people gainfully employed as graft receptacles in Cook County as we speak, er, type, whatever.


--AA goes only so far and she really isn't smart enough to practice law.

Posted by: Clarice | August 23, 2012 at 12:16 PM --

Wait a minute, that would make her stupider than an Idaho spud and unable to even manage her autonomic nervous system without outside help.
I know because I have sat across the table from more than one Idaho spud with Esq. after his name.


I declare this thread an Akin-free zone.
Am I alone?


see no Akin, hear no Akin, speak no Akin


"I declare this thread an Akin-free zone."

I was just going to mention that new polls show Akin down 10. But Repubs have some glimmers of hope in Maine and Connecticut(!).

President Obama joined a group of former NBA stars at a fundraiser at New York’s Lincoln Center Wednesday night. With Michael Jordan, Patrick Ewing, Walt Frazier, Bill Bradley and other basketball legends sitting nearby — “It’s very rare that I come to an event where I’m like the fifth- or sixth-most interesting person,” Obama said

What an asshole.



As an Idahonian, I fear I must take umbrage at your tuber slur. Sure, a spud isn't very smart but that's beside the point...;)

Danube of Thought

Maybe so, Iggy.

Akin has now asked God to forgive him.. For what does he feel he needs forgiveness?


I think the idea about Sunday voting is to have rallies at AA churches in the morning, then send them to vote and maybe meet back afterward for a fellowship supper... Isn't that sweet, Bless her little Dem Heart.


Henry-- did you see my comment/link in another thread about the WS post about Wisc? You Badger State conservatives are doing a great job, you are a model and inspiration for those of trapped in Blue State Hells.


At least they had 1 1/2 white guys. Auerbach would approve.

Captain Hate

I declare this thread an Akin-free zone.
Am I alone?

No, I was gonna suggest the same and did a search.




n Jacksonville (Duval Co.), US Rep. Corrine Brown (D), AKA, The Dumbest Woman in Politics

This is so wrong. Everyone knows that Barbara "Dumber than a box of rocks" Boxer is the "Dumbest Woman in Politics"


“It’s very rare that I come to an event where I’m like the fifth- or sixth-most interesting person,” Obama said

"...since most of my events don't have that many attendees anymore."



As an Idahonian, I fear I must take umbrage at your tuber slur. Sure, a spud isn't very smart but that's beside the point...;)

Posted by: lyle | August 23, 2012 at 01:07 PM --

I said 'stupider' not 'stupid as' and so didn't consider it a slur. Looked at another way I'm declaring a subterranean starch brighter than the FLOTUS and a few other members of the bar.
I bow to no one in my regard for the noble northwest tuber, whether deep fried, mashed or even boiled.


Sheila Jackson "will the Mars Rover photograph the Flags from Apollo" Lee claims -- SHE's the dumbest woman in American Politics!


Boiled Tuber with mas butter, salt and a little chopped parsley-- YUM!


NK, yes I saw your WS link. I think Reince had more to do with it than me, and that should give us all something to enjoy through November.


Gawker.com has just obtained thousands of Bain capital financial documents.

"We just need Florida....we just won Florida"


--No, I was gonna suggest the same and did a search.

Posted by: Captain Hate | August 23, 2012 at 01:10 PM--

Looks like it's you and me in the breach against the barbarian Persian hordes, Cap'n.


Henry-- Victory has a thousand fathers, claim your share! PS-- 2012-2013 Ct soccer season opens, I am reffing an Over-40 game sunday. I'll think of you every foul up I make on the pitch-- BTW, that means I'll be thinking of you alot.


“It’s very rare that I come to an event where I’m like the fifth- or sixth-most interesting person,” Obama said

"...since most of my events don't have that many attendees anymore."

"Which we are doing on purpose, I should mention. Y'all get out of your chains and vote on Nov 2nd, y'hear?"

Jane - Get off the couch your country needs you!

Do you retired lawyers keep up your law licenses?


"Dumbest Woman in Politics"

Oh dear, too many candidates. In no particular order: Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, Debbie Festermouth Shultz, "Bruno" Napolitano (played linebacker at Wellesley), Patty Murray, Lisa Dumbcowski, Nancy Pelosi...

A partial list to be sure.


"Bruno" Napolitano-- heh.


--Y'all get out of your chains and vote on Nov 2nd, y'hear?"--

Especially you, Chuck.


Gawker.com has just obtained thousands of Bain capital financial documents.

"We just need Florida....we just won Florida"

You mean all those seniors who benefited from the Romney/Bain 80% investment success rate are going to complain and vote for the side that wants panels of bureaucrats deciding if they can live or die? Who has so tanked the economy they've lost their retirements, their homes, and have to let their kids and grandkids move back in with them?


Especially you, Chuck.

God love ya.

So what does everyone think about the dem convention having 20,000 Muslims in attendance?

Some guy

“It’s very rare that I come to an event where I’m like the fifth- or sixth-most interesting person,” Obama said

Most events have more people so he's usually down around 98th or 99th. He was just thrilled to finally move up to the top 10.

No wonder why they are 'strategically' limiting the size of crowds.

Jim Eagle

You folks have not heard Corrine Brown actually utter words, have you:) Listen to her and you tell me I can't pick em!

You'll have to listen to a 29 second used car ad first.


So what does everyone think about the dem convention having 20,000 Muslims in attendance?

To applaud the Sharia plank?


Via Hot Air Headlines, very bad news for ObamaCo:

Study: Romney criticism of controversial cancer ad effective with swing voters

The researchers said this was the first ad of the campaign cycle they had studied that resonated with true swing voters.

Too bad ObamaCo doesn't have anything else to talk to the voters about.


I am with Iggy and CH.


Jim Eagle

The 20K figure is the one being promoted by the Muzzie group not the DNC. Other times they over-estimated and only got a few thousand. I doubt they'll even get that many considering Isaac.

Captain Hate

So what does everyone think about the dem convention having 20,000 Muslims in attendance?

Welcome to the headchoppers' ball


Barbara Boxer to Planned Parenthood:

"There is a sickness out there in the Republican Party, and I'm not kidding. Maybe they don't like their moms or their first wives; I don't know what it is."

So what does everyone think about the dem convention having 20,000 Muslims in attendance?

I think it's a good thing. They can sit the Muslim group next to the GLBTETC. group. Get some dialog goin'.
On the other side can be the angry lib women group....& then the abortion cheerleaders also.
Maybe some Code Pink vaginas could introduce the Muslim participants?
It's all good.

Captain Hate

Rodney King's autopsy revealed he'd ingested alc, pot, pcp and blow. Evidently the combination couldn't get along.


Saw a comment on FB that they can have a GLBT wedding and a beheading all live on national TV. Winning!


--You folks have not heard Corrine Brown actually utter words, have you:) Listen to her and you tell me I can't pick em!--

Jack, that is one stupid broad, but it's still a close race.
Suggest we enter the lot in the Twit of the Year Contest.
I suspect, like Oliver, they'll probably run themselves over. :)


"So what does everyone think about the dem convention having 20,000 Muslims in attendance?" Uh?... convenient aiming point for Hellfire Missle equiped Global Hawk UAV


Welcome to all the Muhammads at our 2012 Dem. Convention!!

Thanks for joining with us!! We're the cool ones ya know!


Janet-- well I just threw up in my mouth a wee bit.

Dave (in MA)

NK, I thought it was already one of those before hearing about the Muslims.


So, who gets the Will ferrell ,trap door treatment, for writing that statement, during the last campaign, that was Stephanie Cutter's job.


That dude at 1:42 needs a No No for Christmas.


--Uh?... convenient aiming point for Hellfire Missle equiped Global Hawk UAV

Posted by: NK | August 23, 2012 at 01:41 PM --

Dude, you need to go down to the local gunstore and get yourself a hog and go out and sling some lead at a hillside so you can end these fantasies of blowing and shooting people up. :)


Gawker.com has just obtained thousands of Bain capital financial documents.

And nobody has stared more blankly at sheets of paper since Barry visited the National Archives in 2009.

Gawker.com couldn't figure out how to use private equity financial documents to housebreak a dog without causing an electrical fire.

"Dateline October 27: Gawker.com has been reviewing Bain financial documents for several weeks, and we are now in a position to report that the documents contain numbers, including some very large numbers, which we believe represent some sort of money. We can also report that we have a very bad headache and would like to lie down quietly for a very long time."

Gawker.com: Your home for celebrity gossip and forensic accounting on the web.

I know what you're thinking: "Gawker.com is investigating complicated financial transactions? Why isn't TMZ on this?" But Perez Hilton is still auditing the major banks for Basel III compliance.

This reminds me of the 80s, when Mad Magazine and Tiger Beat broke the S&L scandal.

"Impressive resume, Mr Schrader. London School of Economics, three years with Morgan Stanley, the St Louis Federal Reserve, and above-market returns with your hedge fund since the crash. Splendid. Welcome aboard. Your first assignment will be a quantitative comparison: Is Kim Kardashian's booty bigger now than when she was with Reggie Bush? Try for a matching photo set - same light, outfits, etc."

UPDATE: After extensive study, Gawker has determined that the documents are not actually financial records, but script transcripts from every episode of The Simpsons to feature the Arnold Schwarzenegger manque 'McBain'.


Then they moved her up? to counselor to Turbo Tim,

Captain Hate

I'll never forgive those Gawker turds for ruining Deadspin.

hit and run

Just so you know, Michelle says Barack has stopped smoking. For the children.


I'd like to respectfully add Debbie Stabenow to the list.


Denton is just slightly less viscous than the creatures in Ghoulies,


"Hog" translation please.. oh.. and to whomever at DHS who's reading this thread, Ig is fabricating everything about my "fantasies". I dream of nothing but mom, apple pie and the good ole USA!


On his birthday no less. Bravo!

Eric in Boise

Janet, I'm glad she cleared it up with the sign. I would have wondered why she was dressed up as a pink hot dog with fur.


Oh, and Muncie is missing it's gap toothed idiot,


Ignatz...thanks for not insulting Maine potatoes,ha,ha.


bgates with the amazing Gilbert Gottfried-like Bain riff. Absolutely fantastic.... THE ARISTOCRATS!


Or when Gore visited Mount Vernon, before the election.


Good Morning!

More advice from President Obama on how to spend other people's money.

CNS News reports that Obama said that Romney's donors should be sending their Romney donations not to Mitt, but to college Scholarship funds: “They should be contributing that to a scholarship fund to send kids to college."

But last month Obama wanted American's to send him our beer money and our wedding gifts for his campaign.


Sorry, the inaugural,


--Ignatz...thanks for not insulting Maine potatoes,ha,ha.

Posted by: marlene | August 23, 2012 at 02:03 PM --

Maine grows potatoes?
Besides Collins and Snow I mean.


"Especially you, Chuck."

Someone will have to explain that one to me...


Happy Birthday, bgates! I wish at least a measure of the joy you give to us.

Jane - Get off the couch your country needs you!

Saw a comment on FB that they can have a GLBT wedding and a beheading all live on national TV. Winning!

I missed who "they" are but please tell me this will be part of the democrat convention.


I dream of nothing but mom, apple pie and the good ole USA!

If that doesn't put you on the potential domestic terrorist list, I don't know what will.

Some guy

CNS News reports that Obama said that Romney's donors should be sending their Romney donations not to Mitt, but to college Scholarship funds: “They should be contributing that to a scholarship fund to send kids to college."

They are in effect. 4 more years of that moron, and it won't matter if your kids go to college.


--"Hog" translation please..--

Parlez vous hog?


"If that doesn't put you on the potential domestic terrorist list, I don't know what will." Good point.. I meant my nightly reading is Das Capital, The Little Red Book and Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.


--"Especially you, Chuck."

Someone will have to explain that one to me...

Posted by: Jim,MtnViewCA,USA | August 23, 2012 at 02:09 PM--

Chuck was the guy in the wheelchair Biden invited to stand up and take a bow.


Parlez vous hog?-- ah


Chuck-- Heh, I hadn't remembered that...


I think that is the 342nd time Obama has stopped smoking since he entered office.

A "hog" is a sidearm, usually something akin to a Colt Peacemaker with an 8" barrel or so.

And don't forget Nancy Pelosi when it comes to dumb.

"Every month that we do not have an economic recovery package 500 million Americans lose their jobs."


I meant my nightly reading is Das Capital, The Little Red Book and Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.

Incomplete list without that bestseller, Dreams of Hope of My Father's Audacity. Ayers, William, Pravda Publishing, circa 2001.


If bam isn't chewing furiously on the Nicorette, it means he's back to smoking 2 packs of Kools a day.


Via Patheos:

The Chronicle of Philanthropy has released a comparison of the giving rates of all 366 major metropolitan areas.  I won’t paste the whole chart, but I would direct your attention to the top 25 areas and the bottom 25.  First, here’s the top 25:


And now, the bottom 25:

I think it safe to say that Mormons rule in the charity giving world. It is estimated that Mitt Romney has given $7 million to charity in the past 2 years. Of course, unlike those in the Blue Hells in the bottom 25, he doesn't care about the poor, the needy, the hungry, the elderly, or anyone else but himself.


Todd Akins comments weren't any big deal, imo. As I interpreted them, he said that there are legitimate claims of rape and false accusations. That's true. What a petty brouhaha. People in the MSM are daffy.


Northern Utah and Eastern Idaho: LDS tithing central.


People in the MSM are daffy.

God Bless You, Anne. You're waaaay more circumspect than I re the press.

hit and run

I think that is the 342nd time Obama has stopped smoking since he entered office.

And I've stopped drinking 235 times this year, usually for periods ranging from 6 to 18 hours.


"I think that is the 342nd time Obama has stopped smoking since he entered office."

As a friend used to say "quitting smoking is easy! I've done it dozens of times"

Danube of Thought

CNN Money:

Fortune - Gawker today published what it's calling The Bain Files, hundreds of pages of audited financials and private placement memoranda for old Bain Capital funds. Let me save you some time: There is nothing in there that will inform your opinion of Mitt Romney. How do I know? Because I saw many of the exact same documents months ago, after requesting them from a Bain Capital investor. What I quickly learned was that there was little of interest, except perhaps for private equity geeks who want to know exactly how much Bain paid for a particular company back in 2006.


Your friend is paraphrasing Mark Twain, who wrote

“It's easy to quit smoking. I've done it hundreds of times.”

Jane - Get off the couch your country needs you!

Podcast of today's show is now up.

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