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September 14, 2012


Rob Crawford
Well, we remain a nation of laws...

We do? Sebellius is going to skate on violating the Hatch Act.


It's almost is if the NYT is biased in its reporting.


Tom M says:"So yes, the Magic Mouth theory is always in play with this guy. Obama has grown up thinking he can BS his way past anything. And hey, that belief has carried him a long way. And with the media in his pocket, it may continue to carry him." Wash your mouth out with soap young man-- this cretin's BS has been exposed to the voters-- well about 54+ of the voters anyway, the days of the BS working are over. Paging MarkO....

Jane - Get off the couch your country needs you!

Laws are for the little people. (And the big people Obama hates.)




Hey Porchlight - seeing on Twitter that U Austin is being evacuated due to multiple bomb threats. Stay out of harm's way!

Janet - Why does Johnny Depp hate the poor? pourquoi?

from Obama's Cairo speech June 4, 2009 -

"...based upon the truth that America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles -- principles of justice and progress; tolerance and the dignity of all human beings."

The problem is that Islam does not share these principles. We might wish that they did, but they do not & never have.

"As a student of history, I also know civilization's debt to Islam. It was Islam -- at places like Al-Azhar -- that carried the light of learning through so many centuries, paving the way for Europe's Renaissance and Enlightenment. It was innovation in Muslim communities -- (applause) -- it was innovation in Muslim communities that developed the order of algebra; our magnetic compass and tools of navigation; our mastery of pens and printing; our understanding of how disease spreads and how it can be healed. Islamic culture has given us majestic arches and soaring spires; timeless poetry and cherished music; elegant calligraphy and places of peaceful contemplation. And throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality. (Applause.)"

calligraphy? places of peaceful contemplation? religious tolerance? Has anyone in this administration read the Quran? We are being led by fools.

Janet - Why does Johnny Depp hate the poor? pourquoi?

You know who doesn't respect Islam?...this administration. They don't take it's evil religious/political teachings seriously.

Comanche Voter

The New York Times cheerleading, adulation, slobbering knob gobbling, coverage of OBozo is beyond belief.


University Texas-Austin and North Dakota State now both evacuating due to bomb threats.


Well, we can fuss and fuss about the MSM and their being in the bag for O, but I simply want Romney to get "some fire in his belly" and start cracking on the campaign trail and act non milque toast and act as he did during and right after the Republican Convention.


Listening to National Propaganda Radio on the way in this morning, I was amazed that they said not a word about the President's incredible gaffe yesterday. It never existed in their alternate universe.

Instead there was a campaign puff piece that highlighted a single protester at a Romney event in Virginia who would not allow a moment of silence while the Dems attending Obama's event in CO were all dismayed by Romney's politicization of the tragic events....makes you want to puke.

Der Spiegel's headline is about the complete failure of American policy in the ME. But I'm sure it's all Bush's fault.


"Paging MarkO...."

Here he comes, to save the day.

Obama's just not that smart.


Bloody handprints as the Diplomatic staff were dragged to their deaths....


No added security - just door locks.


MarkO-- and......


In the fourth day of protests sparked by an offensive film produced in the United States, demonstrators have attacked Western embassies across the Muslim world, storming German, British and U.S. embassies in Sudan and Tunisia. News is developing fast so we'll keep this information updated, below.

Update (11:27 a.m. EDT): Meanwhile, back in Tripoli, KFC wasn't the only target for protesters furious with the United States. They also trashed a Hardees, per this Reuters photo:

Update (11:23 a.m. EDT): Reuters tweeted that protesters had set fire to an American school in Tunis, but there are no more details than that just yet.

"Like a war zone outside [US] embassy. Police are trying to protect it. Protesters tried to enter from every side." - Yousef Gaigi in Tunis

Update (11:03 a.m. EDT): The protesters in Tunis have taken down the U.S. flag at the embassy there and replaced it with a black one, CNN reports, noting that thick black smoke could be seen coming from the direction of the embassy.

Update (10:55 a.m. EDT): Gunfire has broken out at the U.S. embassies in both Tunisia and Sudan as protesters attacked. Reuters reports five protesters were injured in Tunisia. Meanwhile, Al Jazeera English has posted some of the first video of the attack earlier on the German embassy in Khartoum, Sudan:



Thanks for the update. Obama's policies are dead in the Mideast. He is a foreign policy failure. Romney must point this out to the koolaid drinkers. The press is propaganda. Alternate ways of truthful communication need to begin now.


A Map of Muslim Protests Around the World


Captain Hate

@nro: Yes, seriously: Jay Carney says, “This is not a case of protest directed against the United States"

Rob Crawford

I've always thought it appropriate that the administration of clowns be fronted by a carney.

Melinda Romanoff

Anybody watching the washing machine? I can't wait to see how this is spun.

Sort of like Kevin Bacon in the finale of "Animal House".

Melinda Romanoff

Thanks, CH.

That's the look I was going for.


Paul Ryan was kicking it on the speech I just walked into the house to hear on the telly.


Via Drudge, UT Austin bomb threat details:

AUSTIN (KXAN) - The University of Texas is evacuating all of its buildings due to threats on campus after a caller claiming to be with al-Qaida said he placed bombs all over campus that would go off around 10 a.m. -- which has since passed.

Cheap and easy for them... They can do this every day of the year and make life hell for any and every institution in the US.

Janet - Why does Johnny Depp hate the poor? pourquoi?

Like maryrose said on the other thread -
"The total lack of leadership in the Dim party is quite astonishing. After this election they deserve to reside in the wilderness."

Too true.

Rick Ballard


Governor Romney articulated a principled response to the acts of the Mahometan savages within hours - and without errors. He has now returned to regular Goldilocks Optimum programming but I was impressed with his initial reaction and it will continue to play well against BOzo the Clown's gaffematic babble.

Readers here at JOM are not the target of Governor Romney's campaign and we should be thankful not to be in the target market. Life is not easy for brainless emos.

Yosemite Sam

All hell is breaking loose!

Locked and loaded, because sometimes apologies just aren't enough.


Is "Born to a single mom" getting any cover?


Weird thing to say...


The Atlantic article windandsea linked with the map of the 26+ locations of Muslim mobs rioting, murdering, and flying the black flag contains a link to an Atlantic story from February, "Al Qaeda Is Going Gently into the Night".


Man, this Jennifer Granholm appearance on the Dating Game in the 70s is nearly as cringe inducing as her fist pumping convention idiocy.


How many times would Bush have been burned in effigy at this point? My guess would be at least one at each US embassy and one in DC for good measure.

I think even a Carter doll got the match during the Iran hostage situation.

Maybe they don't burn one of their own.

Jane - Get off the couch your country needs you!

Anyone know when the "no ammo" thing started at our embassies.

Danube of Thought

I have to say, I have no idea what the US ought to do with respect to the ME and NA. One thing would be to begin exploiting the bejeezus out of our own energy resources.

Melinda Romanoff

Carney punts when asked whether the WH asked to have YouTube video taken down.

We have our reasons because shut up.


Does "NA" ="no ammo"?


Ig-- Granholm? the US gave her naturalized citizenship after THAT? Whadda freak.

Janet - Why does Johnny Depp hate the poor? pourquoi?

Can the MFM stop pretending Obama is smart & cool now?

Melinda Romanoff


I don't think that actually is true, bad wnd story going around, much like Lee Fang's "Insider Kinowlidge Of All Things Koch Brudders" Special Decoder Ring that he found outside the General Mills Dumpster Park and Youth Hostel.

Melinda Romanoff


Just for you.


I have to admit I am overthinking this(unusual for me). What does "NA" stand for?


"Obama Ballot Challenge Filed in Illinois based on forged birth certificate By CPT Pamela Barnett @ Obama Ballot Challenge

Challenge made to Obama’s eligibility in Illinois after they accepted his forged birth certificate as proof that Obama is a NATURAL Born Citizen to get ballot access there in the primaries. This case is one of only two cases that the the forged birth certificate was entered into court by the Obama defense. Michael Jackson and two other Illinois registered voters made the challenge that has a hearing in Chicago and in Springfield (teleconference) Monday, Sept. 17 at 10:30. Supporters can go to either location for the hearing."


Melinda Romanoff

North, just wait for it.


You can stick with "No Ammo" though, I like that one better.

(Took me a few to get the diplo speak myself, so you and I can sit on the bench with the rest of the subs. Mind the splinters.)


Jane, it is standard operating procedure at most embassies. Sidearms yes, but issuing rifle rounds means it's going to get nasty.That means battle gear as well, which can provoke the mob even further. that's the point when sane people run like hell because bad things are going to happen.

I am sure we were trying to avoid confrontation, which is a large part of State's job. They are there to talk & reason, not fight.

The Marines are there to provide internal security and protect classified material, and defending the embassy grounds is down on the list. The host nation is obliged to provide external security.

There is an escalation procedure that if "A" happens, then we must react with "B". Marines are usually "on" or "off". There's not much of a pause switch involved. They are the sharp end of the stick.


Mel, Carney video is on Washington Free Beacon.

Melinda Romanoff

Court of St. James protest under way, flag burning first course.


Some advice from Ramesh at NRO, which would do us all well to read:

I don’t believe polls that show Obama way ahead of Romney, either nationally or in Ohio, Florida, or Virginia. I do think Obama is a little ahead. If Republicans believe the outlier polls, though, it could demoralize them and become a bit self-fulfilling–which is why there’s so much pushback on them. It would be still more demoralizing if Republicans began a cycle of recriminations: Romney is losing because X or Y. I’m all for conservatives’ giving the Romney campaign good advice based on as sound an understanding of the political situation as they can reach, but I don’t think a sound understanding supports despair.
Melinda Romanoff


I couldn't bear to watch. He makes my face hurt.

Well, to be fair, slamming my head into immovable objects as a defense mechanism upon hearing his voice might be something I should bring up with my doctor.

Cecil Turner

This is priceless . . . (Jimmy Carter Corrects Obama) :

Former President Jimmy Carter spoke to students at Drake University in Des Moines today and was asked if he agreed with what Obama said about Egypt:

Carter: "Egypt is an ally of the US, we know Egypt well."
Carter doesn't know why he's wrong (and his reason is risible) . . . but at least he knows it's wrong. Gettin' schooled by Jimmuh. And this is the supposedly brilliant foreign policy wonk?


Jimmuh undermining JEF is further proof Jimmuh is the worst former POTUS in history. That said, it's hysterical Jimmuh is more on top of US foreign policy law than JEF.

Cecil Turner

Jimmuh undermining JEF is further proof Jimmuh is the worst former POTUS in history.

Well, to be fair, the JEF undermined the JEF . . . Jimmuh just pointed out the obvious. And odds are Jimmuh's going to have a tough time holding onto that title come January.

Janet - Why does Johnny Depp hate the poor? pourquoi?

Carney Video.

Protests not directed at the United States.


Jimmuh negotiated the alliance.

Obama is clueless.

Jay Carney stated at today's 5 O'Clock Follies:

"Term of art of bat chain puller Muslims are protesting Mitt Romney commercials Republicans bad look squirrel!!"



And he's a liar and he's a nasty little man.


Captain Hate

Protests not directed at the United States.

[Eric]Death to America might mean South America.[/Stoltz]


MarkO... many thanks... I'm begone now.

Jane - Get off the couch your country needs you!

Jane, it is standard operating procedure at most embassies. Sidearms yes, but issuing rifle rounds means it's going to get nasty.That means battle gear as well, which can provoke the mob even further. that's the point when sane people run like hell because bad things are going to happen.

Matt, You don't have to use it just because you have it. How would the bad guys know?


CecilT: Roger that. I have NO DOUBT, that before the end of January, JEF is the hands down worst FORMER POTUS in history -- BEFORE the end of January! Dragging him out of the WH, will not be easy or dignified.

Jane - Get off the couch your country needs you!

Protests not directed at the United States.


Jane - Get off the couch your country needs you!

Obama about to speak. How many swipes do you think he will take at Romney?

NJ Jan

I guess Der Spiegel isn't buying Carney's analysis.


I have been reading the comments over the past couple of days. This just gets more disgusting each day. If the morons here buy the video caused it and the ME still admires JEF, I give up. My head is ready to explode!


Duh... Thanks Mel. I overthought it, as usual.

It took me three days to figure out who Clarice meant by "PF".

"Chicago Tribune reporters John Chase and Jeff Coen, in their recently released book Golden, claim that former U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald lied when he said he did not know who was leaking information to the Trib about the Rod Blagojevich investigation being conducted by his office.

Chase and Coen state in their book that, “The newspaper also had information about a planned arrest date and that the investigation had spread to whether Blagojevich had corrupted the process of choosing a new senator to replace Barack Obama.”

According to Chase and Coen, the decision to arrest Rod Blagojevich on the morning of December 9th 2008 was made one week earlier by Patrick Fitzgerald.

Coincidentally, his decision was made at the same time Rod Blagojevich was attending the Governor’s Conference in Philadelphia with President-elect Obama..."

Much more here: http://illinoispaytoplay.com/2012/09/14/u-s-attorney-patrick-fitzgerald-named-as-source-of-leak/


trashing a Hardees is an act of war man


Good Morning.

From a quick view of FOX News and the explosions going on across the Middle East today I think the point ought to be whether Obama has asked for a meeting with Netanyahu, not the other way round.


NK, not you, Obama, the one who's just not that smart. You. You. You are smart.

NJ Jan

What is JEF saying, Jane? I'm not near a tv at the moment and if I were, I don't know if I could take listening.


Well, NJ Jan, I am near a television and will not watch.

Rob Crawford

Looks like Obama tried to start a new Choom Gang today -- Michael Phelps was at the White House.

Jane - Get off the couch your country needs you!

He's saying nuttin' now and I suspect the story will be the same when he speaks.

NJ Jan

I am steaming. I just left the nail salon where 2 women were commiserating on how tough this is on Obama. I couldn't help myself and said, I think its been al little tougher on our embassy folks not to mention the dead ambassador, don't you? They just looked. I think I need ear plugs when I go out in public or I will have a stroke.

Jim Eagle


Did you read the piece by Ken Allard I C&P'd on the prior thread? Its a must read on the fog of embassy security. Of all the embassies I have been in from Argentina to Indonesia to Kuwait to Saudi Arabia to Belgium to the UK and beyond I have never seen Marines without being locked and loaded and not just handguns. Even in the Embassy on Grovesnor Square they have been known to escalate their arms from time to time depending on how many bad actors are marching. Just saying.....

But read Allard's take.

Melinda Romanoff


Use your US ID to get an account, first. Let us know how you make out with the Patriot Act.

Dave (in MA)
Dragging him out of the WH, will not be easy or dignified.
Have you seen the desperate, bloody handprints on the walls of the Embassy in Benghazi? I foresee a similar set of prints in the Oval Office come January, only the red smear will be from strawberries.

LOL, Dave.

Jane - Get off the couch your country needs you!

I foresee a similar set of prints in the Oval Office come January, only the red smear will be from strawberries.

Or from trying to claw off Romney face.

hit and run

Man, this Jennifer Granholm appearance on the Dating Game in the 70s is nearly as cringe inducing as her fist pumping convention idiocy.

I don't care. Granholm is awesome.

But why is she wearing Obama's jeans?


NJ Jan, I had the same reaction at the gym last night. Take my advice--do not try to say anything against O if the people you are talking to are definite liberals--trust me, they will not change no matter what you say!


The soundbites that Rush is playing on his show today from Paul Ryan's speech are outstanding. Don't know yet if that has or will be addressed on one of TM's threads, but Ryan is knocking it out of the Park.

If I was the media I would bury Ryan's comments because they will resonate with an unbiased public.


Picking on the NYT is perhaps too easy, but Tim Blair has a post noting the contrast between their 1999 editorial defending the display of "Piss Christ" and their 2012 editorial condemning "The Innocence of Muslims."


Jane - Get off the couch your country needs you!

Oh Good, Obama is greeting the bodies of our dead diplomats. I am so impressed that he was able to get off the golf course. He has chosen to show the move from the plane to the hearses. Isn't that grand?

My God I can just hear Axelrod planning this:

"show em the bodies - show em the bodies, that will get them. People will think you actually care, and it wasn't your policies that caused this mess as long as you show em the bodies"!

NJ Jan


Believe me, I know it's useless to comment. I just couldn't help
myself. Actually the silence in the salon after was priceless although next time I go i may need to be armed ... Oops, I forgot. I'm in NJ -- can't do that. Self defense is a no no.


This is unbelievable.


It is so undignified. (watching tv)


Man, this Jennifer Granholm appearance on the Dating Game in the 70s is nearly as cringe inducing as her fist pumping convention idiocy.

To be fair, pretty much the entire decade of the 70s was cringe-inducing, so perhaps we should grade her on a curve. Not that Sarah got any breaks for videos of her old sportscasting days from the 80s.


I'm assuming it's a CYA moment.

Jane - Get off the couch your country needs you!

The man is giving his speech in front of 4 hearses. I mean, really. Perhaps he will do a few shout-outs. "Hey chief wonky tonk - great to see you!"

(and now we know the reason I will never be on Fox news - well that and a few other things.)

Now Hillary speaks. Obama, Biden, Panetta, Rice, Powell are all there. Hillary sounds like she is crying.

Now she talks about the dead. I guess that would have been way to hard for the president. He might have to share the spotlight.

Jane - Get off the couch your country needs you!

Ann, the most disgusting part of all is you know it is 100% political.


I have to leave for a bit. make sure nothing big happens until I get back.

Captain Hate

Muffer seems to think if she talks slowly it's an indication she cares about the deceased as anything other than props. Nothing about her department's failure to protect them.

Jane - Get off the couch your country needs you!

Hillary blames the video, says she had nothing to do with it and it is unacceptable. That horrid free speech - it is the curse of all evil.

"America must keep leading the world". SO when are you going to start?


Someone tell these two that the KC fed building has a bomb threat! And the rest of the world is burning our flag as they put on this show!!!!!

Captain Hate

Incredible that these two grifters use the deceased to cover their asses. How appropriate that Powell is there.


I have never had this much contempt for anyone in my life as I do for these two.


Hillary talks as if she's on medication. She needs to talk slowly in order not to slur her words.

Maybe her guilt is catching up with her.

Jane - Get off the couch your country needs you!

She introduces Bambi, saying he gets it.

He quotes scripture - yeah right. He continues with the biographies of the dead.

"They all had the fundamental belief that we can lead this world better than before"

Because of course leading from behind is very very cool and we will keep doing it.

America is a friend and we care about all those countries. "Ya" all do that. That's American leadership.

Know this - your sacrifice will not be forgotten and we will get justice and we may ever increase security, and we will threaten others.

And feckless retreats/

Captain Hate

The JEF sounds so insincere when he's not talking about himself.


here's the plan. We do something really outrageous like make another movie or someone draws a cartoon. It draws out all of the fanatics and we then squish them like the cockroaches they are.....

naw....it would never work.....

Jane - Get off the couch your country needs you!

I tell you, that simply disgusted me. And that is so so sad.

NJ Jan

I turned fox on. There are no words for this. How could they use 4 dead bodies as stage props. This is sickening. I wonder what is going through the minds of the honor guards?

JM Hanes

Captain Hate:

I suspect Hillary has gotten in the habit of speaking slowly to make it easier for those who are less fluent in English to keep up. That may be one of the few things which actually qualifies as smart diplomacy, but it sure makes for tedious listening!


All u need to know is Valerie Jarrett has a full security detail.

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