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October 20, 2012



You'd think the cause/effect relationship of govt spending/lobbying efforts would be obvious by now.

les nessman

So, what's the October Surprise they'll cook up against Mitt? I thought it was the '47%' truth-pimped-out-as-scandal, but they pulled the trigger too soon on that and now it's mostly forgotten.

There's another 'secret recording' from back in June of Mitt suggesting employers explain to their employees that the economy and unemployment will get worse if Barack gets reelected. I'm sure this will be another truthful statement treated with horror by the msm and dems.

les nessman

So, what's the October Surprise they'll cook up against Mitt? I thought it was the '47%' truth-pimped-out-as-scandal, but they pulled the trigger too soon on that and now it's mostly forgotten.

There's another 'secret recording' from back in June of Mitt suggesting employers explain to their employees that the economy and unemployment will get worse if Barack gets reelected. I'm sure this will be another truthful statement treated with horror by the msm and dems.

les nessman

I only posted that once, but typepad thought it so nice it posted twice. :)


Good Morning.

Fun video of Sununu laughing at Andrea Mitchell. I do not think I have seen her look so desperately befuddled as in this clip.

Danube of Thought on Ipad

Professor James Thurber?

Danube of Thought on Ipad

Good Lord--a special shout out to daddy for the delicious Andrea Mitchell video.


There was a James Thurber who wrote stupendous children's books. I remember one about the spoiled princess who wanted the moon.

Well, apparently bo and Arne are working hard to make sure education will be in a position to continue the collectivist political coup whatever the results on November 6. Arne has decided all of a sudden to award bonus points to districts officially planning to push SEL and describing how.

And to use education to stamp out climate change skepticism. And to bring it in under the banner of Systems Thinking so that the subversion is less obvious.

Busy. Busy DC these days means a busy, busy rse these days.


Yes those dastardly systems thinkers really did think BF had the right idea but insufficiently comprehensive methods.


Jane - Mock the Media!

Well hell it won't load on my computer.


the limits of Mr. Obama’s attempts to change the culture of Washington

Like he made any attempt at changing it, beyond flapping his deceitful lips. It was never his intent to change it, beyond making people think he did.

"has restricted the role of lobbyists in his administration"? Hahahahahaaaa. Nice one, NYT. You do have sense of humor after all.


I do not think I have seen her look so desperately befuddled as in this clip

They're used to dishing out teh mockery; being mocked, not so much.


I think Sununu has been A++ as a spokesman, surrogate for Romney.

Old Lurker

Well the WaPo has a story this morning stating the CIA now thinks the attack, while by terrorists, was not preplanned and was in response to the movie...

Then I saw somewhere that Gloria Alred is about to spring her October surprise on Mitt.

Jane - Mock the Media!

Dick Morris says the October Surprise is a deal with Iran to stop it's nuclear program.

Skoot (formerly scott)

Hold on...I think I've got it now...Eastern Libya 2012 = Eastern Againistan 1999. Does that about sum up O's foreign policy?


Well, this is a really subtle October Surprise via Lucianne - Over at National Review they highlight a video from CBS News of all places that is quite complimentary of Romney, the nice, caring, successful man.

Worth a watch.


Let's see a deal between a maniacal genocidal dwarf and a lying, America-hating promise-breaker. Yeah, that should derail the Mitt Express. Go suck a toe. And Gloria Allred, what has she got?

Rick Ballard


Jay Cost has a historical primer tracing the shift in political world view from a GOP perspective.

You were asking about a dating for the beginning of the Democrat descent into wholesale statism. I would put it somewhere betqween the Panic of '93 and the Panic of '07. Teddy Roosevelt's infantile faith in scientistic progressivism, coupled with his Bull Moose nonsense, opened the door for Wilson and the enactment of the statist horrors with which we are still burdened one hundred years later.

Deans sale of the rump of the Democrat Party to Soros, Bing and Lewis in 2005 was a type of culmination of deterioration rather than any type of 'new beginning'. The billionaire statists appeared to offer the last opportunity to grab control prior to the demographics turning decisively against progressive nihilism for a generation.

Fortunately, ACME provided the Billionaire Boys Club with a binder promoting BOzo as the perfect leader to take the Progressive Movement beyond the precipice. He's certainly lived up to the billing.


Well then they really are idiots you notice in my blog, there is very little
from the Washington Post, unless absolutely necessary, as Harry Pierce, would say, 'if needs must' there is a good piece by James Rosen, in the Journal, re the various Benghazi Timelines


So Charles Grodin, really is running the Middle East Desk, in the LUN

Danube of Thought on Ipad

Minus 14 at Raz today.

Tied with Romney at 48.


Binder? Oh the horrors! We cant talk like that...


Rick is largely right in his timing although Clinton serving on a 1987 global education initiative chaired by John Goodlad along with that Mark Tucker elation letter describing the joy in David Rockefeller's office on the Clintons' ascension makes me believe there were great expectations for the Clintons from the get-go. The 1994 House election and then Gore's loss in 2000 really did save us from being over the precipice even sooner.

We should all look at November 6 as the opportunity to decouple before the plunge.


He was a low end grifter then, but as with the Peanut farmer, he served the purposes of his puppet masters



DOT, that was yesterday's Ras. Today Obama is -16 with Romney 49 to Optimal's 48


Want a giggle to start off your Saturday? This from the Other McCain:

RNC Trounces DNC in Fundraising as Democrat Party Goes Bankrupt

The official Federal Election Committee reports for September are out, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s DNC is a complete wreck. The Democrats ended September with cash on hand of $4.6 million, compared to the Republican National Committee’s $82.6 million.

That’s nearly an 18-to-1 cash advantage for Republicans.

Worse still for the DNC, they had to take out loans to pay the bills so that they owed $20.5 million at the end of September, meaning that that (subtracting cash on hand from total debt) they were $15.9 million in the red — essentially bankrupt. Wasserman-Schultz’s committee only raised $3.7 million in September; at that pace, it would take them more than four months to clear their debt, even if they didn’t spend another dime in the meantime.

Somehow, this seems an apt metaphor for the Obama era.

Bankrupt morally and fiscally.


Remember the bold statement by Priebus? He said to paraphrase, we are going to outspend them 10 to 1 in the final weeks WHEN IT MATTERS and we are going to crush them on the ground.

Looks like he was off by a factor of ten or so.


And Gloria Allred, what has she got?

A reputation, although I think that works against her.

hit and run

mrs hit and run and I are currently standing in line to vote. First saturday of in person early voting, doors opened at 10, line is a couple hundred people long.

Don't blow it now, Mitt, you almost have my vote.


'shirley they can't be serious'


they're following the prescription of Robert Downey jr, in that film, about how to snag an Oscar.


I TOLD you state polling lags national polling by a week or two. And then RAS comes in to prove me right. This AM he has this nugget:

In the 11 swing states, Mitt Romney earns 50% of the vote to Obama’s 46%. One percent (1%) likes another candidate in the race, and three percent (3%) are undecided.

Now remember he has Pennsylvania and Michigan in the swing state pile, and these are relatively big states that are more Democrat naturally than the other 9.


Danube of Thought on Ipad

"...the attack, while by terrorists, was not preplanned and was in response to the movie..."

I think Romney's focus should be on the months of cables detailing Al Qaeda attacks in the region, and the repeated appeals for increased security that were rebuffed because that would undercut the "Al Qaeda on its heels" bullshit..

A terrorist attack and an attack in response to the movie are not mutually exclusive, and the WaPo story gives the administration cover on that issue.


Whenever I hear the name "Gloria Allred," my mind plays Whoopi Goldberg announcing herself as "Gloria ... from Cleveland" in that awful accent in that Star Trek detective-novel-on-the-holodeck episode.


Must have been Sandpeople;


bio mom

Allred may be working with some women who were counselled by Romney when he was bishop who say he did not care about women's issues. One of them had a dangerous pregnancy and he said she should not have an abortion because she was Mormon, or something like that. It would be along those lines and designed to hurt him with women and the abortion issue. Just speculation that I have read. I do not have a link.


I've moved on to the second installment of Lis Wiehl's East Salem Trilogy, "Darkness Rising," and at the coffee shop this morning I came across something interesting:

Dani joined them as they said their evening prayers: "Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep; if I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take." She pulled the covers up and kissed them each on the forehead.

"And a hug," demanded Emily, who was ten.

"And make sure the closet door is shut tight," added Isabelle. "'Cause there's a brain-eating monster in there, but he can't get out if the door is closed."

"Sounds like he need to eat a few more brains," Dani joked as she closed the closet door.

How is that relevant, you ask? I think that brain eater got out of the closet and found its way to the geniuses running the Obama campaign. It would explain a lot of things, like the fixation on Big Bird and binders as though those are winning issues.

Think about it.


Say, shouldn't it be "now I lie me down to sleep"?


"the U.S. intelligence official said there does not appear to be a whole lot of planning involved, despite the fact the attack occurred on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks"

It is rumored the intelligence official bears a striking resemblance to Charlie McCarthy

Minimalist Poster

James Grover Thurber (December 8, 1894 – November 2, 1961) was an American author, cartoonist and celebrated wit. Now he was funny.

This one, I'm not so sure.
James A. Thurber is University Distinguished Professor of Government and Director of the Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies at American University in Washington, D.C.. He was the principal investigator of a seven year grant from The Pew Charitable Trusts to the Campaign Management Institute to study campaign conduct.

Dela Cruz

"One of them had a dangerous pregnancy and he said she should not have an abortion because she was Mormon"

Well if she is around to talk about it either she had the abortion anyway or it wasn't so dangerous after all. I assume she had the abortion, otherwise her kid may not like what mommy has to say.

Dela Cruz

"DOT, that was yesterday's Ras. Today Obama is -16 with Romney 49 to Optimal's 48"

Don't crush the eeyore's buzz, DoT only likes to post negative Romney polls or post bizarre questions about positive Romney polls.


the brain slugs of Ceti Alpha 6, PD, the allusion to Star wars in the last link,
should be self explanatory

Rick Ballard


You're column today illustrates the prog problem with the cross-eyed dyslexic vision of a statist future which they have been promoting since the UN determined global warming was the proper vehicle for transport to one world government via regressive taxation. The 'me or your lying eyes' approach to ramming belief in AGW into young minds would have been much easier had Prince Algore been able to point to the natural changes in climate from the Oval Office and declare the tide to be turning against the awful threat of the SkyDragon, with only a slight increase in taxation necessary to achieve final victory.

We should watch President Romney very closely to see if his purported attention to detail extends to the field of applied behavioral psychology in the Department of Education.

Danube of Thought on Ipad

Thanks Peter--I looked at 7:00 PDT and just assumed today's would be up. Shoulda checked the date.

Jim Ryan

Cocky? Then, go to the local GOP HQ and volunteer, in order to turn a win into a landslide.

Doomy? Then, go to the local GOP HQ and volunteer, in order to turn a loss into a win.

Danube of Thought on Ipad

"DoT only likes to post negative Romney polls or post bizarre questions about positive Romney polls."

Pure bullshit. I post Raz every morning, good or bad. I've been posting Gallup (mostly good) daily since it went to the head-to-head poll.

Maybe you could give me an example of a bizarre question about a positive Romney poll.


My understanding is that $15 million of the DNC debt is owed to a union bank. Is this going to be an underground contribution to them?


Maybe that cash will go for some walking around money in Cleveland.


No, lay me down. Lay is the transitive verb, you are laying, or placing, yourself down.

Danube of Thought on Ipad

"Say, shouldn't it be 'now I lie me down to sleep'"?

No. "Lay" is the transitive verb, with "me" as the direct object.

We're getting closer to the Sun.

RB&rse, that is a critical question, with a fuse alit.


Wash Free Beacon story adds to Mel's comments last night--and suggests tthe $1 billion Obama claims he raised is as phony a claim as any of his others.

"Obama For America took out a $15 million loan from Bank of America last month, according to the campaign’s October monthly FEC report. The loan was incurred on September 4 and is due November 14, eight days after the election. OFA received an interest rate of 2.5% plus the current Libor rate.

Warren Buffett, Obama donor and namesake of the infamous “Buffett Rule,” invested $5 billion in Bank of America last year in an effort to help the ailing financial institution. Last month, two weeks after OFA took out the loan, Bank of America announced a plan that would lay off 16,000 workers by the end of the year.

Obama has a complicated relationship with Bank of America. The bank contributed $20 million toward the cost of the Democrat National Convention earlier this year. Bank of America stadium, home to the Carolina Panthers, was supposed to host Obama’s acceptance speech. At the last moment, the campaign switched to a significantly smaller venue. The campaign claimed that an impending storm would not allow the President to deliver his address. Many questioned whether move was made because the campaign was having trouble filling such a large stadium.

It is unclear why the first $1 billion campaign needed an extra $15 million for the final two months of the campaign."

The obama campaign isn't "horing" money--it just never had it.


Ahem *horDing* money.

Or are we dancers?

I've found 'Abolition of Man' useful.

Captain Hate

Thanks for the follow-up, Rick.

I wonder if one of their prized lickspittles like, say, Thomas Frank, will be chosen to write the history of how badly it went wrong. Although he might be one of the examples of dimwits who should've known better.


If Major Garret's story is correct, Clarice, Obama's "circling the wagons" in Ohio, NH, Iowa and Nevada. Not sure about Iowa and NH but there's Harry Reid machine to content with in Nevada.


hoarding, I think

but I like your style turn, myself.

Danube of Thought on Ipad

Ahem *hoArding* money.

(He ducks.)


Yes, gmax..you are absolutely correct.


Nevada is an interesting study. Its much more republican than in 2008 and I think the concentration or Mormons in Nevada can not be overlooked although the pollsters seem to be doing a fair job of it to date. Mormon pride, Harry Reid aside, is going to work much like black pride in Obama in 2008. Folks who rarely vote are going to make the effort to make some history. It will be close, but at least the last time I looked at the registration numbers, Nevada had swung back to a + R unless I am misremembering.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

From the Fox story quoting the intel guy;
-- “The bulk of available information supports the early assessment that the attackers launched their assault opportunistically after they learned about the violence at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo. Of course, other factors may also have motivated participation in the attack."--

Let's see, first Stevens was murdered over the movie trailer, then he was murdered as part of a planned terrorist plot on 9/11, now he was murdered by terrorists, but spontaneously over the movie trailer except that there may have been other reasons too.
I sure hope Barry hasn't relied on any of this intelligence in what he has told us otherwise all those Bush critics on the left will be in the streets chanting "Stevens died, Barry lied".
Romney should dig up a few quotes of Barry criticizing Bush for relying on faulty intelligence.

And one has to note that even the intelligence guy isn't actually saying the Benghazi attack was caused by the trailer, but rather was possibly an opportunistic attack after seeing the Cairo one which itself may or may not have had anything to do with the trailer.

Captain Hate

It's an absolutely gorgeous fall day in Northeast Ohio although I'm afraid it will rain later. The experts were correct on the dry summer causing leaves to turn later than usual and, as a bonus, the yellows and oranges seem to be more vivid than in the past (the reds are always stunning).

Old Lurker

I still say the best way to handle the surprise whatever it is, per Alinsky, is to just laugh it off with ridicule "Really? Is that all you've got? How's that working out for you?"

Morris is crazy if he thinks any sort of "Peace is at hand" rabbit will work after 30 years of gotchas from Iran. Actually I think the blowback against O for falling for that would be fun to watch.

Ditto the coming predator bomb bringing justice to the Libya bad guys. As they guy said yesterday, "pity the poor four guys on camels who do not realize they are today's aspirin factory".

And as to Gloria, once we have determined that Romney is a "good" man, which we have, then not much of her carp will stick either. We know he is a Morman and a good one, and most of us have great respect for many successful Mormons so go pedal that hate elsewhere. We know he is pro-life and unembarrassed about that even in the end game, per his closing at the Al Smith dinner, and we know that he hired lots of those gals out of that binder and they are grateful that he was so ahead of the curve. Too bad the women working for Obama make 18% less that his men. Whatever the gotcha slip might have been, well, who among us is without sin? In a party that defends sex with interns in the Oval Office for heaven's sake?

Melinda Romanoff

"Hoarding" over "Not Having Any"?

I don't care. They both work for me.


"No. "Lay" is the transitive verb, with "me" as the direct object."

I see where this thread is going.


Excellent, OL.

Looking back at the play, I think that obama had no real record to run on and no plan for the next four years so the acme brain trust thought they'd exaggerate his big war chest, do everything in their (and the media's) power to demonize Romney and run up a big lead to demoralize any opposition.
It didn't work.
Romney played a steady, well organized campaign, has a good field plan, gave up nothing and once Obama had shot his wad , gave such a sterling performance at the debates and showed himself so much more appealing, the game was up.

'm reading today that Obama has pretty much given up on picking up independent votes, has opted for a much smaller post election venue and is drowning in debt.

Another Bob

I don't think there's much question about hoarding. Especially with a loss looming.

Gotta take the suckers for one last big payday.


I hope youre right GMax. I've also been wondering whether or not states which have recently elected popular republicans to state wide offices. Most notably governors like NM's Martinez, WS's Walker, and NV's Sandoval. These are states where Obama supposedly leads and will win. Why isn't it more noteworthy that a state's electorate elected republican governors since 2008?


Excellent post!

Danube of Thought on Ipad

I think any announcement of a deal with Iran would be met with derisive laughter. And in all probability Allred will simply remind the nation of how revolting she is.

Swan swoon.

Oh, yes, TK, both 'lie' and 'lay' have multiple meanings. I'm dizzy with it.

Old Lurker

C: "Romney played a steady, well organized campaign, has a good field plan, gave up nothing and once Obama had shot his wad , gave such a sterling performance at the debates and showed himself so much more appealing, the game was up."

Which is exactly what most of us old timers expect of our president. Who cares if Bubba could play the sax?

All Ain't Day.

No worries, Obama will send Seals in for the 12 Imam, and bring him back alive.


Well, yes, OL. They don't call the president the Chief Executive for no reason.

More cheery news from Instapundit:

CHANGE: The audience completely failed to cheer or applaud when Jon Stewart announced that Obama was the guest on “The Daily Show.”

UPDATE: Compare this report from Salena Zito: More than half of the people attending Paul Ryan event in Pittsburgh are women, many of them young adults.

On the Twelfth Day of Isthmus, a pandamonium.

I thot I mithed a bit.

Rick Ballard

"Why isn't it more noteworthy that a state's electorate elected republican governors since 2008?"


It doesn't fit into the public opinion scientism template any better than attention to BOzo's 45% approval rating over the past year.

To augment your excellent point - where are the "Democrats Have An Excellent Chance of Retaking XXX" stories? If Pennsylvania is going BOzo, shouldn't the Democrats be regaining control of the legislature?


If I was Obama I would use any cash I had to create a diversion requiring my attention in order to avoid the FP debate.

Old Lurker

Clarice, you will laugh. Mrs. OL and YL's sister are visiting YL in Chicago this weekend for what was billed as a Fall shopping spree. YL put them in a car this morning and drove them to Wisc to go door to door for RR.


My Visa card is very very appreciative.

Old Lurker

Sue, if Obama has any cash left he is probably regretting closing down all those numbered Swiss bank accounts.



Nice list.


You lucky dog, OL.

Speaking of which--time for some sherbet:https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/319079_10151078330771721_337874340_n.jpg




Watch until the end.


I don't remember if this has been posted:

""PPP's newest polls in Iowa and New Hampshire find Mitt Romney leading Barack Obama 49-48 in both states. That represents a big decline for Obama compared to last month. Obama had previously led 51-44 in Iowa and 51-43.5 in New Hampshire on polls conducted the final week of September."

Danube of Thought on Ipad

Raz swing state tracking:

Romney 50, Obama 46.

Captain Hate

On the topic of October surprises, how many months has it been since we've heard a witless utterance (udderance?) from Mega McCannz? Maybe Sununu has her bound and gagged somewhere to keep her from saying something idiotic and illustrating that she's truly daddy's not so little girl. Like how she and her friends aren't hung up on sex which she only mentions every other sentence. In Playboy.


Remember thinking about this time in 2008 that the bad news for Republicans was that McCain would lose and the BAD news for Democrats was that Obama would win.

Given the devastating House losses in 2010, the potential for Republicans to take the Senate, hold the House and a Romney win, the Democrats are likely going to suffer a huge setback.

Most importantly, the 50% of unemployed/ underemployed recent grads are going to witness an economic turnaround. It will not be lost on them what good fiscal policy means to the economic health of the country and their personal well being. I suspect this will influence their future voting.

The kind of hope and change I can get excited about.


Clarice: I took a look at those this morning, too. PPP always gives reasons to mitrust them and they do not disappoint here either. In both states they over-sampled - get this - REPUBLICANS by 3 and 4 percent.

They were pulling the opposite nonsense in FLA by over sampling women by 10


Captain Hate: DRUDGE is reporting that Gloria Allred will be launching one this week.


I should have known better, BobS, Allred's slime works only when the sale hasn't been made. I think if she has anything it won't be much and will be too late.
Her attack on Meg was ridiculous. It worked because even people who should know more about how our immigration/employment laws work (Malkin for example) were too stupid to realize Meg had done all she could to comply with the law.


what was billed as a Fall shopping spree

Shopping for votes?


"Obama For America took out a $15 million loan from Bank of America last month, according to the campaign’s October monthly FEC report. The loan was incurred on September 4 and is due November 14, eight days after the election. OFA received an interest rate of 2.5% plus the current Libor rate..."



BobS: Matt Drudge posted about Allred on Twitter, Oct 18, but did not state when she would make her move. Have you seen something updated since then?


I agree, Clarice. It seems that its easy to burn both sides for political reasons with a nanny/housekeeper issue. Remember the two possible Clinton AGs nominees who had to step aside? Judge Kimba Wood was one if I recall correctly. We ended up with Janet Reno because of the goofy quota that BillHill had decided on.




Here's an item some of the Dems should be needing Nov. 7. Just another instance of capitalism filling a need.


centralcal - no...just someone else who picked up on DRUDGE's tweet that included a NC from Allred. (Here's hoping Clarice is right with too little-too late) Predicting here its a last second anti-Mormon Hail Mary (what and oxymoron eh?)

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--If I was Obama...--

Was or were? :p


Matt Drudge posted about Allred on Twitter, Oct 18, but did not state when she would make her move.
She's got no comment, currently.



MSNBC host: Obama answering to ‘higher calling' by running again, Romney just moving on to 'next thing'

Damn, am I looking forward to the lamentations of their women and girly-men on 11/7. What did they call it in 2004? PESTS (Post-Election Stress Trauma Syndrome.)

Oh the wailing we'll hear when their light-bringer goes down. We'll be wanting a cigarette after that.


Most unintentionally hilarious sentence from the Weekly Standard article posted by TK:

"All of which leaves the reader still wondering why a U.S. attorney with a record of not tolerating leaks would be so sanguine about this one, even going so far as to thank the Tribune and then, presumably, grant it exclusive access to hundreds of hours of wiretap evidence."

Emphasis mine.

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